“Send him in,” Zack Sharpe said from behind his mahogany desk.
Being the CEO of one of the largest banks in the area had its perks, but there was never a day without a problem. His employee sheepishly walked in, and Zack motioned him to sit down in the hot seat.
Dressed in a tailored power suit, and wearing designer glasses, Zack leaned forward, giving the employee all his attention.
“I’ve been told you’re having credit problems,” Zack said.
“Yes, you see, if I could get an advance on my pay, then I could…”
Zack held up his hand. He slid a piece of paper over.
“Tell me how someone at your level spends ten thousand in two weeks.”
“Well, I… uh… had a lot of unexpected bills come up. It really just hit me all at once.”
“Mmmhmm. Mr. Cruthers, you know I can read, right?”
“Of course, sir.”
“Then you have ten seconds to tell me the actual problem, or you can figure out a solution to your debt problem without a job.”
“Sir! I…uh…fuck…it was…twitter.”
“Twitter? Twitter’s a private company now, how would you put money on its stock.”
“No, it wasn’t Twitter. It was being on Twitter.”
Zack held up his hand and started counting down his fingers.
“It’s called Findom. That’s why I lost my money.”
“What the hell is that, some sort of video game?”
“It’s short for financial domination.”
“Financial domination? If you want to be financially dominated, I can certainly spread your salary around.”
“No. No. No. There’s this one girl, she just lured me in and I never got out.” The man’s tone sounded like someone from AA, riddled with regret and shame.
“What the fuck are you talking about? You’re telling me you sent $10,000 to a girl online.”
“When you say it like that, it sounds so stupid. But it’s real. Men like me get suckered in and it becomes a craving to send more.”
The phone started beeping on Zack’s desk.
“I need to take this. I want you to think long and hard about how you’re going to remedy this. Because I will fire you if I find it unsatisfactory. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Zack signaled him to leave so he could take the call about his newest investment property. The last thing he wanted to do was discuss some idiot’s spending habits. If they all saved and invested like Zack, maybe they’d have something to show for it.
At the end of the day, Zack finished his last virtual meeting and needed time to unwind before going home. He grabbed his phone and walked over to his couch, lying down for comfort. After scrolling through his investments for the day, and checking the sports news, the word findom popped into his head.
He searched on Google and found many hits, including numerous Twitter profiles. Out of curiosity, he clicked on the first one, Goddess Mage, a black-haired beauty with an average face. To Zack’s surprise, the user had thousands of followers and she was posting pictures of making thousands per day. That math seemed impossible. Aside from celebrities, athletes, politicians and CEOs, no one made that kind of passive income.
Whoever was behind this profile had duped a lot of people out of their hard-earned money. After checking a few more accounts and seeing average-looking college-aged girls making outlandish earning claims, Zack became convinced that it was all a scam and that Mr. Cruthers was even more of an idiot than he had thought. Maybe he should have been fired for poor decision-making.
As Zack was about to close the app, he checked out one more profile. A 19-year-old college girl called Goddess Harmony. The moment her picture popped up; Zack became intrigued. She was extremely cute and looked completely innocent, but her tweets were far from it.
Goddess Harmony loved encouraging men to go broke and called all men dumbasses. Some posts highlighted how men should be begging to send her money and how they worked hard so that she could play.
Although the other accounts had no effect on him, there was something about Goddess Harmony that drew Zack in. Maybe it was her young age, or maybe it was because she was Zack’s type: blonde hair, blue eyes and a busty chest on a skinny frame. Regardless, the way she spoke to her male followers was the last thing he had expected to see from a college girl.
After exploring her profile, he noted that she required a $50 fee before any man could even DM and talk to her. That was called a tribute. Again, another ridiculous concept. But the offer fascinated Zack. What would she even say to him?
Wanting to know the answer, Zack created a Twitter account called Mr.CEO600, and then sent the initial tribute through a site called Wishtender. After sending his tribute, he messaged Goddess Harmony.
‘Hello Goddess Harmony, I have sent your Tribute on Wishtender.’
The entire concept and process still seemed ridiculous. Regardless, Zack sat back and waited for a response. After a few minutes, his patience paid off.
‘Good boy’
And that was it. He waited a few more minutes, but there was no further message. Fifty bucks for two words, that was absurd! He leaned forward and began typing.
‘That’s all I get for my tribute? I’m new to Findom and I don’t know how this is supposed to work.’
The response was immediate this time.
‘Does it turn you on to send me money?’
Zack hated to admit it, but the concept of a schoolgirl twice his age demanding money for nothing did in fact turn him on. He employed many college interns that he paid nothing for their work and here this girl was receiving money for nothing.
‘Good boy. Send me $100.’
Zack was not going to be fooled again.
‘I already sent your tribute.’
‘Ur job is to be an ATM for me. Send 100 or I block…’
The CEO sat back dumbfounded as to why he was even entertaining this ridiculous roleplaying. Did she just expect him to pay her for nothing in return? Flipping back to her profile, he read her most recent tweet, which included her cute face, her tight blue bikini displaying ample cleavage and her middle finger wearing what was likely costume jewellery. The caption read:
‘You should be honored to be allowed to send me money. You work, I play!’
