The Beast’s Prey – Chapter 12: Prelude To War

"Abigail has a wild encounter in the castle gardens"

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Abigail could hardly believe the prince’s words. She felt as if she was lost in a dream. The ape, adorned in silver armor, moved to the side of an enormous war table. The prince motioned Abigail to the side opposite the creature. Atop the display were wooden blocks of different sizes and shapes.

The prince spread his hand over the pieces. “Before you is the situation we currently find ourselves in.”

He met Abigail’s confused gaze with a comforting smile.

“Not to worry, I am not one to lose. You have nothing to worry about. These are nothing more than minor annoyances.” The prince emphasized his point by picking up a small grey block. He rolled the piece around aimlessly in his hand before returning it to the table.

“If only we all shared your optimism, sire.”

The voice startled Abigail. She was surprised she had not noticed him before. As the creature approached the table, Abigail took note of its features. Standing on two legs was a beast that looked half man, half wolf. He sported a bushy tail that swished back and forth. His silver fur ran with streaks of black and grey. The creature had powerful muscular arms and a thick chest with pectorals that tightly filled his shirt. The wolf’s feet were bare. His black claws clicked on the floor as he drew near.

Abigail found it difficult to tear her eyes away from the creature’s bulging sheath. The wolf wore a modest pouch that strained low from the heavy member wrapped inside. Abigail thought she could even make out the outlines of the creature’s large round balls bulging from within the material’s confines.

“Ah, Desmond, good of you to join us.” The prince motioned the creature closer to the war table. “And how would YOU suggest dealing with our little annoyances?”

Desmond picked up a grey block from the table. The tiny piece was swallowed by the creature’s massive hand. Abigail could hear the wood splinter into smaller fragments as the beast’s enormous fist snapped shut.

“We deal with this as we would with any inferior creature. We must strike now, strike hard, and strike fast. It is the only way to show these Atlantians that we won’t be pushed around.”

“The Atlantians?” Abigail shot a confused look at the prince.

Prince Reynauld paced around the war table as his hand glided along the smooth wooden frame. He stared intently at the pieces before him, white and grey wooden blocks sprawled on the surface.

“I’m told you encountered some of their kind at the lake. I believe you have some experience firsthand with these creatures.”

Abigail froze, recalling the events of that horrible night. It was the last time she had laid eyes on Hunter and Zafael. She recalled the savage beauty of the mer-creatures, their nude bodies unashamedly on display.

Abigail relived the night as if it was happening in slow motion. The wild, animalistic matings. The siren’s scream of pleasure as Hunter entered her. The merman’s erect rod, with its massive bulge that forced its way mercilessly into Zafael’s eager mound. She remembered the creatures drawing her two companions into the cold misty waters.

“It would seem the memory has elicited some powerful feeling from you.”

In an instant, Abigail was back in the throne room. She could feel the wolf’s breath on her neck as he chided her.

Abigail was surprised to discover the creature was right. Her lower lips were glistening with the wetness of sex. She gasped as he deftly reached under her short dress, sliding an eager long finger into her love tunnel. She could feel herself become even more excited, electrified at the sudden presence of the beast’s finger molesting her opening. He withdrew slowly, causing Abigail to let out a small moan as she drenched his finger in relief and ecstasy.

Desmond brought the hand to his snout, fangs opening wide as his tongue lapped the wetness from his finger. He flashed a wicked grin at Abigail, clearly pleased with her taste.

“Your body is eager, no?”

“Please stay on track, Desmond,” the prince scolded the wolf. “There will be plenty of time for that later.”

Abigail blushed, feeling vulnerable and exposed in the sexy low-cut dress amongst the lascivious attention of the male creatures. Did the prince also guess at the wetness between her folds?

The sudden thought caused Abigail to feel even more turned on, thinking about what it would be like to command the prince’s attention. Or to take the wolf and the prince at once, filling all her holes in an orgy of lust and sex.

