Ciara stopped in front of the shop and announced, “There we are!”
“Yes, we are.” Bronwyn was impressed. She dropped her hand from Ciara’s elbow and looked at the shop. “I didn’t expect this.”
“What? That I could lead you here?” Ciara’s voice had an icy undertone, but Bronwyn was too engrossed in what she was seeing to notice it.
“Hm? Nah, but this shop window is something else!”
Ciara grinned. “Well?”
“It looks like a cupcake shop.”
Ciara snorted. “Something else I really like to eat.”
“Woman!” Bronwyn shook her head laughing. “Usually sex shops are very dark, with blacked out windows. But our Wendy here has found an amazing way around the advertising ban.” Amused, she took a step towards another window. “She put these cubic IKEA shelves in the windows, you know, the ones with the square shelves, and in the top shelves are erotic quotes from famous books. And scattered around are prints of erotic artwork, along with messages about body positivity.”
“Sounds like a shop I would buy from.” Ciara followed her closely as she walked from shelf to shelf, reading her quotes from Casanova and Balzac. The prints were labelled so she could tell Ciara the painter and the name of the painting, along with a short description. She stopped at a painting called ‘La Maja desnuda’ by Francisco de Goya.
“This one is amazing!” She stepped closer, there was a small translation underneath the original title. “The naked Maja. Her skin is almost as pale as yours and her hair only a few shades darker. But she doesn’t have your amazing eyes. And…” She leaned closer to Ciara, “Your tits are nicer.”
Ciara laughed. “I know that painting. It’s in the Prado in Madrid. But I don’t know if I like being compared to a Goya.”
“Well, it’s better than being compared to a Picasso.”
“PF!” Ciara pinched her gently. “Can you see inside the shop?”
“No, she added back walls to the shelves. I think it would be bad for business if you could see who shopped what in there.”
Ciara frowned. “Yes, probably. Shall we go in?”
Bronwyn looked up at the front again, reading the name of the shop, written in feminine cursive. “I’ve never been in one, not even for work.” She felt Ciara’s hand at the crease of her elbow, she linked arms with her and stepped closer. “From what you’ve just described, this sounds like the perfect one for a first visit.”
“True.” She took a step forward and opened the door.
Instead of the typical shop door chime, a lustful moan came from somewhere behind the counter. Followed by a deep baritone voice declaring: “Coming!!”
Bronwyn froze, but Ciara just giggled and pulled her a step forward, waiting for her to take the lead again as she had put her cane in her bag when they were outside the shop.
She still didn’t move.
“Hello you two, just browsing or can I help you with anything?”
Evans blinked as the woman approached from a back room. The dark-skinned woman was at least twice her size and had squeezed her voluptuous figure into a rather tight purple dress.
Ciara turned towards the voice. “Hi, we’re looking for Wendy?”
“You found her, darling. What can I do you for?”
Ciara smiled, noticing that Bronwyn was beginning to thaw.
“Hello, I’m Sergeant Evans. This is Miss O’Riordan.” Bronwyn pulled out her badge before introducing Ciara. “I’d like to ask you a few questions. Could you spare a minute or two?”
Wendy looked from one to the other. “Of course! Have I done something wrong? All the permits are in order and so far I haven’t had any trouble here.”
“No, no, that’s not why we’re here.” Bronwyn stepped closer, leading Ciara towards the counter.
Wendy looked from one to the other. Her face was a mixture of concern and confusion.
“Do you happen to know a Mrs Smith?” While addressing Wendy, Bronwyn had taken Ciara’s hand from her elbow and placed it on the rest of a high barstool in front of her.
“Darling, the number of Mrs Smiths who frequent this place is amazing!” Wendy’s smile was open and inviting.
“I thought so.” Evans took out her phone and scrolled to a photo of Mrs Smith, which she had taken from a snapshot framed at home. She handed the phone to Wendy.
