Our old minivan needed repairs that were too expensive to be worth the investment. Even though minivans aren’t the most exciting vehicle, having school-aged kids necessitated that we purchase another one. So, on one warm spring day while the kids were at school, we made a visit to the largest car dealership in the area.
“Hi, I’m Tom!” A friendly salesman greeted us the moment we walked through the sliding glass doors. Visiting a car dealership comes with the unspoken rule that the first person to greet you becomes the salesperson who ‘owns’ you for the duration of your visit.
We had no idea how true that would be with Tom.
As we sat across the desk from Tom and discussed our options, it slowly dawned on me that a secondary exchange also seemed to be taking place. Although Tom did address me at times, his gaze was mostly fixated upon my beautiful wife.
I wasn’t really bothered by it – at least not at first. My petite wife was quite attractive; it wasn’t the first time a guy had brazenly shown interest in her despite me being right there. Similarly, judging by my wife’s body language, she also appeared to be fairly enamored with Tom, who I might fall into her ‘handsome older man’ category. Either way, I figured that a little harmless flirting never hurt anyone; in fact, maybe it would get us a better deal!
Adding to my suspicions, Tom eventually asked my wife a question that had nothing to do with the intent of our visit. “Have you ever driven a high-end performance car?”
She shook her head no.
The eager salesman quickly followed up: “Would you like to?”
My wife’s response was notably energetic. “Um … sure!!!”
“It’s a stick shift,” he told her. “Do you know how to handle a stick?”
The way he articulated “stick” seemed to imply a sexual connotation – but perhaps I was making too much out of it. Either way, my wife responded honestly, “Um … not really.”
“Well, I can show you,” Tom replied. With a wry smile, he added, “You seem like the kind of girl that could handle a stick.”
+++ WIFE’S POV +++
I hadn’t been entirely sure if Tom was trying to flirt with me or not – until he dropped that fairly obvious innuendo into the conversation.
Why yes, I thought to myself proudly, I DO know how to handle a ‘stick.’ My husband – and all of my previous sexual partners, for that matter – had breathlessly given me that feedback more than once.
I smiled back at Tom.
Even though he was probably ten years older than me, I’d always had a soft spot for older men, and he was stunningly handsome. His penetrating blue eyes, gray stubble, strong jawline … fuck, just studying his face was making me wet. I began to daydream about the likelihood of his chest – and other parts of his body – being as thick and strong as his chiseled arms.
+++ HUSBAND +++
There was a prolonged silence after Tom had made that “handle a stick” comment to my wife.
When I glanced sideways to see why she hadn’t responded, I noticed that she seemed lost in her own world. I was about to tap her arm to bring her back into reality when Tom beat me to it: “So … would you like to?”
As if she’d been startled awake, my wife’s head suddenly jerked forward. Proving that she hadn’t been totally detached from reality, however, she commented, “Well, yes … but shouldn’t we be looking at the minivans on the lot??”
Tom quickly waved her off. “Oh, they’re not going anywhere. Tell you what – while we get you behind the wheel to have a fun little ride, I’ll ask one of my assistants to show your husband around the lot. He can narrow down your options before we get back.”
For the first time in quite a while, Tom swiveled in his chair to face me directly. “You’re the boss anyway, right? Whatever you say goes??”
I wasn’t sure if his question was genuine, and it didn’t help when my wife laughed out loud, “Oh, so you think my husband can just get whatever he wants?”
Tom’s reply was quick. “Well, he got you, so he must’ve done something right.”
Before either of us could react to his obvious flirt, Tom stood up swiftly from his chair. “Let me go find someone to show your husband around.”
+++ WIFE +++
“Well, he’s certainly confident!” I made that comment to my husband as soon as Tom was out of earshot … and instantly regretted it. Ugh – why did I just say that?!? What if my husband suspects that I find him attractive??
Indeed, the subconscious reaction on my husband’s face seemed to suggest that he was – at least partially – suspicious. Slowly, he responded, “Yes … he’s ummm … very persuasive.”
Nervously, I asked, “Do you mind if I take him up on his offer?”
To my relief, my husband simply shrugged. “Whatever.”
+++ HUSBAND +++
A few minutes after Tom had walked away, the assistant who he returned with made me quickly overlook the awkwardness of his flirtatious interactions with my wife.
“I’m Olivia,” she said with an open smile, extending her hand to shake mine first.
I swallowed hard and instinctually sat up a little taller. “Hi, nice to meet you!”
As she pivoted to greet my wife, I seized the brief window of opportunity to scan her amazing figure. About 5’9” with dark hair pulled back into a long ponytail, Olivia was dressed professionally, yet also in a way that revealed her assets. The partially-unbuttoned nature of her white blouse provided a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage, and her form-fitting pencil skirt showcased her curvaceous hips and very cute ass.
