The Chain – Ch 1: Reckoning

"An FBI agent in way over his head. A criminal queen drunk on power. An arcane necklace that no one truly understands…"

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“I said closer,” Asma said in a low voice, the sound of her words amplified with a strange energy Gabriel knew but could not quite place.

The tall, handsome Hispanic man blinked and tried to remember what he was about to say. His fingers worked at one of the buttons of his black sport coat as he tried to recall.

Gabe meant to glance at Asma. Only glance. She seemed to subtly glow in the parlor’s mood lights, reflected gleams bouncing off of her expensive-looking jewelry.

Especially the heavy silver chain dangling from her throat. That thing seemed to gleam brightest.

“I, uh…” Gabriel began, fighting for words as his mind clouded over in a murk that made his train of thought distant and soundless. “I came here…”

“To ask me a few questions?” Asma finished, a small smile playing at one corner of her full, cinnamon-colored lips. “About the incident at the docks? I know, Agent Lima. And I’m ready to tell you all about it…”

Asma patted her expertly manicured hand against the lush sofa seat to her left, the jewels in her rings glinting with light as they moved.

“…when You. Come. Closer.”

Gabriel inhaled sharply as another wave of…whatever was happening…washed over his already-struggling brain. Years ago, at a party he would never speak of again now that he wore an FBI badge, he had taken a drink that was a mixture of flavors and chemicals he had never been able to fully account for. He had had some of the best sex of his life that night with multiple women and he only remembered maybe half of it.

What his mind was currently experiencing was very much like that.

Now thirty-five years old and nearly a decade into a rewarding federal career, Gabe found himself too easily confounded by the woman before him, a woman only two years younger than him and yet operating in the upper echelons of power in New York’s criminal underworld. He had led the investigation that uncovered just how much more Asma had done with her family’s criminal empire than her late father and grandmother before her. He knew exactly how dangerous she was and the Bureau had more than enough to convict her, most of her officers, and even some of the other crime leaders dealing with her.

And yet, here Agent Lima stood in Asma Bilal’s opulent penthouse parlor in the Upper West Side, trying to maneuver her into more intel in exchange for her own immunity, immunity the Bureau didn’t need to give her. In this moment that had so suddenly begun to haze over for him, Gabe could somewhat recall the bullshit he had fed his superiors as to why they needed to deal with Asma, bullshit that had come to quickly bite him in the ass after last night’s fiasco at the docks.

Gabe blinked again and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He had only recently begun wearing contacts over his olive-green eyes and had to fight the urge to push up the glasses that were no longer there. “I think I…”

Gabriel was about to say he thought he could ask his questions where he was – about six feet away from his impossibly gorgeous host and her glittering jewelry, in the middle of the parlor’s plush cream carpet – just fine. But when he opened his mouth to speak, Asma opened her legs just the slightest bit and that was enough. The short hem of her copper-colored silk dress lifted only another inch when she moved. Toned thighs that looked like they’d been soaked in fine hazelnut coffee – two of the best things Asma had inherited from her complex Middle Eastern heritage – shifted and caught the light along their curves as she subtly showed off her lack of panties.

Gabe felt his dark slacks tighten. If he didn’t sit down soon, he was likely to lose what little modesty he had left.

(Like I’m not about to lose it anyway…)

I think I’ll have a seat,” he managed to mutter as he moved toward the sofa.

“Good boy,” Asma said in a soft purring voice. She shifted herself on the sofa to face Gabriel better as he sat, the ripples of warm light in her long, wavy black hair roiling like ocean tides as she moved. Her left elbow propped itself on the top of the couch cushions, her hand resting lightly against the curve of her cheek. Gabe’s investigative mind clicked on briefly, taking in a dozen details in an instant: the large, almond-shaped eyes with the dusting of honey fractals within deep brown irises; the gently curved nose; the little upturn in her upper lip that gave her a natural pout, even more pronounced by her smile; the minimal makeup, excepting the heavy application of mahogany-colored smokey-eye. They were details Gabe had taken in a dozen times over the last few months of their little agreement, and yet, he still found himself dazzled by them whenever he was in this woman’s presence.

