The Curious Case Of Mrs Smith – Novel Version Chapter 6

"Was Mrs Smith allone after all? It'll take a welsh-irish bond to solve the case"

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They were the first to enter the small breakfast room, which had probably once been the parlour of the cottage. Two other tables were set, so they hadn’t been the only guests that night.

The landlady was busy arranging various breakfast items on what appeared to be a self-service buffet. Bronwyn wished her a good morning and led Ciara over to the table marked with their room number. She noticed the woman’s eyes following them.

“There are scrambled eggs, right? And bacon?” Ciara sniffed as she pulled out the chair Bronwyn had put her hand on.

“Yes, and fresh toast and beans, of course.” Bronwyn took inventory. “Tomatoes, mushrooms. Sausages. Everything’s there.”

“Hmmm, I’m famished!” She grinned wryly in Bronwyn’s direction, “Would you be a nice little caretaker and fix me a plate?”

“Heh, I took care of you enough last night,” Bronwyn muttered under her breath.

Ciara’s grin widened. “So?”

“What may I serve you, madam?”

“The usual, eggs, beans, tomato, sausage, ham, some mushrooms and toast.”

Bronwyn bowed, “and sweet milky tea, of course.”

“Of course!”

The landlady didn’t let her out of her sight as Bronwyn returned to the table, closely watching her routine of mapping out the plate and table layout. Bronwyn braced herself for another verbal lap from her, but she remained silent.

She had brought her notebook with her, and while Ciara was happily devouring her breakfast at an astonishing rate, Bronwyn was taking things a little more slowly. Between bites, she flicked through the notes she had made at Reverend Harris’ house last night.

“So, what’s the strategy for today?” Ciara scooped up some beans, secretly checking with her finger if she had managed to fill her fork.

“The original plan was to visit the library where Mrs Smith volunteered and work from there. But Milton had some good insights yesterday. Her family’s parish is worth a look, as is St Agatha’s, of course.”

“Ah!” Ciara put down her fork and pulled out her phone, scrolling through the menu and whispering a few commands. “Here you go, I just forwarded you Milton’s email.”

Bronwyn chewed her toast. “Thanks, next lesson should be ‘How does this phone work’.” She marvelled at the black device.

Ciara frowned. “Why? It’s just a normal iPhone, they have the best adapted technology. I just sped up the voice to about 2.5 speed, otherwise it would just take forever to manoeuvre”.

“Ah ha.” Bronwyn nodded.

“I’ll show you sometime. But now back to today.” She picked up the fork again and searched her plate for breakfast remnants.

“Would you like a second helping?” Bronwyn’s grin was audible.

“I shouldn’t, but maybe some toast?”

“And some scrambled eggs? And another cup of milky tea?”

Ciara beamed, “Yes, please!”

As she stood up, Bronwyn noticed another couple entering the small breakfast room. She nodded politely to the middle-aged couple dressed in motorcycle gear. They were both wearing matching Goretex safety trousers and boots. Along with tight short-sleeved t-shirts revealing some nice tattoos. She grinned as she noticed the disapproving look the landlady gave the bikers.

“Our poor landlady really has her work cut out for her today.” She whispered to Ciara, her tone betraying her amusement as she sat back down and placed the plate in front of her.

“Hm?” Ciara looked up.           

“Egg on six, toast on three and there might be a slice of bacon around nine.” Bronwyn smiled as Ciara gave her a grateful nod. “Another couple have just arrived. They look like tourists on a motorbike tour.”

“I heard them, what about them?”

“We’re off the hook, the way she’s looking at them, I bet she thinks they’re in a biker gang.”

Ciara grinned. “Do they look like biker gang?”

“They have some tattoos, but they look more like a mid-life crisis road trip to me.” Bronwyn stifled a grin as she noticed the landlady approaching.

“Here she comes.”


“The landlady.” Bronwyn turned slightly as the woman reached the table.

“I trust you had a pleasant evening?” She nodded at the new arrivals. “Someone was quite noisy last night I suspect these individuals.” She nodded towards them.

Bronwyn noticed the blush on Ciara’s face. They hadn’t been able to muffle all their noises last night.

