“The Alpha Man in Me” – Chapter 08 – Clare’s Confessions

"Emotions, decisions and secrets as our three young people try to move forward with their lives in 1987"

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I had a third love and that was my job…

I was the Manager of a small, start-up engineering company that designed and manufactured a high-end technical product. It was a good job to have, especially at my age, with lots of responsibility but also good money and the bonus of only having to work only Mondays to Thursdays. Friday was called an option day and it was my choice if I went in or not. That would come in handy if I was successful in having two girlfriends.

I had started there at beginning of 1986, just over one year before I started going out with Sarah. I was interviewed by a wealthy older gentleman called Nigel. He was the Managing Director and owner of the business. Importantly, I got on well with him.

On recruiting me as his right-hand man, he had written in my contract share options. Nigel wanted me and perhaps in the future, other employees, to eventually own the company. It was part of his retirement plan and importantly an incentive to motivate me and to tie me into the company.

Nigel told me that he saw me as his successor and even though I was not quite yet twenty-three, I was beginning to make some of the bigger decisions for him. I was his go-to man and the person entrusted to grow the business.




We were in the first week of August. It had only been a week and a half since I first met Clare but it felt like so much in my life had changed. There was more uncertainly, more emotion but also extra excitement and there was of course, always hope.

Monday turned out to be a very hot day, probably the hottest of the year so far. I had a shower at work and changed into shorts and a loose light green patterned shirt before driving over to pick up Clare for our date.

She was waiting as agreed by the park on the main road. It was hard not to spot her, as she stood out wearing a long light coat which was tightly pulled around her. Everyone else apart from an old lady pulling a shopping trolley had dressed more appropriately for the weather. 

Clare looked gorgeous though and I told her so, as she jumped into my car. We said our hellos and then I pointed to the old lady, as I pulled away.

“You are setting the fashion, Clare.”

Clare laughed and at the same time loosened her coat and I glimpsed something underneath which was more appropriate for both me and the weather.

Clare lives on the edge of the big local city and it is only a minute’s drive from her house to the start of the countryside. As soon as we reached it Clare said, “Please, pull over at the next lay-by, I need to get this off. I only wore it to stop attention in case I met my parents or anyone on the street.” 

It intrigued me at what she might be wearing underneath and within a mile, I was parked. Clare took off her coat and threw it onto the backseat of my car.

“That is better,” she said, “I was so hot.”

I looked at Clare. She had on a green and yellow horizontally striped cropped top that hung over her breasts and came down almost to her navel. On the bottom half, she had very tight short shorts that emphasised the curves of her bottom. 

“You look even hotter now,” was all I could say, which brought a nice big smile from Clare. 

She then leaned across and kissed me before sitting back and reaching behind her to release her bra. This quickly joined her coat on the backseat.

“And now?” She grinned as she deliberately jiggled her tits.

“Red hot!”

It was all I could mutter as my eyes focused on her wobbling breasts.

Fuck, I thought, I already had an erection and I had only been with Clare five minutes. I may have just realised how much I loved Sarah, but Clare seemed to be all sex and fun.

One thing seemed to be for certain, my heart was currently being split in two.

As it was a hot evening I drove to a pub called, “The Old Country Inn.” It may be not the nicest pub but it had a good private outdoor seating area. It was also going away from the coast and the tourist areas as I wanted it to be just the two of us.

When we arrived I was not that surprised to see the pub garden nearly empty, just two large families who both left after about an hour of arriving.

Clare grabbed her coat, “Just in case,” but left her bra on the back seat. Her boobs wobbled under her short top as we walk from the car park to the pub’s beer garden. I just could not help looking at them. Clare smiled at me as I kept staring.

“Enjoying the view,” Clare remarked with a grin, as she deliberately teased me.

We got a table for two at the back of the pub garden right away from the families. 

While Clare reserved the table I went in to get our drinks, two pints, a cider for Clare and a lager for me. I also brought out a food menu as I had not eaten and though I had not asked, I guessed Clare might be the same.

As I sat down I looked around. We truly were in a lovely spot with a wall on three sides of the garden and a fourth side open to a large wheat field. I had brought my expensive 35 mm camera with me and I took a scenic shot across the fields, I then asked Clare if I could take her photo. She agreed and she turned around so I could get a full-body shot as well as another one of her face.

“I was just thinking,” Clare said. “I have not had my photo taken for months, maybe even a year, though being in front of the camera has never been my thing.”

I was surprised and all I could say was something a little cheesy, well, until my mind wandered.

“Clare, I love to take your photo,” I then smiled as I took in Clare’s body. “And if I am honest, I love to take many pictures of you,” my smile now had turned into a wide grin. 