“But that’s Margaret! I haven’t seen her for a few days, but she said she was going away for a while. Is she missing? Has anything happened to her?”
Evan’s eyes widened. “You know her?”
“Why yes, of course! She’s a customer. More than that! She’s a really good friend!”
“Is there somewhere we can talk in private?”
“What happened to Margaret?” Wendy’s voice trembled.
“I’m sorry to tell you, she’s dead.”
Shocked, Wendy put her hand to her mouth and let out a whimper.
“Was she in an accident?” Her voice was still muffled by her hand.
Bronwyn sighed. She saw the confused look on Ciara’s face, she shouldn’t have allowed her to accompany her. But then, it had been Ciara who had found this address.
“Can we sit down somewhere quiet?” She tried to sound calm and sympathetic. But there were already so many questions racing through Evan’s brain.
Wendy nodded. “Yes, of course. Let me lock the front door. If you go through there, there’s a lounge at the back of the shop.”
Bronwyn nodded gratefully. She put her hand on Ciara’s as Wendy made her way to the front door.
“I’m sorry, are you alright?”
Ciara nodded and took her hand. “Yes, I am. But I don’t think she is.”
“No. Do you want to wait here while I question her?” Her concern was evident in Bronwyn’s voice.
“I’d like to join you if I’m not intruding.”
“You’re not.” She linked arms with her again as Wendy returned from the front. She gave them a slightly puzzled look but went ahead to the back, “Please, come this way. I think I need to sit down and have a stiff drink!”
They followed her to the back.
“Please, have a seat,” Wendy gestured vaguely towards a sofa as she sank into a well-worn armchair. “I can’t believe she’s dead. What happened? Was it an accident?”
“No. We’re investigating her death as a possible homicide.” Evans said as she and Ciara sat down on the sofa.
“Murder!” Wendy was shocked. “Who would murder Margaret?”
“Well,” Bronwyn sighed. “I’m here to find out.”
“What happened to her?” Wendy’s voice quavered with anger and shock.
“She was found dead in a hotel room, poisoned.” Evans gave her the few details that had already appeared in the media. Trying not to give too much away, she kept her information general and vague. But she had to make one concession.
“Tell me, you said she was a customer? Did she have a favourite brand of lubricant? And…” Evans frowned, “A favourite toy? Would you know things like that?”
“Why do you want to know?” Wendy looked at her warily.
“Because of the things found in the room. There were various toys and tubes of lubricant. And we need to find out if they all belonged to her, or if someone might have left something there.”
Wendy nodded, shocked. “Was she assaulted?”
“Please, answer my question.” Evans voice was calm but stern.
“With a walk-in customer, I probably couldn’t say, although I have a lot of returning customers and I keep records of their purchases for discounts and other marketing and sales campaigns. But with Margaret I don’t even need to check her file. She only shopped here and often asked for advice on what to buy. Her favourite lubricant was Glide Swift water-based toy gel. And she had a particular fondness for Porn Sperm, an artificial sperm and lubricant.
Bronwyn raised an eyebrow. She felt her face turn a deep red and heard Ciara stifle a giggle next to her. She just hoped Wendy didn’t notice.
“Can you give me a list of her purchases?”
Wendy shook her head slowly. “I have a list, but it’s not complete. Margaret used to test out new toys for me sometimes. I still can’t believe it, was she assaulted?”
Bronwyn shrugged slowly. “We don’t think so, but there was so much lubricant that we can’t be sure.”
“Oh God!” Wendy shuddered.
“You said she tested toys for you. We were under the impression that she only used them once or twice a year on her travels?”
“Yes. That’s true.” Wendy shook her head. “She didn’t dare use them at home. In fact, she kept them hidden away where her husband couldn’t find them. Her travels were usually after I came back from trade shows with new products. She would go to a hotel in London and mix a bit of city trip, business meetings and testing my new toys and come back to me with a list”.
