She didn’t use her power over him as a club. Rather, she preferred to provide him inspiration, encouragement, and gentle guidance. It was her job to civilize him.
Todd knew she loved who he was. She could see the golden nugget that he was underneath the debris of impulse that could clutter him if she let it. He was aware that she brought out the best in him.
Then there was the sex. Not merely an automaton of urges, Todd was considerate, caring, gentle, and devoted. She ached for his touch and yearned to fire his desire. She loved how he could devour her, absorb her, and stimulate her in so many ways. She liked the variety of his moods and delighted in being able to guide his behavior through her own dress, attitude, and conduct. She could elicit the devouring beast or tender lover based on what she wore, how she spoke to him, or the turn of her head. She could tease him into a frenzy of passion or lure him into a state of near submissiveness, and the variety of conditions between those two extremes.
Todd adored her. Lena Keeler made his life interesting, exciting, and exhilarating. The games they played with each other were void of the usual tests of devotion and commitment. There was no need. The games the Keelers played were open, honest, and designed for the entertainment of both. Not only were they husband and wife, lovers, and partners. Todd and Lena were best of friends.
Their friends and acquaintances were many and varied. Todd enjoyed the idea that most of the men they knew were crazy about Lena. She was statuesque, had a terrific body, a figure models would envy, and a bright, bubbly personality. She loved to wear stiletto heels to accentuate her legs and backside, and she drove the guys wild.
The women in their circle universally agreed that Todd was a hunk. Lena kept a sharp eye on them, recognizing that Todd had a low level of resistance to feminine charms. She loved to tease him. One of her favorite gambits was to slide up behind Todd when she perceived one of the women tempting him. She’d crush herself into his back, press her lips against his ear and whisper, “She wants to fuck you, darling. Are you feeling lucky?” Invariably, he would excuse himself from the conversation, turn to his wife, give her one of his most ingenuous grins, and reply, “Lucky I belong to you.”
It was a bright, sunshiny, Saturday morning in May when Todd and Lena were enjoying their leisurely cup of coffee at the small table in their breakfast nook. They both slept nude, but once they got up, Lena would slide into a thin, white shift that came down to mid-thigh. Todd slipped on a pair of shorts before they met in the kitchen. Todd loved Lena’s shift because it clung to her in all the right places and allowed the tempting glimpse of her darkened areola beneath the fabric.
“Did you hear that Rene Sheffield and Rodney Stachell are having a fling?” he asked her.
“I did hear that,” Lena replied. “What do you think?”
“Well, Melanie was wondering if Steve was doing Rodney’s wife. What’s her name?”
“Stephanie,” she told him. “So, you and Melanie were talking about it.”
“Well, kind of,” he admitted. “But only in a secondary way.”
“I think it excites her.”
“Because, my darling, if Stephanie is screwing Steve, and Rodney is doing Rene, Melanie might think Todd would fuck her if she could figure out how to get Lena hooked up with Michael.”
“You think that?”
“Darling, it’s so obvious that she wants you.”
“She does have lovely dark hair.”
“And, you have a birthday coming up,” Lena teased.
“What does that mean?”
“Maybe I’ll let you have Melanie for your birthday.”
“Well, I don’t want Melanie for my birthday.”
“You just don’t want me screwing Michael.”
“If you want to screw Michael you don’t have to wait for my birthday.”
“Why, thank you, darling,” she said. “And who do you want?”
“Just you,” he responded with finality.
“You want me for your birthday?”
“For my birthday,” he said, “and every other day.”
“Absolutely today.”
“Right now?”
He nodded. “Right now, this afternoon, and later tonight.”
“My, my!” she said. “I think Melanie got your T levels up last night.”
He shook his head. “It’s all you, darling. You and your little white shift.”
Lena had already made plans for Todd’s birthday. He’d said he wanted her, so she planned to give him an album of glamour photos which were to be taken over the course of the following week. It was to be a surprise, though, so she hadn’t mentioned the appointment with the photographer to Todd. She had, however, already begun to collect the wardrobe of skimpy and revealing outfits she planned to wear.
The photographer came highly recommended by none other than the object of their conversation, Melanie Carson. She had used him in the production of a similar book for her husband, Michael.
“You were pleased?” Lena asked her when Melanie volunteered the information.
“More than pleased,” Melanie laughed. “Delighted? Yes, delighted.”
“And Michael’s reaction?” Lena probed.
“Oh, he was delighted, too. He liked the pictures as well.”
The photographer was Gary Murdock. His studio was in a brownstone just off the main street in town. Lena met with him to arrange the shoot. She managed to peruse some of the demo shots he’d mounted in his small waiting room. Each was tantalizing without being obtuse. The curve of a breast, not completely revealed rivaled a shadowed black and white of a hand just resting on a naked hip. Lena’s favorite, though, was the photo of the blonde whose hair draped across her shoulder and down to obscure her right breast which would have been revealed by the torn tank-top. The remnant covered her other breast but showed the protrusion of an erect nipple.
“You’re Lena,” he said, his voice a rich baritone that made her feel awash in a warm bath. She extended her hand. Murdock grasped it between both of his and looked straight into her eyes. She could see dark flecks in the green of his irises.
“Mr. Murdock,” she responded.
“Please, call me Gary,” he insisted.
“Gary,” she said, feeling the warmth of his hands as they continued to hold hers.
“So,” he said, turning slightly to lead her to the desk where his appointment calendar covered the top. “Glamour shots for you?”
“For my husband,” she said. “His birthday is coming up in about six weeks.”
“Ah, excellent. Should be no problem. Let’s see when we can start our sessions.”
“More than one?” she asked, surprised.
“Yes, yes,” he said. “The first is sort of an orientation to allow you to become comfortable with the conditions, lighting, and so forth. You will be much more comfortable for the second session and the photos are usually much better.”
“We can do a Tuesday and Thursday next week, if you like. Seven to ten in the evening?”
“In the evening?” she repeated. “Can I ask why?”
“Certainly. It will be similar to preparing for a date. My assistant, Caitlyn, will be here to help you with make-up, hair, and wardrobe. The psychological resemblance to an evening of sultry desire and allure will come through in the photos.”
“Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be fine,” Lena told him.
“Excellent! Now, I’ll need you to bring your wardrobe. You select the items that you think will be the sexiest for your husband. We recommend at least one formal gown, two or three simple outfits, and, of course, three sets of scandalous underthings, stockings, heels, and one or two nighties. Caitlyn is very good at selecting the items that will make you appear the most glamorous.”
“Anything else?”
“Just one more thing. If you have a snapshot of your husband?”
“Yes, but why…?”
“It helps me to see you through his eyes. This is art, my dear. Seeing him helps me connect to him and view our photos as though he were here.”
“All right,” Lena said. “And payment is due on delivery?”
“Quite right,” he said. “But let’s not think about that. We are going to make beautiful photographs together. Let’s just keep our focus there.”
Lena made an appointment to have her hair washed and styled late Tuesday afternoon. She selected a small array of makeup items, mascara, liner, blush, and eye shadow to take with her. She arrived at the brownstone at 6:45 and rang the bell.
“Come in,” Murdock told her. “Your hair looks wonderful. I see you’ve got your wardrobe. Excellent! Come this way.”
“I know I’m a little early,” she said.
“No, it’s good,” Murdock told her, leading her back through the waiting lounge and into the studio. “The dressing room, complete with makeup table, is through that curtain. I’ll have Caitlyn see to you shortly.”
