That afternoon I go shopping with her and she buys what she wants me to wear. It’s a little out of my comfort zone, but she has it in her head what the guy of her dreams is wearing.
She’s thrilled and giggly and I ask her, “Is this officer Peters? The hard ass that gave me a ticket? Even though I tried to bribe my way out of it?”
She giggles and hugs my arm and looks up at me with her head on my shoulder. “Yeah.”
I chuckle, “OK! My turn to dress you up in what I think is appropriate.”
Her smile goes down and she tentatively takes my arm presented. We walk over to the ladies section of the store and I chuckle and point. “Right there! That’s you in the poster!”
I’m surprised at her huge grin. “Really??”
I chuckle, “Oh yeah! The socks and shoes too! They better have that sun hat as well.”
She softly squeals and giggles and takes off to the store clerk to help her find everything. I laugh and go find a chair or a bench to sit and wait for her. I chuckle as I hear the two excited ladies pull everything out to make the change from cop to charming young lady.
It’s a half hour, but I’m not counting, and the girl comes out sashaying towards me. She has the biggest goofy grin, and I have to chuckle.
She can’t just sashay up to me and starts to run across the floor to jump into a hug for me. I laugh out at the hyper girl and spin her around. Others are watching us, but she’s oblivious to everyone but me.
I almost fall over at the price of everything put on the visa, but don’t show that to her. We get out to the truck and stuff all our old clothes in the passenger door.
I walk her around to the driver’s door and pull her into a hug. “Shall I take you to the park for a walk?”
She smiles big. “I need some sun on my legs. Yes. Let’s.”
I open the door and help her in. I feel her soft bottom as I do help. She squeaks and giggles at my boy actions.
I slide in and slide my hand down her leg to her knee as we sit there. I slowly slide it up, and she has a deep chuckle as she holds my hand from going higher. “I’m not wearing something.”
I gasp and try to get my hand up her leg higher. She squeals and stops my advance.
I lean over to her, “I’m not wearing something too.”
She gasps and goes for the zipper of my baggy khaki pants. I just let her. I’m thrilled with her eagerness at getting into my pants.
She gasps and looks at me. “You’re serious!!”
I laugh, “Oh yeah! This is the part where we make you a mom, remember?”
Her look stops my laughter. She pulls her hand out of my pants. She picks up her purse and digs for a small packet she’s replaced many times. She shows me the words on it, then rips the remaining compartments open and they all drop to the floor. Seems the girl is as serious as I was insinuating. I’m absolutely floored. This is going way faster than I ever imagined. Shit, I hope she’s normal.
She sees my look and waits me out. I turn in my seat to face her a bit. I take both of her hands and smile softly at her and ask, “Is this what you really want?”
Her face is neutral, but a tear comes down. She looks long and hard at me and nods. Now I wait her out.
She’s trying to keep a stable voice, but it quivers. “I lost my childhood fantasy. Ever since that boy… That wasn’t even the worst part to me. The way my dad dealt with it, then kept me close by his side all through my teen years. It was like badgering me to be a cop. I never got a rest from it.”
“Once I put on the summer dress I had gotten from my grandmother for my birthday. I skipped out to my dad just like I did today to you. He had a sour face and told me to get into more appropriate clothes. He wanted his little girl to be a tough cop. I submitted. I submitted all the way until two nights ago. Steve was screwing around on me. Daddy’s choice of a guy for me, by the way. Tough macho cop. Anyways, I wanted to be defiant to Steve for what he did to me, and now I want to defy my daddy’s dreams of me being a cop. I played his game long enough. I want my life to be my way. What you have brought to me is my dream back again. Yes, I’m damn serious about having your baby.”
Holy cow. I thought we were moving too fast before. But she’s all for it. Now I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing. She sees this now, and again, she waits me out.
I’m thinking a long time and she takes it as a negative. I see her heart breaking the longer I take to say anything. I’m failing for words, but softly say, “I love you.”
She gasps and jumps into a hug and cries. I hold her tight as she weeps above my head.
I say it again. “I love you, Melisa.”
