The Business Trip – Tuesday

"Stuart and Maeve have some alone time"

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The alarm on my watch jolted me awake on Monday morning, I guess the exertions of the weekend had tired me out more than I thought because I had slept for nine solid hours, something I hadn’t been able to do for a long time. After going to the washroom to take care of my morning business I picked up my phone, there were three new messages both sent the previous evening, two were from Maeve and one from April. I opened April’s message first.

“Had a great time this weekend,” it read. “I got stuff planned for Monday, you want to grab dinner tomorrow night?” I didn’t reply right away, I wanted to see what Maeve’s messages contained. Her first was similar to April’s, “Yesterday was amazing, can’t stop thinking about you! I have plans for Monday, want to get together on Tuesday?” Never in my life had I been asked out by a woman, now I had two offers for the same night. I opened the second message, it was a photo of Maeve, still in her underthings (minus the drenched thong), her left hand cupping her right breast, her right below her tummy, her fingertips just at the top of her slit. Underneath a caption, “I miss you already…” My cock twitched at the sight and the thought of having more incredible sex with this beautiful younger woman.

I replied to April first, “Sorry, Tuesday is out, how about Thursday night?” I then responded to Maeve’s first message, “Tuesday sounds fine, where and when?”

I got a reply from April almost immediately, “Did Maeve beat me to it? She called me as soon as she got home.”

“She did, sorry,” I replied to her and I got into the shower to get ready for the day. When I got finished, both of them had replied. Again, I read April’s message first, “You won’t be sorry, she’ll make sure of that! She’s was raving how good a lover you are! I’ll let you know about Thursday!” That worried me a bit, I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend, just looking to have a little fun away from home. I then opened Maeve’s reply. Another photo, this time of her curled up in a four-poster canopy bed, the covers arranged to show that she was naked but all the naughty bits were still covered. “I can’t wait!! Pick me up at six, I know a nice place for dinner. It’s dressy so tie and jacket please.” I replied with a thumbs up and continued to get ready for the day.

The next two days went by in a blur, I really wasn’t a whole lot of good to my customers, I was so distracted by what had transpired over the weekend and anxious about what might happen later in the week. I had exchanged texts with both women throughout both days, I had to be careful about when I opened them for fear there might be another picture that I wouldn’t want seen in a business environment. Late Tuesday afternoon I got a text from Maeve, “Do not open until alone!.” I waited until I was done work for the day and then opened it in my car. It was a clip of the video we had recorded on Sunday evening, Maeve with a dildo in her pussy and the tip of other against her clit. It was only a few seconds long but I played it several times. Then I got another message from Maeve, “April’s almost done editing, Hopefully it’ll be done by tonite!” I got hard just thinking about it.

I pressed my best shirt and pants and got dressed for my date with Maeve. Shortly before six, I arrived at her place and rang her doorbell. The door buzzed and I let myself in. “Almost ready!” she called from down the hall so I stood in the entryway looking at her place. It was a small townhouse, with tasteful yet inexpensive furniture, the wall covered in framed photos of what I assumed were family and friends. Just inside the door was a picture of her and April, dressed in ski gear with mountains in the background. “We went to my hometown in Colorado last winter. I love that picture!” she said as she glided down the hallway.

“Wow, you look stunning!” I gasped as I took her in. She had on a black dress that fit snugly but not tightly, enough so that her best features were prominent but still left plenty to the imagination. Below the hemline I could see her legs were clad in black stockings and she had on shiny black shoes with a low heel. As usual, she was perfectly made up, although I was starting to wonder if she really needed it. She did a little twirl in front of me so that her dress flew up and exposed a glimpse of the top of her stockings and the clips of her garter.

“You like?” she asked, all I could do was nod my head, dumbfounded at the beauty before me. “This is what I was doing last night, I went shopping.”

I reached out to her and she skipped over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing tightly. “We are going to have just the best time tonight,” she whispered then she kissed me. Like the kiss when I dropped her off, this one was soft and inviting, not hard and demanding like the ones we had shared when we were with April.

