The Double Dozen Club – Chapter 2

"New member Little John swings his first cane - and earns some points."

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Two weeks later, he (Little John) was healing nicely and relishing the thought of his new membership in the secret society. He had received his software download and password, and he had been reviewing the options and alternatives of membership. Each member was guaranteed one session per month as a top (the one swinging the paddle or cane). If he chose to not exercise his right to spank a bottom, he could save it for the following month, although no member could use more than four sessions in one month, and all sessions expire upon the re-testing date. Members were re-tested every six months.

He could also trade options with other members depending on the fetish desires of each member. For example, he saw a particularly beautiful bottom up for re-testing soon that was being traded for multiple sessions and points. One such member was willing to give up three months of sessions just to give her twenty-four strokes. Members could also earn points for submitting to short canings, with a minimum number of six strokes and no maximum number of strokes, but if the caning was to equal twenty-four strokes, previous approval was required for the session to be submitted as a re-test. These points could be traded and exchanged for other services and benefits within the club. Some members exchanged points for the chance to observe a session, and other members would trade their points for cash and travel options. Members not only found willing partners in their own state, but in other countries, often taking a vacation to fulfill a desire.

Little John enjoyed searching the software for members, and the mobile app provided access to tops and bottoms within a defined area. Friends were made and stories exchanged between each member, but the profiles and the negotiations were strictly controlled by the secret society – The double dozen club.

He had his eye on a woman many men would find unappealing, but he wanted to live a fantasy. Her profile name was Big Momma, and this woman’s ass was huge! She had an ass that you see on women and wonder how they find clothes to fit. She was coming up for re-testing soon, and her profile stated that even though she enjoyed dishing out the pain, she struggled during re-testing and was considering leaving the club. He contacted her and encouraged her to remain a member, and due to her size, she had only a few tops negotiating between themselves for a chance to cane her for her re-test. He found her to be easy pickings, but he didn’t want to reveal how much he desired the chance to inflict as much pain as possible upon her quite-large ass. When the negotiations ended, he was the winner of a session with Big Momma. Perfect! Little John gets Big Momma!

The house selected for the session belonged to another member (Mister V) who would be home, but had no desire to observe the session, and Little John arranged to be there early to set the stage prior to Big Momma’s arrival. The rules were quite strict, and he knew that she must arrive no earlier or later than pre-determined times.  Both men escorted Big Momma into the dungeon and Mister V excused himself. Little John could see Big Momma was quite nervous, but he convinced her to get naked and not worry about her body size or her fears of pain. He reminded her of the enjoyment of dishing out the punishment, and that passing the re-test would provide her with another six months of membership.

By the time he had finished his sales pitch, she was naked, and he led her to the special device Mister V had in his dungeon. It appeared to be almost like a bike frame, but firmly mounted to the floor, and instead of a seat, there was an adjustable bar for her to bend over. She bent as best she could, angling her ass out for abuse, and leaving her tits hanging. He used a long belt to fasten her onto the bar to prevent her from moving, although her legs were free to squirm. He secured her head and shoulders to the front of the frame and completed the bondage with a large ring gag in her mouth. He wanted to hear her squeals and cries.

Once she was secured, he handed her the safety switch and said “Once you press this button, we begin the test. If you stop pressing it or drop it, the test is over, and we have to start again.”

She hesitated, but pressed the button, and immediately he swung the cane hard. Her flesh seemed to absorb the rod, but the sudden stroke without warning made her drop the button.  

“Were you not ready?” he said with mock concern. “I’m sorry, you dropped the button and we must begin again.” He smirked behind her back at her predicament as she picked up the button once again and hesitated before pressing it again.

He pretended to be polite, but he enjoyed the fact that on his first attempt, he had gotten her to drop the button and had gotten a free stroke in on her. This time, he drew out the stroke, tapping and testing the skin and his aim, before saying several times “Ok now, you’re ready – right?”

This time he hit her hard three times in a row with all of his strength. Her large ass recoiled with each, and before the pain even maxed out to her brain, he said “That’s three.” Mister V heard the squeal and howl from the dungeon and wished he had traded a few points to observe the scene.

Tears began to flow before the sixth stroke, and she almost dropped the button before the tenth stroke, but when he focused on her legs, the welts rose up quickly, and he let them swell a little before landing three more and saying, “That’s twelve, but it’s a bakers dozen since the first one didn’t count! – We’re half-way there Momma!” He quickly dolled out three more hard swats over the same swollen red marks, hoping to see the button drop to the floor, but she hung on tight and squirmed on the frame.

“We’re at fifteen! – It’s all down hill from here!” He hid his frustration that she didn’t drop the button on the last three, but swung into her with five of his best strokes, trying hard to hit the same spot of blubber on her ass, and finally the button dropped to the floor.

“Oh no!” He pretended to care. “Oh Momma! – You only had four more after that one!”

She was gushing tears, and snot and slobber, frantic to be released from the torture frame.

“You wanna quit? – Are you sure?” And he began to release the straps and the ring gag, handing her a towel to dry her tears.

Little John smiled inside because he knew he had earned extra points for getting a member to fail a re-test. When Mister V heard the swats stop, he entered the dungeon and inquired, “All good here?”

“No – I’m afraid not, she dropped out after twenty.” Little John winked at him with a smirk.

“Ohhh… come on Momma, are you sure you don’t want a little break and try again?” Mister V tried to encourage her to remain a member by saying, “I know a few cute guys up for re-test soon!”

But it was too late, Big Momma just didn’t have it in her to take another twenty-four. She began to dress slowly and a cab drove her home soon after. Mister V and Little John swapped some jokes and stories before glancing at the profile updates for some hot members with a re-test soon. Little John left with false surprise saying, “I thought her ass could take another twenty-four!” And they both laughed as they shook hands.


Published 6 years ago

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