Japhta was the college nerd. He was lanky and slightly skanky. Although Japhta did not pong too severely, it was clear that deodorant and showering did not form part of daily routine, and most girls were put off by him. This fact never concerned him because Japhta had always preferred boys. His clothing always looked well used, presumably between infrequent washing, and the odd tear, smear, or stain, did not seem to worry him at all. Japhta was exceptionally bright and one of the brightest students at the college.
Traeden neither liked nor disliked Japhta, and although they attended the same science class at college, he never interacted with Japhta. That all changed one day after the classroom was split-up, into pairs, for an assignment, after the tutor randomly drew names from a container. It was a significant undertaking, and the students would have to work together, for the next several weeks, to complete the task. As a result, Traeden and Japhta found themselves paired up for the project.
Traeden resided in the college residence, but Japhta had his private apartment very close to the varsity. Resultantly, for convenience, they decided that Japhta’s apartment would be ideal for their work sessions, on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Japhta had forewarned Traeden that his place was always in a bit of a mess, but upon his first visit, Traeden found it in a far better state than he had anticipated.
Traeden had recently ended his secret relationship with one of the college studs. Todd and Traeden had been ‘going steady’ for a few months. Regrettably, not only was Todd under-endowed, but he was also totally useless in bed. After many attempts to see if they could out matters, Traeden decided to move on.
Japhta was not exactly a love magnet, to either sex for that matter, and did not delude himself that any romantic future lay ahead for him with Traeden. Although Japhta knew that Traeden was gay and Japhta had a crush on him, Japhta presumed that Traeden would not even piss on him if he were on fire, because Traeden was one of the most beautiful guys at college. He was, nonetheless, over the moon about working with Traeden on their project.
Shortly, before they began working together, Japhta cleaned up his act, well, just a little. The apartment got slightly tidier, and he changed his clothing somewhat more frequently. He even bought deodorant. This last step, however, had a very amusing result.
On the day he used the deodorant for the first time, Traeden complained about the smell. When he asked Traeden what brand he would prefer, Traeden smiled and answered, “Your individual, natural brand. I like the way you smell,” and then added, “You are one of the few guys who smell like a man.”
Japhta was ecstatic about this revelation but did not want to read too much into it. The deodorant that he had wasted his money on was also summarily got dumped.
Coming from a very devout religious home, the college had thankfully provided Japhta with his emancipation from religion. Being exceptionally bright, he was on a full scholarship. His sponsor paid for all his tuition and accommodation requirements. Japhta was, therefore, able to use the pocket money his parents insisted on giving him on his hobby. Japhta loved photography, and his equipment was impressive. Japhta manipulated naked images of himself with insect forms to create the most fantastic photographs. Naturally, he did not show these to anyone, afraid that he would get perceived as a pervert.
As Traeden grew to know Japhta better, he liked him more and more. He had a wonderful sense of humour and could make Traeden convulse with laughter. Strangely, Traeden was increasingly finding himself attracted to Japhta. Nonetheless, he was disappointed that Japhta did not appear to display any sexual interest in him. Little did Traeden realize that Japhta was smitten with him but chose to use humour to deflect his interest, afraid of the rejection that he was worried may follow.
Japhta was always very careful to hide his photos when Traeden was about. Traeden persistently asked to see them, but Japhta would not relent. One day when Japhta popped out to buy snacks for them, Traeden observed a folder on one of his shelves. He hastily looked through the folder. Traeden was stunned by the artistic brilliance and mesmerized by the naked form of the male body in the photographs. Although one could not see the man’s face, the body was lithe and well-formed. Traeden wondered if the way above average penis of the man in the picture had been Photoshop enhanced. Wary of Japhta’s imminent return, he quickly returned the folder to its original spot.
Unknown to Traeden, it was Japhta’s large appendage that had afforded Japhta an interesting four months before attending college. When Japhta was in his last term of high school, the pious pastor’s wife in their community had surreptitiously overheard a conversation about Japhta’s exceptional endowment. After that, feigning nervousness, she insisted that her husband ask Japhta’s parents if Japhta could stay over at their home when the pastor was away on one of his frequent crusades or television appearances. Naturally, his parents were honoured, and Japhta was very happy to be earning extra pocket money.
It was during these four months that Japhta received a PhD in sex. Prim and proper as Betty, the pastor’s wife, appeared to be, Betty was a total slut in the bedroom and loved anal sex. She gave Japhta a masterclass in fucking every time he stayed over at her home. It was ironic that the college nerd was in reality, the real stud of the college.
After several enjoyable, if somewhat sexually frustrating few weeks for Japhta and Traeden, their project finally ended. They decided that they would celebrate the occasion with takeaways and champagne on the Friday evening after their assignment was completed. After supper, they relaxed on the sofa in the lounge.
On an impulse, Japhta asked, “Will I still see you from time to time, that is to say, other than in science class?”
Having discerned that there was sexual chemistry that had started to develop, Traeden then dealt with the problem directly, by inquiring, “Would you like to see more of me?”
“Yes… Very much,” Japhta answered.
“Are you attracted to me? Traeden persisted, making sure that there was no misunderstanding.
