I am writing the tale of how I came to cheat on my wife of fifteen years with a gorgeous young former pupil of mine. I work as an English tutor at a private girl’s school, teaching sixteen to eighteen-year-old girls, and have done for the last six months. I am forty-two years old, and have always looked after myself physically, working out almost every day. I have always had young girls looking at me admiringly, giggling to themselves.
I suppose I enjoy the attention. All the other male teachers were either very old or overweight. I guess I was the girls’ only real option to fantasize about, if they were into that sort of thing. Occasionally I would find anonymous little silly love notes left on my desk.
However, I had never taken advantage of the situation. I could usually work out which girl it was that had left me a note, so I could have pursued it if I had been that way inclined. I had, of course, fantasized about fucking one of my students; some of them were very attractive. But in reality, getting involved with a student seemed like an incredibly bad idea.
Young women seemed so very emotional to me, and could turn on their friends in an instant. Imagine what would happen if they suddenly had a problem with the teacher that they were having an affair with. They could run to their parents, the school headmaster, or my wife, and I would be in dreadful trouble both career-wise and at home.
So, it remained just a fantasy in my head. I was fairly friendly with the girls; I wasn’t one of those super strict teachers. I would have a laugh and a joke with them from time to time. But I never let it go too far, and if any of the girls tried to talk about any racy subjects in class, I would quickly steer the conversation back to their studies.
One Saturday morning I was relaxing at home, reading the paper at the breakfast table and listening to the radio. My wife had just left a few minutes ago to do our weekly food shopping. Usually, we did this together, but this week she wanted to get it all done quickly as she had plans to go out for lunch with a friend later on.
There was a knock at the front door. I thought perhaps it was the postman delivering a parcel I was waiting for. I got up and made my way to the door, tying my dressing gown around me to hide my boxer shorts. I opened the door a got a real surprise.
“Hi sir, remember me?” a young girl beamed at me giggling, “It’s Kimberley.”
“Uh… hi,” I mumbled.
Kimberley Warren had been a student of mine at my previous school. I had worked at a local regular mixed comprehensive school for six years, before moving last summer to the private girl’s school. I had taught Kimberley for one year when she was sixteen. She had not been a particularly good student, and she had left school the following term.
She was very pretty, and I remember she had seemed to get quite a lot of attention from the boys in the class. I, of course, hadn’t seen her since she left school, which must have been around a year ago now. But I had no idea why she had suddenly turned up at my door.
“How are you, Kimberley?” I asked.
She was wearing a long dark coat as it was raining quite heavily. A large handbag was slung over her shoulder.
“Oh, I’m fine sir,” she smiled back at me.
I was hoping she was going to tell me why she was here, so I tried a different question.
“How can I help you, Kimberley?” I asked.
“Oh, yes, well I was hoping you might be able to assist me, sir, with a reference for a job I’m applying for,” she explained finally, still giving me her best winning gorgeous smile.
“I think that sort of thing is handled by the school, Kimberley,” I replied, “How did you know I live here anyhow?”
“Oh, my friend knows where you live,” she explained, though not entirely convincingly, “I’m sorry, is it ok? My friend, she dropped me off but she had to go pick up her brother.”
It was pouring with rain now, and even though I felt a little uncomfortable having a young female former student show up, I thought I had better invite her in. At least she would be dry whilst we sorted out this reference business.
“Well, I suppose you’d better come in for a moment Kimberley, you’re going to get soaked otherwise,” I told her, opening the door some more to allow her to squeeze past me.
I quickly scanned around the neighbour’s houses and down the street, hoping the neighbours hadn’t seen Kimberley at my door. Seeing no-one, I ushered her inside and closed the door behind us.
I walked back into the kitchen and Kimberley followed me in. She smiled again at me, as her drenched hair dripped water everywhere. I quickly went to the laundry room next to the kitchen and grabbed her a clean towel.
“Oh, thank you, sir,” she said, smiling again and drying her hair with the towel.
“You should take off that coat too,” I told her.
She did so, unbuttoning her coat and pulling it off. As she did so she had to arch her back as her arms bent back, which as the coat slipped away, showed off her extremely impressive bust-line. She wore a fairly tight white T-shirt, under which I could just make out the lines of her bra.