Abigail again directed her attention to the prince, “What do the Atlantians want from you?”

The prince looked toward Abigail, his eyes not seeing her but rather seeing something she could not. Perhaps a memory? His face changed to an expression that was hard for Abigail to read. She wasn’t sure if it was sadness, guilt, or regret. When the prince spoke again, his voice was soft, sullen, almost whispering.

“They want what they cannot have, what isn’t theirs. Not anymore.”

The rest of the day was a blur to Abigail. The creatures in the throne room argued off and on with the prince on the proper course of action in the upcoming conflict. It was all too much for Abigail to make sense of. Before she knew it, night had once again descended.

Abigail stared out into the evening darkness through the large window of the castle throne room. She could see the well-manicured gardens of the castle yard. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves. They swirled in a lazy dance under the moonlight. The bushes and trees cast long shadows amongst the dirt and stone paths.

Abigail sighed. The darkness was pleasant, calm, and alluring. She wondered what had indeed happened to Zafael and Hunter. Would she ever see them again? Were they now involved in the Atlantian conflict with the prince and the creatures here in the castle?

A sudden howl outside caught her attention. Abigail perked up at the noise. It was all the excuse she needed to escape from the throne room and the endless prattling of politics and strategy.

“If you all will excuse me, I think I need some fresh air.”

Abigail excused herself, though the prince and his citizens were too involved in their discussions to pay her any mind. Before she knew it, Abigail had successfully navigated the castle walls, finding the grand entrance to the outdoor gardens.

Tall bushes and rows of flowers dotted the many paths. Abigail once again heard the howl, this time seeming much closer. It didn’t sound dangerous, but exotic. She could hear yearning and desire fused together in the wail. It spurred Abigail on. She quickened her pace, moving curtly around bushes, through stone paths, and over small wooden bridges that connected the gardens. It wasn’t long before she found herself hopelessly lost.

Abigail searched desperately, hoping to find the exit or the source of the howls. Every turn in the maze was a new opportunity and a new disappointment. Abigail was beginning to get tired, her feet aching from the white heels. What’s worse, she felt a familiar fullness in her bladder.

A light breeze picked up, reminding Abigail again of her thin white dress and how little it covered. She shifted uncomfortably in the material. She knew she didn’t have time to return to the castle, so she settled on doing her business there. Crouching down at the corner of some large bushes, she squatted, legs opened wide as she balanced precariously on four-inch heels.

Abigail moaned as her release felt almost like sexual relief. A stream of yellow gushed out from her parted lower lips, puddling up on the ground in front of her. She felt a sexual thrill at being exposed outside. Her legs splayed open, her lips spread, baring the mysteries of her inner sex. She felt the stream slow to a trickle, and all too soon she was done. Abigail stood up quickly, rearranging her dress to cover her exposed mound. As she did so, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the grass behind her.

Spinning around, Abigail spotted a pair of feral, dangerous-looking wolves. They walked on two legs, like Desmond. However, they were more hunched over, lurching as they approached. Their furs were dark brown, matted with mud, and god knows what else. Drool dripped from their partially opened snouts, fangs exposed, threatening with a low growl as they eyed their prey. The red-pink tips emerged as their sexes were becoming aroused. The large girthy members sprouted slowly, slick pre-cum wetting the appendages as they grew to an enormous meaty size.

Abigail’s breath caught in her throat, frozen at the site of the beasts. They moved almost like the creatures of the castle. Yet they seemed wilder, overtaken by animalistic instinct. Abigail didn’t have to wonder at their intentions. Their tools were on full display, twitching and pulsing, filled with the heat of wild lust. Abigail swallowed hard, eyeing the enormous knots at the base of the male’s sex. The round lumps were easily the size of her fist. Abigail could feel her lower mound become aroused. Was it even possible for her to take something that big?

“Shee smells liiike fear. Buuut alssso deessire.” The creature’s words were slurred, intermixed with guttural growls as if speaking were an almost insurmountable hurdle.

