The beads of sweat that had formed on my body began dripping from me as I pounded the ass of the curvy Latina in front of me. I was just moments away from completing my final shoot as an adult film star. “Cougars Abroad” was my last film that would cap five years of work in the porn industry. What had started out as a job to help pay for college, soon became a successful career. I found myself a very popular addition to any cast and I enjoyed the work and the women I co-starred with even more. However, it was time for me to switch gears and pursue other interests.
“Ok, Roc. Time for the money shot,” the director said as I pulled out from my voluptuous co-star.
Mercedes turned around after I withdrew my cock from her and she held her tits in her hands. “Shoot your load on me, sexy,” she said in a thick accent.
I grunted as I jacked off to her bouncy tits. The first stream of cum hit the bottom of her chin. The next few shots hit their target on her chest and nipples. We both took in the scene as we awaited the director to say cut. “Dios mìo, eso estuvo caliente!” Mercedes rubbed my cum on her tits as they glistened under the lights of the set.
“Cut! That’s a wrap,” the director said. “Ladies and gentleman, let’s give it up to the one and only Roc Hardwood!”
I was met with applause as I helped Mercedes up to her feet. I took everything in and even though I was moving on, I knew I would miss these people. Mercedes gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck, hijo,” she said. She squeezed my hand as she departed the set. I looked around and began walking off the set as well. I greeted the crew as I concluded my adult film career. Roc Hardwood was no more. Now, it was just Jeff Harden.
20 Years Later
The waves from the ocean were crashing on the beach this beautiful spring morning. I was sitting on my porch, drinking my coffee while taking in the morning air. As I watched the picturesque scene in front of me, I reflected on my life and where it had taken me. At 44 years of age, I had a successful bar that was popular with tourists and a nice beachfront home. The only thing I didn’t seem to have was a relationship. I was a couple of years removed from my most recent breakup and while it didn’t end badly, there were some concerns about jumping back into the dating pool.
My phone began buzzing. I picked it up and looked at the number on the display. It was Miranda; my ex-wife’s daughter. We had always maintained a good relationship even after the divorce. Miranda didn’t place blame on either one of us for the breakup. She knew that we both wanted different things. I always appreciated her keeping me in her life after the breakup. She usually called me this time of year to see about staying at the house for spring break. Of course, I never said no to her.
“Hey Jeff!” Miranda squealed as I answered the phone.
“Hi, Miranda, how are you?” I replied.
“I’m great. Thank you for asking,” she said. “Jeff, I have a question.”
I chuckled. “Let me guess, you want to stay here for spring break?”
“Oh my God, yes!” she squealed again. “Is it ok?”
“Yeah, no problem. When are you getting in?” I asked.
“Ummm….I’m going to be there tomorrow morning, probably around 10 o’clock,” she responded. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best!”
She ended the call as I said “You’re welcome.”
I spent much of the day getting the house ready. For the most part, it was fine but I made sure to restock the fridge and to change out the linens on the guestroom bed. Miranda liked silk sheets and I always kept a set around for when she visited. I put the final touches on everything that afternoon. I was ready for company.
I visited my bar that night and helped the staff with the steady flow of patrons that were coming in on a Friday night. While it was business as usual, I was recognized by a couple female customers who asked for a picture. As it had been since I opened the place, I was happy to oblige. I left for home around 2:30 AM after helping lock up the bar. Needless to say, I fell asleep quickly.
It was 7:30 in the morning when I awakened and dragged myself into the kitchen to make some coffee. I was still in my boxers and tank top when I stepped out onto the back porch to drink my fresh brew and prepare for the day. I had some time before Miranda would arrive, so I paced myself. There was no need to rush; she always did arrive later than the stated time.
That was not the case on this day.
My doorbell rang and I opened it to find this leggy and fit blonde at my door. Miranda’s blue eyes lit up when she saw me and gave me a big hug.
“Oh my God! You look so good!” she said. It had been awhile since we had last seen each other; I think it had been almost a year.
I looked at her and returned the compliment.
“You look amazing as always,” I said. “You look so much like your mother.”