As my gaze traveled back up to Olivia’s beautiful face with its sparkling green eyes and plump kissable lips, she cheerily addressed my wife, “So I hear you’re gonna go out for a drive while I show your husband around?”
+++ WIFE +++
Shortly after my husband departed with Olivia – who was so stunningly beautiful that I couldn’t help but be slightly envious – I walked out with Tom to the most high-end performance car I’ve ever sat in. After he gave me a quick orientation, I started it up and began to drive.
Well, not really – what I was doing couldn’t really be called ‘driving.’ It was horrible. I was basically just inducing whiplash.
To Tom’s credit, he didn’t seem too bothered – in fact, the more I mashed the gears, the more he just chuckled. Although I was grateful that he wasn’t upset, his laughter fueled a growing sense of embarrassment. Eventually, to my great relief, he graciously offered some assistance. “Hunny, would you like some help?”
His use of the word hunny caught me off guard. My heart fluttered a little bit. “Uhh … sure.”
“How about this,” Tom continued, in a tone that sounded more gentle than condescending. “I’ll put my hand over yours so we can shift the gears together, and when it’s time for you to push the clutch, I can either tap or squeeze your leg. Which would you prefer?”
I had gotten so flustered when I envisioned him holding my hand down onto the top of his knob – fuck, the knob of the car, I mean – that I didn’t immediately recognize that he’d asked me a question.
Noticing that, Tom repeated, “Would you rather have me tap your leg or squeeze it?”
“Ummm … I dunno,” I stammered, overwhelmed by how helpless I felt. “Squeeze, I guess?”
As if he’d been hoping for that answer, he smiled warmly. His left arm slowly extended toward me. As he softly laid his hand on my right thigh, I held my breath. Most of his hand landed on the bottom hem of my flimsy sun dress, but – perhaps intentionally – a couple of his fingers touched my bare skin. My body shivered, but not because I was cold.
Immediately after that, his other hand enveloped my dainty little hand that was grasping the top of the shifter for dear life. As his fingers interlocked with mine, my insides trembled.
“Ready?” His voice was nonchalant, as if it was no big deal that his hands were on me.
If he was calm, I was the exact opposite. There was a fire burning inside of me. I forced myself to take a deep breath – but taking that deep breath caused my chest to rise, and I noticed him steal a peek at my rising breasts.
I exhaled as quickly as I could. “Sure,” I chirped nervously. “I’ll try again!”
+++ HUSBAND +++
Although it was a long walk to get to the corner of the lot where the vans were parked, being with Olivia made the time pass quickly. As we neared the jet-black minivan that Tom had recommended, though, Olivia groaned aloud, “Ugh, people do NOT know how to park!!”
I saw what she meant. The two cars parked on either side of the van were practically touching it; there was no way we’d be able to open either set of doors wide enough to squeeze in. Just as I thought of an alternative solution, however, Olivia verbalized the very same one: “Well, one benefit of minivans is that you can lay the seats flat & climb in through the back!”
“True!” After she hit the button to automatically raise the rear liftgate, we stood side-by-side and stowed the rear seats into their lay-flat position. Once that was finished, I casually offered, “Ladies first!” Selfishly, I was hoping for an uninhibited view of her backside. To my delight, Olivia didn’t object.
Knowingly or not, she put on quite a show as she crawled toward the front of the van. Her short skirt – which rose more than halfway up her amazing thighs – barely covered the place where her legs came together. As an image flashed into my mind of what she might look like in that position without the skirt on, I suddenly became nervous that someone on the lot might catch me ogling her. I quickly looked around, but – fortunately – I didn’t see anyone. As she neared the front seats, I too climbed in as casually as possible, and she pressed the ‘close’ button.
+++ WIFE +++
The first time that Tom squeezed my leg, it caught me slightly off guard, but it did prompt me to step on the clutch, and we shifted hand-over-hand. A few seconds later, he squeezed my leg again, and I did it again. Success. Every time his squeeze prompted me to push the clutch, he immediately shifted, and we quickly found a nice rhythm together. Once we were cruising smoothly down the country road, Tom removed his hands and set them back in his lap.
“You can keep your hand on my leg.” The impulsivity of my own words surprised me. Feeling a bit vulnerable, I attempted to minimize it by quickly adding, “I mean, since I’m not sure when I’ll have to push the clutch again.”
I didn’t look at him, but I could tell that Tom had pivoted in his seat to study me. “You sure?”
My mind was being bombarded with naughty thoughts that went way beyond his hand being on my leg. I subconsciously bit my bottom lip and nodded slowly. “Mmhmm.”
The moment he put his hand back, I felt the butterflies take flight in my stomach … and a different type of quivering take place a bit further down.
Simultaneously, I noticed that his hand was resting a bit higher up my thigh than where it had been before. With a mixture of nervousness and excitement, I assumed that he had done that intentionally. I labeled myself a bad wife for secretly wishing that he’d placed it even higher.