She dumped her coat on the back of one of the kitchen chairs. I could see now she also wore a thick black skirt which ran down to just below her knees, some thick black tights and flat shoes. She wore a little makeup, but she didn’t need it anyway, she was just so pretty.
She was quite slim, and about five feet four inches tall I guessed. Her long dark brunette hair ran almost to her waist. She had obviously curled it slightly in places, and had a slight red colour tint running through it here and there.
I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable again, with such a young pretty girl in my kitchen, my wife out, and me dressed in boxer shorts, T-shirt and a dressing gown. It could all be seen in the wrong way.
“Well Kimberley, would you like to sit? Do you want a tea or coffee?” I asked her.
“Oh yes thank you, sir,” she beamed, sitting at the kitchen table, “Coffee please, with milk and sugar. Thank you.”
I busied myself making the coffee. I could see my hands shaking slightly, that was how nervous Kimberley’s visit had made me. I just hoped I could get her out of the house quickly before my wife returned.
Why had I offered her a coffee anyway? That wasn’t going to speed up her exit now, was it? I guess it was just nerves, I couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“So, you said you are applying for a job?” I asked her, waiting for the kettle to boil.
“Oh yes, it’s in a fashion store, in the shopping centre,” she explained, “I’ve never had a real job before you see. Just a couple of Saturday jobs. I’m worried I won’t get it without a good reference.”
“What about your exam results? How did you do?” I asked. I couldn’t remember how she had done in her examinations.
“Oh, umm, well not so great I guess,” Kimberley said rather sheepishly, “I mean it wasn’t your fault, you were a great teacher, sir. I guess I’m just kind of dumb.”
“Don’t say that Kimberley, you’re certainly not dumb.” I told her, “You just didn’t really apply yourself. But school isn’t for everyone. There’s plenty of hugely successful people who did dreadfully at school.”
“Really?” Kimberley said, perking up.
“Absolutely, you just need to find something that interests you Kimberley, and you’ll be fine,” I explained.
God, I sounded like such a grown-up, lecturing a young student. I wasn’t her careers advisor, was I? I gave her a cup of coffee, which she took and slowly sipped at it.
“So, do you think I can give your name as a reference on my application form sir?” Kimberley asked, still beaming that gorgeous smile at me, “You were always my favourite teacher sir. Will you help me? Please?”
Her damp hair had dripped water over her tight white T-shirt. She hadn’t noticed I thought, but there were two small wet patches on her T-shirt at the top of her tits where it was becoming see-through. I couldn’t help but stare at those wet spots on her T-shirt, secretly willing them to get bigger.
“Umm, I’m not sure in all honesty I could give you a great reference Kimberley,” I explained, catching myself, and trying to put her bust out of my mind, “You weren’t really a terribly good student, were you?”
“Oh, please sir. I really, really want this job,” she pleaded, “I’m sure you could word it nicely, without having to lie.”
“I don’t know…” I mumbled, watching Kimberley flick at her hair, as some more water dropped on to her tight T-shirt. I could feel my mouth becoming dry.
“Well sir, I did bring you a present too, hoping to convince you to help me,” Kimberley said, reaching for her handbag.
“Oh, I don’t think that’s really appropriate, Kimberley,” I told her, getting worried, “It might be seen the wrong way.”
“Seen by whom, sir? It’s just you and me here isn’t it?” she asked, smiling.
“Well yes, but that’s not really the point,” I said.
“I mean your wife isn’t here, is she?” Kimberley asked, now grinning.
“How do you know I’m married?” I asked. This conversation had taken a strange turn.
“Well, I just know things, sir. Things that interest me,” Kimberley said, smiling still.
“Well, as a matter of fact, my wife is out shopping, but I’m sure she’ll be back soon. My point is, however, that giving me a present to help you with a reference is just not the done thing, Kimberley,” I tried to explain.
“It’s just a little present, but I understand sir,” she said still smiling sweetly, picking up her handbag and standing up, “Do you mind if I use the bathroom for a moment, sir?”