The creature that had yet to speak lurched forward, surprising Abigail. She stepped back, losing her balance and landing with a THUD on the ground. In no time, the feral wolf was on her, mere inches from her face. She could feel the heat from its breath as it bared its teeth.

“Shhe hass deefilled our sspot. Shhe mmust bee taught hherr place.”

Fear gripped Abigail in a vice. She was unable to move. The creature towered over her, and the pungent scent of wild animal flesh filled her nostrils. Abigail was conflicted with both a paralyzing fear and deep unsatiable lust. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing her body, terrified of the creature’s fangs so close to her delicate skin.

But the bite of the wolves never came. Instead, Abigail could feel the wet snout of a wolf gently penetrating her lower sex.

“Hey now! Enough of tha…” Abigail’s protest was cut short as the wolf’s long thick tongue lashed out, suddenly penetrating her wet folds. She gasped as the wet member spread her open, filling her womanhood and rubbing her private spot in a way that made her toes curl. The creature darted its tongue in and out, creating shockwaves of pleasure that washed over Abigail’s body.

“The wolf is eating me out!” Abigail thought wildly, her body shaking uncontrollably from a wave of pure ecstasy.

She became aware of the other wolf moving closer. Abigail gasped, out of breath, as her slick mound let out another torrent of wetness into the creature’s lapping mouth. The other wolf stepped gingerly over her body. Abigail felt the wolf’s long red member towering above her face.

Unable and unwilling to resist, Abigail obliged the creature. Lifting her body with a free hand, she took the beast’s member into her mouth. At first, she could only get the tip of the massive rod in. She sucked wildly on the creature, tasting the beast’s excitement. She worked the appendage in and out of her mouth, stroking him with the warm embrace of her mouth and saliva.

The beast was not shy in its eagerness. He bucked his hips, causing the creature’s sex to penetrate deep into Abigail’s mouth. Abigail gagged. Taking the long rod into her throat was almost too much to bear. She pulled her face back, the excited member partially exiting her mouth along with a torrent of spit and ejaculate. But her reprieve was not to last long.

The wolf, whose member she nursed, snarled. “Takke alll off it, yoou arre our BITCH nnnow!”

Abigail did as she was told, allowing the beast to penetrate her mouth as deep as her throat would allow. Her jaw began to ache as the knot pushed roughly through her lips. She gagged and swallowed desperately as the creature started to mate with her face in earnest. The wolf continued his assault unmercifully. Spit, saliva, and pre-cum poured down Abigail’s cheeks and onto her breasts and dress. Sounds of her gagging, choking, and sucking on the beast’s member filled the garden.

In one final motion, the wolf forced its rod down Abigail’s throat as far as it could reach. A powerful stream exploded into her mouth as the creature released its seed. The wolf let out a loud howl as it finished depositing into her stretched mouth. As the beast withdrew its member from her lips, an enormous volume of sticky white essence gushed out.

Abigail moved the liquid around in her mouth, savoring the beast’s exotic taste. The way the wolf had savaged her mouth, mating with her throat, had excited her greatly. At the same time, the wolf at her lower mound had just finished sampling the last of her. She was indeed the beast’s toy. The realization drove her wild with desire.

The wolf’s member above her face began to shrink back into his pouch. Abigail wanted to thank the wolf, and so, lips still covered in the wolf’s cream took in one of his large balls into her mouth.

The wolf tensed in surprise, a low moan escaping its throat. Abigail ensured she tasted every part of the giant orb, sucking and wrapping it in her mouth. She licked the other ball as well. Strands of white cum stretched from her lips to the wolf’s package.

As Abigail was busy nursing that wolf’s balls, the other wolf suddenly rose from its spot between her legs. Its lips drooled from her sex, its eyes burning with lust. Abigail understood at once what the beast intended. Without hesitation, she positioned herself on all fours while still paying attention to the other creature’s hanging sex.

