The Clubhouse

"She had to know what's inside."

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The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn’t remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most wild animals, if you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you.”

Over the last several months, she had begun walking by it when she took her dog, Max, for a walk.  She would always circle the neighborhood first and come thru the path in the woods at the dead end toward her house.  It felt a lot safer than walking into the woods in view of the clubhouse.  There was one certain club member who never failed to come outside as she walked by.  He would wave, smile, or say hello to the long-legged beauty, as he lit a cigarette.  She actually looked forward to seeing him.  He was extremely handsome, rugged, and young-looking compared to most of the surly, comparably dirty and gruff-as-hell bikers.

She was well aware of the surveillance cameras and didn’t find it odd that he always knew when she was coming.  She was also smart enough to know they probably knew her dad was a sergeant on the police force, so she took comfort in this as she usually just kept walking, with maybe a hint of acknowledgment at most.  But this day, oddly enough her birthday, he spoke to her.  

“What a beautiful dog!  What’s her name?”  He bent down at his knees and put his hand out as Maxwell wandered toward him to sniff the man he had seen so many times.  Max had good instincts and Alyx trusted them, and also knew the German Shepherd would protect her if he had to.  

“That’s Max, he’s a boy.”  

“Well hello Max, aren’t you a lucky dog to have such a pretty sister!”  He gave Max some affection, clearly good with dogs.  

“What’s in there?”  Alyx tried to think it, but somehow the thought came out her mouth instead.

“The clubhouse?  Oh not a lot, I’m not supposed to say.  But between you and me there’s a bar, a pool table, some couches, a back room with a big table where we have meetings.  A garage to work on our bikes out back, it’s just a typical clubhouse.  Wanna see?”

“No thanks, I’m young but not stupid.  Besides, isn’t it like, members only or whatever?”

“Not for gorgeous young brunettes like yourself it isn’t.”  He smiled, taking a long drag of his cigarette.  

“Maybe another time then.  C’mon Max.”  He didn’t scare her for some reason, but the thought of the door closing behind her and what possibly awaited on the other side, did.  

“Pleasure finally meeting you Miss.”  She spun around, thinking it may be a question.


“I’m Scooter.  Have a wonderful evening, Alyx.”  Her parents took her out to dinner that night with a bunch of her friends at her favorite restaurant.  She tried to enjoy herself and gab with all of her friends but she couldn’t get her mind off of the clubhouse, the club, and Scooter.  It was so dangerously sexy thinking about what if she had gone inside?  Would she have come out in one piece?  At all? 

Scooter seemed very genuine and fun loving.  She had never been frightened of the bikers as she had grown up watching them riding by, having parties, living life more fully than most people she knew, in fact.  She wasn’t totally naïve, she knew they weren’t boy scouts, but took things at face value.  She didn’t believe all the negativity towards them that she heard gossiped in town, just because they liked to ride bikes and party together as a group.  

The following day was more perfect weather so she took Max for another long walk.  As she rounded the corner of the trail in view of the clubhouse, she noticed there was a girl out front with Scooter this time.  

“Hey Alyx, this is my daughter, Corin.”

“Hi Alyx,” Corin stuck out her hand, “Nice to meet you.  My dad says you’re the hottest girl he’s seen.”  Scooter half back-handed his daughter’s shoulder as Alyx blushed, and Scooter seemed genuinely embarrassed.

“Corin…”  Scooter looked annoyed by her.

“Sorry.  It’s true though!”  Corin took a puff of a cigarette, which looked funny to Alyx cause she seemed to be even younger than her. 

“Why don’t you come in?  Meet some of the guys, have a beer, maybe give these assholes some design tips, the place needs a female touch for sure.” 

Alyx did some deciding in her head.  Dad was at work, Mom probably wouldn’t care if she saw her go in.  She always joked about how the DS seemed harmless, to poke fun at her dad, saying he shouldn’t let a bunch of grown kids on bikes bother him.  