+++ HUSBAND +++
In the midst of pointing out the minivan’s features, Olivia presented one detail in an interesting way: “As you probably noticed, the windows have a high degree of tint … which is helpful if you ever want to do other things in here besides transport the kids.” She winked at me.
Her slightly-flirtatious comment prompted me to unashamedly disclose a true confession: “Yes, that is helpful. We may have done that before.” I winked back.
Olivia raised a well-manicured eyebrow. “Oh really?? In a minivan?”
I laughed. “Like you said earlier, it’s very convenient that the seats lay flat.”
Even though no one was around, she lowered her voice. “One time? Or more than once?”
I grinned confidently. “More than once.”
Olivia looked impressed. “Where? Like, where did you park the van?”
Although I was surprised at where our conversation had drifted, another part of me was wickedly delighted. “Typically, it’s been in the corner of some random parking lot.”
I chuckled as a memory popped into my head. “This one time, at the East City Mall, we had parked far away from all the other cars, but the security guard drove up and shined his truck’s spotlight into the van. We had to lay flat and stay totally still until we heard him drive off.”
Olivia laughed. “Omigosh, that would be sooo terrifying … but that’s also really hot!!” Before I could say anything, she added: “I’ve never been with anyone who was willing to fuck in a car!”
Immediately – as if suddenly remembering that she was at work and on the clock – Olivia clasped her hand over her mouth. Through her hand, she mumbled, “I am sooooo sorry. I should not have said that.”
The thought of Olivia getting fucked in a car was painfully arousing. I didn’t dare look down, but I was pretty sure that my internal arousal was beginning to have outward manifestations. I vehemently waved off her apology. “No, no, don’t worry about that at all.”
+++ WIFE +++
As I kept driving, I kept glancing down at the precarious placement of Tom’s hand. A sinful part of me wanted to slump down in the seat to force his fingertips to come into contact with my desperately-aching crotch, but another part of me – horrified by my adulterous thoughts – felt frozen in place and scared to even move my leg.
Either way, though, the presence of his hand had also exposed a different problem: it made me aware that I had an itch. Down there. Ladies know what it’s like when you have an itch down there; it’s hard to think about anything other than getting relief. Such was my predicament.
Eventually, despite the obvious vulnerability, I had to do something about it. Groaning aloud in dismay, I slipped my hand inside my sundress and vehemently scratched the inner crease of my thigh. My eyelids fluttered as I finally found relief.
Obviously, Tom noticed, and humorously remarked, “Itch?”
“Uh-huh,” I groaned, still unashamedly going to town.
Tom chuckled, but then – in a much lower voice – added, “You need me to take over?”
Naively, I responded, “The wheel?”
Tom’s answer was short and simple. “No.”
As I realized what he was insinuating, I was quite taken aback, but I was even more shocked by the response that uncontrollably slipped out of my lips: “Uh-huh.”
A couple seconds later, a stranger’s fingertips were underneath the thin fabric of my dress and were casually scratching the edges of my pussy.
+++ HUSBAND +++
In an attempt to deflect the unexpected sexual tension that had suddenly filled the minivan, I decided to inquire about something that had been lingering in my mind: the dubious other half of the present situation. I began by asking Olivia, “How long have you worked with Tom?”
“A little over three years,” she replied.
A bit nervously, I asked my follow-up question: “In those years that you’ve known him, how often does he invite customers to drive that sports car?”
Instead of directly answering, however, Olivia clarified, “You mean his sports car?”
Surprised, I reacted, “Wait … that’s his personal car??”
“Yeah,” Olivia answered. “He likes to impress the cute young girls that come through here.” She started to chuckle, but then – perhaps noticing the odd expression on my face? – she stopped just as abruptly and added, “They’re usually single though. In fact, I don’t ever remember him taking out a wife for a drive while her husband stayed behind.”
Although I think she was trying to reassure me, I wasn’t quite sure how to view the atypical exception that had been made for my wife. Before I could ask other questions, though, Olivia beat me to it: “How old is your wife, anyway? She’s really pretty.”
“Thanks,” I said shyly. “She’s forty-one, actually.”
Olivia’s eyebrows raised. “No way!! She looks way younger than that. She’s adorable.”
As I mumbled another half-embarrassed “thanks,” Olivia looked at me quizzically with a slightly devious grin. “I’m curious – how old do you think I am?”
I swallowed. After taking a moment to carefully craft an answer to her loaded question, I responded vaguely: “Old enough to know what you want, but young enough to be dangerous.”
Olivia looked both amused and slightly puzzled. “Dangerous?? How so???”
I shrugged and answered honestly, “I bet you could get any guy to do pretty much whatever you want.”
Olivia’s expression rapidly melted into one of delighted fascination. “Oh yeah? Any guy??? Even a married guy like you??”