That dazzling effect disturbed him on some level. And yet he struggled to deny her.

And then Asma removed her hand from her cheek and began tracing her finger along the contours of Gabriel’s hand. Little sparks of arousal flared through his mind as he fought for focus.

“You had questions…?” Asma said in a near whisper, her eyes shimmering like she was about to laugh.

(Playing with her food, more like…)

“Several, um…” Gabe cleared his throat. “Several containers were broken into before your security arrived. There were, uh…there were a lot of items missing after the firefight, at least according to the manifests. Items you told me were supposed to be housing Cassetti’s drugs for the smuggling op.”

That’s it, Gabe, he thought to himself. You’ve got your focus back. You’re on a roll. Stay on track.

Asma sighed with only a little exaggeration and made a show of shrugging her shoulders. The thin silk straps of the dress were barely keeping Asma’s hefty breasts aloft, and when she shrugged, two glorious mounds of cleavage rose up her chest.

What was that about having your focus back? some other obnoxious voice said in Gabe’s head.

“I don’t know what to tell you, Agent,” Asma said. “I gave you what I had. I’ve no reason to lie, you know I can’t afford to risk my immunity after what the Bureau has collected on me. We made the deal with Cassetti, he was supposed to arrive personally…I guess he didn’t trust me.”

Can’t imagine why, that obnoxious voice continued.

“Asma…” Gabriel said, clearing his throat again. “We both know you’re smarter than that. Cassetti’s enforcers came armed for war, not self-defense. They knew something.”

Asma kept smiling, but the nature of the smile shifted from playful to predatory. “I have reason to believe I may have an idiot in my ranks.”

“An idiot?” Gabe scoffed.

Asma nodded slowly. “Someone stupid enough to betray me. And this someone clearly knows about our deal because they deliberately waited until this particular shipment to leak the information to Cassetti. You’re right, Agent Lima, I am smarter than that. And the situation will be dealt with. Meanwhile, I’ll simply have to feign insolent outrage to Cassetti and keep him comfortable in what he thinks is the high ground. The immature syndicate heiress act has done me wonders so far.”

“So I’m told,” Gabe said. “And that’s not all.”

“No,” Asma said, amusement returning to her smile as her right began to slowly feel its way up Gabe’s knee. “No, that’s definitely not all.”

Gabe felt the bulge in his slacks rise before he saw it. Asma saw it too and gave a soft chuckle not unlike the lowing of a lioness.

Her hand moved higher up Gabe’s thigh.

“What are you doing?” Gabe asked in a husky voice. His mind screamed for him to move while his body was content to ignore his mind and sit right here waiting for the show to begin.

“Gabriel,” Asma whispered slowly as she moved closer to him, her lips approaching his earlobe. Her breasts pressed against Gabriel’s shoulder and he found himself hyper-aware of her nearly-naked bosom rising further and further out of her dress’s trappings. “We both know you’re smarter than that.”

Under any other circumstances, Gabe would have rolled his eyes at having his own words thrown back at him so cheesily.

But under these circumstances, this goddess of a sharp and dangerous woman was rubbing him down and about to burst from her dress.

“Listen to me…” he began.

“Every time,” Asma breathed in Gabe’s ear before peppering his exposed, tanned throat with little kisses. “Every time you come see me, all I want is a little Mexican dessert -“

“Mexican-American,” Gabe managed to choke out.

“- and every time, you try so hard to fall back on your badge.”

Gabe swallowed, not quite aware that his left hand had begun running itself up and down Asma’s exposed shoulder.

“Only a moron wouldn’t find you attractive,” Gabe said, struggling to speak his mind. “But you’re also a criminal source. Do you know what -“

“I’m risking my life and freedom even speaking to you, Gabriel,” Asma said, throwing a little more of that potent emphasis in. More than just pleasure roiled behind Gabe’s eyes when Asma grasped his hardened length through his pants. “We’re both on the line, together. So since we’re here, together, we may as well enjoy one another while we can.”

