The Dress

"A true account of Jean’s first time with another man, told from Jacque’s perspective"

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Mondays are always rough at work and this one was a particularly difficult one making me stay at the office until well past six in the evening.  All I could think about on the drive home was a nice glass of wine with Jean and thankfully, when I arrived, I found a note on the kitchen island and an empty wine glass.  ‘I am out on the patio.  Come have some wine when you get home,’ it read.

I took off my tie and made my way outside, wine glass in hand.  It was a warm and breezy late spring evening and Jean was sitting on one of our overstuffed patio chairs as I made my way over to greet her with a kiss.  To my happy surprise, she was wearing one of my favorite shirts.  It was a very tight and see-through short sleeve white top and her braless breasts were beautifully outlined and her perfectly sized and hard nipples and areolas were in full view through the sheer fabric. 

She was the perfect vision of femininity and a sight for sore eyes.  She knows that I love to see her in this top and it made me immediately aroused.  The only other thing she was wearing was a very small red thong with more than a hint of her landing strip showing. God, she was beautiful!

“Come, have a glass of wine before you drool too much,” she joked.

“Thank you for this,” I said as I gestured towards her with my wine glass before filling it with a Sauvignon Blanc.  “You know how much I like to see you in that top!”

“I knew you were going to have a tough day.  It’s the least I could do to make your evening better,” she replied.

We got caught up with all of the day’s news while I continued to enjoy the sight of her beautiful breasts through the shirt.  When we finished, she hesitated for a moment and then slowly said, “So, I had an interesting call from Chris this morning.”

“Oh really?” I responded.  Chris was Jean’s past lover before we met three years ago.  She always has told me that she would never marry Chris, but they had a torrid and very passionate sex life together for quite some time.

“He is going to be in town for a couple weeks for a work project and he was wondering if he could stay with us while he is here,” she explained.  “I told him that I obviously would have to check with you first.”

“Well, that is interesting,” I responded as my mind started to whirl with thoughts.  Jean has always been a nudist and has no problems being naked with others in a platonic way.  But she had never been interested in carrying her exhibitionistic fantasies out in public or with involving other men in our sex life and had always resisted my attempts to push her into it.

I had always fantasized about her with another man and it was a common topic during our love making that never failed to be a huge turn on for me.  But Jean always put her foot down when it came to living out those fantasies because she was not going to involve just any man.  It had to be with someone she had a close connection and chemistry with.  So, you could imagine my immediate thoughts about the prospects of Chris spending a couple weeks with us in our home.

“Well, what do you think?” she asked.

I thought for a moment longer and then stated firmly, “I am OK with him staying with us under one condition, and that is that you have to dress like this the entire time he is here.”

“Jacque!  Do you know how dangerous that could be?” she exclaimed.

“Indeed, I do,” I responded with a sly smile while taking a large sip of wine.  “That’s my price for agreeing to it.  I want to see him see your beautiful body and the condition stands even when I am not here.”

“Wow.  So, you are serious about others seeing me,” she said.  “You know my history with Chris.  Are you sure you know what you are asking for?”

“Completely sure,” I responded.  “When is he getting into town?”

“He has meetings downtown all day on Friday and wants to take us out to dinner when he is done that evening,” she explained.  “So, just to be clear, I will not be wearing an outfit like this out to dinner!”

“Fair enough,” I said.  “But you will need to wear a provocative dress so you can tease both of us while we are at dinner.”  My goal was to use Chris’ dinner invite as a way to nudge her into some playful exhibitionism in public.  I had some leverage now and was planning on playing the cards I had just been dealt the best I could.

“You are incorrigible!” she said with a deep sigh while pouring herself another glass of wine.  I could not help but notice that her nipples seemed to be harder under the tight fabric of her shirt as she did.  “I guess I am going to have to go shopping before Friday.”

