The Beast’s Prey – Chapter 6: To The Castle

"The small group makes their way to a mysterious castle"

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Abigail slowly took in the magnificent and oddly shaped image of the creature before her. Where the creature’s legs should have been, were four hooves firmly planted in the muddy ground. Supporting those legs was the powerful upper body of a horse. The creature was a pale brown, flanked by stripes of white. Sprouting from the massive shoulders of the horse-like creature was the torso of a male warrior.

Hard abs poked out from a battle-hardened stomach, crisscrossed with numerous scars. His chest bore a thick carpet of hair, wild and spread generously spread over powerful pectorals. He wore a half-buttoned dark red vest. The clasps were decorated with fine details of silver which sparkled brightly in the moonlight. A necklace of linked silver chains framed his neck, its tip disappearing down into his vest.

The creature’s face was framed by a large brown beard. It covered a rough, worn face with weary, cautious eyes. He had sparsely cut hair, roughly parted wildly in every direction. Dark brown locks spilled over his brow and ears. He leaned his head toward Abigail as he raised his lantern further up, spreading the sparse light between them.

“Aye, what are yee doing here?” The centaur raised his head, sniffing the chill air.

“I sensed more of ye… Where be the others?”

Abigail and Jacob stared at the ground between them, unable to find the words to give any kind of credible response to the creature. How could they explain the strange being that was in the pond? The erotic display and disappearance of their two companions? Abigail turned away from the centaur, unable to bear looking the creature in the eyes. Instead, she turned her eyes to the still-dead pond, where no trace of Hunter or Zafael remained.

The centaur followed her gaze. His eyes furrowed into an understanding expression.

“Oh, uhmm… There’s no point in ye all getting worked up over your missing friends. The Merfolk have them, but they won’t harm them. If they do, there will be consequences! The Master will sure make sure of that!”

With this last declaration, the creature spat to his side, moving his left front hoof to scoop loose dirt and pebbles over the spot. This act seemed to put to rest any further conversation about their prior companions. The creature did not press them any further. Instead, he lightly galloped around in a half circle, positioning his body to allow them access to the path ahead.

He lifted his right hand, lantern in tow, highlighting the rocky path as began to speak.

“This be the way to the castle. Step carefully now. Can’t be loosing any more of ye.” This last remark elicited a burst of gruff laughter from deep within his beard.

Satisfied at his attempt at humor, the horse-man bowed slightly, waving his free hand under him in a regal gesture of beckoning.

“This way, if you would, please. You all look weary and could do with some clean, dry clothes. Quickly now, or ye like to freeze out here in the woods.”

Abagail suddenly became aware of how cold and tired she truly was. The adrenaline that had been pumping through her, driving her earlier actions, had now seemingly vanished. She felt the weight of her current situation. Having seen two companions vanish, now all alone in this forest. This creature seemed to be their best bet for some type of safety. Abigail was eager to get moving; she wanted desperately to leave this cold, bitter place behind. She was suddenly aware that her body was trembling. She was overcome with spastic shaking, driven hypothermic by the cold air and her soaked clothes.

She heard Jacob approach her from behind, shedding his thick overcoat.

“Here,” he said as he draped his heavy fur coat over her shoulders.

His arms wrapped around her as he swept the fabric over her body. Abigail was immediately enveloped in a sensation of comforting warmth as the coat wrapped around her body in a tight cocoon. She felt a sudden familiar tingle of desire, wrapped in the donation from Jacob. It smelled of him, and it was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for her. She desperately wanted to deny the gift, to tell him she was OK. But she knew the truth. She needed it, needed its warmth, needed HIS comfort. She needed to know he was real and there for her.

Abigail blushed feverishly, thankful for his act of kindness.

“Thank you, I really needed that.”

“It’s nothing,” he replied, stepping around her and beginning to follow the centaur who had already begun to trot away. She buried her head as far into the heavy coat as she possibly could and began to follow the pair. Lost in the scent and warmth of the boy whom she had barely known before today.

It turned out their journey was far from over. Still, Abigail reminded herself that at least this time they had a guide. Though she was unsure of the creature’s actual intentions. He appeared friendly, but then what better way to lure prey?

