Our original idea had been to go wild swimming in Loch Morlich at the height of summer when there was no university. We quickly realised the place was expensive and overrun by tourists, so we opted instead for the lesser-known Loch Forstie.
Around the same time, after Dawn inevitably split up with him, we brought Ritchie on board. He had a prior commitment over the summer, pushing our plans to the tail end of the tourist season in August. The trade-off, however, was that we could stay in an amazing cottage right next to the water. It was otherwise near-permanently booked up.
We arrived in time to meet the mumsy Alice, who owned the place but lived in a nearby farmhouse. ‘Now, you have the kitchen in here, living room in here, bathroom. Now, I trust you know it’s not two bedrooms; it’s just one big bedroom with two double beds between the four of you. Now, is that clear?’
‘Yes,’ said Matt, ‘very much so.’ He winked at us discreetly while Alice was looking away. Having the two beds so close would suit us nicely.
‘Now, I’m pleased to hear that because so many people come here and wonder where the other bedroom is. Now, the Wi-Fi password is next to the TV. Now, you won’t have very good phone reception here and even the TV is patchy at times, but we’ve got plenty of books on the shelves. Now, is that clear?’ Before we could speak, she continued, ‘Now, there are to be no parties here or you’ll be kicked out and I don’t care if it’s midday or midnight and you’ll be paying for any damage caused whatsoever. Now, is that all clear?’
‘We’re not going to have any parties,’ I said. ‘We’re here to swim; we’ll be too tired for anything else.’
‘Now, just you see not one single drop of water or grain of sand goes into my house. I’ll be charging for every single one.’ She laughed heartily at her own joke.
Not knowing what else to say, I told her, ‘Thanks, you’ve been very helpful.’
‘Now, I hope the four of you have a good time. Now, if you’ve any trouble, phone the farmhouse and you’ll find the number next to the phone.’ She let herself out.
‘Time for a swim, I suppose,’ said Ritchie, already taking his T-shirt off. ‘It’ll be dark before we know it.’ The rest of us didn’t hesitate.
At the uni pool, Bungalow Day had proved so popular that it was now permitted to swim topless at any time. Considering the remoteness of Forstie, we talked about whether anyone would mind us doing the same here.
There was a small rock archipelago just where the water began to deepen. I decided to hang my top there and let my boobs hang free. Although it was a somewhat sunny day, the loch initially felt cold, hardening my nipples straight away. As we acclimatised, we swam further out. There were many more underwater rocks to explore and I enjoyed the simple freedom of not needing to stick to a lane or to stay out of other people’s way. I noticed Aidan’s technique had improved as well, as he could now swim further without tiring so easily.
After about 20 minutes, I made a suggestion. ‘Why don’t we take off our bottoms as well?’
‘Oh,’ said Aidan, ‘are you sure about that?’
‘I’m pretty sure nobody can see us.’
‘Somebody with binoculars, maybe.’
‘Well, if somebody’s gone to that trouble, they deserve an eyeful.’
‘Well, I’m up for it,’ said Matt. ‘Ritchie, you in?’
‘I’m in.’
We all removed our swimsuit bottoms and placed them on the rock beside my top. We soon discovered why Aidan had been so reluctant.
‘I see someone’s on his way to an erection. Why don’t we make it a full one?’ I reached out to play with him but stopped myself.
I was having sex with Ritchie by that time. Separately, I was also still having the threesomes with Aidan and Matt, but all four of us hadn’t done anything in the same room. We hoped to change that during the trip. I was initially anxious that Richie wouldn’t quite understand and he’d been given every opportunity to back out, but he was curious to see how it went.
‘Sorry,’ I said, gathering my thoughts, ‘I forgot.’
‘I don’t mind,’ said Ritchie, ‘considering what we’d planned anyway.’
‘I don’t mind either.’ added Matt.
‘Well, I do mind,’ said Aidan. ‘I want it to go down, not up.’
‘I’ll just leave it, I think,’ I said, more meekly than I intended.
Besides, the erection disappeared over the next half-hour, as we simply enjoyed ourselves until it became too dark to see safely. I’d become accustomed to my boobs being free, but having my full body in direct contact with the water was something special.
As the sun set over the hills, we returned to the cottage, which had been heating up since we left. Alice had taken out the wood-burning heater and installed a modern electric one, telling us her visitors often didn’t know how to set a fire safely.
The shower cubicle could comfortably hold two people, so Ritchie and I went first while the other two warmed up the oven. They then stepped in the shower while we cooked the pizzas.
We ate our meal in pyjamas and dressing gowns. Although we chatted casually, I could feel the unspoken tension about what might happen later on. I really wanted to discuss the plan once more, but I also didn’t want to spoil the moment.