Gabe hissed as Asma shifted her grip on his clothed cock.

“Now, Agent Lima,” Asma continued as she leaned back from Gabe. Her left hand went to her shoulder straps, flicking them off one at a time with each word she spoke.

“I. Said. Closer.”

The flimsy top of Asma’s dressed fell away from her chest, revealing healthy and natural breasts with taut little espresso-bean nipples. Her glittering chain fell just above the part between her luscious tits, and both chain and tits swayed a bit as Asma gave a little shake for good measure.

She had Agent Lima’s attention.

“I’ll never understand why you try so hard to resist,” Asma said, biting her lip with a smile. “We both know what we both want.”

The last word hadn’t quite left Asma’s mouth when Gabe dipped his head down and smothered himself with Asma’s breasts. Asma gave a little gasp as he kissed the cleft of her tits and closed his teeth gently around her right nipple. Her grip flexed hard on Gabe’s slacks-covered cock and his teeth tightened on her as he groaned.

“Clothes Off,” Asma sighed as her head went back and her eyes closed. “Now!”

Gabe unhitched himself from Asma’s tits, the sport coat already sliding from his shoulders as he leaned back. The coat hit the floor at the same moment Gabe’s fingers began working the buttons of his shirt, his feet working independently to kick off his shoes and socks.

Gabe’s mind fogged over completely; he was only vaguely aware of his hands working to remove his clothing. The only thing he could completely focus on was Asma herself. She seemed to move in slow motion as she slid the straps of her dress the rest of the way down her arms, bunching the dress around her hips as she completely freed her breasts. A thinly drawn tribal tattoo of intersecting curved lines adorned the crest of her rib cage beneath her breasts, a focal point that held Gabriel’s gaze.

His belt zipped from the loops in his slacks and dropped beside the couch. The zipper came down and Asma could no longer simply watch. She helped her prey out of the slacks and gently pushed him back on the sofa. Gabe’s eyes glazed over as he leaned back on the piled cushions and velvety pillows while Asma’s fingers slowly worked the waistband of his boxers.

“Do you have something for me, Agent Lima?” Asma purred.

She pulled the boxers lower and lower. Dark pubic hair became exposed a bit at a time.

“Yes…” Gabe half-whispered/half-moaned.

One last tug freed Gabe’s aching cock, his thick length wavering a bit before it stood at attention. A light sheen of precum glittered in the soft light at the tip of the agent’s throbbing member.

Asma’s tongue peeked out between her lips as she leaned in. “Well, hello,” she murmured, planting a long, soft kiss on the head of the cock before her. She made a show of wrapping her fingers around the brown length before sliding it inch by inch into her mouth, deep throating Gabriel’s cock and rubbing the shaft lovingly with her fingers on the way back up.

Gabe let out a long, low growl. “Fffffuuuck, Asma…” he groaned.

Asma dipped again and ran her tongue under the shaft like a child licking a lollipop. “Why Agent Lima…”

Another dip. Another long suck of Gabe’s cock.

“…do you enjoy this crime boss sucking your cock?”

“Mmfff,” Gabe grunted as Asma swirled her tongue around his cock head. “Yes…”

Asma chuckled before swallowing his cock once more. She then planted one more full-lipped kiss on the head and backed away, raising her prominent ass in the air as she did so. Her eyes and outstretched arms looked to Gabriel like a wildcat preparing to strike before she leaned herself back on the cushions of the sofa’s opposite end.

Asma reached down to the hem of her skirt, her arms pushing her tits together seductively. Her fingertips pulled up at the bottom of her dress as her thighs spread wide, her quivering wet pussy revealing itself to the light.

“It’s been a loooong day, Agent Lima,” Asma said in a moaning voice, one wave of hair covering her left eye as she grinned. “Come, help me relax…”

Gabe gasped as the light glanced off of Asma’s neck chain, leaving spots of color in his vision. He felt high as fuck and could still feel her lips on his dick, an echo of deep, deep pleasure.