It scared me to suddenly recognize how true that was for me – indeed, I’d probably be willing to do anything she asked of me. A bit frightened by that realization, I redirected the conversation back to the prior topic. “Speaking of being married …”
+++ WIFE +++
Moaning uncontrollably, I instinctively spread my thighs apart to allow better access to Tom’s fingers. Only the thin silky layer of my panties kept him from exploring my insides – but even that couldn’t stop him from noticing something else.
“You’re really wet,” he whispered softly.
That sent me over the edge. “I need to pull over,” I sputtered. “I can’t drive anymore.”
+++ HUSBAND +++
I quickly asked Olivia my other remaining questions: “How long do you think my wife will be out with Tom? When he takes out those ‘cute young girls,’ do you know where they typically go?”
Olivia shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I’m usually preoccupied with other tasks – until today, he’s never asked me to fill in for him while he’s gone – but my guess is that they’re typically gone for about an hour. Perhaps they go out to the country roads up north?”
Internally, I thought to myself, An hour? That seems like a lot of time to just ‘drive around.’ With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I hesitatingly broached the key question that I had been reluctant to ask: “He takes them out to … umm … seduce them, doesn’t he?”
Olivia’s face turned beet red.
In the absence of a verbal response from her, I personalized that same question. “He took out my wife to seduce her, didn’t he?”
After a long period of silence that felt like an eternity, Olivia quietly ventured a hesitant response. “Honestly … I don’t know for sure.” Looking at me with soft eyes, she continued, “But yeah, usually when he comes back from one of these rides with some girl, they both look pretty … umm … satisfied. And he typically sells the vehicle to them for way less than sticker price.”
For some reason, Olivia’s response inadvertently gave me a measure of relief. Although I didn’t know for sure what might be happening along some far-out country road, actually picturing my wife doing inappropriate things with Tom was somehow better than worrying about if she was or not.
Fueled by that strange new arousal, my feelings of worry and anger and jealousy rapidly evaporated. I even managed to joke about it. “Well, I hope we get a good deal out of it then!”
Olivia looked stunned. “You’re not upset?!”
I shrugged. “I mean, at this point, what can I do about it anyway?”
Olivia slowly formulated her response. “Wow – that’s really … well, in my opinion, I think that makes you a really confident man.”
I smiled warmly as I expressed my appreciation for her comment. “Thanks. I’m sure I’ll have to deal with it later. In the meantime, I don’t want to waste the pleasure of your company!”
+++ WIFE +++
As soon as I had blurted out my need to pull over, Tom immediately shifted his grip to my inner thigh and helped me find the right timing to rapidly downshift. Once we’d come to a complete stop in the short grass along the side of the road, he removed his hands and shifted to face me.
“I’ve never seen anyone stop so fast,” he chuckled. “Now, when you said that you ‘can’t drive anymore’ – does that mean you want me to take you back to the dealership? OR does that mean you want me to … ahem … give you a bit more of a ride?” He winked.
In that moment, I fell over the threshold: my lustful cravings had overtaken the final remnants of my commitment to marital faithfulness. “Take me for a ride,” I whispered shakingly.
+++ HUSBAND +++
Olivia didn’t seem rebuffed at all by my slightly-flirtatious comment; in fact, she seemed fairly intrigued. “I’m glad to hear that my company is pleasurable to you.”
She smiled at me. We locked eyes. Her dark eyes were pools of temptation. I swallowed hard. The way that she’d emphasized the word “pleasurable” had reignited the sexual tension with a vengeance.
Olivia ratcheted that up even further. “Speaking of pleasure … tell me, is there anything that I can do to … umm … take your mind off of whatever might be happening out there?”
I threw caution to the wind. “How far down the naughty list are you willing to go?”
+++ WIFE +++
At Tom’s suggestion, we both climbed out of the car. My legs were shaking violently. As we slowly approached each other around the front of the car, the first thing that I saw was the noticeable bulge betrayed by his tight-fitting jeans.
Ever the observant salesman, Tom detected the focus of my gaze and remarked cheekily, “Oh, did I mention the upgraded package that comes with this vehicle?”
Despite – or maybe because of? – my swirling feelings of arousal, guilt, and lust, I laughed out loud at his ridiculous come-on. That sudden burst of laughter effectively broke the ice for me, and I was able to joke back, “Oh – is this the stick shift you were warning me about?”
Tom smiled wide, undoubtedly thrilled that I was playing along. “It sure is. You should see the size of the knob on this thing. It’s almost dangerous.”
My pussy quivered. I bit my lower lip seductively. “Mmm, I wonder what it would do to me.”
Standing only a few feet in front of me, Tom raised both hands in mock objection. “Oh, I don’t know, sweetheart, I would never put a potential customer in a dangerous situation.” Before I could respond, though, he added in a low voice, “Unless they request that package, of course.”