Miranda’s face became red with embarrassment. “Oh, stop it!” she giggled as she gave me a playful slap.
Taking in the girl I had know for several years had transformed into a stunning young woman. She was wearing a white Onlyfans t-shirt that was form fitting and no bra. Her nipples were poking through the fabric. Her light blue shorts hugged her thighs as she stepped inside into the living room. She had on white sneakers to complete the look that was practical for the day, yet sexy enough to get attention.
As we entered the house, I took her bags and placed them in the guest room. It was more than I anticipated for one person, but if she was anything like her mom, this was to be expected. She was out on the porch looking out at the beach when I came back into the living room. I looked at her for a moment before going to the kitchen and grabbing some bottled waters from the fridge. As I joined her outside, I handed her one.
We sat down and got caught up on things from the past year. Miranda had told me about switching majors and the series of boyfriends she had been dating. Of course, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to address the elephant in the room.
“So, Miranda, what is up with the Onlyfans shirt? Are you a content creator?” I asked.
She smiled. “Yeah, I’ve been doing it for almost 10 months,” she answered.
“Can I assume it’s something that shows off your talents or hobbies?” I asked a bit unprepared for the answer.
“Well, that is why I am here,” she responded. “I have been discovering my sexuality over the past year and I’ve really enjoyed taking pictures of my body and making videos for my fans.” She paused so I could take in her response. “I have been making films since the beginning of the year and my work has been very popular. That said, I have my production team staying in a nearby hotel and we wanted to shoot the film here in the guest room with the view of the beach in the background.”
“You have a production team?” I asked, somewhat astonished and honestly, I’m not sure if had processed the revelation that my former stepdaughter was making independent adult films.
“Oh absolutely, it’s great,” she said confidently. “They are practicing their skills as part of film school so they don’t require the same high fees a professional team would command.”
My eyes grew wider in disbelief. Far be it for me to judge, given my history. However, Miranda never knew about my past as an adult film actor. Her mom knew, but to be fair, she had seen a few of my movies before we met. It was my hope that what she knew about me would remain private from her daughter. Maybe it was the parental side of me processing everything, but I did have my concerns.
We talked more about her newfound career. Initially, she began modeling as a way to help pay for school (similar to my story), but soon found out she was making more than enough to do other things. After a few months, she saw the number of her subscribers had gone down and she began to film scenes as a way to change things up. Needless to say, she was successful. Miranda told me she had a desire to keep things fresh and film at different locations. Studio rentals were expensive and she could only film inside her bedroom so many times. Traveling to various places was a way to keep her audience invested in what she was doing.
Granted, I was not thrilled to have my home turned into a set, but I wanted to support her. Fortunately, she trusted her team enough to reassure me that I wouldn’t need to be present during filming. She knew I had concerns about her well-being but also that of my home. I agreed to let her use the house but on the condition that I met the team before leaving them alone. Miranda eagerly agreed and told me that shooting would be the next day during the afternoon.
Later, we went to dinner and I covered her tab at my bar. We talked and laughed, enjoying each other’s company as the night progressed. During one of conversations, she provided me background on her production staff so I would have an idea of who I would be meeting. We headed out sometime after 1 AM. I had to help her to the truck. She placed her hand on my chest and was impressed by what she was feeling.
“Mom really left this?” she drunkenly asked. “I would never let this go!” Her hand explored my chest and abs before I took it and helped her into the truck.
When we arrived home, I walked her to the guest room and sat her on the bed. She assured me she was fine and I left her room to lock up the house and get ready bed myself. Unfortunately, I was too restless to sleep.
I spent that first hour staring at the ceiling and thinking about all the new information I had learned from Miranda. I’d be lying if I hadn’t considered looking at her Onlyfans page. Somehow, I resisted the urge and got up to go to the kitchen. It was late, but I saw a dim light coming from the guest room. I checked in on Miranda to see if she was okay. I would not be ready for what I saw next.
She was still wearing the yellow shirt she had worn out to dinner. She had removed her shorts and her hand was placed center of her panties, rubbing herself. Her soft moans were barely audible, but I could tell she was taking her time. I focused my glance over to what she was watching on her tablet. At first, I didn’t recognize the long, meaty shaft that was being engulfed by the actress’ mouth. When the point of view from the scene changed, it became clear to me. Miranda was watching the very last film I made and getting off to it.