“Oh, we didn’t notice.” She smiled at the older woman. “Can you finish our room bill for us, please? I need a receipt for work.”

“Yes, of course, I’ve already done that. Is this a business trip for both of you or is it because you’re her caretaker?”

So far, she had ignored Ciara, now she just nodded in her direction.

Bronwyn decided that she had no more fucks to give, and she might as well have some fun. “Well, I’m actually a police officer.” She flashed her badge at the woman who looked at her in shock.

“Is she in witness protection or something?”

That woman was from another planet! Bronwyn gave Ciara a little nudge under the table.

“No, actually she’s a highly trained officer. Have you ever heard of sniffer dogs? You know, with all the heightened senses of blind people. My partner here is well trained in sniffing out drugs.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ciara shove a huge piece of toast into her mouth, probably in an attempt to silence a laugh.

The woman’s jaw dropped, and Bronwyn pressed her thumbnail into the palm of her hand, trying to hide her own grin.

The landlady looked at the bikers again. “Could you maybe check them out? I think they’re in a gang!”

‘Here we go!’ Bronwyn thought.

“Look, they have the same tattoo on their wrists. I bet it’s a gang sign!”

“We’ll have a word with them, as we have to be on our way soon, could you get the bill?” Bronwyn looked over at the couple and immediately recognised the tattoo.

“Of course. Just come into the kitchen and I will have it ready for you in a minute!” Taking the bait and the easy way out, the woman retreated to the kitchen.

Ciara listened intently to the footsteps, still doing her best not to burst out laughing. “You didn’t! Sniffer dog?”

“Sssht, keep it down, she’s watching us from the kitchen door. Have you finished? We should probably go soon.” Bronwyn stood up and Ciara followed. She unfolded her cane and waited for Bronwyn, as they hadn’t bothered to map the room.

She felt the other woman close to her and found the crease of her elbow.

“We’ll have to make a little detour.” Bronwyn, with Ciara on her arm, walked over to the other occupied table and nodded politely to the couple. “Please excuse our intrusion. I noticed your tattoos when you came in.” She nodded at the woman’s wrist, who now looked up at her with a furrowed brow. “I’m a cop you know, started out as a uniformed bike cop. I know German laws differ, and I read about those tattoos. I just stopped by to say thank you for making your intentions so clear to first responders. And may you never find yourself in a situation where those tattoos become relevant.”

They looked at each other and smiled up at her. “Thank you.”

“Thank you.” She nodded. “Enjoy your stay.” She turned to Ciara. “Ready to go?”

“Ready if you are.” There was a strange twinkle in Ciara’s eyes.

“I’ll explain later!”

“Is she still watching us?” Ciara buckled in.

“Yes,” Bronwyn checked in the rearview mirror. “You shouldn’t have told her the couple were undercover CIA agents.” She shook her head.

“It was just too tempting.” Bronwyn laughed.

“And the last word about the sniffer dog has not yet been spoken either.” She chuckled. Now tell me about the tattoo.”

“Oh yes, I almost forgot. The couple were German, it’s an organ donor tattoo.”

“A what?” Ciara turned to her, tilting her head quizzically.

“An organ donor tattoo, they came up in Germany a few years ago because of their laws when it comes to transplants. They don’t replace a donor card, but it’s an established design, recognised by first responders. So, depending on the type of accident you’re involved in, first responders can react more quickly towards a possible organ donation”.

“That’s a good thing, don’t you think?”

“Sure, but in the UK you don’t need it because we have different laws on the subject, here everyone is considered a donor until they actively refuse. In Germany, it’s the other way round.

They had finally rounded the first corner and Bronwyn watched the B&B disappear from the rearview mirror.

“Just in case I missed them.” She felt Ciara’s hand return to her favourite spot on her thigh. “Do you have any more tattoos?”

Bronwyn realised she was trying to sound casual.

“No, although I’ve been thinking about getting another one, just haven’t decided on a motif yet, but I want something meaningful, something that means something to me.”

“Sounds sensible enough.”

Bronwyn saw her brow furrow.

“Since you have a Welsh dragon tattoo, maybe you could do an Irish harp?”