Lena was surprised at the amount of light in the curtained room. She was dazzled. There seemed to be mirrors everywhere and all of them outlined with bulbs. She found a small rack on which to hang her wardrobe.
“Mrs. Keeler?” the soft voice came from outside the curtain. “May I come in?”
“You must be Caitlyn,” Lena said, turning toward the opening. “Please. I’m Lena.”
Caitlyn was the blonde she’d seen in the photo hanging in the lobby. Lena smiled broadly. “You’re even more beautiful in person than in your photo,” she said.
“Hush,” Caitlyn said, putting a finger to her lips. “Don’t let Gary hear that. He thinks his photos make us more attractive than we are in person.”
“The secret is safe with me,” Lena said in a low voice.
“Have you ever done something like this before? You look like a model.”
“No,” she said laughing. “But thank you for the compliment.”
“You’ve had your hair done,” Caitlyn observed. “It looks nice.”
“Thanks,” Lena replied. “So, tell me what I’m supposed to do.”
“Well, first, let’s work on your makeup. We’ll just do some highlights, darken the cheeks a bit to show some contour. We won’t need the false eyelashes. Yours are wonderfully full and shaped. So, if you would, remove your dress and put on one of these robes so we don’t ruin your clothes.”
Caitlyn helped her shrug out of the simple dress she’d worn and handed her the full, terrycloth robe. She invited her to sit in one of the chairs in front of the makeup table.
“I’m really getting excited about this,” Lena admitted. “My heart is beating a mile a minute.”
Caitlyn smiled.
“I guess you’ve seen this before,” Lena said.
“Lots of times. But I think you’re going to be much easier to work with than some of the other ladies who have done this. You’re so gorgeous to start with.”
“You’re so sweet,” Lena replied.
“Do you have the picture Gary asked you to bring?”
“Oh, yes. It’s here in my purse.” Lena reached into the tote and pulled out the photo.
“He’s very attractive,” Caitlyn told her. “You’re a perfect couple.” She took the photo and slid it behind one of the catches holding the mirror to the wall. “Let’s just put him here so he can watch you getting ready.”
It only took Caitlyn about ten minutes to modify Lena’s makeup. She darkened her eyebrows, put rouge on her cheeks, applied more mascara and darkened the liner above her eyes. The final touch was the application of lip liner and a slightly darker shade of lip gloss than Lena usually wore.
“The lights can sometimes wash out the features,” she explained. “If it’s too dark, we can always powder it lighter.”
Lena watched in the mirror as Caitlyn’s minor modifications seemed to make her face look like those of models she’d seen in the magazines in the hair salon.
“Now,” Caitlyn said as she finished up the makeup adjustments and grabbed a hairbrush. “I’m just going to brush it out a little bit so it appears soft and flowing. In the meantime, you be thinking about what outfit you’d like to wear for the first shoot.”
“I’ve already decided,” Lena said. “The white shift has always been one of my husband’s favorites. I usually wear a cotton one at home, but I bought a silk one for this.”
“You’ll have to take off your underwear, then,” Caitlyn said. “Will you be all right with that?”
“Yes, sure,” Lena answered. “Part of the allure, right?”
“That’s right,” Caitlyn giggled.
“How are we coming?” Murdock’s voice came through the curtain.
“Five more minutes, Gary,” Caitlyn called back.
“Fine,” he replied. “I’ll be setting the lights.”
Murdock’s eyes devoured Lena when she emerged from the dressing room. She felt herself warm under his gaze. The white silk pressed gently against all her curves. It barely covered her nether regions and allowed the dark areola of her breasts to show through. As Lena’s nipples hardened under Murdock’s scrutiny, she knew their outlines were apparent as distensions in the fabric.
“Just stand there,” Murdock pointed to a small X of tape on the floor. He became a whirl of activity as he pointed the various lights, took readings with some sort of a meter, and scurried back and forth to the tripod-mounted camera to check the view finder. He directed Caitlyn to angle a reflector precisely and began to take shots. At the same time, he ordered Lena to turn one way or the other, raise her chin, lower her eyes, open her mouth slightly, “not too much, right there.” The lights flashed and the camera clicked over and over again.
He pulled a simple, blonde, wooden chair to the center of the room and turned it sideways to the camera. He directed Lena to sit. He positioned her arms across the back, ordering her to place her chin on her hands, tilt her head, stretch her legs one way, then another, until he’d clicked off another thirty shots. Interspersed with his direction of Lena, Murdock commanded Caitlyn to point her reflector at various body parts.
Lena heard him enunciate her various body parts in rapid succession. “Left shoulder,” he’d say to Caitlyn, and she would adjust the reflector.
“Pull the skirt up in waves to your waist,” he ordered Lena. “Show us some more of the leg, the thigh.” Unsatisfied with her attempt, he left the camera and stepped toward Lena.
“May I?” he asked.
“Yes,” Lena replied.
He pulled the fabric into a gather at her waist, adjusting it to give the impression of a natural lay, oblivious to the fact that the hem had risen enough to show her left hip. His hand flew to the front of the garment, grabbing the hem, his knuckled brushing her sex as he pulled it down.
“Sorry,” he said briskly. “Just there.”
He ran back to the camera, clicked of another five shots, then stood next to the camera with his hand supporting his chin.
“You have a lovely, long neck,” he observed. “Let’s do this. Caitlyn, brush it all over her right shoulder. Tilt your head to the right. Good. Let it drape. Yes. Now, let’s see if we can get that line from her ear to her knees with all those lovely curves. Yes. Stretch out, darling,” he told Lena.
He snapped off three more shots, and then paused. “That’s not working,” he said.
His eyes flared and he grinned broadly. “Pull your left arm out of the armhole,” he said. “Help her, Caitlyn.”
Lena slid the shoulder strap off her arm and slid her arm out of the garment as Caitlyn held it for her.
“That’s it,” Murdock said. “Now, leave it lie across your breast. Good! Now put your hand into your hair behind your head. Higher. A little more. Right there.”
He stepped nimbly behind the camera and snapped off another seven or eight shots. He cranked on the tripod until the camera was level with his beltline.
“Now,” he said, “we’re going to get very sexy and risqué. Sit upright in the chair. Caitlyn, help her release the other arm from her shift. I don’t want you to grasp it, just lay your arm across it to hold it against your breasts, then lean forward and look straight into the camera.”
Lena removed her arm from the strap and followed Murdock’s instructions. She leaned forward on the chair.
“Lovely,” Murdock said. “Now lower your arm a little. That’s right. We want that lovely curve at the top. Yes. A little lower. Just cover the tasty parts. There we go. Now, Caitlyn give her hair another brush, if you will. A nice, soft curve that comes right to the end of her fingers. Excellent.”
He squatted behind the camera. “All right. Now, Lena, darling, bite on your bottom lip for me. Just half of it. Yes! Just like that. And your eyes. Let them say, ‘I want you inside me.’ Can you do that? Oh, my! Yes. There it is. Caitlyn, right shoulder. Good!”
He snapped off ten shots in quick succession.
“All right,” Murdock said, “let’s take ten.” He stood up next to the camera. Lena noticed he had a bulge in his trousers.
“Did I do that?” she asked him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, obviously uneasy. “I’m afraid you did.”
“It looks uncomfortable.”
“I usually take care of it for him,” Caitlyn said softly.
“Are you a couple?” Lena asked.
“She’s my partner,” Murdock told her.
“She blackmailed me into making her a full partner.”
“Did you?” Lena asked Caitlyn.