Nodding at his concealed weapon, I asked, “Well, what kind of things can that package do?”
Tom looked amused. “Hmm … well, I could tell you about it, OR I could SHOW you. Personally, as a salesman, it’s my professional opinion that a hands-on approach is much more effective … but in order to do that, I’m afraid that I’m going to have to ask for a down payment.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
Tom stared at me with his handsome dark eyes. His reply was confident. “Your panties.”
+++ HUSBAND +++
Feigning innocence, Olivia artfully deflected my question back to me: “Well now, mister married man, just how far down the naughty list are you trying to take me?”
One unfulfilled fantasy instantly popped into my head. Although I loved going down on my wife – and frequently brought her to orgasm that way – she’d always had an unexplained aversion to sitting on my face, even though I had begged numerous times to try it. If Olivia was truly willing to do ANYTHING …
Nervously, I disclosed my long-term desire to this gorgeous woman I had barely met: “Would you be willing to sit on my face? I promise that I won’t stop until I make you cum.”
+++ WIFE +++
As if controlled by a subconscious force outside of myself, my hands reached under my sundress and pulled down my silky pink panties in obedience to Tom’s request. After stepping out of them, I crumpled them into a tight wad and playfully tossed them to him.
He instantly raised them to his nose and inhaled deeply. I’d always been self-conscious about my scent; I immediately worried about how I’d handle it if he was less than enthused.
Fortunately, though, he didn’t keep me in suspense for long. “Mmmm,” Tom immediately murmured. “What a beautiful aroma.”
Just as I began to sigh deeply with relief, though, Tom added, “Just one problem.”
That overwhelming sense of dread came rushing back in. “What??”
Grinning facetiously, Tom answered, “It seems that you’ve sprung a bit of a leak. Fortunately for you, I am a car guy, so I’d be more than willing to get under your hood and check that out.”
The subsequent upswing of my emotions filled me with a careless spontaneity. “You mean under this hood???”
I flashed him. I could barely believe it, but I spontaneously flashed a man I barely knew. My legs were still clenched together, but I pulled up my sundress enough to expose my shaved mound.
+++ HUSBAND +++
My heart was pounding as Olivia took some time and silently sized me up. I started getting nervous. Had I pressed it too far?? Unfortunately, her initial response didn’t do anything to relieve my fears. “Did you just ask me to sit on your face?”
I nodded, quickly filling up with embarrassment and regret.
Still with a stoic expression, she expanded her question: “To sit naked on your face??”
Sheepishly, I nodded again.
Olivia’s voice escalated. “So that’s what you’re expecting me to do? You want me to take off my skirt, pull down my panties, expose my pussy, and then straddle your face while you suck on my clit and invade my vagina with your tongue?”
Even if she was upset, I couldn’t help myself. “Fuck, all of that sounds amazing,” I groaned.
+++ WIFE +++
As my dress fell back down, Tom’s eyebrows shot up. His gaze was glued to the spot where he had just caught a glimpse of something quite illicit. Without missing a beat, he responded, “I think that requires closer inspection.”
I smiled, but held him at bay for a moment. “First, weren’t you going to show me something??”
Tom paused. “You’re right – I guess that I did make that promise.” He quickly stuffed my panties into his back pocket – I made a mental note that I’d have to get those back from him later – and started fumbling with his belt.
I was surprised; I had originally thought that we were going to go somewhere else. Although it wasn’t a busy road, it certainly wasn’t private – a few cars had already driven past us in the few minutes since we’d pulled over. Tersely, I whispered, “Right here?!?”
Tom looked around, but he didn’t seem to be as bothered by the risk of potentially being seen. “Why not?”
+++ HUSBAND +++
“My boyfriend doesn’t like to go down on me,” Olivia stated abruptly.
I wasn’t sure which aspect of that sentence surprised me more – that she chose that precise moment to reveal she had a boyfriend, or the disclosure that her boyfriend was an idiot.
While I debated that internally, Olivia added, “He thinks it’s gross.”
“Well, then he’s an idiot,” was my unfiltered reaction.
Olivia made it seem as if she had anticipated such a response. “How do you know? What if my pussy is gross?!? You wouldn’t know – you haven’t seen it, smelled it, or tasted it!!”
Although her words sounded antagonistic, I was pretty confident it was all an act. Either way, my reply was simple: “True – I haven’t.” With a wink, I added: “… yet.”
Just in case I needed to cover my tracks, though, I also remarked, “By the way, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“I do,” Olivia sighed. “And I had no intentions of cheating on him today.”
Indirectly, she had just revealed her true intent, but I simply chuckled and echoed back: “And I had no intentions of my wife getting taken for a ride today!”
As if verbalizing that had somehow established a new common ground between us, Olivia pursed her lips and smiled seductively. In a sexy low voice, she reeled me in: “True – well, mister, since neither of us started out with evil intentions, then I suppose that what we’re about to do is therefore purely innocent and simply a matter of mutual convenience.”