“Ok, just for a few minutes.”  She just had to know what it was like in there.  It was dark inside.  There was a guy sleeping on a couch, some rock music playing.  There was a giant version of their patch on the wall and a couple of flat screen TVs.  As her eyes adjusted she saw Corin handing her a beer, and she scanned the room for more details that she had so long been curious about.  Max walked up to the lumbering man sleeping and licked his face.  

“WHAT THE FUCK?”  He sat up.  “Hey, this is the dog from down the street.  Oh hey,” he noticed Alyx, “Alyx right?  Scooter won’t shut the fuck up about you.”

“Haha, yes I’m the girl from down the street, nice to meet you, Mr…”

“Hammer.”  He stood, and it looked like he almost filled the room.  He walked up and shook Alyx’s hand.  Well, it was more like he held it gently for a moment between his massive finger and thumb and moved it up and down.  

“Prospect, get me a beer!”  Hammer bellowed, and a kid just a little older than Alyx came sprinting into the room from a door, grease all over his hands and face.  

“Holy Fuck, who’s this?”  

“The girl from down the street, asshole.  Is my base gasket done yet?  I got a mission in less than four hours.”

“Should be soon Hammer, I’m going as fast as I can.  Obviously, I don’t wanna fuck anything up.”  He sprinted back out of the room after quickly throwing Hammer a can of Budweiser from the fridge.

“What a dickhead, he shoulda been done with that yesterday.”

Alyx giggled but didn’t know why.  It was just such a different world like she had always suspected.  There was a rack of fucking machine guns on the wall!  There were several pairs of panties hanging on a deer head, portraits of faces with dates on them, probably members that had died somehow.  As she sipped her beer and looked around in awe, she felt the giant come up and put his huge paw on her ass.  

“Well if my bikes still down, maybe I can ride something else,” he mumbled, leaning down toward Alyx’s neck.

“ROOF ROOF ROOF ROOF!”  Max went berserk but stopped short of biting Hammer.  All three of them laughed, while Alyx backed up toward the door, pulling hard on a protective Max’s choker.  

“He took the words out of my mouth,”  Scooter said.  “Don’t touch her, Hammer.”  His laugh quickly had turned into a deadly serious look.  

“Sorry, Sarge.  You guys ain’t no fun.”  He pets Max, putting him at ease.

“I better run,” Alyx said, and Corin followed her out.  

“Sorry, he was up all night trying to fix his bike, and his old lady left him a while ago.  He’s been grasping at straws ever since.  He’s not a bad guy really.”  

“No worries.  Thanks for the beer, nice to meet you.”  Alex ran toward her house, slightly disappointed she hadn’t stayed longer, yet more shocked she had agreed to go in.  When she got home she quickly ran to her room and toyed with herself like mad.  She didn’t know if it was the thought of the massive Hammer hammering her, the crazy interior of the clubhouse, or the fact that she knew Scooter liked her.  Thinking of giving her fresh young body to such a handsome and older bad boy like him just had her incredibly horny.  

Just before she came she promised herself she would try not to be scared and go inside the wolves den again tomorrow if invited.  When in this lusty state she desperately wanted her young adulthood and fully blossomed body to be taken advantage of by a man, not one of the several boys at school that had been pursuing her forever.  She had secretly fantasized about this building and what goes on inside since she first started noticing guys, and her sexy feelings about them, and had a good idea that’s what was driving her mad with lust this afternoon.  It was the realization that she had the opportunity to finally be treated like a woman by one of these super masculine bikers.  

The following night she almost freaked out inside when her Dad said he and her Mom were going out with some friends, telling her they may stay over if they drank too much to drive.  In her experience, this meant they would definitely not be home.  It was Friday night, and there was usually a party going on at the clubhouse on Friday night.  The second her parents left, Alyx started trying on clothes, shooting for a sexy look, but not slutty.  She settled on a black mini skirt, no hose, a white button-down short-sleeve top, a little too much make-up, with her long curly brown hair down.  At the last minute she decided to wear a choker her mom had, even though it almost pushed her over the top to a, “Yes, I’m down for fucking,” look. 