“Yes…ma’am…” he murmured as he adjusted himself between Asma’s thighs. The musk of her hot, sweet pussy rose up to greet him, intoxicating him further. Pillows were placed beneath Gabe’s chest and Asma’s ass, providing them both the best angle for Gabe’s feast. Without a word, He curled both arms beneath Asma’s thighs, spreading her wide, and sucked down to run his tongue through her sopping folds.

Asma’s cry of pleasure was somewhere between a moan and a hiss, her fingers slithering into the thick dark curls of Gabriel’s fade haircut. She gave a silent thanks in her mind to Gabe’s hygiene as the close-cropped hairs of his mustache and beard prickled against her inner thighs and occasionally her even softer flesh.

But it was that tongue, that writhing and pulsating tongue of his, searching her pleasure hole out like a treasure hunter in a cave, that drove her absolutely mad. She flinched and dug her tastefully painted nails into her lover’s scalp as he flicked her clit once, twice, a third time…

“HannNHH!” Asma gasped on the fourth clit-flicking. She then lost her breath completely when his lips tightened like some sort of vacuum seal around her swollen pleasure button. Her thighs reflexively squeezed the sides of Gabe’s head as he sucked and gently rubbed his teeth against her oh-so-sensitive clitoris.

“Huh! Hah!” Asma moaned and cried. “Gabe! Gabriel…!”

The orgasm seemed to explode slowly within her. It began as a small release of pleasure right from her clit, then detonated in an ever cascading cloud of ecstasy that washed over Asma’s extremities like a nuclear halo. Gabriel had begun giving the gentlest little kisses up and down her pussy as she released her thighs and fingertips from his head. She laid back against the sofa cushions and let her arms fall back with her head, her tits pointing at the ceiling in a slow rise-and-fall as Asma caught her breath.

“Good boy, Agent Lima,” she said with a little chuckle of glee. “Very good boy.”

Gabriel sat up and drew an arm across his lips, wiping off the excess moisture. His cock, still swollen and erect from the night’s activities, pointed at Asma’s womanhood like an arrow.

Asma glanced down and saw this, another little chuckle escaping her.

“Oh Agent Lima, I apologize,” she said, raising a foot to trace Gabe’s defined chest muscles with her toes. “You’ve been such a good boy and I’ve left you hanging. You may fuck me now.”

Gabriel’s already hooded eyes glazed even further, like he’d just finished his second joint in five minutes. He shuffled forward on his knees, aiming his cock where it wanted so desperately to go. His hands, however, found Asma’s thighs again.

“Hmm,” Asma said, smirking as she lightly played with her clit, “what’s going through that investigative mind of yours?”

Gabe couldn’t bring himself to speak. He merely grunted something that sounded like “…this pussy…” as he lifted Asma’s ankles over his shoulders. Before Asma could comment again, he fitted his cock head to her entrance and drove himself inside her slick wetness.

Both Gabe and Asma cried out in unison as the man’s full force brought him deep inside. Asma’s clit ground against Gabe’s pubes, another interesting and strangely good sensation mixed with the sheer pleasure of being filled by his perfectly proportioned cock. Gabriel threw his head back and groaned again through his teeth.

“Goddamn!” he moaned as he pulled himself back and then threw his cock deep again.

“Oh fuck!” Asma cried out as she felt her lover’s cock head bump against something inside her. The lifting of her legs had allowed Gabe deeper purchase inside her pussy than he had ever gone before. The sensation of his deep fucking seemed to climb right to the edge of becoming painful before feeling exquisite.

And as Gabriel began to increase his tempo, pumping his cock in and out of this beautiful temptress, the exquisite pleasure climbed within them both.

Asma felt her lover’s length begin to swell within her. She clutched Gabe’s head with one hand and the sofa cushions with the other, her mouth hanging open in what she knew had to be an idiotic gaping hole. He was fucking her so good she couldn’t breathe without her lips agape, little moans and whimpers exiting with every breath.

