July 3rd
I have just begun to be able to piece together and process the pure ecstasy I experienced with Vinda at her club last night. I want so badly to share it with someone, with Ryan especially, but it stays here for now.
I don’t even know where to begin sorting out my feelings about it, honestly. My conscience tells me I should feel the weight of a metric ton of guilt, and though I can’t ignore it, I still can’t help but float a few inches off the ground today. I feel relaxed, euphoric, and exhilarated for the first time in years. I’m also deliciously sore.
I arrived at Vinda’s nightclub, Velvet, around 9:30 pm. Late for me to be out these days, but nothing that happened last night was typical for me these days.
When I arrived, I was greeted warmly by the doorman who, after a look at my ID, informed me my cover was waived, gave me a VIP wristband, and directed me to the bar where Vinda would be waiting for me. It took a moment for my eyes to acclimate in the dark club, a place that immediately gave the impression that anything that happened here could be kept secret. Red LEDs and strobe lights were all there were to judge one’s actions by, and they would only serve to justify those delicious actions in the beholder’s mind.
She was indeed waiting for me at the long, black marble bar. She was stunning in a black lace corset bra and a black leather miniskirt, leaning contrapposto on the bar in thigh-high black patent leather stiletto boots.
What was she trying to do to me? Give me a spontaneous orgasm in the middle of her bar?! I didn’t know at the time that my vivid fantasies had not even brushed the surface of what I was truly in for.
When she saw me, a beaming smile crossed her face that quickly morphed into a raised eyebrow and a bitten lower lip. At that moment, it occurred to me that maybe I wasn’t the only one reminiscing in the shower, and that thought completely saturated my pussy. That was quick.
“Celeste! You look so fucking sexy! I can’t even take it! You walk into my club like that, you are bound to cause some trouble!” She reached over to hug me, slowly but confidently running her hands down my back, gently but intentionally caressing my ass and hips as she pulled away. Another electric shock ran through my pussy and down my legs. This is going to be a long night.
She then asked me what cocktail I would like to drink on the best night of my life; a question that sent sparks through me but sounded too good to be true. She instructed the bartender to keep the Palomas coming so that I wouldn’t even have to ask for them. I don’t drink much anymore. I contemplated how few it would take to drop my inhibitions and embarrass myself.
At the end of the bar, lit only by occasionally passing strobe lights, I spotted two women sitting wide-legged and wild-tongued, hands not visible. The dance floor was becoming increasingly engorged with an unusually uninhibited mass of partiers gyrating, groping, and grinding each other to the deep base beats driving what was becoming a synchronous hive of frenzied lust.
I looked at Vinda, wide-eyed in the shocked realization of what kind of nightclub she ran. She smiled, raised her eyebrow, and bit her lip again. “This is my life. Don’t tell me you don’t like it.” I gave a sarcastic smirk she could see right through.
She watched me as I continued to take in the scene, half intimidated, half enthralled. After I’d hastily finished my drink, she took my hand and led me past the women with the skillfully busy hands and on through the gyrating crowd.
The electricity in my body exponentially grew with the energy of the buzzing mass as more busy hands and sweaty bodies brushed and rubbed and fell against me. It was unclear which touches were and weren’t intentional, which only served to amplify the excited, anxious buzzing in my own body.
We ended up in the back corner of the club, where she nodded at a large man standing guard near a heavy black curtain. She pulled the curtain back, revealing a long corridor with several doors, the walls lined in red velvet. Along the way, dynamic groups of varied ages and orientations were lined up, groping and sucking, eyes darting back and forth, taking in the scenes around them. A few of them came up for air to greet Vinda and check out my ass as we weaved through the sexiest obstacle course I had ever seen.
We passed a man and woman, both wearing wedding rings, kneeling together, taking turns licking and sucking the thick, veiny cock of the biggest, most gorgeous black Adonis I have ever seen. His large, strong hands cupped the backs of their heads as they alternated their bobbing.
Some of the doors we passed were open just enough to get a glimpse of the debauchery inside. Multiple rooms contained masses of bodies too unorthodox to understand the dynamics of. A few had a lone voyeur or two hovering around the doorways, tugging awkwardly on their cocks and hoping to go unnoticed.
One contained a giddy, plump woman, shared between several men as they swapped out, spearing her to their spit roasts, the rest stroking themselves to the scene. A man I assumed was her husband leaned into the fray to stroke her hair and whisper something that widened her smile.
In another room, a woman was using a vibrator to tease the gorgeous begging ass bent over before her. A glistening, swollen, hungry pussy was on full display for a painfully erect man, hands tied behind his back, thrusting at the empty air above him.
We passed an open hall filled with bondage gear and oddly shaped furniture. A woman in the highest heels I’ve ever seen nonchalantly dragged on her cigarette and gave a pull on a leash tied around the cock and balls of a blindfolded man, smacking them anyway when they obeyed her orders and immediately came to her.
Another woman lay, splayed and moaning, tied to a leather table with a handful of men jerking their hot loads all over her glistening skin while she pulled on her restraints, desperate to be allowed to slather herself completely.
How was this happening? How did I end up here??!
We arrived at the last door at the end of the hall, and I could feel all the heat I had built up reddening my face and radiating out from under my skirt. Vinda, peering at me with an eyebrow lifted, pulled a key out of her bra and unlocked the door. “Let’s catch up in here, where it’s quiet.”
We entered a candlelit foyer into a larger, more tasteful room lit with a soothing blue light. The stark shift in environment and the distance from the pounding music felt comforting and served to calm my nerves, allowing my aching pussy to again demand precedence. We sat down together on a large bed dressed in what felt like real silk. She pointed out the fresh Paloma sitting on her vanity. “This is my private room. No one comes in here that I have not vetted for safety, respect, and skill.”
I tried to express to her my shock at being invited to a sex club by surprise. She started to apologize, then stopped herself and said, “I can only imagine how badly you need to let go. How badly you need to be worshipped and fulfilled until you are totally and utterly spent. You know you need that, don’t you?” I reluctantly nodded, trying not to smile.
“Yet, would you have come if I had told you in advance what you could be in store for? I know you truly love your husband. I also know that this is really the ‘catching up’ you’ve secretly been hoping for, and I know every reason why. I know you, Celeste.”
My conscience pleaded with me to stop her right there. Images of Ryan in his office hunched over his keyboard ran through my mind; his soul too stolen to remember how exhilarating life, love, and amazing sex can be, but not enough to avoid a crushing heartbreak.
I parted my lips, intending to tell her how I do love my husband very much and how little he deserves to be faced with something like this, especially right now. She continued, already understanding what logic calls for in this situation and intent on making her point anyway.
“Celeste, I know. I also know what light sensations make your belly shudder and what seemingly mundane stimulation makes your nipples hard. I knew what would cause hot sex to drip down your legs during choir practice. I know how much your body wants me, wants everything. I have wanted to invite you here since the day I got the keys. I have been wanting so desperately to do this for you for so long that now I need you to do it for me.”