The Curious Case Of Mrs Smith – Novel Version Chapter 10

"Was Mrs Smith allone after all? It'll take a welsh-irish bond to solve the case"

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Bronwyn had dropped Ciara off at her apartment to freshen up before heading to her place to do the same.

When she re-entered the apartment building’s lobby about two hours later, she found Ciara already sitting in the small waiting area near the reception. She looked radiant, dressed in Marlene Dietrich-style, warm grey Harris Tweed trousers and a retro-chic blouse. A matching waistcoat and blazer completed the ensemble. A camelhair coat draped across the back of her chair added a touch of colour.

Her legs crossed, she leaned back in a relaxed pose, and instead of her usual white folding cane, she absentmindedly rolled a long white dress cane between her fingers next to the armrest.

Ciara was a picture of confidence and quiet satisfaction. For the first time since they had met, she was visibly wearing make-up. Normally her make-up was very subtle and just accentuated her natural features. But tonight, she wore beautiful red lipstick and had applied smoky-eye-style eyeshadow.

Bronwyn was stunned and took a second to thank her instincts.

Knowing Ciara’s usual style of dress, she had opted for a more formal outfit herself, wearing one of her black work suits paired with a dark red cashmere jumper and a matching red patterned pashmina scarf. The latter two items had been bought last winter in the wake of a first-date rejection. Now, almost a year later, she felt the occasion was right for the beautiful colours and, more importantly, the soft, warm textures of the items.

She had stopped a few steps in front of her, but the sound of her footsteps on the granite floor had long since given Evans away. Ciara had already turned towards her, a warm smile lighting her face as she slowly stood up.

“There you are.” The smile broadened.

Bronwyn reached out and grabbed her coat before Ciara could.  

“You look absolutely stunning.” She held the coat open for her. Ciara slipped inside and turned to face Bronwyn.

Leaning forward, her hand reached for Bronwyn’s face, making sure her kiss landed where she wanted it to. Her patent leather heels bridged their height difference perfectly, but also threw off her body memory.

As their lips parted, her fingers trailed over the luxurious scarf. “Cashmere?”


“Hmmm, wonderful.”

Standing next to her, Bronwyn noticed that the cane wasn’t as long as her usual, but still too long to be considered a normal walking stick. The top few centimetres seemed to be made of bone and had intricate carvings.

“What an amazing cane. Is it ivory?”

Ciara smiled and held it out to her. “I hope not, I’ve never had it tested, but I think it’s just bone. I found it in an antique shop years ago.”

Bronwyn inspected the Japanese-inspired carvings. “So it’s an antique?”

“I hope so, or I paid way too much for a replica.” Ciara laughed.

Bronwyn handed the cane back to her. “I know I keep repeating myself, but you look absolutely stunning.”

“Thank you.” Ciara linked arms with her. “I felt the occasion called for it.”

As they walked slowly towards the door, Bronwyn grinned. She had thought the same.

“So I guess this is our first real date?”

Ciara snuggled closer. “And I’m looking forward to the show afterwards.

“So am I.” Bronwyn was surprised at how lustful her voice sounded. She noticed the knowing smile on Ciara’s dark red lips.


Evans noticed that the restaurant was surprisingly well lit. And when the waiter brought them to a table directly under one of the large modern white lamps, she was quite sure that Ciara had specifically requested a bright spot when she had made the reservation earlier. Bronwyn had to smile, for a nice romantic dinner she’d usually chosen the softly lit corner tables. But now the brightness of their surroundings told her that Ciara had put some thought into the evening. She felt strangely warm and loved.

Even in the lobby earlier, Ciara’s gaze had been fixed on her. A sign that it had been bright enough there too. Or that she was having one of the good days she had been talking about. Either way, as they sat down now, Bronwyn saw the way her beautiful turquoise eyes looked at her, and she sat as still as she could.

“Did you do something to your hair?” Ciara tilted her head, a crooked smile appearing on her lips.