Clare smiled, but I guessed she also knew where my mind was wandering; then she asked to take my photo, which she then did as I explained photography was a hobby of mine.

We chatted for a while and I felt we were beginning to know one another. It was nice, and I felt I was getting to know the true Clare, the girl behind the sexy, gorgeous looks. 

We ordered some pub food which arrived twenty minutes later and I also replenished our drinks, which Clare made the point of paying for. We were relaxed and happy and very much enjoyed each other’s company as we chatted away like old friends.

“So how has your week been,” I asked Clare, though actually, I wanted to know how it had been with Alan. Clare knew that and of course. I was hoping that she had broken up with him, but I also thought that was highly unlikely. It was just too soon.

“I have been in all week washing my hair,” Clare teased. We both knew that was not true.

So I quickly jested. “Well, you have a lot of hair to wash!” 

I just could not help jesting, it was me. I knew I should not have said it, but the words escaped my mouth before my mind acted. I received the appropriate nudge as payment, though I noticed Clare was laughing when she did it.

“Tell me about Sarah and I might tell you what I been up to.”

So I told Clare all about Sarah only leaving out the part about her being on her period which I thought was too personal. I mentioned the holiday and even said that she had given me, “Good oral sex,” last night but the part I went over twice with Clare was the part that involved her.

I said as truthfully as I could. “Sarah loves me though as yet she never has actually said those words and I now know that in the last week, I started to feel the same way about her.”

“But…” I stopped talking and looked into Clare’s chocolate-brown eyes. I needed to read her, as the next bit was important.

“I also feel the same way with you. Even though we only had two dates and a holiday hook-up. Sarah knows we had sex, though I have not shared details and will only do so with your nod.”

I paused. Clare’s brown eyes were staring into my green ones; maybe she was looking for that twinkle I had four years ago on my local beach.

“With Sarah, my love for her has grown in the last six months, something I only now just coming to understand. While with you Clare, it was almost instant and I think you feel the same way about me. Please tell me if I am wrong.”

Clare said nothing but behind those beautiful brown eyes, I could see her mind working. 

“I’m not wrong am I?” I then gently pressed and for once, maybe for the first time with relationships, I felt confident.

“Are you sure you not getting confused with lust or infatuation?” Clare softly asked.

She said it as if she wasn’t sure, and with a hint that signalled, we both knew I was right.

“No it’s not that, it’s more than that,” I quickly answered and then added, “But you know that!”

Clare smiled and I continued now aided by her warm smile.

“I am deeply attracted to you, Clare, and I want you to be my girlfriend but accept at the moment that is not possible.”

“So you want to have two girlfriends, me and Sarah?”

I wanted to say “Yes” but my mind thought of Sarah, and her request that she remained my girlfriend. I felt a twinge, some tension, and something else came uncontrolled out of my mouth.

“No, one girlfriend Sarah and one fiancée which will be you.”

At this point, Clare could not but help spill her drink as she was laughing so much. I think she nearly drowned in her cider.

But she did eventually get out with a giggle, “Does Sarah know about this?”

“Not yet,” I answered, still laughing with Clare. But I thought it might be better if I came clean, and told Clare the truth.

“Yes, I want two girlfriends and Sarah does know that, though I am not sure if it is something she will accept. I can only hope so, as I’m not going to give her up.”

I stopped my prepared speech. I thought of Sarah and I could also feel Clare’s eyes on me again. They were boring into me, reading me. I felt like a man on trial and the truth was I knew I was guilty.

Guilty of falling in love with two beautiful vibrant women at the same time!

“As for you Clare, I am preferred to wait and share you with other men, if that is what you want. I know you may stay with Alan and even if you are not with him, you have already told me that you need your sexual freedom. I thought about it, and I can accept that, all I am asking for is your heart.”

As I spoke these words I wasn’t sure if I could share a girlfriend with others. That concept was still a little raw. Though, if it happened, I also knew there was part of me that was excited about the idea.

My friend Tony had been in a relationship with a shared woman, she was shared with her husband. Not that I planned to share any of this with my friends, to them Clare was going to always remain my and Sarah’s secret.

I looked at Clare. She had stopped laughing but was smiling at me. 

“So Sarah is prepared to accept me?”

“I think so,” I carefully replied, but those words were more of a wish than a hunch and maybe not close to the actual truth.

“But it’s only been a few days. Let’s see what happens in the coming months. It is a new concept to me too, having the three of us involved. We all need to agree and accept this unique relationship situation.”

“So what do you think Clare?” I asked, my heart beating twice as fast as normal.

“I do not know. All I can say is that you are right about one thing. I am attracted to you.”

I felt elated at hearing that and my face broke out into a wide smile which probably ended up looking more like a large grin.

“Where is your camera?” Clare asked with her own cheeky grin.

