The Auction: Part 2

"My time with Cassidy"

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The time between our first meeting and our ‘date’ seemed to take forever. We talked on the phone because Michael had given Jillian my number to pass along. Our calls initially were mixed with Cassidy flirting, me being embarrassed, and just getting to know each other.

As sort of a thank you for getting the opera tickets, I gave Cassidy a few contact names for the animal shelter and other places to take her Kindergarteners. She arranged tours then invited me to tag along. Not having children or being around any, I was cautious at first about joining in. But, Cassidy has a way of talking me into things, so I met her along the class of twenty-five six-year-olds to tour one of my favorite charities, the animal shelter.

If Michael weren’t allergic, I know I’d have at least two dogs and three cats. We’d tried adopting, and despite medications, poor Michael was a mess with the animal dander. It’s a guilty pleasure to visit there; Michael can always tell when I do because of his allergies.

I met Cassidy and her kids in the parking lot, along with several mommy chaperones. We were greeted at the shelter entrance by one of the resident dogs and our CEO. The kids were adorable, well-behaved, and full of energy. The trainers had all the child-friendly dogs available to pet within the outside run of the shelter. The same with some cats and kittens in their indoor play area.

The tour lasted a couple of hours, with all involved happy and tired when it was all complete. I think we may have gotten a couple of prospective adoptions in the process. During their visit, Cassidy and I talked as the rest of the group played with the animals. I discovered Cassidy has a sweet and patient side that hadn’t been apparent in our previous encounter.

She was still a tease despite having so many people around. She’d walk behind me, caressing my ass cheek as she passed. She’d touch my arm with her fingertips or whisper something naughty in my ear while pointing out a child so people would think she was talking about them. She’d nibble my ear, telling me what she was going to do to me once we were alone. She had me in a constant state of arousal. It was difficult trying to hide how wound up I felt, but I think I managed. That girl had me where she wanted me, and it was just a matter of time before I caved.

The time between the auction and our date continued to dwindle. Each time I saw Cassidy at one of her school functions or called her, I grew fonder of her. Yes, she continued the tease, but she was also sweet and caring. The feelings of guilt I had about possibly sleeping with her gradually eroded. I loved the attention she gave me, she made me feel desirable, and I hadn’t felt that way in many years.

At this point, Michael had wholly abandoned any intimacy with me. We used to shower together and talk about our days, but that had vanished also. My masturbation sessions not only included fantasies with Cassidy, but they’d also occasionally had Jillian involved as well. I found some lesbian porn online and watched it while diddling myself into a state of ecstasy. Most of it wasn’t good acting; however, some believable scenes did arouse me. Seeing younger women attracted to more mature ones got my heart racing and my vagina wet.

Cassidy had suggested I pack a small overnight bag with a couple of changes of clothes. I knew what she had planned, or at least I thought I knew, and I was looking forward to it. The plan was that she’d pick me up, we’d see the opera, then back to her place for the rest of the weekend. The images of our weekend fueled more frequent and intense masturbation sessions.

Date night finally arrived. Michael had gone to his retreat, and I spent all day being nervous, anxious, and debating what to wear. I was giddy about what Cassidy had in mind after the opera rather than the opera itself. I was anticipating going back to her place for debauchery and my deflowering. At least that’s what I imagined. I wanted my fantasy to become a reality.

I was so nervous, sitting around waiting for Cassidy to pick me up. I constantly checked my phone for texts as I played my favorite games on it to pass the time. We’d planned on dinner back at her place so, I only ate enough to keep my stomach from growling.

Cassidy picked me up in her BMW, it was nice, a bit small, but it allowed us to be close so Cassidy could easily flirt with me. She smiled when she saw I had packed for her and told me to toss the overnight bag into the back seat. I blushed as a rush of blood coursed through my veins along with a now-familiar tingle between my legs.

She dressed in a black vee neck slinky dress, no bra that I could see as I glanced at her perfect cleavage. Open-toed stiletto heels topped off her look. It was tasteful and very sexy. I had decided on something a bit less sexy, a navy blue skirt, cream silk blouse, black pumps, and pearls.

