The Cane Is Given

"The head girl and a student who was given a double detention attend the headmistress' study"

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Olivia, nineteen, and the head girl at the sixth form college, and Chloe, seventeen, from the first year at the college, both walked into the secretary’s office. College had finished for the day except for those in detention so both girls were in their college uniform of green and white checked gingham short-sleeved dress with a white belt and white ankle socks.

Olivia said, “Hello, Miss Watson, Chloe got a double detention and is here to see the headmistress.”

Miss Watson looked at the log and knew that Chloe was due six strokes of the cane, and it certainly wasn’t unusual for Olivia to be in attendance. Miss Watson smiled at the two girls pressed the intercom and said to Miss Stevens, “Olivia and Chloe are here to see you, headmistress.”

Miss Stevens was heard to reply, “Send them both in please.”

Miss Watson looked up at the two girls and, smiling, said, “Both of you please go through.”

Olivia and Chloe nodded respectfully at Miss Watson and walked towards the door to the headmistress’s study, knocked as they knew they had to, and when Miss Stevens called out for them the enter, both did and closed the door behind them.

Olivia and Chloe both looked towards Miss Stevens who stood up and pointed to the caning table.

Miss Stevens was forty-nine, almost six feet tall and dominant looking, and had been the headmistress for the last ten years. She was wearing her usual short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt. Chloe looked quizzically as she saw Miss Stevens had bare legs instead of her dark blue tights but supposed she knew the reason why.

As Olivia and Chloe walked across the room Miss Stevens also walked over to the caning table. She picked up the cane, not by the crook end but by the tip of the cane, and handed it to Olivia. As she did, she said, “Thank you for doing this, Miss Olivia, and I will be removing Chloe’s double detention.”

Olivia took the cane from Miss Stevens knowing this was a long way from being the first time that she would have caned the headmistress. In fact, the first time was straight after she was appointed head girl, when Miss Stevens made it clear that, as the head girl, there would be times when she would ask Olivia to give her the cane, and in return one of Olivia’s classmates could be let off a caning. It worked well for everyone, although the classmates had to be sworn to secrecy which was easy enough because if any of them had told anyone else what actually happened, the full total of strokes that they had been let off would be given in one session. Equally, when they left the college, they would have to name someone else who would receive those strokes if it ever became known what actually happened. However, all of Olivia’s classmates were up for this, because they were let off being caned.

Chloe watched, quite enamored, as she saw Miss Stevens raise the hem of her skirt up and eased her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers, and push them down to below her knees. She then pulled her skirt up above her waist and held it there as she turned and bent over the caning table, stretching her arms right out clasping hold of the side of the caning table almost to the far end. Olivia then positioned herself and rubbed the cane across Miss Stevens’s bottom, which Chloe knew was intended to make sure that Olivia made sure that the end of the cane landed fully on Miss Stevens’s bottom and not in thin air.

Once Olivia was happy that she had positioned herself properly, she tapped the cane twice on Miss Stevens’s bottom, or Patricia as she called her outside college, really just to notify her that the caning was about to start, and then she pulled her arm back, focused on where she was going to land the cane, and whipped the cane back down fiercely, landing it right across the middle of Patricia’s bottom, and Chloe watched as the cane bit into both bottom cheeks and smiled with excitement when she heard Miss Stevens gasp.

As the cane bit into her bottom for the second stroke Miss Stevens gasped again, and, although it hurt, she knew she needed to be caned from time to time, and thought Olivia, as the current head girl, was rather sexy. Of course, no one actually knew, not even Olivia’s own friends, that she and Miss Stevens were quite the item outside college, with Olivia very much in charge of the headmistress.

The third stroke bit into her bottom and Miss Stevens yelped and clung onto the sides of the caning table to make sure that she didn’t try to get up. She knew that Olivia was going to be very strict with her on that count, and rightly so.

Chloe was wide-eyed as the fourth stroke bit into Miss Stevens’s bottom. This would’ve been her first ever caning, and she was so relieved when Olivia offered her the option of swapping the cane strokes for watching Miss Stevens be caned. However, as the fifth stroke bit into Miss Steven’s bottom, she actually wondered what it might be like to be caned. She even thought that she might regret not having had the experience, although realised immediately that all she had to do was get another double detention and she would be able to find out.

On the other hand, she knew she was lucky to have Olivia as a close friend, and readily agreed to the swap as soon as Olivia had explained the situation to her.

As Olivia landed the sixth stroke, making sure it was the hardest stroke of them all, and listened to Patricia’s even louder yelp, she knew that she was looking forward to seeing her after college, because she knew that when she caned Patricia at college leaving six thick welts painted across her bottom it made their lovemaking even more wonderful.