In the end, it all happened naturally. We were well-fed, but a little tired from the travel and the swimming. On one couch, Ritchie began kissing my neck; on the other, the boys started rubbing each other’s chests, Aidan paying special attention to Matt’s nipples.
Once the dressing gowns were off, we all moved to the bedroom and occupied the bed nearest the door, continuing our kissing and touching. Richie and I kept to one half of the bed, while the boys took the other. We watched each other, but Aidan and I didn’t even touch as we were both so focused on Matt and Ritchie respectively.
When it was time for penetration, I lay face up with my head on the pillow, with Ritchie on top of me. I kept meaning to talk to him about having anal sex, just as I did with Aidan, but it would be vaginal that day. Meanwhile, Matt was chest-down beside me with his head towards the foot of the bed. The other two entered us almost in unison. We all knew this wouldn’t be a long session. The excitement of us all having sex in the same room would see to that. I had an excellent view of Aidan thrusting in and out of Matt’s vagina from behind.
Ritchie was the first to finish and he was about to withdraw.
‘Keep it in,’ I said, ‘at least until Aidan’s finished.’
Aidan nodded. It didn’t take much longer for him to fill Matt.
‘Ready?’ I asked.
On withdrawal, I reached out for Aidan’s penis and squeezed the last few drops into my mouth, while Matt did the same with Ritchie. Matt and I then rolled over to face each other. Because we were top-to-toe on the bed, my vagina was near his mouth and vice-versa. From there, we scooped out the semen from each other. He did a great job finishing Ritchie’s substantial load.
We swallowed some, then Matt and I kissed each other. Because he went for manly men and I was a womanly woman, I was more enthusiastic about the kiss, so it only lasted long enough to exchange the last few drops.
In the haze, I hadn’t paid attention to what the other boys were doing. Neither of them had yet wiped themselves off, being mesmerised by our actions, so I took the lead on grabbing a towel. Even I’d been caught up in the excitement earlier and forgotten to have them handy. On the way to the bathroom, the hallway phone rang like it knew I was there.
I hesitated for a few seconds about answering as I was a little busy. However, I threw the towels into the bedroom and picked up.
‘Now, I’m sorry to disturb you so late but I’ve just had a phone call from someone who said she was a friend of yours. Now, do you know a Dawn?’
‘Dawn, yes. What’s she saying? Why didn’t she ring my mobile?’
‘Now, like I said, it’s very patchy and she couldn’t get through. Now, what she said is,’ Alice paused and I heard paper being crinkled, ‘she’s just heard the university principal wants the swimming pool closed and she’s trying to arrange a protest.’
‘Really? I mean, they can’t close it, we rely on that place, but I’m pretty sure she could have waited to tell me. Hang on.’ I shouted through to the others. ‘Chuckles wants to close the pool.’
‘What?’ shouted Matt.
‘Apparently. Two seconds. Hello again.’
‘Now, don’t shoot the messenger; she just said she wanted to arrange the protest as soon as possible.’
‘Oh no, I didn’t mean you. Thanks for phoning. Let me get back to her.’
‘Now, I used to be a bit of a protester in my younger years and I can give you a few tips how to make the Establishment sit up and listen.’
‘Alice, I’m sorry,’ I said, about to lie through my teeth, ‘it’s late, so I’d better tell her I got this message and come up with a plan.’
It still took a few moments to end the call politely as she recounted an anti-war demonstration she’d organised 25 years previously.
By the time I was off the line, Matt had come up with a plan. ‘I’m furious now. First things first, we speak to Sandie. She’s on the union committee; she’s organised loads of protests. Secondly, we send a letter to Chuckles – recorded delivery to guarantee she gets it – and we write it on behalf of the swimming team and tell her exactly why she’s wrong.’
‘It makes no sense,’ I added, ‘because Dawn can tell you that pool is self-sustaining financially. Plus, I’d never have met Ritchie without it.’ I’d never told him about what his brother and I did together.
‘I’m so furious. I’m writing that letter tonight. What’s her real name, by the way? Chuckles, I mean.’
Ritchie half-raised his hand. ‘Um, who’s this Chuckles you keep talking about?’
‘New principal,’ I said, ‘Dame Helena… somebody or other. She’s barely started the job and she’s already upset every department.’
‘Why’s she called that?’
‘She has this nervous laugh after she says anything.’
‘She’d get on great with Alice,’ said Aidan. ‘Could that woman say Now any more times?’
‘Matt, don’t start your letter tonight. We’ll relax and do it tomorrow.’ I felt some more semen about to drop out of me. I caught it with my fingers. ‘Here, some more for you.’ I held out my fingers to Matt, who licked them clean.
He reached inside himself. ‘None for you, sorry. You did a good job cleaning me out.’
‘Meanwhile,’ I said, ‘that was amazing.’ I drew an imaginary circle around the boys with my finger. ‘We need to do this again. Tomorrow, if you’re up for it.’