The Cherry Stem Girl Chapter 1

"Jessie has a talent that only her best friend knows. Until now..."

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“Hey Jessie!  I want to see you do that trick!”

“What trick?” I replied.  I was pretty sure what my friend Alicia had in mind.

Alicia looked at me with a sly little grin, “You know what trick.  Come on.  Show us how talented you are!”

I gave her a teasing frown.  “Not now!  It will be embarrassing with all these people around.”

”That is exactly why you need to do it.  You’ll be the hit of the party!” Alicia walked away from me and toward the stereo.

I stood there blushing from the exchange.  I never should have showed my best friend a neat little trick that I learned many years ago.  Ever since Alicia saw what I could do, she has been goading me to show it off to others, especially attractive college guys.  Not sure why really.  To me it wasn’t that big of a deal.  It was a fun little novelty thing that I just happen to do really good.

Suddenly, the music stopped and Alicia yelled out, “Alright every one!  Can I have your attention?”

Some random guy yelled back, “Come on!  Turn the music back on!”

Alicia glared at the guy, “Ok Ass Wipe.  If the music is that important, maybe you should leave and miss out on the fun that is about to happen.”

The guy suddenly got very quiet.

“Okay.  So.  My friend Jessie, wants to show off a talent that she has.”

I start turning beet red, “Alicia!  No!”

“Come on up here girl.  You know deep down you want to show it off.”

I walked up to Alicia and said, “Alicia, it’s not a big deal.  No one needs to see it.  Please!  Let’s not do this.”

Alicia ignored my plea. “Anyways, Jessie here has a talent that I’m sure all the guys and some girls would love to see.  Some of you may even be a little envious of this girl.”

I rolled my eyes at the fact she was making a big deal out of nothing.

“All set to show off your talent Jessie?”

I shook my head no.

Alicia continued on, “I have in my hand here, one maraschino cherry.  Our girl, Jessie, is going to show you what she can do with this innocent little cherry on a stem.  Ready to show us your nice little talent?”

I meagerly replied, “Yeah, I guess so.”

Alicia hands me the cherry and I promptly stick it in my mouth.  I move the stem around in my mouth and find the end of the stem.  Using my tongue, I start manipulating the stem to form a loop. 

Some of the guys realized what I was doing, and start chanting, “Go!  Go!  Go!” over and over again.

I finally thread the end of the stem through the loop to make a knot.  But, I didn’t end it there.  I use my tongue and teeth to tighten up the knot real tight.  Then I start another loop.

The same rude guy starts yelling at me, “Ah come on you little princess!  What’s the big deal?  You’re taking forever! ”

One guy yells at him, “Shut the fuck up!”

However, the other guys yell louder, “Go!  Go!  Go!”

I finally get the second knot in the stem and pull it tight.  I spit the cherry stem on to my hand.  Alicia looks at it and smiles. 

As Alicia holds up the cherry and stem, she loudly proclaims, “Okay, ladies and gents!  Looks like Jessie here has a very talented tongue!  Not just one loosely tied knot in a stem, but a real tight double knot!”

Many guys stood dumbfounded, others start whispering into their friend’s ears and high five each other. The rest just cheered.

After the music went back on, I asked Alicia what the big deal was.  All she said was, “Girl, you are now Miss Popular.”

As Alicia walked into the kitchen, three very handsome guys approached me.  The tallest one came up to me and said, “Wow!  I never saw anyone tie a cherry stem like you did.  My name is Scott.  And these are my friends, Brian and John.”

“Ah… Ah… Nice to meet you Scott.” I replied.

I was nervous as everything.  It felt like little butterflies were floating in my stomach.  Something about the three of them were having an effect on me.

“Care for a drink and some dancing with us?”

“Ah… Umm…”

Scott took my hand and walked me to where people were dancing.  He handed me a drink and said, “I take it that you do want to dance with us.”

After two drinks, I felt like I was in heaven with these three gorgeous hunks.  We started dancing, and everything started off so innocently.  After the third song played, the guys started to get more brazen with me.  I was so hot and bothered by their good looks, that I was starting to let my guard down.  Brian started grinding behind me, and then he moved his hands from my waist to my breasts.  He then started to move his hands in a circular motion around my nipples.  I closed my eyes as he continued to caress my bosom.  As my nipples were getting hard from his caresses, a moan escaped my lips.