She put her dad’s snub nose thirty-eight in her purse, just in case.  He had shown her and her mom how to shoot years ago because he often worked nights and wanted them to be able to defend themselves in case of a home invasion.   She grabbed Max and walked to the club, this time the short way.   Standing outside the locked door for several minutes, she tried to convince herself that she may be insane and needed to go home to call her friends to go out with instead.  But she abiding by her promise to herself.  Knowing that all she would be thinking about was doing what she was about to do until she did it, she pounded on the door, trying to get the attention of someone inside over the loud music.  The door opened the distance a chain would let it, and a face inside asked what she wanted, after saying “Woah, hello!”

“Is Corin here?”

“No.  How do you know Corin?”

“How about her dad, Scooter, or Hammer?”  He slammed the door shut and she frowned, but then opened it again, having unchained it from the jam.  

“Sarge!  The object of your obsession is here.  He’s got a young lady with him too.”  He smiled, petting Max.  “Miss I need to frisk you and search your purse, sorry, dem’s da rules.”  

He quickly patted her down, and she shuddered when he gripped her young pussy, but it was more of a check and less of a grope.  Just then Scooter walked up.  

“Well, what brings this lovely dog to our humble hangout tonight?”  He looked wild-eyed and slightly drunk, but pet Max then hugged her gently.  She took the moment while nearly in a panic to whisper to him there was a gun in her purse, just as the man who had frisked her reached for it.

“Now why would you want to pack a weapon at a one percent party, Alyx?”  He didn’t look mad, he looked like he was waiting for the same answer she gave him. 

“To protect myself?”  

“Exactly, she’s good, Rock.  Cop’s kid, no biggie.  But if she kills anyone, you’re cleaning it up!”  He punched ‘Rock’ on the shoulder, hard.  He didn’t flinch and welcomed Alyx to the party.  She gazed around while Scooter scooted her across the room by her hand, behind the bar, and poured her a beer from the tap.  She got slightly nervous when she saw one woman having sex in the open with two guys wearing patches, and a second playing pool wearing nothing but lingerie.  

“Don’t mind the hookers, ” Scooter offered, “well, one’s my buddy’s wife and the other is her sister, but you get the idea.”

“Where’s Corin?”  Alyx yelled over the blaring music, sipping her beer.  

“She’s home, want me to call her?  She said you are one of the hottest girls she’s ever seen too, by the way.  She would love to hang out with you.”  This comforted her, the offer, but she declined. 

“I was just curious.  She seems cool though.  What’s Sgt-at-Arms mean?”  She slipped her hand in his vest, pinching the small patch over his breast with her thumb, after sliding the back of her hand over a chest muscle underneath his shirt.

“Head of security.  Basically just means I know how to shoot and most of these assholes have to do what I say.”

“Interesting.  My Dad’s a sergeant for the police.”  

“I know. Pretty good guy.  We have a symbiotic relationship with him and his coworkers.”

“Sim-biotic?”  She had a good idea what it meant but enjoyed him telling her things.

“We don’t cause any trouble here in town and they let us police ourselves, basically.  I can’t go into details but it’s all very complicated.  They know what we’re up to, we know what they are doing, and we try not to bother each other.”

The thought that her dad was somehow equal to these maniacs, and had no real authority over them, as well as Scooter sounding so smart, and being one of the clubs officers, was making Alyx more comfortable somehow.  She finished her beer and handed the empty mug to Scooter. 

“Can you drink?  I mean, am I gonna catch a furnishing charge tonight?”

“I can hold my own.  You tell me, Mr. Symbiosis.”  He took the mug, and kissed the back of her hand, apparently deciding to take his chances as he filled it.  She looked for Max and saw a biker wrestling with him on the floor playfully, while a few others laughed at him and said they had their money on the dog.  She wanted to shout his name to display how well trained he was but decided to let them both have their fun.  