The girl grinned brightly. “Gary needs release after these shoots. I give him that release. He made me a partner so I’ll stay with him, assist him, and make sure he’s able to continue to work.”
“That doesn’t sound like blackmail,” Lena grinned back at Murdock.
“It wasn’t,” Caitlyn told her. “You’d be surprised at how quickly he agreed.”
“Does this always happen?” Lena asked.
“With the beautiful ones like you, it does,” Caitlyn said.
“So I turn him on and you get the benefit?” Lena asked Caitlyn.
“Something like that.”
“Can I watch?” Lena asked.
Caitlyn looked at Murdock. “It wouldn’t be the first time,” she observed.
“I’d like to watch,” Lena repeated.
Caitlyn stepped toward Murdock, grabbed his zipper and pulled it down. She reached into his trousers and withdrew his engorged member. Lena smiled. It was equivalent to Todd’s in length and girth. Caitlyn moved quickly to press him into her mouth and Lena heard him groan. Murdock placed interlocked his fingers into her smooth, blonde hair as Caitlyn slurped his man-meat. She held it with one hand at the base and bobbed her head as it slipped between her lips.
“So, do you want to have an affair with this guy?” Todd asked his wife after she confessed her involvement with Murdock and Caitlyn at the studio.
“Heavens no!” she protested. “I don’t know what came over me. It was just one of those things that happens.”
“Sounds like your male side emerged,” Todd chuckled. “You know? That part where you just fixate on the sex and disregard all possible consequences.”
“I’m sorry,” she told him. “I really didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“So, tell me, my love. What really did happen? You’re strong, self-confident, always in control, a definite Alpha type. How is it you became subservient to your carnal desires.”
“The picture of Caitlyn in the lobby started it. Then, being damned near naked and going through the poses. Everybody, well both of them, were touching me constantly. They were repeatedly referring to my breasts, thighs, legs, and shoulders. Crap. I even came one time while Caitlyn was just brushing my hair!”
“I can’t wait to see the pictures,” Todd chuckled.
“The thing is, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I wanted it to be a surprise. I’ve got another session with them Thursday night.”
“Do you?” he responded, his tone tinged with an imperious superiority.
“Don’t be like that, Todd,” she said. “I told you as soon as I came home. I’m not keeping anything a secret from you. I love you and I want you to understand. He needed his release and I needed mine.”
Todd laughed in pure merriment. “I’m not mad, Lena. I’m really not. You’re here and you love me. You’re none the worse for wear, except emotionally. You’re not in love with him and your emotional disruption is more a function of worrying about my reaction. I think you got carried away and let your carnal urges overwhelm your sense of propriety. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.”
“You don’t think I betrayed your trust?”
Todd shrugged. “I trust that you love me. I trust that you respect me. Some might think that you didn’t hold to that respect for me. In the immediate moment, that may have been true. But, I believe the fact that you came home, told me immediately, and considering the situation, I don’t think that was the case.”
“I got so hot watching them. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted him to fuck me. And I wanted her to watch it.”
“You really came off the rails, didn’t you?” Todd laughed. “At least you didn’t stay the night with them.”
“I was this close,” she confessed, holding up her finger and thumb about a centimeter apart and giggling gently.
“But not because I’m not enough for you, right?”
“Definitely not.”
“And, I’m guessing we’re going to fuck like bunnies tonight.”
“Got that right.”
“Then you’ll want me to wash your hair?”
“So, what about this session on Thursday? You said you want me to come with you?”
“Part of me says yes. But, I’d really hate to spoil the surprise.”
“Then you’re going to want my approval to fuck him again if it comes to that.”
“Believe me,” she said, sounding like her old, strong, decisive self, “I have no intention of that happening.”
Todd smiled slyly at her. “But it will,” he grinned. “Let’s be honest about this. We’ve done really well so far. You’ve done really well with tonight’s confession.”
Lena sighed. “It was so hot, Todd. Caitlyn pulled his cock out and started sucking it. The next thing I knew I was kneeling beside her and she passed it to me. Once I had him in my mouth I couldn’t let go. Caitlyn brushed my hair back off my face with her hand and I groaned. When I did, he just let go and I swallowed every blast of his come. She sucked him hard again then fucked him. When it was my turn, I tasted the two of them and just got carried away. That’s kind of why I want you there Thursday. I need you to protect me from myself.”
Todd grinned. “Nope,” he said definitively, shaking his head slowly. “I’m not ruining my birthday surprise just because you get aroused to the randy slut stage.”
“If you make me go alone, Todd, I am going to fuck him again.”
“Then you’ll come home and confess all to me, won’t you?”
“Of course. I won’t be fucking him to spite you, darling. It’ll just be because I will need it so bad.”
“Just a slave to your craven decadence, huh?”
“Don’t be an ass.”
Todd shrugged. “I love the idea that my wife is so hot that she entices her photographer to have sex with her.”
“And you love the idea that I have so little self-control that I let him?”
“I love the idea that you are so aroused that you encourage him.”
Thursday evening Lena stepped into the studio waiting room, listening for the little bell on the door that signaled her arrival. Murdock emerged from the interior.
“Lena,” he said seriously. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be back.”
“We’re not finished,” Lena told him.
“Let me apologize,” he said. “It was unprofessional of me.”
“Hush,” Lena put a finger to his lips. “It just happened. Nobody got hurt. Let’s put it behind us.”
“So you want to continue with the project?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I’m so glad. You’ve become one of my favorite models.”
“Nonsense,” Lena said gently. “Caitlyn is your favorite model.”
Murdock stared at her. “Is it that obvious?”
Lena nodded. “She loved you enough to give you to me Tuesday, and to have joy in your delight. You loved her enough to be concerned that she might be jealous or upset.”
“You’re not only beautiful, my dear Lena,” Murdock said. “You’re also very perceptive. Thank you.”
In the dressing room, Caitlyn was mostly business, setting about to ready Lena for the next shoot. It was Lena who raised the topic of Tuesday night’s activities.
“I know you love him,” Lena said to her as Caitlyn was applying the eye shadow.
Caitlyn paused. “We’re partners.”
“Bullshit! You love him and he loves you. He orders you around, but he loves you. He’s nuts about you.”
“You know all this based on what?”
Lena nodded. “I’ve seen the picture in your lobby. He loves you.”
“He needs me,” Caitlyn said. “Anybody could do this job. I’m just convenient because I tolerate his quirks.”
“You tolerate his quirks because you love him, too.”
Caitlyn put the shadow down on the table and picked up the eyebrow pencil. “If I admit is, will you let it go?”
“Nope,” Lena said sternly. “He already confirmed it.”
“You remember Tuesday night?”
“The whole shoot or just the part where he shot his come down my throat and fucked us both?”
“Yeah, that part,” Caitlyn said, picking up the eye-liner brush.
“Love is not possession, darling. You have to let him be who he is.”
“Honey, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lena hummed disapproving. “Sweetie, you put his cock in my mouth.”
“I knew that’s what he wanted.”
“And you loved him enough to give him that.”
Caitlyn stood up straight and whispered conspiratorially. “He passes me around.”
“What does that mean?”
“Are you planning to invite Gary to the party where you give your husband the book?
“I’d thought about it.”
“Well, it happens a lot. Gary brings me with him. What usually happens is that Gary screws the model and he gives me to the partner so they won’t get mad.”
“So, he screwed Melanie and you got to have sex with Michael.”
“You know them?”
“Melanie recommended him. Now I know why.”
“I was handed off to her husband at the presentation party.”
