“Chicken shit!” I muttered at the text I’d just received.
I couldn’t blame Frank for texting. A conversation would have been worse and we both had our careers and sometimes those priorities took precedence, but I had been looking forward to this afternoon and this evening.
Careers and kids! Our secondborn had just gone off to college and for the first time in two decades, we had the house to ourselves. Within hours of Louise driving off our sex life had improved and was no longer limited to the bedroom. How much I’d missed being fucked on the kitchen table! And Frank had been dropping hints, reminiscing about those B.C. (before children) days when we had been so much more adventurous. I smiled at the old, ‘odd’ kitchen chair that stood in the corner with those telltale scratches from so long ago.
The kids had asked and we had deferred. The chair meant so much to Frank and me as his history and, to this day present, as a Pornographer!
We’d gotten our ‘forever’ house complete with a pool, even if it needed a complete overhaul and a retractable winter shelter. The jacuzzi was added a few years later with a publishing deal and then just five years previously when I had gotten tenure, we (I) treated ourselves to a tennis court. All of this had been possible as Frank had taken the brunt of raising the children while I had concentrated on my career. And the truth was that maybe I had concentrated too much on my career and had let our relationship slide a little into the doldrums.
Still, I had thought I was on an unspoken promise of an afternoon and evening of excessive debauchery.
<Sorry, shit at work. Going to be stuck here for at least five hours. There is a consolation on its way. Sorry, Frank. X.> “Fucking text message, you chicken shit,” I repeated.
I’d spent the morning pampering myself, preparing myself completely for what I hoped lay ahead and even though I’d given up wearing some sexy panties, simply because I had already soaked two pairs, I hadn’t touched myself at all, denying myself release until Frank got home. Well, I had visited the attic and retrieved some of our old toys and now they were going to be put to use! At least I’d had the forethought to get in a stock of batteries and lotions and lube.
“Fuck!” I almost screamed as the doorbell rang. I looked up to the heavens through the ceiling, “Does somebody up there hate me?” I asked a deity I didn’t believe in.
I was tempted just to ignore the doorbell and head straight up to our bedroom and my newly retrieved, cleaned and prepped toys but it would mean passing in front of the glazed panels on either side of the front door. “You better not be a religious nut!” I muttered before I opened the door.
“Hmm…” I mused as I saw the delivery man before me looking down at his clipboard and a rather large cardboard box on a wheeled trolley.
He looked up about to reach for the doorbell once again. “Oh… sorry,” he began and re-checked his clipboard. “Mrs V. Fagin?”
“Yes,” I answered curtly. He looked up at me again and I couldn’t help but notice his startling blue eyes beneath his peaked cap.
“I’ve got a Dishwasher here for you,” he replied with a smile.
“A… dishwasher,” I answered with a silent ‘fucking’. Seriously, Frank… I know we needed a new one, but, not really much of a consolation gift I thought to myself. “I guess you better bring it on in… Daniel,” I said aloud glancing at his ‘Happy to help’ badge.
I pulled open the front door and allowed Daniel in. You’re getting the strap-on tonight, Frank I thought as I led the delivery man through to the kitchen.
I leaned against the kitchen table as Daniel unwrapped the new dishwasher. I wasn’t sure that I could describe him as a ‘man’ or ‘boy’ as I reckoned, he might just be twenty years of age. Those eyes and, what seemed to be a fit young body, were giving me food for thought for my masturbation session I was planning for when he left. Frank was definitely going to pay for his absence!
I watched as the young man began to slide out the old machine. “Are you fitting it as well?” I asked, impetuous to be pushing him out of the door so I could use my toys on my dripping quim.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he answered, “Premier service!”
“Ma’am… call me Val, Daniel, please,” I requested.
“Yes, Val… Danny please… only my mom calls me Daniel,” he agreed.
“Would you like a drink, Danny? Coffee, tea, juice?” I asked.
I turned away hiding my smirk. Danny! My first boyfriend… well my first boyfriend who took my virginity, I thought.