Evans nodded.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’d like to call my supervisor and see if I can get a list of everything that was found in the room. Maybe we can sort things out from there.”
“Of course! In the meantime, I think I need a little sherry, will you join me?”
“Not for me, thank you.” Bronwyn squeezed Ciara’s hand as she stood. “I’ll be right back.”
“And you? Care for a little tipple?” Wendy winked at Ciara.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Ciara smiled at her.
Ciara could hear Bronwyn’s voice coming from the front of the shop, too faint to make out the words but she could make out the melodic way her sentences flowed. Wendy had also got up and was fiddling with a bottle somewhere not too far away, she could hear the clinking of glasses. Ciara leaned back on the sofa and wondered how exactly she had ended up here.
“Here you go.”
Wendy’s voice was close, but she had been lost in thought and hadn’t paid attention. Carefully, she sat up and lifted her hand towards the voice, nearly toppling the glass out of Wendy’s hand.
“Oh, sorry!” She jerked back her hand.
“Oh dear, my apologies! I didn’t notice!”
“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment,” she smiled shyly, “and you don’t have to apologise. Did I spill some?” Ciara felt the stem of a small glass being placed in her hand.
“No dear, I have the reflexes of a black panther.” Wendy chuckled.
“And I the eyesight of a mole, but you just witnessed that.” She smiled apologetically and lifted her glass. “Chin chin.”
“Votre sante.” Wendy’s dark voice had a warm quality.
Ciara heard the cushions rustle and turned slightly towards the sound.
“But have I read you both so wrong? Because you two don’t have to be so close to each other for Sergeant Evans just to be a guide. And are you a police officer too?”
Ciara felt herself blush a little. “No, I’m not an officer. I don’t think I’d pass the medical.” She grinned. “I work in the hotel where Mrs Smith was staying. Somehow,” she shrugged. “We got on well.”
“Man, I’m relieved! For a second there I thought my gaydar was broken.” She laughed.
Ciara chuckled. “I’m actually bi. Bronwyn is the full-on lesbian. Or so she tells me.”
“Bronwyn? Sergeant Evans?”
“Yes.” Ciara nodded.
“Good Welsh name.” Wendy stifled a grin. “And you? O’Riordan, right? Irish?”
“Ciara, Galway, born and bred.”
“What are the odds?”
“What odds?” Bronwyn approached the sofa again.
“Never mind.” Wendy laughed. “Did you get the list?”
Bronwyn sat down again and handed Wendy her phone, she nodded. “Here you go.”
“Wendy found us out.” Ciara whispered close to her ear.
“Has she now?” Bronwyn chuckled.
“Yes, she has.” Wendy laughed. “Let me get my tablet so I can compare the models.” She handed the phone back to Evans as she stood up.
Bronwyn leaned closer to Ciara. “I spoke to Harrison, along with the list request, I told him what Milton said last night. He said he’d have someone at the precinct go through the archives if we have any records on St Agatha’s.”
Ciara nodded. “What do you think of Wendy?”
“I don’t know, I feel her reaction to Mrs Smith’s death was genuine. But I think there’s more to uncover here than just a list of dildos.”
“I really like it, when you say dildo.” Their thighs touched and Ciaras hand casually found its way to her knee. “Which reminds me. While we’re here, why not shop locally?” The grin that played on her lips was full of promise.
Evans took a deep breath. “I don’t know about that. Right now, I am here on official police business. And I don’t want an interview to be connected with such a shopping spree.”
“Oh, I can keep a secret.” They hadn’t noticed Wendy come back and Bronwyn immediately turned a deep shade of red.
“Good!” Ciara beamed. “We’ll talk later, you haven’t got a Braille catalogue by any chance?” She grinned.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think such a thing exists.” But I have most of the merchandise on display for you to touch if you like?”
“Later, first Sergeant Evans here has a few questions.” Patting Bronwyn’s knee, Ciara sat back and took another sip of her sherry.