“And you hate that?”
“I hate not having the choice.”
“I can understand that,” Lena nodded.
“That’s why the models bring pictures of their partners. It’s not for Gary. It’s for me.”
“So he does give you the choice. I mean, you could tell him no.”
“If he loves me, why does he let them have sex with me?”
“Maybe he likes the idea. Maybe it turns him on to think of you having sex with them. You let him have sex with us, but you still love him. Did you ever think of telling him no?”
“Some of them are nice. Michael was really nice. So is your husband.” She pulled the snapshot off the mirror. “I wouldn’t mind screwing him.”
“Would you? Would you have sex with my husband?”
“Are you girls about ready?” Gary called from outside the curtain.
“Not yet,” Caitlyn called back. “Still working on the makeup. I’ll come find you.”
“I told Todd I’d probably fuck Gary again tonight,” Lena confessed. “I won’t though, if it will bother you.”
“What did he say?” Caitlyn asked with wonder in her voice.
“He said it was fine, as long as I told him about it. But, I’ve got an even better idea.”
“What’s that?”
“After we’re through here tonight, you come home with me. If you don’t mind screwing Todd, we’ll give him a real treat.”
Caitlyn picked up the rouge brush and began applying it under Lena’s cheekbones. “I’ve never done anything like that,” she said. “I don’t know if Gary would like it.”
“He’s had his way with me and you Tuesday. He’ll probably fuck me tonight. If he does, I’ll tell him. We’re not going to give him a choice.”
Caitlyn giggled.
“He’s shared you with others on his terms. Tonight, it will be on our terms,” Lena said. “Gary will get his rocks off. No reason you shouldn’t get yours, as well.”
“He might fire me,” Caitlyn told her.
Lena shook her head. “He loves you, baby. He won’t fire you. He wants you around. Tonight, he’s going to find out just how much.”
The red formal gown lay in a heap on the studio floor. Lena knelt on the pseudo-Roman couch, naked except for her thigh-highs and red heels, with Gary behind her, clad only in a T-shirt. He had both hand on Lena’s hips, plunging his cock into her moist, welcoming love canal. Lena grunted with each thrust as the photographer plowed into her.
They’d gotten through three series of shots, with Lena changing from a short nighty, into a camisole and panties, and finally into the red gown minus any underwear. The six-inch heels and thigh-high black stockings had proven to be more than Gary could take. Through the variety of poses and the assistance of Caitlyn he’d managed to maneuver the gown into a mere drapery that left Lena’s right side nearly exposed. Her breast tantalized him from beneath her long hair.
As he approached her to make another adjustment, Lena noticed that his erection created a bulge in his trousers. She looked at Caitlyn, smiled, and reached up to brush the back of her hand across the protrusion. “Why Gary,” she murmured. “It seems I’ve aroused you again. Would you like to fuck me?”
Murdock eased her upright, bending forward to capture her naked breast between his lips and allowing the red gown to fall around her ankles. Lena stepped out of the circle of fabric and caressed the back of the photographer’s head as he feasted on the breast in front of him. Caitlyn moved behind him, reached around, unsnapped and unzipped his trousers and let them fall to the floor. She pulled his boxers down his legs. She grasped his cock and began stroking it.
Lena lowered her hands to his shoulders and eased him away. She turned her back to him and knelt on the Roman bench. “Like this, darling,” she said, “so I can feel all of you deep inside me.”
Murdock stepped out of his discarded clothing and moved behind Lena. Caitlyn managed to rub his hardness up and down her creaming slit and position it perfectly for her boss to enter the kneeling Lena. He eased inside her, and Lena felt his hardness stretch her welcoming love nest and press home to its maximum extension.
“That feels so lovely,” Lena purred. “I hope you’ll fuck me nice and hard. I’ve been waiting all night for this.”
Gary didn’t disappoint her. He pumped strongly, causing both of them to grunt with exertion.
“You’re so bad,” Lena told him over her shoulder, “fucking your models like this. But you can’t help it, can you? We make you so hot and hard.”
“Yes,” he gasped through gritted teeth.
“And you make us all juicy, wet and ready, just talking and touching; pulling our clothes off us, and making us nearly naked in front of you.”
“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned.
“We’re leaving after you fuck me,” Lena told him. “Caitlyn and I are both leaving. I’m taking her home to fuck my husband, just like you’re fucking me. Think about that,” she ordered. “It’s the price you pay for fucking me.”
“Fine,” he growled. “She can fuck him if she wants.”
“She wants,” Lena said. “And so do I.”
He shouted, “Fine!”
“Good,” Lena growled at him. “Now shut up and fuck me proper!”
Gary didn’t last a dozen more strokes before he exploded inside her. When she bellowed her own release and clamped her muscles on his cock, Gary simply lost whatever control he might have had.
“Aw, fuck!” he wailed. He pressed himself to his furthest extent and held himself there as his cock pumped jets of come inside her. She gasped as she felt the hot spurts coat her innards.
“Caitlyn, baby,” Lena called. “Towels, please.”
“What should I wear?” Caitlyn asked Lena as they hid from Murdock in the dressing room.
“Hmm,” Lena hummed, considering the options. “Well, in view of our objective, which is to get my husband laid, a tank top, shorts, and sandals.
“Really?” Caitlyn giggled.
Lena smiled broadly at her, hitching her own jean shorts up to her hips and snapping the clasp. “Keep it simple.”
“I know you’re in there,” Gary called out.
“You have work to do,” Lena hollered back. “I want that book finished by Wednesday. If you’re diligent, I might send Caitlyn back to you by then.
“You’re not serious,” Murdock sounded concerned.
Lena pushed back the curtain. “She’ll be back when she’s ready.”
“I can’t work like that,” Murdock complained. “I need my assistant.”
“And your assistant needs to know she’s needed,” Lena shot back at him.
“Caitlyn, please, baby,” he pleaded. “We’ve got that big outdoor wedding tomorrow evening.”
“I know,” she said, reaching up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “I’ll be back in time.”
Lena drove the three blocks to Caitlyn’s apartment so she could change clothes.
“I don’t have a car,” Caitlyn told her. “Mostly I ride with Gary when we go out on shoots.”
“That’s all right,” Lena said. “I’ll drive you. And, if you want to leave at any time, all you have to do is say so.”
On the ride to the suburbs, quietly skimming across the landscape in the dark, Lena kept looking at the beautiful, young lady riding in the passenger seat.
“Do you know why we’re doing this?” she asked.
“You want me to have sex with your husband?”
“Superficially, yes,” Lena laughed. “But, there’s more to it than that.”
“I’m not sure I know, then.”
“You’re beautiful. You’re also quite talented. I love the way you work and move in the studio. You know what you’re doing and you’re secure in your abilities. This is about spreading that confidence you have over other elements of your life. You seem to be intimidated by Gary. There’s no need for that.”
“I need the job,” Caitlyn said. “And, you were right. I do love him.”
“Precisely,” Lena said. “So, we’re sending a message to Mr. Murdock tonight. We may love him, but he doesn’t own us.”
“Do you love him?”
“Not like you do, darling. I love his talent, his creativity, and the way he can coax the raw sensuality out of us and into his photos. But, he needs to know that even though you and others may be attracted to him, he doesn’t get to decide who sleeps with whom and when. He can order you around in the studio, but you’re your own person.”
“He’s kind of a control freak.”
“He’s such a little boy. I love the power I have to get him so turned on he can’t stand it. You have that same power and you need to use it.”
Caitlyn smiled.
