We woke Sunday morning around ten. Cassidy had gotten up earlier to feed and let Gretchen out to potty, then came back to bed. We spent our morning reliving the night before talking about what we’d done, Amalia, and my thoughts on the whole weekend.
I made sure they knew I was delighted with everything. I would find a way to get Michael on my side no matter how long it took. I still wanted to spend time with Jill and Cassidy. They were fun to be within many ways.
As far as Amalia, I would text her later that day to see if we could meet for coffee or lunch. She’d made quite an impression on me, and I wanted to know more about her.
When we’d finished talking, we slipped into the shower. It was cozy with the three of us, but we each managed to have an orgasm and get clean before leaving it.
It was a bit tricky, but Jill and Cas had done it before with other house guests. It started as innocent soaping of each other’s backs. Then we all turned to do each other’s fronts. Jill got me going first by pinching my nipples as she soaped my breasts. I watched as her eyes lit up while she pinched and tugged at my weakness.
Cassidy added to it by playing with my ass and reaching under me to finger my pussy as she knelt behind me. Jill leaned in to kiss me as she continued twisting and tweaking my nipples. My hands were busy doing the same to her nipples which got a ‘good girl’.
Cassidy turned me around, so Jill did the nipple thing while reaching around me, pressing her nipples into my back. Cassidy spread my legs, licking up my thighs, ending up with her face buried between my legs while Jill held on to me. Jill nuzzled my neck, licked it, kissed it all while sweet Cassidy tongued me to a beautiful orgasm.
When they’d finished with me, I dropped to reciprocate on Cassidy. Jill joined in, fingering Cassidy’s bud as I devoured her. I was enjoying eating pussy, something I had never contemplated before and now couldn’t live without.
Then it was Jill’s turn to be the focus. She stepped up to me, knowing I loved that bare pussy. I took my time with her, swirling my tongue inside her, pressing as best I could. I’d slowly lick from bottom to top and back again while Cassidy and Jill kissed.
Jill kept telling me what a good girl I was and what a good pussy eater I’d become. I smiled and continued as I fingered myself into another frenzy. She was right; I loved eating pussy especially bare naked ones.
I was beginning to get cold with the warm water off, so I focused on her clit. Inserting a finger, I curled it inside her as my tongue covered her labia from top to bottom.
Cassidy encouraged me with sweet words as she held her wife, kissing and groping her. Jill was in heaven. Her hands pressed me deeper into her as she trembled, cumming on my face. I stayed put, lapping her up until Cassidy turned the water back on.
We repeated our washing while talking about my next visit with them. I wasn’t sure when that would happen, but I assured them I’d be back. I wanted to get to know Amalia. She was weaving in and out of my mind despite having two beautiful nude women before me.
We dressed and ate breakfast, taking our time on a lazy Sunday morning. I wasn’t anxious to get home, knowing what was waiting for me there. I had some ideas about how I was going to go forward with my new desires. Parts of my plans I could easily accomplish, while others would take time and careful preparation.
I packed my overnight bag after breakfast. We hugged each other goodbye before getting into Jill’s Mercedes to take me home. The drive back wasn’t as fun as the drive to their house. I loved Butterfly and hoped I’d find another excuse to stay with them sooner rather than later.
They didn’t get out when they dropped me off. The security cameras would have seen me kiss them each goodbye. I waved as they drove off, a small tear falling down my cheek. At that moment, I received a text from Amalia, hoping I had a good night’s sleep. I waited until I got into the house before texting her back that I did and to thank her for the dances.
I plopped down on the sofa as we continued texting back and forth. We eventually set a coffee date for Wednesday, one of her non-school days. We hung up, and I noted it on my phone’s calendar. My heart was racing as I thought about her once more. Half my age, what the hell was I doing?