Though in the end, he was their best bet for getting out of this dangerous forest. So, as far as she figured, they had little choice in the matter. As they walked, the music that had barely been a whisper before had begun to get louder. The smells of a feast rose to their noses, invigorating their steps. The promise of a full stomach, she discovered, was a powerful motivator.

Abigail began to muse as they walked on, her eyes transfixed on the centaur ahead of them. She was dumbstruck by the absurdity of his wardrobe. He wore a vest and accessories on his upper human torso. However, the stallion’s hind was completely bare. His tail swished lazily back and forth as he trotted. His hooves uprooted leaves and dirt along the path.

And what massive balls hung between his hind legs!

Abigail was mesmerized by the male’s testicles that swung heavily below his rump. Her eyes were transfixed on the bobbing movements. Swaying back and forth, bumping into each other and bouncing heavily during his trot.

“Completely nude and bare to the world, how freeing that must be!” she thought dreamily.

Not content to just eye the creature’s balls, her attention drifted to the accompanying shaft of the centaur. With balls like that, what must his cock look like? Currently buried snugly in the creature’s sheath, it would be a magnificent sight, no doubt!

Her mind wandered to the thought of what it would feel like to experience such a member. A shape so large, filling her insides, rubbing her intimate spot. In her vivid imagination, she could see herself held firm by the powerful half-man, half-stallion. With her captive in his grip, the creature would rear up, mounting her from behind. Then the creature’s massive cock would thrust wildly into her womanhood, stretching her vaginal hole to its absolute limit. She would scream in pleasure, overtaken by lust and driven mad by the animalistic mating. The centaur would violently thrust in and out of her pussy, breeding her as his mare. The intimate act would end with his thick cock plunged fully into her womb, erupting semen into her vagina as he emptied his balls into her.

Abigail wandered behind the centaur, completely lost in her lustful fantasy. She was certain that giving her womanhood to such a beast would be a thrill, unlike anything she had ever dared to imagine!

“Welcome to Castle Steadwell!” the centaur suddenly announced, looking back over his shoulder as they approached a massive drawbridge.

Blushing, embarrassed, Abigail tore her eyes away from the stallion’s rear.

Was it her imagination, or was his cock already beginning to emerge, erect from the creature’s body?

The castle entrance was truly a sight grander than anything Abigail had seen in her village. The drawbridge was massive, at least wide enough to fit five carriages side by side. The masonry work on the gate was brilliant as well. White-washed stone adorned the pillars. Crisscrossed bricks were fitted together in an impressive geometric pattern. The whole area espoused grandeur and splendor. Although just an entrance, it teased the potential for a spectacular castle within. The sounds of revelry and song coming from behind the gate pulled at her imagination and tempted her further into its depths.

As they crossed the bridge Jacob leaned over the side, peering into the moat below. It held the same eerie fog that had settled over the pond. The surface of the water was still, with small weeds and grass dotting the surface. It was an inky black deep down, impossible to tell the dangers (if any) that the waters carried below. Abigail noticed a slight hesitation in him, as he paused over the passage. She could tell he was overwhelmed with a sense of dread, of helplessness. The waters reminded her that the moat both protected the castle, and sealed their exit.

Abigail knew that once they crossed, returning might be impossible.

Jacob glanced up from the hypnotic sight, seeing Abigail and the centaur almost fully across the bridge now. Sighing heavily he shoved his hands in his pants and hurried to catch up with them. Whatever the danger, he wasn’t about to leave Abigail to face it alone. Besides, the smell carried on the breeze promised food, and he was starving. He wouldn’t get very far on an empty stomach. Best to see where this all leads, for better or worse.

His decision having been made, he rushed to catch up with the group. What was once a dirt and rock path, gave way to a rough pebbled road. The moon reflected off the light grey stones. They were all different colors of grey, some light, others dark. But there was something that bugged Abigail about the path. Something that seemed off.

She observed that the stones were mostly round, protruding from the ground with varying shapes and sizes. It seemed strange, but she couldn’t place exactly why.

Despite the off-putting feeling, her attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of a violin. Drawing her eyes from the stones on the ground, she looked ahead, straining to hear the melody. The notes started slowly but picked up pace as the musical piece continued.