“You know it, too, don’t you?” Lena asked her with a touch of amazement.
“He was pretty excited when I modeled for him.”
“So he made love to you after your session?”
“He did. He wasn’t ravenous, though, like he was with you. He was actually very tender and considerate.”
“That’s because he adores you.”
“Is your husband like that, too?”
“Todd is complex. He often tells me that I’m allowed to have sex with anybody I want. I don’t do it a lot. In fact, Gary is the first man I’ve let fuck me in the last four years. But Todd won’t be upset about it.”
“What about you? Do you let him play around, too?”
“As long as he comes home to me, I don’t care who he has sex with. But, we have to be honest with each other.”
“You’re going to tell him about tonight’s session?”
“First thing.”
She pulled into the driveway and stopped, turned off the ignition and withdrew the key. “Caitlyn, let’s get something clear. I don’t expect you to do anything you don’t want to do. If you decide you don’t want to have sex with Todd, I’m fine with that. You decide. If you want to, I’m good with that, too. You get to be in charge of what you do tonight.”
“You won’t be mad at me if I do, though?”
“I will not. I’ve screwed your boyfriend tonight. It’s only fair that you have the opportunity to do mine.”
The two women walked into the kitchen where Todd sat at the breakfast bar with a glass of some amber liquid and the daily newspaper spread out in front of him. Lena stepped up to him and planted a warm, loving kiss on his lips.
“Well, hello there,” he grinned at her. He looked at Caitlyn, hanging behind his wife. “Hello,” he said to Caitlyn.
“I’ve been a very naughty girl,” Lena announced.
“What did you buy?” Todd said with a sigh.
Lena shook her head. “I didn’t buy anything. I got laid.”
“Really?” Todd said. “Not a complete surprise.”
“I told you it would happen.”
“Well, you came home, so I guess you didn’t fall in love.”
“Of course not,” Lena told him. “This is Caitlyn. She’s Gary Murdock’s assistant.”
“Nice to meet you,” Todd said, nodding to Caitlyn. He turned his attention back to his wife. “So?”
“Caitlyn and I are going to teach Murdock a lesson,” she said. “She’s going to stay with us.”
“That’s nice,” Todd replied guardedly.
“I have to be back for a wedding shoot tomorrow,” Caitlyn interjected.
“I see,” Todd responded.
“I’ve invited Caitlyn to sleep with us if she wants,” Lena informed him.
“Have you?” Todd said. “That’s very generous of you.”
“Caitlyn had to watch Murdock screw me. She saw a snapshot of you and agreed you are attractive. She might want to have sex with you.”
“Really,” Todd chuckled.
“Murdock had a nasty habit of pimping her out to the husbands of his models. We’re going to teach him that Caitlyn sleeps with who she wants and when she wants.”
“You’re meddling,” Todd observed.
“I’m offering her options,” Lena rebutted.
“What was Murdock’s reaction to your kidnapping her?”
“He was worried she wouldn’t be there for their shoot tomorrow night.”
“That’s it?” Todd sounded dubious.
“Pretty much,” Caitlyn told him. “I think he was a little pissed, though.”
“But you love him anyway,” Todd asked her.
“And he loves her, too, really,” Lena said. “He admitted it to me.”
“Then why was he screwing you?” Todd asked Lena.
“Gary gets very turned on during the glamor shoots,” Caitlyn said. “It just happens sometimes.”
“So, Caitlyn,” Lena asked, “do you think you’d like to share our bed?”
She smiled shyly. “I’d like that.”
“So, you fucked the photographer,” Todd said to his wife as he plowed himself into the willing, blonde, photographer’s assistant. Lena lay next to her and ran her fingers gently through her hair. She leaned over and kissed the younger woman softly on the lips.
“I did,” she responded to her husband.
Caitlyn’s eyes flickered and captured Lena’s. “Did you hate that?” Lena asked her quietly.
“No,” Caitlyn replied. “I feel so good. It was sweet.”
“Can I kiss you again?” Lena asked. “I haven’t ever done it before, either. But, I liked it.”
“Hmmm,” Caitlyn hummed. “Nice. Yes. Again.”
Lena leaned over her and captured Caitlyn’s lips with her own. She heard the girl panting through her nostrils. Lena licked at the lips under hers and Caitlyn’s mouth opened. Their tongues battled and twisted against one another. Caitlyn groaned and Lena backed away from her.
“Oh, god!” Caitlyn gasped. “I’m so close.”
“Kiss you, yes or no?” Lena whispered.
“Yes, please!” Caitlyn moaned.
Lena leaned in and kissed her gently again.
“Tell me why you fucked him,” Todd demanded of his wife.
His wife released Caitlyn’s lips. “He was hard. I was hot. I needed cock. Tell him how hot it was, Caitlyn.”
She hummed. “It was. Gary was so hard. And your wife was stunning and so sexy. I wanted to kiss her myself, but I’d never done that before.”
“And you came?” Todd asked his wife, his hips pounding a regular rhythm against Caitlyn’s body.
“God, yes!” Lena answered. “He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. His lips seemed to sear into my flesh. I came when his cock slid into me.”
“And you didn’t try to stop it?” Todd addressed Caitlyn.
“No,” she gasped, “because I knew I could have you like this, my legs spread and at your mercy. I wanted this.”
“And this?” Lena leaned in to French kiss her again.
“Yes,” Caitlyn hissed. “After I watched you suck him Tuesday, I wanted your tongue in me, too.”
The younger blonde became the aggressor, sucking Lena’s lips between her and tonguing her lips, sharp teeth, and driving deep within her. She hummed in delight continuously, the humming sounds punctuated by the thrusts of Todd’s cock deep into her love canal. The hum became higher pitched as Caitlyn approached a massive orgasm, fueled by Todd’s consistent strokes and the unfamiliar but delightful experience of Lena’s sucking on her tongue.
“This is not over,” Todd growled at Lena.
“I know,” she replied. “You’re going to want to fuck me, too.”
“Damn right,” he said.
“I told you it would happen, didn’t I?”
“You only told me half the story,” he answered, his words punctuated by his thrusts into Caitlyn’s willing body.
“I didn’t tell you I wanted to make love to Caitlyn, too,” she admitted, leaning into the blonde to kiss her passionately, her hands seeking to steady the breasts that bounded in reaction to Todd’s aggressive thrusts. Her fingers gently pinched her nipple and Lena groaned into her mouth in passion. She pulled back to just watch the reaction of her husband’s lover.
When Lena released her, Caitlyn turned her head sharply to the side and cried out. “Oh fuck! Yes! I’m coming. Yes, fuck me! Kiss me, Lena. Fuck me with your tongue!”
Lena giggled and complied. Their intertwining tongues battled for seconds before Caitlyn cried out a wordless scream of release.
Lena looked at her husband, hovering above the delectable body of his partner, his hips thrusting himself into her repeatedly. His face was locked in almost a stern grimace. Lena could hear the tell-tale moan as his own climax became inevitable and unstoppable. She grinned, knowing the feeling of his slight swelling, followed by the hot spurts of his come bathing her innards. As the girl thrashed her head from one side to the other, Todd grunted and looked directly into Lena’s eyes, his face almost apologetic.
“Come in her, baby,” Lena urged him in a low, urgent voice. “Come with her and let her feel the heat of your need in your juice.”
Todd’s threw his head back and groaned mightily.
Lena could almost feel him pumping the young woman full of his seed. “That’s it,” she whispered. “Fill her tender pussy with your lust.”