I didn’t notice that Scott and John gave each other a smile and a high five as Brian worked his magic on me.  Brian bent his head down just enough to start kissing me on the nape of my neck.  Little shivers went up and down my spine every time his lips touched my neck.  Brian kept it up for what seemed like several minutes.  Each kiss took its toll on me.  I was melting like butter, and I started moaning a little louder.  Finally, Scott saw and seized the opportunity.  As Brian continued to work his magic on my neck, Scott leaned in and started kissing and nibbling my ear lobes.  Soon my sexual urges and desires took over my body.  I could feel the dampness and heat that started to emanate from my womanhood.  After a couple of minutes, Scott knew that I was his for the taking.

The petals of my flower were swelling in anticipation of what was to come.  Nectar started leaking onto the petals as Scott continued his assault on my ear lobe.  After a couple of more moans and giggles from me, he whispered, “Show us how talented that tongue really is.”

I looked up at him and moved my face toward his until I kissed his lips.  After several kisses, our lips parted like the Red Sea.  Two tongues started an erotic dance, neither one wanting to part ways with the other.  As Scott and I continued our increasingly erotic kiss, I was becoming more and more lost with sexual desire.  I totally blocked out the party and all those around that were watching Scott, Brian, and I making out.

Scott and I finally broke our kiss long enough for him to say, “Your tongue is amazing for two things, cherry stems, and kissing.  What else can your tongue do that is amazing?”

I looked at Scott and replied, “I don’t know.”

“Oh Jessie.  I think you definitely know what to use that tongue for.”

Scott put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees.  He then unbuckled his belt, next came the button, and then finally he unzipped his pants.  Gravity took its course, and his pants fell down to his ankles.  Just inches from my face was a hardening bulge underneath tight boxer briefs.  It left nothing to the imagination, as it was obvious Scott was well endowed.  I looked up at his face to see a sexy smile and marvelous blue eyes.  The music stopped and people started to focus their attention on this hunk and the cherry stem girl.  I moved my eyes down to his midsection as he took off his shirt.  His abs were firm and sexy as hell.  It wasn’t until my eyes went back to what was in front of me when I saw the head of his manhood creeping out of the top of his boxer briefs.

The co-ed crowd that had surrounded me and the three guys were silently looking at the situation, waiting for something more to unfold.  By now, my flower was leaking so much nectar that my sexy little hot pink panties were soaking wet.  Alicia broke through the crowd next to me.  She pulled Scott’s underwear off and pushed my head so my mouth was right at the tip of his penis.

“Jessie hun, show Scott the magic of your talented tongue.”

I looked at Alicia and hesitated.

Alicia said to me in a slightly snide way, “Be a courteous woman, and open your mouth Jessie.  It’s obvious that you have gotten him worked up.  He doesn’t deserve a case of blue balls because you are a cock tease.  Open your mouth and finish what you started.”

I looked up at Scott who was giving me a sexy little smile.  I look back at his hardened cock and slowly opened my mouth.

Alicia smiled and whispered in my ear, “Good girl Jessie.  Now make sure you give Scott here a good demonstration of your talented tongue.”

Alicia then pushed my head forward just enough for the head of Scott’s cock to slide into my mouth.  The crowd around me erupted into, “Do it!  Do it!  Do it!”  I voluntarily slid down further onto Scott’s cock.  I came back off of it and grabbed the shaft with one hand and started stroking it.  Then my tongue went to work on the tip and shaft.  I started licking it like one would a lollipop.  A groan escaped Scott’s mouth and the crowd started going wild.  It was obvious now that the entire party was in the living room trying to get a view of the cherry stem girl working her magic on a lucky guy.

After a couple of minutes working my tongue around the head and shaft, I placed my lips around the crown of his cock and slid forward.  As I slid forward, I made sure my tongue was applying pressure to the underside of the helmet.  Once it passed the front of my mouth and made its way to the back, I tried to move my tongue back and forth along the shaft.  Once I felt the tip almost reach my gag reflex, I would slide back out, and repeat it again and again. 

While bobbing up and down on Scott’s magnificent cock, I suddenly became aware of a hand that made its way into my mini skirt.  A finger found its way down to my panty covered flower and managed to find the middle of the petals that protect that precious nectar.  The owner of the finger started running it back and forth across the panties.  I was amazed that he was able to get his finger deep enough into the folds of my pussy that he was starting to stimulate my clitoris.  As I continued to move Scott’s cock in and out of my mouth, a squeal, followed by a moan suddenly came out of me.

