Sometimes things happen for the better and I guess bitch slapping Eva in the storage-room was one of them. The slap had built up for a long time, over weeks and months actually and I thought it was well deserved, but my boss didn’t, even though he knew what a bitch Eva was. So, about five minutes after delivering the slap and watch Eva run off crying, I walked out of the supermarket unemployed but pretty happy.
I wasn’t too concerned about finding gainful employment. I had languages, and experience, but at the same time I needed income quickly. Once I was at home, I began calling friends and searching the internet. I found a few interesting vacancies I applied for and then had a cold beer feeling very productive.
My mind drifted and I wondered what Marie was doing at that precise moment wherever she was in the world. It had been almost a year since I saw her drive off into the night leaving me by my bike with a still wet pussy and yearning nipples. It was early summer now and I hadn’t heard anything from her, not a call, not a text message, nothing. Maybe I had been a brief distraction in her busy life and she was onto another young woman somewhere. I sighed and went for another beer. Life was hard.
Three days later I was called for my first interview. It was a villa rental business, and very swanky one based in a small village up in the mountains. It looked like it hadn’t changed in the last hundred years, but everyone living on the island knew that there was real money on the hills and valleys surrounding the village.
The office was on the bottom floor of a building that was attached to a tobacconist and a small cafe. I went inside and the cold air felt good. There were two glass tables where two almost identical girls sat. They were in my age range, blonde, and extremely pretty. I smiled.
“Hi, I’m Linda, here for an interview with Mr. Frost.”
“Take a seat, he will be right with you,” said the one to the right. German accent.
“A drink, perhaps?” asked the other. French accent.
I shook my head and picked up a real estate magazine from the glass table in front of where I sat. Glossy pictures showed multi million Euro villas for sale and others you could rent for as little as five grand per week. Some included a chef, a maid and a driver.
“Ms. Yxi ?” said a voice to my left. He was tall and wide, filling up the doorway to his office.
“Yes, Linda Yxi. Mr. Frost?”
He walked back into his office and I followed. “You have quite an unusual last name,” he said when we were seated.
Another glass table, and a large leather chair that creaked under his weight. Loads of photos of him on yachts, golfing, and fishing in exotic places. Business must be good, I thought.
“Yes, its Finnish actually, from my father’s side. It means one.”
“Oh, I was in Finland a few years back, promoting the business at a convention. Anyway, I see you don’t have any experience in real estate.”
He looked at me expecting an explanation to why I was in his office, which didn’t make sense since he called me, well the German chick had.
“No, but I have many years’ experience with customer service and I speak several languages.”
“Right.” he was quietly looking down at my CV.
“And I know the island very well.”
Fuck, I thought. I’m not getting to him.
“I know a lot of people, which is always good in this kind of business.”
He lifted his head. “Really, and who might they be?”
I ran off a few names of rich people I had met at parties, not really knowing them. Then I had a brilliant idea. “I also know Marie Larcon-Morris.”
How I remembered her last name I had no idea. I had only seen it once on a piece of stationary on the way to her bed room, but it had stuck.
Now I had his full attention. “How do you know her?”
Shit, time for more lies. “Well, we met through friends and she invited me for lunch at her villa.”
he lifted an eyebrow. “You have been to her villa?”
He sat back rocking slowly back and forth, then leaned forward again. “Okay, Ms. Yxy , let’s see if you can be my number one. Mrs. Larcon -Morris is flying in tomorrow for a week’s stay at her villa. I want you to set up a meeting with her and convince her to let us represent her so we can rent the place.”
Piece of cake, I thought. “Sure, no problem.”
He used his finger to indicate my clothing which was a pretty dress and low heels. “I suggest you dress to impress; Mrs. Larcon -Morris doesn’t do business with people who don’t at least look the part.”On my way out I gave the girls a nod and got chilly smiles back. No love lost there I thought. If they only knew that I had been fucked by Marie a year earlier, they might show me some respect.
Driving home, I was almost laughing. Marie was coming back and that meant we would hook up again. My entire body was over heating as I thought back to her hands on my body, her lips on my pussy and how she had fucked me with the strap on.
First stop was a fashion store in town where I picked up a few pieces that cost too much for my budget, but it was an investment in the future. I also got a couple of new heels and better quality make up. Back home I made lunch and celebrated with a glass of chilled white wine. Life was good again.
The day came when I was to visit Marie and I was nervous. I shouldn’t be, we weren’t strangers, but hadn’t seen each other for a year. Maybe she wouldn’t remember me, or just tell me to leave.