Caitlyn cried out as the first of Todd’s hot spurts erupted inside her. She grasped his ass and pulled him into her. “Oh, fuck!” she yelled. “Fuck, yes! Fill me up!”
Todd lay on his back, panting, his softening man-hood lying slack across his thigh. Lena lay alongside Caitlyn in the bed, her fingers gently stroking her temples and trailing across her heaving breasts. She smiled at the younger woman and gave her a tender kiss just next to her eyes.
“Well, that was unique,” Caitlyn said through her own gasps for breath. “I’ve never kissed another woman like that.”
“Me, either,” Lena admitted. “But it was nice.”
“It was,” Caitlyn agreed. “I’d like it if you’d kiss me again.”
Lena leaned over and planted her lips softly on Caitlyn’s. Caitlyn’s tongue tenderly licked at Lena’s lips. Lena returned the tasting and then leaned away from her.
“I’d like you to let me love you.”
“What?” Caitlyn asked her, sounding concerned.
“Let me kiss your breasts and your pussy.”
“Will you let me?”
“I guess we can try.”
Lena kissed Caitlyn’s neck, working her way down until she captured a nipple between her lips. Caitlyn moaned softly. Lena squirmed down to the bottom of the bed, spread Caitlyn’s legs and began to kiss and lick at her just-fucked pussy. She raised her head for a second. “It tastes like Todd,” she said, “only better.”
Caitlyn moaned gently as Lena’s active tongue swept through her labia and drove into her sweet love hole. “Oh, damn!” she said. “That feels incredible!”
Lena licked and sucked at her until Caitlyn raised her hips, her hand grasping Lena’s head and pulling her into her. “Oh, god!” she wailed. “I’m going to come again!” she called out, sounding surprised.
Todd, meanwhile, turned sideways and hitched himself up on one elbow to watch his wife devour his essence from the younger blonde. He felt himself stirring with the beginning of another arousal, especially watching as his wife’s ass swayed in the air while she devoured his come from Caitlyn’s pussy.
He stood up and moved behind his wife. His hands rested on her backside. Lena raised her head.
“You just keep going,” he ordered gruffly. He grabbed his semi-hard cock and slid it up and down his wife’s soaking slit.
Lena moved her hands under Caitlyn’s hips and wrapped them around her thighs. She felt Todd’s rubbery stalk split her own entrance and slide easily inside her. She groaned into Caitlin’s sopping pussy, making the younger woman cry out, grab her own breasts and twist the nipples.
“Fuck your wife, Todd,” Caitlyn called. “She was so slutty. I saw her. But, she just used Gary to get off, to release her sexual tension. She loves you.”
Todd slid partially out of Lena. He teased her and then rammed himself deep inside her. It caused Lena to jolt with the impact.
“Oh, my god, Todd!” Caitlyn cried. “I can feel it when you do that!”
“Good,” Todd said with an edge to his voice. “It’s like fucking both of you at the same time.”
“I want to make sure you’re not mad at me for fucking Gary last night,” Lena told Todd over their morning coffee. Her voice had the confidence and timbre of control that Todd considered normal.
“Of course not. You warned me. I gave you the go ahead.”
“Caitlyn was a nice surprise, though.”
Todd smiled. “She was, and is. I guess this sets a pattern for us.”
“What’s that?”
“I told you that you could sleep with anybody anytime you wanted.”
“I seem to remember that. So, once I do, you feel free to pursue the spouse?”
“Well, either later or concurrently,” Todd grinned at her.
“Why is that a pattern?”
“Because, my darling, I’m not prepared to step out on you on my own. You set the parameters and I’ll be good with it.”
“So, as long as I’m a slut, you feel justified in playing the rake?”
Todd laughed. “Not exactly. Just following your lead.”
“But you’re not mad I screwed Gary last night?”
“I’ve told you I wasn’t. How many times will it take to convince you?”
“So, who am I not allowed to screw?”
“Honey, you can do anybody you like, as long as you come home to me.”
“Anybody?” she asked.
“Pretty much.”
“If that’s what you want.”
“Is this an argument?” Caitlyn asked as she entered the kitchen. She wore one of Lena’s T-shirts and nothing else.
“No, darling,” Lena told her. “We’re working out some ground rules.”
“Because of last night?”
“Not because of you,” Todd assured her. “It’s about the situation.”
“We did get kind of carried away,” Caitlyn observed softly.
“Get a cup of coffee, dear,” Lena said. “Sit with us.”
“We need to have a talk?”
Todd laughed. “No, darling. We’re fine.”
Caitlyn stepped to the coffee pot, took a mug off the cup tree and filled it.
“You need anything?” Todd asked. “Milk, sugar?”
“No, thanks,” Caitlyn answered. “When Gary and I are out shooting, we never know what they’re going to have. I learned to drink it black.”
“We’ve got tea, if you’d prefer that,” Lena offered.
“No, this is great. Thank you.”
“Would it make you uncomfortable if I told you how much I enjoyed you being here last night?” Todd asked her.
She stole a quick glance at Lena, who was smiling broadly.
“Thank you,” Caitlyn said. “I thought it was wonderful. I did some things I never did before and it was fun.
“Well,” Todd told her, “I thought it was terrific.”
“And I,” Lena chimed in, “loved all of it, including the three a.m. session the two of you had. Nothing hotter than hearing your lover having an orgasm.”
“Caitlyn or me?” Todd chuckled.
“Both,” Lena laughed. “Are we lovers, Caitlyn?”
“I guess you could say that,” Caitlyn grinned back at her.
“Never had a gal lover before,” Lena commented. “I like it.”
“Me, too,” Todd said.
“You’re such a fucking male,” Lena snapped at him.
Todd shrugged. “It was hot.”
“So, darling,” Lena directed at Caitlyn, “we’re celebrating this drooling idiot’s birthday a week from tonight. You and Gary are both invited.”
“Thank you. You don’t think that will cause any problems?”
“I don’t think so,” Lena replied. “Todd and I are both aware of what might happen when we throw Gary into the mix here. The question is how are you going to feel?”
Caitlyn grinned. “I certainly won’t feel pimped out. I mean, we’ve already crossed that bridge.”
“And you did it on your own terms,” Lena reminded her. “But, are you going to be okay with it next week?”
“Lena,” Todd said gently, “You’re making her uncomfortable. Maybe I should make myself scarce.”
“No,” Caitlyn said quickly. “You are a wonderful lover, Todd. Lena already knows that. If I have any regrets it’s that we didn’t get to do more.”
“More?” Lena asked chuckling. “What more?”
“Don’t answer that,” Todd interjected quickly. “For crying out loud, Lena!”
“You can be sure Gary will put on the big rush for you,” Caitlyn told Lena. “especially if Todd gets to look through your book. He gets really turned on when the husband sees the hot poses and various stages of undress in the photos. It makes him hot knowing he saw her like that before the husband did.”
“So, if I’m occupied with Gary, you’ll take care of Todd?” Lena asked her.
Caitlyn looked at Todd. “I’m pretty certain we’ll be able to find something to occupy us.” She stretched out a hand and covered Todd’s, and then withdrew it.
“In the meantime,” Lena said, “you’ve got all day to practice. What time do you need to be back at the studio?”
“The wedding’s at seven, so, probably five. I’ll have to stop by my apartment to change.”
“Please don’t change,” Todd told Caitlyn. “I adore you just the way you are.”
“Oh, puh-leeze!” Lena grimaced. “Now who’s over the top?”