“Come with me.”  He took her by the hand, and she loved it’s rough texture as he held it with just the right firmness and led her out a back door.  Outside there was a world of white Christmas tree lights, with an unoccupied hot tub, the lights in it changing colors, and more bikers and scantily clad beautiful women.  One was giving one of the bikers a blow job right there in the open, while he smoked a joint and casually spoke with his buddy.  There was another bar, and some guys playing darts.  Another small group was playing cards.

“What do you think?  Want to take a dip?. You can go get a swimsuit or go in your underwear.  Or naked.  No one will bother you if you’re with me.”  She made a sharp whistle with her lips and Max came running out of the house and sat attentively beside her.  Shocking herself, and everyone else, she put her purse on the bar and started to undress.  She had suddenly slipped into some kind of an alternate reality in her mind.  She wanted to amaze herself, and Scooter.  She wanted to embrace this wild lifestyle wholly, if only for one night.  After she got her top and skirt off, and was standing in her sexiest underwear with just a choker on, she almost climbed in the tub.  But no one was gawking or making her uncomfortable in any way, so she drank the rest of her beer as fast as she could, and quickly stripped nude except for the sexy neck piece, and climbed in.  

“Bravo!”  Scooter filled their beers and stripped down.  He carefully folded his cut and placed it on the bar, then kicked off his sneakers and all his clothes quickly and placed their beers on the edge of the tub.  She couldn’t help but eye his endowment as he climbed over the edge, and it was perfect.  Not small but not threateningly large either.  She inadvertently licked her lips, and Scooter smiled as he slipped in next to her and handed her a third beer.   He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“Your body is even more amazing when you’re naked.  Finest thing I’ve ever seen.”  She said ‘fuck it’ to herself, and kissed him.  He passionately kissed her back for several minutes before even touching her large breasts.  But when he did, someone turned on the jets at the same time, and he maneuvered her so she was sitting right on one.  This caused her to let out a rather loud sound which could only be described as the sound a girl may make if surprised by a strong jet of water, really.   

Max jumped up on the edge and looked at her with a look that said ‘oh, ok, carry on,’ then laid back down.  She heard some giggles and even someone clapping but couldn’t care less.  She wrapped her legs around Scooter as he kissed her and leaned against her, rubbing his rough hands all over her smooth young body, while guiding her hips in a small circle looking for the jet’s sweet spot.  

“Holy shit,” she whispered into his mouth as he pressed her ass down onto the jet, and she felt his cock start to press into her.  

“This ok with you?”  She failed to answer except to just kiss him longingly.  It wasn’t really ok with her in general.  This wasn’t her at all, moving this fast, but at this moment it was very much what she wanted.  He was gentle, and the combination of his cock, now halfway in her, and feeling a lot larger than when she had seen it flaccid, and the jet shooting water into her ass, was enough to make her come almost instantly.  He put both hands on her hips and bobbed her up and down on him and the jet slowly, as he knelt on the floor of the tub, staying mostly still.  He sucked her tits that had grown so large recently, and just begged for attention the way they sat perkily on end.  

She was in such a state of ecstasy that when another biker got in the tub, it registered but didn’t even phase her, she wanted it to keep going.  He smiled at her while she bucked up and down on his Sergeant’s cock, undoubtedly stroking his own beneath the surface.  Scooter turned them around one hundred eighty degrees, so he was now sitting while Alyx was straddling him.  He reached for his beer and took a big draw from it.  “This is nice, finally fucking you, Alyx.  You’re beautiful.”  

She felt the man behind her begin to feel her ass with both hands, while Scooter put his beer down and massaged her supple tits while playing with her tight nipples and told her he would tell him to stop if she wanted.  Again she only answered with a passionate kiss, pushing her tongue as far as she could down his throat, as he began bouncing her up and down on his super rigid cock.  Whoever the man was behind her had begun trying to penetrate her ass with his thumb, and was making good progress, even though the water was less than the best lubricant.  After he finally got it in, she felt him fucking her ass with it and wanted nothing more than to be fucked by him too, right there right then.  

