The Breakdown

"Appearances can certainly be deceiving."

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Washing the muck and grime from my hands, I was feeling pretty good about myself. 

A man had brought a car into the garage, saying his gearbox had gone to the shitter and he could get only two of the five gears. Having been given the job by my boss, I started working on it after lunch, convinced it would be a late one. However, Lady Luck was on my side and it turned out to be an easy fix. Tightening the last nut, I looked forward to getting down to the pub with my mates and drinking the first pint of the evening.

As I walked out of the washroom, still drying my hands, headlights from a vehicle limping onto the forecourt illuminated the darkened garage. As it came to a halt outside the rolling door, an ominous shiver ran down my spine. It was a black Range Rover and from the unusual way it hung down at the back end, there was clearly something wrong. 

Not wanting to miss the first round, I walked to the access door, hoping I could bullshit my way out of this. When the Range Rover’s door opened, I called out, “We’re closed.” 

A statuesque woman, wearing a long leather coat and holding a clutch purse, stepped away from the vehicle and gave me a withering look. “Boy, I have a puncture, and it needs fixing.” Her haughty tone conveyed the fact she regularly issued orders and was used to having them obeyed. “How long will it take?”

Her demands and use of the word ‘boy’ raised my hackles. London is awash with these type of women: late forties, wealthy, influential, successful businesswomen accustomed to getting their way and not caring who they tread on. The coat was open and it was apparent, even to my untrained eye, that her clothing budget was probably more than my boss earned in a year. I cursed under my breath and shook my head. Although in the abstract, she was the type of woman that fuelled my wanking sessions, in reality, I despised everything and anything she stood for with all my heart. 

“I’m sorry, we’re closed,” I repeated, my Irish lilt coming to the fore as it usually did when confronted by such intimidating women. 

“Now, listen, boy, I’m not in the mood to be trifled with.” Green eyes glinted venomously in the dark. “I need to get to the city tonight, so my car has to be repaired. Where’s your boss? I want to speak to him.”

“He’s not here; he’s gone home. He leaves early on a Friday and he won’t be coming back tonight,” I said a little too defiantly. 

“I don’t care, I want to speak to him right now.” If she’d stamped her foot, I would have laughed. As it was, I had trouble keeping a straight face. “Surely, you can call him,” she continued. “Do you know who I am?” 

I shook my head, not really caring either. But, I’d been brought up to respect women and, remembering my manners, I invited her inside. After giving me a look that could have frozen the sun, she stepped past me, telling me that I was going to regret my insolence. “Your boss’s wife…” she paused for effect, “is my sister.”

Now that got my attention. Had I just put my foot in it? Pulling my cellphone out of my overalls, I found his mobile number and pressed the connect button. Then I thrust the device into the angry woman’s hand and said it was ringing. Wanting to get as far away from her as possible, I went to look at her car— a punctured tyre. On the face of it, a few minutes work.

In the background, the phone conversation — what I could hear of it — wasn’t going the way either she or I expected. Whenever she tried explaining, my boss seemed to cut her off mid-sentence, and I watched this attractive woman become angrier and angrier. Then, to my horror, she gestured for me to move closer. 

With a heavy heart, I approached and felt some degree of surprise when she handed me the device. “He wants to talk to you,” she said and turned away to stare at her disabled automobile. 

“Liam, is that you?” asked my boss. “Okay, now listen, son: I don’t care what Cristine threatens you with, you’re my employee, not hers. Firstly, she has to ask nicely for your help. It’s a Friday night and you’re not on call…” I mumbled something conciliatory, but he interrupted me. “No, not even for her. Believe me; I know what a bitch she can be.” 

I heard a smug chuckle and cast a glance at Mr Carnegie’s sister-in-law. She was still staring out of the roller doors. 

“So, don’t let her bully you, Liam. Understand.” I nodded, even though my boss couldn’t see me. “Secondly, if — and I really mean if — you do agree to help her, make sure she pays in cash. No credit, no cheques, just cold hard cash… and she doesn’t get a receipt.” I nodded again. “And one last thing: if that bitch doesn’t agree to your terms, tell her she can kiss your ass, alright?” 