Todd shrugged. “Your fault,” he told his wife. “You’re the one who brought our new lover into our lives.”
“Why don’t you and your new lover go grab a shower,” Lena told him, “and I’ll start pulling together something for breakfast.”
“We’re getting breakfast!” Todd said to Caitlyn. “She must be in a good mood. I’m assuming it’ll be something other than cold cereal and milk.”
“It won’t be Waffle House,” Lena responded, “but it’ll be better than cereal. Go.”
“You can use the guest bathroom, hon,” Todd suggested to Caitlyn as they stood up to head down the hallway.
“Don’t you want her to shower with you, stud?” Lena said.
“That’s going to lead to other activities,” Todd warned.
“I’d like that,” Caitlyn said. “I love shower sex.”
“There you go,” Lena told him. “You can wash her hair and other bits. I know how much you love that. It’ll give me time to get things ready.
“You like to wash women’s hair?” Caitlyn asked him as they walked out of the kitchen.
“I love to wash women’s hair,” he admitted. “Guess that’s my kink.”
“No, it’s great,” Caitlyn said. “Just one more reason for me to fall in love with you.”
“Don’t even go there!” Lena called from the kitchen. “You can love him, but you can’t have him except when I say so!”
She could hear Caitlyn giggle and Todd chuckling as they made their way toward the master bedroom and the large shower in the master bath.
Sixteen people showed up for Todd’s birthday bash. Fifteen, really. Caitlyn surprised Lena by calling early the Friday of the party and asking if she could help with the preparations. Lena sent Todd to pick her up, then out to trim the yard while she and Caitlyn vacuumed, swept, mopped, dusted, and shopped for last minute items.
“I don’t see why I have to work so hard for my own party,” Todd groused as he entered the house at five that evening, hot, sweaty, and worn out from his yard work and cleaning the patio area.
“You’ll get your reward later,” Lena said, handing him a cold beer. She and Caitlyn were rolling something in something and arranging the toothpick-skewered items on a decorative glass serving tray. “You need to go shower, though. You stink.”
“What? Alone?” he quipped.
“Alone, horn-dog,” Lena said. “I need my Caitlyn to help me finish up here before we shower and dress.”
“Your Caitlyn, huh?” Todd jibbed at her. “Sounds damned possessive to me. And I suppose the two of you will shower together.”
“Mind out of the gutter, darling,” Lena said, causing Caitlyn to giggle. “We’re saving ourselves for the big event.”
The neighborhood guests began trickling in around six-thirty. Todd played host and welcomed each, tending bar, and stacking the proffered gifts on an end table in the rec room. Michael and Melanie arrive precisely at seven and Todd was unprepared for her greeting. As her husband stood in the doorway, Melanie pressed herself against Todd and sucked his lips between hers. Her eyes sparkled evilly as her leg slid up the outside of Todd’s thigh and she whispered, “Happy birthday, you marvelous object of my lust. You’ve been inhabiting my dreams lately, you know?”
“Really?” Todd said, releasing the grip on her waist. “And where is my Lena in these dreams?”
Melanie backed away and turned to allow Michael to enter. “Usually under him,” she said, “begging him to fuck her harder.”
Michael stepped forward and extended his hand. “She’s been hyped like this ever since she had those pictures done. Congratulation on making it another year,” he joked.
“I just hope I can survive the night,” Todd laughed. “Come in. Can I get you a beer or something?”
“Any wine?” Melanie asked.
“Of course,” Todd replied. “Come in and make yourselves comfortable. I’ll get it.”
“Yes, you will,” Melanie said coyly.
“Holy shit!” Todd exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen where Lena and Caitlyn were busy arranging trays and organizing the canapés. “I was just assaulted by Melanie. I believe she has designs on me tonight.”
“Oh, good!” Lena said smiling. “I told her to behave badly.”
Gary arrived at about quarter after, carrying the large box containing the book. Todd let him in and shook his hand. “Really good to meet you,” he said. “I take it that is the infamous birthday book?”
“It is,” Gary replied. “You can have it when I get my assistant back.”
“She’s in the kitchen with Lena,” Todd told him. “She’s been here all day helping out.”
“Listen,” Gary began, “I want you to understand about the shoots.”
Todd held up his hand. “We’re open, Gary. Lena explained it all. We’re cool.”
Gary breathed a visible sigh of relief. “Good. In fact, from what Caitlyn has told me, I’ve got an idea for a new series. She’s told me you like washing women’s hair.”
“That’s true,” Todd grinned.
“I think that would make a great shoot. I hope we can work out something later on. I’d like to start with Caitlyn, then Lena and Melanie. Have a think about it.”
“I will,” Todd said. “Now come on in and I’ll take you to the girls.”
By eleven, everybody had left except Gary, Caitlyn, Michael and Melanie. Lena’s birthday book had been a smash. It lay open on the low coffee table to the shot of Lena leaning forward and biting her lip.
“You’ve outdone yourself, Murdock,” Michael said. “Melanie’s shots are hot, but these are smoking.”
“Melanie’s are wonderful,” Lena scolded him. Turning to Todd she asked, “You saw them. Aren’t they terrific?”
Todd nodded. “I’d wash her hair.”
Slightly in her cups, Melanie sauntered over to Todd and eased into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned toward him and captured his ear between her lips. “Did my photos turn you on, baby?”
Todd looked at Lena, who was grinning broadly. His gaze shifted to Michael, who simply raised his glass to Todd and beamed.
“Well, I didn’t get to study them,” he said, trying to sound measured and in control. “The few I saw were very hot.”
Melanie moved her head until she was facing him. She pressed her lips against his, plunged her tongue into his mouth, and gave him no avenue for escape. She released him and searched his eyes with her own. “Then why play so hard to get? You know I want to fuck you.”
Todd tried to ignore the stiffening rod in his trousers as he answered. “There is the little matter of your husband and my wife.”
Melanie twisted her head to look at Lena and Michael. “They’ll be all right,” she said. “Won’t you, darling?” she directed at her husband.
Michael chuckled. “I’ll be fine,” he said.
“You see,” Melanie continued, “I know how this works. Gary over there wants to fuck your Lena. I’m sure my Michael wouldn’t mind another turn with his gorgeous assistant, Caitlyn. Do you know Caitlyn?”
“I do,” Todd responded.
“And you will, I’m sure,” she said, “get to know her even better.” She twisted off his lap and attacked the catch and zipper of his pants. “The only thing keeping us apart are these damned clothes of yours and your own insecurities. But, we’re just going to fuck, darling. We won’t be falling in love.”
“Melanie,” Todd protested.
“Hush,” she commanded him, tugging his cock free of his clothing. She swung a leg across him, her hand gripping his hard member. “I’m not wearing panties under this lovely blue dress Michael bought me,” she said softly. As if to prove the point, she lowered herself until Todd could feel her heat on the tip of his cock. She slid it up and down her moist slit. Todd gasped as her heated tissue enveloped him when she sank down and absorbed his hardened rod in her welcoming flesh. “And that,” she challenged Todd, “is what it feels like to fuck me. I hope you like it.”
“Well,” Lena said, her eyes twinkling, “That takes care of my husband.” She extended her hand to Gary. “Should you, Caitlyn, Michael, and I leave them to their debauchery?”
“Where to?” Gary asked.
“The bedroom, of course,” Lena answered. “Caitlyn?”
“I love your bedroom,” Caitlyn told her with a broad grin.
“Michael,” Lena said, walking toward the bedroom pulling Gary by the arm, “You wouldn’t mind a repeat rendezvous with Caitlyn while I entertain the photographic genius for a bit would you?”