“Yes, there’s a downstairs bathroom at the end of the hallway, on the left,” I said.
Kimberley turned and made her way down the hallway, and I heard the bathroom door close.
The conversation had suddenly worried me, and I was glad Kimberley had gone to the bathroom to give me a break from it. I was still very uneasy about her being here, and wasn’t sure my wife would fully understand if she returned home while Kimberley was still here. I had to get rid of her.
I decided when Kimberley returned from the bathroom, I would just agree to give her the reference, and then tell her I had things to do and she had to go. It was for the best. She was a nice girl, but she could potentially get me into an awful lot of trouble here.
I waited for Kimberley to return from the bathroom. I finished my coffee, but there was still no sign of her. It had been almost ten minutes, time I didn’t have if my wife was on her way home. I really had no idea how long her shopping trip would be.
I got up and went halfway down the corridor toward the bathroom.
“Are you alright, Kimberley?” I asked.
“Yes sir, almost done. I’ll be just a minute,” I heard her say from behind the bathroom door.
I waited in the hallway a moment. Then I decided it might be a bit strange when she did come out, a grown man waiting outside a bathroom for a young woman. I went back into the kitchen and sat back at the table, pretending to read the newspaper, but really thinking about what on earth she was doing in there.
Finally, I heard the lock on the bathroom door click open and could hear Kimberley’s footsteps on the hallway floor. The steps got louder until Kimberley appeared at the kitchen doorway. As I looked up from my newspaper, I could not have possibly been prepared for the sight that confronted me.
Kimberley stood in front of me in a very sexy schoolgirl uniform. In fact, it was the uniform from the comprehensive school I had taught her at; it had the school’s crest on the blouse. She had obviously altered it, however, as it was far too revealing for actual school use.
She wore black high heeled shoes, with black stockings. The little green pleated skirt was super, super short. So short I could just see her stocking tops, held up by black suspenders.
The white blouse was obviously a few sizes too small for her. Her tits were making the blouse burst at the seams. She had the top three buttons undone, showing off her enormous amazing cleavage. I could see she was wearing a black bra underneath.
Apart from the orange school crest on her blouse, she also had the school tie hung loosely around the collar of the blouse, but not hanging down too far, so it did not obscure the view of her incredible cleavage.
She had applied makeup, with glossy red lipstick, and had rearranged her hair. She looked absolutely stunning, a drop-dead gorgeous sex bomb. She grinned at me, a very cheeky, devilish grin. I was speechless.
She strutted over to the kitchen table, standing in front of me, then twirled around a couple of times so I could take in this vision of beauty. As she spun around her little pleated skirt rose up, and I caught a glimpse of her stunning firm young ass and tiny little black panties.
She then stopped, turned her back to me, and ever so slowly lowered that ass into my lap. She sat with her lovely legs crossed, and sat at a ninety-degree angle to my body, her ass on my left thigh. She beamed that lovely gorgeous smile of hers at me, then giggled.
“Well, sir, what do you think?” Kimberley grinned, “You like my little outfit?”
“Yes, very much,” I told her, as my cock twitched in my shorts.
“I made it especially for you, sir,” she whispered in my ear, “It’s the little present I told you about.”
As she had leaned in to whisper in my ear, and my head dropped so I could look directly down her blouse at those amazing tits. Christ, they were huge. My dick was getting bigger and harder by the moment.
“Now, if you’re willing to go a just a little further,” she continued to whisper, pushing her tits together with her hands, “Then you can take off this little present, and play with these two big presents underneath.”
I was seriously thinking about doing just that, her body was just incredible. But I was crazy to have let this happened, Kimberley sitting on my lap half-dressed when my wife could return home any time soon.
“You know sir, I always fancied you when I was at school. All the girls did,” she whispered in my ear, as she continued to massage her tits right in front of my face. “I used to fantasize about you all the time. So, when I found out where you lived, I knew I just had to come around and visit.”
“Uh-huh,” was all I could manage as I continued to stare at her fantastic huge firm young tits just inches from my face.
Kimberley giggled, surely knowing she had mesmerised me. I could feel my dick was fully erect now.