I shuffled away to my room, a combination of anxious and aroused, not knowing how this would change my relationship with someone I had know for a few years. I decided I would address the issue tomorrow. There was no point in hiding my past now.
The next morning, I was up a bit later than usual. That was due to the long night of not sleeping and a mind racing with a variety of thoughts. Miranda was already up and in the kitchen making coffee. She was wearing one of my buttoned-down shirts that I kept in the guestroom closet. She didn’t see me enter the kitchen and reached up in the cabinet to get her favorite coffee mug. I kept it away from the others so it would only be used by her. When she reached up, the shirt rose and revealed a sexy, heart-shaped ass in a black thong.
“Definitely has her mother’s ass,” I thought to myself.
Miranda turned around a bit startled when she saw me, but recovered to greet me with that level of confidence she is known for.
“Good morning, Jeff,” she said with a smile.
“Good morning,” I replied.
I poured us each a cup of coffee and we stepped out onto the porch. The last 24 hours had made that part of the house a confessional of sorts and now, it was my turn.
“Miranda,” I began. “There is something I need to tell you.”
I paused for a moment, looking for the words. I looked around and took in everything. The waves, the sky, the seagulls flying in the distance.
“Over 20 years ago, I was an actor in adult films. My screen name was Roc Hardwood. Much like you, I did it to pay for college, but a year or so after I graduated, I left the industry, moved east and here I am. And before you ask, yes, your mom knows.”
I studied her face to gauge her response. It was hard to read and then she gave me a reassuring smile.
“I’ve known for a while, Roc,” she said. “I just didn’t think it necessary to bring up because if you had wanted me to know, you would have told me.”
It may have been the Sunday confessional, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to disclose that I had seen her masturbating to one of my films only a few hours earlier. For whatever reason, I asked anyway.
“Miranda, are you attracted to me? I got up last night and saw you touching yourself while you were watching my film.”
“Should have stuck around,” she teased. “I did more than just rub myself. To answer your question, yes, I’m attracted to you but I didn’t want to be disrespectful to Mom by trying to sleep with you. However, after I confided in Mom about what I learned about you, she gave me her blessing. Which is cool, but kinda weird.”
We sat out there in silence trying to figure out what to say next. Personally, I was a bag of mixed emotions ranging from a lustful desire to fuck my 22-year-old stepdaughter to an unrelenting anxiety about her knowing about my early film career. We sat there for another five minutes before she got up.
“Nothing will change how I feel about you,” she said. “We’re adults and we know a little more about one another than we previously did before.”
She gave me a peck on the cheek before disappearing inside the house.
Her crew arrived a little after lunch to get everything set up. I took the opportunity to meet with them and get comfortable with new faces inside my home. Donavan was an aspiring director. He would be filming the scene and providing guidance throughout. Liam was in charge of lighting but would also take care of the post-production edits when the filming ended. The third person of the film team was Katie. She was makeup and wardrobe. She was pretty in her own right. A very curvy figure with large breasts. She had a smile that could light up a room. The only person left was the other actor who had not arrived.
“Does anyone know where Chase is?” Miranda asked annoyed.
Everyone looked around at each other without an answer. Katie pulled her phone from her back pocket.
“Oh wait—he just texted me,” she said. “Sorry, I can’t do it.”
“That’s it?” Miranda asked incredulously.
“Yeah,” Katie replied. “That’s it. I guess we came here for nothing.”
“Hell no,” Miranda said. “We have a backup plan.”
“We do?” her team asked in surprise.
“Do you know who this is?” Miranda asked walking over to me. She put her arms around me as she proceeded to introduce her friends to my pornstar alter ego.
“Your stepdad?” Donavan asked sarcastically.
“This is Roc Hardwood,” Miranda said as she gave my introduction. “He was a popular actor in porn 20 years ago. He can replace Chase.”
“He will?” her team asked.
“I will?” I asked in disbelief.
