She felt that tingle in her groin again as she lay awake. She thought of Karl’s huge cock. She thought of Karl lying beside her with Neil’s knowledge and his blessing. Her hand slipped inside her pyjama bottoms. Her fingers touched her sex and she imagined that they were his fingers; eager, searching fingers. Fingers that wanted her; fingers that needed her. Her sex would wet them. They always did. Karl’s fingers always left her sex covered in the musky scent of her juices.
She thought of his cock. She imagined that her ankles were resting on Karl’s shoulders and his hands were under her bottom; gripping tightly and pulling her in. He would be fucking her hard and fast with deep, penetrating thrusts that would bring the head of his cock into contact with her cervix. She would feel his testicles banging against her flesh; big, heavy sacs filled with his seed. She would hear his loud groans and grunts and she would hear her own cries too. Then she would feel his seed gushing inside her; his hot, life forming seed filling her. She would feel his cock pulsating inside her as he emptied himself inside her and then she would orgasm for a final time.
Claire bit hard into the edge of the duvet that she had pulled tightly against her mouth to stifle her cries. She couldn’t stop her body from shuddering though. Neil stirred beside her momentarily but he let out a loud snore telling her that he was still sound asleep. She pulled her hand away from her pyjama bottoms. Her fingers were wet. She smiled to herself as she turned on her side to sleep. Even just masturbating to the thought of Karl fucking her gave her intense and satisfying orgasms.
Neil was still in bed when she rose and showered. He was still asleep as she dried herself and started to dress. He was obviously very tired from the day before. Claire had just finished fastening her stockings to her suspender belt when she heard his voice from behind.
“Mmmmm, stockings,” he said.
She turned and smiled. “Well, I do get a good staff discount and I prefer them to tights,” she told him, as she walked up to the side of the bed.
Neil reached out with his hand and stroked the insides of her thighs before reaching higher to touch her sex.
“Come back to bed for a few minutes,” he said to her, breathlessly.
She sat down on the edge beside him. “I would love to,” she told him, “but I have to leave early. Besides, I would just end up wet and sticky all day long.”
She could see the disappointment on his face. Claire pulled back the duvet and took hold of his erection. “I feel horny too,” she told him.
“How come?”
“I woke up in the night thinking about what you said last night,” she told him. “I… I thought about that woman being taken to another man’s room by her husband and being left there for a night of pleasure.”
Neil moaned softly as her hand began to move slowly up and down.
“It was such a selfless thing to do,” she told him. “Taking his wife to another man so that she could get sexual satisfaction from him.”
Neil’s eyes were closed as she spoke. She knew that he was lost in thought. Claire increased the grip on his cock.
“Karl was telling me, this couple that he has been seeing have got so much closer since he came onto the scene,” she lied. “She really appreciates what her husband is doing for her; the sacrifice that he is making. Their sex life has improved so much.”
Neil opened his mouth to speak but he just let out a gasp. Claire knew that he was close to cumming and she slowed right down. Neil opened his eyes. “Please don’t stop,” he sighed.
Her hand movements started up again. “I… I would like to think that maybe you might do that for me one day.”
His eyes opened wide and his mouth opened, but no words came out.
“Just once,” she said softly as she gripped him tightly, “Just one night. Take me to another man’s bed to spend the whole night alone with him. Naked and… “
Suddenly Neil groaned loudly and his cum shot into her hand. Claire continued to stroke him until the last drop of cum left him then she went and got her towel to clean him up. Neil lay there silently. She knew him well enough to know that he was deep in thought. She could almost hear the wheels turning, but she said nothing. Anything she did say might well jeopardise any hope that Neil would let her sleep with Karl.
Claire dressed quickly after that and left for work. Before she went into work though she telephoned Karl and told him what had happened.
“I think you’ve cracked it, girl,” he told her.
“You think so?”
“Definitely,” he told her. “Husbands are either susceptible to this kind of thing or they are not, Neil sounds like he is. It’s a case of finding the right buttons to press now. Find out which part of the fantasy turns him on the most and work on it. Feed it; play on it. Work on it.”
“Will you help?” Claire asked him.
“Of course,” he told her, “nothing would give me more pleasure than having Neil bring you to me for the whole night.”
“Sssssss,” she told him, “you’ll get me all wet.”
“Are you wearing stockings again?”
“Yes,” she told him.
“Jeeeeeez,” he told her. “I don’t know if I can hold out until Monday.”