After Wendy had checked the list, she was able to confirm that all the toys found had come from her shop and all had either been bought by Mrs Smith or given to her to try out.
The brands of lubricant and artificial sperm were also her usual brands. However, they had not been able to confirm that the tubes had been bought by her, as both products were generic best-sellers sold in most adult shops.
Evans leaned back as they finished the list. “How did you and Mrs Smith become friends? Did she just walk in off the street one day and buy the whole arsenal?”
Wendy laughed at the thought. “No. We met at church.”
“At church?” Bronwyn and Ciara asked in unison.
“Please tell.” Evans chuckled.
“It’s kind of a long story.” Wendy shrugged. “Magaret changed my life. I had just started my journey towards gender affirmation surgery. In case you hadn’t guessed, I was Winston back then. My grandmother, for some reason, was the only one in my family who didn’t judge me when I came out to her. Imagine an eighty-year-old understanding the concept that her grandson was not a gay man, but a heterosexual woman in the wrong body. My parents freaked out. But Grandma was there for me, until she suddenly died. Just like that, in her sleep, no illness, nothing. One day she was there, the next she was gone. I didn’t know where to go with my grief, my parents had basically cut off all contact with me, so one day I ended up at the little Anglican church not far from here. And there she was. I had just been looking for a quiet place to mourn my grandmother. She found me in one of the pews, bawling my eyes out. She told me later that she heard me sobbing and turned to get a cup of tea and some biscuits. Because, and I quote, ‘we’re British, tea always helps’. Wendy smiled. “It was something my grandmother would have said, and within seconds I was crying on this stranger’s shoulder. And she just sat there and comforted me until I was done. That’s how we started.”
“She sounds like a remarkable woman.” Ciara nodded.
“She was. She was the kind of woman you open up to immediately. Over that first cup of tea, I told her everything. About my grandmother, the operations, my family and that I was ready to start again. And she put up with me, stayed by my side through it all. We became friends during those months, and she started to open up to me.
Bronwyn’s eyes widened as Ciara’s hand tightened on her knee. They had finally found a confidante.
“Could you elaborate? So far in this investigation, you are the first person outside her family who seems to have had a closer relationship with her.” Bronwyn leaned forward a little.
“I can imagine.” There was sadness in Wendy’s voice and a knowing smile on her lips.
“Margaret was a very private person, always there when someone else needed her. But she kept all her troubles and problems to herself.”
“But you know those issues and problems?”
Wendy shrugged. “I’ve scratched the surface, I’d say.”
“Domestic abuse?” Bronwyn tried to sound as neutral as she could.
“No, at least not physically. Her husband’s a strange sort, I think emotional neglect is an issue. She was overwhelmingly lonely. The kind of loneliness you can’t cure with an evening out with friends. Or a good social network. She certainly had the latter. She once said that her husband treated her like a piece of furniture. She had to be there and function. That’s it. After she had her son, he didn’t want to touch her. Her eldest is a girl, so she assumed he kept having sex with her to produce an heir.”
Evans frowned. “Aside from her marital problems. Do you know of any other problems she might have had? Someone who might have had a motive to kill her?”
Wendy shook her head, clutching her imaginary pearls. “Everyone loved Margaret.”
Evans frowned. “She ended up dead in a hotel room.” She felt Ciara squeeze her thigh lightly again.
Wendy swallowed and looked down, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her dress. “There might be one thing. It’s the only thing I can think of, really.”
“Tell me.”
As Wendy looked up and locked eyes with Evans, there was determination in her eyes.