The drive to the Opera House was reasonably short, and we mainly talked about Michael and Jillian. We’d both dressed fairly conservatively because that’s what you do at operas. Still, Cassidy’s dress was very form-fitting, along with exposing her toned legs and calves accentuated by the pumps on her feet. I certainly wasn’t as sexy despite my date telling me how yummy I looked.

We had great seats, premium orchestra, second row. I would have expected nothing less from the donor. Once seated, all we could talk about was the opera; we’d both seen Madame Butterfly a few times, so comparing performances and divas took up most of our conversation.

Once it started, we sat in silence, our focus was on the stage, but I could feel Cassidy touching my hand now and then, softly running her fingers over the top of it. I felt that incredible arousal slowly work its way through my body as I tried not to show any sign of what she was doing to me.

I could see Cassidy’s expressions out of the corner of my eye; she knew what she was doing to me. It was all I could do to not squirm in my seat as my vagina tingled. Looking back, the opera seems like a blur. I was distracted beyond my imagination, barely making it through to intermission. When it did, I was relieved that I hadn’t caved and melted in my seat.

Butterfly evokes so many emotions in me. I can relate to quite a bit of it through the various stages of my life. Being young and stupid, making mistakes, being deceived, but learning and growing wiser.

During intermission, Cassidy and I walked around the opera house, critiquing the performance so far. The girl who played Butterfly was stunning, her voice amazing. As we wandered, I noticed a few people admiring Cassidy, which made me want her even more. She seemed oblivious to their looks instead, focusing her attention entirely on me.

We returned to our seats for the inevitable conclusion to the tragedy that is Butterfly. My eyes began welling up with tears anticipating the end. Cassidy noticed, squeezing my hand and whispering that it was just a story. I whispered back that I knew, but I always have this reaction. She squeezed my hand again then leaned into me, kissing my cheek softly. I smiled, reaching for the tissues I always bring when I see Butterfly.

When it concluded, I had my act back together. I took a deep breath as we stood, applauding an excellent performance. As we were about to leave, Cassidy reminded me we had backstage passes. I asked her if I looked presentable. She smiled, telling me I looked perfect, her finger gently brushing my cheek, sending a rush of excitement between my legs.

I sighed then turned to follow my date backstage. We met the cast still half-dressed and made up. We complemented each performer, taking selfies with them. We made small talk while sipping champagne served on a silver platter. I was very impressed with ‘Butterfly’; she was adorable and seemed to enjoy our attention more than the others.

Cassidy asked me to get her a glass of water since she was driving. The caterer was only serving champagne, so I went on my quest and left Butterfly, her real name was Takeko, and Cassidy to talk. When I returned, Cassidy was looking at her phone, smiling. She thanked me, sipping her water as we finished making our rounds. I asked why she was typing, and she replied that she texted Jillian to tell her the opera was grand and she missed her wife. I smiled, telling Cassidy to thank her for letting us do this.

Cassidy grinned, telling me she had, and I told her how much you loved it. I sent her a selfie of Takeko and us. She loved it and is glad you’re enjoying the night.

We continued on our meet and greet rounds, the whole evening utterly fantastic. I noticed Takeko glance in our direction and smile a time or two. I thought nothing of it, as other cast members did the same thing.

After about an hour, Cassidy slipped her hand in mine, then whispered it was time to go. I was beginning to feel my tummy growl since I hadn’t had much to eat.

We made our way to her car, talking about the entire evening and how fun it had been. Just before we got to the car, Cassidy stopped. I turned to face her, wondering why she wasn’t keeping up. It was then Cassidy took my hand, pulling me to her. Gripping me tightly, she kissed me hard and long. We stood kissing, her hands clenched on my ass. Her tongue tangled with mine until my knees began to weaken.

She released me, telling me she’d wanted to do that all evening. I could feel my neck and face turning crimson as my body responded to her attention. I told her I’d been waiting longer than that for a kiss and more.

She grinned, leading me to the car, her hand in mine. We left the lot, both anxious to get to her place. When we’d stop at a light, she’d turn her head and tell me to kiss her. I did enjoy the spontaneity and her lips. We were honked a couple of times at green lights because we were too busy to notice them. We’d just smile as Cassidy waved in the rearview mirror, begging forgiveness.