I could feel my rising cock straining upward against my jeans. “Oh?” I mocked playfully. “And what is this purely innocent and mutually convenient thing that we’re about to do??”
Olivia stared deeply into my eyes and filled her response with charged expletives. “I haven’t had anyone’s face between my FUCKING thighs in nearly TWO FUCKING years. If your wife won’t sit on your face – well, that’s her fucking loss and my fucking gain.”
+++ WIFE +++
“Can you help me?” Tom pretended to suddenly be helpless. “I seem to be having some trouble getting my jeans undone.”
I rolled my eyes, but I stepped toward him. He motioned for me to kneel down. Sinking to my knees I positioned my face at about the same height of his bulging crotch. I had a pretty good idea of where this was headed.
Heart pounding, I slowly reached out toward his surprisingly-troublesome belt buckle. As soon as my fingertips touched it, however, he quickly pushed my hands downward into the firm tent that had been erected by his concealed manhood. “Oops,” he joked.
Even through the thick fabric of his jeans, the firmness of his meat was astounding. I bit my bottom lip in lustful anticipation.
We worked together to wrestle his pants downward from his waist, but as soon as they were crumpled around his ankles, Tom took the initiative to immediately whisk down his boxers.
Out sprung a thick, swollen, dripping, muscular-looking cock.
FUCK, that is huge. Shock and arousal flooded my senses. It was the first time in years that I had seen a cock other than my husband’s. I knew guys always like to be complimented on their dick, but my instant affirmation was truly genuine: “Wow, that is a nice-looking tool you have there.”
I wasn’t looking at his face, but I’m sure Tom was smiling proudly. “Why thank you.”
Facetiously, I quietly verbalized a second observation: “You appear to have a small leak as well.”
“Oh no, how did that happen??” Tom was unashamedly assertive. “Would you be a dear and lick it up for me?”
With my bare knees resting in the dirt, I shuffled toward him. Doing so made his fully-engorged monster – at that point only a few inches from my face – somehow look even bigger.
The erotic intensity of the moment overshadowed my previous hesitations about giving him a blow job in plain sight of anyone driving by. The loud groan of satisfaction that fled Tom’s mouth was the definitive indication that my own mouth had just become occupied with something that belonged to him.
+++ HUSBAND +++
I was absolutely transfixed by the unveiling of Olivia’s gorgeous body as she began to strip nude from the waist down, but – uncertain of how much time we’d have – I didn’t delay getting myself into position. I was glad I did so, because as soon as I finished laying down on the floor of the minivan, Olivia climbed over my shoulders and started lowering her naked snatch.
Illuminated by the daylight streaming into the minivan, the space between her thighs was a treasure to behold. Although she was mostly shaven, Olivia left behind a thin vertical line of hair that trailed symmetrically into a marvelous set of tender pink folds glistening with nectar.
With that prize in sight, I was too impatient to wait for her to lower herself all the way down.
“Oh FUCCKKKKK!!!!” Olivia gasped loudly as I strained my neck upward to push my mouth into her beautiful pussy.
As I opened wide to absorb as much of her as possible, I was taken aback by how her flavor was just as appealing as the view. Quickly detaching to tell her that was the only time that I allowed myself to separate my lips from her womanhood. “Olivia, you are fucking delicious. Your boyfriend is a fucking idiot. I would eat your amazing pussy every fucking day of the week.”
As soon as I breathed that out, I dove back into the delectable space between her thighs.
Instantly, Olivia squealed, “Ohh FUCK yes!!! That feels so fucking amazing, you have no idea …”
Moaning with arousal, she started grinding against my face with hedonistic abandon. Inserted among her enthusiastic cries of intimate pleasure, Olivia gave me only one command: “Undo your pants. I want something of yours to hold onto.”
+++ WIFE +++
I can’t believe I’m doing this. The cock inside my mouth belonged to a man that I’d known for less than an hour. Even in my wildest days of dating, I had never moved so fast.
Tom was massively thick, but I strained to get as much of him into my mouth as possible. It wasn’t long before I felt his hands grasp my head – sometimes to guide my movements, and sometimes to hold my head still while he strongly fucked my face.
In addition to his increasingly-satisfied groans, and my muffled moans of encouragement, Tom soon voiced an urgent question: “Can I cum in your mouth??”
I didn’t usually like to finish guys that way, but – in the moment – it seemed to be a better alternative than having him spray his load all over my dress. With my mouth fully consumed by his cock, I simply murmured, “Mmhmm” – and swirled my tongue along the underside of his shaft for good measure.
That pushed him over the edge. “Ohhh FUCK!!!!” Tom’s verbal expression was sharp and loud – and his accompanying eruption was warm, thick, salty … and overwhelming.