Abigail gasped as she felt an enormous weight land on her backside. As she had expected, the wolf intended to mate with her. As much as her body would allow, Abigail leaned down, her breasts pressing against the cold dirt ground. She positioned her ass as high as she could, parting her legs wide to give the creature as much access to her womanhood as she could bare. In the next instant, the beast impaled his rod up to its sheath into her warm welcoming hole.

Abigail screamed. The sudden force and size of the beast’s sex was almost too much for her. Her head swam, vision blurring as she tried to relax. She brought in gulps of air, trying to slow her breathing. She was desperately trying to calm her muscles. Slowly, she felt the wetness of her tunnel cover the intruder, allowing a smoother, slick passage as the beast jackknifed in and out of her. With each plunge of the beast’s massive tool, Abigail let out a moan. Both pleasure and pain mixed and intertwined with each thrust. The creature’s knot slammed relentlessly against her lower lips, too large to squeeze into her sex.

Abigail shuddered as an intense orgasm surprised her, almost losing her balance as the wolf threw its weight (and its massive organ) into her. She was breathless, once again cumming as the creature pounded her mercilessly. As her tunnel quaked and throbbed, she suddenly felt the entire fullness as the creature’s knot exploded past her opening.

“Oh shit!” Abigail screamed, her voice reaching a crescendo pitch she didn’t even know she had.

As the knot shoved further into her opening, Abigail could feel a waterfall of liquid escape from her sex. A wave of pleasure washed over her, easing the painful penetration as the beast worked in and out of her. Abigail’s stream lessened, the last remaining bit covering the creature’s rod as it pounded into her again and again mercilessly, showing no signs of stopping.

The wolf growled as it increased its thrusts, baring teeth and howling as it came closer to its release. But to Abigail’s surprise, the beast suddenly sunk its teeth into her arm. Abigail screamed as the pain was enormous but was helpless as the creature suddenly rolled, bringing her with him. The wolf released its grasp, and Abigail managed to twist around. She now found herself on top of the wolf. She tried to pull away, but to her horror, she realized that the enormous knot would not allow her to escape the coupling.

The wolf was now on the ground, with Abigail on top. She was facing the grinning beast, her hands on the creature’s chest and neck, desperate to keep his jaws away from any exposed skin. Abigail continued to try to lift herself up but was always stopped by the massive knot, forcing her to slam her lower mound back down again. The wolf let out a sinister laugh.

“It wwiil do yoou no goodd girrl.”

Another voice joined the wolf’s, this one from behind Abigail.

“Youu arre jusst where iii waant you.”

Abigail gasped as she felt the tip of the other wolf’s rod at the entrance to the opening between her cheeks.

“Noo! I can’t take anything that big, please!” Abigail pleaded with the wolf behind her, desperate to dissuade the creature from the conquest of her rear tunnel.

Abigail felt her back hole begin to spread, ready to allow the wolf’s penetration. She was on the verge of blacking out when she heard a sudden roar.

It was deafening, powerful. It echoed loudly throughout the garden.

Abigail didn’t have time to piece together the origin of the noise. The black darkness was rapidly overtaking her. Soon she would disappear into her own escape. She felt an enormous pressure lift as the wolf that was preparing to mount her from behind suddenly disappeared. Abigail could feel the other creature vanish as well, its member ripping out of her in a wet plop as her lips released the creature’s knot from its grasp.

The pain was enormous, but Abigail felt an odd peace. She wasn’t sure what had happened, but something had saved her. She was now protected in the thing’s massive arms.

She couldn’t quite make out her savior, her vision already clouding over in a black fog. She could only tell that the creature massive, adorned with golden brown fur. Abigail sunk into the creature’s safe grasp as the world fell away around her. As she fell unconscious, she remembered the incredible warmth and safety that washed over her.

She was safe, for now.

Published 2 years ago

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