When we finally arrived at Cassidy’s, we hurriedly made our way inside. We dropped my bag inside the front door along with purses and keys. Gretchen greeted us, wagging her little tail and being cute. Cassidy excused herself, taking the pup out to potty. When they returned, Cassidy immediately swooped me into her arms. Gretchen returned to her bed, and that’s when the fun began. I naively asked about dinner since I hadn’t eaten anything since late afternoon. Cassidy laughed, leading me to her bedroom, telling me we’d eat the food later. Right now, it was time for dessert.

We kissed and groped our way to the bedroom, kicking off heels and clothes in the process. Cassidy removed her dress, revealing her fantastic body because she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She pulled off all of my clothes as we banged into walls, stumbled, and giggled to her room.

My heart was racing as her hands groped, caressed, and teased me down the long hallway. My hands were as frantic as hers, my heart racing, ecstatic I was finally here. When we made it to her room, we were both naked. She pulled the covers back, slapped me on the ass, and told me to get in.

I obeyed, jumping onto the king-sized bed, not caring that she shared it with Jillian. I lay on my back, watching her approach on all fours like a tigress stalking her prey. It was cute and sexy at the same time.

Cassidy started at my feet, cupping one in her hand, bringing it to her face, then slowly licking the bottom of it. I’d never had that done to me before, and it felt amazing. Michael had never been an imaginative lover, preferring to make out a bit then get down to business. Cassidy knew how to arouse, and she was good at it as she switched feet, then proceeded to lick my ankles, shins, thighs, and knees.

I was squirming with delight, and my vagina was on fire as I lay back enjoying Cassidy’s handiwork. She could sense how close I was to climaxing despite not having touched my nether region. I’d been thinking about this moment for over two months. The anticipation was constantly on my mind, and it was just as glorious as I had imagined.

Cassidy paused, looking up at me from between my legs. She smiled, making a lovely comment about my full bush. Cas looked so erotic there, poised to take me over the edge. Softly licking closer and closer, she’d stop and ask if I was enjoying her touch. I managed to tell her I loved it as her tongue covered my labia, eliciting a gasp from my lips. She moaned, telling me that this was only the beginning.

My hands were flat on the bed, pressing into it, my head propped up on a pillow, watching her until she slipped her tongue into me. Michael only tried eating me a couple of times; he wasn’t good at it and found it disgusting. Cassidy, on the other hand, knew what to do and loved it.

Cassidy continued to lick, kiss, and tease me. She’d get me close to a climax, then back off, changing her approach each time. Adding a finger, then two, playing with my rosebud, but never letting me reach the apex I desired. I was near to tears, having been close half a dozen times when she finally focused on my clit to bring me to my first orgasm that wasn’t self-induced in what seemed like forever.

My body shook as she continued sucking, licking, and fingering me. I was writhing with her head locked between my legs, a finger or two. I don’t recall precisely up my ass.

I called out her name several times, something I had never done with Michael. I was embarrassed, sated, and in heaven. When I reached my peak, she slowed down, savoring her work. My breathing slowly calmed as I lay there tingling, marveling at how wonderful I felt. She gave me a sweet kiss on my lower lips then moved up to lay beside me as I took in what had just happened. It was better than I had imagined. I felt like a completely new woman, one who enjoyed being made love to by another woman.

With a sly grin on her pretty face, she asked if I enjoyed it. I giggled, shaking my head then telling her, no, do it again. She laughed, whispering she would and more for the rest of the weekend. I hugged her tight, kissing her without thinking that my juices were on her lips. She tasted nice to me; the aroma of my musk aroused me once more even though I’d just had the most beautiful experience.

We lay quietly talking about making love, what to say if there was something she did that I didn’t want her to, not like a ‘safe word’, a simple ‘no’ would suffice. We weren’t going to do anything extreme, for which I was grateful.

I confessed that I was a bit hungry since I hadn’t eaten anything since noon, and it was just after midnight. Cassidy suggested we eat something. I smiled and thanked her, kissing her long and deep.

We made our way to the kitchen dressed as the day we were born. I’d never walked around my house like that at all. It felt somewhat empowering to walk around naked, not caring if someone saw me or not. Their kitchen was impressive, as was the entire house. Gretchen greeted us, expecting a handout. We sipped a nice chardonnay, ate various cheeses, crackers, and some fruit. Tossing bits of cheese to Gretchen as she sat and begged. Neither one of us wanted anything heavy that late at night, plus Cassidy had plans for us for the next couple of hours.