I nearly gagged. I’d always had a love/hate relationship with cum. I loved making guys explode, but I was also still grossed out by it. It was much too late to pull off, though, and it felt rude to spit, so I forced myself to swallow. And swallow. And swallow some more. Either the size of his ‘normal’ loads were quite exceptional, or he hadn’t gotten off in weeks.
Right about the time that his cock finally stopped quaking, two loud blasts of a car horn made me jolt violently backward. I whipped my head around just in time to see a car whiz by; its male driver was laughing and waving eagerly. I quickly wiped away the remnants of Tom’s cum dribbling down my chin. “Shit!” I exclaimed. “That’s exactly what I was afraid of!”
“What?!?” Tom was laughing. “That lucky guy just saw something he won’t forget!”
I shook my head and stared at the ground, feeling embarrassed and suddenly guilty, but Tom kept laughing. “What are you worried about? I’m the one standing here with my pants around my ankles and my dick hanging out!”
The disruptive interruption, however, had unfortunately killed my sex drive. I suddenly felt entirely different about the whole situation. I slowly stood up and stared at the car. “Tom, I’m sorry – can you actually take me back now? I think this might’ve been a mistake.”
+++ HUSBAND +++
With my lips clinging to her pussy for dear life, Olivia vigorously rode my face until – to my great satisfaction – she eventually cried out her ultimate delight and came into my mouth. I drank every drop of that liquid gold.
Once the intensity of her climax subsided, she gingerly dismounted and lay down next to me. I tried to shift sideways in order to give her some more room, but she grabbed my arm and held me in place. “Nuh-uh – I want you on top of me,” she demanded breathlessly. “But first, finish taking off your pants.”
In order to allow Olivia to use my rock-hard cock as a handle while she rode my face, I had already pulled my pants halfway down, but – at that command – they quickly departed my body. Heart pounding out of my chest, I then happily obliged to the other half of her request, slowly rolling my half-naked body on top of her own.
During that process, she somehow snuck her hand in between our hips – something I became aware of only when I felt her warm fingers curl around my throbbing cock. Instinctually, I groaned, “Ohhh, Olivia …”
She tightened her grip on my cock, and – even without being able to see it – I could tell that she was carefully aiming it into the cavity between her thighs.
That’s when I asked Olivia the simplest – and yet most loaded – question of all: “Are you sure?”
She bit her bottom lip and stared at me longingly. “Fuck yes. I want you so bad,” she whispered.
+++ WIFE +++
Tom and I barely talked on the drive back to the dealership. In fact, other than a couple comments he made about the traffic, it was completely silent – an awkward, pensive silence. I spent most of the time worrying about how I could disguise the lingering taste of Tom’s semen.
As we neared the dealership, the first words I spoke to him were related to that concern: “Do you have any gum?”
Instead of answering my question, though, Tom offered a response that he’d apparently been saving until whenever I broke my silence. “Look, I’m really sorry about this – I truly didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable out there.”
His swift apology prompted one of my own. “No, I’m sorry too – I’m sorry that I freaked out. Trust me, you didn’t make me do anything that I wasn’t interested in doing.”
Tom breathed a deep sigh of relief. “I’m glad to hear that. I was beginning to worry that I’d read your signals wrong. I would never want to take advantage of anyone.”
I suddenly found his honesty and humility to be just as attractive as his looks. Quickly, I reassured him, “Oh no, not at all! You didn’t force anything.”
I probably should’ve stopped there, but in my compulsion to relieve his fears, I started stammering like a girl in front of her crush. “I mean, when you first touched me, you turned me on so much … I had to pull over only because I wanted you to keep going farther. And then when your cock came out?!? – so huge, so thick and juicy, wow! – well, the whole time I had you in my mouth, I was imagining sitting on it, and …”
My voice trailed off. I began to regret not going for a ride on his stick, and my face also started to turn red as I sensed that I had just shared way too much.
In the meantime, however, we had arrived back at the lot. Fortunately – or unfortunately – I’d soon be able to escape the vulnerability of that sudden disclosure.
+++ HUSBAND +++
Having sex with Olivia was … mind-blowing. Not only did it feel amazingly fantastic to slide into her incredibly plush tight vagina, but her passion and enthusiasm and expressive verbalizations far exceeded my wildest dreams.
Although everything about fucking Olivia was erotic enough for me to have orgasmed right away, I did my best to hold back – especially when she declared that I was bringing her close to cumming for a second time. As my fingers went to work on her clit, there was nothing that could possibly interrupt my concentration on coaxing her over the edge again.
Nothing, that is … except for the unmistakable sound of the rear tailgate opening up.
In horror, I whipped my head around …. and promptly forgot how to breathe.
With an amused look of surprise on his face, Tom was the first person I noticed, but my gaze fixated on the stunned expression of my wife who was standing right next to him.