The image was mesmerizing, and her large tits held his attention. Why was it so enticing to send this random girl money. There were plenty of similar images all over the internet, and yet this one girl had the audacity to demand compensation! And for what, because she said so?
Zack closed the browser on his phone. What a waste of time. He sat up on his couch and contemplated the fact that he had already sent her $50 for no reason at all. What was another $100 to see where things went? No, no, this was stupid. And yet Zack found himself opening his phone’s browser and going back to Goddess Harmony’s page. There was a new picture, which showed even more cleavage. His cock stirred in his pants and before he could break his own lust trance, another $100 left his account.
After a few seconds, the incoming chime of a video call caught Zack completely off guard. It was from Goddess Harmony. He had never been nervous in his life, and yet a video call from a girl twice his age was making his heart race. He straightened his tie, took a deep breath and answered the call.
The casualness of the girl quickly established a power dynamic. Goddess Harmony wore casual clothes and lay on her bed in her bedroom which didn’t look far off from his own college daughter’s room. For the first minute, Goddess Harmony texted on her phone and ignored Zack. He wasn’t sure she could even see him until her eyes finally wandered to the screen.
“Oh, fancy suit. Are you sitting in your office?”
“Umm…yes,” Zack said. He spoke in front of crowds of more than a thousand and yet he stumbled over his words for one person.
“Good, get on your knees, bitch,” Goddess Harmony said with conviction.
“Excuse me,” Zack said.
“You paid me $150, don’t act like you don’t know how to please me. You’ve got five seconds or I’m ending this call.”
Zack got off the couch, walked over to his desk and knelt on the floor beside it. He attached his phone to his desk stand and tilted the camera so that Goddess Harmony could see him. But she ignored him again, texting and giggling on her phone while Zack knelt in front of his desk like an idiot.
After five minutes, Goddess Harmony put her phone down. She took her top off revealing a dark red bra and her rack fully on display. Zack made no apologies as to where he was staring.
“That’s a good boy. Stare at my tits. That’s why you messaged me, wasn’t it?”
Zack nodded.
“Of course, who could resist these,” Goddess Harmony said as she pushed her tits together. “Now we’re going to play a little game called Goddess Harmony’s ATM. The way it works is that I will snap my fingers and you will send $25 each time. Is that understood?”
Zack finally broke eye contact with her tits and looked into her eyes. She couldn’t be serious. He already paid $125!
“And if I see any hesitation, this call is over.”
Goddess Harmony snapped her fingers. Zack opened his cash app set-up on his nearby tablet and sent her $25. A smile spread on her face.
“That’s a good boy. Now kneel there mindlessly like an ATM and let my tits turn you stupid.”
She snapped again and Zack sent another $25.
Goddess Harmony picked her phone back up and started texting, making sure to keep her cleavage free of obstruction. Zack stared at her tits, constantly amazed at their size. Were they real or were they fake? Another snap and he sent another $25.
This continued for longer than Zack could remember as he knelt in front of his desk and sent money to a girl half his age at the snap of her fingers. She called it the ATM game and now he understood why. Like an ATM, Zack didn’t communicate, he only sat silently and spit out money when he was told. How did this girl have this power over him?
“All right my little ATM, as much as I went to do a run on the bank, I’m afraid I have to get ready for a date. But don’t worry, there will be plenty of more training sessions.”
“That’s all this is?” Zack asked bewildered that he had spent $500 on the random stranger for absolutely nothing.
“What did you expect? A strip show. This is findom, idiot. You find a woman, you pay tribute and then you worship her. I’m your Goddess now, understood?”
“My Goddess?”
“Yes, your money is effectively mine now, you just don’t know it.”
“This is ridiculous.”
Goddess Harmony snapped her fingers again. This time Zack didn’t send and the video call ended immediately. Zack took a deep breath and lifted himself off the floor. He had underestimated the power of the girl and how weak-minded he became because of her body. What would his family and employees think if they saw him completely hijacked by a clueless freshman cheerleader. The thought stirred in his mind.
A sound notification drew Zack back to Twitter and he saw another message from Goddess Harmony.
‘You were a good boy, today. Almost perfect, but we’ll work on that. XOXO’
Below it, a picture of her cleavage popped up in the same outfit he had stared at. Maybe she was someone worth worshiping after all.
Zack got home and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Long days in the office called for a rewarding beverage at home, especially after his strange first and hopefully last encounter with the world of Findom. He headed to his usual spot in front of the television just as his daughter and her new friend passed by quickly.
“Dad, I’m going to Harm’s tonight to study. I promise I won’t be late.”
Zack took a swig then said, “Who the heck is Harm…” He turned around and came face to face with Goddess Harmony. Her devious smile acknowledged the cold truth, but she didn’t betray any details.
“Dad, this is Harmony, she just moved here a few weeks ago.”
Harmony was the first to extend her hand, and Zack did his best to fall back into his natural dominant nature as he grabbed her hand firmly.
“Zack, nice to meet you, Harmony.”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Zack,” The way she said it in an almost teasing fashion had Zack semi-erect.
“Text when you’re heading home,” Zack said to his daughter.
He turned and took another swig. Then after he rounded the corner, he chugged the rest of his beer. What the hell had he gotten himself into?
To be continued…