The Bomb Shelter Virgin

"Can love conquer in a war torn city?"

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The Bomb Shelter Virgin


Christmas Eve 1941, Kyiv (Kiev) Russia.

Natalya was busying herself peeling vegetables for Christmas day by candlelight. She had not long returned from Christmas Eve mass at the church, the deep cold still in her bones.

Dressed in her numerous layers of woolen clothing it seemed impossible to keep warm.

It was ten below zero outside and the snow had been falling for many days.

Everything was white-over and silent.

Natalya wasn’t looking forward to spending another Christmas alone, having lost both of her parents earlier in the year to pneumonia. The war had meant that vital medicines were not as easy to come by.

Her family has been caretakers to the Kyiv ski lodge for generations. However, the Kyiv Mountains had fallen silent since the outbreak of the war. The slopes and lodge used to be so well lit at night and could be seen from miles around but, because of the blackout the resort had become a darkness on the edge of town.

Living alone on the outskirts of the city had not proved practical so she had moved to a small abandoned basement flat to be closer to civilization even though this also made her vulnerable when the bombing raids occurred.

Food supplies were sparse in the city and food rationing meant that she and many others had adopted a tightening of their belts strategy.

Fortunately, she had managed to forage wood and twigs and had a modest fire in the hearth, but it had little effect on the penetrating cold. Natalya hoped that she had enough wood and kindle to see her through the next few days.

She had queued for hours in the snow just to get a loaf of bread, a few vegetables, and a small chicken thigh. Now she was attempting to create a lavish meal with seasonings and onion broth.

As she labored she thought about the young man she had seen in the church, she knew that she had seen him before but due to his bedraggled appearance it had been difficult for her to place him, plus he had a rough beard. He was dressed in a grey army overcoat which was tattered and torn.

She was trying to remember where she had seen the soldier before, he had looked across the aisle straight at her, his bright blue eyes had locked onto her hazel eyes, and overcome with embarrassment she had quickly turned her head away, blushing, her temperature rising to boil, even in the deep cold of the stone-built church.

In the few seconds that it took for her to avoid his gaze, she remembered those piercing blue eyes. He was the blonde-haired boy who used to work in the local market with his mother and father before the war.

It was where she and her mother had used to regularly buy fruit and vegetables. She had been only sixteen then, a slip of a girl, innocent and a virgin. Now she was nineteen and mainly due to the war remained a virgin. Almost all of the young men of the city had been drafted.

Learning how to pleasure a man by hand and mouth had served Natalya well. Certain sacrifices had had to be made to put food on the table. However, she hadn’t as yet given herself completely for any man. She was still saving herself for the right man.

She did not know the young man’s name, either then or now. She remembered, however, his interest in her at the time. Natalya had been in awe of him as he had watched him heave huge sacks of potatoes around.

He had been tall for his age, broad, fit, a handsome young lad. Natalya recalled how she had blushed on many occasions whenever he had looked upon her admiringly, as she stood with her mother at the stall.

Beneath the army issue overcoat, she assumed that there was to be found a fine figure of a man but more mature obviously.

After the service ended she had scanned the pews but could see no sign of the young soldier.

Suddenly Natalya was startled from her memories by the shrill sound of the air-raid siren, she cursed silently. Even on Christmas Eve, she thought, would the enemy spare them no peace!

She reached for her heavy coat and pulled on her old leather boots, scarf, hat, and short finger woolen gloves quickly followed. Natalya opened the back door. She was immediately greeted by the sharp wind and a horizontal flurry of snow. It was a bad night to be having to go outside.

Pulling the collar of the coat tight in her bunched fingers she stooped and marched headlong out into the freezing night.

The snow had stopped falling and a bright moon was visible and stars lit the night sky. Searchlights scanned the heavens. It was perfect conditions for a bombing raid.

It was only a short trek to the local concrete bomb-shelter. She had huddled down there many times since the enemy’s relentless bombing campaign had begun.

Upon arrival at the shelter, she waited in line as her neighbor’s shuffled soundlessly down the steps to the refuge until it was her turn to tackle the treacherous icy steps, and go down passed the piled high sandbags either side.

At the end of the descent she went inside, the shelter was poorly lit. Only a few candles and one oil lamp lit the hovel. There were some roughly built benches, but it was mostly standing room only.

The room was freezing cold in there, even out of the icy wind. She could smell the other people and it was unpleasantly damp and cold.

On the ceiling icicles hung like stalactites, it was so cold Natalya could see her breath in the air forming like freezing fog. She did not know how long they would be forced to hide from the war outside. Natalya shivered as much from the pending battle as she did against the freezing temperatures.

When everyone was thought to be inside the heavy wooden door was pulled closed with a heavy thud, its guests entombed.

The communal shelter had been some kind of basement prior-to the war, and it could accommodate up to fifty people, it wasn’t quite full but it felt claustrophobic none the less.

She went and stood toward the back of the room, shivering, peering through the gloom. People around her coughed and sneezed and were huddled together in whispered conversations or were completely silent.

Suddenly there was a thud on the door from outside. The heavy door was once more hauled open and Natalya could just make out the shape of a tall man entering the retreat.

