The Caning

"Gina and Ryan decide that it is time to put the cane to use"

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The third week of Gina Meadows’ incestuous affair with her son Ryan had gone much the same as the first two. They had had sex every night and sometimes had sex during the day as Ryan got more and more confident in his sexual abilities.

The affair had started after a heated argument culminating in Gina giving Ryan a very hard bare-bottomed belting, which sexually aroused both mother and son. After having sex for the first time that night, Gina suggested the purchase of a cane for future use in such circumstances, and Ryan agreed.

Although they had possessed the cane for about two weeks it had not yet been used, although the previous Friday, mother and son each gave the other hard over the knee spankings.

When Gina had given Ryan the belting, part of her sexual excitement was due to the anger that she felt and her wish to set fire to her son’s backside, and she hoped to be able to somehow replicate that when she first used the cane on him.

Ryan had ejaculated during his first beating and he found the prospect of bending over to have his mother cane him to be hugely exciting, and he was looking forward to the thrill of having it happen.

Gina had told Ryan that she would cane him for splattering his cum all over her face at the end of the fuck that they had had immediately after Ryan had spanked her, but she was still hopeful of having a reason stronger than that. 

It was Friday morning and with Ryan not having school the next day and Gina not having work, it seemed that Friday evening was a good time for physical punishment. It was coincidental that the belting took place on a Friday but now that day was logical for such things. At breakfast, neither of them were saying anything about their plans for the evening but it seemed quite obvious that both of them were thinking about what might happen later.

“Have a good day at school, Ryan, see you this evening,” said Gina to her son in mother mode rather than lover mode.

“You have a good day at work and yes, see you this evening,” replied Ryan, although the kiss that they then exchanged was certainly from lover to lover and not from mother to son.

It was almost certain that the cane would be used later that day and Ryan, like Gina, wanted to maximise the erotica of the situation to the limit. Ryan had actually been thinking all week how he could best provoke a genuine reaction from his mother, and he had come up with an idea that he hoped would do the trick.

Just before saying goodbye to his mother in the morning, he had put a sheet of paper somewhere that he knew that Gina would find it and on the paper was written, ‘You are a fat ugly big-arsed old slut, you are a fucking disgrace.’

Ryan did not mean any of those words because although Gina was not slim and she did have a big bottom, her son thought that she was gorgeous and Gina was pretty sure that Ryan did think that she was gorgeous.

Gina, as expected, found the piece of paper and although she knew that it was not her son’s true feelings, it did help her get towards the mood that she wanted to be in when she delivered the caning.

Gina managed to get herself more psyched up for the evening during the course of the day and as she got home from work before Ryan got home from school, she had got both the note and the cane lying on the kitchen table. Ryan added to his own mounting excitement by deliberately taking longer than necessary to get home after school.

“I am home, Mum, ” he called cheerily as he entered the house, but he got exactly the reaction that he hoped for from his mother.

“In the kitchen, NOW,” shouted Gina.

Ryan entered the kitchen to see his mother with eyes ablaze, just as she had been before the belting, plus the cane and the note on the kitchen table.

“Did you write this?” demanded Gina although the answer was obvious.

“Yes, you are a fat and ugly old slut,” sneered Ryan, whose defiance was as per earlier arguments.

“I will teach you to talk to your mother like that, get your arse bare and bend over this table,” ordered Gina as she picked up the cane.

Ryan wanted nothing more than to be bent over bare-arsed, but to prolong the anticipation he snapped back, “Fuck you.”

The build-up had got them both almost into the perfect mood and Gina’s dark eyes flashed as she slashed the cane through the air and yelled, “Trousers and pants down this instant.”

Ryan fixed his eyes on his mother as he first removed his school blazer and then undid his trousers and dropped them to his feet. He made a big thing of pulling his underpants out at the front clear of his erection, still with his eyes on Gina’s, and then dragging them to his ankles.

He stood like that for a moment, almost daring Gina to say the next words, but when she said them it sent a surge through both of them, “BEND OVER!”

Ryan spread himself over the kitchen table and Gina lifted his shirt-tail and folded his shirt halfway up his back to leave his bottom completely bare. She stood behind him with the cane quivering in her hand as they both awaited the moment that had been coming since Gina suggested buying a cane.