“Take an hour, let’s make a few changes to the script and figure out what works with our new actor,” Miranda said.
I took her by the arm to pull her outside. “We need to talk,” I said.
“It will be great,” Miranda began as we headed back onto the porch. “Consider this a comeback of sorts.”
I shook my head. “Miranda, I don’t want a comeback. I left that life behind. There has to be someone else.”
Miranda shook her head. “We don’t have enough time. Look, it’s going to be simple. We’ll shoot the scene, it may take a few takes on some parts but we’ll get through it and it will be fine. Please, Jeff…for me?”
She stuck her lips out in that pouty, bratty way she used to do with me in order to get her way. Dammit, it was working.
“Fine, as long as we are avoiding any kind of roleplaying or clichés associated with the industry’s trope,” I responded.
Miranda clapped her hands and jumped into my arms, hugging the life out of me. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Jeff, you’re the best.”
Another hour went by while Miranda and her team made the changes to the shoot. Of course, part of that time was spent watching my greatest hits on Pornhub and I’m pretty sure Katie was looking at me differently after she finished watching. The changes were pretty basic. While the initial script involved horny college students on spring break, the change involving me was more grounded. Miranda decided to change the name of the movie to Who’s Banging Roc Hardwood? It would be a “where are they today” meets “casting couch” type of theme.
The final touches were being put in place while I showered and changed clothes. I stood there in a towel looking at which buttoned-down shirt to wear, black or navy blue. The pants were already picked out as I wanted to have a bit of room for my cock to get hard and present a noticeable bulge. I had just put them on when there was a knock on my door. It was Katie.
“We’re about ready,” she said a little red-faced. “Can I get you ready before we bring you on the set?” Her question was direct, yet there was a hint of embarrassment in her voice.
She didn’t give me time to answer before she stepped in the bedroom and led me to the bed. She unbuttoned my pants and took my flaccid cock into her mouth. It wasn’t long before I was hard. I was pretty sure Katie did not do this as part of her job, but she had a great set of oral skills. She took me deep into her mouth, the sounds of gurgling and gasping the only other sounds between the slurping sounds she was making.
Katie stopped and looked at my erect member standing at attention. “Perfect,” she said. She took my towel and dried off my cock. “Okay, we’re all set here.” She looked over at the closet where my shirts were hanging. “Go with black, it’s your color,” she said before walking out.
I got dressed and was buttoning my shirt when I stepped out into the hallway. The guestroom was ready for action. I didn’t see Katie or Miranda anywhere; I brushed it off as they were probably finishing makeup. Donovan met me in the hallway to go over how things would proceed. It was pretty simple. I would be sitting on the chair in the guestroom while Miranda did her introduction. Then, she would start talking about me and providing my backstory before doing a fun little interview with me. This was the foreplay before Miranda would start rubbing against me and getting me turned on.
I took my spot as directed and waited for Miranda. When she entered the room, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was wearing a very short, dark blue skirt that left little to the imagination and a white blouse that was tied at the bottom revealing her navel ring. The stilettoes she wore gave her a bit of height to help compensate with the size difference between us; a 5’9″ tall woman still was dwarfed by a 6’5″ man.
“Annnnddd…action!” Donavan said in a loud, commanding voice.
Miranda smiled as she looked into the camera. “Hey guys, it’s your girl Marvelous Miri coming to you while on spring break! I have such a treat for you today. I have always taken pride in who I choose as my co-star and now is no different. In fact, he set the standard for hunk when he was atop the porn industry in the early 2000s. Ladies want him, guys want to be him. Please give it for my dear friend, Roc Hardwood!”
As the camera panned over to me, I nodded and probably gave the most obligatory response on the planet. “Thank you, Miri. It’s great to be here.”
Miranda took her spot on my lap and put her arms around my neck. This ran counter to the instructions I was given, but Donavan was letting it roll.
“Tell us, where have you been all these years?” Miranda was looking cute with her inquiry.
“I’ve been around and staying out of the limelight,” I responded. “My post-acting career has been fruitful and I’ve enjoyed myself since I left the biz.”
