January 1st, 2023.
Dear Diary,
So, another year has gone. Looking back, 2022 was a weird year. There was the war and the prices and all that nonsense. But this year, it’ll be a good year. I am sure of it. My New Year Resolution is firm and absolute; this year, I will move out of home. I will get my own place. I will get a proper boyfriend (Between you and me, I hope to get at least some physical action sooner than that. It’s now been six months smh!) and I will be an adult at last! I’ve been looking at flats in the Gracia, but it’s pricey, for what I earn. Mum says they can help, but isn’t breaking away from the bank of mum and dad part of the point? Well, we shall see. Hopefully I won’t be writing to you in this room in 2024.
January 3rd.
Dear Diary,
Cold and wet all day. Stayed in reading and playing Minecraft. Three more days of holiday, then the Kings then back to work. Now New Year is done, getting bored.
My first date of the New Year is tomorrow! His name is Iker and he is…big! He’s six foot two and a big weights guy. He looks like a bodybuilder. He’s bald and…he looks pretty hot, I won’t deny. Hopefully he’s not a total moron. We’re going for a cycle ride together, weather permitting, then maybe a drink. I’ll have my report on the date tomorrow!
Jan 5th.
Dear Diary,
So, as you can guess from the missing 24 hours, my date went well! I’m a dirty stop out, but you can forgive me, right?
Oh, diary! That was an experience I won’t forget in a hurry! We went out and had a great time. Iker was dressed sharp as you like, in a suit jacket. I had my hair up (which is fading back to blonde again, by the way. Need to decide whether to dye it back to ginger, or black or natural) and casual jeans and blouse. I felt quite underdressed! I didn’t know it then, but I was soon to be completely underdressed 😉
We had a ride along the seafront and then a cocktail at the beach bar. We sat right by the heaters, so it was toasty warm, even though the wind was cool. Iker was the best listener. He had this way of making it feel like it was just the two of us in the bar.
And he just oh-so-casually mentioned that his dog needed walking, and would I like to come back to his place and pick up the dog? I hadn’t decided to sleep with him at that point.
The dog was outrageously cute. A little puppy Labrador called Arya. We walked maybe five or six km, and the sun was going down. Of course, once we got back, he asked me if I’d like a drink. Actually, he didn’t ask. He started making me one. I didn’t complain. We sat on high stools at his kitchen worktable. And we spoke, our voices getting softer by the minute. I was soooo attracted to him, it was ridiculous. He was just a hunk. It was like getting chatted up by Dwayne Johnson.
He kissed me and I responded gladly. As we kissed, Arya fussed at our feet, yapping for attention. I giggled and Iker laughed. But after five minutes, he said,
“We could go next door and shut her out? She’s kind of distracting me.”
Me too! I willingly followed huge Iker into his bedroom, which was made up quite differently from the rest of the apartment. There was a double bed with sheets that looked (and, in fact, were) silk. There were lava lamps all around. Scarves. And incense sticks. It wasn’t how I’d imagined his room, but it was certainly interesting. Almost like a hippie drug den, with the colours and the music and the incense.
Iker walked around and lit three of them. The incense, I have to admit, really helped the atmosphere. It changed it completely from the other room.
Iker undressed faster than any guy I’d seen before. It was like, one minute he was dressed and the next he had pulled his t-shirt off, yanked his trousers and pants down and was standing there pale and white and overbearing, naked as the day he was born. His barrel chest was hairless. His cock, not yet hard, was hanging low and just touching the edge of the bed. With his bald head, there was something half monstrous about him. Monstrous, but hot.
“You move fast,” I told him.
He didn’t reply. Instead, he stood, looking me over. I realized that he wanted me to strip off too. It was a bit awkward…I’d always, sort of, jointly undressed with guys before. You know, letting them unzip me. Helping his shirt off, that kind of thing.
So, I pulled down my jeans and pulled my blouse off. But rather than completely undress, I motioned to him to join me in bed. He did.