We cleaned up, then headed back to our bed while Gretchen went to hers. I told Cassidy I’d like to snuggle for a bit if she didn’t mind. She was happy to do whatever I wanted to do, and we had the rest of the weekend to play; we weren’t in any rush.

We settled back into bed, and it felt a little awkward laying there with her. Cassidy left one of the nightstand lights on. It was sexy being able to see each other as we made love again. We touched and talked for a bit until Cassidy began nuzzling my neck. She wrapped her legs around my thigh, and I could feel her warmth as she slowly moved against me.

I was getting aroused again despite being tired. I began moaning as Cassidy worked her magic once more, touching, kissing, and softly humping my thigh. I could reach one of her breasts with my hand, so I started playing with her nipple. It was hard and felt just like my own when I played with mine.

I toyed with it, rolling it in my fingers, pressing my palm over it, and circling it with a fingertip. Cassidy cooed, calling me ‘baby,’ which felt sexy to me.

As she nuzzled my neck, played with my earlobe, she whispered for me to take her nipple in my mouth and suck. I blushed, then shifted my body so I could try it. Cassidy has lovely full breasts, and when I started sucking her nipple, she moaned how much she loved it. I smiled, glad I pleased her since she had pleased me.

She’d rolled over onto her back with me still sucking on her breast. Her hand gently nudged me to focus on the other one. I got what she was subtly hinting at, moving back and forth to make sure each glorious orb got equal attention.

When she whispered ‘hand, pussy’, I figured she wanted my hand on her. I managed to move one down to her landing strip. Her soft trimmed pubes felt so different than my own, which was a thrill in itself. After toying with her there, I slipped my fingers over her labia, feeling her nectar as I slid my fingers back and forth over it. Her following words were, ‘in me’, so I slid a finger in, then began playing with her as if her pussy were mine. Toying with her clit, rubbing, exploring all while nursing.

Cassidy moaned, whispering ‘yes’ as I continued sucking, licking, fingering, biting, tugging, and grinding against her. Her words of encouragement and her reactions told me I was doing okay. My arousal was rising within me along with my new lover. We continued like this for a good while until she pressed down on my head. I took that as a sign to start kissing lower.

I’d tasted myself on Cassidy’s lips earlier, finding it rather pleasant so, going down on her wasn’t going to be something I wouldn’t do. We were both aroused at that point, and I think I would have done anything she said. The gentle suggestion she made would seal my desire for women and the pleasure of making love together. Inching my way down, I kept my finger then fingers in her as she smiled at me. Her eyes, smile, cooing, and words told me I was good at this. I blushed, telling her I was enjoying it more than I thought I would.

She grinned, telling me she was glad and that she was very close. I moved down between her legs, fingers still inside her pumping away as I lowered my face to devour her.

I started slow, but Cassidy told me rather crudely to stick my tongue in her and mess her with it. I did as instructed, my face buried in her vagina, fingers still working their magic when she began bucking. I had difficulty maintaining my rhythm, but I was going to get Cassidy to a new plateau, hearing and feeling her climax. She grunted, rolled, convulsed, and soaked my face with her nectar, something I’ll never forget. My first time pleasing another woman.

I kept at it until she told me to slow down. I eased back, enjoying how I’d made her feel. My heart was racing almost as much as hers. We were both smiling as I lifted my face from between her legs. She giggled, telling me to come up to snuggle.

I slipped in next to her, nuzzling her neck as she wrapped an arm around me. We both lay quietly our thoughts to ourselves for a few moments. The Cassidy quietly whispered that that was the best orgasm she’d ever had from a virgin. I giggled, thanking her, as I snuggled closer.

We talked for a few more minutes. Then Cassidy rolled over to turn out the light. We slowly drifted off to sleep. I was sated, something that hadn’t happened in quite some time, except by my hand. I started to think about what the future would hold for me, but then my brain shut down, sleep took over, and the next thing I remember was Cassidy suckling my breast as the morning sun peeked into the bedroom. Her lips sucking on my nipple created the most fantastic feeling in me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see her smiling at me as she nursed. Instinctively, I stroked her cheek, smiling back at her. She paused to kiss me good morning then back to suckle my other nipple. Her free hand found its way between my legs, easing a finger into my moist vagina, causing me to grunt. It was a new reaction for me. Her long slender finger continued teasing me as she nursed. I squirmed, whispering how much I’d love to wake up this way every morning.