I parked my car outside the villa and pressed the doorbell. A few seconds later there was a crackle from the speakerphone set in the wall. A small camera buzzed above my head focusing in on me.
“Linda Yxi to see Mrs. Larcon -Morris.”
“Do you have an appointment?” asked a female voice.
“No, but we are friends from last summer.”
“Please wait.” It took a couple of minutes and then the voice was back. “Mrs. Larcon -Morris, declines seeing you. Says she has never heard of you.”
Fuck, I thought. “Alright, please tell her we met at a supermarket and that she has a small mole on her left ass cheek.”
I sighed, this would either make or break the meeting. Suddenly the gate clicked and swung open. I was inside!
The main door opened and a young woman, younger than I, stood in the doorway. She could have been Marie when she was young. Black hair, green eyes and tall. She was dressed in a business dress with a skirt that was just short enough to make her sensual.
“Hi, I’m Linda Yxi,” I said and put out my hand.
She ignored it and simply turned around leading the way. I followed out to the pool area where I saw Marie sitting under a large parasol. Next to her a bottle of rose wine, and one glass.
“Ms. Yxi , to see you,” said the assistant or whatever the hell she was.
Marie slowly turned and lifted her sunglasses. Her green eyes had lost some of their lustre , but she was still beautiful. “So, it is you. Please have a seat.”
Her voice was tired, and she seemed to have a hard time focusing on me. “Are you okay, I haven’t heard from you.” I said.
She put her hand on mine. “My dear Linda, what are you doing dressed like that and looking like a mannequin in a fashion store?”
I blushed. “You don’t like it?”
“No, what turned me on was you. The “I don’t give a shit” attitude, and your smile.”
I felt a bit stupid and fidgeted with the necklace I had bought.
“Well, I’m here for a reason, not only to see how you are doing.”
She lifted her hand. “Let me guess, you work for that snake Mr. John Frost. He has the private jet area at the airport staked out just waiting for me to fly in. He has been pitching his business to me for years now, even while my husband was alive. He keeps sending pretty girls to seduce me into renting the place.”
I was surprised. “He knows about you, liking girls?”
Marie laughed quietly. “He sure does. He caught me finger fucking his daughter at a party he held at his villa. The cute thing was just sixteen at the time and had a pussy so tight I think she was a virgin.”
I couldn’t help it and laughed out aloud. That was the Marie I knew, horny, wild and willing to take what she wanted. This Marie was different.
“My eyesight has gotten worse and I need help, that’s why I have Kelly.”
“Oh, Ms. Personality, you mean?”
“She is a bit protective, that’s true, but a nice girl.”
We sat in silence for a while holding hands. Her skin was drier than I remembered it to be and there were more wrinkles. She had turned old over the last year. I still wasn’t sure exactly how old she was, but I’d guess she was pushing fifty, but her general appearance was that of someone at least ten years older.
“Okay, my dear Linda. I have made up my mind about the villa. I will rent it , but under a few conditions, one of them is that you get four out of the five percent John charges.”
My heart almost stopped. That was serious money for me, life changing money actually. A place like hers would easily go for 50,000 a week or more if you included the boat.
“What else?” I said almost in a whisper.
“The agreement is until I die, he can’t wiggle out of it at any point and he can’t get rid of you for any reason. You will only represent my villa, no one else’s. And finally,” she grinned at me. “I need to feel your pussy right now.”
She used her hand to move me in front of her where she pulled up my skirt. “Oh, just as I thought, freshly shaved and no panties.” She leaned in and let her tongue slide slowly from the top of the slit until it ended. My legs shook from the touch. It had been months since I last had sex.
She opened my jacket and then unbuttoned the white blouse as she kept on licking and sucking on my clit. Her hands slid in under my bra and cupped my boobs then gently pinched and pulled at my nipples.
I moaned and put one hand on her shoulder and the other behind her head, pulling her closer. My knees were weak and my moaning had turned into gasps.
“Oh Marie, I have missed you so much, you make me feel so good, don’t stop, please make me come.”
My eyes were closed and the heat from the sun was burning my back, but I was so close to coming I didn’t care. I could hear the wet sounds coming from my pussy and I pulled up my dress even higher. Marie slid two fingers inside me and while sucking on my clit she rubbed my G-spot .
A sound made me open my eyes and there was Kelly. She was standing a few yards away staring at us in silence. Her mouth slightly open and her gaze on my pussy. It must have been shiny from pussy juice and she was close enough to hear the sloppy sounds from Marie’s fingers fucking me. Suddenly she turned around and hurried inside. I didn’t care, I was coming, and hard.