And Gabe was still swelling inside her. He was about to cum, and the knowledge intensified the waves of pleasure building within Asma with each stroke.

“Gabriel,” she managed to say between moans, “Don’t cum yet.”

“Yes…ma’am,” Gabe grunted as a fresh wave of pleasant, lustful fog roiled in his mind.

Asma began to roll her hips with Gabe’s thrusts, deepening his entry and allowing her to really feel every inch of him. She tilted her head back and moaned loud and long. Asma knew that, even with her tricks, Gabe wouldn’t be able to hold back forever.

But the pleasure was building in her faster now and…and…AND…

“Gabe!” Asma choked out. “Cum! Fucking cum for me!”

Gabriel’s next cry was so sharp that for a split second Asma thought he had somehow been hurt. This wasn’t far from the truth; the moment Asma had given the order, it felt to Gabe like the tip of his cock had exploded in a very good way. He moaned deeply from his chest as he felt one thick gush of cum spring from his shaft and into the beautiful woman he was plundering. As if in response, Asma’s pussy became wetter and suddenly tighter, pulsing and milking the cum right out of him. Her moans became higher pitched and strangled as pleasure overtook her and their mutual orgasms intertwined. Gabe ducked his head into the nape of Asma’s neck and bit down on the flesh between her throat and her shoulder as he continued pumping her full of cum.

Asma wrapped her arms around Gabriel’s head and held on for dear life as he continued fucking her, wringing out every last bit of pleasure from their shared climax. She could feel her own juices along with Gabe’s spunk leaking onto the sofa cushions and she could not have given less of a fuck. She could afford to have it cleaned.

And the look of drugged-out lust fulfilled on Agent Lima’s face was more than worth it.

“Oh Gabriel,” she began as she touched his cheek. She was about to continue before Gabriel shuddered and drove into her one last time, the absolute last burst of his cum finding its way inside her. Asma whimpered and gasped before Gabe finally lowered her legs and began to withdraw from her pussy.

“Sorry,” he muttered.

“Oh no,” Asma said with a chuckle, “that was…a nice little afterword. I think we need to do this more often. We just keep getting better at it.”

“No,” Gabriel said, his eyelids fluttering as he tried to shake his head. “No, we…we can’t…”

“We can,” Asma said, sitting herself up. She grabbed Gabriel’s left hand and pressed the fingers to her neck chain. “And we will. It’ll be our little secret. Right?”

Gabriel stepped out of the lobby of Asma’s penthouse building and into the New York night, his face drawn into a taut scowl. He had left his tie off because fuck trying to retie that thing after all of that, but otherwise, he was back in full G-man attire. No one would have guessed he had just eaten and fucked the crime queen upstairs out of her mind.

Or is it out of MY mind? Gabe wondered. Why can’t I ever think straight after I’m alone with her?

Even worse was when Monica’s face flashed across Gabe’s mind. What they had wasn’t an official anything, but…he still felt guilty…

A sudden vibration in his pocket shook Gabe from his daydream. He pulled out his iPhone and looked at the ID.

“Shit,” he muttered as he hit the green accept button. “Hey,” he said into the phone. “I just got out. She’s committed to setting up another meet, we’ll get another shot at Cassetti.”

On the other end of the line, Sanders barked anger and incredulity at Agent Lima for letting this whore run him around. Again.

As if similar thoughts hadn’t already occurred to Gabe.

What is happening to me…?

Asma sat back in the leather seat at the back of her custom Escalade as her bodyguard and chauffeur, Tomas, drove. Her full figure was partially hidden in the dark, heavy, expensive coat she wore over the cotton dress she had replaced her earlier silk one with. She reached up and ran her fingers along the smooth metal of the chain dangling from her neck, marveling at its simplicity.

And yet, she thought, you’ve given me so much…

Asma paid little thought to how she had acquired this chain anymore. She only knew it had become not only an invaluable tool but even a source of great pleasure. This was the fifth time she had used it to bring Agent Gabriel Lima kneeling before her in one form or another, and they had all ended in the faithful soldier of the law emptying his balls inside her. And every time it happened, Asma gained a little bit more influence over him.

