At just a little over eight months into the Free Use program for the Correction of Convicts (FUCC), it was hard to say if Sophia Lee was having fun. Especially since it had already been an entire two hundred and forty-four days of tossing and turning into the dead of night with her clit feeling harder than a rock, and that wasn’t even mentioning the fact that she still had quite a way left to go. Or perhaps even more after that if she somehow missed her next court assigned date in front of the judge, and so it was with a rather dull sense of resignment that she leaned over to swallow the man’s cock.
It tasted like sweat and cock. Mostly though, just cock. The man it was attached to hummed in satisfaction as her lips closed all the way around the base of the glans. Instead of pulling away, however, she simply closed her eyes as she continued to move her tongue. Now was not the time to be hesitant, not when she was already so close to finally being able to cum. Even if she was currently sitting in the middle of a dimly lit stall with nothing to do except give another blowjob.
“How many times has it been for you so far?” said the man.
His voice came out to bounce off the walls, and she closed her eyes as she tried to think of how lucky she was. The question echoed out again inside her head. She might have been able to give a proper answer near the start, but after several hours of having to sit there with a dildo shoved up her rear, the only thing she could think of was how stiff her nipples were.
Let’s see, three hundred and sixty-five days in a year minus two hundred forty-four makes one hundred and twenty-one, but that wasn’t taking into account her infractions over the same period of time which added an entire week for each report…
She cut herself off. The final answer was way too close to the sense of heat simmering away down below. Despite all that though, it had been a miracle sent from heaven when she had found out that she would only be getting a single year of probation instead of the original ten she was charged for. She should really be glad that the court had recognized her as still relatively young. Only a single year past eighteen which meant that her psychology wasn’t fully developed yet, and so perhaps they could be a little more justified in giving her some time off.
As such, when the man pushed himself forward again, she tried her best not to gag as his member hit the back of her throat. It was better to focus on the present and get whatever she could out of it for now. She needed to be here to complete her sentence. No, more than that, she wanted to be here with every fiber of her being. It was either that or rotting away in a jail cell.
Another tiny spurt of precum dribbled out, and she licked it up with her tongue. It tasted awful, but she did so anyways. She couldn’t afford to let herself be distracted over something so trivial. The only thing that she got for her troubles though was another grunt from the other side of the gloryhole.
“Oh, you know you like it you dirty little slut,” he said.
There was a slightly amused tone to his voice. Why did men always like to use that word again? Sophia pushed aside the thought as she took him all the way to the back of her mouth. It was almost background noise at this point after everything she had been through. That, and the deeply seated sense of frustration rolling around in the bottom of her stomach as she felt the walls of her pussy clench down. She could think always about that later though once her shift was up.
There was a timer set out beside her, and she glanced over at it. Just a little over seven minutes and counting since they had started, meaning that he had to at least be getting close. How unusual. Most of her clients would have already blown their load by now after so many months of practice, and it was rare to come across someone who could hold out for this long. Hold out he did though, and so she had no choice but to sit there as she continued to suck.
Lick… lick… lick…
It was a bit like licking at the end of a flesh-colored lollipop. One that occasionally shot out something salty from the end, and already she found herself wishing that he would hurry up and just be done. Her jaw was starting to feel sore now, and the dildo shoved up her rear was reminding her again of how empty her pussy felt. Mostly because she had been sitting on it for quite some time, but also because it had been just over half a year now since she had last been allowed to cum.
The sound of her mouth filled the room, and shifting in place she continued to bob her head up and down. Driven on by the denial, she could already feel her clit starting to rise up. Eventually though, after what felt like much longer than it actually was, the man grunted again as his member started to swell. Like a red-hot bar of iron thrust between her lips, and closing her eyes she tried to prepare herself. Mouth wide open, legs pressed together, and then…
“Oh yeah, take it all,” he said.
His semen splattered out to coat the inside of her throat, and she forced herself to swallow. There was no other choice, the torrent was just simply too much. Bit by bit she felt the thickness flow down to fill up her stomach, and choking at the bitterness of the aftertaste, she waited for the flow to stop.