“I always wanted to be with an older man, sir. I’m tired of silly boys. I couldn’t think of a more perfect older gent than you,” she giggled, “Come on, sir, I’ll do whatever you want.”
I was so tempted to take her up on her offer, but it would be madness, my wife could pull into the driveway at any time.
I raised my head back up and away from staring at her tits to look her in the eyes. God, she was gorgeous.
“Kimberley, no, no. I think we…” I started, but she cut me off by putting her finger over my lips.
She then stood for a moment, took my left hand and placed it palm up on my left thigh. She then sat back down, right on my hand. Her black knickers were pretty small, so I mostly had a handful of her lovely firm young arse flesh. She took my right hand, grinning at me, and placed it on her left breast.
Three of my fingers were placed on her blouse, but my thumb and forefinger were right on her tit flesh.
Kimberley looked down and grinned. I looked away from her tits to see what she was grinning at. My dressing gown had separated and there was a huge tent made in my shorts by my aching, erect cock.
“Well sir, your mouth is saying no, no, no,” Kimberly purred, “But your dick is saying yes, yes, yes.”
She gripped my cock through my shorts, and began slowly, expertly jerking it, grinning from ear to ear.
“Isn’t this what all older men want?” Kimberley asked, cheekily winking at me, “A young schoolgirl with big fucking tits. A busty young girl to suck your cock and fuck your brains out?”
Kimberley giggled again. I just couldn’t help myself, having a good grope of her lovely young arse with one hand, and getting a good grip of her huge left breast.
“Don’t you want to see me naked on top of you, sir?” she grinned as she continued to wank my cock through my shorts, “Don’t you want to see my naked tits bounce up and down in front of your face while I ride your lovely big hard cock?”
“How old are you Kimberley?” I asked.
“Um, eighteen?” she grinned.
“Eighteen?” I repeated.
“Well, I will be in a month,” she giggled, “But we can pretend I’m a year younger if that’s what you like.”
“Kimberley, I really think…” I started, but really didn’t know what to say. I was losing my mind; all I could think about was this gorgeous young tart’s big tits, stunning arse and dirty mouth.
“Shhhhh,” Kimberley smiled, leaning in to give me a soft wet kiss on the lips, “Don’t worry sir, I won’t tell your wife. It can be our little secret.”
“I think you’re lovely Kimberley, I really do,” I whispered in her ear, “But my wife really could be back at any time.”
She hugged me, putting her head on my shoulder so we could whisper in each other’s ears.
“Are you sure, baby?” she whispered, still continuing to jerk my cock through my shorts, “I’m so wet right now. I wanna fuck you so bad.”
“I mean it, she could walk in right now, and how would I explain this?” I told Kimberley, trying to take control of the situation.
“I used to fantasize about you after school sir,” Kimberley continued, still whispering, “I used to rub myself off thinking about your cock inside me, about your mouth on my clit, about your hands on my tits, about your dick in my mouth.”
“Oh, Kimberley…” I stammered.
“I bet all the girls in my class went home and rubbed themselves off thinking of you,” she went on, now cupping my balls through my shorts, “The only difference between them and me is, I’m here to fucking do something about it, sir.”
I wanted her so bad right now, but I also had to get her out of my house, it was a terrible dilemma, it was driving me crazy. Maybe if I could convince her to go now if she thought we could meet at another time?
“I tell you what Kimberley, why don’t you give me your number?” I asked her.
“Mmmm, really?” she said, sitting back up in my lap, “You promise to call me?”
“Yes, I will, I will. I’ll call you. But for right now you have to go, Kimberley,” I said.
“Hmmm, okay then,” Kimberley rolled her eyes, looking disappointed as she got up out of my lap, “I can’t believe I got all dressed up like this and I’m not gonna get fucked.”
She giggled, and I laughed too.
She quickly put her regular skirt on over her schoolgirl skirt, and her T-shirt over her schoolgirl blouse. She then put her long coat on over it all and buttoned up the front so you couldn’t see what she was wearing underneath.
“Okay, I’ll go then?” Kimberley asked, pouting, still disappointed. She picked up her bag from the floor.