“One thing’s for sure,” I said, “all the men who see me with you tonight are going to be very jealous indeed. Then they’re going to think I’m an old lecher for being with such a beautiful young woman.”

“I’m not that young,” she scoffed, “I’m almost forty.” I could hardly believe it, I would have pegged her at closer to thirty, thirty-five, tops. “You ready? Let’s go!”

After closing her door and checking it was locked, she took my hand as we walked to the car. She gave me directions as I drove, it took us about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant, an expensive-looking place with low lighting and small tables. The hostess showed us immediately to our table and handed us our menus, reciting the daily specials by heart. We weren’t there 30 seconds before I could feel Maeve’s foot sliding up and down my calf. It startled me enough that I dropped my menu. She giggled as I bent over to pick it up. After we ordered she reached across and took me hand in hers and just stared at me.

“What’re you thinking?” she asked.

“Just wondering if this old body can keep up with you,” I answered. “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

“You’ll be fine,” she cooed, squeezing my hand. “Just fine.”

Dinner arrived shortly after that and as we ate, we talked about anything but what was really on our minds. She asked what it was like growing up in Scotland and said that her grandmother had told her similar stories about life in Ireland as a girl. She had emigrated to America as a teenager. We talked about where she lived in Colorado and living in the mountains and I told her and showed her pictures of where I lived on the east coast of Canada. When she got to one picture in particular, she exclaimed, “What a gorgeous sunset!”

“That’s not a sunset, that’s a sunrise, it was right before one of the worst storms we’ve had in decades. That picture was taken about 100 yards from my back door.” I explained to her that sunrises and sunsets can be better weather forecasters than the numpties on tv, how a red sky in the morning was a sign of coming bad weather but a red and gold sunset forecasted a fine next day.

“I love the ocean,” she sighed, “I’d love to see it for real.”

“You should come visit,” I said without thinking about it. I stopped and blinked hard at having invited a woman I had only known for a little over two days to come visit me.

“Seriously?” she asked, “you’d like me to come visit you?” That’s a bit quick.”

“I know,” I said, “Let’s just see how things go for the rest of the week before we start making plans for a life together.”

“Fair enough,” she said as she smiled her brilliant smile, “but I warn you, I might just take you up on that offer.” She stood up and came around to my side of the table and held up her phone. “April said she wanted pictures, smile!” She took a couple of selfies with me and sent them off to April. In moments she got a reply and laughed out loud before covering her mouth with her hand. “Look,” she said turning the phone around. It was a picture of April in her hotel room, in baggy sweats and a loose-fitting t-shirt, her laptop on her thighs and a frown on her face and the caption, “soooo jealous!” We both laughed and then Maeve said, “Oops!” as she turned her palm toward me. When she covered her mouth with her hand, she smudged her lipstick. “Excuse me a sec,” she said getting up and kissing me on the cheek before going off to the ladies’ room.

Just then our waitress came over and leaning in, discreetly said, “Sir you’ve got a red lip print on your cheek.” I took out my phone and set the camera so I could see my face and said, “So I do.” I did not wipe it off Maeve put it there, she could take it off.

Maeve came back and when she sat down, she giggled. “Sorry, I left a little something on your cheek!” She reached into her purse for a tissue but I beat her to it, taking a handkerchief from my pocket and handing it to her. She gently wiped off my cheek and leaned forward to kiss me ever so lightly so as not to mess up her freshly applied lipstick. “Do you like dancing?” she asked.

“I like it, I’m just not very good at it,” I answered.

All right then,” she said, “I’m not sure I can wait any longer anyways. I have a surprise for you.” I motioned to the waitress for our bill and after I paid it, we walked out to my car, my arm around her shoulders and hers around my waist. Again, I let her in her side before going around to get in. “Are you always this chivalrous?” she asked.

“I guess I’m old school,” I answered, “I was raised to treat a lady a certain way. You do have to be careful these days, some women don’t like it.”

