She looked down and admired the smoothness of his pale skin and of course that large appendage hanging down between his legs. She wanted him so much even at this time of day but decided it was best to dress him in something. She was unsure about shopping for men’s clothes so decided she would use her imagination to keep his gorgeous penis and balls from harm’s way – until she was ready to actually buy him some clothes.
She decided to try and put her on-piece swimsuit on him as this would keep him from harm and also look amazing. She pulled out the shiny black swimsuit from her drawer and brought it to the android, he sensed what she wanted him to do and lifted his right foot. She was impressed that the android was already linking her thoughts to his and this made her much more assured.
The android stepped into both legs and she pulled the spandex up over his calves, thighs, hips – she made sure the black fabric fitted and stretched around his large balls and pushed his thick penis upwards so it kept in place. She then pulled the fabric up over his chest, the android slipped both arms through and with a little effort snapped the straps onto his shoulders.
She stood back and felt that tingling in her tummy again because this android looked very hot, she could see every line of his large penis through the material and his balls made for a very impressive bulge…she stepped forward and touched his spandex covered chest and it felt very smooth, she couldn’t help herself and let her hand run around his back and down over his buttocks – the smooth fabric was so tight and the edging of the swimsuit dug into his rubbery skin until it arced up over his hip and down the front where that large bulge separated his thighs.
The android stared up at her and opened his mouth, the tip of what must be his tongue slipped out, it looked like a human tongue but she saw it was much longer with large ridges running up each side, rippling. The android took her hand and brought her close to him, closer still until she had to straddle his body to stop from falling over…he pulled her closer still and found herself kneeling either side of his chest, her body sliding towards his head. She let herself slide and his face disappeared underneath her nightdress and she felt his lips kiss her sex. She moaned and jumped slightly as his tongue slipped inside her, flicking and moving deeper, those rippling sides making her wetter by the second as he slid further in…