“You’re right,” Natalie exclaimed excitedly. “Rooftop restaurant and bar, open till midnight.”
“See, I know what I’m talking about,” Aiden replied. “You’ll learn to trust me, I promise.” He nestled in behind her as she sat on the bed in their room at the Dorchester Hotel, scrolling through the dining page of the property’s website on her phone. He gathered her hair up and planted wet kisses on her neck, peering over her shoulder as she tapped on the rooftop dining link.
“I guess so, but we’ve only been married, what, seventy-two hours?”
“Sixty-six? Sixty-seven? Time zones, you know. You already trusted me before you agreed to marry me, didn’t you?” He nibbled her ear and guided a hand over her silky pajama shorts onto her bare thigh.
“Maybe.” Natalie squirmed, turning toward him. “Also, when you do that to me, I’ll do anything you want!” She spun and pounced on him, knocking him back and pinning him to the bed. She lowered her mouth to his, and they spent the next few minutes making out like horny teenagers, his hands roaming and hers clutching his hair.
But teenagers they were not. Their marriage on Saturday back in the States was the second for each of them; having spent their twenties and thirties establishing a measure of financial success made it possible for them to honeymoon at a luxurious five-star hotel in London rather than a weekend Vrbo in Atlantic City. Natalie didn’t marry Aiden for his money and resolved never to take it for granted, but it did give her a level of comfort and deepened her appreciation of his thoughtfulness and stability. She didn’t even know about his handsome nest egg until they had been together for several months and agreed to be exclusive.
She had come to appreciate the way he had made sure they wanted to be together for their mutual interests and life direction rather than flaunting his money to impress her. Aiden didn’t want to use his wealth for immediate gratification, but to make sure the future was comfortable, and to share with others when needs arose. But there were the occasional special indulgences just as long as they didn’t dent the bank too much, like this honeymoon that was costing more than her first car.
Natalie detached her mouth from his, smiling, picking up her phone, and gyrating slowly while she checked the menu. “Hmm, what am I going to devour? Before I devour you?” She held the screen facing him. “You sure you want to spend this much on me?” Appetizers for twenty. Entrées up to a hundred. Sides and desserts for fifteen. “And that’s pounds, not dollars.”
“Worth every penny,” he assured her, hands roaming. She set the phone down next to his head, leaning down to alternately read and kiss him. “I can see inside your shirt,” he smiled, pulling on the collar of her pajama top to admire her pointy nipple.
“Saving that for later.” She clutched her shirt closed.
“Ahh, Dessert. I get it.”
She snickered, turning her attention back to the menu. “I know what risotto is. And lobster. But fuck, it’s going to take half the night for the waiter to describe most of this stuff.”
As she sat up on his lap, his hands roamed under her shirt, caressing her bare skin. Then they wandered inside the legs of her shorts, high up on her thighs.
“Oh, fuck,” she exclaimed.
“Reservations required. Maybe we’ll have to go another night?” Then, louder, “Oh fuck.”
“What now?”
“We recommend making reservations up to six weeks in advance, due to our hoity toity fucking snobby blah blah blah uptight shitty shit.”
“I don’t think it says all that.”
“I was paraphrasing.”
Aiden grabbed Natalie’s phone and turned her over, pinning her arms above her, giving her chest and neck a series of wet kisses. “It’ll be okay,” he assured her, standing and pulling her to her feet. “Look at it this way. If we don’t throw our money away on the rooftop tonight, we can afford the house payment next month.”
Natalie started laughing.
“You have a boner,” she said, reaching for the tent in his boxers.
He turned and walked toward the bathroom. “Saving that for later.”
“Hmph. Dessert,” she mused. “But, dinner first.”
“I know the perfect place.”
“Oh yeah, been here before? Know all the local spots?”
“You’ll learn to trust me, I promise.” He selected her sexy evening dress from the closet, the one that clasped in an “X” in the back, the panels in the front crossing to expose her cleavage well down between her breasts. “You’ll want to wear this.”