In the silence, I heard him laugh. I eventually found my voice. “Sir, I’m not trying to be facetious, but could you, like, send that in a text message? You know, as back up.” 

There was another hearty chuckle in my ear. “Coming right up,” my boss announced and broke the connection. God bless his soul. 

I turned to face Cristine and saw she was watching me intently. “So, what is it, boy? What do I have to do to get you to help me?” Her eyes blazed, and there was no doubting what she thought of me. 

“My name’s Liam, not boy,” I said politely just as my phone chirped. I held up a finger for her to wait as an envelope appeared on the screen. With my heart beating wildly, I opened the message and wanted to shout, “Thanks, boss.” He’d written everything he’d told me. 

“Here, read this,” I said, handing Cristine my phone. 

I watched as her eyes widened. Then she exploded. “That fucking cock sucking prick. Who the fuck does that bastard think he is?” 

I marvelled at such a posh voice delivering this earthy language and wondered how much more I would hear. 

“When I get my hands on that bastard, I’ll rip his fucking balls off.” 

Her shoulder-length ebony hair bobbed angrily, and her ample bosom heaved against her blouse as another string of expletives escaped her perfectly made-up lips. 

I was worrying that my phone might end up in pieces when her rage seemed to lose steam. She peered at me curiously, as if really noticing me for the first time that evening, while handing back my mobile. “So, Liam… George, my shithead brother-in-law, says I have to kiss your ass to get some help. Is he correct?” 

I shook my head. “Just say please,” I said, moving past her to gather some tools. My quietly spoken reply must have surprised her, maybe even disappointed her, because what I heard next almost made me blush. 

“That’s a shame,” she muttered, “it looks quite tasty.” 

Pretending not to hear her, I had to bite my lip to avoid laughing. I’d met Mrs Carnegie, Cristine’s sister, and knew she would never say anything like that. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Cristine’s gaze firmly fixed on my posterior.

“So, what’s it going to cost me to get you to help this damsel in distress?” Her eyes twinkled and I decided to play it cool, even if she was playing fast and loose with the word damsel. Did I care? Not a bit. 

“Are we talking cash or in-kind?” I had trouble keeping a straight face.

“I’ve only got credit cards with me,” she replied, waving a small piece of plastic while giving me a piercing stare and a wispy smile. 

Playing the game, I smiled politely and pointed to the sign hanging above the office door. 


Cristine gave the sign a cursory glance and returned her attention to me. Replacing the card in her clutch purse, she set it down on a stack of tyres before casually shrugging her coat off her shoulders. Expertly grabbing the heavy garment as it slid down her slender frame, Cristine tossed it nonchalantly on top of her purse and turned towards me again. Adopting a provocative stance: one leg bent at the knee, one hand resting on her hip, the other pressing a long delicate finger against her chin, Mr Carnegie’s sister-in-law studied me intently. 

I suddenly felt like helpless prey cornered by a hungry cougar.

“You do know I’m good for the money, don’t you?” 

I nodded and again gestured to the sign, enjoying the banter. “I’m sorry, ma’am, I can’t help you. My hands are tied. Mr Carnegie’s rules and I can’t go against them every time a beautiful woman demands help, can I?”

Hearing my compliment, Cristine’s eyebrows arched suspiciously. I didn’t understand why. She may have been a bitch, but she was indeed attractive. Maybe she hadn’t had those words spoken to her in a long time, although I found that hard to believe. And even if she stood for everything I despised — I couldn’t lie. 

After running a hand through her hair, she produced a wry smile. “Well, young Liam, you certainly don’t mince your words, do you?” She walked toward me, her gaze never wavering. “Are there any cashpoints around here?” she asked, moving slowly towards me, her innocent expression accompanied by a sexy smirk. 

I stared at her. The mixed signals were confusing; until I realised it was all part of her game. I matched her smile, guessing she already knew the answer to that one. 

Unlike the nicer parts of town where I imagined Cristine usually inhabited, Mr Carnegie’s garage was in a less desirable location. Dirty, gritty streets, with dirty, run-down buildings, meant people only came here when they had to. While there used to be many factories here, exploiting cheap labour, time and technology have changed things. What were once thriving businesses have all disappeared, along with their jobs, and that remains are the abandoned buildings.  