“Well this one surely does.” She answered. “You don’t seem to make assumptions either, I like that, very much.”

“I try not to assume,” I replied, “it can sometimes make an ass out of you and me.” She thought about that for a second and nodded, getting it.

“Oh, turn left up here,” she said.

“But your place is that way, I thought I was taking you home,” I said.

“Not tonight, remember I said I have a surprise for you? Turn left, unless you don’t want it.” I obeyed without saying anything else. The rest of the drive was pretty much silent except her Maeve’s directions. After about a half hour she motioned for me to pull into a narrow, gated driveway. Fifty or so yards ahead sat a small house. “This is an Airbnb that belongs to some friends of mine. I look after it for them when it’s unoccupied, make sure it’s cleaned properly between visits, that sort of stuff. In trade, I get to use it whenever it’s not booked.”

“Have you taken April here?” I asked. She just looked at me and grinned, taking a key from her purse and handing it to me.

“You’ll see when you get inside.” She said. I helped her out of the car and she stood on tip-toe to kiss me, this time a little harder than before. “I’m going to give you a night you’ll never forget.” I opened the door to reveal what looked like a rustic cabin, after a few minutes I recognized the décor from the video of her, April, and the two guys.

“So, this is your personal fuck nest,” I said, pulling her to me, holding her body firmly against me so she could feel my growing erection against her tummy.

“I’ve actually only been here twice before,” she said, pulling me tighter, “the one you know about and the first time April and I got together. That was a magical night, let me tell you. I had never been with a woman before and she turned me on to a whole new world!”

“She kind of does that, doesn’t she?” I said laughing. Maeve extracted herself from my grasp and went to the kitchen, taking a bottle of sparkling wine from the fridge and pouring us a glass each. She then took my hand and guided me to the couch in front of a large screen tv.

“Are you sitting comfortably?” she asked. “Then we’ll begin.” I’d heard that line before. She pressed a button on the remote and the picture came to life, it was the video from this past weekend. She sat beside me and snuggled in. “April doesn’t like to watch herself on video but it turns me on when I think about what I was feeling when it was being made.”

I had to say, it looked pretty good, the lighting was better than most homemade videos, but it was pretty easy to tell what parts of it were shot by April and what parts were shot by me. My shots were not as steady and not always in focus. What was undeniable was that it was hot. As we watched, Maeve started rubbing her hands on my crotch, feeling my now full erection. She took my hand and placed it on her breast, urging me to do to her what she was doing to herself in the video. Before long the video was forgotten as we started making out, our hands all over each other. Her makeup didn’t stand a chance as I kissed her face all over.

Maeve stood up and took me by the hand, leading me into the small bedroom on the main floor then into an ensuite bathroom. She took a cloth, dampened it and started removing the remnants of her lipstick from my face. When she was finished, I took it from her and removed hers until she was plain skinned. “You really don’t need all that paint and powder you know,” I said softly as I turned her around and unzipped her dress. “You are gorgeous just the way you are.”

“You say the nicest things,” she replied as her dress fell to the floor and she stood there in her lingerie. Starting with her bra, I began removing each piece of her underwear, I knelt down to remove her panties, kissing just above her vulva as they slid down.

“Someone has neglected her grooming today,” I said quietly.

“I was hoping you’d help me look after that,” she replied, running her fingers through my salt and pepper hair. The clips holding up her stocking were next, I planted feather kisses on her thighs, knees and calves as I rolled the sheer black fabric down each leg. A soft moan and a sigh told me she was liking what was happening. Lastly, I reached behind her and unclipped her garter and there she was, completely nude in front of me for the first time. It was slightly cool in the room, I could tell because she had goosebumps all over her body. She pointed to a robe that was hanging on the back of the bathroom door which I retrieved and placed around her, tying the sash.

“You really know how to make a girl feel special, I’ve never had anyone undress me like that.,” she said as she took my face in her hands and pulled me down for another toe-curler of a kiss. “Now it’s my turn. Slowly she slid my coat off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, then came my tie and my shirt, one button at a time. It was cast aside before she got down on her knees, copying my kisses as she went down my body. By this time my erection was as hard as it had ever been, she placed her hand on it, looked up at me and asked, “Is this for me?”