Cassidy giggled as she switched breasts, then inserted a second digit. Her fingers found my clit, swollen and enjoying her attention. I uttered a few f-bombs, telling her how wonderful I felt. She switched from sucking to gently biting my nipples, driving me close to the edge. My squirming and moaning intensified, as did Cassidy’s attention to my breasts and pussy.

When she moved her hand so that her thumb pushed my bud, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. The sensations in my body were new and exciting. My stomach muscles tightened, my toes curled as I lost control. Cassidy didn’t let up; she focused more on my vagina and ass as I called out her name and more F-bombs.

I think it may have been her teeth biting my nipple, tugging it that sent me over the edge. My mind went blank when she pulled my nipple back then let it loose, only to repeat her performance. I bucked, trembling with joyful tears in my eyes as I came once again for this insatiable young vixen.

But, Cassidy didn’t let up right away as I continued thrashing about, experiencing wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. My foot cramped up, which made me cry out in pain, letting Cassidy know I’d had enough. She eased back, then slipped down to massage my feet, helping relieve the pain she’d caused.

I lay panting, trying to catch my breath from the incredible wake-up call. Meanwhile, Cassidy sat cross-legged, massaging my feet smiling to herself. I sat up smiling, my arms wide open to hug her. She asked if my foot was alright, and I nodded yes. Then I asked her to hold me. Returning to the head of the bed, we embraced. I kissed her deeply as we held each other. When we parted, I sighed.

She asked if everything was all right. I blushed, telling her it was perfect. Cassidy grinned then kissed me again.

We lay back down, cuddling and softly whispering together. I started to reciprocate by kissing and touching Cassidy, but she stopped me, suggesting that we take a shower and eat breakfast. I reluctantly agreed as she reminded me we had all day and night to play.

It was then we heard Gretchen whining, ready to be fed and let out to potty. Cassidy rolled over to greet her, patting her on the head and telling her we’d be up in a second.

We slipped out of bed; I grabbed my overnight bag then followed Cassidy and Gretchen to the master bath. The shower was all tile, with two shower heads, and was very large. Cassidy turned the water on remotely as I unpacked my bag to set my toothbrush, paste, and lotions on the counter.

Cassidy left me to feed Gretchen and let her out into the backyard to do her business.

The water got to temperature quickly. I stepped in to feel the warm water bouncing off my still tingling body. Cassidy stepped in as I soaked. I was thinking once more about all that had occurred over the past twelve hours or so. We stood under the two heads, soaking our hair while talking. When we were thoroughly drenched, Cassidy just said ‘off,’ and the streams ceased. I was enthralled; I’d have to get one of these, I told her.

We soaped each other’s hair, rinsed after Cassidy saying ‘On’, then did the conditioner thing. I stood back, admiring Cassidy’s body as she rinsed the conditioner out. I noticed the shower gel on a shelf, so I squirted some in my palm. I proceeded to apply it to her shoulders then down her back. I wrapped my hands around her, reaching up and cupping her breasts. I closed in tight massaging and playing with her nipples. Cassidy then pressed her butt into me. She slowly started swaying back and forth. Her soapy ass pressed into my mound slid against my skin, arousing us both.

I nuzzled her neck as I continued pinching and playing with her firm, full breasts. I heard her moan as we slow danced under the warm streams of water. Then I got an idea. My hands left her breasts, my fingers tracing her sides then down to her hips.

She purred as I massaged lower, my soapy hands cupping her cheeks. I continued rubbing her firm ass cheeks, then to surprise her, I started cleaning her rosebud. Cassidy moaned and made some comments I didn’t understand. Quietly, I knelt, making sure the soap bubbles had been rinsed away, swallowed hard then proceeded to tongue her bud.

I wish I could have seen her expression when the tip of my tongue first made contact.