With unemployment rife, many inhabitants have turned to crime, but the police keep a low profile. Anyway, it all meant the nearest cash dispenser was too far away for a woman like Cristine to walk these streets in safety. Certainly not in four-inch heels.

I shook my head as she approached. In a knee-length pencil skirt, her legs looked shapely and toned. Mentally undressing her, I imagined her walking toward me in expensive lingerie — and my cock thickened. 

Taller than me, even without her heels, was hugely attractive, and her lush hips and flat belly only increased her desirability. The expensive blouse did little to conceal the swell of her breasts, and I wondered what they looked like in the flesh. They weren’t huge, that was for sure, but neither were they tiny. More a delightful handful — or mouthful — and, if I wasn’t mistaken, there was no sag. Not bad for a woman who had long seen forty in the rearview mirror. Blood rushed south at the thought of getting to grips with them, and things became uncomfortable in my jeans. 

With her perfect makeup and beautiful dark hair, it was clear she took care of her appearance. Sexy without being slutty; hot and yet coolly aloof.

Cristine continued coming toward me. “Then I guess I’ll just have to pay you in-kind, won’t I? Is there anything in particular, I can do for you?” she asked, arching her eyebrows and looking pointedly at my groin? 

Despite my desperation to keep it inconspicuous, I knew she could see my growing bulge. There wasn’t much I could do about it, especially with her standing right in front of me, her eyes sparkling mischievously and a musky perfume teasing my nose. 

Her lips brushed my ear. “Come on, Liam,” she whispered huskily, “I’m open to suggestions.”

Then, without warning, she turned around and, looking over her shoulder, bent forward at the waist, resting her hands on her thighs. Then Cristine provocatively pushed her ass into me. Hypnotised by what she was doing, I was slow to react, and before I could move, my tormentor’s buttocks crushed against my groin. 

Feeling her press against my hard-on was heavenly, but Cristine didn’t stop there — she teasingly wiggled her ass against my bulge. 

“Careful what you wish for, M’Lady,” I growled. “You might not like the consequences.”

“Then again, I might,” she taunted, sliding a hand over the back of her tight skirt. Delicate fingers briefly came into contact with my swollen manhood, and I flinched at the touch, briefly wondering what the hell I’d gotten myself into. I tried to readjust my trapped erection before it got too painful, as Cristine straightened and turned to face me, catching me in the act. 

She nodded approvingly at the outline of the long, thick sausage shape and sensually licked her top lip. In fact, judging by how long Cristine continued to stare, it seemed she was transfixed by what was on offer. Then, she reached out without a word, and after grabbing it firmly, she squeezed it.

“Do I need to take care of your problem, Liam, before you take care of mine?” she asked, fingers digging into my swollen package. 

Although I’d enjoyed our flirting, I’d not intended to let things go this far and would have been content to fix the punctured tyre and allowing Cristine to continue her journey. Truthfully, I’d probably have done it for free; I’m that sort of guy. But, with her manipulating my erection, let’s just say my growing lust was overruling any noble intentions I’d previously entertained.  

My initial observation about Cristine was definitely correct: she was a woman who knew how to get what she wanted.

“I think that will be a perfectly satisfactory arrangement, Ma’am,” I managed to croak, dropping my tools and placing a hand on top of hers. 

Green eyes looked into mine, and eyebrows arched again when my cock throbbed beneath her touch. Even my heavy denim jeans failed to quell the heat radiating from my loins. Who will give in first? Then Cristine kissed me: quick, easy, soft, and divine. 

Before I could react, she pulled back her head and licked her bottom lip. She saw my shocked expression and it seemed to please her.

“Hmmm, this could work,” she murmured and gave a curt nod of approval before resuming the kiss. Only this time, it was much more intrusive. Cristine flung her free arm around my neck, making escape impossible — not that I wanted to — and our lips meshed again, her tongue entwining with mine. Hard nipples pressed against my chest and her caresses of my bulge felt terrific. 

Such was the force of her onslaught, I stumbled backwards until my bum pressed against the workbench along the back wall. Although there was enough light spilling in from the street for me to see what Cristine was doing, there wasn’t enough for people to see what was happening inside the garage; thank God for that.