“Oh, oh, Marie, just like that, oh, don’t stop!”
I screamed the last part as my body convulsed in a long orgasm, that made my knees week. I held on to Marie’s shoulder and I must have squeezed hard since she winced.
She stopped fucking and sucking my pussy and looked up at me with a wet face. I leaned down and kissed and licked her lips and cheeks, tasting my own juices.
“That was lovely, Linda, thank you. Now go and see Mr. Frost and tell him the good news.”
As I walked across the hallway to the main entrance Kelly came out of nowhere. She was looking down at the floor as she approached me.
“Yes?” I asked. She obviously wanted something.
“Since we will be working closely with the contract, I was wondering if you,” she cleared her throat, “if you would like to meet for a coffee tomorrow, just to get to know each other?”
I smiled. “Sure, I’ll text you where and when. You have a card?”
She handed me a simple white business card. Then I said goodbye with the traditional two cheek kiss. I knew she could smell my pussy on my lips and it made me smile.
From home, I called Mr. Frost and gave him the good news. He was ecstatic and I could hear him tell Frenchy and her friend to get started on the contract.
“Are you okay with the part about me?” I asked carefully.
“Linda, you could have kept the boat if you wanted to. That villa will bring in more money than the others together. God, I hope she leaves the sex wardrobe intact.”
I almost dropped the phone. “How did..?”
He laughed. “Linda, my dear, I didn’t believe one word of the story about you being invited for lunch. I know very well about Marie’s tastes. After all, several of my girls have been to the villa over the years.”
After I hung up with him, I showered and changed into a pair of shorts and tank top. It was nice to get out of the fancy stuff. Not only was it hot but I felt I could hardly breath. I wondered what Kelly was up too. Sure, we needed to work on the contract, but there was no need for a pre meeting coffee. That was something she wanted for whatever reason she had. I wondered if Marie had fucked her too, it wouldn’t surprise me and if she had I wasn’t jealous. Marie was a woman who took what she wanted and there was no point being emotional about it.
Since I didn’t have any other clients than Marie I slept in the next day and then went for a walk. I was half way to the beach when I decided to call Kelly.
“Yes, this is Kelly Mason.”
“Hey, it’s Linda, from yesterday.”
Her voice changed from business to a softer sound. “Oh, hi. Nice of you to call.”
“Are you free today at some point?”
“Hang on, let me see. “No, not during the day, but after six.”
“Cool, meet me here,” I said and gave her an address to a nice bar by the ocean.
Kelly did not look like she had at the villa when she showed up. I had already ordered and was sipping on a vodka tonic when she walked in. She wore skin tight shorts and a white halter top with a red heart in the middle. Her belly button was pierced and held a gold ring. On her feet she wore white sneakers. She looked like she had just left high school, it was only the school bag that was missing.
“Hi,” she said and sat down opposite me.
The waiter came over and she pointed at my glass, asking for the same.
“So, here we are?” I said.
“I got the contract from Mr. Frost’s office and…”
I cut her off. “Stop with the bullshit, Kelly. Why are we really here?”
The waiter appeared with her drink and she pushed the straw to the side and then gulped down half her drink. When she was done, she wiped her lips with the backside of her hand. “I can’t stand it.”
“Mrs. Larcon -Morris, Marie as you can call her.”
“What about her?”
Kelly sighed and finished her drink. “I have been with her for a year, travelling the world, helping her, taking notes, writing up notes, all while she spends her time fucking girls my age.”
I laughed. “That doesn’t surprise me at all. Marie is that kind of woman. So what?”
“You don’t understand, what about me? What about my needs and wants?”
I tilted my head, “What exactly are they?”
“My parents knew Marie and her husband before I was born. They kept one of their winter chalets in the Alps in order for her. When I was born, my parents wanted Marie and her husband to be my godparents and they accepted. I was sent to the best schools and universities. I spent summers in exotic places and winters skiing. I lived a wonderful life, but I never got what I wanted.”
“Which was, what, to fuck Marie?”
I drank from my vodka, wondering what this chick’s obsession was. Sure, Marie was great, but there were loads of other girls in the world, both young and old that Kelly could have been with.
“I still don’t get it, Kelly?”
She waved for the waiter for another round of drinks and then leaned forward. In a whisper she said, “She has a gift.”
I giggled thinking back to all the orgasms she had given me. “Yeah, she sure does.”
“Not a sexual one, well, I guess a little sexual. She can seduce anyone, man or woman, into doing her bidding.”
“Oh, okay. What’s the big deal about that?”