“I’m sure others have enjoyed you, too!” Miranda giggled as she rubbed her hand on my chest. “Look at you! You’re 44 years old and still feel like a tank!” She turned her attention back to the camera. “Guys, I won’t lie. I’m fucking wet just from touching him. I mean, Roc-fucking-Hardwood.”
She wasn’t lying. I could feel her pussy leaving its juices on my pants leg. She was seriously turned on.
“Cut!” Donavan shouted. “That was good. Miranda, how do you want to proceed?”
Miranda looked around and thought for a moment. “Let’s pick it up where we left off, I’m thinking a different angle so the viewers can see that I’m not lying about how wet I am. Maybe, you can add something to it?” She looked at me for feedback.
“Yeah, absolutely,” I said. “One suggestion, if we are going with a different camera angle, do not look at the camera until we acknowledge the wet spot on my leg.”
Donavan reviewed the scene before returning behind the camera. “Jeff, take your left hand place it on her waist, like so.” He guided my hand to where he wanted it to be resting. “Ok, now let’s take your right hand and slide it between her thighs. Miranda, does that work for you?”
“Perfection,” she said.
Donavan retrieved the camera and called action again.
“A lot of my co-stars turn me on, but none of them have quite got the job done like you, Roc,” Miranda said.
“Wow, that is quite a mark you left on me,” I said jokingly. “Your panties must be soaked.”
Miranda gave me a devilish grin. “Only one way to find out,” she said as she leaned in to bite my ear.
I ran my hand that was between her thighs up her leg. My fingers touched her slick skin and slightly penetrated her lips. “You’re not wearing any,” I said in feigned surprise.
“No, I’m not Roc!” she exclaimed. “When I knew you would be appearing with me, I wanted as little clothing on as possible.”
At this point Miranda turned her focus to the camera so she could play to her audience. “And on that note, I want to suck your cock.” Miranda got down in front of me and undid my pants, freeing my cock from its confines. Donavan kneeled down to bring the camera level with Miranda.
Taking my cock in her left hand, Miranda looked at the camera and said, “I’m about to to suck the cock of the great Rock Hardwood.”
She took all 10 inches of me into her mouth with such aggression, that I was surprised I didn’t blow my load right then and there. Miranda went wild, taking my cock deep into her mouth and showing she didn’t possess the gag reflex that her mom did. She held my shaft upright and looked into the camera lens before gliding her tongue up and down my shaft.
“Holy fuck!” I was startled by the feeling. After all, it had been a while since a woman had been able to suck my cock with such precision. Miranda was not phased by the response; it only made her more aggressive.
“Goddamn, you’re sucking it like a cock-fiend,” I said as I parted her hair from her eyes. She looked at me and smiled. In that instant, I lost it. A huge load of cum erupted from cock and into her mouth. Miranda did not miss a beat. She stroked my shaft furiously, hellbent on squeezing every little drop out of me. My cock went semi-erect as Miranda pulled away, a long strand of saliva and cum connecting my cock and her mouth.
“Uh…cut? Donavan was uncertain of what had transpired. “Miranda, I thought you were going to fuck him before he nutted in your mouth.”
“Yeah, I got a little carried away,” Miranda responded. “That’s on me, guys.”
“Alright, let’s get everything set up for the next shot,” Donavan said. “I’m going to get the other camera.”
He set the camera back on the tripod and adjusted the lens based on its position. Liam made a few adjustments to the lights while Katie touched up Miranda’s makeup.
“I’m sorry,” I started.
Miranda stopped me. “No, that was great. We are going to make a few changes here and there and when you’re ready, we’ll start again. You did great, don’t worry.”
Donavan and Liam came back into the room. I knew something was up given the looks on their faces.
“So, we need to go back to the hotel and get a few other things,” Donavan said. We might need the extra batteries and Liam wanted to try something with the lights. We’ll be back shortly.”
Katie walked out with them and it sounded like she was giving them instructions on a food pickup while they were out. Miranda and I were left alone for the first time since her team had first arrived. Despite having her makeup touched up, her appearance didn’t resemble someone who had just unleased an oral assault on a huge dong.