Well, maybe he sensed this because he got in position behind her, and must have coated his cock in lube somehow, because all of the sudden she felt it thrust into her and it slid right in, and she came for the second time almost simultaneously.  “Oh my fuck,” Alyx moaned, with two hands on her waist, two more squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples.  She was lucid enough to notice a small audience forming, but they were just watching, not looking menacing.  Well, the one that was putting his erect cock basically on Scooter’s shoulder may have been a little menacing.  But Alyx saw him as more of an opportunity.  As the two guys in the tub fucked her, she picked up her beer and finished it, then leaned down and took the third man into her mouth. 

“Oh baby,” Scooter said, “Good fucking girl!  You just got Roadkill his knife wings!”  She heard a bunch of people clap and hoot but didn’t know what that meant and didn’t care.  She was busy sucking this new, third cock that had found its way into her writhing body.  He kicked off his pants and boxers and sat on the edge of the tub, as the man behind her stood her up so her legs were straight and her ass was out of the water.  

Scooter got out of the tub and walked around the party buck naked with his cock still at full mast, high fiving people, then poured another beer.  “Want one sweetheart?  Oh, never mind, I see you’re busy.”  He howled like a wolf after he said it.  The guy behind her was fucking her hard while she attempted to swallow ‘Roadkill’s’ large cock whole like she needed his seed for survival.  After they both came, and Alyx did too for a third earth-shattering time,  Scooter came out with some towels.  He yelled for the prospect to drain the tub, clean the filters, and refill it.  

He helped Alyx out of it and pulled her behind the bar, where he bent her over the sink and fucked her furiously until he came deep inside her.  “Oh fuck, Alyx your pussy is fucking hot.  Will you be my girlfriend?”  The patio erupted in laughter.  “Fuck you guys, I’m serious!”  He leaned over and asked her if she was on birth control.  She said ‘yes, thank God’, and he kissed her shoulder and dried her off thoroughly before helping her put her clothes back on.  Gently and lovingly, like the whole gangbang hadn’t even occurred.  The other two that fucked her went back about their business, no introductions, no thank you, as if they had just taken a pee or something.  


“So what?”  She answered, looking freshly fucked and gorgeous as ever to Scooter.

“Will you be my old lady?”  

“Does it mean I have to fuck all your friends whenever they feel like it?”

“No, on the contrary, it means hands off.  Unless you feel like it.”

“Can I sleep on it?” She smiled, finally.

“So you’re saying there’s a chance!”  He slid her another beer.  

“Yes, there’s probably a chance.”  She kissed him again.  His blue eyes and thick hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, he was more handsome than any actor, she thought to herself.  She would undoubtedly be safe with him as her ‘old man’ and would have obviously all the sex of any variety she ever wanted.  She would have said yes right there and then, but that would be absurd.  She met him two days ago, and he was an outlaw biker.  She definitely should sleep on it, after getting drunk enough to sleep after that fucking she had taken.  She took another large swig of beer and said, “Show me your room, cowboy.”

“How’d you know I live here?”

“I didn’t.  Now I do!  But you’re the head of security and here every day so…  I guessed.”

“Yea well, I have an apartment too, but you’re very smart Alyx.  Come, I’ll show you.”  He took her down a staircase hidden behind a cabinet in the garage and unlocked a padlock on a steel door.  He flipped the lights on to reveal a sparse but tidy studio apartment, with a large California king bed.  “Jackpot!”  she squeaked, as she climbed on the bed and lifted her skirt, revealing her recently inseminated but still gorgeous pussy as she tore her panties to the side.  

“You are one fucking amazing, little girl.  You know that?”  She collapsed her head and shoulders onto the neatly made bed and moaned as he once again slipped his half erect cock into her gooey hole, finding himself unable to refuse and soon ready to go again.  