I spread her cheeks as she gasped, my tongue finding its mark. Cassidy leaned forward, hands flat against the tiled wall as I licked. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I managed to slip a hand underneath her pussy as my tongue lovingly slid up and down her crack.

Cassidy moaned as my fingers pumped inside her, slowly at first, then faster as she instructed me. She complimented me, calling me sweet names. She pressed her ass to my face using the f-word, telling me I was such a good girl. I smiled, wondering if maybe I was a lesbian as I devoured her ass. I continued as instructed, Cassidy telling me how fast or slow to go. It wasn’t too long before my new love reached her climax.

When she finished, she helped me up, looking into my eyes. She grinned, letting me know how delightful and unexpected my cleaning was. I blushed, thanking her as she gently washed me down with body gel. I told her it was just a whim and that I think I’m slowly coming to terms with how I feel about all we’re doing.

She asked if I was feeling guilty; I told her that I wasn’t anymore. I had before we consummated our relationship, but that was long gone. I started to get into a serious discussion until she cut me off with a kiss.

Cassidy told me this weekend was all about fun, not serious talks. I felt like I was a little girl again being lectured by my mother. I told her I’d try not to mention it again. She smiled, kissed me once more as we finished our shower.

We dried off and slipped into robes, nothing else. Cassidy let Gretchen back in, who was patiently waiting at the back door. We both greeted her telling her we were sorry for leaving her out alone for so long. She took it in stride, wagging her tail, soaking up the attention until she’d had enough, then off to her bed to sleep. Cassidy and I lounged around the kitchen eating cottage cheese and fruit, drinking coffee, and talking.

Cassidy asked me what my limits were. I looked at her, wondering what she meant. She explained if I had any things I didn’t like as far as sex. I laughed, telling her Michael and I hadn’t made love in ages, and when we did, it was pretty routine.

Her reply was full of sympathy as she explained what she meant. Rattling off a list, I said yes to a few and no to many more I would or wouldn’t consider. Some things made Cassidy smile others she agreed were disgusting.

I set my boundaries; no ‘safe’ words would be needed; I’m not that kinky. Cassidy said we’d take our time with everything. She had a few toys, and we’d try them if I were willing, no pressure at all. We continued snacking and talking. The subject came up regarding Michael again. I guess he was the elephant in the room, and we’d talk about my situation regardless of whether we wanted to or not. I told her I didn’t want to hurt him, but I needed sex, and he didn’t satisfy that need. I felt it was more of an intimacy issue rather than anything else.

We talked about different scenarios with me telling and keeping my little affair a secret. I didn’t want to go back to only masturbating while watching porn or lusting after other women. I had a taste of forbidden fruit and liked what I’d tasted.

Cassidy picked my brain regarding my options and how I felt Michael would react. I wasn’t sure about a few things since we never discussed sex. She thought maybe it was time we did.

I had to agree because I wanted and needed a change. I didn’t want to hurt Michael.

We talked about her marriage to Jillian. She said they were completely open about everything, and they had no secrets. I was envious. Of course, they were close to twenty-something years younger than me, I guessed. Things had changed in the world of couples in many ways.

We finished eating, put the dishes away, then adjourned to the living room. We continued our talk about our relationships, more about our lives in general and various other subjects. I enjoyed talking with Cassidy. I’d never sat down with someone her age and talked. She was refreshing and quite intelligent. I guess it’s expected when you have a master’s degree in education.

Eventually, the conversation got back to sex. Cassidy offered to show me their toy collection so, back to the bedroom we went. In their massive walk-in closet amongst all the shoes, they had a couple of drawers neatly arranged with various toys. Cassidy opened the first to reveal different-sized dildos, vibrators, and massagers.

The second drawer had toys that could be worn, strap-ons, and strapless strap-ons, ‘strappies’ as she called them. I saw cuffs, fuzzy and bare metal, clips that were chained together, and some things I didn’t want to ask about. She handled them, showing me how they would work if I decided I’d like to try them. I was amazed at the number of toys they owned. But then I realized they have a much more active and open sex life than I ever had.