“Oh god!  That was amazing girl!  More of that, and I’ll be cumming in no time!”

After a few more moans and groans escaped out of me, Scott proceeded to take over.  He placed both of his hands around my head to hold it still.  Next, he started moving his cock in and out of my mouth at a faster pace.  Each thrust of his hips was driving him deeper and deeper into my mouth.  The finger down at my womanhood continued its assault on my clitoris.  Constant groaning was coming from my throat as my own climax was starting to rise.  The crowd watched everything unfold, and cheered Scott on after each thrust into my mouth.  Alicia looked on with satisfaction of what she started.

Scott was now thrusting deep enough into my mouth that he was hitting my gag reflex.  I tried to suppress it as best as I could.  However, every once in a while it would cause my throat to contract around the head of Scott’s cock.  This only encouraged Scott to go deeper into my mouth.  Saliva was now drooling out of my mouth and tears started coming out of my eyes.  I wasn’t crying per se, but it definitely was the result of Scott forcing his cock deep into my mouth and almost to the back of my throat.  Each thrust into me caused me to gag, which caused more tears to weep from my eyes and saliva to escape my mouth.  The saliva was now dripping off of my chin and onto my blouse where it met my cleavage.  From all the tears, my mascara started running as was the small amount of eye shadow I placed on my lower eyelids.  I was turning into one hot mess.

The continuous build up of my orgasm started to reach its peak.  It was all due to the marvelous job of the finger rubbing my clitoris.  I was seconds away from exploding into orgasmic bliss.

Scott’s continued thrusting into my mouth caused me to gag almost every time his cock touched the back of my throat.  My blouse was so thoroughly wet from the dripping saliva that it had become semi-transparent.  The tears from my eyes now made blackened trails down my cheeks to my neck.  Guys were hooting and hollering at the job Scott was doing to the cherry stem girl.  Finally, Scott yelled to the crowd, “Oh god! Here it comes!”

He buried his cock around my tongue and held it there.  I felt a pulse from his cock inside of my mouth.  Suddenly, warm salty fluid hit my tongue.  The cum in my mouth, coupled with the expert finger on my womanhood, was enough to send me to orgasmic bliss.  Scott’s cock pulsed in my mouth again.  More of his warm gooey cum entered into my mouth.  Now my orgasm was tearing through my body.  It was like I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t react, and I definitely couldn’t swallow.  A third pulse of his cock, and even more cum shot into my mouth.  I had so much cum in my mouth that it started leaking out of the corners of my mouth and down my chin.  The crowd around me erupted into cheers when they saw the cherry stem girl’s hopelessly messy face with cum dripping down it.  My orgasm continued to course through my body.  I was shaking like crazy.  It was an orgasm that was so powerful that I had absolutely no control of anything.  A fourth contraction of Scott’s cock shot even more cum into my mouth.  It wasn’t as big as the first three, but there was enough to force more cum to leave the corners of my mouth.  Finally, Scott’s cock contracted two more times.  But by this point, most of the cum had already been shot into my mouth.  When I looked up at Scott, he smiled like he had conquered the hardest beast to tame. 

As my orgasm was subsiding, Alicia came up to me and said loud enough for everyone to hear, “Okay bitch!  Show everyone what your talented tongue can do.  Open your slutty little mouth and show your prize!”

I looked up at her in hesitation.

“Come on slut!  I know you want to show it off.”

I slowly opened my mouth for everyone to see.

Alicia looked down at me and said, “My, my.  Your tongue definitely did a number on Scott.  He also made you look real slutty with your make-up smeared over your face and cum dripping from your chin.”  She took out her phone and snapped a bunch of photos of me.  She captured every detail of what I looked like after Scott had his way with me.  I still had Scott’s cum in my mouth and dripping from my chin, my mascara ruined face, and my soaking wet blouse was all Alicia needed for what was yet to come.

“Now, swallow your prize little cum slut!”

I swallowed Scott’s cum and even took my fingers to scoop up the cum that was dripping down my chin.  I placed my freshly cum coated fingers into my mouth to clean them off.  All of this was being videoed by Alicia.

Alicia looked at me and gave a devilish smile, “Okay.  Who is next for this cum thirsty cherry stem slut?”

-To be continued-



Published 8 years ago

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