Bashfully, Japhta quietly answered, “Yes.”
After a long pause, Traeden asked, “Then why have you never said so?”
Smiling wryly, Japhta replied, “Because I never believed I stood a chance with you. You’re handsome, and I’m the college nerd.”
“It may interest you to know; you are the most enthralling man I have ever encountered at college,” Traeden informed him before adding, “It’s just that I didn’t realize that you are into guys.”
“Although I am comfortably bisexual, I’ve always preferred guys,” Japhta confessed.
Very slowly, Japhta moved closer and placed his arm on the couch behind Traeden. When their lips touched, there was no groping or fumbling, just a soft sustained kiss. Traeden had never been this close to him before and finally realized how much Japhta’s odour turned him on. When Japhta’s arms enfolded him, the intensity of their smooching tussle began to escalate. Traeden then felt his pucker begin to tingle excitedly. Japhta now took total control, and if Traeden had believed that given his shyness, Japhta would be inept in the love department, he would soon see that he was happily mistaken.
As he dominated Traeden, Japhta began denuding Traeden’s body. All his clothing magically disappeared, as Japhta’s hands and mouth went into overdrive, overwhelming Traeden with incredible pleasure. His body was manoeuvred into a multitude of positions by the hands of a master, as Japhta’s tentacles continuously flowed to and fro, as they kneaded, caressed, and gently patted Traeden’s body. When Japhta’s mouth finally suctioned onto Traeden’s backside, Traeden thought he was about to explode with lust. The manipulation of his genitals by Japhta’s hot hands made him gasp. Traeden then tugged on Japhta’s t-shirt before pulling it off his body. Next, his hands clamped onto Japhta’s head manically, as Traeden smeared Japhta’s face franticly between his arse crack.
When Japhta began pinching his nipples, Traeden’s excitement grew so great that he tugged his knob. As Traeden started fighting for breath as his orgasm struck. Traeden’s cock erupted as never before, as Japhta feverishly sucked up his spunk like a man dying of thirst. Japhta did not relent. Next, Japhta sustained his oral stimulation on Traeden’s cock, as if demanding more and more of Traeden’s heavenly nectar.
Japhta then stood and looked down at Traeden with a horny grin on his face. Following that, he pushed his shorts and underpants downward and let them drop to the floor. Traeden then saw the erect version of the cock that he had seen in the photos.
‘Jesus,’ he thought, ‘How the fuck am I going to accommodate that knob?’ The long and thick, uncut dick that hung before him was a least a foot long.
“Let’s move over to the bed,” Japhta then directed.
Once there, Traeden lay on his back and watched Japhta move toward him on his knees before opening Traeden’s legs. Japhta now began tapping Traeden’s crotch with his ‘rectum destroyer’ before lifting Traeden’s legs over his shoulders. Japhta then began to coax the moist dick head out of its sleeve and smeared precum onto the creases of Traeden’s portal. After lodging the tip of his knob on Traeden’s portal, Japhta began to apply the pressure necessary for his depth exploration.
Traeden’s arse expanded gradually as the ‘explorer’ commenced its excavation. Traeden began to gasp as the thick probe nudged in, deeper and deeper. Traeden then started panting as an unfamiliar fullness began to bloat him. With Japhta now hovering over him on extended arms, the jabbing became incessant. Traeden could not believe that so much meat could fit into him as Japhta bottomed out.
Japhta now held still in Traeden, allowing him to acclimatize to Japhta’s enormity. Japhta’s mouth then commenced a continuous triangle of pleasure as it toured Traeden’s nipples and mouth. Japhta’s lips tongue and teeth worked feverishly at every port of call. When Japhta’s hips finally joined in, Traeden was groaning loudly. Initially, he kept up a slow rhythmic momentum in Traeden’s backside, allowing him to adapt to the deep probing.
As much as he would have loved to pound Traeden hard, he knew that their first coitus had to be as comfortable as he could make it, ensuring uninhibited future engagements. The more Traeden relaxed, the more Japhta increased his momentum, all the while watching Traeden’s facial expressions closely, between Japhta’s triangular lip stimulation. Japhta overawed Traeden by his skill. Traeden could not believe how exhilarating an overstuffed backside felt as the throbbing phallus filled it to his rectal capacity. Traeden also hoped for an increase in tempo as his excitement once more started to build.
Fortunately, Japhta sensed this need, and also wanting release, his thrusting became more urgent. As his spearing intensified, Traeden began to grunt. As Japhta watched Traeden’s frantic wanking once more bear fruit, Japhta’s cock began spraying its spunk into Traeden arse.
Traeden stayed with Japhta all weekend. Not only was Japhta highly sexed, but very adventurous. With no stone was left unturned, they explored every position and variation of stimulation. A particular favourite became the sixty-nine position.
After that, Traeden practically moved in with Japhta. Their friendship caused a few eyebrows to lift at college, but neither person gave a fuck about that.
A further two interesting things also happened resultant of their relationship. Firstly, Traeden’s grades improved incredibly. Additionally, another naked body also now appeared in Japhta’s photos, which became more and more erotic.