I rummaged around in the kitchen for something to eat. I thought about what to do for dinner, and the Chinese take-out place came to mind. I called Michael and asked when he’d be home. He said it would be around dinner time, so I suggested Chinese, to which he agreed
I began thinking of all the changes I wanted to make in my life. I really should eat better, get in shape, and get out more and socialize. One of the things I could do was to join a gym. I used to do aerobics way back when. I thought a few personal trainer sessions and maybe a nutritionist would help get me on track. Hopefully, they were one in the same person.
I started searching the internet for someone local. Then it dawned on me that Amalia might know somebody. I shelved the search and made a note to ask her when we met for coffee.
Michael arrived home around six, and I’d called the restaurant around five so that their delivery would be close to Michael’s return home. I wasn’t far off. He arrived, showered, and was ready for dinner when the food arrived about six-thirty.
We ate, as usual, talking about mundane things until I asked him how the conference went. Usually, I don’t ask about work, but as per my plan, I wanted to know more about what was going on and be more involved with Michael’s work life.
Michael smiled as he told me how things went. I asked questions and was curious about what he was telling me. Then he asked how the opera was with Cassidy.
I smiled, “It was a great performance. I cried as usual, and meeting the actors was quite a thrill. Next time I see an opera or any play, I’ll get backstage passes. We did have a little too much champagne, so I stayed over at Cassidy and Jill’s till this afternoon.”
He replied, “I’m glad you got to go. Oh? What is their place like? I’ve heard they have a great view of the Sound.”
He didn’t bat an eye when he found out I stayed with two lesbians over the weekend. He either trusts me or doesn’t care.
I replied, “They do, not that I don’t like our house. Speaking of which, I’m debating on joining a gym for a bit and maybe taking cooking lessons so we can eat better. If I stick with it may be turning the spare bedroom into a home gym. We could both use it.”
He thought for a moment, “That’s sounds good. I know I don’t eat as well as I should. Oh, I’ve got a doctor’s appointment next week. I had some pains at the conference and want to check them out. I’m due for my annual check-up anyway.”
That was pretty much our talk for the evening. We put the dishes from dinner away, and both lounged on the sofa to watch a little television before going to bed.
Monday morning, we were back in our rut with him off to work and me checking my calendar and debating on volunteering more time at the shelter.
I texted Jill and Cassidy, thanking them for such a wonderful weekend. I didn’t get anything back until that evening because they both were working. That got me thinking more about all the spare time I have. I never really thought about it before, but I have a lot of time to do something more than volunteer.
Wednesday couldn’t get here fast enough. I spent most of Tuesday at the animal shelter playing with the dogs and entertaining the cats. I found time with them helped me think about what I had done and what I was about to do. They didn’t care. They wanted attention which reminded me of how I felt in my marriage. Perhaps that’s what I was feeling and not a midlife crisis. I was starving for affection, and Cassidy came along at precisely the right time to fill that void.
Wednesday morning found me in the little boutique coffee shop waiting for Amalia, watching everyone go about their business. I wondered if their lives were as complicated as mine seemed to be at the moment or if they were happy and carefree. I did get smiles from a couple of men and women as I nursed my chai tea.
When I was about halfway through it, Amalia walked in the door. She paused for a moment looking for me. I waved, and Amalia smiled, moving towards me as graceful as Saturday night. My heart started pounding as she approached. It was a lovely morning, and she was dressed casually in slacks and a knit top that offered a glimpse of her breasts. As usual, I was dressed more conservatively in a pants suit.
She sat down opposite me and immediately took my hand in hers, “Hello.”
I smiled, “Hi. I’m glad you made it.”
She let go of my hand, “I’m glad you texted me. I guess I should get something to drink. Be right back.”
I watched her walk away, marveling at her lithe body. She stood in line for a few moments turning her head to look at me and smile. When she did, I got goosebumps. Her dimples were too cute for words.
When she returned, we continued, “I hate being in a food place and not ordering anything. So, did you enjoy Saturday night?”
My smile was evidence enough, “Yes, I did. You aren’t like the others that stopped by the table. They all looked hungry if you know what I mean.”
She laughed, “I do. I wanted to make a friend; first, I’m not one to rush into things. It’s hard to get to know someone when you’re on the prowl. I’ve never gone home with anyone when I’ve been there.”