She’s sobbing and trying to wipe the tears out of my hair.
She whispers back, “I know. I love you too.”
Wow. Two days and my life is turned upside down. Didn’t see this coming!
I look at Melisa with a smirk and pull out my phone. I look at it while I select the number. I push send and wait.
Melisa is looking right at me and I smile. “Hi mom, what’s for dinner?”
Melisa gasps and hits my arm.
I chuckle, “Mind if I bring a friend?”
I laugh, “Yes! That one! The really friendly one.”
Melisa squeals in embarrassment and I laugh and hang up. “What?”
She squeals again and hits my arm again.
I say, “You have to know that my mother wants to meet you very much.”
Melisa softly giggles with her hands in front of her mouth.
I look down at my open zipper and then back to her. “Were you not… um… helping me out here?”
She giggles and reaches in my pants again. I’m not soft for long and I have to pull over. I roll the seat all the way back and she’s on it. None too soon either as I’m dispensing a treat for her. She giggles with her mouth full and I push her head down on me more. She squeals and punches me in the leg. I gasp at the Charlie horse she gives me. I gotta watch pestering this girl. She can hold her own against a civilian like me.
She giggles again and lifts her head. I make a face at her wet lips as she tries to come close to kiss me now.
I gross out. “No way! You can suck me any time you want, but you need to seriously brush your teeth before getting a kiss from me.”
She’s giggling and making kissy sounds and I throw up my arm to stop her. “We’re going to my mom’s place! Kiss her! She’ll probably like it!”
She howls. “With her son’s come on my lips!”
Oh shit! I have to pull over again as I laugh with my girl. We are both in tears for laughing so hard.
I eventually say, “Oh man! I didn’t compute that! No, probably not.”
We laugh more and head out to mom’s place for dinner.
Mom is thrilled. She hugs and kisses me, and I swear I hear a soft sniff at my face. I make a face at her and she silently chuckles as she greets Melisa. She goes for a hug and Melisa turns her face away from mom, just in case. I have to quietly chuckle as mom looks up at me in the hug.
She smiles and pulls the young lady back to arms length. “A prayer has been answered. My boy has another girl. I thought he would be old, and I would die from a broken heart for my son. I’m so happy for you to join me for dinner.”
Mom looks down at the girl’s dress and Melisa smiles. “This is what Greg picked out and bought for me today. I love dresses!”
Mom beams. She also knows my love of dresses on young ladies.
She looks at my wardrobe and Melisa says, “He picked my dress, so I picked clothes for him that I like.”
Mom admires, and I see her expression change ever so slightly. I look down and Melisa didn’t quite get me zipped up all the way, and there is a small wet spot in that vicinity as well. She looks up at my goofy grin and I see Melisa blush big time. I howl and mom looks at the girl’s red face.
Then, to Melisa’s horror, and me not able to stand any more, mom leans over and sniffs Melisa’s face. Melisa’s hands are in front of her face now and she slips them down to look at mom and me. I’m still trying to stay in my seat as I have a sore gut from laughing so hard. Mom is bouncing with giggles silently and looking from Melisa to me.
Mom pulls Melisa into another hug and kisses the darling’s cheek. “I kiss only your cheek today. OK?”
I’m crying as Melisa turns another shade of red. I know she’s OK with it as she’s squealing and laughing behind her hands.
Melisa comes and sits on my lap and buries her face in my neck. I hug the sweetheart and pull her in for a kiss myself. She reluctantly kisses me back and we laugh again at the icebreaker with my mother.
We settle down and have a nice dinner, and tell mom how far in this new relationship we are.
Mom is shaking her head. “Too fast. Too soon.”
I smile at mom. “You had to be there. Well, not some of it, but our conversations and the realization that we are perfect for each other.”
Dinner goes on with many questions from mom.
Mom smiles and sighs as we head back to the truck. I open the driver’s door and Melisa scoots in. I grip Melisa’s inner thigh as I get in and mom chuckles as Melisa gasps and hits my arm again. She shakes her head as we both laugh with mom.