Abigail was taken aback by the emotion from the violin. She could feel the music’s tone and could sense its dramatic verses. She felt an unmistakable sadness, and heard a mournful story unfurl from the notes of the song. This was not a tune she had heard before. But it was unmistakable in its feeling. The strings mourned of a loss and overflowed with a dark mysterious edge.

As they approached the center of the town, the simple structures and buildings gave way to two magnificent marble statues at the entrance to a grand staircase. At each end were two fierce lions. Frozen in an eternal display of authority and power. Their gaze was unrelenting and haunting.

“This way if ye please…” The centaur commanded them to follow as he began his ascent up the stairs.

Jacob stared at Abigail, a moment’s hesitation between them that felt like an eternity, frozen in time. It was a shared feeling of unease. They paused, but only for a moment, their minds made up in an instant. Whatever this was, they needed to see it through. So, with a renewed resolution, the two began their ascent up the grand stairs to the castle.

They passed a courtyard of magnificent bushes carved into fantastic shapes. Giant snakes towered above them, waiting to strike. Further, powerful elephants and majestic horses dotted the path. It was obvious to the two of them that a lot of time and dedication went into maintaining the majestic courtyard.

But even its grand displays would pale in comparison to the castle to which they journeyed.

It wasn’t long before they came to a set of massive doors. Jacob and Abigail both looked up at the imposing entrance. The wooden doors were at least 20 feet tall. Stained-glass panels were engraved in their center. Regal, flowery designs in the glass were surrounded by delicately carved maple. Intricately bordered panels and a gold framed knob finished off the stately style.

The centaur reached for the door, swinging it open in a grand gesture of ceremony.

“If you would….” He beckoned, bending again at his waste and motioning with his other hand.

Abigail and Jacob strode past him, lost in the overwhelming sights of the castle interior. After they passed, the centaur softly shut the door. An echoing sound of finality spread throughout the room as the latch secured in its frame.

Abigail gasped, unable to control her surprise. The entryway was enormous. The floor was constructed of marble tiles, with intricately designed borders decorating the transitions in the room. The foyer was circular, with large white columns sprouting from the center of the room. Their magnificent lengths supported an elegantly designed ceiling. High scaffolding permeated throughout, giving the room the feeling of wide open space. A red carpeted rug with gold tassels was strewn throughout the space. It paved the way both left and right throughout the room. Both directions led to white magnificent double doors.

Doors that were closed.

Abigail could hear raucous revelry from the room on the left. But to her disappointment, the centaur made his way to the rightmost door instead.

Seeing the look of disappointment on her face, he explained, “Enough time for that later, first we must meet the Master.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw open the door, and an echoing sound of the lock disengaging reverberated throughout the quiet corridor.

The sudden noise made Abigail uneasy, but she moved to pass through the door all the same.

Before she could get one step in, the centaur’s hand shot out, grabbing her shoulder.

“Be fo-warned, the Master is a complicated person, he ‘as…a bit of ah temper. Be on ye best manors, ye hear?”

With the warning given, he released her shoulder. Jacob and Abigail moved past the centaur, into the open room.

It was a massive dining room, with a twelve-foot table covered in formal dining ware in the far corner. Chairs adorned the massive eating place. However, the only one at the table was at the head. A man was seated at the head of the table. He sat on a grand throne, at least twice as big as the other chairs. It had intricate wood designs throughout. Detailed sculptures adorned the armrests. Large pillars of wood reinforced the back. A red fabric was sewn along the interior of the chair, with gold buttons poking out to accentuate the design.

“Bang, Click-Clack!”

Abigail jumped as the loud sound of the door latching shut startled the quiet ambience of the room. She quickly glanced back, realizing to her dismay that the centaur was nowhere to be seen.

He had abandoned them here!

They were alone in this large foreign room. Except for the tall figure that sat at the head of the table. The figure that had just looked up from its meal. A creature whose red eyes narrowed at the unwelcome intrusion of the guests.

A creature that wore an expression that betrayed a barely contained fury at the two who had disrupted his meal.

Published 2 years ago

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