The Bidding War

"Where everyone’s a winner"

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Jenny slipped off her bra and panties and reached for the black silk robe closest to her. Stacy stashed the clothes in the duffel bag for her roommate. “So let me get this straight,” she said. “This is how you’ve been paying your rent?” 


“How much are we talking?”

“Months at a time.”


“Plus some to spare.”

“And all you have to do is let them touch you?”

“See, touch, and then the winning bidder gets to fuck you.”

“But what if nobody bids on you?”

“Every girl gets bid on. Three of three.”

“Who’s doing the bidding?”

“Rich guys mostly. Doctors, lawyers, trust fund playboys, that kind of thing.” Jenny smiled as she slipped into her favorite black stilettos. “But there are women too, sometimes.”

“How does the bidding work?”

“Winning bid chooses first, then second highest next, like that. Every girl gets fucked eventually. That’s part of the fun.”

She tied her hair into a high ponytail and admired her long bare legs in the mirror. “Do you want to come?” she said absently, tucking a flyaway strand of hair against her head. She reached for her lipstick. 

“To the sex thing?”

“Elite sex society,” she corrected. “It’s very exclusive and very hard to get into.” Her lipstick smoothed onto her lips like velvet. Jenny always had the perfect lips. Jenny shrugged nonchalantly. “Someone owes me a favor.”

“Everyone owes you favors,” Stacy laughed. “I don’t know how you do it.”

“Is that a yes? You’ve got five minutes.”

The venue was a swanky basement bar in a restored building. The lights were dimmed and the ceiling was low. The walls were covered by brightly colored satin fabrics in silver, gold, orange, pink, and emerald green. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling. An aerial dancer spun on a hoop in the corner, wearing only a few leather straps wrapped around her body.

A harpist strummed harmonies in the corner, her breasts bejeweled in diamonds at the nipples that shimmered as she played. Waitresses draped only in similar fabrics as the walls served champagne on antique silver platters. In all, there were only around twelve people in the room.

At the far end were three enclosures like giant round egg pods with an opening on one side. The pods all faced away from each other. They were covered inside and out in red velvet that looked black in the dim light. 

“They’re turned away for privacy,” explained Joyce in her British accent. Joyce was the fifty-something chaperone assigned to stay with Stacy throughout the inspection and bidding process. Every participant had a chaperone, and every chaperone knew what each bidder wanted the most. “A good time,” Joyce answered when Stacy asked what that was. She handed Stacy a tote bag—velvet, by the touch—of things. “Take off your clothes and put on this robe. There are also other things for you to prepare.”

Stacy didn’t know what that meant, but she was excited. Her hard nipples proved it. Besides the robe, there were some high-end hygiene products, lotions—mostly brands she’d never heard of—that she used and put aside. She pulled her hair into the same high ponytail as Jenny and opened the door. 

“Right then. Let’s go on.” 

Girls were already being introduced at the pods. Stacy wasn’t sure where Jenny was. It was hard to see what was going on anywhere different from the pod one stood by, but the gentle moans of pleasure blending with the harp undertones throughout the room suggested good things. 

She stood at the door of the first pod. Inside was dimly lit with a half-circle leather bench, a few satin pillows, and one man in the dark. He seemed reasonably fit and wore dark slacks and a gray polo shirt. He was a little older, maybe fifty, and sat comfortably as she entered the pod. Stacy grinned. Some of her best encounters had been with older men. 

“This is Sam,” introduced Joyce kindly. “Sam, this is Stacy. You have five minutes, as always.”

“Hello,” Stacy said dumbly. Joyce stepped in and pulled a curtain closed behind them. There was just enough space inside the pod for the three of them to stand comfortably if they wanted. It was also quieter in here. 

“Nice to meet you,” said Sam. His voice was deep. He was British like Joyce. From then on, as was explained to Stacy before, bidders would generally address the chaperone. 

“Show him your tits, Stacy,” Joyce instructed. It felt a little robotic at first, but Stacy always did love a good reveal. 

“Closer,” said Sam, examining her curves. To her surprise, Joyce gently bent Stacy forward so her tits pressed forward toward his face. Stacy pressed her hands against the wall behind him for balance. Sam cupped her breasts in his hands, squeezing them gently. “Hmm…” he thought aloud, then he licked her left nipple.