Melisa screeches as we pull out of the driveway. “How fucking embarrassing! I have never laughed so much in my life! Oh my god, that was so much fun!”
I have my arm over her and hug her close. She snuggles in and looks up at me. I see her kicking one of those little pills around on the floor. I smile big and goofy at the road and she softly giggles.
I side hug her. “Absolutely, hon. I’m definitely OK with it if you are. My mother loves you too.”
She giggles and goes quiet.
We drive into the underground parking and head up two flights of stairs to my apartment. I open the door for her and I see a very slight hesitation, but she goes in. I take her hands and pull her over to the dining room chairs and set her down. I look at her and we don’t speak for a long time.
Then I softly ask, “Too soon? Too fast?”
She sobs now. I think I see a slight nod.
I say, “Hon, you have done nothing but please me today. I am so happy with you. All your actions have me loving you so much so soon. Now we sit and contemplate our actions. I was thrilled when you threw all those pills all over the truck floor. But I sense it’s too soon, too fast. Even your second guessing your impulse of ditching the pills impresses me. Hon, I love you no matter what. Shall we get some more pills tomorrow?”
She sobs and keeps looking down. I see a slight nod and wait for her.
She eventually looks up at my goofy grin and I say, “I would still like to try to make you a mom. Can I try?” Another giggle in her sob.
She grabs me by the arm and it’s as tender as last night. Her sores are a non-issue as we rock and roll and love on each other. Mother would have a sour face as our own faces get mashed where the other loves it.
I’m up early enough to check my stocks and the moving averages. I see a potential that I’ll have to keep an eye on the next few days.
The sleepyhead walks into the kitchen where I’m set up with the laptop. She pushes herself onto my lap as I’m studying the screen. I point out to her. “Look. If this one is at three fifty seven tomorrow, I’m buying. I like this company and I think they are on the verge of a breakthrough. I may not have to work for the next six months if my projections come true.”
She looks at the graphs and lines and is clueless. I push the laptop closed and hug my brand new girlfriend.
I softly say, “I was thinking about our conversations from yesterday. I totally understand the ‘too soon, too fast’ thing with the pills. But you had also insinuated that you did not want to be a police officer any more. How do you feel about that today?”
She kisses my forehead. “I’ve always not wanted to be a police officer. It was all pressure from dad. He made the ball roll that way. I felt I never had a choice. Now that you are in my life and Steve is permanently out, I see the light of hope that I may still be what I want to be.”
We sit a moment and then I ask, “What do you want to be?”
She looks at me a second. “Happy. I have never been as happy as the last few days.”
I hug the girl close. “Do you still want to see your parents?”
She sighs. “Yeah. I’ve been ignoring both mom and dad’s phone calls. They had to hear from Steve that I broke up with him. He’s kind of daddy’s pet too. So I’m sure he got word to them about the blow up.”
I ask, “Are you pressing charges against what he did to you? There were a lot of witnesses.”
Again she sighs. “I’m going use that as my trump card. They will listen to me or I will lay down the law.”
I’m quiet for a while and she asks, “What?”
I look up at her. “I don’t know. Using that as a weapon doesn’t seem so loving in the family.”
She gets off my lap and turns square in front of me. “You are absolutely right. It’s not loving. Look at how my dad has micro-managed my life and driven me to a job that I don’t even want. My mother is a ‘stand by your man’ type of lady, and she will not rebuff my father. You’re right, there is no love there. There hasn’t been any love there. The whole house and my whole upbringing was in a police precinct. Not a loving family.”
I’m silent. Her words, it seems, are more just information passed to me. There is no emotion in there at all. She’s so detached from her family, they just are all the boys in blue. That kind of family.
I ask, “So why do you want to go to your family today?”
She sits in the chair opposite me. “I don’t ‘want’ to go. They are expecting me. Like an agreement. The day after your first day off, I’m required to go to their place for a debriefing of my shift. It works well as they both have the same days off. I thought to bring you along for some fun with daddy. Ooo, he’ll be pissed when he sees I’ve brought a different boyfriend.”