Once Olivia had watched the sixth thick red welt develop, she said in a stern tone of voice, “Okay, Miss Stevens, you can get up now.”

Miss Stevens pushed herself up from the caning table and, just like the girls that she caned, once she stood up her hands rushed to her burning bottom which she rubbed and clutched feverishly as she stepped from foot to foot.

Chloe was even more fascinated by watching Miss Stevens do what she knew the girls who had been caned here called the spanking dance, and that made her wonder even more whether she would be like that if she was caned. In fact, there and then she determined to earn another double detention to experience being caned.

Miss Stevens did stop her dance long enough to look contritely at Olivia and say, “Thank you for caning me, Miss Olivia.”

Olivia looked towards Chloe and said, “Okay, Chloe, let’s go back out and see Miss Watson. Don’t forget to rub your bottom as you walk out there, and to tell her you received six strokes. Miss Watson is not aware of what will have happened here and mustn’t find out.”

Chloe obediently did as she was told, and as they walked out of the headmistress’ study and into the outer office so she was rubbing her bottom cheeks over her dress as they went up to Miss Watson’s desk.

Miss Watson looked up and asked, “How many strokes were you given, Chloe?” She knew that if Chloe had stood up after any of the strokes, then extra strokes would be added, and hence the reason for the question.

Chloe replied, “Six strokes, Miss.”

Miss Watson entered the six strokes into the punishment log under Chloe’s name, and then looked up and said, “Okay, girls, you can go now.”

Chloe and Olivia both replied, “Thank you, Miss” and both turned and walked out of the office and into the corridor.

As they walked along the corridor Chloe turned to Olivia and said, “Will it be a problem if I earned a double detention so I can experience being caned?”

Olivia smiled as she replied “Of course not, Chloe. In fact, it’s not that unusual to feel that way after watching someone else being caned. I even bet that if you felt your knickers, you’d find they were damp because that can happen as well.” Olivia had done this before and wouldn’t be surprised if Chloe’s knickers were damp because she knew her own were.

Chloe was taken aback by Olivia’s observation but couldn’t help but ease her fingers under the front of her dress and touched her knickers, and she gasped as she realised that they were damp. Having discovered that, when she saw that they were walking towards the toilets, Chloe pointed at the door and said, “I need to go in there.”

Olivia smiled and said, “I thought so, because so do I.”

So instead of walking past the toilets they both went inside and, happily checking that there was no one else there, went into a single cubicle. Chloe was expecting to finger herself but was quite taken aback when Olivia pulled her close and kissed her on the lips, easing her tongue inside her mouth, and kept kissing her passionately.

After kissing for several moments, Olivia then said, “Let’s do each other,” and started kissing again.

Another few moments later and both girls had their fingers inside the other’s knickers, running their fingers up and down the other’s already very wet pussy lips, as they continued to kiss.

For Olivia, this was now a common experience but for Chloe, it was the first time, but one she was totally enjoying. As she was brought towards her orgasm by Olivia, who had eased her fingers inside her vagina, so she wondered if she would feel the same way as this after she was caned, but actually didn’t care just then as she exploded, and heard Olivia come at the same time.

Both girls hugged each other as they continued kissing. Whilst Chloe wanted to come again, Olivia said, “Better not, in case someone else comes into the toilets. However, when you earn your double detention, I’ll come and watch that as well and maybe we will end up here again.”

Chloe was happy with that as they both straightened out their clothes, still smiling, and gave each other a quick kiss before going back out into the main area and then out into the corridor and continued walking. It was well after college hours now, so they didn’t pass by anyone as they quickly made their way to the exit.

Chloe smiled again as they parted company and was again giving serious thought as to how she would earn her double detention.

Olivia made her way back to Patricia’s house, which was just a few blocks away, and, looking around to make sure no one was looking, she walked up the pathway and using her key let herself into the house. She often went to Patricia’s house after college on the pretext of being tutored, but it was always to make love.

Patricia was already there and asked with a knowing smile, “Did you stop off at the toilets as usual?”

Olivia laughed as she replied, “Yes of course we did, and Chloe will be earning herself a double detention so you will get the chance to cane her as well.”

Patricia laughed as she pulled Olivia close to her and hugged her.

After a few moments, Olivia turned and kissed Patricia on the cheek and then, speaking into her ear said, “We should deal with the college rule of caned at college then spanked at home.”

Patricia blushed but was still smiling as Olivia pulled herself away, and, instead of her usual stern headmistress face she had a contrite look as she heard Olivia say in her haughty voice, “You are such a naughty girl for being caned at college, Patricia, so go and fetch me my hairbrush and I want your bare bottom across my lap so I can give you a really hard spanking.”

Patricia looked repentant as she replied, “Yes, Miss Olivia, straight away.”

Published 1 year ago

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