She gasped in surprise. He licked the other, then pulled at her tit with a gentle suck once, twice, three times. Stacy moaned quietly. She couldn’t help it. His tongue felt deliciously rough against her nipple. “You like that, do you? Let’s see how much.” He cupped her pussy and stroked a finger between her labia. “Quite,” Sam remarked of her wetness. He sucked at her other tit like the first. Stacy’s legs felt shaky in this position. 

“That’s enough,” Sam said, stroking his hard cock through his slacks. Joyce helped Stacy stand and reclose her robe. 

“Questions?” Joyce asked him. Stacy brushed a strand of hair away from her face. The pod felt warmer now. 

“How long can you stand like that just now, Stacy?”

“Longer than this,” she confirmed coyly. Sam smiled. Somewhere outside the pod, a bell jingled. 

“Very well,” said Sam. “I hope to see you again. Goodbye for now.”

They left the pod. Joyce smiled at Stacy’s flushed face. “Try not to look fucked already. We have two pods to go.”

The second pod was a younger man, also in slacks and a polo shirt. Jason was his name. “Hello,” Stacy greeted, more confidently this time. 

“Turn for me,” he said hastily. She turned. He looked to Joyce, who nodded knowingly. 

“Show him your hips, Stacy.” Stacy lifted the back of her already short robe and turned again, emphasizing the curves of her hips and her smooth ass by rocking her hips in a sensual circle as she turned. Jason again looked to Joyce, who again nodded knowingly.

She stepped behind Stacy and tugged away the robe belt, then pulled off the robe altogether. There Stacy stood in all her nakedness, instinctively covering her tits and pussy with her hands. Joyce, gently but firmly, pulled Stacy’s hands behind her back and scooted her feet farther apart. Jason nodded approvingly at Stacy’s tits now thrust in his direction. 

“I wonder now,” Jason spoke for the first time, his accent unrecognizable, “what she tastes like.”

He knelt beneath her legs still apart, spread her labia with his fingers, and licked her wet pussy. She gasped at the sensation as his tongue explored her slit firmly, deliberately, slipping inside as she moaned in-position held in place by 

Joyce behind her. Her legs shook unsteadily as his tongue tantalized her clit, seemingly guided by the intensities of her moans. He finished by kissing her belly button, then returned to his bench with satisfaction. Joyce released her arms. “Very good, indeed,” he remarked with a nod. The bell jingled. “Goodbye for now.”

Stacy slipped her robe back on and stepped out of the pod. “This is more fun than I expected,” she confessed to Joyce.

“Always is,” she agreed with a smile. “Last one. Then they bid.” 

The last was the rarity Jenny had described. This bidder was a woman. Her hair was long and wavy and blonde. She was older, similarly aged as Sam, but slender and strong. She wore a bikini top with denim shorts and her nails were painted bright yellow. 

“Diana, this is Stacy.”

“Hello,” Stacy greeted, hiding her surprise. The lights were brightest, though still dim, in this pod compared to the others.

“How do you do,” greeted Diana. She had a Texas drawl with a comfortable appeal. “My pod is a little different here, in that I like to watch.”

“Watch what?”

Diana chuckled. “Whatever I please.” She motioned to Joyce, who handed Stacy a vibrator the size of her index finger. “Let’s start with that and go from there.”

Stacy turned it on and began massaging her labia, which were plenty lubricated by her encounter in the prior pod. She bit her lip at the thought. 

“That’s it,” Diana encouraged. “Maybe press a little harder now. That’s it.” She gently rubbed her own clit through her denim shorts. “What do you think about when you masturbate, Stacy?” 

“I’ve…never really talked about it much…before…” Stacy breathed as her clit buzzed. 

“My guess is you’re thinkin’ about Jason, am I right? He has a likin’ for licking pussy, I hear.”

A wave of pleasure tingled beneath the surface. “Yes,” Stacy admitted. “His tongue—oh god, his tongue is so…”

“Take off your robe and tell me more,” Diana said. Joyce pulled off Stacy’s robe. “You’d be more comfortable sittin’ down, I think,” she added. “Come sit.”

Stacy sat across from Diana and continued to buzz. 

“Spread your legs, baby,” Diana directed again. Stacy spread. Another wave more intense called to her. “That’s it. Your pussy is good and wet now, I see. Swollen and pink. You ever been with a woman, darlin’?”


“That’s alright. I see your legs are shakin’. You gettin’ close already?”