“I know her husband tried to get her money. She was heavily involved in various charities, and he saw, what he considered as his money, go to those charities instead of into his pocket. At least I think so. Margaret told me that he tried to get money from her, and she just decided to give him an allowance. Her father had never trusted her husband and had left a very specific will to ensure that his daughter would remain in control of her wealth. The Smith marriage was a strange power structure. But it worked as long as the children were at home. When their son moved out, things went downhill. I do not know the details, but it seems that he put pressure on her to give money to some group at the parish he went to worship. A while ago Margaret told me she was looking into this donation and that she had a meeting with someone from that church. That was one of the last conversations we had. A few days later she went to London.”
Could this finally be a viable lead? Evans had tensed up during Wendy’s story. It was the second time in twenty-four hours that St Agatha had been mentioned. Ciara’s hand had also tightened on her thigh.
“Do you know the name of this group? She opened her notebook.
Wendy shrugged. “Margaret mentioned it, but I don’t really remember. Something like Quentin.”
“We’ll look into it.” Bronwyn tapped the notebook with her pen. She should call Harrison again. “Would you excuse me for a moment? I’ll pass on the new information to my boss.” She squeezed Ciara’s hand as she stood up.
Ciara smiled. There was an energy in Bronwyn’s voice, she sounded determined, and Ciara had to admit she liked that quality in her voice. She heard, how she relayed the information to her boss and the stern, business-like tone in which she confirmed what Ciara took to be his instructions to her.
“What will happen now?” Wendy’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
Ciara shrugged, “I don’t know. I’m just along for the scenery.”
Wendy chuckled.
Ciara heard Bronwyn approaching and turned to face her. “So?”
Evans sighed. “We’re done here for now, but someone may return to take a proper statement from you. Thank you for being so cooperative.” She handed Wendy one of her cards. “Call me if you remember anything else.”
“That was a quick exit.” Ciara raised an eyebrow at Bronwyn as the shop door closed behind them. She tucked her hand into the crease of her arm, “I was hoping for a little browsing.”
“I’m sorry, but Harrison was a bit edgy on the phone. And we have to get going if you don’t want to be late for work.”
“Oh, I’m still off. I thought we’d have a full day today and arranged my shifts accordingly.”
“Hm,” Evans started, walking slowly down the road in the general direction of their car.
“What kind of hm is that?”
“Harris wants me back down here tomorrow. It’s an ‘I wonder if we should stay another night and save the trip. Hm. On the other hand, I can’t take you with me tomorrow, since it’s all on the books, I can’t have a civilian with me.”
Ciara nodded. “Well, why not get a nice, cosy room, preferably in a hotel,” she grinned, “and enjoy a relaxing evening. I have to admit, my feet are killing me.”
“And tomorrow? Shall I take you to the station and you hop on a train?”
Ciara shrugged. “I have to be at work around five. Let’s sort it out tomorrow.”
“A room for two then. And preferably something to eat, it’s late and I’m famished!”
“I’m not leaving this room tonight under any circumstances!” The first thing Ciara had done when they had entered the room was to kick off her shoes. Bronwyn had watched in bemusement as she groped for the nearest chair. When she had found one, Ciara had dropped into it and lifted one of her feet into her lap, massaging it intently.
Evans picked up the shoes Ciara had left splayed on the floor, they looked comfortable enough, jodhpur style leather boots with only a small heel and a thin but soft lined interior.
“Are they less comfortable than they look?”
Ciara groaned, still massaging. “No, they’re really comfortable, but I can’t remember the last time I walked this far!”
Bronwyn laughed. “You might want to rethink your hiking idea.”
“Let’s start slow, shall we?” She frowned. “Walking in the wild is different from walking on a treadmill. And I may not have had a workout in a while.” She turned abruptly to Bronwyn. “Don’t! I don’t mean that kind of workout!”
Bronwyn coughed, trying to hide another laugh, as she put the shoes down and looked around their room for the first time. They had spent the late afternoon looking for a hotel, Ciara had insisted on treating them to something nice, and they had ended up in this rather spacious room in a good hotel.
Even in her smart business suit, Evans had felt underdressed. But Ciara had just walked in with her, in jeans and a woolly jumper, and no one had batted an eyelid.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, she couldn’t help but watch Ciara, once again marvelling at her beauty.