“Water would be fine, Mrs… err… Val,” he agreed as he slipped beneath the counter to disconnect the old machine. I lifted a glass from an upper cupboard and had to straddle Danny’s legs to fill it from the tap, the chilled water from our fridge ignored. I was fully aware that there was no chance that Danny could see far enough up beneath my dress to know I had no underwear but the thrill was there as I felt my juices ooze from my slit.
It’s a fucking porn film I said to myself silently as I squatted down, one foot between Danny’s thighs and one outside. I couldn’t help myself as I spread my thighs and all Danny had to do was lower his eyes and he’d see my naked, well-trimmed pussy on view.
Even before those gorgeous blue eyes came into view a jet of water erupted from beneath the kitchen top and soaked me, (more than I already was) and I jumped back dropping the contents of Danny’s glass all over his legs.
There was a thump from beneath the counter, “Oh, fuck… oh shit… I’m sorry Mrs Fagin… err… Val!” Danny exclaimed, the jet of water ceased and a red-faced Danny peaked out from under the counter.
“Oh, Danny,” I replied and couldn’t help but remember my first lover and his apologetic manner when he came inside me before I had ‘cum’. “Accidents happen…”
Fuck you, Frank! I thought.
To be honest, only my left thigh had been soaked by the deluge but other parts were already soaked anyway. Danny looked up at me, my eyes were fixed upon an obvious swelling in his cargo shorts.
“Miss… err… Val?” Danny questioned.
I returned my eyes to those piercing blue ones. My pussy gave an involuntary muscle twitch and I felt more of my juices run down the inside of my thigh. “Did you hit your head, Danny?” I asked as I offered him a hand up.
“A little,” he answered and I guided him to a kitchen chair.
“Let me see,” I urged and leant forward. At some point I had undone a couple of buttons on the front of my dress, I had no recollection of doing it but I was going to put it to use. I ran my fingertips over the young man’s head searching for a bump or a cut in the full knowledge that he was looking down my top at my full cleavage.
“I really… should get this cleaned up M… Val,” Danny offered as my fingers continued to run through his short black hair. My eyes though were focused on his sodden cargo shorts and the contours of the sizable cock within. I leaned closer and watched as the lump twitched and couldn’t help but draw in a deep breath.
“Well. The good news is no blood and no lump,” I said as I straightened up, “At least not on your head!”
I licked my lips as Danny looked up at me staring at his crotch and the colour rose in his cheeks, “Oh God… I’m so sorry, Mrs Fa-… Val,” he answered and then gulped. “I’m sorry… you’re… I’m sorry.”
“I’m what, Danny?” I asked as I, this time, consciously undid another button.
His eyes followed my fingers as they played with the next button on my dress, “You’re gorgeous… Mr Fagin is a lucky man.”
“If he’d been here today like he was meant to be, he would’ve been,” I answered a little curtly, “You’re soaked, Danny… We need to put those clothes in the dryer!”
I watched confidence spread across Danny’s features, “The customer is always right!”
I nodded, “I am.”
He reached down and gripped the bottom of his T-shirt, “If I was Mr Fagin, I wouldn’t leave you alone, Val!” he stated and pulled the material over his head.
“Fuck Mr Fagin,” I breathed. I popped the next button.
“If the customer wishes,” Danny answered with a grin and he leaned down and undid his boots and pulled them off along with his socks before standing, “Happy to help!”
His hands went to his belt and I reached out and stayed them. “Not today, Mr Fagin is shit out of luck, today!” I took Danny’s hands and led them to the bottom hem of my dress and knelt before him as he lifted it up and off my body to drop it with his T-shirt on the floor.
“Gorgeous,” he muttered as I reached out and massaged the now fully erect lump in his shorts.
“Ditto,” I replied as I squeezed his manhood tenting the thigh of his shorts, I looked up at him, “A little uncomfortable?” I asked.
“Just a little… ‘Mrs’ Fagin,” he answered as one set of fingers ran through my hair and his other hand reached down my back. My bra fell away as he unclipped with a dexterity I had never known with any other man.