One… two… three…
It seemed to go on forever. He must have been quite pent up before he arrived. Either that or he was just naturally talented when it came to that particular area. After another couple of gulps though the stream finally started to slow, and she pulled away to cough. Deep breaths now, she thought. That’s it, in and out until she felt like she could taste air again. Then once her breathing was finally back under her control, she slowly reached over to clean herself off before leaning forward to place one last kiss at the tip of his cock.
A final trickle of semen leaked out for her to lap up. The man pulled back with a sigh, and there was the sound of a zipper being drawn back up.
“Call you later?” he said.
The tone of his voice was back to normal again, her brain noted. It took her a while to clear her throat.
“No,” she said dryly, “If you want to go again, you’ll have to make another appointment at the register.”
“The waitlist is nearly two weeks long though,” he said.
“Then I’m afraid you’ll have to take that up with the Department of Moral Justice,” she said again, shifting in place on the dildo, “They’re the ones responsible for determining which one of the girls get to serve.”
Or in other words, she thought, they were the ones who decided which of the various Free Use establishments she was supposed to visit today and how many dicks she needed to suck. It was something she had been doing ever since she had agreed to participate in the program instead of going to jail, all for the crime of walking out of the local grocery store with a couple of items hidden away in her purse. Service to the community, the judge had called it, and an excellent opportunity to prove her worth. As if it was somehow her fault that her paycheck had come late, and so she wasn’t able to pay the bills.
For now though, there was a short pause on the other side of the stall as if the man was trying to decide what to do. Possibly he was thinking about going again as if his time wasn’t already up. Whatever chance there was of that was soon eliminated however by the sound of a knock, and a quiet wave from the officer in charge of the station was enough for him to go. Until next time then, she supposed.
The man paused at the exit to give her one last wave through the gap in between the panels as he left through the door.
“See you in two weeks, sweetheart,” he said.
Sophia didn’t bother to reply. Instead, she focused on keeping her legs pressed together while ignoring the fact that she wasn’t wearing any clothes. Hopefully he hadn’t been able to see her face otherwise he was sure to come back the next time it was her turn, and as terrible as it was to service him with her mouth, she didn’t want to think about having to bend over in front of him with her cheeks spread apart.
The footsteps echoed down the hall again, and she waited another couple of seconds for them to fully disappear before she allowed herself to lean back against the wall. Her nipples stood up from her chest again, reminding her of just how long it had been since she had been able to cum, and she opened her legs again to slowly glance down. There, standing out from between her thighs was the parted lips of her labia, and she curled her hands together into a fist as she spotted the orgasm suppression ring wrapped around the base of her nub. Oh, how she would do anything for it to be gone.
The smoothness of the ring shone out against the darkness like a jewel, and she closed her eyes. Ever since the doctors first installed the device at the start of her sentence it was as if her body had gone out of control. Day in, day out, nothing but the frustration of being kept on the edge of a climax for the last eight or so months, and every night she went to sleep the only thing she could think of was how much she needed to be fucked. Unless she could complete her service to the community and redeem herself again in front of the jury though, there was nothing she could do but put up with it for now.
The lights flickered softly above her, and she let out a sigh as she considered getting up. The dildo seemed to move another fraction of an inch as it slipped deeper into her rear, she bit down on her lips as her clit started to throb. It was just like them to give her something to sit on without actually filling her up where she wanted it the most, and she groaned at the emptiness leftover inside her hole. Her g-spot felt so swollen that she was sure a single finger shoved up there was enough to make her cum. She knew better than to try though with the orgasm suppression ring still peeking out at her from underneath the covering of her hood.
Fortunately for her misery, it wasn’t long before another distraction came knocking at the door.
“Hello?” said a voice.
The officer standing there opened it, and another man stepped through. He glanced over at her through the gap in between, and after handing over his ID card he made his way over to the other side of the stall. There was the sound of his belt coming off, and then poking out through the opening of the gloryhole in front of her again was the tip of his cock. Like a tiny little sausage for her to swallow, and she let out a sigh as she once again opened her mouth. Looks like it was time to get to work.