The dark shadowy figure headed in her direction, stepping passed and around other dwellers. When he was almost upon her, she recognised him as the young soldier from the church service. She again became flushed as his eyes met hers, this time she did not look away and saw the reaction of recognition in his eyes as he drew nearer.

He smiled at her as he slid by, she noticed he had shaved; his smile even in the diminished light was beautiful. His action took her completely by surprise and she did not know how to respond, and by the time she had decided to return his smile, he was gone somewhere behind her.

She looked behind and discovered the tall combatant was standing directly behind her. Their eyes met once more, and Natalya managed a half-smile as her heart thudded loudly in her chest, she felt sure that everyone could hear it.

Her eyes peered forward once more, ever aware of the handsome young man stood closely behind. To her left, right and front were overdressed mostly elderly citizens, all facing into the shadowy semi-darkness like her. Everyone was quietly contemplating their thoughts or holding nervous and worried conversations.

Natalya’s mind began to wander back to her warm cosy kitchen, trimmed with Holly and Mistletoe, along with the Christmas food waiting to be cooked.

Suddenly she felt warm breath on the back of her neck, and a manly voice whispered, “I am Nikos do you remember me, Natalya?”

Surprised that the man had spoken to her, sent her into all kinds of heady confusion. She quickly took a mental grip on herself, and half turned in the darkness and said, “Yes, I do, from the church, but I did not know your name.” She asked in a low voice, “How do you know my name?”

Nikos leaned close to her ear, his breath shallow and hot as he replied, “I have always known your name since I was a boy working in the marketplace.”

Outside the bombing had begun, it was some way off in the distance but still loud, booming’s and rumbling’s filled the air as the bombs fell.

The booming Anti-aircraft guns had begun peppering the night sky with their flack in an attempt to thwart the enemy’s approach.

The mood in the shelter was somber and pensive as everyone focused on the noise outside. Almost every person looked worriedly upward toward the oppressive ceiling as if able to view the attack.

Nikos continued, “I have always liked you, Natalya.” On hearing this Natalya smiled inwardly, no man had ever spoken to her in this way before and she liked it.

He whispered, “When you came to the marketplace with your mother, I could not keep myself from staring at your beautiful face, and now you are still very beautiful.” Natalya blushed in the dark and warmth enveloped her shivering body.

Natalya felt Nikos move closer to her, his body now lightly touching hers. Through his hefty woolen coat, she sensed a strength that aroused her unexpectedly. His breath was close to her cheek and all of her senses were awakened.

Nikos asked, “Do you have a husband or a man in your life little ptichka?” Natalya giggled quietly replying, “I am no little bird Nikos and to answer your question, there is no one in my life. There has not been anyone ever”. She noted a surprised gasp as Nikos felt the full weight of her meaning.

She suddenly regretted being so candid with this man who was not known to her, questioning herself as to why she had revealed such an intimately personal detail.

The sound of the bombs landing drew closer as the ground beneath everyone’s feet shook. Explosions could be heard too clearly. Some in the shelter began to pray, their prayers audible. Everyone knew that they were not completely safe from harm.

As Natalya listened to the approaching blitz she felt Nikos’s lips against her cheek, and he said, “This might be our first and last time together little ptichka,” as his strong arms encircled her waist pulling her back to him. She welcomed his strong grip and allowed herself to be comforted by him. What he had said was correct, anything could happen during the next minutes.

She half-turned her head so that their lips were close. Nikos seized his opportunity and softly kissed Natalya.

They could now clearly hear the drone of the approaching plane’s engines. The ground shook more powerfully, the noise becoming thunderous.

As their kiss lingered Natalya felt her coat being lifted from behind, Nikos had released her waist and was now fumbling behind her. She knew that this was wrong but did not want to pass up what might be her last opportunity for sex with her handsome admirer.

If the end came, she was not going to die a virgin.

As Nikos struggled with the numerous layers of clothing between them he broke their kiss and whispered in a desperate tone, “Help me, Natalya.”

Natalya quickly reached behind and held her bunched up coat, dress, and petticoats at her waist so that just her torn stockings, bare thighs, and old faded knickers were all that existed between Nikos and her.

As she waited on Nikos’ next move she listened to the whistling of the falling bombs, and the crash bang of their detonation. The ground shook harder and dust fell from the ceiling. Her fellow companions prayed louder and murmured worryingly as the chaos continued to close in.

She felt her round bottom go cool suddenly as her knickers were pulled swiftly down to her ankles, but the coolness was soon replaced by Nikos’ desire.

She felt his naked hardness pressed against her ass its heat almost scorching, its size impressive. Natalya ached to be able to see it and touch it but now was not the time.

Nikos rubbed himself against her smooth buttocks thrilling at her curves and cleft, becoming harder and more excited as he smeared precum over her smooth flesh. She held her breath. Her eyes fixed on the dark shadowy people in front of them, praying now herself that no one would witness what she and Nikos were about to perform.

Natalya was wrapped up in a cocktail of emotions, fear, nervousness, arousal, and lust. She was dizzy with the conflicting sensations.