That was the beginning of a two-hour conversation over coffee. We finally left when one of the baristas kept giving us a look that we’d been there too long. So, we walked to a park close by to continue talking. We enjoyed talking to each other. Cassidy is sweet, but Amalia is exceptional. I asked about personal training and nutrition, she knew a couple of people, and she’d be happy to help me.
Her flirting was subtle. She’d smile, compliment me, touch my hand, stroke my arm, and look into my eyes. She could tell I was smitten. After about three hours of talking, we had to say goodbye. She had an appointment at the clinic she interned. So, we walked back to our cars.
It was there she finally made her move as we were making plans for our next rendezvous. We were facing each other when she took my hands in hers, pulling me closer. She looked directly into my eyes, tilted her head to give me the softest, sweetest kiss I’d ever felt. We stood kissing like that for quite some time until she knew she had me.
I was breathless, which made her smile. We decided to meet at the gym she uses off-campus, she knew one of the trainers there, and she’d make an appointment for me and let me know. I thanked her as my heart fluttered.
When she left, I stood and watched as she walked away. She turned back after a few steps to smile at me. My vagina was on fire and in a very good way as I walked back to my car.
I went straight home, slipped into the shower, and fingered myself to a familiar climax, starring Amalia.
A few days later, I met Amalia at the gym. I’d called and talked to her friend Cynthia, who was the trainer.
I told her of my goals so she could start working on a plan for me. When I arrived, they were both waiting, dressed in workout clothes and both looking delicious. Cynthia was in her thirties, if I had to guess. Fit, tall, and married, I assumed from the ring on her finger and pictures of her family on her office walls. I introduced myself, hugged them both then was shown the changing room.
When I returned to Cynthia’s tiny office, I was ready for my initial workout. Cynthia and I talked more about my goals as she pointed out the different areas of the gym. She measured me for a baseline to track my progress, and then we hit the gym floor to try a few machines, free weights, and some cardio devices. Based on our initial conversation, Cynthia laid out a plan for me to follow over the next three weeks. She’d alter the program slightly to fit my endurance, monitor my progress, and work with me fine-tuning my form and be there to answer questions.
My time with Cynthia was easy, and we only did light weights to get my form down and set my limits. After my time with her, Amalia and I worked out together for about an hour. She helped me refine my routine with more ‘ hands-on’ than Cynthia had. Amalia would caress me to position my arms or straighten my back. I loved how she touched me, which seemed a lot more personal than Cynthia’s touch. My heart was racing from both the workout and Amalia’s touches.
When we finished, I went back to Cynthia’s office to thank her. I stood in the doorway, all sweaty as she looked me up and down, smiling.
“Looks like Amalia was a bit rougher on you than I was.”
I giggled, “Yes, a bit more intense, and I liked it. I think I have it all down now. I’ll see you next session, and thank you, Cynthia.”
She had a wicked grin when she replied, “Okay. I’m looking forward to it, Kath. We’re going to get you to your goals, don’t worry.”
“I’m not, it takes time, and they are reachable. Thanks again. I’ll see you later.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Kath.”
With that, I left to join Amalia in the dressing room. She had already undressed and was sitting waiting for me dressed only in a towel.
Instead of a shower, she suggested we hit the sauna first. I had never been in a sauna before, so I agreed and began undressing. She stood then leaned back against a locker, watching as I undressed. It was a bit unnerving having her watch me. But, on the other hand, it was flattering because she was smiling and showing off those dimples.
I locked my locker, wrapped my towel around me then followed Amalia to the sauna. She ushered me in, cranking the time up to twenty minutes as we entered. I could feel the heat immediately as I looked around, debating where to sit.
I took a seat in the middle of one of the lower wooden benches. Amalia closed the door and turned to me. She had two bottles of water, handing me one as she sat next to me. Amalia took a long sip from her bottle then loosened the white terry cloth towel from around her body. I looked up as she smiled back. I sat my water off to the side, then eased my towel off. I stood, rearranging it to sit on. I sat back down, gazing at Amalia’s body in the dimly lit room.