“I combed it,” Bronwyn laughed.

Ciara frowned. “No, I mean yes you did, but the shape is different.”

She nodded, “I put combs in to hold the sides back a bit, call it an attempt at a hairstyle.”

Ciara slowly reached across the table and touched her temple. Bronwyn leaned forward, enjoying the feel of her soft touch. Her fingers found the small tortoiseshell comb that held her hair back.

Ciara’s smile widened.

“Shall I read you the menu?”

“Yes please!” Ciara beamed.

When they had both decided on a dish, Bronwyn closed the menu and within seconds their waiter appeared and took their orders.

He returned shortly afterwards with their drinks.

“Lechyd da.” Bronwyn raised her glass.

“Lechyd da!” Ciara held up her own glass, waiting for the ‘clink’.


She watched as Ciara took a sip of her wine, the colour of the drink competing with her lipstick, and wondered again how she had ended up across the table from such an amazing woman.

“Your Welsh is improving. I’ll have you passing for a native speaker in no time.” Bronwyn grinned.

Ciara laughed. “I don’t think so, you can make sounds that shouldn’t be possible for the human mouth.”

A guttural laugh escaped Bronwyn, but before she could utter a word, Ciara licked her lips. Anticipating her joke, her grin widened. “Oh dear, you will prove that to me later.”

Bronwyn laughed, “with pleasure.”

“I wonder.” Ciara put her wine down carefully.

“Wonder what?”

“Why you were single.” Ciara furrowed her brow.

“I appreciate the past tense. But what’s so special about it, you were too. Or at least I hope so?”

Ciara laughed, “Yes.” She leaned forward a little. “I just can’t wrap my head around it. You’re an interesting, kind person, a wonderful lover and, as far as I can tell, a beautiful woman. I wonder what the catch is.”

“The catch? Usually the job. I came to London two years ago because I could get a promotion here that I couldn’t get in Wales. Also, the gay scene there was pretty limited because I lived a bit on the outskirts. I think some potential partners thought I was a butch or more masculine partner because of my job. In those days I was still in uniform and kept my hair short to keep the curls in check. They were all looking for a protector, whereas I was looking for someone who would allow me to be more feminine and caring, rather than protective and strong. After I came here, I had a few devastating dates, either because being a police officer got in the way or, you’ll be shocked to hear, they didn’t like my Welsh accent.

“Oh my God!” Ciara clutched her imaginary pearls. “How dare they!”

Bronwyn smiled. “But I could ask the same thing. Why was an amazing woman like you single?”

There was a sadness in Ciara’s eyes as she shrugged.  “Some are frightened by the cane and what it represents. And those that aren’t often try to fence me in. They try to make decisions for me or take over my life. I don’t appreciate that.

“The freedom that surrounds you?”

Ciara smiled. “You remember.”

They were interrupted by the waiter bringing their food.

Bronwyn only had to give Ciara a few general pointers, as the food contrasted well on the brightly coloured plates.

After they had taken a few bites, Bronwyn picked up the conversation again.

“Since I’ve never tried to fence you in or make decisions for you. Are you afraid I’ll be scared of the cane?”

Ciara put down her fork and swallowed. “We’ve only known each other a short while and I’ve already allowed you to get very close to me.” She trailed off.

“I’ve been dumped on dates before, but this doesn’t feel like being dumped. What’s going on?” Bronwyn watched her closely.

Ciara smiled. “I think the opposite is happening.” She took another sip of her wine, moistening her lips.

“After only a few days, I feel like I want you to stay. Around you, I feel I can be myself. But so far you’ve only seen the glossy highlight reel. I’m afraid of what will happen on the really bad days, when I sit on the floor and ugly cry because some menial task has overwhelmed me, or I’ve dropped something and can’t find it. Or when the migraines hit”.

“I would suggest that we cross those bridges when we come to them. But you should also think about whether you want to be with a police officer.”