As her tongue continued to duel with mine, I reached between us and tore at Cristine’s blouse, a couple of buttons flying off as the expensive garment ripped open. Cupping her lovely breasts, I congratulated myself on my assessment of their size and firmness. 

Cristine’s bra was a soft, delicate piece of blood-red lingerie, probably costing more than my month’s salary, and easing her tits free, I pinched her perky nipples. My confidence rose as I heard Cristine moan; unfortunately, before I could bite into them, my temptress took a step back, licking her lips as if she was preparing to devour me.

“Stay right where you are,” Cristine ordered in a low, feral tone. “You’re mine now,” and she dropped to her haunches. With practised ease, this beautiful woman unfastened my large belt buckle and the button on my jeans before sliding down the zipper. Impatient now, she yanked down my jeans and boxers in one fell swoop. 

Although she’d been caressing it, Cristine gasped when my manhood sprang free. I might not be as sophisticated or worldly-wise as most of the men she probably deals with, but I do have a couple of redeeming features. And one of them was bobbing proudly in front of her face. Judging by her animated expression, she shared my opinion. 

My manhood is long and thick with gnarled veins crisscrossing most of its length, and right then, it was protruding splendidly from my nest of thick, black, wiry hair. I don’t know what pleased Cristine most, the length or the girth; either way, she seemed happy, very happy.

Surprisingly, she touched it quite tentatively, wrapping her fingers gingerly around the flesh and gently pulling back my foreskin. Considering her behaviour to that point, it was not what I expected, and after she revealed my swollen dome in all its glory, I saw my pre-cum glistening in the sallow light. 

She studied it for a moment while I silently prayed for my forgiveness, and then her tongue flicked forward. The first exploratory licks almost drove me out of my mind and I gripped the workbench, hoping Cristine wasn’t the biggest prick teaser in the world. 

I needn’t have worried. 

After sampling the salty fluid oozing from my hole, she opened her mouth wide and took in my cock. Automatically, I thrust my hips and was amazed to see her lips flex to accommodate my movements. I felt her tongue licking and swirling around the underside of my shaft as it disappeared into her willing mouth. 

Cristine’s teeth grazed me as she swallowed my steely rod, and I reached out to grab her gorgeous mane of hair. Disregarding my attempt to take control, Cristine pulled back, pressing her tongue against a most sensitive spot while clamping her lips around my swollen glans. 

I bucked and jerked and decided to exert some muscle. “Take it, you bitch, take it all,” I ordered, pulling her head towards my pelvis. I watched in amazement as this beautiful woman swallowed my cock, all of it, her lips against my pubic hair and her throat constricting around my meat — and no gagging. A stifled cry bought me to my senses, and I stopped pressing my hand on her head. 

Cristine spat out my cock as if it tasted like rotten fish, and from the blazing look in her eyes, I was sure I’d regret my actions. Then, treating me to a broad, lecherous grin, this wonderful woman deep-throated me again. When she released me, Cristine gripped the hilt of my thick shaft and began tracing the length of it with her agile tongue, working up to and over the throbbing dome. 

Then, as if licking an ice cream cone, she circled my glans before commencing on the downward journey. But she didn’t stop where she began, oh no; Cristine kept going until she popped first one hairy ball, then the other, into her mouth, all the while, wanking my manhood with a great twisting of her wrist. I hadn’t had many girlfriends, and none of them could suck cock like Cristine. While she feasted on my balls, the horny bitch tilted her head so she could watch my reaction. I smiled down at the blowjob princess and told her what a fantastic cocksucker she was. 

Removing my throbbing length, she said,” You haven’t seen anything yet. Now turn around.” 

I was puzzled. “Why?” I asked. 

“Just do as I say, my young Irishman, you won’t regret it.” And without relinquishing her grip on my cock, she helped me turn around before telling me to relax. Then, with her free hand, she grabbed a butt cheek and pulled open my ass crack. 

“Don’t move, boy,” she demanded. Being an obedient type of person, I complied, and that’s when I felt the tip of her tongue explore my backdoor. 

“Jesus, you’re the devil incarnate,” I murmured and heard a muffled snigger. 

“You don’t know the half of it,” she replied, coming up for air. And, to prove the point, she thrust her face into my ass again. During all this, her hand never stopped stroking my cock, and to be honest, I wondered how much longer I could take it. 