“You weren’t quite expecting that, were you?” she asked. She walked around the room looking at the cameras and making her own little adjustments before sitting on the bed.
“That was different,” I said with a bit of reflection. “In a lot of ways, you remind me of your mom and others you are unique as they get.”
Miranda smiled and looked down. I don’t know why but eyes followed and I saw her shaved pussy still glistening from earlier.
“When I first found out about your past as a pornstar, I was a freshman in college,” she said. “I found myself masturbating nearly every week, if not every other day to the thought of having you inside of me. Fuck, I had no idea what you had stored away in your pants. I guess…I really am curious, why did you leave? You were one of the top male stars of that era.”
“I didn’t want to lose myself,” I replied. “I wanted to feel something real. I didn’t want to look at sex as a job. That is why your mom and I clicked so well. There was feeling and I felt something I had not experienced in a long time. I guess, in a way, you reminded me of that.”
Miranda looked at me. “It appears you still have some of that feeling left.” She had noticed my cock bulging through my pants and walked over to me. She kissed me passionately on the lips as I untied her blouse. Her tits fell out effortlessly as she straddled me, biting my lip and slipping her tongue into my mouth. I could taste my cum still on her, but I didn’t care. I picked her up and carried her over to the bed where I pulled up her skirt to reveal her bald pussy, wet and waiting for me.
She moaned softly as my tongue touched the folds of her pussy. Her juices increased more as I continued to lick her. I took my right index finger and slid it between the slit; not quite inside her but just enough to tease her. “Oh fuck,” she whimpered. Needless to say, my cock was throbbing. I stroked it a little as I resumed kissing her mound; my tongue doing things I’m pretty sure she had never experienced before. She grabbed my hair and pulled as she took in the feeling of ecstasy consuming her. Pulling me towards her, she looked into my green eyes.
“Fuck me, Roc.”
I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt while she undid her skirt. I rested my long, hard cock on top of her pussy. “Oh fuck, yes! Put it in me!” Miranda demanded.
I slipped my cock inside of her; it felt tight at first, but she was able to take most of it. Her moans became increasingly louder to the point, that it brought Katie back into the room.
“Hey guys is everything…” she began. “Oh wow,” she gasped as she took in the scene in front of her.
“Katie, get the hand held and get some close-ups!” Miranda growled as I pounded her pussy.
Katie picked up the hand held that was sitting on the dresser and recorded angles the other cameras were unable to get. I was so focused on fucking Miranda that I didn’t notice that Katie had began rubbing herself as she was filming. Miranda did, however, and called her out on it.
“You like watching us fuck, you little slut?” Miranda asked.
“Yes,” Katie said almost in a whimper. “I am a little slut, who gets off watching you fuck.”
Miranda sat up and looked at Katie. “Keep filming. Rub your tits, flick your bean, I don’t fucking care; just get the shot.”
Katie pulled off her t-shirt revealing a set of heavy double Ds inside a blue string bikini. As she dropped her shorts to the floor, Miranda walked around the bed and pushed me onto it. She straddled my lap and made sure to slip my cock inside of her. Miranda proceeded to ride the fuck out of me. Her pussy gripping my cock and trying to milk everything out of it. Honestly, had she not made me blow my load earlier, I probably would have done it at this point. Instead, I was very erect and wanting more.
Katie got on the bed with the camera next to us. She kept enough distance to get a good shot. I knew she wanted in on the action, but this was Miranda’s moment. Katie’s needs were going to have to wait. Miranda did tease her a little; she leaned in and kissed Katie while she continued riding me. For a second, the curvy makeup artist/substitute camera operator lost focus before recovering and getting the shot of Miranda riding me while I buried my head into her tits.
Things continued like that for a while until Miranda looked at me. “Do you want to fuck me from behind?” she asked flirtatiously.
“Yes, I do,” I responded.
“Katie, sit up on the bed with the camera in front so you can get a shot of me from the front while he takes from behind,” Miranda ordered.