Bronwyn swallowed another bite. “Everyone has bad days, and there will probably be things I can’t help you with or understand. But you need to know that my job can involve dangerous situations, and my bad days can include waking you up with nightmares or being in a very bad mood and not being allowed to tell you why. As much as you dread the days when you are overwhelmed, I dread the days when I come home angry or devastated with the urge to share things that no unprepared being should ever hear.”

Ciara furrowed her brow. “I never thought of that.”

Bronwyn reached across the table and took her hand. She emphasised the humour in her voice, “You’re not that special, Princess.”

A small smile appeared on Ciara’s lips.

Bronwyn still held her hand, her other hand now reaching across the table to where Ciara had placed her cane. She turned it in her fingers, just as Ciara had done earlier. “I’m not afraid of your disability, I admit I was nervous at first and there’s probably still a lot to learn, but the most important thing for me is that I want you as a partner, as an equal. I won’t be your caretaker, and as much as I hope to help you through the bad days, I hope you’ll be there to do the same for me.”

“I will.” It was only a soft whisper, and Bronwyn thought for a split second she saw a small tear in the corner of Ciara’s eye, but it was gone immediately.

“Shall we finish dinner? I think I still owe you a show?” Ciara had dropped into her phone voice, her accent more pronounced. As Bronwyn put the cane down, she felt the familiar sensation of Ciara’s index finger slowly sliding between her fingers.

“You do have the best ideas.” Bronwyn smiled.


They had walked to the restaurant and now on the way back, they had put their arms around each other’s waist and Bronwyn had matched her stride to Ciara’s smaller steps.  Ciara had huddled close, her cane reduced to a fashion accessory as she followed the movement of Bronwyn’s body.

The moment they crossed the threshold of Ciara’s apartment they were in each other’s arms.

“I can’t wait another second,” Ciara moaned against Bronwyn’s lips.

Bronwyn pulled her close. “So I’ve noticed.” She helped her out of her coat.

Ciara pushed away and took the coat off Bronwyn, summoning her last ounce of self-control to put the coat and cane away and kick off her heels as Evans took off her scarf and blazer.

As they entered the brightly lit bedroom, Bronwyn found their purchases neatly lined up on Ciara’s nightstand. Ciara, who had her arm around Bronwyn’s waist again, noticed her hesitation.

“Are you all right?”

Bronwyn felt the arm tighten around her.

“Yeah. It’s just that seeing our loot spread out like this makes me a bit nervous.”

Slowly turning to face the taller woman she smiled, “Just nervous or is it turning you on a bit too?”

Bronwyn snorted, “You turn me on a lot more.”

“Good answer.” Ciara stood on her toes to plant a kiss on Bronwyn’s nose. “You wear an awful lot of clothes…”

Her fingers explored the soft fabric of Bronwyn’s thin jumper, finding the waistband and slipping a hand under the fine wool. Ciara felt Bronwyn press against her, fumbling with her waistcoat.

“Speaking of an awful lot of clothes, are you going to help me get you out of all that tweet, or do you mind if I just chew it off your body?”

Ciara grinned and reluctantly pulled away from her lover. Slowly and seductively, she began to unbutton her waistcoat. Bronwyn sighed as she removed her jumper and trousers and tossed them towards the armchair. Ciara stopped; one eyebrow raised.

“Don’t worry, I hit the chair.” Bronwyn giggled. Standing in front of her wearing only the black lace underwear she had kept for special occasions; she noticed the knowing look in Ciara’s eyes. Stepping out of her trousers, Ciara also threw her clothes towards the chair, missing it by a good bit.

Bronwyn opened her mouth and inhaled a little louder, letting Ciara know what she was about to say.

Ciara took a step towards her. “Shhh, I don’t care. Not tonight.”

Bronwyn swallowed, the dark red lingerie setting off Ciara’s porcelain skin beautifully as she slowly approached.

Her outstretched hand found Bronwyn’s bare skin, running her fingertips down her torso.

Bronwyn pulled her in for a kiss, feeling Ciara tremble as her tongue parted her lips.