Bronwyn was a hundred per cent sure Ciara knew she was looking at her sideways.

“Nah, I’d rather have a leprechaun.”

Ciara grimaced. “Sure, good idea. He could strangle the dragon.” She grinned.

Bronwyn laughed.

Last night had brought them closer together. Bronwyn felt they had reached a new level. Ciara had given her a glimpse into her world through a simple game, and she had taken away her awkwardness by giving her clear, simple tools.

“How long will it take to get to Winchester?”

Bronwyn checked the time on the sat-nav. “About forty-five minutes, if the traffic holds up.”

“We’ve been derailed by the drug dealing CIA agents. What’s your plan of action?”

Bronwyn chuckled.

“Well, I can question the library staff, officially. I can also go to her congregation and talk to the Reverend. I think those are the most reasonable options. I wouldn’t knock on St Agatha’s doors before we’ve done some proper research.”

“Sounds like a sensible plan.” Ciara nodded. “If you like, I can call the Reverend at Mrs Smith’s parish. See if he can spare a few minutes.”


“Remember, I’m the telephone professional.” Ciara grinned.

“True, and no one can resist your telephone voice.” She grinned.

Ciara took out her mobile phone.

Bemused, Bronwyn listened as her voice dropped slightly and her Irish lilt became a little more pronounced, giving her voice that ethereal soft quality.

She still wondered how someone with such a beautiful voice could fall for her broad northern Welsh accent.

“Okay,” Ciara said, dropping the phone onto her lap. “We can just drop by the office. He’ll be there all afternoon. “

“Thanks.” Bronwyn reached out and squeezed her hand.

For a while they just drove in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company. They were still holding hands in Ciara’s lap and Bronwyn felt a little cheeky, wondering if their little finger play would work the other way around. Gently she stroked Ciara’s hand. Ciara responded by relaxing her hand even more into her touch. Carefully, she selected her index finger and gently slid it between her ring and middle fingers. She saw the grin spread across Ciara’s face as she began to rub her index finger back and forth between her two digits.

“Penny for your thoughts?” There was that smoky quality in Ciara’s voice again.

“I was just wondering if it’s a trick that only works one way. But it seems I have that power too.”

“Indeed, you do. But as you reminded me not so long ago, you are the one who is steering a vehicle through traffic.”

“True.” She went back to holding hands. “We should revisit this thought later.”

“Indeed.” Ciara leaned back in her seat, holding Bronwyn’s hand in hers.



“Where do you think she got all those toys?”

Evans shrugged. “Mail-order or online shopping I suppose?”

“Mhm,” Ciara looked pensive. “Wouldn’t there be a risk that her husband found one of the packages, either because he was there when it was delivered or because he found the wrapping in the bin? There would also be a money trail, wouldn’t there?”

“Well, she had control of the money, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t check the accounts. You think she went to a sex shop and bought them in person? Maybe on her way to her shift at the library or on her way home from the knitting club?” Bronwyn snorted.

“I didn’t say that. But they had to come from somewhere.” Ciara sounded a little offended.

“Sorry, I see your point. Maybe we should look into it. We’ll be at the library in a few minutes.”

“Ok, what do you think, while you talk to the librarians, I hang back a bit, find me a nice little café, and just have a nice Google for businesses where she might have gotten the toys?”

Bronwyn squeezed her hand. “Good idea, Miss Lemon.” She smiled. 



When Evans left the library, she had a text on her phone. ‘The café was too noisy. I’ll meet you at the Church’s office. Xx’

She pulled up the address on her sat nav and was surprised at how close the church was.

The sun had come out after the morning mist, not strong enough to dry all the puddles from yesterday’s rain immediately, but nice enough to explore Winchester on foot.

The church was a small, fairly modern building with a small community centre and offices attached to the main building. It bordered a small park with a playground. Evans was about to enter the offices when she noticed a shock of auburn hair among the trees in the park. She looked closer and saw Ciara walking side by side with a young Reverend.

Evans opened the gate to the park and watched as they walked slowly past a group of trees, seemingly lost in conversation. Ciara’s left hand was on his elbow and her cane, as so often, was only used to protect her right side from obstacles. They walked slowly towards her and Evans decided to sit down on a nearby bench and just watch and wait.