I grabbed it from the seat beside me.

“Come round here and get your camera ready.” 

I did what Clare asked. 

She quickly looked around, checking we were on our own. We were, before lifting her top up and over her face. Her two beautiful C-cup breasts bounced into view.

“Go on take a photo,” Clare requested.

My trigger finger sprung into life as I took several before sitting back down and Clare covered back up. She was now giggling.

“Show them to Sarah and see how she reacts,” Clare said, still giggling.

“You know Sarah’s are bigger,” I stupidly announced. It was also true.

I received another slightly harder playful nudge but this time on the other arm. At least I now got two matching bruises I thought, as I realised dating girls can be painful.

We sat and talked a little more but it was gone nine thirty and we noticed that darkness had started to grab the corners of the pub garden and the night’s cold was creeping in. Clare wrapped her coat around her shoulders and I knew we had to make a move soon.

“You still have not told me about your week yet,” I asked again.

Clare paused before answering, “It was a good week. I had a phone call with an idiot on Thursday.” She was meaning me. I grinned.

“Then on Friday I went out with Jaz, and we had a good time in the city.”

“Then on Saturday I went out with Alan and stayed at his place. Then I went home yesterday afternoon.”

“Oh and today I went out with the idiot again.”

As she said that she burst out laughing at her own joke. I laughed too, not being offended at all as she may just be right. Maybe I was an idiot to think this might work; two girlfriends. But I wanted to know more about her week and especially her relationship with Alan.

Once Clare stopped laughing she then suggested… 

“Come on let’s go and park up somewhere and I tell you more. We do need to talk and it’s better done in private.” 

I was once again intrigued by what she had to say.

We left, it was dusk and it was beginning to get dark especially when we drove back into the large forest. I turn my car headlights on and steered back in the direction of Clare’s house. 

Clare knew a place to go and park. She directed me to a hidden forest car park. As she pointed the way I did wonder how many men she had been with and for some perverse reason. I found that thought exciting. I wanted to know that number.

When we arrived at the car park it was dark but as I turned into it I was surprised just how illuminated it was. Yes, the car park was private and very hard to get to but the nearby main road street lights were tall. Some of their light pierced through the trees and over the many bushes giving the car park the feel of a lit stadium. 

I parked in the darkest part so we could talk and as I did I notice that there were a few other cars scattered about.

“Have you been here before?” I asked thinking the answer was bound to be yes.

“Only once and before you ask, it was not with Alan.”

“Are you going to tell?” I inquired as I moved over and cuddle Clare, at least the best I could within the confines of my car. To aid us we slid our seats right back for more room. Clare also reclined her chair to get a little more comfortable.

“Maybe, but not tonight.”

Clare’s answer made me think that there were going to be other nights after this. I smiled to myself as that much seemed certain to me now. 

Clare then continued…

“I feel we really need to talk and most of the talking needs to come from me as some of what I have to say might shock you…” She paused and looked at me. “Maybe you will not love me so much after you hear what I have to say.”

I thought back to the talk with Sarah and her pregnancy.

Could I be more shocked than that?

I had not mentioned anything about it to Clare and I planned never to. I had already vowed that from now on, all personal information about Sarah would have to come directly from her to Clare.

Clare looked at me, then moved closer and pulled me close. She seemed a little worried, even tense, which surprised me.

Could what I was about to hear be that bad?

“To know me you have you understand me and some of the things I have done, the ingredients which make me who I am today. Sometimes I do things and I do not know why but as you know, I enjoy sex. I am a sexual person and I have to ask.

Is it so wrong for a woman to enjoy sex?”

Clare left that question hanging before she carried on…

“I have always been somewhat of a rebellious teenager, I am sure my mother would both agree and say that I still am. Though I feel that not so true, since Alan, since I found my beauty. When I was younger I was gangly and inquisitive; always the first to try something new and often get into minor trouble. I was rebellious, and I did things I knew went necessary right or legal.”

Clare looked at me, once again judging my reaction before leaning close to me and whispering in my ear. What I heard did not shock me at all as I had one similar experience.

“As you know my father was in the army and he was deployed to Germany. I am a social person, and I was once again alone. You have to understand, David, I was very young, immature, and vulnerable.”

“I then entered a part of my life that I was not proud of. Let’s just say I went a little off the rails. It was worse than what happened before. I am not going into details other than I was a tomboy and in an army kid’s gang doing things I knew were wrong but at the time, I didn’t know any different. By the time my father was redeployed back to England my parents were in despair with me. I was rebellious and to them, trouble.”

Clare started whispering in my ear again. It was as if she didn’t want the very night air to know what she was saying to me. It was nothing more than a few words and then a number.