I stood up and took her hand and stood her up in front of me and took a long gaze at her beautiful breasts and how gorgeous and sexy she was dressed like that.  I placed a hand on her breast and kissed her deeply.  “I want you to hear one more time how much it turns me on to see you like this and the thought of Chris and others seeing you too is sending me through the roof.”

“I can tell from that bulge in your pants,” she said coyly.  She sat back down on the chair and deftly dropped my dress pants to the patio stones and took my raging hard cock fully into her mouth.  It was all I could do to not immediately cum as she used her tongue and hand as she took me in and out of her mouth.  I came instantly on the third stroke, sending a giant load into her mouth.

“Well.  I can see that you are turned on, but I want to give you one last chance to rescind your conditions,” she said while cleaning up with a napkin.

“No; my mind is made up.  You must dress like this for the two weeks and provocatively when you are out of the house whether I am with you or not,” I countered.

“You are treading in dangerous waters my love,” she said.

We made love that night and I was consumed by fantasies and thoughts of seeing Jean be seen and it was obvious that she was more than a little turned on as well.  But, while I remained turned on the rest of the week, I was very busy until Friday afternoon, so we barely saw each other until late at night each day with nary enough energy to hug and say goodnight.



I left the office early Friday afternoon and rushed home to see Jean before we met Chris for dinner.  I had made reservations at Le Brit, a local hot spot specializing in small plates and fine wine.  When I arrived home, I found Jean in a light robe in the kitchen making herself a gin and tonic.  Her robe was not tied closed which revealed her naked breasts and a very small black thong.

“Getting some liquid courage?” I said jokingly.

“I am, indeed and you will know why when you see the dress I am wearing tonight.  I think I have followed your provocative dress condition a little too well,” she said while taking a deep sip of her drink.

“You will have to give me a fashion show then,” I replied as I made a drink for myself as well.

“OK.  But let’s finish these drinks first,” she said and led me into the sitting room. “Jacque, are you sure you want me to do this?  I cannot promise you that nothing will happen between Chris and I.  It has been years since we have seen each other, and I can assure you that I never dressed provocatively when I was out with him, so I have no idea what his reaction is going to be.”

“Please know that you have my full support and you can do anything you want,” I countered. “I have been thinking about this all week and have been turned on the whole time.”

“Well, I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it a lot this week too,” She said.  “I am both nervous and aroused at the same time. So, do you want to see my dress?”

“Absolutely!” I said.  “Go put it on and I will refresh our drinks.”

When she returned from the bedroom and walked towards me, I was stunned.  She looked unbelievably sexy and gorgeous.  Her red hair was now down and loosely flowing around her neck and face.  The dress?  Well, the dress was a deep purple with a paisley like print in oranges and gold.  It had a deep V neckline that want down to the start of her breasts.  It was obvious through the loose fabric that she was braless as I could see her breasts move in that beautiful way as she walked closer.

The top of the V-neck started all the way out at her shoulders which actually made it more like a wide and deep U-shaped neckline that allowed for an amazing view of her clavicles and chest.  The sleeves where short and were basically bunched at the top of her shoulders.  It looked like the top could easily fall down her arm, which would make for an even more amazing view and would undoubtably expose much of her breast.  The front was held together with several large buttons starting at the breast level and ending at her waist. 

The skirt of the dress was ankle length, but instead of having the customary slit on the side, this had the slit in the very front that went all the way up to meet the last button at her waist.  This meant that as she walked, her legs were fully exposed with each step she took and an occasional view of her black thong.

I was immediately hard looking at her.  “That is the sexiest dress I have ever seen!” I exclaimed. “The only thing that would put it through the roof for me is if you go commando,” I said with a hopeful grin.

“No way, Jacque.  That is not happening!” she responded.  “Now, go get changed and give me my drink before I change my mind about this.”

I went upstairs to get cleaned up and changed into evening attire which was made difficult by the raging erection I was still sporting while still envisioning Jean in that dress.  She looked like a goddess!