Natalie wondered what he was up to while they got ready to go out. She felt awkwardly sexy after they pulled off the clothes that they had been lounging in, both remaining nude while he admired her activities. She washed her face, applied some lotion and her makeup, and selected the right earrings and necklace, all the while looking forward to a frisky fuck tonight after dinner. Come to think of it, there had been multiple opportunities for them to have sex that day, but Aiden hadn’t initiated. After breakfast and a bit of shopping in the late morning, they relaxed in the room without him jumping her. As they had shared a shower after their tour around the city in the evening, she expected him to fuck her in the marble stall, but teasing was all she got. Not that she was complaining. She loved the fact that he didn’t always treat her as a plaything to stick his dick in, but truly as a life partner. But she sure was horny.
It was almost eleven o’clock when they were dressed and ready to go. Their internal clocks had gotten fucked up by the travel, so neither of them really cared that lunch hadn’t been until three o’clock, and both were just fine putting off dinner till late at night. They were likely going to be awake and screwing each other’s brains out till the wee hours anyway, and it’s not like they had anywhere to be the next day.
“You look so sexy,” he told her as they waited for the elevator, squeezing an arm around her waist.
“You too, handsome. Look at you in your fancy coat and tie.” She caressed his lapel, teasing a button.
He drew in a deep breath and pulled her close. “Mmm, and you smell delicious.”
When they stepped into the elevator, he drew her in for a kiss, pushing “R”, not “L”.
“Sneaky.” She stared at him. “I saw you push the ‘up’ arrow outside.”
“Mm hmm. I thought my diversion covered that up.”
“I’m aware of my surroundings. Well, maybe they’ll let us look around up there.” Her voice changed to a mocking squeaky fake British accent. “’Please, good sir, we don’t quite have a proper reservation, but could you see your way to let us stand over in the corner and snack on a morsel of pudding?’”
“You’ll learn to trust me, I promise.”
– | – | – | – | – | – | –
“So, when did you make this reservation?” Natalie popped the last succulent bite of sea bass into her mouth.
“Oh, some time ago. Not the recommended six weeks, but late nights aren’t as difficult to come by. When I read a bit about the weather, I thought there was a good chance that dinner and dessert would be pleasant.”
“Dessert? It’s after closing time.” She tapped her phone to light the screen. 00:23. All the other tables were empty. “And besides,” she smiled devilishly. “Dessert was going to be….” She pulled the front of her dress to the side, exposing her entire breast to him for just a second or two.
She was pretty sure she closed herself back up just in time before the waiter appeared. Clearing their plates away, he scooped two crumbs off the white tablecloth and asked if there would be anything else. Aiden poured the last trickle of the contents of the wine bottle into their glasses, which were nearing empty. “Where is the restroom?”
You can pee when we get back to the room, Natalie thought, but didn’t protest when her husband got up and followed the waiter, chatting. She was getting so horny sitting there, the sounds of the city radiating up to her, her back and legs exposed to the cool summer breeze. The restaurant was elegant, perfectly lit, with real silverware and fragrant candles and flowers at their table. Patrons could walk right up to the railing at the edge of the building and look over the quaint side street in one direction, and the main boulevard was not far away in another, with a beautiful park beyond. A corner of the rooftop layout was a small garden with flowers, a fountain, a padded bench, and an ivy-covered trellis.
That breeze had felt exciting on her breast for the second she had it out, and here in the elegant surroundings, she was getting even more aroused. She thumbed her nipple for a minute, feeling the stiffness and anticipating what her new husband’s lips and tongue would be doing to it shortly. She couldn’t help but pull her dress back again to show it to the empty rooftop restaurant.
Aiden returned sooner than expected, taking Natalie’s hand for her to stand. She had a good two swallows of wine left, so she picked her glass up, intent on downing the rest before being swept downstairs to get good and naked.
“Yes, bring that with you.” Aiden led her away from the table toward the rooftop railing before she could take a drink.
“Sweetie, they need to close up. Maybe we can come up during the day to look out?”