“Help me warm up,” I said. I guided his hands to my crotch and felt his hands begin to caress my back. I took his cock in my hand. He began to kiss my neck and we made out a bit more. His cock swelt up quite quickly and it was big enough that it needed both my hands to help him along. Meanwhile, his fingers pressed onto my panties, rubbing my mound, which I’d shaved, luckily. He pressed his fingers firmly, moving them up and down. I was moistening down there quickly. Iker was strong and his large erection was now hot to see.
If someone else is reading this, some burglar going through my drawer or my future great-grandchildren, you’d better look away now. Yes, your dear diarist sucked that man’s penis. And I enjoyed it, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Judge not lest you be judged and all that. I went down on Iker for about fifteen minutes. I loved that big, hard cock in my mouth. It stimulated my saliva glands like no other penis ever has, and his dick was glistening with spit when he put his hand under my chin and guided me away. And he tasted amazing.
But the night was about to get a lot more interesting.
“Look in the drawer, beside the bed,” Iker said. I rolled over and opened it, expecting to find just a box of condoms. Instead, there was a book.
“Fifty sexual positions from the Karma Sutra and beyond.”
I flicked through it. There was every manner of position that the human body could contort to in there, all modelled by a fit couple – several fit couples, actually – on glossy paper, with explanatory text.
“Missionary is so boring,” Iker said.
“It’s been done to death. I’ve done it a hundred times. I bet you have too,”
“Oh, you bet I have too? With all the hundreds of guys you think I’ve slept with?”
Iker didn’t smile.
“You know what I mean. Missionary is dull. I lose my hard one just thinking about it. If you’re game, we should try new things. Take a look. Find one you’d like to try.”
I released his cock and shuffled over.
“Sit with me,” I said. We browsed the pages together, as if we were a couple picking out curtains. The variety of names was amazing. There was the pretzel dip. The Seashell. The Golden Arch. But one caught my eye the moment I saw it.
“Let’s try that!” I said, pointing at The Wheelbarrow. It looked wild. I would actually have to be a wheelbarrow, with my arms as the wheels and my legs in the air, held by my partner, who would be ‘attending to me’ all the while! I wasn’t sure any guy I’d been with before would have been strong enough to do it. But Iker clearly was.
“Sure? You’re strong enough?” he said, looking at my wiry biceps uncertainly.
“I am. And we can change, if it doesn’t work.”
I got up. I pulled off my bra and then finished undressing by removing my panties. Then, I took to my knees on the floor. On the hairy black and white rug, to be exact. Iker crouched, then I felt his hands wrap around my thighs. With fantastic strength, he picked me up by my pelvis, and hoisted me into the air. He gripped my waist, and I knew to open my legs a little. A moment later, Iker’s penis slipped into me. I put my palms flat on the ground and lifted myself up. Holding my weight wasn’t easy, but I at least felt confident Iker wouldn’t drop me. He was thrusting firmly in and out. I felt his penis slide in and out, and I could feel that he was alternating stroke cleverly, warming up each area of my pussy. There was a firm, deep stroke, then a shallow one, then a deep one…his strength and skill with his big cock were turning me on rapidly.
“Ah, this is good. You’re tight,” Iker said, his voice deep and firm. I affirmed that it was working for me too. I was trying to pretend that my arms weren’t getting tired. Iker’s cock felt like it would drive down through my pussy into my stomach, so hard and firm did he thrust downwards into me.
Come on. Come on. Don’t give up. You got this…I said to myself, not wanting to stop. But the muscles in my biceps and my wrists were starting to hurt, and the carpet was rubbing my palms raw.
“You’re tired. Let’s change,” Iker said. I was both relieved and annoyed. I’d have gone on until orgasm, if my strength had been up to ten minutes more in the wheelbarrow position. But my arms just couldn’t support my weight anymore. Iker reached for the book again. I could hardly wait for a long browse and discussion; I was well on the way! I took charge, and requested a position called “The Chairman”.
“Sit on the edge of the bed,” I told him, stroking my g-spot with my fingers, not wanting to lose momentum. He did. He seemed to be expecting me to suck his cock and was surprised when I turned my back to him. I stepped backwards and eased myself onto his cock. I sat on his penis facing away from him, like some vast, overgrown child on Santa’s lap. I felt his hands reach around my body to fondle my breasts. I felt his dick reawaken my clitoris, and I reached down to help myself along. His cock was making me wet again. He was so hard! I told him so. He was tickling my belly with one hand and squeezing my nipple with the other. I turned my neck to kiss him. His penis moved higher. Then he said excitedly,
“I’m getting close!”