“All for you,” I said, “tonight, only for you.” She took off my belt, and undid the button on my pants, sliding them and my boxers to the floor at the same time. I stepped out of them and she took me into her mouth for a long slow suck. She then popped it out of her mouth and stood up and retrieved a second bathrobe from the back of the door. Putting it on me she took my hand and led me back through the bedroom to a set of French Doors leading outside.

Across the small yard was an enclosed gazebo, through the glass panes I could see a steaming hot tub. She led me barefoot across the grass and through the door, there were shades on the inside but she didn’t bother pulling them down. Slipping off her robe she settled in and wiggled her finger at me to come join her. I climbed in and sat down, she moved to me, sitting in front of me with her back against my chest. Taking my hands in hers, she moved them to her breasts as she craned her head back to kiss me. “Make me come with your fingers,” she breathed.

After kneading her breasts for a bit, I moved one hand down to slide one, then two fingers inside her. Slowly I started massaging her clit with the callouses on my palm as my fingers worked just inside her lips. A gasp and a sharp intake of breath told me all I needed to know. She moved her head to one side, exposing her neck for me to kiss, I began nibbling on her earlobes and whispering into her ear.

“Is this what you want?” I asked, her reply was a murmured “mmm-hmmm,” as she pushed her backside back onto my hardness. I continued to masturbate her as she started writhing against me. Her moans grew louder as her pleasure intensified, evolving into soft cries then growing louder. I could tell she was close when she muttered, “Oh fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” She put her hand on top of mine to guide me as her orgasm broke through. “Don’t stop! Don’t Stop! Just a little more!!” A furious rubbing on her clit and she let go, bracing her feet against the opposite side of the hot tub and pushing her body hard back into mine. Shouting, “Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!” as her pussy spasmed n my fingers, she must have been thirty seconds or more before her orgasm began to fade. As she came down, she moved my hand off her pussy and back to her breasts, rubbing her back against my chest.

“Mmmmmmmm, that was so nice,” she whispered, turning to face me. We snuggled for a bit and then she said, “Let’s go to the bedroom.” She gave me a quick kiss and started climbing out of the hot tub. Taking a towel from a nearby shelf she began to dry herself off, I just stared at her as she did, marveling at her body in the soft light. She noticed me staring and blushed. “I could get used to having a lover staring at me like that.” She picked up a fresh towel and held it out, I climbed out and she helped to dry me off. Picking up her robe, she just let it drag on the grass as she sashayed nude back to the house.

I followed her lead, let’s face it, I would have followed her to Mars by this point. As I entered the bedroom, she dropped her robe and embraced me. Casting my own robe aside, I took her face in her hands and started kissing her. After a few moments, I applied gentle pressure downward to urge her down to her knees.

“Make me come with just your mouth,” I commanded, “No hands, no touching me with anything but your mouth.”

Pulling the robe over, she knelt on it and looked up at me. “Challenge accepted!” she grinned and she opened wide, engulfing the length of my shaft straight into her mouth, her nose bumping up against my pubic bone. She continued for a moment or two then pulled her mouth off me with a loud pop. “You’re too tall or I’m too short. Your dick is exactly the wrong height for this, it would work better if you were sitting down,” she said, pointing to a Windsor-style chair in the corner. I got up, put my robe on the chair and sat down, laying back so my erection standing tall and proud before me. She repositioned her robe on the floor but before kneeling down she went out into the living room, coming back with her phone. “Let’s video chat with April, make her really jealous!” she said, with a devilish grin. She opened the app and called April’s phone, she answered after just a couple of rings.

“Hey Sweetie, everything ok?” I heard.

“Everything is just perfect,” Maeve purred. “Now shut up and watch. Handing the phone to me, she resumed her position on her knees and began sucking my cock. I tried to position the phone so April would get the best view of Maeve’s lips moving up and down on me, my shaft slick and wet with her saliva.