As he spun her halfway round to lean her back against the rail for a kiss, one of the hotel staff approached. “Tiramisu, sir, madam.” He wasn’t a waiter. Possibly the restaurant manager? “Enjoy.” He was smiling a bit too much, she thought.
“Mm, thank you so much.”
“They serve tiramisu in a goblet?” Natalie asked. “That’s cool.” She grabbed the spoon as the man retreated. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she asked Aiden, “How long do you think they’ll let us stay?”
“As long as it takes.”
“Dessert doesn’t take long.” She took a bite, and closed her eyes in ecstasy, swirling the sweet, moist, creamy-cakey concoction in her mouth. “Oh fuck, was that an orgasm?”
They both laughed as she fed him a bite. “We need to go soon. I’m already horny, but this dessert might just make me wet my panties.” She batted her eyelashes at him. “If you want to make love to me when we get back to our room, I just might let you.”
They stood at the railing, looking out over quiet side street below and the busy boulevard to their right, Aiden behind her, planting those soft, wet kisses on her exposed neck and shoulders. She held the spoon back to him to feed him a bite, feeling his expanding penis press into her bottom.
Their kisses turned more passionate, and as he turned her slightly to crush his lips into hers, he reached inside her dress for the breast that she had shown him a few minutes ago.
“Dessert making you horny, too?” Natalie asked.
“It’s delicious. But you’re the one making me horny. Mmm, I could eat you up right here.”
Natalie turned and looked at her husband seductively, scanned all around the rooftop to make sure no one was around, then pulled her dress aside once more. Dolloping a fingerful of creamy dessert on her bare nipple, she giggled, “You said this would be dessert!”
Aiden sucked the cream off, spending an extra few seconds licking and slurping all around her stiffening teat. When he raised his face to hers, she ran her fingers over his engorged cock through his slacks. “Unzip me,” he told her.
She blushed, pulling her dress closed again. “I wish, fuck.” She looked around again, squeezing his meat with her fingers. “But I could just about fuck you right here.”
“Go ahead.”
“Nice fantasy, but, um, managers, waiters.”
“No one is around. You’ll learn to trust me, I promise.”
What the absolute fuck? Natalie asked herself. She stared at Aiden’s eyes, and he was serious. “They’re all gone, aren’t they?”
She pulled his zipper down without looking away from his eyes. “You bribed the manager for us to be… alone?”
“It’s only a bribe if it’s a public official, right? I think at a restaurant it’s called a tip.” He squirmed at the sensation of his wife digging his cock out, grasping his balls, and pulling on the turgid shaft. “Oof!” To show him how serious he really was, he scooped a fingerful of the dessert from the almost-empty goblet and applied it to his dick head.
“Okay,” she nodded slowly, glaring, setting her jaw. “I’ll trust you to stop me if I take things too far.” She slid down, crouching in front of him, and took his cream-covered dick head into her mouth.
“Open your dress.”
Natalie pulled open one side of her dress, then the other, both breasts on display jiggling free as she looked up at him, fellating him sensually.
She found out that she couldn’t take things too far, because he didn’t stop her as things got more heated and more clothing came off. They hung his coat over a chair back, then his tie, then his shirt. Untying his shoes and letting down his slacks and boxers, she was astounded that he let her get him naked first. If someone discovered them, either she would find out that he was an exhibitionist, or he’d be the one to be thoroughly embarrassed.
Free of everything including his socks, he allowed her to guide him to the railing, where he set the dessert goblet down and picked up his wine glass. As they looked out over the street, she stood behind him, kissing his shoulders, her dress still open to press her bare breasts into him, her hand reaching around to handle his cock and balls.
He turned around, kissing and caressing her breasts for a minute before unclasping the back of her dress, setting it free to shimmy down to her feet. She stepped out of it while he knelt in front of her, breathing deeply at her sex and kissing the front of her panties.