“You’ve been in her bedroom before?” Michael asked Caitlyn.
“Um-hmm,” Caitlyn responded in the positive. “Todd and Lena made wonderful, sweet love to me last week for a whole night and a day.”
“Todd and Lena?” Gary asked.
“Why Gary,” Lena said, clutching his arm and snuggling against his shoulder. “Didn’t she tell you? Caitlyn and I are lovers, too.”
“Caitlyn?” Gary asked. He stood in the bedroom looking at his blonde assistant as Lena stripped off her top and began to tug at the skirt she’d worn for the party.
“Oh, don’t worry, Gary,” she said, sitting on the bed to slide the skirt down her legs. “She still loves you.”
Michael waved a finger between Caitlyn and Gary. “They’re a couple?”
“They are,” Lena confirmed. She looked at Gary. “Tell her you love her, Gary.”
“But, I…” the photographer stammered.
“They’ve never admitted it to each other,” Lena informed Michael. She stood up and unsnapped her bra, sliding it off. “If you’re getting any of this,” she informed Gary waving a hand down her frame, “you’d better tell her, now.”
“Okay, okay, fine,” Gary stammered. “It’s true, Caitlyn. I do love you.”
“Good!” Lena said. “Your turn, Caitlyn.”
Caitlyn giggled.
“What?” Lena asked, standing naked with her hands on her hips.
“It’s just, you’re like this goddess, standing naked and beautiful, telling everybody what to do,” Caitlyn responded.
Lena stepped toward Michael and began to tug at his clothing. “Just tell him, will you?” she ordered.
Caitlyn turned toward Gary. “I love you, too, Gary. But we are going to have to talk.”
“That’s right,” Lena agreed, unbuckling Michael’s belt and fumbling with the button on his trousers. “You’re going to have to stop pimping her out.”
“What are you doing?” Caitlyn asked her. “I thought he was mine for tonight.”
“I changed my mind,” Lena answered. “You and Gary need to consummate your love for each other. Besides, his wife is riding my husband. It’s only fair I get to fuck him. You’ve already had him. I’ll let you have him later on.” She dropped to one knee and pulled Michael’s trousers and briefs to his ankles. “Step out of them and get those shoes and sock off, Michael,” she directed.
Lena twisted her head around toward Caitlyn and Gary. “Are the two of you planning to screw with your clothes on?”
Caitlyn began to unbutton her simple blouse. She noticed Gary’s look of astonishment and dismay, stepped toward him and put her arms across his shoulders, crossing her wrists across the back of his neck.
“It’s okay,” she whispered to him. “I do love you, and I’m not going to try to change you. Just go with the flow. It’ll be fine.”
“I wasn’t really sure you loved me,” he told her. He pushed the blouse off her shoulders exposing her breasts. “No bra?” he asked.
Caitlyn tilted her head to the side. “Didn’t you know we were going to end up naked?” she chided him. “I did. So, I didn’t wear what I didn’t need.”
“You’re so beautiful,” he told her as he gently kissed her lips. “I couldn’t help but love you.”
Lena’s voice interrupted them. “Caitlyn!” she called imperiously. “Get naked, will you? Then, come help me turn back this bed.”
That caused Caitlyn to giggle again. She released Gary, shucked her blouse, and stripped off her shorts. Naked, she walked to the side of the bed and waited until Lena had hold of the covers on the opposite side. They pulled the bedclothes to the foot and let them fall to the floor.
Lena sat on the bed. She turned sideways, propped herself on the pillows and beckoned to Michael.
“Come on, darling,” she said gently. “I imagine your lovely wife has had several orgasms by now and I haven’t had a one. You need to fix that.”
Michael knelt on the bed close to where Lena had raised her knees and spread her legs. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he said. He began planting kisses on the inside of her knees, traveling inexorably toward the warm, moist flesh of her sex.
“Lie down next to her, please,” Caitlyn ordered Gary, “and let me make love to you.”
“It feels like our first time together,” Gary observed as he lay next to Lena on the huge bed.
“That’s because we’ve just been fucking,” Caitlyn told him. “Tonight I’m going to make love to you.” She bent her head over his hardened rod and placed several kisses on the tip, swirling her tongue to collect the essence of his pre-come before absorbing his flesh in her mouth.
In the rec room, Melanie’s dark hair trailed across Todd’s shoulder as her head rested in the nook between his neck and shoulder.
“That was incredible,” she said, gasping for air. “You are wonderful!”
“I didn’t do anything,” Todd replied. “You did all the work.”
“But it felt so good!” she gasped. “I’m going to want more of that.”
Todd chuckled. “It was good,” he admitted.
Melanie lifted her head and looked into his eyes. Her full lips consumed his. Her breathing was still labored and Todd could feel it on his cheek. Their tongues tangled as the ardently explored the texture and taste of each other. She closed down her mouth and sucked his tongue affectionately.
When they broke the kiss, she said, “I hope Michael and Lena get along half as well as we do. I’m going to want this regularly.”
“I’ll check with the boss the next time I see her,” he said with a chuckle.
“We’re going to make a mess here,” Melanie told him. “I don’t have any tissues.”
“We can use my shirt. I think I’m done wearing it for tonight.”
“Are we sleeping here on the couch or do you want me to go home?”
“We can use the spare bedroom, and no, I don’t want you to leave.”
“You have plans, then?”
“I think we should clean up, hydrate a little, and explore what delights we have for each other,” he said with an impish grin.
“Happy Birthday, Todd.”
“One of the best ever. Thank you for my birthday book.”
“Lena did that, silly,” she laughed. “You need to thank her.”
“She got the idea from yours, though. One day you’re going to have to let me really look through it.”
Melanie smiled. “The first time Lena lets you come spend the night with me.”
“And Michael?”
“Heavens, no!” she said. “He’ll be here filling the hole you’ve left in her life.”
“And perusing, no doubt, the pages of Lena’s book.”
“No doubt.”
“So you see, darling,” Lena addressed Gary quietly in the darkened bedroom as Caitlyn nursed her breast tenderly, “you can’t use her anymore as your private whore. We expect you to control yourself.”
She squeezed herself on his cock to emphasize the point.
“What do you mean by ‘we’?” Gary asked from behind her.
“Caitlyn, me, and maybe Melanie, if she wants to be a part of this.”
“She will,” Michael confirmed from behind Caitlyn.
“You can fuck Caitlyn, Melanie, or me, when you need to,” Lena said softly. “Caitlyn is ours, though. She belongs to me, Todd, and Michael. We’ll share her with you, but you’re not allowed to give her to anybody else.”
“Is that what you want, Caitlyn,” Gary asked.
Caitlyn hummed an affirmative. Lena moaned as the vibrations flooded her breast and shot down to where Gary’s meat was gently stroking in and out of her.
“If you want to give us all up for a single fuck with somebody,” Lena said, “you can do that. It’s your decision.”
“No,” Gary said. “I’ve done my last glamour shots.”
Caitlyn’s lips released Lena’s breast. “You know, I love the feel of your skin on my lips with Michael’s cock inside me,” she observed. She latched on to the nipple again.
“Or Gary’s, or Todd’s?” Lena offered.
“Mm-hmm,” Caitlyn hummed.
Just then she heard the shower start in the guest bathroom. Lena couldn’t suppress the smile that crossed her lips.
“Melanie is going to get her hair washed,” she whispered.
Caitlyn stopped suckling. “Now that makes me jealous.”