She has an incredibly lithe body, much different than Jill and Cassidy. I also noticed a lack of hair between her legs, which made my heart skip a beat.
Sweat began to bead on my forehead and other places, and I could feel the humidity in my lungs as we sat in silence. Amalia started talking about the workout as she slipped closer to me. Raising one hand, she brushed my face with the back of her index finger. I looked into her eyes as she bent her head to kiss me.
We made out sitting there sweating for a bit, hands exploring. When her fingers brushed my nipple, I gasped. When she began rolling them, I nearly died.
Amalia broke our kiss as she continued her playing with my nipple.
“You like that, baby?” she whispered.
I nodded, closing my eyes, “MmmHmm.”
“You like being called ‘baby’ too?”
I opened my eyes, “I do. It’s a bit strange coming from someone less than half my age.”
Her voice was soft and sultry, “But you do like it, don’t you, baby.”
I was squirming, “Yes, Amalia, I do. Very much so.”
“Good girl.”
She leaned in once more, and our kissing began to get a bit more passionate. That’s when Amalia took charge. It was subtle, and I didn’t complain at all. I followed her instructions as she spread her legs and told me her kitty was aching for my tongue.
I slipped off the bench onto my knees on the floor between her legs. My hands began massaging this beautiful young woman’s thighs as I lowered my head. She moved forward, granting me complete access to her pussy. I took my time, kissing and practically worshiping her bare vagina. She lay back against the upper bench, one hand in my hair stroking me gently as my tongue entered her folds.
Her voice was soothing as she whispered, “So nice, I knew you were a good girl. That’s it, kiss her, babydoll. Lick my sweet kitty.”
As she spoke to me, I was trembling, Jill and Cas started me down this path with their praise, but Amalia seemed to know so much more. I happily licked, sucked, fingered, and did whatever Amalia said while she told me how good I was. Her voice, along with her touch, took me to the edge. When she told me to finger myself as I licked her sweet kitty, I was hers.
The sweat continued to drip off our bodies as the steam in the sauna surrounded us. It mingled with her juices as I licked and kissed where Amalia directed. I sucked her breasts and bit her nipples, but I mainly was between her legs with my tongue satisfying her. I was focusing on her clit when suddenly, her body stiffened. She stretched her legs out, pressing my face to her with one free hand.
I heard a little yip sound over and over as I continued probing with my tongue two fingers in her bud as she lay slightly sideways with one leg over my shoulder.
She shuddered as I finished licking her clean, swallowing every delicious drop of hunny and sweat. I’d lost track of time between her legs, and I’d been going at it for a good fifteen minutes when the sauna’s timer went off.
We reluctantly untangled, both slowly getting up, sorry we didn’t have more time. We embraced, kissing, her hands on my ass, and me in heaven.
She smiled, wiping the sweat from my brow, “We’ll have to do this again and other fun things, babydoll.”
I grinned, “Yes, we should, thank you.”
We left the sauna, both spent. Back to our lockers, then the shower. We didn’t talk much during our shower because there were others nearby. We did, however, make a date for another workout.
I had scheduled my workouts with Cynthia in advance, and they were primarily early mornings or mid-morning, so I could have the remainder of the day to run errands or volunteer at the animal shelter.
The first couple of weeks, I had trouble getting into the routine. My muscles were sore, and I was cranky. Michael even noticed I wasn’t myself, but I stuck with it, and it got easier. I felt more energetic during the day, I lost five pounds, and the camaraderie with Cynthia was good for my self-esteem.
Amalia and I met at the gym a couple of times. Unfortunately, the sauna was occupied each time, and we didn’t get to play around. The third time was indeed a charm.
The door to the sauna does not lock, so if you’re doing something you don’t want anyone to see, you’re taking your chances. I hadn’t realized that the first time we played there, and thinking about it added a bit to the naughtiness of the whole thing.