“Fuck me, Sarge, as you’ve never fucked before, then lock the door and let me sleep while you go party.”  He did exactly what she asked, coming this time in her perfectly shaped, eighteen-year-old ass.  Max jumped up on the bed and curled up next her.  Scooter laughed as he thought the dog was glaring at him in a jealous manner.  He turned on a nightlight, shut off the recessed lights, and locked the door as she had asked and left her to sleep.   

When she woke several hours later, she sat up like a loaded spring released, full of panic and terror.  Her purse!  She spotted it, and she regained composure finding her dad’s pistol and her phone in it.  Scooter must have brought it down to her after she fell asleep.  She couldn’t believe what had happened in the hot tub, and that Scooter wanted to be her man after that.  She checked the door and it was locked solid from the outside, she remembered the padlock.  There were no windows, it was like a bunker.  Unlike most bachelor pads she had seen, there was actually a lot of good food in the fridge and cupboards.  She turned on the TV and noticed he had hundreds of channels.  She found some that said CCTV.  

She flipped thru the cameras and saw the party had dwindled.  She could see several guys cleaning up, including Scoot.  It was still dark outside.  She sighed a sigh of relief and decided to shower and try to clean off, and out, some of the lasciviousness from the escapades just a few short hours earlier.  She thought of Scooter, all the questions she had for him.  What the fuck was knife wings?  Was he really serious about the girlfriend thing?  Or just trying to ease her into more debauchery?  Just then she saw him peeking in at her as she shut the water off and grabbed a way bigger and softer towel than you would expect a biker to own.  

“How we doin’ angel, you good?”

“What are knife wings?”  She asked.  Scooter smiled and looked at the ground.  Then he looked her in the eye.

“It’s a small patch for your vest to show that you had sex with a friend’s wife or girlfriend.”

“Oh, so I was already your girlfriend before you even asked me.”  She looked right back into his eyes.

“In a perfect world, yes.  I’m an optimist.  They all know I’m in love with you.”

“Then why would they fuck me?”  She was grilling him a little, but also trying to genuinely figure out these things.

“This brotherhood, it’s not like the outside world Alyx.  We would all die for one another and share literally everything.  Most of society’s norms and rules mean nothing to any of us.  If you are with me, then any one of my brothers would lay his life on the line for you.”

“Interesting.  It didn’t bother you at all, watching me with them?”  She dried her hair with the towel, trying to figure how honest Scooter was.

“A little, it did.  But for me to deny a brother something he wanted, because I wanted it all for myself, it goes against everything we stand for and believe in.  I hope this makes sense to you.”

“It does.  It’s pretty cool actually, probably closer to how people should be.”  She looked at herself in the mirror, trying to picture herself as a biker babe.

“If it makes you feel better, several guys have asked if I would consider approaching you about enabling them to get golden wings, and I said no.  That’s fifteen men and one woman.”  He looked at her with raised eyebrows.  She read that he was curious about a reaction.  She decided to deny him one, unable to process the idea right away, and certainly not willing to think about that anyway.  It was too much, too soon.  She just stared at him as she peed, trying to think of a segue that would give away nothing.  

“Well gee, thanks.  How about approaching me about taking me out to dinner?”  He laughed and walked across the tiled bathroom to kiss her. 

“Would you like me to take you out to dinner tonight, Al?”  He held her neck and head in his hand.

“So sweet!  I would love that!  I want to go sleep in my own bed after this.  But before I go, however, I feel bad that I’ve blown some guy named Roadkill that I don’t know, but not my handsome boyfriend yet.” 

She unbuckled his jeans.  She loved the looks of his cock.  She sucked him tenderly for several minutes before he released in her mouth and throat and she swallowed it all.  He was captivated by her young beautiful face, body, and eager, raw sexuality.   She was falling fast for his confidence, looks, and irreverence.


Published 6 years ago

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