His cock was still hard moving around in a circular motion, cum dribbling down its underside as I stood in front of him looking down. His naked torso was covered in his seed including his chin, mouth, eyes, and hair. My son’s eyes were full of lust imagining me naked as I stood fully clothed.
I know what you’re thinking…
“Your son? How could you do that? You’re a wretched, terrible slut!”
I know… I know it was wrong, but please… let me explain before you judge me.
First of all, I didn’t even touch him. That’s a fact. Yes, I know he was naked… but he did that all on his own. Okay, I may have encouraged him to do that, but I wasn’t involved in removing any of his clothes. It’s true… NOT ONE THREAD!
What? Did I watch him jack off? NO!
Masturbate? Of course, not.
What? Did I watch someone else make him cum all over himself?
There you go again… getting all judgy and shit. No, I did not let or watch someone else masturbate my son, let alone watch them. Although… now that you mention it… that could be kind of… never mind.
Now, where was I before you rudely interrupted me? Oh yeah, I was trying to explain how I’m standing in front of my naked son covered in his cum. Damn! Look at him… God, that is so hot. Don’t you think?
Anyway, so…
I guess it all started after I caught his good-for-nothing, cheating-ass, dumb-fuck of a father, let’s call him… Shit-head. After I caught Shit-head with his average-sized dick pumping in and out of my now ex-best friend’s pussy over the end of our couch, I left him. I took our son, Todd with me.
It took some convincing because, for some reason, Todd wanted to stay and watch. Okay, I had to drag him by his ear out the door. That’s beside the point. In retrospect, I couldn’t blame him. I mean… What sixteen-year-old boy doesn’t want to watch his father nail a big-boobed MILF? We might have stayed for a couple of minutes. What? Shit-head might only have an average size dick, but damn. He was one of the sexiest-looking men I’ve ever seen in real life. I mean, c’mon… I married the guy.
I was so pissed and needed somewhere for us to stay. I was feeling distraught and decided to drive to my best friend’s house. I rang the doorbell and knocked. God, I was so pissed. Where the hell was she?
After knocking and ringing incessantly for five minutes, Todd finally told me that she was at our house.
Duh! Yeah, that’s right, Shit-head was fucking her. Did I mention how pissed and distraught I was? So, we ended up at my parent’s house until I finally got an apartment. Just a little two-bedroom, one-bath apartment.
It was all I could afford. Don’t start judging again! Geez. What is it with you?
Now, with just my son and I sharing this little apartment and one bathroom, it took a little getting used to. Let’s just say, we got much cozier and close. It really didn’t bother me to see him in his tight little undies every morning with his morning boner stretching them. It didn’t bother him to see me in just my bra and underwear either. I mean, we lived with it.
My new best friend, Gina, didn’t mind either.
What? Why would Gina see him like that?
When she’d get too drunk and spend the night. Duh! Like every weekend and occasionally on any day that ended in a “Y”. Okay?
So… as I was saying…
What now? What does Gina look like? You sure ask a lot of questions. Pretty, okay?
Oh, Jesus Christ… Okay, okay… umm…
Do you know who Jessica Rabbit is? Yeah, of course you do. She looks like Jessica Rabbit, except she’s real. You know… long red hair… a 44EE bust. Yeah, an unbelievably tiny waist just above her heart-shaped ass. You get the picture, right?
Yeah, her boobs are bigger than mine.
How big are my boobs? Oh my God, you sure are nosey. If you must know, I wear a 40DD size bra. Okay? Are you getting hard? Jesus, yes, I shave my pussy bare, and yes, so does Gina. Stop that! It’s so distracting and I haven’t even gotten to the good parts yet.
What? No, I’m not going to prove that I shave down there. Hey, didn’t I tell you to stop doing that? Geez and you’re trying to judge me? No, you can’t use the bathroom now. Wait til I finish telling you my story.
Now I completely lost my place. Where was I? Oh yeah…
So, Gina and I started to notice that Todd was going through a growth spurt. I swear, he must have added five inches in just one year.
What now? Oh my God, get your mind out of the gutter. Taller, he got like five inches taller in just one year. Yeah, yeah… he grew there too. No, I don’t know how much. Geez, it’s not like I measured it. I haven’t even seen it since I used to give him baths.
Geez. My God. No that wasn’t recently, it was years ago when I bathed him. Please, do you want to hear the story or not? Okay, then stop asking questions and STOP doing that! Get your hands out of your shorts!
So, as I noticed how much he was growing, I also couldn’t help noticing how much he looked like his dad. You remember Shit-head, right? Did I mention how handsome and sexy he was? I did? Okay, just making sure. So, anyway… as I was saying, I couldn’t help noticing how handsome and sexy… I mean, how much Todd was looking like Shit-head.