I was too and his renewed thrusting pushed me close and then…I came! I came hard, and he was still thrusting, which drew my orgasm out further and I sort of squealed!
I asked him if he wanted me to suck it, but he said no…he liked this. I was pretty wet. Must have felt good for him, I assume. Well, his stroke increased and he was going up, up and I reckon an x-ray of my stomach would have shown that cock stretching past my belly button and damn near reaching my lower ribs, and had anyone ever x-rayed a couple in the act, in that position? Wouldn’t that be amazing, and…
“Fuck yeah!” he bellowed as he came. His cock jerked hard and high, and then began to relax.
When Iker had pulled out, I went to the bathroom. He fixed us a drink. I didn’t stay the night. Just slipped in home, though it was well past midnight. He has my number. Hopefully we’ll hit the books again!
Jan 6th
Dear Diary,
The Day of the Kings today, and my gift has arrived…a call from Iker! We only spoke quite briefly. Small talk. He just asked how I was. But then, fifteen minutes later, a text arrived. He wrote:
“There are another 138 pages in the book, if you’d like another read.”
I took my time…mustn’t appear too keen…but, of course, I’m going round there tonight! I’ll report tomorrow!
Meanwhile, I’ve sent out eight job applications and business starts up again tomorrow, so fingers crossed.
Jan 8th
Dear Diary,
Since I last wrote, I’ve spent more hours naked than clothed, I believe. I stayed at Iker’s last night. I told mum and dad I was with a friend (and I’ve got a bridge to sell them if they believed me!), but I definitely don’t see Iker as a friend. He’s the very definition of a fuck buddy. I won’t fall in love with him, I don’t want to hang out apart from sex. But the sex? Oh my God!
We had a quick drink, but we both knew what I was there for. We went into the bedroom. This time, we got right down to it. We undressed and began with a warmup, aka a sixty-nine. I’d enjoyed giving him a blowjob and wanted to see if he knew how to go down on a woman. Technically, though, he was going up on a woman as I was on top and sucking his cock. Well, I needn’t have worried. His tongue slipped into my pussy like a little mole into a burrow. And it wriggled and squirmed and tickled in all the right places. Occasionally, he’d freeze his tongue and plant a firm kiss with his lips on my mound, which felt great. My hormones were on fire! It had never happened so quickly before, but between his powerful body and skill with his tongue and being turned on by the big, hard cock, I came in less than ten minutes!
I offered Iker the chance to go all the way in my mouth, but he said no. He had a new position he wanted to try. I was happy to oblige. It was called “The Splitting of bamboo.” I had to lie on my back and lift one leg above his right shoulder (his left, from my perspective), and have my right leg straight on the bed. He moved forward on his knees and slipped into me. Mmmmmm…my lips were already split, but his penis was large enough to push them still further apart and he pushed in deep. Ah, it felt so good!
And he used his hands, one hand diddling the top of my privates and the other rubbing his palm across my belly and up to my breasts. He fondled my left breast, thrusting in and out. I closed my eyes, feeling my breast being squeezed, feeling the warm pressure gently running through my pussy. I lazily reached down and squeezed Iker’s testicles and the base of his cock. He purred.
It was a nice position, but it wasn’t going to finish either of us off. For that, we needed more force. And boy, did we find a good one! It was called “The Circus Freak”.
“We might have to try a couple of times to get this one right,” he said, and he wasn’t kidding. The picture in the book made it look almost impossible! Basically, the woman had to high kick her leg up over the man’s shoulder and take his cock standing up!
As we both got up and out of bed, I thought to myself how glad I was I’d met and bedded Iker. He’s opened my eyes to new experiences that I never would have had otherwise. He stood before me and, with a considerable effort that I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to do ten years from now, in my thirties, I swung my leg up to his neck…he caught it and held it. I flung my arms around his neck to keep balance…and we were there. Right, time to get that juicy cock into me. I was certainly split and ready, almost uncomfortably so. Iker had one hand supporting my bottom, and one behind my back.