We made the trip to Le Brit a little before we were to meet Chris.  I had reserved a spot in the large lounge area where there were couches and armchairs gathered around coffee tables near a wall length and busy bar.  The room was already packed with the Friday happy hour crowd. I allowed Jean to walk in front of me as we were shown our reserved seats so I could watch the reaction of the room to her beauty.  And I was not disappointed.  There were many eyes following her as she walked and was shown a seat on a couch.

Since it was crowded, there was only one seat on the couch and two large chairs facing it on the other side of the table.  Jean sat down on the couch and I took one of the chairs.  Because the table was a low coffee table, I had a nearly perfect view and was rewarded with the added benefit that there were two men sitting on the other side of couch and loved when the closest one took a long look of her.  I was certain that my hard cock was on full view of everyone in the room too.

I ordered a bottle of wine and some appetizers and as the waiter brought them out and placed them on the table, we were both rewarded with an unexpected benefit of the loose fabric of the dress.  As Jean leaned down to take her glass, her breasts were almost completely exposed for all to see.  The curve of the underside of her breasts fully in view. She obviously was aware and stopped for a second while keeping eye contact with the waiter.

“I failed to mention that part to you,” she said with a smile after she sat back up and the waiter had left.  “I figured I would wait and let you see for yourself.”

“And see it I did.  I hope to see more like that tonight,” I said.  The pre-dinner drinks had obviously done their part in taking her nervousness away and I could feel my cock getting even harder with anticipation of the night to come.

Chris texted and said that he was running late so by the time he finally arrived we were onto the second bottle of wine.  He came through the lounge and when he saw us made a B-line to our spot.  We did a man hug before he rounded the table to greet Jean.  She had stood up and looked amazing.  He took her by one arm and stepped back to look her over from head to toe. 

“Wow, Jean.  You look unbelievable!” he stammered before giving her a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.  He made his way over to the empty chair and sat down roughly and reached out to shake my hand.  “It is good to see you too, Jacque,” he said with a firm grip.

I noticed that Jean had readjusted herself as she sat back down on the couch, allowing for the slit in the skirt to open with the fabric falling to the side of each of her thighs which exposed most of both of her legs while she sat with her legs slightly spread apart.  I looked at her and she gave me a quick wink before leaning over the table to grab the bottle of wine and fill a glass for Chris.

“Here Chris, I bet you could use one of these,” she said.  The obviously intended action of leaning over repeated the view she had previously given the waiter and me.  But this time, the fabric fell open wider allowing for a complete view of her left breast and hard nipple.  She was obviously starting to enjoy her exposure for the two of us, and frankly, quite a few others in the room as well.

We ordered more wine and multiple small plates of delicious food to share between us while we got the low-down on Chris’ work and the project that brought him to town.  We talked for a long while, enjoying each other’s company and the occasional flirtatious and teasing views of Jean.  After the third bottle of wine was emptied and another ordered, Jean excused herself from the table.

“Gentlemen, I need to visit the lady’s room to make room for more of this wine,” she announced and made her way through the crowded lounge slowly picking her way around the many groups of mostly well-dressed businessmen.  I watched her and enjoyed the looks she was getting as she made the trek. 

“I have to say Jacque that I was not expecting to see so much of Jean this evening.  Is she aware of the many times she has flashed us her tits while we have been sitting here?” he asked in amazement.

“Quite aware, Chris.  Are you enjoying the view?  I certainly am,” I answered.

“Totally enjoying the view.  You are a much stronger man that I am.  I would never have been OK with her exhibitionism like that when we were dating,” he said.   

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Jean making the reverse journey through the throng and loved watching as she made her way back to our spot.  Once she got closer, I noticed that the top button of the dress was undone making the dress open even further than it already was.  It was now open past her breasts and I could only imagine the view that Chris and I were going to get when she re-joined us.

As she rounded my chair to take her seat, she stopped and bent over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I am sure that Chris received a very nice view as a result.  She also put her hand inside my sportscoat and put something in my breast pocket. It took me a moment to realize that what she placed there was her thong.  She was now commando.  Something she swore she would never do.

