The Amulet

"The power of the amulet transforms the supplicant"

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People who experience a mysterious event sometimes feel the need for a rational explanation.  They seek to explain the unexplainable, and put it safely within a box of reality.  Perhaps, they’ll suggest, what you experienced was just a delusion, nothing more than mental musings.  But what if an otherworldly explanation is actually the truth? Modern people don’t believe in magic or spirits.  I know, as I used to be one of those people.  Used to be.

I have to start with the fact that I’m a little awkward with women.  When confronted with a beautiful woman, my eyes would involuntarily lower to the ground, as if I wasn’t worthy of beholding her beauty.  It’s very hard to pick up women when you don’t have confidence in yourself.  So my conquests, if you can call them that, were few and far between.  Most of my intimate encounters were with women who I feel felt sorry for me.  Who bestowed their favors on me as acts of charity. 

But that was then.  Now I know that I am desirable in women’s eyes.  How this came about is my story. 

I was part of a group of three explorers searching a cave outside of Jerusalem for a European museum.  I and two women, one from Norway and the other from the Netherlands.  The Dutch woman was named Anna, in her mid-20s, an attractive brunette.  Eva was the Norwegian.  I certainly appreciated Anna’s beautiful face and body, but Eva held special allure to me.  Blond with blue eyes, she had a figure that stood out even in the work clothes we wore while on our digs.  Large but firm breasts, well-proportioned to her body and a lovely behind that gave curves to slacks that clung tighter to her than necessary.  She was the youngest of us, a graduate student. 

We were uncovering artifacts from early Biblical days, a time when miracles and magic were a part of people’s lives.  People truly believed back then, so the steely-eyed skepticism of today did not limit their view of the world.  I found what appeared to be some sort of amulet, a polished emerald stone with Hebrew inscriptions etched into its base.  I had the Israeli guide, who was shepherding us amongst the caves, translate the inscription. 

“This stone, when held by one who beseeches God with sincerity, can conjure powers that will bestow the deepest wish.”

All of us laughed at the idea that a carved stone had magical powers.  Still, I was curious.  The ancient Hebrews, until Moses bid them to cast out all other gods, believed in the intervention of magical powers.  And they wrote with conviction about the miracles that resulted from their belief. 

We cataloged and stored all the artifacts we found that day, but I took the amulet back to our living quarters.  The house, even by Middle Eastern standards, was modest, but it was the only one available for rent near our remote work site.  It was a structure built in the 1950s, poorly constructed with thin walls, no air conditioning, 3 bedrooms, and only one bathroom.  It was oppressively hot inside, even with the windows open.  The women would sometimes walk around without concern in just their bra and panties, a concession to the heat.  I suspect they did not view me as much of a male presence. 

For sure I enjoyed watching them with few clothes on.  I may be shy, but I can dream.  I never intruded into their space, but the confines of the house, with its lone bathroom, gave me some temptations.  The bathroom was small, with just a sink and a toilet.  There was no shower inside; rather, the shower was free-standing, built alongside the house, adjacent to the bathroom.  Surrounded on three sides with corrugated sheet metal for privacy, it was open at the top.  The window in the bathroom overlooked the shower.  Because the terrain sloped downward where the shower was, if one were rude enough, he could look down at a person below, showering.  Of course, all of us being professionals, we were careful to afford our colleagues privacy.  Most of the time.

I was in the bathroom that evening when I heard the outside water come on.  I peeked out, and Eva was standing beside the shower in her underwear.  Careful not to be seen, I moved to the side and observed her.  She tested the water for warmth then stripped off her bra and panties.  Peering from above, the protrusion of her breasts was particularly prominent.  I watched as water cascaded down her body, collecting at her nipples and draining off.  As she turned and washed, I could see her shapely buttocks, and the pubic hair on her groin.  She was very pretty.  Soft white skin, with a curvaceous figure.  I felt a stirring in my midsection, but this was not the time to indulge myself. 

After Eva finished, I returned to my room.  I had time before dinner, so I examined the amulet.  But my thoughts wouldn’t leave Eva.  My yearning was oppressive.  I spoke out loud.  

“God, I am so lonely.  Why can’t I find someone?  If only I were desirable to beautiful women.” 

I didn’t think I was really addressing God, just a figure of speech.  But the result was immediate and powerful.  I began to perspire, my body tingled and my penis stirred.  It pressed against my clothes.  A voice, it came from within me for sure, but it was not me, said that my wish, now revealed, would come true.  A true Westerner, I discounted what I just heard.  A delusion.  Too much heat, perhaps. 