“Do you know how much this turns me on, knowing I can control when you cum,” she said, having withdrawn her tongue from my butt. “It gets me so fucking wet,” she added, turning me around to face her. “Now let’s get these jeans off… Mama’s horny.” 

After helping me remove my jeans, Cristine shrugged off her damaged blouse before reaching behind to unzip her skirt. A sexy wiggle, and I watched in amazement as it landed around her feet. Her expensive bra was matched in colour and design by the sheer panties through which her dark pubic bush was clearly visible. The sight stoked my flames of passion even higher. 

I grabbed a hand and pulled her towards me, planting my lips onto hers. Our kiss was interrupted while she pulled my sweatshirt over my head, leaving us bare-chested. Then we kissed again, both lips and nipples pressed equally as hard into each other. As our tongues danced, I cupped her breasts, and Cristine reached for my prick while at the same time grinding her crotch against my thigh. Our moans and actions competed with each other and instinctively, I knew she wanted more. 

Hands in her armpits, I lifted Cristine and set her pert ass on the workbench, receiving an approving nod as I dropped to my knees. “Rip them off, stud,” she commanded huskily and bucked her pelvis provocatively towards me. 

I grabbed the sheer lingerie and tugged. The tearing sound was gratifying to hear, and it was also apparent that Cristine hadn’t lied about being horny. Swollen pussy lips protruded between her juicy labia, and the top of her thighs glistened. Not wanting to waste any time, I swung her legs over my shoulders and buried my face into her pliant apex, kissing her soft, dark bush before clamping my lips around her excited clit. As I lapped my tongue against her juicy sex, I felt fingers in my short hair, and when I sucked the hard, swollen nub, perfectly manicured nails dug into my scalp. 

It didn’t take long before Cristine came, and when she did, it was like a tropical storm, wet and wild. Cum dribbled down my chin, and she bucked uncontrollably against my face as I maintained my onslaught. Simultaneously, she tried to push my head away but used her thighs to keep my head exactly where she wanted it. I waited until her legs ceased shuddering then stood. Gripping my pulsating member, I positioned the engorged dome between her juicy lips and pushed my hips forward.

Cristine gasped and then cried out as I gradually fed my entire length along her tight, wet tunnel. Then she swore, although the expression on her face told me she was enjoying it. Before I could move again, she rested her hand on my pelvis and told me to wait. I felt her cunt muscles flexing around my manhood, and I twitched in response. That’s when she threw back her head, green eyes half-closed, and told me to fuck her. 

I began moving, tentatively, and her head snapped forward. 

“I said fuck me, Liam, not treat me like a Barbie Doll.” 

I needed, nor wanted, further instruction, and for the next few minutes, I fucked Cristine hard. She must have liked what I was doing because, within seconds, she wrapped her legs around my hips and crossed her ankles behind my back. Also, she gripped the edge of the workbench and thrust her hips to meet my punishing strokes. 

“C’mon stud, fuck me,” she urged through gritted teeth, and I renewed my efforts. Sweat formed on my back and I grunted each time I thrust into her. 

“That’s it, boy, fill this whore with cum.”

Despite being fit, satisfying Cristine was proving to be arduous. Although I was close to climax, my energy was draining and she must have sensed I was losing it. Flinging an arm around my neck, she pulled my head toward her until our foreheads bumped.

“C’mon you handsome young shit,” she growled, hot breath on my face, “don’t stop now. I want it. I want to feel you cum inside me.” 

Biting my bottom lip, I took a deep breath and continued screwing this amazing woman. Finally, I reached the abyss and with one last thrust, I tumbled over the edge, unloading the contents of my balls into her soft, silken sheath. 

I don’t know how long I remained collapsed on top of Cristine, but she didn’t seem to mind. When I gathered my senses, I felt her hands stroking up and down my spine, her legs still wrapped around me. I tilted my head back and saw her looking at me in something akin to admiration, and then we kissed. It was while our tongues entwined that I realised I was still hard — and deep inside her. 

“You were magnificent, Liam,” Cristine said softly after breaking our kiss. “I want to taste you.” 