“On it,” Katie responded. She climbed onto the bed and rested against the headboard. She spread her legs out and held the camera eye level with Miranda. I looked at Katie while I positioned myself behind my naughty stepdaughter. Her bikini bottoms were soaked and her left nipple was peeking out from the top. I entered Miranda slowly before speeding up the pace and fucking her harder. She moaned in approval as Katie fought the urge to play with her pussy.
“Mmmm…fuck, I’ve got you,” Miranda said leaning her head down into Katie’s lap. I’ve had my share of threesomes, watching Miranda go down on Katie while I was fucking her from behind was incredibly hot. Katie lasted about 30 seconds before she dropped the camera and squeezed her tits, moaning loudly as Miranda’s tongue played with her womanhood.
I decided to change things up and pressed my thumb against Miranda’s asshole. “Holy shit!” she squealed.
“Katie, pick up the camera and get a shot of him playing with my ass, fuck!” she moaned loudly.
Our curvy companion did as she was instructed and positioned herself on her knees with the camera pointed at Miranda’s ass while my thumb penetrated deeper into it. Katie massaged her right breast while she filmed. Since my left hand was free, I turned it towards Katie and began rubbing her pussy through her bikini bottom.
“Fuck it,” she said as she undid the ties and let it fall to the floor.
My hand rubbed her furiously as I fucked Miranda’s pussy and fingered her asshole. Katie did a phenomenal job of holding the camera steady as I slid my fingers inside of her. It took every fiber of her being not to come in that moment, but I knew she wanted to. However, she pushed through it to get the shot for Miranda.
“Goddammit, I’m gonna cum,” I said.
“Me first,” responded Miranda.
I felt her juices unload on my cock. Her body convulsed from the waves of orgasms that were overtaking her. “Oh fuck! Yes!” were the only words Miranda could get out. It was only a matter of time before I came.
Miranda crawled off the bed and over to me. Katie instinctually knew where to set up. Miranda kneeled in front of me, her hands cupping her tits. “Shoot it here, Daddy.” she pouted.
I’m not fucking kidding, I came harder than ever before when she said that and more than I did when I filled her mouth my seed when we first started filming. Four loads of cum found its mark on her tits. Two final blasts landed on Miranda’s chin and mouth.
“Holy fuck,” I panted, trying to recover. “Here, give me this,” I said to Katie. I took the camera and pointed at them. Both girls knew what to do and leaned in and kissed each other. Katie licked up the excess cum dripping from Miranda’s chin and lips, then proceeded to give me a sultry look. She took my cock into her mouth and sucked on it before it came down. If anything, she did a helluva cleanup job.
“We’re back!” Donovan and Liam said as they walked into the house.
Entering the guest room, they looked at us in disbelief. “Are we going to have to wait longer?” Donavan asked.
I helped Miranda and Katie to their feet. “No, I think we got it,” Miranda said.
The rest of the night was a blur for everyone. I had to leave for a few hours to attend to my bar. Miranda and her team worked on some additional footage for the film. I came home sometime after midnight. The house was quiet and surprisingly clean. There was no evidence that a porno had been made just a few short hours prior. Miranda was sitting on the back porch drinking a glass of wine and wearing a red negligee. I joined her and we sat watching the ocean. Then, I took her to bed and made love to her. The rest of the week was nothing but sex for us.
The aftermath of Miranda’s movie set in motion a lot of things. First, it became the best-selling video she had ever done. Even the raw cut featuring her, me and Katie was released and generated a lot of positive reviews. Speaking of Katie, she became a content creator herself. Miranda helped her out with an introductory video called, “After Party.” Apparently, while the boys were editing the film and I was at work, Katie and Miranda made another video. Needless to say, Katie went home horny that night because according to Miranda, she had a threeway of her own with Donavan and Liam. Katie has reached out to me about doing a scene with her; I’m still undecided.
She wasn’t the only one. My old studio reached out to me and wanted me to return to the industry. Many of this generation’s actresses wanted to work with me after seeing Miranda’s video. I’m still undecided on what I’ll do.
What about Miranda? We are still close. She continues to make content for her channel, but she visits me a lot often these days. Her mom and I dated again and we see each other on and off. Is the family dynamic perverted? Perhaps, but you cannot deny the love.