Leading her to the bed, Bronwyn carefully pulled her onto it.

Kissing, they slowly removed the last bits of cloth from each other. Bronwyn felt Ciara’s fingertips move slowly down her stomach, she couldn’t help but moan softly as she felt her fingers reach the sensitive skin of her pubic mound. Ciara gently stroked the well-trimmed hair before a fingertip carefully parted Bronwyn’s outer lips.

“What would you like to try first?” It was a soft whisper close to Bronwyn’s ear, interrupted by soft kisses along her cheek. She found Ciara’s lips and kissed them gently, “Surprise me, knowing you, you already have something planned.” Bronwyn felt Ciara’s lips curl into a smile.

“I have a few ideas. But you can have a say too.”

“Can I?” Bronwyn had begun to caress Ciara’s breasts, tugging carefully at her nipple. Ciara moaned against her neck.

“Let me get you a bit wetter first, you’re still nervous, aren’t you?”

“A little, maybe.” Intuitively, Bronwyn spread her legs as she felt two fingers caressing her entrance.

Leaning down she began to lick and nibble on Ciara’s breasts, feeling a finger dip inside her and noticing how she relaxed and opened up more for her lover.

“I want to try the plug,” she whispered between nibbles.

“Good choice.” Ciara growled, “I’ll join you.”

Bronwyn whimpered as Ciara pulled her hand away. She turned to the bedside table and, having arranged the toys, found her two plugs straight away.

Ciara slowly lubricated one of the plugs.

“Turn around, dear.” She looked lovingly at Bronwyn.

With her bottom sticking out, Bronwyn shivered as she felt Ciara’s lubricated finger gently massage her anus. Slowly she pushed the finger in, lubricating it before replacing her finger with the tip of the plug.

Ciara took her time, easing the plug into her lover, hearing Bronwyn gasp and moan a few times as she moved the soft toy back and forth.

Soft moans escaped Bronwyn’s lips as the thickest part of the toy slipped past her muscle and the toy was locked into place.

“How does it feel?” Ciara’s voice was full of lust.

“Surprisingly good.” Bronwyn wiggled her bottom carefully, flexing around the toy as she turned back to face Ciara.

“Then please return the gesture.”  She held up the already lubricated second plug.

Bronwyn obliged.

As the plug entered Ciara, she pressed against it, forcing it deeper inside her. She sighed as she felt it settle into place.

Turning, she hugged Bronwyn and pushed her onto the mattress. She felt the larger woman’s hips move as her full bottom made contact with the sheets.

Hovering over her, she pushed Bronwyn’s legs apart with her knee, resting her thigh against her mound. She leaned forward, moving closer to her face.

“I need you to come so you’ll last longer when you fuck me with the strap-on. Is that all right for you?”

Bronwyn whimpered as she felt the pressure of Ciara’s leg against her. She nodded.

“Was that a nod? Ciara grinned.

“Yes.” Bronwyn moaned as she felt the thigh move against her.

“Relax and enjoy.” Ciara leaned in for a kiss and the moment she pushed her tongue into Bronwyn’s mouth the taller woman felt her whole body press against her. Leaning on her elbow, Ciara’s free hand began to roam over Bronwyn’s body.

She worked her way down her Welsh lover’s torso and came to rest between her legs, one hand manipulating the toy inside Bronwyn, the other sliding between her folds, two fingers entering her with ease.

Bronwyn gripped the sheets, her hips automatically buckled towards Ciara as she felt Ciara’s lips on her clit.

She had never experienced anything like this, the butt plug being moved inside her, she felt Ciara’s fingers fucking and stroking her G-spot as she licked and sucked her clit furiously.

She felt so full and tight as the orgasm built inside her.

Ciara had noticed too. There was that shift in Bronwyn’s breathing, that little hitch that announced her approaching orgasm. She thrust into her with force, sucking her clit at the same time.

Bronwyn screamed, her body convulsing as a cascade of Welsh echoed through the room.

