The Bus Ride – Wednesday

"RuthAnn is back on the bus. A new guy joins the party!"

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After an uneasy night, RuthAnn showered and prepared for her third day at the conference. The events of the previous two days were heavy on her mind. Angry was the best way to describe her feelings. Angry at being assaulted. Angry at her reaction, especially her body’s reaction to the assault. If some part of her liked it, was it really assault? What the hell was it? Damn at forty-five, she was really confused. She had no one to talk to. Not her husband who would only get mad. Not her girlfriends from back home who would never understand her mixed emotions. So in a nutshell, RuthAnn was stuck to sort this mess of emotions out.

The weather in Chicago had turned chilly. It must have something to with the like. So RuthAnn opted for slacks and a light button up sweater. Again, taking the taxi was considered but in the end, she settled on the bus. There was a sense of fear but there was something else. A sense of adventure? Excitement? Those thoughts were shoved aside on the trip to the bus top.

Once on the bus, the first thing she noticed was that Old Guy was not on the bus. As the trip continued, Elbow Guy never appeared either. Arriving at her meeting after the uneventful bus ride, RuthAnn was relieved. A while later her relief gave way to a different feeling. Sadness? Disappointment? Whatever it was it weighed on her mind all day causing her to lose focus. At last, the day ended.

RuthAnn again got on the bus and took a seat for the ride back to her hotel. As the bus filled with people going home from work, she looked across the bus, there was Elbow Guy, and he had a friend. His friend was wearing a sports jersey and they were both looking at her smiling. RuthAnn was glad she had a seat relieved that she didn’t have to stand. That is, until the elder woman got on the bus and stood by her seat wobbling a little more than the other passengers. After a while, when no one else offered the woman a seat, RuthAnn reluctantly stood up and let her have the seat.

Grasping the pole, nothing happened. At first. Then she sensed movement in the crowd but she kept her eyes forward. Then she felt a nudge on her ass. Turning she saw Elbow Guy and Sports Guy had moved and were right behind her. They smiled. She turned back around. More movement. Then Elbow Guy was standing directly in front of her and Sports Guy had moved so that he was inches from her backside.

Elbow Guy smiled. “You look even hotter in that sweater.”

RuthAnn didn’t respond but she blushed a deep red. Elbow Guy wasn’t great looking but he was ok and he was also much younger than she was. Even though she knew it was a line, having a younger guy say she was hot made her, well hot.

Then she felt Sports Guy starting the rub the side of her ass. She moved away from the touch but again her boobs moved right into Elbow Guy.

“You’re going to have to stop coming onto me like this.”

RuthAnn stepped back. She felt Sports Guy’s crotch grind into her ass. She moved forward. Her boobs again smashed up against Elbow Guy. He leaned down so his lips were inches from her face.

“Looks like we have a sandwich.”

RuthAnn groaned. Sports Guy had his hand back on her ass and he had another one on ribcage stroking it up and down. With the close proximity of these two guys and the groping, or was it caressing, of her ass, RuthAnn was getting warm again.

“I think my friend is going to need easier access.

Why don’t you grab that rail above my head?”

Shaking her head no, she stared at Elbow Guy. He smiled encouragement. Sports Guy was now squeezing her ass. Scarred and excited, she continued to look at Elbow Guy.

“Come on, grab the rail.”

RuthAnn was frozen in place. Eventually Elbow Guy reached down, took both of her hands and raised them up to the rail above her head molding her fingers around it. She remained frozen in place. She wanted to put her hands down. She knew this position left her boobs unprotected. Still she couldn’t move.

Elbow Guy nodded to Sports Guy. Soon she felt his hand leave her rib cage and work its way around to her belly. Then it slowly came up until it cupped her right breast. She gasped. Slowly it caressed her breast. Then it made its way to her nipple area where one finger started slowly to caress the nipple until she felt it getting hard. She gasped again and her breathing got difficult. RuthAnn was frightened. What would they do next? How would she react?

She couldn’t move her arms. Couldn’t release the rail. Couldn’t protect her boobs. About the only thing she could bring herself to do was to move closer to Elbow Guy so that the other passengers couldn’t see her being groped and doing nothing about it. Confused and excited, she stood there waiting. For what?

Elbow Guy smiled down at her.

“My friend seems to have his hands full.”

Angry, or was it something else, RuthAnn blurted: “Then why do you let someone else do all the dirty work?”

Fuck! What the hell was she saying?

Elbow Guy only smiled at her.

Now she felt Sports Guy messing with the buttons on her sweater. The top one popped open followed by the next two. Then he slid his hand inside until his was caressing and squeezing her breast through her bra. Her breath became labored and her knees were giving way. She grasped the rail tighter. Elbow Guy leaned down and literally started kissing her neck. Sports Guy brought his other hand up and spread her sweater open. Both hands were on her breasts. RuthAnn stood like a pillar, a very hot pillar. Her labored breathing became faster and faster.

Sports Guy’s hands stopped their caressing. They reached into her bra and pulled her left boob out. He weighted it and squeezed. Then he pulled the other boob out. Now she really moved close to Elbow Guy. She was on a Chicago bus in the middle of rush hour with both boobs exposed and apparently, no one except the three of them was the wiser. Now Sports Guy was really going after her nipples. Squeezing, rubbing, pinching, and pulling. A bolt of electricity shot through RuthAnn from her nipples to her groin. She stifled a scream. Wetness soaked her panties and she went limp. Her hands came down from the rail and draped over Elbow Guy’s shoulders like an embrace. Sports Guy stopped his ministrations. Almost gently, he placed her boobs back into her cups and buttoned her sweater.

At the next stop, they both left. RuthAnn stood there. What the hell just happened? She was assaulted, right? What had happened at the end? Her crotch felt damp. She had had an orgasm!

Son of a bitch!

Published 9 years ago

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