Now, of course, Gina has never met or seen Shit-head, however, she noticed how… ahem… nicely Todd was growing.
One day when we were with Todd at the apartment’s pool. Todd was wearing the new Speedo that Gina bought him. I still don’t know why she bought that for him. Anyway, Todd was so sweet to offer to spread the sunblock on each of us. He’s such a good boy.
When he finished, that Speedo was stretched to its absolute limit. He turned red and told us he had to pee really, really bad. For some reason, he had to use the apartment’s bathroom instead of the poolside bathroom.
Gina giggled and mentioned that she thought he was doing something else. I agreed and told her how I’d been hearing him lately doing something else in his bedroom and moaning my name. She asked if he ever moaned her name when he was doing something else. I think she was jealous. I didn’t want to tell her, but I did.
Then she asked me if I knew how big he was. I told her that the last time I measured, he was 5′ 11″. She told me that wasn’t what she meant. I told her I didn’t know. She told me she thought he was bigger than her husband. That’s when I realized from the Speedo he was wearing that he was definitely bigger than Shit-head.
She told me that she’d love to see him doing what he was doing in the apartment bathroom. I didn’t tell her that now I wanted to too. She started telling me hot it would be watching him stroke that big cock of his. She wondered if he was thinking about her while he did. Then she asked me if I was wet thinking about it because she was gushing wet.
I told her that I was too because even though I didn’t admit to thinking about what Todd was doing… I was. Then she started telling me how much she’d like to give him a blowjob and fuck him because she’s never seen a cock as big as his.
That got me thinking about how big his cock looked in that Speedo again. I told her it wasn’t as big as Shit-head’s dad. She squealed when I told her that and wanted to know how I knew how big Shit-head’s cock was.
So, I started to tell her about how we stayed at his parent’s house when we got back from our honeymoon. His dad apologized to me in the morning that he didn’t pass down his big dick to him. How his big dick head popped out from his bathrobe and…
Oh shit… sorry, that’s a completely different story. Never mind.
Anyway, after we were both so horny and wet thinking about Todd’s dick, she told me how her husband hadn’t been fucking her in a long time. That’s why she was so horny and noticed how fuckable Todd looked.
That’s when I realized how many years it’s been since I’ve had sex too. I told her how long it’s been and how I hadn’t even thought about it. Then I bitched at her because now I was thinking about it and was horny as hell!
She started asking me how I could stand living with Todd prancing around with that big ass cock of his in his underwear all the time. She told me, she’d be all over that shit. She’d have to suck it and fuck it. It would be too much for her not to.
I told her that he’s my son and I could never and would never do that. I bitched her out again for putting that in my mind.
Why are you breathing so hard? Hey, I told you to STOP THAT! Jesus, pull your hand out of your damn shorts again!
That was last summer. Ever since then, I’ve been so fucking horny. I can’t believe she put that thought in my mind. Now, when I see Todd hard like that, which is ALL THE TIME, I can’t help but think about… you know… seeing it… touching it… sucking it. What it would feel like sliding deep inside my pussy. Would it feel as good as Shit-head’s dad’s… Shit. Sorry. Scrap that from the record. I NEVER said that.
Now, it’s the last summer before he goes to college. I’m not going to be able to see my baby after he leaves. I won’t get to see those tight undies almost bursting from his big hard cock every morning. I’ll never get see see just how big it really is.
Give me a moment… please… wooo. Big breaths. Big breaths.
So, that brings me to last night. We were sitting on the couch together watching some porn… I mean a movie. He was naturally in just those tight fucking undies… in his underwear. The movie we were watching was a little… ummm… let’s say… racy. He’s almost eighteen now. He’s allowed to watch those kind of movies with me.
Of course, he got hard. I couldn’t help but notice. The thing is, he noticed me noticing him. Did I mention how much he looks like his sexy handsome dad? Yes? Okay, just checking.
So, here is… my son… looking as sexy and handsome as his dad, right? Now imagine how sexy and handsome he was with a huge fucking hard cock! Oh my God!
It’s Gina’s fault because I started thinking… well… you know… sexy things…
You know what I mean, right? Of course, you do. You’re thinking those things right now. Aren’t you? Didn’t I tell you to stop that? God, you’re making me… Never mind.
So, anyway… he sees me looking at him… you know… down there and he starts… um… adjusting himself while he’s looking at me. God, it was driving me crazy.
So, I said, “Do you need to take care of that?”
He turned red.
“It’s okay. I know what you do. It’s only natural,” I tell him.
He didn’t say anything and he turned even more red. Then he squeezed it in his undies. I could see the outline of his big mushroomed head. It was soooo hot.