“So how about room service and a film?” She leaned over to the bedside table where there was a file with a menu, the wifi code and other essentials like the pay tv codes.
“If you throw in a foot rub, I’m in!” Ciara held up her foot and wiggled her toes.”
“Well, it’s within the realm of possibility.” Bronwyn chuckled. “So, room service it is.” Kicking off her shoes, she slid onto the bed, leaned against the headboard and opened the menu.
As she leafed through it, she caught a glimpse of Ciara from the corner of her eye. She had taken off her socks and was still massaging her feet. “I guess we’ll postpone our little tour of the room?”
Ciara sighed and stood up. “You’re on the bed, aren’t you?”
“Yes, it’s quite comfy by the way.”
“Do I have a clear path?” She sounded tired.
Bronwyn put down the folder and looked at her. Ciara looked tired. “Yeah, 5 steps I’d say.”
Ciara walked slowly towards the bed, one hand outstretched in front of her. Finding the bed, she touched Bronwyn’s feet, and climbed in next to her, carefully holding a hand out so as not to accidentally lean on her.
As she lay down, she snuggled against Bronwyn’s thigh. She felt the other woman’s hand run gently through her hair.
“It’s been a long day.”
Ciara nodded into her thigh.
“The last few days haven’t been too good in the vision department, have they?”
“Not really. Have you noticed?”
“It’s just the dark and rainy weather.”
Bronwyn tugged a chestnut strand behind her ear, “You can still tell me if you’re having a not-so-good day. You don’t have to be the strong, independent one all the time.”
“Thank you.”
“Shall I read you the menu?”
“Mhm,” she saw the smile on Ciara’s lips. “You can read me anything.”
Evans began to read as she continued to gently stroke Ciara’s head, listing one item after the other.
“Are you by any chance waiting for me to read the whole thing?”
“Well, it’s within the realm of possibility.” Ciara giggled and rolled over, staring blindly at the ceiling.
Bronwyn grinned and gently stubbed the tip of her nose.
“If you can stand the sight of a really messy eater, I’ll have the deluxe burger. I haven’t had a good burger in ages.”
“The burger sounds great. I think I’ll join you.” She picked up the phone and ordered their burgers, drinks and a surprise dessert.
“I wonder,” Bronwyn mused as she wobbled down to rest next to Ciara.
“What? She turned on her side to face her.
“I suppose I’m right in assuming that you don’t order burgers in a restaurant because you’re completely drenched in sauces when you’re finished?”
Ciara blinked and smiled. “Yes.”
“So since we both have a limited amount of clothes with us, would it be reasonable to suggest that we eat naked?”
“You’d really like that…” She shook her head, laughing.
“Of course I would! I would even consider it dinner and a show.” She grinned.
Ciara moved closer, cupping Bronwyn’s cheek in her hand, blinking, and Bronwyn noticed her eyes slowly focusing on hers.
She leaned in for a slow, gentle kiss.
“What’s that noise?” Ciara sat at the table, her empty plate still in front of her, her face turned towards Bronwyn who had just re-entered the room.
“That is a faucet, running. We have a bath in there and I intend to use it!” She handed Ciara the wet towel she had brought to fight the sauce stains on her face and hands from the messy meal. With wise foresight, Ciara had taken off her knitted jumper and the tank top that clung to her delicate curves had not remained unstained either.
“If you want to give me your top, I need to wash some underwear as I haven’t packed for two nights.”
“Is that Bronwyn’s way of saying I’ve got burger sauce all over me?”
“Yes.” Evans smirked.
“Thank you.” She grinned wryly.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, oh Danny boy, the bath, the bath is calling.”
Ciara winced, “You didn’t!”
Bronwyn’s giggle was muffled as the bathroom door closed behind her.