She continued to stare straight ahead.

Nikos slid his rough battle-weary fingers over her leaking pussy. He opened her sex like a flower, dipping into her soft wet vulva, caressing her hard clitoris before easing two fingers inside her tight hot cunt. Natalya felt her knees weaken and she inwardly groaned in disappointment as the fingers were hastily removed.

Still, she dared not move. Then Nikos with swiftness and dexterity that she had not expected lifted her by her slim waist off her feet, her legs hanging. Nikos moved the swollen head of his thick cock into position until it rested at her pouting entrance.

She yearned to be possessed by him.

Explosions rocked the concrete bunker, dust fell over its occupants, and thunderous roars filled their ears.

Nikos suspended her easily six inches off the stone floor as his thick rigid penis made headway between her soft folds towards her velvety glory hole.

How hot and firm he felt to her as he slid inside her, his erection became immediately soaked in her viscous secretions. She gasped as it hurt her, but the pleasure was greater. There was a little resistance followed by some pain and she whimpered in reaction to her hymen being breached.

Nikos filled her as none other had or possibly would again. He was touching the very depths of her womb. His penis filled her, as he swung in and out of her honey-slick center, touching the tip of her womb.

Outside beyond the thick walls of the shelter, the shock and awe continued to wreak its havoc. It was now utterly deafening to all within their confines.

Taking full advantage of the growing pandemonium outside and the distractions in the shelter, Nikos wasted no time getting into his rhythm, driving his strong hips powerfully in and out, his large love muscle thrust and withdrawn, thrust and withdrawn, building exquisite friction.

Nikos drove his naked hips against Natalya’s firm bottom until they were both breathing heavily and moaning. His big manhood swam in her moisture as he plunged in and out of her. She felt his heavy balls slap against her thighs.

His erection quivered and throbbed as he sank deeper into her rippling hot wonderland. Natalya was so slippery wet. Her cunt clenched and molded itself around Nikos’ long thick phallus until he was tormented with desire. She felt mounting waves of pleasure as they approached orgasm together.

Pumping faster and harder he took her violently, moving in a rhythmic motion, holding her steady as their bodies shook and trembled. The ground beneath them also shook and trembled as they came together in a crescendo of explosions and bombs bursting, the roof crumbling.

Their climaxes met the maelstrom around them head-on, matching its destruction and turmoil. Nikos moved quicker to bring on the climax, the friction aroused new layers of enjoyment.

Suddenly Nikos’s plunging cock exploded sending long ropes of hot cum deep into her womb, repeatedly throbbing as it spurted his warm semen until he was entirely spent.

Natalya’s orgasm when it hit was strong as she felt him empty himself into her, she had thought she would go insane as she cried out from the overflow of joy that coursed through her body, her womb quivering from his powerful spurts.

Nikos lifted Natalya from himself and she immediately hoisted her panties back up savoring the feel of the cool cotton against her dripping womanhood. She pushed her crumpled clothing back down into place as Nikos hurriedly made himself decent. 

Outside overhead the enemy planes could be heard moving away, the droning of their engines fading.

The Air Raid siren sounded again, this time sounding the all-clear. Everyone in the bomb shelter heaved sighs of relief whilst Natalya and Nikos were heaving sighs of satisfaction!

As they left the underground haven Natalya and Nikos walked with their hands in their coat pockets. There was a glow of buildings aflame and a smell of burning in the air. It was almost midnight, almost Christmas Day.

Legs shaky Natalya managed to trudge through the snow unaided, her mind full of what had just taken place, her virginity taken and her body plundered. She had no regrets and felt elated that she had at last cast off what remained of her innocence.

Neither spoke for a good while until they reached Natalya’s home. She was relieved to find it still standing and unscathed.

Nikos spoke first smiling, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight, “Well little ptichka we have reached the end of our adventure, Happy Christmas!”

Natalya returned his smile and looked up into his eyes, “Yes, Happy Christmas Nikos,” she said warmly. They stood awkwardly then, neither wanting to say goodnight or goodbye only vapor exiting their mouths instead of words.

Breaking the silence Natalya asked, “How are you spending Christmas Day Nikos?”

Nikos thought for a moment, he shrugged his big shoulders and replied, “Alone, I have a small chicken to cook but no vegetables, and I have a box of out of date candy.” He laughed at this, Natalya smiled, and just at that moment, outdated candy sounded delicious!

“And what about you Natalya?” he said mirroring her radiant smile with one of his own.

She looked him in the eyes and registered what he had just said and beamed at him saying rather too keenly, “Would you like to come and spend Christmas Day with me, I have vegetables!”

Nikos grinned back exclaiming, “Well yes, of course, I would.” Then hesitantly he added, “I do not want to leave you like this, I want this to be the best Christmas ever!”

Hearing his words warmed her heart and thrilled her completely.

As she stepped in close Natalya rose on tip-toe to gently kiss his lips, then rocking back onto her heels and smiling said, “Schastlivogo Rozhdestva Nikos!” Meaning, Merry Christmas Nikos!

Published 5 years ago

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