Or, at least, the chain did.

Gabriel had intrigued Asma from the moment he had approached her for information. The sheer ballsiness of it, to say nothing of his drive and his good looks, had captured Asma’s attention quickly. Asma’s beauty and sexual prowess had allowed her to seduce many a man under her own will in the past, but she had the distinct feeling that doing so to Gabriel would have been near impossible without the chain’s power.

And the chain had power. Asma did not completely understand it – and she was working on that – but she knew how to use what she did know of its influence to her advantage. And that was enough for now.

“How long now, Tomas?” she asked, looking out the window as her fingers continued caressing the chain.

“Ten minutes, ma’am, tops,” Tomas replied. “Dutch confirmed the meet with Cassetti, he’ll be there.”

“Excellent,” Asma said, watching the shadows of New York pass by. She considered herself a woman of her word (more or less) and had every intention of trying again with Cassetti, for Gabriel’s sake. What plans were made exactly would be between her and Cassetti.

Tomas turned a corner and the Escalade shuddered as they crested a small pothole. This time, Asma was indeed wearing panties – expensive lace panties to be exact – and the lace rubbed deliciously against pussy lips still wet and borderline sore from Agent Lima’s pounding.

Asma smiled mischievously to herself as she flashed back to those broad shoulders pushing her thighs up, her knees nearly touching her ears, that hot throbbing cock pistoning slowly in and out of her…

Perhaps I’ll pay him a surprise visit at his apartment, she thought to herself. Really show him that he truly and completely belongs to –

“Ma’am, hold on!” Tomas yelled.

The impact was so hard and so sudden that Asma blacked out for a split second. Whatever had slammed into the Escalade had sent it spinning like a top. Then one of the tires struck something that gravity didn’t like and sent the SUV rolling, finally settling on its roof on the third flip. Glass flew like snow in a blizzard. The worst thrash metal band Asma had ever heard had nothing on the chaotic cacophony of twisting metal and scraped asphalt that assaulted her ears.

Before she knew it, Asma was dangling from her seat belt, the chain swinging languidly against her lips. Her vision was blurred and almost colorless, allowing her only to see shapes and fuzzy halos of light.

One of those halos rippled as a shape moved and came closer to her passenger side window. Her vision cleared a little more, allowing her to make out the creamy complexion of the blonde woman now kneeling beside the window.

Something familiar…

“You sadistic, selfish bitch!” the voice of the blonde shape said. She reached into the window and grasped at Asma’s chain, not quite catching it given the bad angle allowed her.

Asma tried to call for Tomas but her mouth wouldn’t obey. She tried to bat the blonde stranger’s hand away, but her arms only flopped listlessly. She could feel droplets of blood dripping down her cheek from small glass cuts.

“Give it to me, goddamn it!” the blonde continued, her fingers finally catching the chain.

“No…” Asma managed to moan.

But it was too late. The blonde got down on both knees so that she could use her other hand and, in less than a minute, she had worked the clasp and removed Asma’s precious chain.

“You stole my life from me, you fucking whore,” the blonde said as she secured the chain around her own neck. “If I was as ruthless as you, I’d kill you right here and now. But I want to sit back and watch as aaaaaallll these alpha prick monsters around you start to realize you can’t control them anymore. Even worse…what happens when they realize just how much you’ve been directing them? How long do you think you’ll survive? Because I doubt they’ll kill you quick.”

Asma’s mouth worked as she tried even harder to speak. Still nothing.

“Goodbye, Asma,” the blonde said. “I’ll enjoy the show.”

With that, the blonde stood and walked away. Moments later, the sound of sirens echoed through the concrete canyons of Manhattan.

And that was when Asma’s voice fully returned.

“No,” she said quietly before her voice regained strength. “No! Noooo! NOOOOOO!!!”

To be continued…

Published 3 years ago

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