I’m his mother. I wanted to make sure he was alright and comfortable. You know, ’cause that’s what good mothers do, right? So, I said, “Go ahead. You can take care of it. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He looked so uncomfortable. I wanted him to be comfortable because I’m his mom.
So, I said, “I know you think about me when you do it sometimes. I’ve heard you.”
His eyes grew wide and he groaned.
I told him it was normal. Most boys think of their mothers when they masturbate. I saw a little wet spot form when I said that.
I’m not sure what that noise was that came out of his mouth. It wasn’t a moan. It wasn’t a groan or a whimper. It was something. I just don’t know what.
Then I asked him, “Are you thinking about me now?”
I saw his big cock jerk, and that wet spot grew, but he didn’t say anything. So, I asked again, “Are you?”
He turned really red and he shook his head (Yes, the big one above his shoulders).
“Are you thinking about me naked?”
He shook his head more.
“Are you thinking about licking my wet pussy?”
He groaned and the wet spot grew bigger and he shook his head again.
I smiled and asked him, “Do you need to cum?”
“YES!” he moaned out.
“Do you want mommy to make you cum?”
“Oh my God. Yes!” and the wet spot grew even bigger.
I was trying to be a good mommy. I needed to help my son, so I said, “Okay. Mommy’s going to help you cum. Okay?”
He started breathing like really hard.
“Take your undies off so I can help you cum, okay?”
He tore his underwear off. That big fucking cock of his was as big as Shit-head’s dad’s. It bounced up and down in front of him. I told him to sit back down. He did and he wrapped his hand around it.
I yelled, “No, honey. Mommy’s going to make you cum.”
He looked at me, his eyes were bigger than I’ve ever seen them.
I asked him if he’d like me to give him a blowjob.
“OH, YES, MOMMY!” he yelled.
I stood up and walked in front of him and looked down at his cock pointing right up at me and said, “I’ll give you a blowjob but only if you win the bet.”
“Wha… what bet?” he asked.
“I’ll bet I can make you cum without touching you or you touching your cock. If I win… you get to make mommy cum by licking my pussy. If you win… I’ll give you that blowjob. It sounds to me like you win either way, so… is it a bet?”
“There’s no way you can make me cum without touching me,” he said with a sudden confidence.
“So, it’s a bet then, right?” I asked.
“Yeah, mom. I can’t wait for you to give me that blowjob. I’ve dreamt about it so many times.”
“Hah. Let me tell you about that blowjob you’re not going to get.”
Hey, are you still with me? I told you to stop doing that! Now comes the best part of the story.
So… this is what I told my naked son as he was sitting there with an achingly hard cock with me standing just in front of him…
I hear your bed squeaking as I’m walking by. I know what you’re doing. You’re stroking your… big… hard… cock behind that closed door. I know you’re thinking about me… again. How do I know? I can hear you moaning, “Mooooom, oh moooom.”
I know you’re laying naked on your bed with your hard cock in your hand. I know your eyes are closed imagining me there with you. You’re imagining me naked. You see my big, big tits as you stroke your cock faster. You want to touch them, don’t you? You can see my nipples are so hard as I’m watching you stroke that big fucking cock.
You want to feel my big breasts in your hands. You’re stroking your cock faster and faster as you imagine yourself pinching my nipples between your thumb and fingers making them even bigger. You want me to bend over closer so you can suck one of my nipples into your mouth flicking your tongue over it. Faster and faster and faster. You can hear me moan out in pleasure, can’t you?
You pull away from one nipple and run your tongue across until you find my other one. You suck it into your lips and then you bite it between your teeth making me groan out loud. You know I love it, because now you can smell me. You make my pussy so wet, my scent fills the room.
You pull your head back and look down. You squeeze your big hard cock as you see I’m shaven completely smooth and bare. My pussy lips are already opening. You can see how wet I am as my pussy drips.
I ask you if you like what you see. You can only moan, “Moooom,” as you stroke your hard cock even faster. I tell you that I like what I see too as I lean down and kiss you on your lips. My tongue slides out and slithers around your lips. Then I drag my tongue down over your chin.
I kiss the nape of your neck as I get up on the bed beside you. I kiss across your chest as I slide two of my fingers through the opening of my dripping-wet pussy. I bring my wet fingers up and tease all around one of your nipples, then drag them over the top of it. I hear you moan out again, “Mooooom, oh mooooom.”
I take my other hand and replace your hand around the middle of your shaft and squeeze. I watch pre-cum ooze out and drizzle over your cock head, your corona, and slowly down over my hand. I bring my fingers back to my pussy while I keep my grip on your hard cock.
Then I bring my fingers back up. You can see my juices shine reflecting the overhead light as I bring them to your lips. “Smell me. Smell my pussy,” I tell you as I hold my wet fingers under your nose. You inhale my scent deeply. I feel your cock flex…