“Her husband found out and then he died. From that day her empire has grown fivefold and she hardly manages it. All she does is meet five or ten people a year, but these are powerful people, heads of government and major corporations. She seduces them, and then they do her bidding and I want that power.”
Obviously, Kelly didn’t have her marbles together. Marie was just a sweet woman who was getting older and had lived a full life knowing how to run a business.
“I don’t believe you.” I said and sat back as the waiter put down our drinks.
“Fine. Where did you meet her?”
“At the supermarket where I used to work.”
“Had you ever been with a woman before, or ever wanted to be?”
“Not really.”
“And the second time you met, where was that?”
“At a secluded beach.”
“Aha, and what were the odds, she, being who she is, would go to this secluded beach and at just the same time you were there?”
I thought back to that day and the more I did it was a bit strange. “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“Yes, it does. Did she touch you at any point during the first meeting?”
“I guess, when she handed me the money, her hand touched mine.”
“That’s it, she read your mind and knew where you were going the next day.”
I was slowly realizing that, maybe Kelly wasn’t a nutter after all. But, why would Marie be interested in a check out girl that was a no one when she had girls like Kelly around her, godchild or not?
Kelly must have known what I was thinking.
“You are nothing to her, just a plaything. She likes to enjoy young women as you know.”
“But what about the contract and all the stuff she made sure I got?”
“It’s true, she will keep her word and about that in order to have someone who will one day do what she wants. It might be years from now, but she will ask for a favor and you will obey.”
A cool breeze came through the bar and while I watched, Kelly’s nipples went hard. They were quite big I realized, and it was hard to take my eyes off them. She looked down, following my gaze.
“Oh shit, this is so embarrassing.”
I laughed. “Not at all, I thought it was cute and sexy.”
“I have never been with a woman, you know. What’s it like?”
“Do you want to try?”
She blushed. “Maybe, I mean I have seen Marie with them, both in beds and outside and yesterday I saw you. By the way, you have great boobs and a cute pussy.”
I waved to the waiter for the bill. It was time to get the fuck out and have some fun with Kelly. I would deal with the Marie issue later. Now I needed a hot body because I was horny.
We took my car since Kelly had arrived in a taxi. Marie didn’t let her drive her Italian sports car without her in it.
“I just have to know, how old is Marie,” I asked as we snaked our way back to my place in traffic.
“She will be seventy this winter.”
“Holy shit! I had sex with a woman almost old enough to be my granny.”
Kelly laughed. “She takes good care of herself and uses some creams that are made from fruits and other plants that grow in the Amazon. The stuff is highly secret and not on the open market.”
“That explains it.”
“Yes, but it’s all on the surface. That’s why her eyesight is going, and she sometimes has problems becoming wet during sex. I have heard her complain about that.”
That must be something new, I thought because the previous year, she was very wet. We finally arrived at my place and after parking I took her hand and lead her up the stairs to my apartment.
“So, how do we do this?” she asked nervously once we were inside.
I took her hands in mine. We stood opposite each other in the living room. “As fast or as slow as you want, you decide?”
“Okay.” She giggled and then said. “This might sound stupid, but could you get naked. I want to see you.”
“Sure, no problem.” I took off my clothes which ended up in a heap on the floor. She took in my breasts and then her gaze moved down to my shaved pussy.
“You can touch if you want?” I offered.
“Not yet. Make us some drinks.” She left me and went out onto the balcony where she stood looking at the view.
I poured two glasses of wine and went after her. None of my neighbors could see us due to how the complex was built so being naked wasn’t a concern to me. We stood next to each other and sipped our wine. Suddenly she put her hand on the small of my back and then it slid down to my left ass cheek which she squeezed.
“You are firm, do you work out?”
“No, just do a lot of walking.” My voice didn’t quite carry because I was horny and wanted things to move along a bit faster than they were. But, at the same time I didn’t want to scare her.
“How old are you?” I asked.
“Nineteen. I was a prodigy and got my MBA last year.”
“Oh, a smart kid.”
“I guess, but not very experienced.”
“Still a virgin?”
“No, I had some men over the years. Some good, some not so. Marie’s husband was a good fuck.”
I laughed. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, when I turned sixteen. It was like a birthday present to me having the famous man fuck my virginity away. I’m not complaining, he was very gentle and did a good job while Marie watched over us.”
“Oh, that horny old woman.”