Unlocking her legs, she eased me away. I looked down and watched my greasy cock slip unceremoniously from her raw, ravaged pussy, our love cocktail trickling down her thighs. Then Cristine’s full, red lips encompassed my manhood. She didn’t ask what I wanted and I was too shocked to tell her, but there was no mistaking who was in charge.

“I hope you’ve got some more spunk in these,” she announced, cupping my balls in her soft hand. 

“Why?” was all I managed to croak. 

“Because I’m not finished with you,” and grinned. 


“Have you ever fucked a woman in the ass?” 

When I admitted I hadn’t, the sparkle in her eyes revealed Cristine’s excitement and her struggle to contain herself. Grinning hungrily, she playfully tapped a finger on my nose. “Well, tonight’s your lucky night, my handsome young Irishman,” Cristine whispered, “but, first, you’ll have to provide some lubrication,” and giggling, turned and wiggling her cute little bum. 

I couldn’t believe my eyes as Cristine set her hips against the filthy workbench before wantonly arching her back and reaching behind to spread peachy buttocks. The invitation was unmistakable. 

“Come on you big pricked bastard, make me scream.” 

Between the temptress’s thighs, I swear her puffy sex winked at me, and that encouraged me to take a trip into the unknown. I stood behind Cristine, grabbed her hair and roughly thrust a couple of fingers into her juicy pussy. 

“Does madam want it hard and fast, or does she want it slow and gentle?” 

There was a derisive snort. “I just want it, stud,” Cristine spat and then emitted an evil Cruella de Vil laugh. Truthfully, it sent a shiver of apprehension down my spine, and I jerked her head back, thrusting my fingers harder between her thighs.

“So, the high and mighty Cristine likes a bit of the rough stuff, does she?” Although it was a rhetorical question, her answer surprised me. 

“You have no idea, boy. Now get on with it.” Accepting her challenge, I knelt behind her and kissed the top of her anal crack. 

I’ll admit, even though I desperately wanted to fuck her ass, I wasn’t sure if I could do what Cristine wanted, but I was determined to try. I licked her soft skin, tentatively at first, and slowly working my way down towards her crinkled back entrance. A hand grabbed my hair, and her upper-class voice told me to keep going. Unable to procrastinate any longer, I took a deep breath and poked out my tongue and thrust it into the unknown. 

“Ughhh,” was all I heard and then came a stream of obscenities as I continued my oral explorations. “Fuck, you’re a natural, Liam,” she exclaimed, pushing her backside into my face. 

“I aim to please,” I mumbled into her soft flesh, secretly delighted with myself. 

“You’re certainly doing that, stud. God, this feels so fucking good.” 

“How does this feel?” I asked, stabbing my thumb past her tight ring. 

“Fuuuck, give me more,” she cried. 

While standing to gain more momentum, I saw one of her hands moving from the workbench toward her sex. 

“Jesus, you’re a fucking dirty bitch. You can’t get enough, can you?” 

“Nooo,” she croaked and then moaned again as she started fingering her clit. 

Honestly, this woman was blowing my mind, especially knowing who she was. Aware that she was my boss’s sister-in-law certainly added spice to the whole episode, but it was Cristine who made it so memorable. I’d never met anyone like her — and probably never would again — but I knew without a doubt, this was one of those life-changing events. And we hadn’t even finished. 

Cock in one hand, I pushed her buttocks apart with the other and placed my engorged dome against her twitching anus. Now Cristine surprised me yet again. “Grab my hips,” she ordered, reaching back to grasp my throbbing member. 

Holding me steady, she pushed back and my helmet penetrated her lubricated hole. Without thinking about what I was doing, I pulled at her hips, and my cock quickly burrowed into her ass.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck… it’s so big.” 

She sounded in pain and I almost stopped. “Noo, don’t,” she gasped. “Push it in harder, you beautiful shit.” 

I increased the pressure and didn’t stop until my pelvis brushed against Cristine’s peachy butt. She grabbed one of my wrists and held it tight. “Jesus, you’ve got a big cock there, young man. Just let me get used to it.” 

I rested against her, feeling her ass flex around my impaling flesh. “Hmmm, that’s better,” she said softly and playfully wiggled her hips. “Now let’s get this thing started.” 