“I think it’s best, Kimberley,” I told her, as I lead her out of the kitchen and back to the front door. I looked out the window to make sure my wife wasn’t about to pull into the front driveway.
“Well, give me your phone then,” she said.
I passed it to her and she added her number into my contacts.
“I know where you live, sir,” she said, grinning at me with her beautiful smile, passing the phone back to me, “So I had better be getting a call from you in the next week, okay?
A veiled threat. Kimberley could turn up at my door again saying god knows what to my wife if I didn’t call her. I took her point.
“Don’t worry, I’ll call you,” I told her, smiling.
Kimberley beamed that killer smile again at me again, seemingly happy she was going to get what she wanted, at least not today, but at some point soon. She threw her arms around me and gave me another long wet soft kiss, and gave my cock a quick, final squeeze.
Then she turned, and without a word opened the front door, walked through it and let the door shut behind her. Through the window, I saw Kimberly totter down the street in her high heels and off around the corner.
I went back to the kitchen and tidied up, making sure Kimberley hadn’t left any evidence she had been here. I washed up her coffee cup, making doubly sure I cleaned off the lipstick she had left on it. I checked the bathroom too, ensuring she hadn’t left anything behind there either.
When I was happy everything looked ok, I sat back down at the kitchen table. A few minutes later, I heard my wife park up outside, and I went out to help her with the shopping.
I kept glancing at my wife as we put the shopping away, making sure she hadn’t noticed something out of place that I might have missed. But I shouldn’t have worried, she was oblivious to what had happened here whilst she was away.
For the next week, I thought about Kimberley a lot, my interaction with her, and her wonderful sexy offer. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I would have been crazy to do anything with her in my own house, of course.
But now I could meet up with Kimberly someplace else, away from anywhere I might be discovered, if I so wanted. Of course, I did feel bad that I would be cheating on my wife. We had been married over ten years, and I had never messed around on her.
But I also thought about how often a chance like this would come up again, probably never. How many older men would jump at the chance of bedding a gorgeous young busty slut like Kimberley?
And so, it was almost a week later, when my wife was out again, that I called Kimberley. She was very happy to get my call, and we talked for almost an hour. Various subjects were discussed, but eventually she asked when she would be seeing me again.
I didn’t know where she wanted to meet. We couldn’t be seen out together, in case anyone recognised me and told my wife. I didn’t really want to get a hotel room either, as it would be billed to my credit card which my wife could also discover. Even if I paid cash for the room, my wife could notice the withdrawal from our account and ask about it.
Kimberley suggested that I meet her at her house. I was slightly unsure of this too, who else might be there? Kimberley explained she lived with her mother, and she would make sure her mother would be out.
I told Kimberley we would have to wait a couple of weeks. My wife was planning to go and visit her sister down on the south coast for the weekend. But I couldn’t go with her as I had tickets to go with my best mate to see Manchester United play at Wembley Stadium.
This meant my wife would be leaving on Friday afternoon. I could then have my way with Kimberley all Friday evening, still make the football on Saturday, and potentially even go back for seconds with Kimberley on Saturday evening, before my wife returned Sunday afternoon.
And so it was that two weeks later I kissed my wife as she got in her car, and she drove off to see her sister. I did feel some guilt as I waved goodbye, but I soon forgot about it. I had to get ready for Kimberley.
I showered and shaved, put on my best aftershave, and dressed in a smart jacket and tie. I drove to Kimberley’s house, and passed by, making sure the lights were on so I knew she was home. I parked my car around the corner as I supposed there was a very small chance that if someone who knew my car spotted it, at least they couldn’t link it to Kimberley’s house.
I had bought Kimberley some flowers, as I hoped she would appreciate me making a bit of an effort, even if she was laying herself on a plate for me. I walked around the corner from my car toward Kimberley’s house. It was now eight in the evening, and as the street was rather poorly lit, no chance of being spotted.
I walked up the path of the front garden. It was a fairly nice semi-detached house. I knocked on the front door, feeling a little nervous, but also excited knowing what was waiting for me inside.
I was expecting Kimberley to greet me, perhaps wearing something very sexy. However, as the door opened I got a surprise…