Kelly laughed and turned to me. She put down her glass on the wood railing and then gave me a tentative kiss on my lips. Her’s were soft and tasted of watermelon and wine. I guess it was her pinkish lipstick. I kissed her back, letting my tongue play over her underlip. She came back for more and then we were kissing deeply. Her arms around me, her hands on my ass cheeks and her nails digging into the flesh.
We came apart and then she undressed, which took a few seconds only. Her boobs were not as big as mine, but her nipples were bigger, brown and hard. I bent down, kissed both and nibbled at them. She was half a head taller than I, so they sat just perfect in front of me. She pulled my face against her breasts.
“Let’s go to your bed,” she whispered.
We walked hand and hand the short distance to my bed room where I lay her down on her back. She looked up at me and giggled.
“This feels so weird, being with a woman you know. I’m so used to the quick fingering, a few squeezes of my tits and then the hard cock poking its way around my pussy before it slides in.”
Her pussy was cute with a little triangle of pubic hair above her slit. She obviously took time trimming it. Her lips were already swollen and looked like rose petals.
“This is different, just relax.”
I knelt by the bed and kissed her left breast as my hand moved down to her pussy. She gasped as my middle finger ran down her slit and she spread her legs. She was already wet and I brought my finger to my mouth and licked it. “You taste good,” I whispered.
“God, that was so sexy,” she whispered back.
This time I let my finger slide inside her and she squeezed it with her sex and pushed her pelvis against my hand.
Her arm came around my shoulders and she pulled me up on the bed, pushing me down and I knew what she wanted. Looking down at me with her legs pulled up, she watched the best she could how I licked her pussy and sucked on her clit. As far as I know she never once took her eyes off me. Only moaned and gasped as her body was being coaxed to an orgasm. As I felt her hips began to move I sucked a bit harder on her clit and wiggled in a third finger.
“Oh fuck, you are stretching me so much, but it feels amazing,” she moaned.
And she was stretched, her lips had become thinner and I loved it. Suddenly her pussy began to contract and her body tensed, she arched her back and her hands flew down pushing me hard against her. My mouth filled with her juices, she wasn’t squirting, just becoming even wetter than she already was. I drank every drop I could, but some ran down my chin.
When her body relaxed she pulled me up higher on her body until I sat on her boobs. She looked at my pussy and then up at me.
“Sit on my face.”
I moved up even further so I could use the wall for support and then lowered myself. She was on my pussy immediately, sucking, licking, nibbling at my lips. I watched her face turn soaking wet and she smiled up at me, her green eyes in lust wanting more and more of my juices.
I began to fuck her face, I was close to coming. My clit rubbing over her mouth and nose and she slid a finger into my anus, which made me squeal.
“ Ohh fuuck , that is amazing, god, yes, yes yes!”
I rode her finger while she licked my clit and just before I exploded in my orgasm another finger slid in, stretching me even further.
“Oh my god!” I moaned as I rode her fingers while the orgasm flowed from my pussy through my body.
She gently pulled her fingers out and I slid down her body that was sweaty and slithery. I was too and we lay there holding each other and kissing softly.
“That, was not what I had expected,” She said after a while.
“It wasn’t?”
I lifted my head from her cheek and looked into her eyes. “It was so much better,” she giggled.
“I loved the anal play,” I admitted.
“Have you ever tried anal sex with a guy?”
“Well, yes and no. I had a fuck buddy last year and we tried it, but his cock was too thick, so it hurt.”
She kissed my cheek and pulled me down again close to her. “It’s all about taking time and using a lot of lube. If you want, I can teach you one day.”
I rolled off her and supported my head in my hand, elbow on the bed. “What are you talking about? You and Marie are leaving at the end of the week.”
“She is, I’m not. I’m not going to travel with her. I want to go back to school. I could hang out with you for a few weeks if you want?”
The thought of having this amazing girl all by myself was too much to say no too. “Cool, I’d love it!”
She pulled me out of bed and said, “Let’s take a shower, I feel sticky.”
I kissed her. “I love you sticky.”
A couple of days later I got a call from Kelly. She was quite upset and was crying.
“What has happened?”
“She’s dead.”
“Yes, she jumped from the cliffs. In a note she said she couldn’t live with becoming blind and missing all the beauty in life.”
“Oh shit, that is horrible. How are you doing?”
She sobbed a little and blew her nose. “I’m okay, it’s just such a shock. I have to go back to Geneva, where the main office is to sort out all the legal stuf , f but I should be back in about two weeks, is that okay?”
“Sure, take your time. I’ll be waiting for you.”
“Thanks, and don’t forget to keep that pussy freshly shaved.”
I laughed. “I promise, Kelly. It will be waiting for you.”