They were still too far away for her to see their faces, but the way Ciara nodded, and the Reverend gestured, it was obvious that they were talking. Ciara merged with the autumn leaves of the trees.

Her reddish-brown hair caught the mild sunlight, and her dark green coat accentuated her pale skin and amazing eye colour. She was wearing blue jeans again, and the off-white woollen jumper padded her slender frame. The Reverend in his black shirt and dog collar was a stark contrast.

He had noticed her and nodded in her direction, slowly turning his steps towards her. Ciara laughed slightly as they came within earshot, and with a smiling wink at Bronwyn, the Reverend asked her, “So this woman friend of yours. How would you describe her?”

Ciara tilted her head. “Describing her is a daunting task for a blind woman.” She laughed.

The Reverend chuckled and stopped in front of Bronwyn, who was doing her best to remain very still.

“Firstly, you told me you were still partially sighted, and secondly, a description isn’t just what you see.”

She nodded.  “The first thing I noticed was her voice, her accent, it’s a dark melody that keeps you safe and warm. Her handshake was warm and firm and she has amazingly soft skin.” Ciara laughed. “And the unruliest head of black curls I have ever seen.”

The Reverend looked over at Evans and grinned.

“She has amazing blue eyes, very pale but amazingly expressive.” Ciara turned to the younger man. “She is the freedom that surrounds you.”

“What do you mean?”

 “You know, Reverend, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I need help from time to time. I would probably manage most everyday situations on my own, but with a little help things usually go faster and without accidents. People often ask very politely if I need help, but there is something in their voices, something heroically selfless, that they are now sacrificially looking after the poor blind woman.” She smiled thoughtfully.

“I know Bronwyn keeps an eye on me, but one of the first things she said was that I should teach her. For example, she knows that certain things make my life easier, like describing what’s on my plate or table. Some people will confirm that I want help in any situation. I either have to ask for it or discuss at length what I need. She just describes the things I need most casually, without making a fuss. She knows she is making my life easier, but she does not emphasise that she is helping. It seems normal for her, she doesn’t even think twice about it. She accepts who I am, including my disability. You know, a few days ago I told her about the difficulties I have going to museums or the cinema. A normal reaction would have been ‘oh, I wish you could see properly, and we could just go and see a film’. Her response was ‘I wish these accessibility devices were in place in general so you could just go’. You can see the difference, can’t you? I feel safe with her, but still free.”

The Reverend nodded and grinned at Bronwyn. “You know I could officiate?”

Before Ciara could answer, Bronwyn sighed. “You know, Reverend, you’re the second one to offer in twenty-four hours. I still feel she should court me more. We haven’t even been on a proper date yet. I want to at least be treated to a nice dinner and a show before I even consider it.”

At the sound of her voice, Ciara spun around.

“Bronwyn!” She beamed and stepped towards her. “Did you set me up, Reverend?” She grinned mischievously.

“A little, perhaps. But don’t you think these are things you should hear about yourself now and then?”

Ciara chuckled.

“How did you know who I was? By the way, Sergeant Bronwyn Evans, nice to meet you.” She got up to shake his hand.

“Reverend Thomas May, but please call me Tom.” Smiling, he shook her hand. “How did I know? It’s easy, the way you look at her.”

Bronwyn blushed as she felt Ciara’s arm wrap around her waist, “Why then, how does she look at me?”

Tom laughed. “The way my daughter looks at chocolate ice cream.”

“I see.” Ciara moved closer. She wanted to open her mouth. But she felt Bronwyn’s soft, warm finger on her lips.


Ciara laughed. “How do you know what I was going to say?”

“By now I have some experience of how your mind works. And I can see the innuendos forming in your mind.”

The Reverend joined in the laughter.

“Did Ciara tell you why we wanted to talk to you?” Bronwyn had put her arm around Ciara’s waist, mirroring her gesture. It was still new for her to show this kind of affection in public, but with Ciara it felt normal and good.