When Eva returned from her shower, it was dinner time.  We ate together at a small kitchen table.  Eva sat across from me, Anna to my right.  I could feel that Eva was looking at me differently.  I afforded myself the bravery of smiling at her, a smile she returned, with a twinkle in her eyes.  Weird.  Then I felt her leg rubbing against mine under the table.  Yikes.  What if Anna noticed?  Then I felt a second leg rubbing mine.  It was Anna!  She was smiling at me too.  I pulled my leg away.  What were these crazy ladies doing?  I involuntarily found my arms crossed over my chest, in a protective stance. 

After dinner, we had drinks.  There isn’t much else to do but drink at night in such a barren area.  Alcohol may be forbidden in some Middle Eastern cultures, but not ours.  We were soon quite light-headed. 

Anna spoke.  “There’s something different about you tonight.”

Was she talking to me?  “I beg your pardon?”

“Yes, you.  Have you been working out?  Your chest muscles look especially firm tonight.”

“Well, I was excavating that heavy clay at the cave site,” I suggested.

 “Let’s see,” she said.  “Take off your shirt.”

“I agree,” said Eva.  “There’s something sexy about you.  Take off your shirt.”

I looked to see if they were serious.  They were.  I removed my shirt.

Eva moved toward me, and ran her hands over my chest.  She massaged my shoulder.

“Don’t hog him,” said Anna.  “I suggested the shirt first.”  She moved to me too, feeling the chest muscles and reaching down to my abdomen.

I was befuddled by all the attention, but can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.  I don’t usually generate this much interest from the opposite sex.

“Stand up,” said Anna.

I did, not certain why.  But I am used to being ordered around by women.

Anna unfastened my belt and began pulling the trousers down.  I froze – or more accurately, part of me seemed to freeze.  The penis moved upward, bulging through my briefs. 

“I see you appreciate my interest,” said Eva.  She ran her hand over my groin, grabbing the testicles through the fabric. 

I was unsure what to do.  Should I stand there passively and be groped?  Was this really happening to me?

Anna was behind me now, massaging my buttocks.  She used her nails to scratch from the buttocks, up my back, to my neck.  I didn’t think I could stand much more. 

Eva removed her blouse and bra.  She pressed her breasts against my chest, while Anna, behind me, pulled the briefs down.  I was naked before them. 

They gasped at the sight of me, erect, potent. 

“It’s not fair that you are the only one naked,” said Anna.  She pulled off her clothes.  She had large breasts and the firm musculature of a cave explorer. 

Eva removed the rest of her clothes.  I had already seen her naked, but this was a better view. 

“I find you incredibly attractive,” said Eva.  “Come with me.”  She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the couch. 

“Wait a minute,” said Anna.  “This was my idea; I go first.”

“Ladies,” I urged, “don’t fight.  There will be plenty of time for both of you.  I guarantee.”

That pacified Anna, and Eva and I fell on each other on the couch.  We felt each other’s body, massaging, caressing.  She put her hand on my male parts; the warmth caused them to react and twitch. I pinned her to the couch and I entered her.  We rocked together until she came.  I held back my own orgasm, and motioned to Anna.  She lay on the rug on her back, and I lay on top of her.  I heard her moan as she explored my body. 

“When did you become such a he-man?” she exclaimed.

I entered her and we climaxed together.

All three of us then lay together in one heap.  It was the greatest night of my life. 

I can’t prove that it was the work of the amulet that turned them on that night.  But in reflecting on it later, I see no other explanation.  Never have I excited women in that way.  Nothing else was different, except for my invoking those special powers.  Against my better judgment, I am a believer.

I couldn’t take the amulet back to the United States with me, it being the property of the museum.  But I haven’t needed it since, as I have much success with women now.  Perhaps it’s the self-confidence knowing that I am now so attractive to women.  That alone is magical. 

Postscript from later that eventful night 

“Do you think what we did will help that poor man?” asked Eva. 

“I don’t know,” said Anna.  “But after hearing him through the wall, so pitifully beseeching God to help him, we had to do something.”

“I think it worked.  He’s more assured now.  Surely this is our good deed.”

“Yes,” said Eva.  “And what a pleasurable deed it was.  But I’m sure he’ll need some reinforcement.  We’ll need to do it again tomorrow night.”


© Calem Geyser, 2020.

Published 4 years ago

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