This is the third part of this series. Much of this story is true, as told to me by a long-time friend I believe in and trust.
Part three begins with the last sentence from part two.
He returned, sipped coffee, and said, “Hold on to your apron. What I am about to tell you may scare the shit out of you.”
I said, “Okay, tell me. What is the big deal?”
Harold said, “That flush you heard, I have heard many times. I have even heard it in the employee’s bathroom. The big deal was that no one was in the building except me. After I heard it for the third time, I asked JR to have the plumbing looked at, and he did. The plumber found nothing wrong. It has been two years since the last time I heard that.”
I asked, “What are you telling me? That there ghosts here?”
He said, “Not ghosts but a ghost. I think it is the ghost or spirit of Marion. I have been the only one here to hear the toilet flush until now. I guess when you lifted the rug, you somehow released her spirit back into the restaurant. I don’t know how it works. All I know is she is haunting this place again.”
I said, “You mean to tell me I gave you a blowjob for this shit? Ghosts and goblin stories. Are you crazy? I can’t believe I fell for this.”
Harold said, “Believe what you will, but I am telling you it is true, and my guess is you have not heard the last of Marion.”
I laughed and said, “Right.” Then I got up and went back to my duties.
That whole day I was pissed off, and Harold knew it.
Two days later, my parents asked me to be home by four-thirty after school. They were both waiting for me when I got home.
My mom said, “Come into the living room. We want to talk to you.”
I could tell by their faces that this would not be good news.
My dad said, “Anna, as you know, me and your mom don’t get along very well anymore. We are going to get divorced, and I am going to move out very soon. Your mom will stay here and take care of your daily needs, and remember, I will only be a phone call away.”
I knew in my heart of heart’s this would happen, but I began crying. Of all things, my parents were getting divorced.
My dad came over and hugged me and said, “We know this hurts you. This is what is best for all of us. You will be eighteen in just a few days, and soon, you will be on your own.”
I got up and said, “Happy fucking birthday to me.” and ran to my bedroom.
I sat in my bedroom and thought about what had happened to me over the last few weeks. My ex-boyfriend was a cheater. One of the bosses I gave a blowjob to is crazy and thinks we have ghosts. Now, my parents are calling it quits.
I got tired of feeling sorry for myself and about an hour later, I went out of my bedroom, hugged both of my parents, and said to them, “I love both of you, and I am sorry this is happening. I need to get out of here right now. I am going to work and get something to eat.”
I went to work and ordered some food to eat.
Sitting in the employee lounge, JR walked by me with some guy, and he said, “Anna, I want you to meet our new bartender, Jason. He will work a lot of the times you are. I want you to help him out if he needs it.”
I replied, “Of course I will, and nice to meet you, Jason.”
Jason was a dreamboat. He had blonde wavy hair. A five o’clock shadow. He did not look that old. I guessed around thirty at most.
I bet he just loved the way I looked with puffy red eyes from crying, no makeup, and my shitty clothes on.
Saturday was my next day at work, and I dreaded being alone with Harold again. Let alone the ghost, I thought and laughed. Ghosts no such thing.
I worked and gave Harold the cold shoulder for most of the morning.
I went to clean the restrooms, stood outside the lady’s room, and said, “Yoo hoo, Marion, it’s Anna. Are you there? I tapped on the door like I always do, and no one was in there, and I cleaned it.
I did the same to the men’s room and was on my way back to the kitchen when the toilet was flushed. I ran to the lady’s room and opened the door, and the water was still swirling down the drain. I froze and looked everywhere and saw nothing. For the first time, I was scared. Maybe crazy Harold was right.
I went to the kitchen and said, “Harold, that toilet flushed again, and no one was there.”
He laughed at me and said, “I told you. Be prepared for more from Marion.”
I said, “What do you mean?”
He looked at me and said, “Stay alert.”
I was beginning to hate my job now. Then something else happened two hours later. Harold got a call from his son, who told him that his wife was in the hospital and was involved in an auto accident. He went back to JR’s office, but he was not there.
In a panic, he came over to me, handed me his spatula, and said, “Anna, you have been helping for months in the kitchen, and I think you can handle today’s lunch business. Saturdays are not that busy this time of year, and Ruben will be here in four hours.”
He ran out of the restaurant, and there I was, holding a spatula.
I thought I always wanted to be a cook. I might as well try it.
My first order came in, and of course, it had to be Fran.
She looked in the kitchen and asked me, “Where is Harold?”