The lounge had become very crowded.  And not only were there others seated close by, but there was a large number of men standing around our seats.  So not only was Jean being seen by Chris and me, there was also a large contingent of others who were undoubtedly watching her display.

As she took her seat on the couch she said, “Did you gentlemen have a nice chat while I was gone?  Did you talk about me?”

“As a matter of fact, we did,” I started.  “Chris was just telling me how nice it has been to see so much of you this evening!”

She smirked at both of us.  “Well, I have to tell you that I am enjoying being seen by both of you,” she said while adjusting her skirt and spread her legs slightly.  I could not see her now bare pussy but her very small and neatly trimmed landing strip was clearly visible.  Jean had never done anything like this in public, so it was either the copious amount of wine or the presence of Chris that was driving this newfound exhibitionism.  Either way, my raging hard cock did not care.  This was a truly amazing thing to watch as my wife teased and showed herself to us, and the entire room full of other people.

“The entire room appreciates it, I am sure,” said Chris while raising a glass of wine up to her in salute. “Please do not stop.  You are giving us a stunning show!”

I noticed a slight blush in her cheeks, and she closed her legs slightly and I was worried that she might end her little exhibitionism.  But instead she said, “I don’t plan on stopping. Unless you guys want me to?”

“If you could see how hard I am right now, you would have a clear answer to that question,” I responded.

We continued our conversations, small plates and more wine while we enjoyed the sight of Jean.  The combination of her flowing red hair and now very open cleavage view as a result of the first button being open, made her look incredibly exotic and daring.  It was amazing to experience.

I still do not know if it was on purpose or just a happy accident (I suspect the former).  But she bent over slightly to take another bite of food and as she did, the top of the dress fell from her right shoulder. The entire right side of her torso was now in clear view and the dress was clinging precariously on her breast.  It was surprising that it did not fall completely off, and it was no doubt held aloft by her very hard nipple.

She looked down at the situation, and instead if quickly fixing it, she just straightened up and continued talking with us.  Most of her breast was now visible to the room including the gentle inward curve and an occasional view of her areola.  I could not believe she was doing this. 

She leaned forward again, this time much further with her arms on her knees causing the dress to completely open on the right side.  Her entire breast including her nipple and the beautiful full feminine form was now on full public display for Chris and I and probably a good portion of the others in the room. “I hope you two have enjoyed my little show for you tonight.  But I am ready to go home,” she said while glancing back and forth from Chris to me.  

With that, Chris paid the bill and we got up to leave for home.  She took me by the arm but did not move the dress back up to her shoulder.  And while her nipple was now covered again, she remained very much on display as we made our way through the crowd to the door.  I watched as many men looked down to get a good look at her.  She was so fucking beautiful!

When we got to the car I leaned over and kissed her while putting my hand inside the right side of the dress and cupped her breast and felt how hard her nipple was.  “Your teasing tonight was beyond my wildest fantasy. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed it too,” I said. 

“I was not sure if I would carry through with it at first.  But then I started to feel more comfortable and just let things happen.  I am glad you enjoyed it and I bet Chris did too.  He never got to experience anything close to that when we were together,” she said. “I could not help but notice a large number of other men who were also enjoying it as well.  I didn’t think I would like that part, but I have to admit that it did excite me.”

Chris arrived at our house shortly after we did, and I showed him to the guest quarters and told him to come up for a nightcap once he had gotten settled. I made my way up to make myself a glass of single malt scotch.

Jean was standing by the bar with a drink of her own. She had now moved both sides of the dress from her shoulders.  The dress barely covered her breasts and was in danger of falling completely off.  She looked at me coyly and it was obvious that she was not finished with her teasing.