Although most were pretty obvious, I looked, touched, and asked questions about some that I couldn’t figure out. Cassidy even donned one of the strap-ons to show it off. The male part was a pretty decent size, but it was purple which made me giggle. Cassidy suggested I feel it while she wore it. I wasn’t sure until she coaxed me by wiggling it and telling me I wanted to touch it. She was right, I was curious, so I reached out to touch it with a little apprehension. It was somewhat slick, smooth, and sort of bouncy. Not wholly realistic being purple, but close enough.

She commented it’s much better than a guy because it doesn’t deflate after ten seconds. I laughed, knowing full well that was true. She suggested I stroke it a bit and imagine it inside me. I blushed, telling her no. She egged me on wiggling it more, teasing me, then daring me. I was so embarrassed, but that looked so inviting. I hadn’t had Michael in me in god knows how long.

She suggested we try it just to see if it was something I might want to do later. Nothing passionate right now. We could lube it up to see how it felt. I was still apprehensive, but Cassidy being Cassidy with her subtle suggestions, it was hard to say no.

She took my hand, leading me to her bed. Our robes hit the floor, and then I got into bed on my back, waiting for her. She pulled open a drawer in the nightstand, pulling out a little bottle of lube which she applied generously to the male part of the strappie. Climbing onto the bed, Cassidy looked odd, having that fake penis dangling from her. But it was sexy at the same time. She leaned in to kiss me to get my juices flowing, which worked rather quickly. I had been getting aroused thinking about her and the strappie from the moment she suggested it.

Cassidy kissed and licked her way down me, the penis bumping into my body from time to time as she moved further South. My anticipation was building as I spread my legs. She slipped between them, first to taste me making sure I was ready. When she was confident I was, she slowly eased herself into me.

I was used to the missionary position because that’s pretty much all Michael knows how to do. This was the same only different, watching Cassidy’s amazing breasts bounce and feeling the penis in me. I watched Cassidy’s boobs as she started moving back and forth in me, and that got me going. I wrapped my legs around her to keep her in place, which helped her get into a rhythm. She grinned, asking me if I was enjoying the test ride. All I could say was ‘yes, Cassidy’ and grin. When she started to remove it, I protested. She giggled, telling me the test was over.

I told her no fucking way, surprised at my reaction. So, she continued fucking me like nobody’s business. The girl had stamina, and I thoroughly enjoyed her toy in me. I don’t know how long we fucked, but I was in heaven.

Cassidy kept thrusting as she leaned down, sucking on each of my nipples in turn. She’d pause now and then just as I started reaching another climax to extend my arousal. I lost count of how many times I was about to climax, only to be denied then brought back to the apex. I was in love with Cassidy’s strappie and what she was doing to me.

When I was finally allowed to climax, it was the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. Beads of sweat accumulated on my forehead, I was out of breath, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I felt amazing.

Cassidy slowly withdrew it and smiled at me. She was out of breath also from her wonderful efforts. I opened my arms wide for her, and she plopped down, strappie still attached next to me. I kissed and cuddled her, telling her how delicious it had felt. She giggled, calling me her good girl, then mentioned another place the ‘purple wonder’ could go if I felt up to it. I blushed crimson thinking of that place. I wasn’t ready for that quite yet and let her know.

We snuggled for a bit, talking, then I fell asleep. When I woke, it was close to noon. Cassidy was doing laundry and straightening up the house in her panties.

Gretchen greeted me first, wagging her little behind. She was so cute. Then Cassidy greeted me, calling me sleepy head. I grinned, telling her it was because she’d worn me out. Cassidy smiled, letting me know she was happy to do it. I offered to help with whatever she was doing and was politely declined because I was her guest. We talked more about my situation and possible scenarios. There wasn’t a perfect solution to what I was going through. I’d have to play it by ear and slowly pick Michael’s brain about his thoughts regarding our sex life and marriage.

To change the subject, Cassidy suggested lunch. I was hungry, so we bounced ideas off each other and settled on Chinese. She ordered from a local place they frequented often and had it delivered. I was still in my robe when the doorbell rang. Since Cassidy was in the bathroom indisposed, I decided to pay for it. Closing my robe and tying the belt, I grabbed my clutch and wallet. I had a couple of twenties ready for the food and a tip.

I opened the door to pay, my jaw dropped. There stood Jillian with our order smiling at me.

She looked me up and down then asked, “Kathleen, did Cassidy order some for me too?”

Published 3 years ago

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