I replied, “He had to go home for a family emergency.”
She said, “Well, shit, there goes today’s tips.
I whipped out my first order, mainly dishing out food Harold had made earlier.
Fran came to the window to get the order and let out a “Humph.”
The morning went great. I had no trouble.
At about noon, JR showed up, walked back into the kitchen, saw me cooking, and asked, “Where Is Harold?”
I said, “His wife was in an accident, and he went to the hospital.”
He replied, “You mean to tell me he left you in charge? What the hell is wrong with him?”
I thought, what an asshole. He was only worried about the restaurant, not Harold or his wife.
He was about to say something else when Fran walked in and said to JR, “Have you met our new cook, Anna? She has done a masterful job. I would have never thought it, but she has.”
I about fell over.
JR smiled at me and said, “Well, congratulations. If we need another cook, you will be first in line for the job.”
We had a part-time cook, Steve, who was not a chef, so I never expected anything but was happy they liked what I did.
Three days later, Ruben went on one of his benders and did not show up for work. I was off, and JR called me at my home in a panic and said, “Anna, we need you. Ruben is here and drunk. He is messing up all the orders. He can hardly stand up; he is so drunk. How soon can you get here?”
I asked, “You want me to be a cook again? Where is Harold and Steve?”
JR said, “I can’t get hold of either of them. That is why I need you, and I need you now.”
I said, “I will be there as soon as I can. It will probably take fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on traffic.”
When I arrived, Ruben had a butcher’s knife in his hand and was standing in an apple pie. I was afraid to get too close, but luckily, his wife showed up and took him home.
JR approached me, hugged me, and said, “Anna, I just cannot thank you enough for doing this. Your days as a dishwasher are over. I know Ruben well enough to know he won’t return to work for days. I will rework the schedule with Harold to fit you in as a cook.”
I said, “Thank you. I will do my best.”
I was happy I got my promotion but worried about being alone in the restaurant. I knew there was no such thing as ghosts, but why did those things happen?
I loved being a cook. I got to know everyone better and now drew the respect of all the waitresses and our bartenders. Saturday afternoons were our slowest part of the week, and I would stand by the bar, which was right outside the kitchen doors, and talk with the one waitress on duty and sometimes the bartender.
Gina, the waitress, talked to me one Saturday and said, “You know Jason wants to ask you out, don’t you? He likes you.”
I said, “He likes me?” How do you know he wants to take me out?”
She said, “He told me so.”
I smiled and replied, “The next time you talk to him, tell him I would love to go out with him.”
That took ten minutes.
Jason came to the kitchen and said, “I was just talking with Gina, and she told me if I asked you out, you would say yes. Is that true?”
I said, “Yes, it is true. Are you asking me out?”
Jason said, “Yes, I am.”
We looked at each other’s schedules along with my school schedule, which I had only two weeks to go before I graduated. We made a date for the following Friday night.
He took me to a place I had never been to before. It was a restaurant at the top of a building, and the room spun around the top, giving you a view of the whole city. The food was excellent.
While we talked during dinner, Jason said, “I have a million questions for you. I hope you do not mind. You can ask me anything you want to. I am an open book.”
I smiled and said, “It just so happens I have a million too. How old are you to start with? Have you ever been married? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you live alone?”
He said, “Twenty-seven, no, I have never been married and currently have no girlfriend. And yes, I live alone. I will ask you the same lineup of questions.”
I replied, “I am eighteen and have never been married. I had only one jerk of a boyfriend, and I live with my parents, which I hope to change soon.”
He said, “I knew you were young, but I did not know you were only eighteen. Being a cook, I thought you might be older.”
I said, “Is being eighteen a problem for you?”
He said, “Absolutely not.”
I responded, “I am glad to hear that. I wanted to know why you asked me out.”
He said, “I saw how hard you work, and I like that. You were put under a lot of pressure from JR, and you handled it beautifully. Not to mention, you are beautiful.”
I said, “Thank you. That was very nice of you to say.”
We made an early night of it as he knew I had to be at work by six AM. He walked me to my door, and we kissed for several minutes.
I went to my room and thought how he was a great guy. I loved how he kissed me and hoped he would ask me out again.
This Saturday was my first day alone until the new dishwasher showed up. I was happy I did not have to clean the restrooms and deal with them flushing on their own. The new dishwasher showed up on time, and he had questions for me. I answered as best as I could.
Doing the prep work was a lot harder than just cooking.