Chris soon joined us, and we talked a little more while standing by the bar.  Suddenly, Jean put her glass down and said, “I have to do something.”  With that she walked towards Chris and put her hands on both sides of his face and started to kiss him passionately.  He put his hands on her shoulders as they kissed and caressed her gently causing the dress to move further down her arms.

She took a step back and said, “I’m sorry.  I just had to do that.”

Her next move caught me completely by surprise.  She lowered her arms to her side while standing in front of Chris.  The state of the dress was such that this action caused the dress to fall completely off her body onto the floor at her feet.  I was stunned.  There stood my wife; completely naked in front of her ex-lover!  Besides the return of my hard-on my initial thought was one of regret that I had not prepared my camera for such a possibility.  What stood in front of me was the perfect picture of CMNF with my wife as the subject and Chris in his smart black coat and white dress shirt.

She stepped forward again and started to kiss him while removing his coat from his shoulders, throwing it to the floor and began to unbutton his shirt. I could not believe what I was watching.  I moved to a chair next to them and could not resist taking out my cock and started to stroke myself as I watched the evolving action.

Chris was soon naked and started to grope her breasts as they kissed.  She knelt in front of him and took his cock in her hand.  He was much smaller than I am, but I watched in total amazement and pleasure as she took his cock into her mouth.  It was unbelievable to see.

She pushed him to the floor and climbed on top of him and began to kiss him again and feel his entire body, then moved her hair like a paint brush to paint his entire body while she licked and nibbled along the way. All of this happening a foot away from me as I watched with my cock in hand.

She then straddled him cowboy style and reached behind her to guide his cock into her obviously dripping wet pussy.  I watched as another man’s cock slowly entered and disappeared inside of my wife.  She started to slowly move up and down on him.  Each time she did I could see her clench her pussy around the base of his cock before moving back up.  It was all I could do to keep from cumming at this incredible sight.

It did not take long before I heard Chris moan and watched his cock pulse, releasing his load inside of her. She kissed him again and rolled off of him to the side, now facing me. “I need you inside of me Jacque!” she said in a demanding tone.

I did not hesitate and was quickly on top of her with my hard cock easily slipping into her wetness as Chris watched from the side.  I kissed her while I fucked her, and she put her hands on my face and looked deeply into my eyes.  This was all I needed to send me over the edge as I came deep inside of her while starring into hers at the same time.

“I love you Jacque,” she said.

I sat up next to her as did Chris.  The three of us on the floor, totally naked with Jean in the middle.  She kissed Chris again and then turned and kissed me.  “You guys will have to excuse me while I go clean myself up.” 

She stood and grabbed her dress and made her way upstairs, still totally naked, while Chris and I stood up to watch her leave. Chris looked at me and shook my hand.  “As I said before Jacque.  You are a much stronger man than I.  Thank you for sharing Jean with me this entire evening!”

“It was entirely my pleasure Chris,” I responded.

He left me to go back down to the guest quarters, leaving me standing alone, totally naked. I retrieved my scotch and started to replay the events that had just happened in my mind as Jean returned.  She was wearing her robe, loosely tied.  She approached me and took my hands and said, “Thank you!”

“No, thank you!” I said.  I moved my hands to the front of her robe and opened it.  She was completely naked underneath, and I just stared at her amazing body and then back up to her eyes.

“I am going to go down and make sure Chris has everything he needs,” she said while closing her robe again.

“Have a good night Jean.  I will see you in the morning,” I responded.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean, enjoy yourself,” I said as I pulled her to me and kissed her one last time.

She started to walk towards the door, then turned to look at me, smiled and blew me a kiss.  I finished my scotch and made my way to bed and dozed off, blissfully recounting as much of the nights events as I could.

Jean, indeed, never came back from the guest suite that night.  She finally emerged mid-morning and found me having coffee in the kitchen.  She stopped in the doorway.  Her hair quite disheveled and her robe completely open.  She leaned against the doorway, tilted her head and gave me a smile that foretold of some explaining to do about the events that occurred while I slept.

Published 4 years ago

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