Our first threesome had been so enjoyable that we repeated it the following three Saturdays. We experimented with different ideas, always ending up with me swallowing Aidan’s fluids via Matt’s vagina, or – as he liked to call it – his dock.
We made a point of visiting the pool first, as none of us would feel like going afterwards. Surprisingly, this was Aidan’s suggestion. He told us it was to build up his strength for our proposed wild swimming trip to Loch Morlich, but I reckoned the real reason was to see Matt as often as possible, and ideally naked.
By this time, I’d told Aidan and Matt what had happened with Jamie in the showers and that I was really sorry for doing it. While they were initially shocked, I was relieved they saw the funny side. especially as the boy had started swimming regularly on a Saturday and our sessions would overlap. I would say hello and try to hold a conversation, but he wasn’t good at keeping it going. It’s possible he was still embarrassed from our last meeting.
The uni had also been conducting a trial where anyone could use the pool or gym topless on a Tuesday and a Saturday, regardless of gender, but all genitals had to remain covered. These were soon nicknamed Bungalow Days and I’d been trying it out. I could see Jamie making a special effort not to let his eyes wander downwards.
I quickly realised I would never hear the end of the jokes about him. While Jamie was at the other end of the pool, Aidan might whisper, ‘So just to be even, am I allowed to wank off with a sixteen-year-old girl?’
Then Matt might add, ‘As long as she faces the wall.’
This confession also allowed me to address the question of being allowed to sleep with another guy. I told them how much I liked the look of Jamie’s elder brother. We noticed Jamie always left the pool at the same time, around midway through our half-hour session. As such, we deduced they were meeting either in the locker room or in reception. That made it simple to engineer a meeting.
So on the fourth Saturday, that’s exactly what we did.
We followed a little behind Jamie, who was standing under one of the showers, still wearing his swim shorts. The three of us grabbed our towels, stripped naked and showered at the other side of the room.
Big brother joined us shortly afterwards, also naked. ‘How many lengths today?’
‘Five hundred,’ replied Jamie.
‘Less than usual, then.’ It seemed to be an in-joke, but neither of them laughed.
‘He’s doing well,’ I blurted out. ‘I’ve seen him the last few weeks.’ I realised at that moment it sounded like I was watching him. I added, ‘I’m on the swim team; I can see his technique’s getting better,’ not knowing whether this made me sound less like a stalker or more.
‘I’m glad to hear it. When I was sixteen, I was really idle, I would just sit and play video games. I’m not having that for him. He needs to develop the exercise habit now.’
‘Stop talking like I’m not here.’
‘I’m Ritchie, by the way. I think we met before, when he forgot his goggles.’
‘I’m literally still here.’
‘That’s right. This is Matt, also on the team, and my boyfriend Aidan.’
At that moment, Ritchie became distracted, pointing at his brother’s swim shorts. ‘Why are these still on? And where’s your towel and your wet bag?’
‘I was about to do that.’
‘No, you weren’t. Take them off, have a proper shower, so all the chlorine comes off. We’ve been coming here for a month now. Why do I still have to nanny you?’
Despite his best efforts to turn away, I managed to grab a couple of sneaky looks. Jamie’s testicles were unusually large and Ritchie was the same, at least compared to Aidan. No wonder the boy made such a mess of the wall that first time.
As the five of us were leaving the locker room together, Matt spotted someone midway through changing.
‘Sandie! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?’
‘Well, there’s a reason for that.’ She lifted her bra. ‘I’ve been having these done.’ At first, I wondered why she was so excited about what seemed to be B-cup boobs. I only understood when she took off her panties to reveal her penis, ‘This needs to go, though.’
‘What great proportions.’ Matt took a closer look. ‘Big nipples, small cups. They’ve done a solid job there. And it’s Bungalow Day, so you can show them off.’
‘No way. I’ve only got a one-piece.’
‘I’d better run, but I’ll catch up with you soon.’
At reception, we were in for another surprise when Dawn and Ritchie kissed. She then turned to us. ‘Have you met my boyfriend? This is Ritchie.’
‘Yes,’ I said. ‘We’ve met a couple of times.’
‘How’s Bungalow Day going?’
I shrugged. ‘It just feels natural now.’
‘Personally, I think we should all just swim naked, but uni management won’t compromise any more. We’ll convince them one day.’ She turned to Richie again and said cryptically, ‘Have the big one ready. I’ll see you tonight.’
The five of us said our goodbyes outside, with the brothers walking in the other direction. This gave the three of us the chance to talk.
‘Bang goes your bit on the side, then,’ quipped Aidan, ‘unless Dawn’s willing to share too. She might, though. I can see her doing that.’
‘I don’t know how that woman goes through so many boyfriends. Girlfriends too; they almost alternate. Does she have a Frankenstein lab where she creates them to order?’ Then I remembered. ‘I didn’t tell him my name, did I? I was just a bit flustered.’
‘By the size of his balls? I see what you mean.’
‘You could play snooker with them,’ added Aidan.
Matt yawned. ‘Sorry, bad sleep last night. It’s catching up with me. And if she’s that flighty, she’ll be over him shortly. You can pick up her sloppy seconds.’
Ignoring that last remark, I asked, ‘But do you boys see it? Not just his downstairs bits; do you see the attraction with him? Bluntly, would you do him?’
The boys looked at each other.
‘I would,’ nodded Aidan, ‘Theoretically, of course.’
‘But I’m not picking up anything on the gaydar,’ said Matt. ‘I think he’s totally straight.’
‘True. There’s nothing on bi-fi either. And who’s Sandie? Is she on the swimming team too?’