She’s quiet a moment, then a sigh. “Since then my life changed again in a day. Almost as drastic as finding you and jumping into bed. We had a hell of a lot of fun, but then, in such a short time, I fell hard in love with you. I was even willing to drop the pill for you. I love you like no other. Your character grabbed me right from when we talked at the side of the road. I knew right then that something was going to happen with us. I didn’t know how much, but right now I’m very happy to be right here.
“Now today I still want to go to mom and dad’s. But like you mentioned, I will wear my new dress and shoes and sun hat. I have always loved dressing up as a girl. I just didn’t get the chance to wear it out in public.”
She smiles big. “When we left the store and I had my new dress on, and no panties under, I felt the wind right up on me there. I couldn’t have had a more mind blowing high as to have the breeze blowing on me in public like that!”
I laugh and she giggles her cute giggle and has her hands in front of her mouth again.
I offer breakfast and she smiles and shakes her head. “Mom will have all sorts of stuff she will insist we eat.”
She sighs. “Do you have a printer?”
I nod. “Wireless in the spare room. What do you have in mind?”
She shuffles close to my laptop and turns it towards herself. “May I use it to write my resignation letter?”
Again this girl floors me. “Are you sure? This is damn drastic too.”
She looks at me. “You told me yourself that me being a police officer scared the crap out of you. I really don’t blame you. I’ve had run-ins with the drunk husband in a domestic disturbance call out. I felt how the big guys can just roll over me. I’ve been trained for that kind of shit, but sometimes it takes me off guard how strong the drunk can be. Really Greg. I’m really sure I don’t want to do this any more. May I use your computer?”
I smile and go to the document program. I start a blank sheet for her and turn it back to her.
She looks at me, kind of stumped. “How do I word this?”
We spend the next two hours googling letters and finding the right wording for a short and to-the-point letter to give her sergeant. We print it out and do more adjustments and tweaking, and the third letter is good. I get an envelope and she folds the sheet and slips it in. She puts her sergeant’s name on it, and packs up all her work clothes with her big heavy belt. She loads everything into her car that we take, first to the police precinct, then off to her parent’s place.
She smiles at me. “The truck is Steve’s. Sorry.”
I chuckle, “At least he has good taste in trucks.”
We pull in, and mom comes out to greet her little girl. More like greet her fellow officer. She stops and tries to hide a smile at the sudden change of wardrobe on her daughter.
Melisa sashays over to mom and gives her a big hug. “Hi momma. I have someone to introduce you to.”
I’m stepping out of Melisa’s car and mom turns to me. She sees my casual clothes and hesitates before smiling and putting out her hand.
I shake it and see the similarities in her to her daughter. Very beautiful lady. Still in very good shape.
Then dad comes out. His smile goes right down as he sees, first, his daughter sporting a silly dress like that, then me. Ooooo, he’s pissed now, but controls it.
Melisa stands beside me. “Hi daddy. This is my new boyfriend, Greg. Greg, this is officer Ron Peters.”
Even on his days off he’s wearing a sweater with the city’s police crest on it. A true blue blood. He hesitates longer than mom to shake my hand.
Still no smile and he turns to Melisa. “I received a call from Steven yesterday about your conduct. I wanted to hear from you before making a judgement.”
Melisa is nervous. “Daddy, I told you how Steve was not being faithful to me. This last time I found him, he asked me to join him and Shelley in bed. Daddy, I cannot, and will not be with a man I cannot trust. Yesterday I confronted him at the beginning of our shift and told him we were over. Done. He didn’t like that very much because he knew that his actions would be told to you. He started begging me to stay with him, then he started getting demanding. Then he hit me and kneed me in my hip. The other cops had to pull him off of me and put him in the IR. I didn’t work that day and I went to see my new boyfriend, Greg.”
Daddy is steaming. He leads us into the house and to the living room. I guess he didn’t want to yell out in the front yard, and started right then to degrade his daughter. Melisa is instantly in tears and I see the man that intimidated his daughter to be the girl she is today.
I step in front of Melisa and in front of her dad.
He looks up at me angrily. “Why are you here? You are not part of this family!”