The scent of jasmine from the hotel’s supply of bubble bath filled the room. Bronwyn stretched out in the large tub and dipped her head to brush back her wet hair. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and submerged as much of her body as possible, enjoying the hot water.
She heard the door open and opened one eye to see a hand appear, holding the stained top.
Bronwyn laughed.
Ciara slowly appeared in the doorway. The only piece of clothing on her was the tank top in her hand. Leaning casually against the frame, she dangled the shirt in front of her. “You said to give you my laundry?”
Bronwyn swallowed audibly. She more than liked what she saw. Ciara’s porcelain skin was set off by the slate tiling of the room and she struck a mesmerising pose.
“Hello sailor,” she grinned, “come here often?”
“I hope to.” Ciara’s Cheshire cat grin widened. She pushed away from the frame and walked slowly towards the tub, casually dropping the top as she went. Bronwyn knew the dark design of the room wouldn’t help her lover. She sat up in the tub, the water giving Ciara an audible clue.
“Two more steps. And a little to the right.” Even in these short sentences, her arousal was audible.
Ciara found the tub, slowly climbed in, carefully supported by Bronwyn, and sat down opposite her.
“Hmmmm.” She wiggled deeper into the water.
Bronwyn leaned back again and enjoyed the view. “Do you know how incredibly beautiful you are?”
Ciara shrugged, blushing.
Bronwyn splashed some water at her.
Ciara sat up again, turning a little and feeling her way towards Bronwyn.
Spreading her legs, she welcomed Ciara’s smaller form between them, wrapping her in a soft embrace.
As she pulled her in for a soft kiss, Bronwyn felt her hands exploring her body and instinctively arched towards her.
Smiling, Ciara broke the kiss. The gaze that met Bronwyn’s, just inches from her face, was lustful and intense.
“In here? Now?” Bronwyn’s voice was husky, but her tone was rather sceptical.
“Why not?” Ciara snuggled close.
“I can see the Daily Mail headline now: ‘Horny lesbian police officer drowned during orgasm!'”
Ciara burst out laughing, “not feeling adventurous?”
“Not really, and I didn’t bring a snorkel, so how could I go down on you?” She grinned.
Ciara inhaled sharply in mock shock. “Right! That’s an important factor!”
They cuddled for a while, enjoying the skin contact and the warm water, kissing and caressing each other.
Ciara pulled herself up a little more as the water got colder and kissed Bronwyn’s lips.
“Will you come to bed with me?”
She helped Ciara out of the tub. Instead of handing her a towel, Bronwyn began slowly drying the smaller woman, making sure to rub every part of her body thoroughly. She felt Ciara’s hand reach towards her head and touch her hair. The damp strands had already begun to curl again. Carefully she pulled one of the strands to straighten it.
“Your hair is longer than mine?”
Bronwyn laughed. “Only when I straighten it.”
“Interesting.” Ciara played with the strand.
“If Tom Jones and Brian May had a love child.” She trailed off, laughing. Ciara took the towel from her and repeated the gesture, thoroughly drying her.
Dropping the towel to the floor, Ciara leaned in and kissed Bronwyn’s collarbone. She hugged the taller woman, pressing her naked form against her lover’s soft skin. She could feel Bronwyn’s heartbeat as her hard nipples pressed against her skin.
“Would you like to get into bed with me?”
Instead of an answer, the Welsh woman pulled her into a long and tender kiss. Their tongues danced like long-lost lovers. As they parted, Bronwyn looked deep into her lover’s eyes, hoping for a spark of vision. A smile formed on Ciara’s lips as their eyes locked. “I want you to eat me.” Ciara’s voice was full of lust. She felt Bronwyn’s hand slide down her side to her hip before plunging in between her thighs. Bronwyn still stared into her eyes as her fingers found her wet and swollen lips, savouring the lust she saw in them. “Only if you eat me too.” It was more of a moan than a whisper. She slowly withdrew her wet fingers and took Ciara’s hand to lead her to the bed.