“I think, maybe I…”

Diana scooted closer and lowered her voice. “Don’t be shy, darlin’, if you wanna cum say the word.”

“I’m close now, I, I…”

“Yeah you are, I can tell. Ride that wave, darlin’. Are you close?”

“I, I, oh GOD, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…!”

Diana sucked on her own finger, leaned in close, and whispered, “Let me help with that.” And she slipped her finger deep into Stacy’s pussy. 

Stacy came, her pussy clenching as tight as it could around Diana’s slippery finger inside her. It was short but intense, a release her body had been edging toward since she’d first dropped her robe for Sam. 

Stacy dropped the vibratory after her body quieted. Joyce gathered the robe and vibrator as the bell rang for the last time. 

Diana scooted back to her side of the bench as Stacy dressed, feeling sweaty and ready for more. 

“Tell you what,” Diana remarked as she wiped her hands with a washcloth. “Even if I don’t win the bid tonight, I’d love to do that again sometime.”

“See, that’s the fun part,” Joyce explained, stretching the silky blindfold over Stacy’s eyes. “You won’t know who won your bid until they tell you. Sometimes they won’t even say. They just come in and…play. What’s the safe word, one more time, please?”

Stacy trembled with anticipation at the foot of the bed, about to be disrobed and ravaged in all the best ways for the last marvelous time that evening.

“Festival,” Stacy said. 

Joyce patted her arm. “Have fun, Stacy…” she said, and closed the door behind her. 

After counting to twenty, the door reopened and someone stepped in. 

“Hello,” she greeted with a nervous grin. “Are you…going to tell me who you are?”

“Shh…” said the person. Stacy couldn’t tell who it was. Strong hands laid her back on the bed. There was a creak, then the same hands clasped a velvet handcuff around one of her wrists. Same to her other wrist. Her pussy dripped as her arms were stretched apart, leaving her exposed to the pleasures about to come.

The hands slowly tugged aside her robe, exposing her hard nipples to the open air. She groaned as the hands massaged her tits, squeezing them together firmly. The unseen stranger licked one nipple, then the other, then released them and stepped back. Stacy longed for their touch to linger. 

She heard a click and a jingle, then felt two more handcuffs, this time around her ankles. A spreading bar was clamped between her feet. Chills consumed her as the hands slid slowly up her calves, over her thighs, to her dripping slit. Slowly, deliberately, the stranger pressed their thumbs against her pussy lips and spread, spread, spread her as far open as she could stretch. Stacy squirmed and squealed, acutely aware of how vulnerable this made her feel.

She gasped as the tickle of a tongue explored inside her. First the tip, then inside, again the tip, again inside. The stranger moaned pleasantly as she wiggled and twisted with pleasure. The sound revealed the deep register of a man at the same time his hard cock brushed against her leg as he kissed her pussy, then her belly, then her chest, between her breasts, up to her neck, then her mouth for the first time.

They kissed passionately as she yearned to reach out and touch him, to feel his shape, to grasp his cock and stroke it. But the handcuffs held firm while she imagined, unseeing, how his cock would feel inside her. 

When the kisses were spent, he took her breast into his mouth and sucked hard and firm and long. Once, twice, three times. Her pussy dripped as she cried out, “Sam!” 

Sam laughed and repeated the pattern on her other tit, whispering between tugs, “I…remember…you like this.” 

Her legs began to tremble as her climax built. “Not yet,” he whispered, pressing between her legs. “Fuck first.”

He slid into her suddenly as she screamed with delight. His cock was thick and filled her entirely. Every thrust pressed deeper inside. “Fuck me!” she cried. “Yes, fuck me. Oh, GOD!”

She wanted to scream. She wanted to fly. Her tits bounced. Sam bounced them harder. She pulled hard at her restraints. Her pussy clenched. He called out clearly: “CUM FOR ME!”

Stacy came. Her pussy quivered and squeezed, her legs shook, and she screamed and writhed beneath him. His thrusts stayed quick and deep until he came too—“FUUUUUUCK!”—his cock pulsing inside her until he was utterly spent and fell onto the bed. 

Weakly he unclasped her wrists and ankles. They lay there panting for a while, enjoying the rush as it slowly calmed to a buzz. 

Stacy slid off her blindfold and blinked in the dim light. 

“That,” she declared breathlessly, “was worth coming for.”

Published 2 years ago

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