Amalia and I had an excellent workout, I hadn’t seen her for a couple of weeks due to her class schedule and work, so I was glad to see her. I’d finished my one on one workouts with Cynthia and was on my own enjoying my gym time, and having Amalia join me brightened my day.
We’d finished a lengthy workout, maybe ninety minutes of machines, free weights, and cardio. We were talking about the sauna and how good it would feel while we were on the ellipticals. It was innocent talk because others could hear us as they passed by. But we both knew it would be more than that once we finished.
We completed our thirty-minute cardio, grabbed our things, and headed off to ‘get steamy’. There wasn’t anyone in the changing room, so we headed to the sauna playing around en route, grabbing each other’s asses, giggling, and stealing kisses, along with a grope or two.
It didn’t take long once we were in the sauna to get worked up. Amalia was as glad to see me naked as I was her. I noticed she’d gotten her nipples pierced and asked about it. She said it was something she’d thought about for a while and finally had it done. Then she asked how I liked it. I laughed, telling her they looked very sexy, but it wasn’t my thing.
She grinned, “It’s fine. It’s not for everyone. Michael would wonder why and that’s not good, right baby?”
I nodded, then we started making out, sweaty wet kisses, tongues playing, hands roaming, when suddenly we heard a cough through the steam.
We were both startled, breaking our kiss, turning to see a young woman standing watching us. We’d both noticed her earlier during our workouts and made subtle comments about her. She was Asian, long jet black hair tied in a ponytail, maybe five feet tall. We both guessed she was in high school, and she looked so young.
There she was, standing watching us, her towel in her hand looking like she wished she were someplace else. Amalia and I both apologized. Then Amalia explained we hadn’t seen each other in a while and were catching up.
The girl giggled, replying it was okay. She hadn’t meant to disturb us and said that she would leave if we wanted to be alone. Again, Amalia took the lead, telling her it was okay she was welcome to stay.
She was as embarrassed as I was and once more said she’d leave so we could be alone. That’s when Amalia got up and went over to her to reassure her it was fine. I didn’t hear everything they said, but the girl took a seat between us after a few moments of persuasion by Amalia.
We introduced ourselves. Her name was Janice. She was a senior in high school, ran track, and worked out here on her days off from school.
We sat getting to know each other, sweating and sipping water. I asked about a tattoo Janice had just above her left breast. It didn’t look like anything I’d seen before. It looked like a mountain peak at one end and the other, an ocean wave. She turned to me, her finger tracing the line as she spoke.
She said, “It symbolizes my happy places, the mountains, and the ocean. That’s why it’s over my heart. Do you like it?”
I was licking my lips as she traced the line with her fingertip. I was picturing my lips over her smallish breasts, nursing to my heart’s content.
I smiled, “I love it! Very imaginative. Amalia just got her nipples pierced.”
Janice’s eyes lit up when I mentioned Amalia’s piercing, “Whoa, that’s so cool! I’ve debated it, one thing at a time.”
She turned to look at Amalia as she traced the line once more.
Amalia smiled at me, “You have? I’ve wanted a tattoo also. I just don’t know where or what.”
They started talking about tattoos and piercings, leaving me to watch in silence. I didn’t mind, they were both gorgeous, and my imagination ran wild with images of Janice, Amalia, me in various combinations.
I returned to reality when I saw Janice hesitantly touch Amalia’s dumbbell on her left nipple. She seemed fascinated by it, much to the delight of Amalia. I, too, enjoyed watching her gently feel my lover’s areola, nipple, and the metal dumbbell.
Then Janice quickly yanked her hand back, obviously embarrassed.
“Did they hurt much?” Janice asked.
Amalia replied, “Probably as much as your tattoo, I guess. But they are fine now. It’s okay if you touch, I don’t mind. Kath, want to touch them?”
“Sure,” I smiled, reaching in front of Janice, my hand on her back to steady myself, “I’d love to.”