“Oh fuck, Baby, that is so fucking hot!” I heard from the phone as Maeve looked up at me and then opened wide and, not touching me at all, took me full length into her throat, then clasping her lips on me as she slowly drew upward. Six more of those and I was done, her face went down as soon as my head touched her throat, I blasted my seed into her. Maeve drew back a little and clamped her lips tightly down on my shaft, milking my cock with her tongue, not letting a single drop escape her lips. She stayed there until my shaft stopped pulsing, then slowly she restarted moving her mouth on me until I began to soften.

When she was finished, she took the phone from me and looked right at April. “See, I ate the whole thing!” she laughed but all I heard from the phone was April’s moans of pleasure. Maeve climbed onto my lap and turned the phone so we could both watch April pleasure herself to orgasm. Maeve looked at me and said, “I knew she was going to do that!” After she was done, April began to catch her breath as she turned the phone to show her face, flushed pink with pleasure.

“Thanks, Sweetie, I needed that. Nice to see you’re taking proper care of your guest. Call me tomorrow, I know you two still have more fun to get to! Bye Stuart! Nice cock!” April ended the call.

“I never know what to expect from you two!” I exclaimed as Maeve put the phone down. She got off my lap and went into the washroom closing the door behind her.

“I have a couple more surprises for you!” she called through the door. Moments later she came back out with a washcloth, a large bowl of warm water, some ladies shave cream and a razor. “I want you to shave me,” she said. “Shave me completely smooth.” Again, I was stunned.

“I’ve never shaved a woman’s privates, are you sure you want me to do this?” I asked.

“I trust you, I am certain you will be careful if you want the surprise that’s underneath!” she said softly. “Just remember, don’t move the razor lengthwise and you won’t cut me. I shrugged my shoulders as if to say, “Okay.” Maeve placed the towel on the chair I had just gotten out of and sat down, shifting forward and placing the other things on the nightstand beside her. “I’ll talk you through this,” she said.

“First, wet the cloth and place it against me to soften up the hair.” I followed her directions and placed the cloth against her. She let out a soft sigh and said, “Make sure you moisten the whole area. That’s it. Now apply some shaving cream to your fingertips and work it into the whole area. Make sure you get some around the outside of my lips and down by my bum too. Please try not to let any inside me.” Again, I followed her guidance, covering her mons, the outside of her pussy lips and the area around her little rosebud.

“Now,” she said picking up the razor, “Start with small strokes like this.” She started at the top of where the almost imperceptible stubble was and wiped the cream off on the towel. “Got it?” she asked. I nodded my head taking the razor from her. I started with the easy parts first, cleaning her mons and then moving to her outer lips. “Take the lip in your fingers and pull it inward just a little,” she coached. Doing so I saw that it exposed the skin just enough. First one side, then the other the cream came off and the stubble with it. Then she raised her bum up enough so I could get the area around her perineum and either side of her anus.

When I was done, I ran my fingers over everything to make sure I didn’t miss any spots. I wiped off the razor and handed it back to her. Taking the edge of the towel, I cleaned off the entire area, by the time I was finished, I could see a small drop of fluid at the bottom of her vaginal opening. Lowering my head, I licked it up, then kissed the whole area all over very softly. “There, how’s that?” I asked.

She ran her fingers over her pussy and pronounced, “Nice job, sir. Thank you. Now then, my turn.” She stood up and motioned me to sit.

I sat down and she took the cloth, moistening the area around my cock and balls then applying the shaving cream. Then she looked up at me, “Here goes!” she said as she took the razor in hand and started removing the stubble around my cock. Once she finished that, she pushed my erect cock upwards and whispered, “Be very still, this might be tricky…” and she shaved my scrotum. Wiping away the excess cream she moved her hand all over me and nodded, “That’ll do,” and she set the razor down on the nightstand.

She stood up and went back out into the living room to retrieve the bottle of bubbly and our glasses. She topped up mine then hers and raised hers in a toast. “To great sex!” she cried.