He dragged her panties down her stockinged legs, placing more intense kisses on her hips and the light fur of her pubic mound. She slowly took sips of her wine while intermittently looking down and swaying her hips, enjoying the sight and sensation of Aiden’s lips and tongue beginning to devour her pouty pussy lips.
After a satisfying tongue and jaw workout that made his wife sigh with pleasure repeatedly, Aiden stood and scraped the spoon inside the goblet, taking one of the last bites of their dessert. He fed it to Natalie with his mouth, their tongues and lips swirling and sucking the cocktail of pussy, wine, and tiramisu.
“Oh, fuck,” Natalie huffed between kisses, Crushing her nude body into her husband’s. “You’re not going to wait till we get back to our room to fuck me silly, are you?”
“No chance.” They drained the last swallows of their wine, and he led her a few feet over to the small garden area. Pushing her face-first into the ivy-covered trellis, he grabbed her tits and rubbed his cock between her butt cheeks. She didn’t care that it was a little rough. She actually preferred it. Holding on to the wood of the trellis, she braced herself as he ran his cock up in between her legs from behind, probing for her hole. Giggling, thankful that her heels gave her just the right few inches of added height, she set her legs apart slightly to allow access, and was rewarded with a prompt filling.
“I can’t believe you are fucking me in a rooftop restaurant. You are so fucking naughty!” Her hair and titties bounced with his thrusts, and her hips rocked back with his pulls. Looking out through the crossed wooden slats of the trellis and the lush green leafy ivy, she watched the surprisingly heavy late night boulevard traffic flow by as she got a good, steady shafting.
Aiden pulled out, breathing heavily, spinning Natalie around to face him. He cupped her pussy, rubbing firmly and pushing a finger inside while kissing her, first on her lips, and then down to her neck and shoulders. Hoisting her up, he pinned her to the ivy, holding her firmly by her butt cheeks. She grunted and wrapped her legs around him, allowing their bodies to adjust until she sank down on his cock. The scratchy ivy stems and rough wood dug into her back, but it was so intensely erotic that she didn’t mind a bit, even relished it.
They laughed when Natalie slipped and Aiden set her down. “Oh, fuck, Aiden, that’s so hot. You are so fucking naughty.”
“And you love it?”
“Of course!”
“Lie down,” he told her, pulling her toward the padded bench.
She picked up the dessert goblet, scraping out a bit and feeding it to Aiden before sitting, not caring that the vessel plopped over on its side when she set it clumsily on the floor.
With Natalie on her back, Aiden raised her legs and removed her heels, seating himself straddling the bench so he could raise her legs to his shoulders. She fingered open her pussy, offering her juicy pink insides to swallow his cock again. He pushed back in, rocking his hips forward to penetrate her with slow, full strokes as he rolled her stockings down her legs.
She felt even more naked now, the absence of her shoes and stockings allowing the cool breeze to caress her legs and feet. As Aiden leaned forward, she again wrapped her legs around his waist, bucking her hips to fuck him as he drove deep.
With a groan, Aiden pried her legs aside and pulled out of her.
“Oh yeah?” Natalie giggled. “Too much for you? Was I going to make you cum?” She wiggled teasingly, grabbing her breasts.
“Um, yeah. You got me.”
“Hmm, not yet.” She swiped at his wiggling pecker. “You lie down now. I want to ride that!”
Aiden swapped places with his wife, looking up at her while she straddled him. Hair and tits and dangly earrings and necklace hanging down toward his face, she ground her pussy slit up and down the length of his cock, then leaned down for some aggressive open-mouthed kisses. Sitting up and leaning back, a hand on the bench behind her to steady herself, she ground her pussy into his balls, watching his cock wag over his stomach.
“Oh, Nat, you are so fucking hot,” he said, enjoying the show his horny naked wife was giving him, rotating and bucking her hips, rubbing her furry crotch into his sac, arching her back to jut out her tits.
“Fucking hot for you!” She raised herself a bit, grabbing his dick and holding it up straight so that she could settle down on it. She rode him slowly for a minute, then harder, pumping up and down on his shaft to give them a lewd view of the penetration. Before long, she settled her weight down on him to mash her clit into his pubic hair. The goblet now back in her hand, Natalie scooped out and ate another bite, then offered two creamy fingers for Aiden to suck.