Reaching over with her hands, she carefully reset the timer. Slowly she felt him start to stiffening up underneath her touch.
One… two… three…
Against the feeling of his member thrusting against the back of her throat, her only hope was that maybe this time he wouldn’t be able to last as long. Each minute under ten was another hour off her sentence, and so the sooner she could make him finish, the sooner she would finally be able to cum.
By the time that her shift was over, Sophia felt just about wrung out. All the way from the top of her head to where the dildo was still buried inside her rear, and she was grateful to have it finally slide out. Her bottom hurt, her throat hurt, her clit hurt, and she really didn’t want to think about how neglected her pussy felt right now. Not when she had just spent the last couple of hours sitting there with nothing to clamp down against and the stimulation coming entirely from the wrong hole.
The soft touch of the air brushed over her skin, and she closed her legs with a sigh. She was definitely going to have to take a shower later on. At least it was over for now though, which meant she could finally go back home.
“Ms. Lee?”
The security officer met her by the entrance. He wasn’t the type to make conversation. None of them were. He did have the courtesy to hand over a spare robe though which she took with gratitude. Slipping it over her shoulders, she winced at the softness of its touch. After having to suffer so many months of being denied, her sensitivity was practically at double its normal value. She could always deal with that later on though once her sentence was finally up.
The sign out sheet was located in the main office, and slowly she made her way down the hall. Set on either side were another dozen or so rooms, each complete with everything that was needed to house a Free Use girl like her, and she tried her best not to look. Turning her head aside didn’t help much though with how the voices always tended to leak out past the doors. One male and one female for each pair, and from the way it sounded one of them was having a good time. The other, not so much. At least it wasn’t her standing in the room right now though with a vibrator shoved up her backdoor.
A couple more minutes of walking brought her to her destination at the end of the hall. Johnathan Ivans, the director in charge of the facility, greeted her from behind his desk. His eyes glanced over the stiffness of her nipples and the leftover trails of arousal still clinging to her labia.
“Rough day?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” she mumbled.
“Here to check out then, I presume?” he said.
“Yes sir,” she said, “Thank you, sir.”
That was the only good part about the Free Use program she liked, she thought absently. Everything was the same while she was still going through her shift, but once it was time for her to leave then they had no qualms about actually letting her go. Bar the actual checkout process at the end of course, but after an entire eight months of suffering through her sentence she was more than used to it by now.
Slowly, she walked forward to place her feet into the cutouts outlined for her on the floor. Set shoulder width apart, they were placed at just the right distance to open up her legs without exposing too much. Past that was a short moment of silence as the director waited for her to get comfortable, and then it was her turn again to place her arms on top of her head with her breasts stuck out. Like that, with the pointed end of her nipples rising directly into the air, she waited for him to reach over for the camera.
The light from the first flash caught her by surprise, and she blinked as she tried to wash away the afterimages of the room. It didn’t work all that much. The man circled around her to do the same thing from the side again, stopping every couple of feet to take another shot, and by the time he had wrapped all the way around there were at least a dozen new pictures of her standing there fully naked as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Instead of being over with just that though, the process had only just begun.
There was a second pair of outlines placed in front of the desk, and biting down on her lips, Sophia walked over to step into them as well. This time they were placed a bit closer together, but whatever protection she managed to get from that was quickly washed away as she bent over at the waist to grab hold of the opposite edge with her arms. The director stepped behind her again with the camera at the ready, and another flash echoed out against the walls of the room.
Snap, snap, snap.
The process seemed to go on forever, and if the previous part was bad then this time it felt much more humiliating than it did before. Blinking, she tried to focus on the smoothness of the grain as the shutter opened up to eat in the sight of both of her holes. Including everything from the parted lips of her pussy to the tight ring of her anus, and if someone were to look extra hard they might even be able to see the stiffness of her clit peeking out from underneath her hood. The tiny little bean throbbed again in time with her pulse, making her painfully aware of the emptiness deep inside of her even as another trickle of wetness seeped out past her folds, and against the soft touch of the air blowing between her legs, it was all she could do not to reach down…