“Well maybe you need to pull your finger out and get working on things, get me into your bed earlier,” she told him.
“Don’t worry I am going to,” he told her. “What time is lunch today?”
“Probably twelve-thirty. Drop by later and I will have a better idea.”
“I will.”
“Is your cock all nice and hard?”
“You bet it is.”
“Pity I am not there,” Claire teased. “I would like to do to you what I did with Neil this morning; masturbate you slowly until I feel your hot seed on my hands.”
“You teasing bitch,” he told her.
Claire laughed. “You haven’t seen anything yet,” she told him. “Just before I go for lunch today I’m going to take my panties off. Might even give them to you to take away with you.”
Claire laughed again and then blew him a kiss goodbye.
She had a spring in her step at work that morning. The future was looking good and she would be seeing Karl again soon. Just before he came in to the store Claire had the pleasure of assisting a bride-to-be and her sister to choose underwear for the big day. They did a good range in bridal wear and were always popular. She thought back to her own wedding and she remembered going shopping with her mum for her bridal wear. White and virginal for the big day, but later down the line she would be wearing something more colourful for another man. She wondered if the bride-to-be would be doing exactly the same in years to come.
She kept her promise to Karl when they met for lunch later. She went to the cloakroom at work and took off her panties. She slipped them into his jacket side pocket as they sat down next to each other with their coffees and sandwiches. He complained. “Jeeeeeez, he exclaimed, “what you trying to do to me?”
She giggled as she looked down at his groin; his bulge was unmistakeable.
“How the fuck am I going to walk out of here?” he asked her.
She smiled again and moved a little closer to him. “Pity we aren’t alone,” she told him quietly. “I would make that go down with my lips. A nice slow blow job would do the trick, I’m sure.”
It made matters even worse. Karl groaned.
“You haven’t cum in my mouth yet have you?” she said quietly. “Jerome has but you haven’t. I must put that right sometime.”
“Just wait till I get you alone,” he threatened. “Your bottom is going to be stinging.”
Claire felt her own wetness. “I’ve never been spanked before,” she confessed. “Always wanted to be but never found a man to do it.”
Karl looked at her. The lust in his eyes was plainly obvious but there was also a determination there too. She felt that fear again but it was a good feeling. Claire was seeing a dominant side to Karl now and it appealed to her.
“I suppose you are one of those who are all talk and no action?” she told him.
His nostrils flared. “You just wait,” he said quietly. “Once Neil is on board I’ll be able to spank you good and proper. There’ll be no need to be careful and avoid leaving marks, and there will be marks, believe me.”
Claire not only felt that tingle in her groin again but she also felt wetness on her seat. She was sat on a leather seat with no panties on and just bare flesh against the seat. She glanced down at Karl’s groin again, it was large and inviting. She glanced around the room and saw that no one was looking in their direction. Her hand darted across Karl’s groin. It was so quick that it was back resting in her lap in the blink of an eye but she made contact. Its brush across his groin had felt his hardness. Karl gasped and there was a look of shock on his face.
She looked at him and smiled.
Karl was still speechless.
Claire took another sip of her coffee.
“I… I need to find a way of meeting up with Neil,” Karl said to her.
“I know,” she said quietly to him. “I need your cock before Monday.”
Karl sighed.
“Anything wrong?”
He shook his head. “It’s you,” he told her. “You’re unbelievable. It was only a few days ago that I thought you would be an impossible catch. I had you down for one of the very few that would get away. Now look at you?”
Claire parted her legs slightly. Karl glanced down. She was inviting; legs parted and knickerless, she would be so easy to touch. But there were too many people milling around. “But you did catch me,” she told him. “You had what it took. You and Jerome found the right buttons to push.”
He looked up and smiled at her.
“I’m yours now,” she said quietly, as she dropped her hand to her side and reached out with a finger to prod his thigh. “And I want that seed of yours inside me.”
Karl gasped as he dropped his hand onto hers. “You’ll get it, don’t you worry about that,” he told her, with firmness.
“We’ll see,” she teased once again.
Karl said nothing as people moved past them in search of a seat. When they had sat down Claire turned to him and was about to speak when she looked up at the entrance.
“Fuck, it’s Neil!”
Karl pulled his hand away as Neil walked towards them.
Disclaimer: All characters and events in the story are fictitious and any resemblance to real people and events are purely coincidental.