She breathed hard, panting, closing the space between them until her breasts were on his chest and their faces were almost close enough for a kiss.
“Oh, fuck, I’m going to cum if you keep this up,” Aiden warned her.
“Uh huh.” She fucked him harder.
“Oh, fuck, Nat, ohhhhh.” He closed his eyes and surrendered to her body, trembling and exhaling sharply and deeply as he released.
To his surprise, Natalie came off him, freeing his cock just as it started to erupt. He popped his eyes open, her wicked grin greeting him as she grabbed his cock, holding it firmly, his semen gushing forth right into the dessert dish that she held on his stomach.
“Oh, fuck,” he laughed, allowing his wife to direct several satisfying jets of cum into the goblet while she giggled with delight.
After he recovered, he watched her tilt the goblet and examine the thick liquidy goop running around inside. “Well, that wasn’t in my plans,” he told her. “I was going to get you off first.”
“That’s okay. I’m learning to trust you, I promise. Not to leave me here un-orgasmed.”
“Un-orgasmed? Is that a word?”
“I think so. Or, un-climaxed?”
Aiden sat up and leaned forward, his dick dribbling onto the seat. After kissing her sweetly, he stood and nestled in behind her, so that she was reclined into him on the bench. He stroked her hair and kissed her neck while running a hand down between her thighs. “Mmm, I want to orgasm you. Or climax you.”
Natalie giggled, leaning back, extending a hand behind his head, gyrating her hips to encourage his fingers. “Mmm, lovely,” she panted.
“You can tell me what you want.”
“I trust you to figure it out. I don’t mind if it takes a while.” His fingers caressed, pushed, probed, and circled all around her lady parts.
Natalie scraped the inside of the dish with the spoon, gathering up a bit of sweet sauce, cake, cream, and a generous helping of slimy, salty semen. Raising the spoon to her mouth, she closed her lips around it, moaning as she bucked her hips against Aiden’s fingers.
“Oh my, uhhh,” he declared, amazed, sinking his teeth into her shoulder while massaging her vaginal opening. After another bite, which included the rest of his sperm, she dropped the glass and spoon, wiggling and panting, humping her ass on the slippery seat. Three times, he switched hands, his fingers gathering some of the thick, almost creamy lubrication seeping from her vagina and applying it to her erect nipples.
“Oh fuck, Aiden, oh yes,” she whimpered as he slathered her slippery clit, gliding his tongue up and down the back of her neck. A minute later, his swirling fingers produced her squealing, shaking, clenching orgasm. Arching her back into him, she allowed her climax to run its course through her.
Spent and satisfied, the two lovers cuddled and caressed a while longer, Natalie trusting Aiden not to overstay any time he had arranged. He made sure to inhale deeply at her breasts, licking and gently sucking the residue of her wetness off her nipples. They even stood at the railing, chatting and cuddling for a few minutes.
“I can’t believe you…” Aiden started.
“Hmm?” Natalie smiled.
“Ate… that.”
“Your cum?” She laughed. “I let you cum in my mouth before. I’m sure you remember.”
“Yes, but this was… different.”
“I’m full of surprises.”
“I hope so!”
Natalie stayed naked while she helped dress Aiden, minus the tie, which seemed superfluous at this point. When they were ready to go, she stepped into her shoes and pulled on her dress, giving a wink and a grope at his crotch, which was showing a resurgence of a bulge. Clutching her stockings without bothering to put them on, she led the way toward the door.
“Um,” Aiden alerted her. Stopping to turn around, she laughed at the sight of him twirling her panties. “Forgetting something?”
“Meh,” she shrugged. “They’ll just come off in a minute when we get to our room anyway, judging by your, um, recovery down there.” She turned and strode away, hips swaying seductively. “Leave them on the table,” she said, pushing on the exit door. “It’s called a tip.”