The Almost-True and Slightly-Embellished Adventures of Captain Handsome and Mrs. Peach

"In which Mrs. Peach encourages his return home..."

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She knew he would publish it on an adult website. She was excited. It was one of several adventures she and Captain Handsome were having.

Mrs Peach re-read the email she was sending:

“Oh my stars, Captain Handsome! I love you!

“I can hardly wait for you to come home! Three days at that convention in Chicago is enough! Do you miss me? I miss you!

“There isn’t much to do in Minneapolis without you. And it’s so cold outside; I don’t even want to go shopping at Mall of America. I know you’ll be home tomorrow but still . . . I miss you tonight.

“I thought about you all day, Captain Handsome. Sexy thoughts. (Blush) Eggplant emoji thoughts (Wink)

“Right now I’m imagining undressing you out of your business clothes from head-to-toe. I want to greet you at the door wearing sexy gold hot pants and a bra full of cleavage. They will be low-cut hot pants that barely cover my labia! You will be so excited to see all my skin from my belly button down to you-know-where! (Blush) I’ll have a nice cameltoe for you to look at.

“First I will need to get you out of your necktie, and I’ll probably need your help because women don’t know how to tie or untie men’s neckties! (But you can teach me!) Next, I would so love to kiss each button of your Paul Fredrick dress shirt before unfastening them top to bottom. I will sexily slip the shirt off of you (Question: Are you wearing button cuffs or cuff links tomorrow?)

“In this cold weather, I’m sure you’ll have a t-shirt underneath. So I’ll slowly, tenderly, push it up and over your head; all the while kissing your chest but especially your nipples.

“Now, before I can get your pants off, I’ll need to remove your shoes… I’ve had a longtime fantasy — something I read in a porn story when I was nineteen — about untying my lover’s shoes with my teeth. I want to start by kissing the tops of your Johnston & Murphy shoes, eventually settling my lips near the laces. And then I will proceed (probably slowly!) to untie each shoelace — No hands! — using only my teeth. You’ll be looking down and watching me, and getting very excited by my efforts, I hope! And when the laces are both finally hanging loose, I will take off your shoes.

“Shoes gone… Your socks come next. Please stand on one foot while I pull this sock off… There we go… Now the other one… off! (Your toes are so cute!)

“When I stand back up, I will suddenly remember that, although I kissed your nipples when I removed your t-shirt, I totally forgot to lick them! But I can fix that. Lick, lick, lick.

“Your belt is next. Another opportunity for me to use my teeth! Look down and watch me unbuckle your favorite scorpion belt using only my teeth… There, all unbuckled. Now I’ll need to use my hand for the button on your pants, but I can do the zipper with just my teeth!

“I eagerly tug your pants down, and you step out of them. Oh! You’re wearing the aqua briefs, my special favorites! And — by now, they have a VERY large bulge in the front. It’s straining the fabric!

“I kneel to nuzzle and kiss your bulge through the briefs. Now I see a wet spot! You sigh happily, and soon you’re nearly trembling with desire to feel me on your bare cock. Thinking alike, we both tug at your waistband and push your briefs to the floor.

“Caesar (so cute how you named your cock that!) is fully erect and exposed. I love him so much! He wants me, and I can’t hold back! I kiss up and down his shaft! I kiss his tip! I kiss all over his gorgeous head! I kiss underneath his head, all the way around! Hearing your murmurs of pleasure fills me with joy.

“A few squeezes and caresses for your testes. And then, we will be all ready for the night’s fun!

“I love you, Captain Handsome! Come home to Mrs Peach! I want your seed!”

Mrs Peach hoped her Captain Handsome would finish reading her message with throbbing lust in his groin and love in his heart. She had a pretty good feeling he would — and that their reunion would be even more erotic than her fantasy.




Published 5 years ago

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