My breast gently bumped Janice’s as I leaned over to touch Amalia. I softly massaged Janice with my right hand as my breast moved against hers. Reaching out with my left hand, I touched Amalia’s dumbbell. My face was very close to Janice’s. I circled Amalia’s areola a few times, then whispered how sexy it felt. I turned my head slightly to ask Janice if she thought it felt sexy.
Her eyes were wide, my face close to hers when she whispered back, “Yes, ma’am.”
I shuddered, having this young sexy girl call me ma’am.
I suggested we both touch Amalia at the same time. Janice hesitated slightly, then, with a bit of encouragement from Amalia, Janice reached over to feel where I was touching. Our fingers played with Amalia’s nipple, each slowly circling.
I whispered to Janice how sexy it felt. All she could do was nod and mutter, “Yes, ma’am.”
Amalia had turned to allow easier access to her breasts. As Janice and I toyed with Amalia, Amalia touched and toyed with Janice’s. I noticed Janice close her eyes and softly moan. Then suddenly, she got up and excused herself, leaving us alone wondering.
We both sighed, then talked about what had just happened. Amalia congratulated me for picking up the signs and acting in our little seduction. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be.
It was getting near our time limit in the sauna, so we made plans to meet the following week. We both needed some intimate time together.
I thought about calling Cassidy and Jill to see what they were doing. I was going through withdrawal since going close to the edge with Amalia and Janice. Jill and Cassidy were heading out of town and wanted to get together when they got back.
My Monday gym time was pretty routine, and I checked in with Cynthia, who wanted me the shake things up a bit because I’d reached a plateau in my weight loss. While I was trying my new exercises, I happened to see Janice across the gym floor. I finished what I was doing then went over to talk to her. When she looked up at me, she apologized for leaving so abruptly. I also apologized, telling her we went a bit too far and had assumed some things.
She went on to say that she had a strange feeling inside and didn’t know what to do, so she left. I felt like a pervert. I didn’t tell her that, but I had that feeling. If she were upset about it all, she would have told the gym owners and gotten Amalia and me kicked out.
I mentioned I’d recently had similar feelings and that things worked out. I apologized once again and left Janice to finish her workout.
I wasn’t as worried now that she’d tell someone, and my new world would collapse around me. I didn’t want to be outed ever. I went back to the changing room and decided I needed some alone time in the sauna to think.
I undressed, grabbed a towel and some water, then cranked the timer up to twenty minutes and went in to melt. I’d been in there maybe five minutes when the door opened, and a voice called out ‘hello?’.
I answered back that I was in there. Then I recognized Janice.
“I can leave if you want, Janice.”
The door closed, and through the steam, I could still see her.
She hesitated then walked over, “No, you don’t have to leave. Can we talk?”
I looked up at her, my vagina tingling as I took in that exquisite young body.
I humbly replied, “Yes, of course. Please sit.”
I moved over, so she had plenty of room. I didn’t know what she wanted to talk about, but many things rushed through my head, none of which were good.
She cleared her throat, “I didn’t want to say much out on the floor because others might hear. But, touching Amalia’s nipple, her name is Amalia, right? Well, it aroused me. I’d never done that before, I liked it, and I kinda freaked out.”
I felt relieved, I was expecting the worst, and now it made sense.
I smiled, “Janice, I’m new to liking girls, myself. I know it’s a strange feeling. I couldn’t believe I enjoyed it as much as I did. I completely understand, and it’s fine. I was afraid you were upset, and we’d get kicked out of the gym.”
Her eyes lit up, “Oh my god, no! If it were a man, hell yes. But, it was different with you two. I mean, I wanted to touch. Amalia has a way about her, and it felt so natural. I didn’t know it would have that effect on me, that’s all.”
I smiled, “Thank you, I’ll let Amalia know things are fine. We were both worried.”
I settled back against the upper bench, relieved that we weren’t going to be tattled on. I closed my eyes just as Janice started talking to me again.
Her voice was hesitant, “Umm, Kath? What was it like? I mean that feeling you had. If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand.”