His cock slid in easily and he began to thrust in and out and I was wet already. I leaned forward and kissed him passionately, and my juices were starting to run gently inside me. He kissed me back and his thrusts increased. My standing leg was wobbly but in a nice way, and it was the most intimate I’d felt with Iker. For the first time, I felt emotionally bonded with him, we were so close. And his cock was doing good work. He sped up, thrusting firmly, almost violently into me. In…Ah! Again…ah! Ah! My orgasm was coming soon…he thrust again and again, and he slipped his finger between my buttocks and tickled my butt hole, which felt good, and then he increased his speed again. He was really going for it.
He started to moan and groan, and I could see in the intense stare in his eyes that he was getting close and all of a sudden I was there too. His cock pounded my clit, thumping into me and then I came explosively, juice squirting out, spraying onto Iker’s thigh and I screamed with pleasure and then he jerked heavily and cried aloud as he came right into me. Oh my God! Diary, that was the best orgasm of my life up to this point. I came in my pussy. I came on my legs. I came in the pits of my stomach, and it ran up my spine. That was the fuck of a lifetime!
Either I have to marry Iker, or I have to steal that damn book because wow!
We were both kind of tired out after “The Circus Freak”. We had an energy drink and a shower together, which was nice. We soaped each other’s bodies and chilled out a bit. We sat on the bed and looked through the positions, saying things like
“That looks fun.” and “I’ll bookmark it for next time.”
Yes. There will be a next time. Trust me on this.
Jan 10th
Dear Diary,
I slept with Iker again last night. I say slept, but very little sleeping was done, trust me. We tried out three new positions. Here is a quick account, with my rating.
1. Seated wheelbarrow. 9/10. A variant on the wheelbarrow we tried the other night, but much easier. For this one, Iker sat on the bed. I placed my hands on the floor, and basically spread my legs either side of his body and we got his cock in. The difference was that my thighs and weight rested on his thighs, so it was much easier to keep up. And wow! His cock went in so deep, and his hands basically massaged my ass. The only trouble was that it wasn’t easy for him to thrust in and out. We both squeezed our muscles to bring it forward and we both came.
2. Snow Angel. 5/10. This is a weird one. Basically, I lay on my back and Iker took to all fours, facing away from me. With his ass right above my face, he entered me, and I wrapped my legs around his back. As he pumped me, I reached forward and massaged his testicles with my hands.
Now, Iker has a nice enough ass and I enjoyed playing with his balls. He enjoyed it too! But it was just too close to his bum for me. I like a nicer view. As to what it felt like, his cock was at an angle I hadn’t really felt before. It was weird. Not bad, but weird.
3. The butter churner. No, my butt was not involved! I don’t know why it’s called this, but that’s what the book said. I lay on my back and curved my spine right round, and Iker basically all but sat on my ass, penetrating me while my legs were folded over, almost touching the floor. This one was good for strong, deep penetration but really uncomfortable, and I couldn’t keep it up for long. Luckily I didn’t need to. I was close-ish from the snow angel, and Iker…churned my butter well enough to give me my orgasm!
And we finished with me rewarding Iker by administering a vigorous blowjob, which left Iker gasping. He really messed up my hair tousling it while I blew him!
Goodness, what a lot of sex I’ve had already this year! Keep this up, and 2023 will be the year of the rabbit!
Jan 12th
Dear Diary,
Guess what I have? My own copy of Iker’s positions book! I was out shopping and looking for a study book and I happened to pass the section where it would be found. And it was half price in the New year sales!
It’s a good thing too because I think Iker and I are parting ways. He hasn’t called for a few days and I’m damned if I’m going to call him. Maybe we’ll be in touch in the future. I’ll never forget him, that’s for sure.
I have a new match on Tinder. He looks good, dresses well. We’re going to the movies, and I’m going to ask him for some book recommendations. Pages forty-one, sixty-eight and ninety-three are already bookmarked, in case the date goes well!