“Do you want the light on?” Bronwyn stood in front of the bed as Ciara crawled onto the mattress.
“No, do you want it on?”
“The only thing I want ‘on’ is you.” Bronwyn smiled. As she turned off the lights, she noticed that the residual light from the streetlamps was more than enough to find her way around the room and onto the bed. She saw Ciara’s porcelain form sprawled on the bed, much like Goya’s naked Maja.
She knelt on the mattress and began to kiss her way up to Ciara’s waiting mound. The moment her lips made contact with the sensitive flesh, Ciara moaned and presented herself to Bronwyn.
“Turn around, I want your pussy up here.” Ciara sighed.
Bronwyn paused to get into a position where Ciara had free access to her already dripping-wet opening. Ciara wiggled a little and just as Bronwyn leaned down to lick her clit, she felt her lover’s tongue parting her lips and licking her in one long stroke. She shuddered. Getting her bearings for the now upside-down task ahead of her, she felt Ciara’s tongue continue to explore her. Bronwyn dove in, flicking her tongue around Ciara’s swollen clit, sucking and pressing her tongue against it. She wanted Ciara to come, and she wanted her to come hard.
At the same time, she hoped that the smaller woman wouldn’t stop what she was doing to her. Ciara played the long game, knowing that as much fun as it was to share an orgasm, they both needed this orgasm to be about them. She kept Bronwyn aroused, flicking her tongue inside her from time to time, holding her in place with both hands on her hips.
Ciara felt her orgasm approaching and spread her legs wider, her hips rocking.
Bronwyn read the signs and began to lick and suck furiously. Ciara pushed against her mouth as her orgasm gripped her, her loud moans muffled by Bronwyn’s swollen lips, the sound waves reverberating against her soft wet skin. As her orgasm subsided, Bronwyn licked her clean with the same long, soft strokes she had felt Ciara make on her.
Again, she felt her partner’s tongue on her, this time more forcefully. Ciara circled and sucked her clit and Bronwyn shifted her weight onto her elbows, giving Ciara more room. She felt her sit up a little more and felt her tongue enter her again. She felt her hands roam over her bottom and as Ciara’s mouth closed around her clit again she felt two fingers push inside her. She struggled to move towards the fingers, but Ciara held her in place, slowly and seductively finger fucking her, bringing her to the brink of orgasm.
Bronwyn whimpered. She was more than ready for release. Then she felt it. Two fingers buried deep inside her and she felt something gently massaging her bottom. Ciara gently pressed her wet thumb against her sphincter. Not daring to enter her without permission. Bronwyn was surprised at how good it felt to be touched there. Her vaginal muscles flexing around Ciara’s fingers, ready to orgasm, Bronwyn made a decision and slowly pushed backwards, feeling the finger push past her muscle. Ciara felt it and pushed carefully inside her. It felt new but amazingly arousing, Bronwyn noticed herself rocking back and forth on Ciara’s hand. She moaned. “Make me come!”
Ciara let go of her clit to give her hand more room to thrust inside her, alternating between her fingers in her pussy and her thumb buried deep inside her anus. Bronwyn had never been touched like this before and the force of the movement combined with the new sensation brought her to a powerful orgasm.
Ciara removed her fingers and gently massaged her through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
“I never thought I’d like anal.” Bronwyn was still panting.
“So, you do?” The grin was audible in Ciara’s voice.
“I might. We should do some more tests, but I’m not totally against it.”
Bronwyn let go of her lover and collapsed on the bed next to her.
Slowly she sat up to turn around and grabbed the duvet. Snuggling up to Ciara and covering them both with the blanket. Ciara held her close and searched her lips for a kiss. “I’m so tired. But still so excited.”
“Tomorrow, dear, tomorrow.” Bronwyn kissed her nose. “Sleep now, it’s been a long day.”