CRACK!  The cane slashed across Ryan’s buttocks and there was a split second when he did not feel anything, but then the sting started to spread across his cheeks as Gina watched a red line forming.

As with the belting, Gina did not have a specific number of strokes in mind but she continued to slash the cane down at full power, and Ryan was now reacting with yelps as he swung his buttocks, trying to diminish the sting. He clenched his cheeks in anticipation of each stroke, but he made no effort to get up and his penis throbbed in excitement.

Gina was loving the patterns that she was creating with red lines on her son’s buttocks and she was sweating both from her brow and her cunt as she kept raising the cane and whistling it back down.

As with the belting, Ryan reached a point in the caning where his penis could take no more and his spunk hit the kitchen table. Also, as with the belting, that was the signal for Gina to cum in her knickers, and although she landed two or three more strokes of the cane after that point, they were not at full power.

Gina stood breathing heavily and with the cane now loosely held in her hand as she looked at Ryan’s whipped arse. Ryan’s body was shaking both from his sobs and his ejaculation, and a now much calmer Gina said softly, “Stand up, Ryan.”

Ryan slowly pushed himself off the table and grimaced as his hands went to his buttocks, “Turn around,” said Gina sympathetically.

Ryan slowly turned and their eyes met. “I don’t imagine that you want tea at the moment, go to our room, I will be there shortly,” said Gina, and Ryan just nodded as he sobbed and pulled up his clothing enough to be able to walk without tripping over.

His journey up the stairs after the cane thrashing was even more painful than after the belting, but he eventually got to the bed that he now shared with his mother and fell face down on it.

Gina knew that when she went upstairs three weeks previously after the belting, it was with a view to taking Ryan’s virginity, which she did, but this time it was not necessary that they have sex straight away because no doubt they would be doing so later and throughout the weekend.

Gina waited about fifteen minutes before climbing the stairs, and Ryan was exactly as she expected when she entered the bedroom with him on his stomach and his cane-marked buttocks uncovered. Gina pulled off Ryan’s trousers and underpants, which had been part of the way down his legs, then she gently kissed his buttocks.

“Well, baby, that was the cane, what did you think?” asked Gina as she gently ran a finger the length of one of the red lines on Ryan’s buttocks.

“It fucking hurt but it made me cum, as you no doubt saw,” replied Ryan although his voice broke during the sentence as another tingle spread through his arse cheeks.

“Yeah, I did see, I came in my knickers too,” confided Gina.

“We will have to see how you like having your arse caned,” said Ryan.

“Yes, I guess we will have to, one day,” replied Gina although she had actually had a caning from her headmistress almost forty years previously.

Ryan had parted his legs slightly and Gina could see that his cock was quite hard. “Fancy a quick fuck now?” she asked matter of factly.

“Yeah, get your clothes off, you horny bitch,” replied her son.

Gina did so and got on her back, and the fact that Ryan still had his school shirt and loosened tie on added to the eroticism as he slid his erect cock into her wet gash. Each thrust of Ryan’s hips seemed to send a reminder of the caning through his body but that only served to make him fuck faster, and Gina yelled, “Shit, oh fucking shit, you are on fire,” as she came.

Ryan only grunted in response to that outburst and kept thrusting and took his mother almost immediately to another orgasm before he ejaculated inside her for the first time that evening.

They made love again in the early hours of Saturday and again with Gina in the position over the kitchen table that Ryan had been in for his caning on Saturday afternoon. One thing that Ryan did not do much on Saturday was sit down, and although Gina had memories of how much her headmistress’s caning had hurt her, she was expecting to be having similar problems to Ryan after he had caned her, whenever that was to be.

Gina regularly inspected Ryan’s cane marks and enquired as to whether his bum was still hurting during the weekend, and her inspection of his cane marks, more often than not, led to Ryan’s cock entering Gina’s cunt.

They possibly beat their own record for the number of fucks in a weekend from the first one after the caning until the last one just before getting up on Monday morning. It was the start of another week, and it seemed probable that on Friday Gina would be bending over for her first caning delivered by her son.



Published 4 years ago

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