She scooted closer, turning to me so that I could see both breasts and that cute tattoo. In the dim light of the sauna, I could see her nipples were stiff. I bit my lower lip as I started to tell my story.
I kept it very brief and left out quite a few details. I told Janice I’d had a yearning, the cause of which I didn’t know. I mentioned I met a woman who was attracted to me, and we became friends and, over time, quasi-lovers. Through her, I met Amalia.
She sat there, taking it all in.
She sighed, “I’ve never dated at all. My parents are very conservative and strict. I kissed a couple of boys, but I felt nothing. A couple of girls on the track team have flirted with me, which made me tingle. My parents would disown me if I acted on it.”
I opened my arms to hug her. “Aww, poor baby. If I can be of any help, feel free to ask. We are both going through some growing pains, you might say.”
She smiled then moved to hug me. God, she felt amazing in my arms, our breasts together. I massaged her sweaty back as we held each other. When we parted, she looked embarrassed.
She looked at me and shyly asked, “Kath, can I kiss you? Just to see what it’s like?”
I smiled, “Of course, Janice. I’d like that.”
We moved back closer together, hands to our sides. Janice leaned over, and we kissed briefly. After, she sat back, contemplating.
I asked, “Was that okay?”
She blushed, “Yes, ma’am. That was sweet, thank you. You didn’t rush to slip your tongue down my throat as the boys did.”
I smiled, “I’m glad you liked it. I did too. No, kissing should be sweet, although it can get very passionate at times.”
“Can we do it again?”
My smile grew more prominent, “Of course, whatever you like.”
We kissed again. This time we kept it going for a while. Janice was sweet and an excellent kisser for not having much experience. She took my breath away.
We parted lips, both breathing heavily. All she had to say was ‘wow’.
I giggled, “Yes, wow. You’re adorable, Janice. I liked that.”
I could feel my stiff nipples, and I could see hers.
She sighed, “You’re an excellent kisser, Kath. Thank you.”
I laughed, “I’ve had a little more practice, sweetheart. Anytime you want to try it again, let me know. There are also more ways to feel good other than kissing.”
She blushed, “Yea, I kinda figured that. I’m tingling all over, and we only kissed.”
“I know, I feel the same way. It’s amazing, isn’t it.”
She smiled, “Yes, ma’am, it is.”
I pressed my luck, “Would you like to kiss again? Maybe a bit longer?”
She blushed, “If you don’t mind, Yes, please.”
I grinned, “I don’t mind at all. I like kissing you.”
Our lips met again. This time my hands were on Janice’s thighs, softly massaging them. Then I got bold, placing one hand on her breast, cupping it, and then toying with her nipple. Her breathing became rapid, her tongue shot into my mouth, and I could hear her moaning as I played with it.
We stayed like that until the timer went off. We broke our kiss, and I could tell Janice was in that lovely semi-dream state.
I kissed her cheek, tilting her face to mine. “I should get out of here, sweetie. Twenty minutes is my limit in here.”
She sighed, “Can we talk again. I like talking with you, and I like kissing you.”
I smiled, “I’d love that. I like kissing you too, you are very good, sweetie. But, I don’t want you to get in trouble with your parents. We can trade numbers after I shower if you want.”
She grinned. Her voice was very upbeat, “That would be cool, thank you.”
I left her alone in the sauna, my heart was racing, and once more, my vagina was tingling. It was all I could do not to masturbate while showering. When I got out, Janice was waiting to exchange numbers.
I gave her my phone, asking her to enter herself as a contact. She quickly entered her number as I dried off and started to get dressed. We talked briefly, then she went off to shower, and I headed home. I texted Amalia to let her know Janice, and I spoke and not to worry about her telling management about what had happened in the sauna.
Later that day, I got a text from Janice thanking me for being so nice. I texted back, letting her know if she wanted to talk again, I would enjoy that. I also told her I didn’t want her to get in trouble with her parents, and it was her choice.
I received three tiny hearts and two lip emojis, plus a thank you.
Right after that, I masturbated, thinking of Janice and her sweet tiny boobs.