“Yes, but I’m afraid I can’t be much help to you.” He shrugged. “Mrs Smith was a beloved member of this parish, even though she had officially converted to Catholicism for her husband. She sometimes came here for services and some church activities. But I can’t tell you much about her other than she was a polite, helpful lady who always had an open ear for those around her, but seldom spoke of her own affairs.”

Bronwyn nodded. She had expected this. She had received a similar answer at the library. Mrs Smith had been kind and helpful. Always there for others and a pleasure to work with, but she had kept all her own problems to herself.

“Nothing that comes to mind? Or felt out of place?”

The Reverend shook his head. Sometimes she seemed a little down or lost in thought. But don’t we all sometimes?”

Both women nodded.

“I could ask around my congregation if anyone was particularly close to her, and perhaps pass on your contact details? But as far as I can tell, she just blended in most of the time. At least that’s my impression.” He checked his watch.

Bronwyn pulled one of her cards out of her pocket. “That would be very kind of you, or if you remember anything, don’t hesitate to call.”

“Thank you. Now I’m sorry, but there’s a meeting with the Young Mothers’ Association.”

He shook their hands, keeping Ciaras a little longer. “Thanks for the lovely walk.”

Bronwyn watched him leave. “I see you made a new friend?”

Ciara hugged her, “Making friends is the greatest thing a person can do.”

“You could be right there.” Bronwyn smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

Ciara, feeling her warm breath coming closer, opened her mouth a little in anticipation. Feeling their lips connect she shivered as Bronwyn’s tongue slipped into her mouth.

“I could get used to this.” Bronwyn mused as they parted.

“Me too.” She shivered. “How was the library?”

“Same as here. I got the same text from the librarian that I just got from Tom.”

“Oh? Did he want to officiate us too?” Ciara giggled.

Bronwyn poked her ribs.

“Hey, I’m still bottling up everything I could say about licking and devouring chocolate ice cream.”

“I knew it.” Bronwyn sighed in playful resignation. “I think it’s time to go back to London.”

Ciara shook her head. “No, I think I found a place we should visit first.”


“Yeah, I did some googling before I left the cafe. A group of tourists descended there and wreaked havoc.”

“What place?” Bronwyn shook her head at the subsequent eye roll Ciara gave the tourists.

“Yes.” She pulled out her phone and her fingers flew across the screen, the AI voice a whirlwind.

“See?” She turned the phone towards Bronwyn, holding the screen up to her face.

Bronwyn giggled. “I wish I could?”


“You dimmed the screen.”

“Oh!” Ciara turned the phone back on and started poking at the screen, listening to the voice. “I always forget, it saves so much on the battery.”

Bronwyn giggled. She felt her phone buzzing. “Did you send it to me?”

“Yeah. I think we should go there.”

Bronwyn pulled out her phone and opened the message.

“Wendy’s Wands in Winchester?” Bronwyn sounded surprised. “Something tells me this isn’t Harry Potter themed.”

“No, I wouldn’t think so. But when I searched for shops selling adult toys, this came up. It’s not a big chain in a seedy part of town. They advertise that they’re LGBTQ friendly and have a lot about women’s empowerment on their website.”

“And you had your phone read out that search and website to you in a cafe?” Bronwyn fought hard not to burst out laughing.

“Headphones, dear, headphones.” Ciara shook her head. “But what I found most intriguing was that it’s only a few streets down from here. My navigation app told me it wasn’t far from the library or the rectory.”

“Good point.” Bronwyn turned a little and linked arms with Ciara, “You’ve got it in your sat-nav already? Then let’s go.”

“Ah, the blind leading the lazy?”

“Well, I might intervene if you get close to some dangerous cliffs or something.”

“Dangerous cliffs, in Winchester…” Ciara shook her head and unfolded her cane again. She stuck an earpiece in her ear and started the navigation. “I think it’s better if I lead the way, you don’t seem to be feeling too well.”

Taking a page from Ciara’s book, Evans tried to follow her lead closely, watching how she found her way, listening to the navigation and using her cane. Maybe level two would actually mean closing her eyes, but she wasn’t there yet. So she saw the shop before Ciara announced their arrival.

Published 2 months ago

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