I continued to massage his manhood through his wet shorts as my other hand undid his belt and rivulets of my pussy cream ran down my thighs. I vaguely remembered the times we spent with Gina and my discovery of my husband’s literary sideline. Obviously, B.C! I figured that was the last time I had ever been so wet. Belt undone; I flicked the button on his waist as I felt both his hands return to my head.
“What does the customer wish?” he asked.
I yanked down his shorts, not entirely surprised that he was ‘commando’, and a thick nine-inch cock sprang out before me, “This!” I stated emphatically.
My mouth wrapped around his bulbous head and sucked hard gaining a deep grunt of approval from above as one hand squeezed the base of his cock and my other massaged his heavy balls. “Oh, fuck yes, Mrs Fagin!” he urged.
Mmmm… Mrs Fagin, I thought as I sucked him deeper into my willing mouth. Two decades earlier we had what we described as an ‘unclosed’ relationship and both of us had fucked and shared our adventures as well as sharing male and female lovers. I sucked harder on young Danny’s wonderful cock as this felt like the first time I had ever really cheated on my husband. I would tell him but for now, I was an unfaithful wife.
All of a sudden, the cock disappeared from between my lips and Danny’s pair of strong hands lifted me up and pushed me over the kitchen table. Even before I had time to gather my wits those same hands spread my ass cheeks and a moment after he said, “My turn,” I felt his tongue force itself into my tight rear hole.
“Fuck!” I cried out as an unexpected orgasm wracked my body and my quim squeezed shut and I ejected my juices all over this young man’s chin and neck and chest. “Oh, Christ,” I whimpered as I felt his tongue delve into my rectum and my orgasm continued to reverberate around my body.
I gripped the edges of the table and ground my hard, erect nipples into the coarse wooden surface as this ’boy’ tongue-fucked my ass. Almost to the moment, I became accustomed to his tongue, two fingers were thrust into my spasming cunt and the sensual chain reaction began again.
Tears were steaming from my eyes as I mewled and whimpered from the sensual onslaught. His hand twisted and his thumb stroked across my burning clit and what I had thought was an orgasm was now so many levels higher. My recollections are hazy, I know I begged to be fucked but I can’t tell you exactly when that wonderful tongue left my ass. One moment a tongue and fingers were in my holes and the next it was a long, fat cock in my cunt and three, cunt-soaked, fingers in my ass.
As soon as that orgasm began to subside, Danny flipped me onto my back and his cock was in my ass and two fingers of each of his hands were in my quim and his thumbs working in unison on my hard clit. Orgasm followed orgasm as I gripped the edge of the table and thrust my hips against his invading member.
I groaned loudly as my holes were vacated and was vaguely aware of Danny reaching into his toolbox. I felt myself swivelled about on my back as his hard, fat cock nudged my lips. I eagerly opened my mouth to accept his cock, shifting down the table a fraction so my head hung over the edge/ Danny’s fat cock thrust into my throat as another orgasm wracked my body and two unknown, vibrating objects were thrust into my ass and cunt.
The world exploded!
I can’t tell you how long it was when I awoke on the kitchen table covered by my dress with a fully-fitted dishwasher and no ‘Danny’ in sight. I didn’t quite crawl up the stairs to our en-suite, but it was close. I’d even thought about just using the jacuzzi, beside our swimming pool instead. My hand was in the shower waiting for the water to run hot as Frank walked in.
“Did you like your consolation gift?” he asked,
I stared at him, “A fucking dishwasher?” I answered filling in the word I had missed earlier.
He grinned and started to disrobe, “No, a Danny.”
“Bastard!” I answered, “I’m not exactly sure where he left his cum, husband of mine, but you better find it and share it!” I lied with the vague recollection of having swallowed all of the plumber’s seed before I passed out.
Frank followed me into the shower and answered, “What the customer wishes.”
“Bastard,” I muttered again as I felt my husband’s hands spread my ass cheeks and his tongue slide over my holes.