I softly say, “Sir, Melisa invited me here because she has some very important news for you. I figured after this news is told to you, I will never see you again. I wanted to see the jerk that took this little girl’s growing up time and shoved the police department down her throat.”
That got mom’s attention from the kitchen.
Dad looks at Melisa. “What’s this?”
She has tears streaming. “Daddy, I turned in my gun. I gave Sergeant Longsdale my letter of resignation. I’m no longer a police officer.”
Mom and dad are speechless, and dad points to the door. Melisa cries and runs to hug her mother. I wait for her and they are a long time before they part.
Melisa comes to my arms and we walk out together. I open the car door for her, then go to the driver’s side. Melisa is a mess, and so is mom. Dad stands there with his hands on his hips and is yelling something. We don’t hear, and drive away.
Melisa lets loose now like she lost her whole family.
It’s a beautiful day, and I want some sun on those fantastic legs. I drive to the park and pull into a parking spot. I turn to her and wait for her to calm down. She grabs my hand and holds on for dear life. Holy cow. Didn’t see this coming.
After a bit we get out of the car and start walking the paths. It goes right by the beaches where there are a thousand people enjoying their weekend afternoon. We casually, slowly walk and hold hands like lovers. We say nothing for a long time.
Eventually I softly say, “Wow.”
She looks up at me, then back down to the path. “What?”
I’m a bit before I say, “I had something to do with your career change.”
She again looks up at me, then towards the kids playing in the sand. “Yeah.”
I stop walking and pull her in front of me. I put her hands on my shoulders and pull her in by her waist. She smiles up at me with the sun in her eyes. I move over a bit to shade her face. She smiles again and keeps looking at me.
I say, “Hon, you amaze me. Three days ago I never saw a goddess drop into my life like a bomb. You blew up the world I knew. I’m seeing a new world, and I’m sure enjoying the view. I’m really enjoying the company too. Would you consider moving in with me?”
She softly giggles. “I have already, silly.”
I raise my one eyebrow like I did that first night at that name.
She giggles and hugs me. “I lived with Steve. I don’t have my own place.”
I ask, “All your stuff at his place still?”
She sighs and puts her head on my chest. “He can have all the junk. I’m starting over with new stuff and new memories.”
I chuckle, “So, unemployed police officer, you have money for all this stuff?”
She softly giggles again and we continue walking.
After a bit I lean over to her ear. “Are you still missing something?”
She laughs. “To my parent’s place??” I laugh with her and she blushes. “Yes.”
I gasp big. “At your parent’s place?”
She laughs again. “Oh yeah! I was going to be defiant to the end. If daddy was going to spank me, he would have had a bare ass to smack!”
We head back to my apartment. Oops, I stand corrected. Our apartment now.
I’m feeling quite hungry now that we missed all of mom’s good cooking. We end up having an early lunch and we talk about my old routine. I mention that I go to the gym every day because my work doesn’t give me a lot of exercise. She’s all for that too as she’s spent her fair share of time in the gym also.
That afternoon she sits and dwells on her actions and her daddy’s reaction. All I have to do is pull her on my lap and caress my hand up her bare leg to her honey pot. I watch her face as it turns from pissy to a smirk as I get closer. Oh yeah. She really likes dresses.
All of a sudden she stands up and grips the sides of her dress and pulls it off over her head. All she has on is her little shoes and her bra.
She comes and straddles my lap and smirks. “So, my new boyfriend. How ready are you?”
I have her scoot to my knees and open up my pants. She softly gasps and coos that I’m a good Boy Scout, and ready for her too. I pull my pecker out and she takes over the rubbin’. As I get harder she rubs her front and center. She stands up and has to lift one leg to get over it. I’d like to think I’m that big, but she has pretty short legs. Her actions have me grinning big as she softly giggles and settles down on my lap.
Melisa never does go back on the pill, and two months later she’s pregnant. Every day we grow closer to each other, and I know the inevitable is going to happen. One day we are at my mom’s place and I pull out a ring for my girl. The tears are plentiful and we go back home and make sure she’s pregnant.