I was frozen mid-thrust. I didn’t want to pull out of Olivia … but I obviously couldn’t continue … and so, not knowing what to do, I did nothing. My mouth was open, but no words could form.
Out of all four of us, Tom was the first one to make a move. In slow-motion, I watched him reach into his back pocket, pull something out, and then dangle it in front of him.
With a terrified shriek, my wife snatched it out of his hand, but it was too late. I had already recognized her silky pink panties.
With a wicked laugh, Tom remarked, “Looks like both of you were looking for something a bit more than just a car today!”
+++ WIFE +++
After an awkward period of waiting for my husband to dressed, we – obviously – left the dealership. Neither of us were in the right frame of mind to buy a new vehicle that afternoon.
Our ride home seemed to take way longer than usual, perhaps because it was painfully silent. As soon as we walked through the front door, however … a bomb went off. It was ugly. Words of anger, jealousy, and bitterness went flying back and forth like a war of flaming arrows.
Several minutes into it, one accusation came flying out of my mouth in the form of a rhetorical question: “Did you not just cum inside some FUCKING stranger?!?”
To my surprise, however, my husband shook his head and retorted, “No!! I didn’t!!”
That stopped me in my tracks. “Wait, what?”
He repeated himself. “I didn’t!!” For the first time since the argument had erupted, my husband lowered his voice and sheepishly added a clarification: “You interrupted me.”
I wasn’t sure if it was because of his softened tone, or because I’d just learned that my assumption had been wrong, but my attitude had suddenly and strangely changed. I repeated the question in a slightly different way: “Wait – so you never finished?”
My husband shook his head. “No.”
Oddly enough, I suddenly felt sorry for him. Out of curiosity, I asked, “Did you make her cum?”
My husband studied me warily for a few moments. Eventually, quietly, he responded: “Yes.”
Secretly, I was impressed – perhaps even proud?? – of him. What is wrong with me?!? While I was having that internal debate, my husband posed the same question back to me: “Did you?”
I wasn’t sure what he meant. “You mean, did I cum? Or are you asking if I made Tom cum?”
“Either. Both.”
Calmly, I provided the truth. “I didn’t … but he did.”
Without hesitation, my husband followed up: “Where? How?”
A faint smile crept onto my face. Without much shame, I answered, “Into my mouth.”
+++ HUSBAND +++
I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but immediately after my wife’s admission, we started ripping each other’s clothes off and stumbled toward the bedroom.
Once we were both completely naked, my wife shoved me onto the bed and climbed on top, straddling me. Immediately lining up her pussy with my rapidly-hardening rod, she groaned, “No foreplay – I am SOOO fucking wet right now.”
As I watched my cock swiftly disappear into her, I groaned delightedly in full agreement. “Ohh FUCK, you’re not kidding … you are so fucking wet.”
+++ WIFE +++
My pussy had been aching so desperately to get fucked, I knew I wasn’t going to last long. I closed my eyes and started bouncing up and down vigorously on my husband’s pole, aroused even further by the sounds of our bare flesh loudly slapping together.
My husband’s voice pierced my concentration. “You’re picturing Tom right now, aren’t you.”
There was no point in lying about it. “Uh-huh,” I moaned.
Hearing no objection, I started grinding my pussy against him and breathed out a reciprocated question: “Are you picturing Olivia’s tight young body?”
“I am now,” grunted my husband.
I could feel my orgasm building, ready to erupt. “Then fuck me like you were fucking Olivia,” I demanded breathlessly.
In one swift move, my husband raised his hips, bent his knees, lifted me up off the bed, and started slamming my body upward toward the ceiling.
That strong demonstration was all I needed. While my hands clenched his shoulders in a desperate attempt to hang on, I shrieked with pleasure as the rush of my long-awaited climax flooded my entire body and swirled around his embedded cock.
A few seconds later, as my husband continued to pound me, the powerful spasms deep inside my vagina let me know that he had received my gift and was offering his in return.
+++ HUSBAND +++
The following day, when the two of us walked hand-in-hand back into the dealership, the look of shock on Tom’s face was priceless. Perhaps with some skepticism, he cautiously invited us over to his desk to resume discussions about the purchase of a new minivan.
Gradually – and accurately – Tom seemed to sense that we had reached a new marital understanding. Boldly, he let my wife know that she could “come back for servicing at any time,” adding that it would be “compliments of the dealership” at his “personal assurance.”
I’d always been the one who took care of everything vehicle-related, but my wife suddenly volunteered to take full responsibility to bring the van into the dealership for servicing over the ensuing months.
For being brand-new, that minivan needed a surprisingly high frequency of service.
We never talked about it, but I obviously assumed that most of those visits ended up with Tom’s piston inside her – if only because several of my “gotta work late again” excuses consisted of Olivia’s fine body being wonderfully wrapped around mine.