In a matter-of-fact tone, he stated, ‘She’s my ex-girlfriend.’
We both paused. ‘Ex-girlfriend?’ I asked.
‘She was never much of a swimmer, though. I must have got her into it. Just like you and Aidan, I suppose.’
‘I mean… I’m not being funny…’
‘Oh boy,’ interrupted Matt. ‘Nothing good ever comes after that phrase. Go on, though.’
‘You’re only into men, especially blokey, manly men. Was she like that when you were seeing her?’
‘No, not at all. She was transitioning even then. It’s true I have a type, but you’d be surprised at what exceptions people make when they really like someone.’
For a second, I didn’t know what to say. ‘It’s your business. I was just not expecting that.’
‘I’m still fond of her. Very good at giving orgasms, for a start. I only see her as a friend these days, but it wasn’t my idea to break up.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that.’
Back at my boyfriend’s place, we managed to take each other’s clothes off, but Matt was still struggling with tiredness. He lay chest-down on the bed, head turned to one side. ‘You can go on top today. I am dead.’
‘Hi, Dead! I’m Aidan.’
‘If I lie here, have you got enough room?’
‘I think that’ll be fine. I haven’t done it in this position for a long time, though.’
‘Nor me. I quite like it, though.’
Aidan placed a finger gently inside Matt, and he twisted a little so they could kiss. He would add a second finger in a few minutes. Meanwhile, I focussed on Aidan’s penis, gently moving the skin up and down to maintain his erection.
I was still feeling extra wet from the memory of seeing Ritchie naked, and to a lesser extent, Jamie. Assuming they both produced similar loads, I wondered how Dawn coped with it all. I wondered how I would cope.
Before they started, I lay face-up beside Matt and wondered, ‘Once you boys have had a bit of fun, would either of you mind if Aidan finished in me? I’m really in the mood for being properly filled up.’
Matt made the OK gesture. Aidan nodded and asked, ‘Do you want anal again?’
‘We’ve done it a lot recently, so just normal today.’
‘Normal it is.’
Ever so gently, Aidan withdrew both his fingers, replacing it with his penis. ‘Ah! Dick into dock,’ sighed Matt as he slipped a hand under himself and started playing with his penis.
Without wiping his fingers, Aidan placed one inside me and would add the other shortly. I had my Lady Lemon ready and I placed it over my clit. I’d been experimenting to find just the right spot with just the right suction, and I squeezed a nipple with my other hand.
Matt was now watching me masturbate as he did the same. By this time, we knew each other’s orgasm cues well. He made eye contact and nodded at me. I took this as a signal to push the toy a little harder onto my clit. We didn’t quite climax at the same time, with him grunting a few seconds ahead of me, but we both nodded again to confirm we were finished.
Aidan withdrew his fingers from me and licked them as I watched. It looked like he was ready to finish. ‘This position is really nice,’ he said. ‘Would you be up for doing it the same way?’
‘Me on my front?’
‘On your front.’
It wasn’t my favourite, but I had no real objections and did as he asked. The transfer had to be swift or he would likely lose the sensation. In preparation, I felt him holding my vagina open a little, then heard a squelch as he withdrew from my swimming buddy, shuffled over in a few seconds, then pounded into me. Even with that preparation, he said the two vaginas sometimes offered him a slightly different grip from each other, so he would need to regain the feeling.
This time, Aidan’s transfer worked with minimal fuss. I noticed Matt was now on his side, facing me and knowing there was semen rapidly entering me. He was still slowly masturbating, with his thumb and forefinger rubbing his hood and maintaining his small but firm erection.
‘Sorry if this is out of order,’ he said, ‘but can I take it from you this time? I mean take it out of you like you do with me?’
‘I…,’ I couldn’t find the words at first. ‘Yes, if you want.’
Aidan withdrew and I spread my legs a little wider for access. It was a slightly ticklish sensation, feeling his tongue make little scooping movements, but it certainly wasn’t unpleasant. My boyfriend groaned as well, suggesting Matt was also taking some fluids straight from him.
In the middle of this, I had to ask. ‘I didn’t think you were into that.’
He didn’t answer for a few seconds, then swallowed and said, ‘Sorry, there’s a lot here. I’d never even considered it before we started all this but I really liked the idea. It was even better finally doing it.’
‘Even though I’m a girl?’
‘You’d be surprised at what exceptions people make when they really like someone.’
We all stayed in silence for a few seconds until Aidan had the presence of mind to start cleaning up.
‘Don’t get me wrong. When I say like, I mean… I don’t mean in boyfriend-girlfriend terms, just like this.’
I turned to lie on my back. ‘You don’t need to justify yourself. It felt nice. I’m glad you had fun doing it.’
‘Would you be up for doing it again? That way round, I mean?’
I smiled. ‘Absolutely.’
‘Okay, great.’ He brightened up. ‘Now we just need to work on a way for Aidan to put half his cum inside each of us at the same time.
‘It won’t happen,’ said Aidan, in the tone of someone who’d explained it a hundred times.’
‘I’m sure it can. For argument’s sake, the first spurt goes into my dock because that’s always the biggest. Then a quick switch and the rest goes into her.’
‘It’s not possible. It still comes out too fast.’
Not for the first time, I thought they would make terrific boyfriends for each other. Even their arguments were flirty.
‘Stop,’ I raised my hand, ‘the best way to do this is with another guy, which gives us two loads to play with. I know Ritchie’s off-limits, but we’ll find somebody. But first, let’s start thinking about Loch Morlich.’