Ciara felt her trying to pull away from the plug and carefully removed it from her anus as Bronwyn calmed down. She sat up, her fingers still inside her lover, stroking her through the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Bronwyn was still panting. “Thanks for taking it out.” She gasped.

Ciara let her fingers slip out and licked them one by one. “You taste so good. Do you feel better now?”

Bronwyn swallowed. “I think I need a second. That was amazing.”

Ciara grinned. “Well, you get your breath back while I prepare for round two.

She watched as Ciara put her plug away and picked up the strap, securing the curved dildo to the front as she fumbled for the lubricant.

She lubricated both toys thoroughly before turning back to Bronwyn.

“Ready?” She held out the belt.

Bronwyn grunted, still panting, and took the harness off her. Slowly she got down on her knees, slipped the straps around her legs and fastened them. Ciara came closer, kissing her hip as her hand found the part of the harness that held Bronwyn’s dildo.

“Can I push it in?” She held the tip between Bronwyn’s lips.

“Yes,” Bronwyn whispered as she tilted her hips a little and presented herself to Ciara.

Ciara had prepared her well, the lubricated toy entered her with ease.

Ciara slid it inside her lover until the harness clung to her mound. Helping her to fasten the straps properly, Bronwyn moaned as the toy moved inside her as soon as Ciara pulled on the other dildo.

Wordlessly, Ciara lay down next to Bronwyn. Lying on her back, she slowly spread her legs, her hands parting her lips. It was an invitation that Bronwyn didn’t refuse. Instead of lying between her legs to enter her in missionary position, Bronwyn decided to go down on her lover first. She moved down carefully, sighing softly as the toy moved inside her with every movement of her legs.

Bronwyn kissed her way down between Ciara’s legs, smiling as her lips made contact with her exposed clit.

Ciara gasped as she felt the tongue flick across her sensitive button. Spreading her legs further, she presented herself to her lover.

Bronwyn moved her hips slowly, moving the dildo inside her as she lapped up Ciara’s juices and sucked on her clit. She knew Ciara was well on her way to orgasm and she knew it was time to finally penetrate her with the wet, slippery rubber cock swinging between her legs.

Reluctantly she let go of her clit and moved slowly upwards, carefully positioning the tip of the strap-on.

As soon as Ciara felt the toy at her entrance she moaned and wrapped her hands around Bronwyn, pulling her close so that the cock slid inside her. Bronwyn pushed deep into her and Ciara held her in her arms, not allowing her to pull out. Moving back and forth inside her, Bronwyn built up some momentum, feeling the pull of the toy inside her.

Ciara had been right, the shape was perfect, hitting her G spot every time. Bronwyn hoped she could delay her own orgasm long enough for them to come together, but it would be a difficult task.

With each thrust, she found she wanted more, needed more. She needed force, strength and faster movements. Ciara’s hands had moved to her bottom, pulling her closer with each thrust. It was obvious that she needed more as well. Groaning, Bronwyn pulled out further, almost leaving her, only to drill into her again with more force and vigour. She could hear the wet sounds the toy made between them, which turned her on even more. Faster and harder she drilled into her, intoxicated by the feeling of lust and power.

Bronwyn’s breathing became laboured, she knew she couldn’t hold back much longer. Her hand found Ciara’s clit and the moment she began to rub it Ciara gasped and moaned.

She felt Ciara’s thighs tighten and thrust deep one last time before they were both consumed by orgasm. Ciara screamed with pleasure as she came with a vengeance, covering them both in fluid.

Bronwyn’s second orgasm was even more powerful than her first and she was still moving erratically as the waves rolled through her.

As the strap-on slipped out of Ciara, Bronwyn felt exhausted. She rolled off her lover and came to rest beside her. They were both on their backs, still trying to catch their breath.

Opening the buckles, she loosened the straps and pulled her dildo out as well. She felt her own juices run out of her, soaking the last dry spot on the sheets.

Published 2 months ago

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