Placing her hand on my lower belly, she eased me away until I was halfway withdrawn, then allowed me to thrust forward again. Cristine’s low, feral moan increased my lust, and as our bodies collided again, I rotated my hips, grinding into her as hard as I could. I was pleased to feel her push back against me, and another groan hissed from her lips. 

“Relax, you upper-class whore,” I growled, my lilt sounding more pronounced, “and you’ll soon start to enjoy it.” 

Cristine released a loud throaty laugh. “Oh, my poor young Irishman, if you think I’m not enjoying this, you’re highly mistaken,” and she quickly pulled away from me before slamming her bum back against my hard body. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve had one as big as yours, and I’d forgotten how good it feels. Now shut up and get on with it.” 

Her condescending, well-to-do tone infuriated me, and I bucked my hips violently. 

“Is that all,” she taunted. “I was expecting something a lot rougher than that. For God’s sake, man, fuck me.” 

Grabbing her wrists, I pulled her hands behind her body, and twisting them, made her lean forward. She looked like an old tall ship figurehead, apart from the fact she was pinned against the workbench by my rigid cock. Unable to do anything about her position without causing herself a lot of pain, Cristine readily accepted my mastery. Instead of ordering me, she now begged me to fuck her.

I slid my cock back and forth with ease, my strokes long and powerful, my muscular legs taking the strain. Cristine lay prone over the workbench, whimpering and moaning obscenities with each thrust, the volume and intensity increasing as another orgasm gathered momentum like a tropical storm. The sounds coming from Cristine were a true aphrodisiac, and even though I could barely keep going, I tried upping my pace. It was enough. 

A series of deep, powerful thrusts into her arse delivered another orgasm, and amid the shuddering and screams, her passage tightened around my throbbing member, and my spunk flew. Feeling my release, Cristine ordered me to stop moving, and I emptied my balls, each powerful pulse pumping hot cream inside her, soaking her walls. 

Then Cristine went limp, sprawled across the workbench, enjoying the moment. Exhausted, I collapsed on top of her and felt a soft hand rest on my bum. We stayed like that until my cum began seeping from her anus as my erection subsided, and the moment ended. 

With a moan, I raised myself off Cristine’s prone form and drew my hips back. My semi plopped unceremoniously from her arsehole, and retrieving her torn panties from the floor, I gave my cum-covered prick a couple of wipes before tossing them onto the workbench, just in front of her face. 

She didn’t move, but before I turned away to get dressed, I saw her lips form a wispy smile. Knowing I had to keep my side of the bargain, I made myself decent and picked up my tools. Plugging the hole in her rear tyre took me less time than it did to fill the openings between Cristine’s thighs and gave me infinitely less satisfaction, but I had given my word. As I lowered the jack from the Range Rover, Cristine appeared in the doorway, clothed and clutching her coat. 

“The car’s fixed, M’Lady… for now. You’ll need some new tyres, to be certain, especially with such a powerful car. Sorry, Ma’am, but you’re not our usual sort of client, and we don’t stock them,” I explained when Cristine cocked an inquisitive eyebrow. “We can order them if you want, but I expect you’ll want to go to your own dealer.”

Cristine approached me. “I’ll think about it, young man.” Then her lips brushed mine. “Liam, thank you for taking care of my problems; you truly are a gentleman, despite being so young.” 

I felt myself blush. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

“No, thank you,” she replied, smiling as if she knew something I didn’t. Then she climbed into the car and drove away. 

Feeling like I’d gone through a wringer, I dragged myself into the garage to clear up the mess before going to the pub. Looking around, I saw something lying on top of the stacked tyres. As I approached, I saw Cristine’s ruined panties lying on top of her clutch purse. Evidently, she wanted me to have her underwear — as a keepsake — and I couldn’t help smiling as I picked them up. Her heavenly scent filled my nostrils as I gazed over the other item she’d left behind. 

I arched my eyebrows. The panties I could understand, but why had Christine left her clutch purse here? I opened it out of curiosity, and sure enough, the credit cards inside proclaimed it as Cristine’s. Then it dawned on me; If Christine had deliberately placed her panties on top of this, then it was no accident.

My cock throbbed again as I realised Cristine would be returning to reclaim her purse.

Published 4 years ago

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