I was almost done when Mike, the new dishwasher, came into the kitchen and asked me, “Is something wrong with the plumbing here? The craziest thing happened. The women’s room toilet flushed itself.”
I did not want to tell him ghost stories in his first few days, so I said, “Not as far as I know.”
I knew Harold must be right about Marion. Toilets don’t flush themselves.
Jason showed up at his regular time, returned to the kitchen, and said, “I had a great time last night. Would you like to go out again?”
That made my day, and I replied, “I had a nice time, too, and yes, I would love to go out again.”
He said, “What about tonight? You get at five, and I get off at six. What would you think about going to a movie?”
I said, ” Yes, that sounds like fun.”
I went home and got dressed, and this time, to save time, I drove to his house. His apartment was across the street from the theatre.
We walked to the theatre, and he held my hand as we did. It had been a long time since a guy held my hand like Jason did. He bought us popcorn, candy, and a soda as we watched the movie.
A scene in the movie where the actress and actor were making out came up, and Jason said, “That is what we should do later on.”
I looked at him and said, “Why wait?”
I leaned into him and placed my lips on his, and we began to kiss. He wrapped his arms around me as our tongues danced in each other’s mouths.
We didn’t see ten minutes of the movie’s last half, and neither cared.
After the movie, Jason asked me, “Would you like to come to my place?”
I said, “That sounds great.”
I thought he might want to have sex, and I wanted to, but I did not want to seem easy. I also thought I might be falling in love with him.
He had a nice place, and it was well-kept.
He said, “Anna, can I offer you something to drink?”
I said, “Sure, how about a Coke.”
He got me one, sat beside me on the couch, and said, “I enjoyed the movie but not the movie. I enjoyed kissing you.”
I said, ” So did I.”
He leaned over and began kissing me. I felt tingles all over myself. My pussy was getting moist as we kissed. He ran his hand underneath my shirt and played with my nipples. I know what I thought earlier, but now I wanted him to make love to me.
He opened his eyes and said, “I don’t want to rush things, Anna, But I want to be honest. I really want to make love to you.”
I stood up, took his hand, and walked to his bedroom.
He took my shirt off, then my bra, and playfully licked and sucked on my nipples. His hands were running up and down my back. I was getting so turned on. He kissed me like no man had before. I was sure it was love.
I undid his pants and pulled down his zipper. My hand pulled out his hard cock. I stroked him as we kissed.
He turned me, and I sat on the bed so he could take off my pants. He knelt on the floor and put his face right up against my pussy. He pulled my panties to one side, and his tongue licked the edges of my pussy.
I began moaning. I wanted him inside me.
He stood up and took his pants and shorts off. I then took his cock into my mouth. He had a slightly salty taste, and I loved it. This was a real man’s cock.
I looked up at him, and his eyes were focused on my lips going up and down on his cock.
He said, “Anna, I want to make love you. I want you to feel my heart in you.”
He stepped back and pulled off my panties. My scent filled the air. I put my head on a pillow, and he crawled up to me and slid his cock into me. He slowly went in and out of me, filling me up with his cock. My pussy was soaked, and I had multiple orgasms as he made love to me.
I may have had a couple before, but not like this.
We kissed as he started going faster in me.
He pulled out and said, ” I want to do it, doggie style. Do you like that?”
I said, “Sure.
I had never done it that way, but if he wanted to, I wanted to.
My ex never did that. My ex came so fast that we never got that far.
I rolled over, and he picked up my ass so he could fuck me doggie style.
When he went in me, it was an instant orgasm. I moved my ass back and forth. I wanted his cock in me as far as it would go.
I could hear his balls slap against my ass.
Jason grunted and said, “I am going to cum Anna.”
He filled me up with his seed. I was so satisfied.
We both rolled on our backs, then turned to each other and kissed. He held me so tight as we kissed.
We fell asleep after making love once more.
When I woke up and looked at the clock, it said four in the morning.
I thought oh shit, if my parents are home, they are going to throw a fit.
I got out of bed and kissed Jason, and he woke up. Then I said, “I have to get home. My parents might be worried, and I never called them last night. Before I go, I want to tell you that was the night of my life.”
He jumped out of bed and said, “I do not have the words to tell you how much I loved what we did.”
He walked me out to my car, kissed me, and said, ” I will call you later.”
When I got home, no one was there. I sighed in relief.
The following Saturday, we made plans to go out again after work.
What happened in the weeks after that changed everything. It changed my thinking forever. It changed my life path. Harold may be right.
To be continued.