When she pulled back and then added. “It wasn’t long after that I met you at the beach and we moved to where I live now. I settled down, and I guess with more stability in my life I started to fit in better with the rest of the world. Though as I have mentioned, I guess my mum would still say I am rebellious.”

Clare stopped talking and hung there waiting for my reaction.  

“Clare, I would change how you are for anything. Honestly, I am not shocked at all.” My words were softly spoken and I then added, a little more strongly.

I want to know everything about you and I promise you one thing, whatever you say to me, I will always still want you.”

It was the truth; I already knew I would always want Clare.

We moved close and kissed. Clare’s eyes seemed misty, yet alive and I realised for the first time she had never told her whole story to anyone, not even Jaz.

Clare continued, her words sometimes little more than a whisper…

“I vowed to try and be good. I got my head down at school and passed my exams, much to my parent’s surprise. I also stayed away from all boys and I did that until I was nearly seventeen. Then I met William. I thought he was sweet and became my first official boyfriend. The first one my family knew about.”

“We didn’t have any relationship experience, and William thought I was sweet and innocent. I chose to play hard to get despite wanting to have sex with him. We even went together for three months before I let him have my cherry.”

Clare paused as if the next bit still bothered her, her words now a little more hash, and louder. 

“Once William had me and I know it was my fault as I offered things that a girl new to sex shouldn’t have. Anyway, he told everyone and bragged about it. He did not want to know me. He called me a slut and of course, word got around. It hurt me emotionally; I cannot help it if I like sex.”

Clare paused, tears forming in her eyes. She wiped them away.

“In some ways, it was the hardest moment as it came at a time in my life when I was starting to develop as a woman.”

I wondered if there was more that happened with William but I did not press. I had, just about, learned enough about relationships that the right thing to do was to listen.

Clare was speaking from the heart.

“After William, I again give up men for a while, at least until I met Alan who I have told you about. He was older and came just at the right time. I was not the woman I am now. I had no confidence and my body was still developing. If I am honest, my beauty really only came when I turned eighteen. I was what you could call a late developer.”

I thought back to our local beach meeting, the one Clare had already mentioned and I carefully said.

“When we first met many years ago, when you were still quite young, I thought you were already quite beautiful. I do not want to sound perverted but at that moment I knew in a few years you would be a very beautiful woman and I was right because you are absolutely stunning.”

Clare looked at me and we held each other for a short while, some of the tension seemed to of gone. Her words were now soft but sure.

“As you know that was almost eighteen months ago. Alan is what I call a very straightforward type of man. A round peg has to be in a round hole and a square peg in a square hole. It all has to be very regimented and that can be somewhat boring.”

“Do not get me wrong, Alan is a nice guy, he is good looking and he has been good for me but as you already know, in the last eight months I have seen other men behind his back, yes cheating, and I don’t have to remind you, David, you being are one of those men.”

As I listen I thought so far there is nothing that concerns me. I thought it was nice that she had used my name and I certainly didn’t care that she had cheated on Alan, especially when it was with me.

Clare continued…

“The other problem I have with Alan is that he is married to his work. He is a junior architect at his dad’s company and he usually only wants to see me at weekends or maybe once during the week. He also only wants sex at the weekend and then it climbs on bang, bang, bang and that’s it.”

“Yes, he has a lovely big cock, and I always cum with him, but I need more. I have outgrown him.”

Clare paused again then said, somewhat poignantly, “I also find it difficult to leave him as I need his safety net; his support.”

“Do you love him?” I asked knowing I already had this answer last week.

“You know I don’t, and as I told you and I have this nagging feeling that he going to ask me to marry him on my birthday.”

“Are you sure about that?” I asked, and then quickly added. “Have you talked to him?”

“No, I know I should,” Clare’s words were nothing more than a loud whisper.

“I am not there yet, but I promise I talk to him soon and then make a decision about Alan. My birthday is not until November so I think I got a little time.”

There was a long pause then Clare leaned across and pulled me to her so we could kiss. As we kissed she pushed her tongue into my mouth and we started to make out my hand going to her breasts. My cock was already hard but Clare stopped and just pushed me back a little and said one last thing.

“All I told you I have never told anyone else, even Jaz only knows some of it. Do you understand, David? I am trying to be open and honest with you, to give you a chance to reject me.”

“Clare, I not going to reject you, I have things in my past that I am not proud of.”

As I softly spoke those words I thought one of which was cheating on Sarah though the truth was I did not regret it, as it was with Clare.

Clare looked at me, were still in each other’s arms. Our eyes locked on each other and I sensed that was something else she wanted to say.

Clare softly spoke and I felt her body slightly shake, and then stiffen as her next words came out.

“There’s one more thing I need to tell you, and this you might find the hardest to understand.”

“I am bisexual.” 


 To be continued…

Published 2 years ago

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