“To great sex!” I responded and we clinked glasses and drained them.

“Now then,” she said, “to the main event of the evening!” She climbed under the covers on the bed, I climbed in beside her and we started kissing again. “This is turning out better than I had hoped,” she said softly between kisses.

“This is turning out exactly as I had hoped,” I answered, rolling her on top of me. I reached down between her legs to see if she was ready, indeed she was. I slipped a finger inside her quickly and brought it back up so we could both taste it. Then she positioned herself so my cock head was right at her opening and she slid herself excruciatingly slowly down onto me, staring at my face the whole time.

“Watch me as you make love to me,” she whispered as she began to move slowly along my length. Our eyes were locked onto each other’s as her tempo increased and we found a rhythm. Having already had a massive orgasm only a short time before, I had a little more staying power than usual. Presently she stopped and rolled off me, reaching into the nightstand drawer and producing a small bottle of lube. “You know what to do,” she said rolling over.

I positioned myself behind her and applied a small drop of lube to my left forefinger, another to her opening. Positioning it against her backside, I said, “When you’re ready.” Maeve pushed herself backward and my finger slipped in. She inhaled sharply and held still for a moment before moving her ass so my finger slipped out and then back inside.

“A few minutes of this and she whispered, “Another one.” I took my finger from her and lubed up two fingers, applying a little lube to her anus for good measure. Placing my fingers against her I said again, “When you’re ready.” She pushed back again, this time two fingers went right in to the knuckles, another soft cry and she held still before moving her ass again. I twisted my fingers around trying to increase her pleasure as she moved more quickly. She stopped and said, more forcefully, “Let’s do this!”

I repositioned, rubbed some lube onto my cock so it was completely slick and positioned my head against her back door. Placing my hands on her hips, I pulled her backwards just enough to apply a little pressure. “When you’re ready,” I said a third time. Maeve took a deep breath and pushed backward, a little resistance and my head popped inside her bum. He inhaled really sharply and let out a small, “Ow! Don’t move!” as she froze. A moment later she pushed back again and another inch of my cock disappeared. Another moment and she pushed back slowly until she was completely impaled on me.

“You okay?” I asked. She nodded and mumbled something incomprehensible. Then she started moving so that I began sliding out. As my cock head got to her sphincter she stopped and slowly slid back onto me until my balls touched the backs of her wonderfully round thighs. A couple more strokes and she nodded her head, saying nothing. As I had done with April a few days before, I reached around and began stimulating her clit with my right hand. Maeve pushed back harder and mumbled, “Mmm-hmm, that’s it.” Pretty soon I was thrusting into her, my balls slapping against her as I worked her pussy.

“Stop.” She said and she pulled herself off me. Reaching into the nightstand one more time she pulled out a toy, roughly the same size as my cock. “April told me to try this.” She said, as she got back onto all fours, spread her legs wide and inserted the toy into her pussy. “Okay big guy, back in you go!” pointing at her bum. I positioned myself at her back door and I thrust myself in. Her hand moved to her pussy, then her hips began vibrating as she activated the toy. She held it in place as I started fucking her ass with vigor. She started screaming incomprehensibly as we fucked, harder and faster as our orgasms built.

I held off as long as I could wanting her to peak before I did but I just couldn’t manage, the feeling of her hot ass around my shaft was too much and I shot myself into her. I tried to keep stroking and it only took a few more before she screamed, “OH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, YES!!!” Her hips bucked and she moaned in time as the waves of pleasure came over her again and again. Eventually, she calmed down, I was beginning to soften but managed a few more pushes before slipping out of her bum. I rolled her over and took her into my arms.

“April told me anal was awesome but I never would have imagined I would come so hard!” she cried, sobbing into my shoulder. “That was the most intense orgasm ever! It hurt a little at first but it was so worth it! We’re doing that again mister, you can count on it!” She snuggled into me, covering my face with little kisses before planting her lips on mine for a long slow one. Eventually, we drifted off to sleep.

Published 3 years ago

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