The Alliterative Assignation

"Some fun wih words in a collaborative effort with Poppet"

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Poppet was a person, not a puppet; that point must be perfectly clear. Feeling not terribly devotional that Palm Sunday, she was perusing porn on her Palm Pilot while she was perched in her pew at the Pineview Pentecostal Chapel. Her perky breasts rose and fell as she watched the scene silently unfold beneath her hymnbook. Her paramour, Peter, perched in the pew next to her, glanced at Poppet’s lap and his eyes popped, as he saw the pornographic Palm Pilot depicting pulchritudinous lesbians practicing dual penetration with double ended dildos. Peter surreptitiously palpitated his penis through the peripheral wall of his pants pocket. Meanwhile, the preacher, Pastor Paul Pease, prattled on endlessly from the pulpit about the jubilation and the joy of Jesus’ journey through Jerusalem.

Subsequent to the sermon, sex-starved Poppet and her paramour, Peter, popped ‘round the corner to the local ice cream parlor, where they were seated side by side. After perusing the plentiful menu, they purchased parfait sundaes. The sundaes were served in tall soda glasses, and they ate them with slender spoons. As they ate, Peter put his pinky into Poppet’s pussy, and palpitated her puffy lips. Poppet’s heart was pounding and her breathing became belabored. Finally, feeling faint, she could fend it off no longer. She felt her pussy pumping and her abdomen aching as the muscles in her tummy twisted and she pursed her lips pretending to sit serenely. Peter pulled his pinky from her pussy and put in in his mouth, slowly sucking her savory secretions.

Their parfaits completely consumed, they stood, stretched, and stepped out of the parlor onto the sunny sidewalk, where they strolled slightly southward along Saratoga Street. None of the passersby perceived Poppet’s recent passion, or if they did, they discretely dropped their eyes from the damp spot on her derriere.

As they were walking, they noticed a new adult toy shop. The sign over the door read ‘DLizze’s Dark Dungeon of Depravity’. The sign in the door read ‘Sinners and Sodomy Welcome on Sundays’.

They took that to mean “OPEN”. Delighted at their new discovery, they decided to drop in, so opened the door..

“Welcome to my parlor,” said the proprietor. “Poppet and Peter isn’t it? I recognize you from the lurid literature I occasionally leer at on Lush. There is a treasure trove of toys to be tried for your titillation in the rear room. And downstairs of course is the dungeon. Be careful descending the stairs, and hold the handrail. They are designed to daunt the dainty and to deter the dilettante from descending to the dungeon without proper prior preparation and pondering.”

“Oh, look,” said Peter, pointing to a pink pony tail plug. “You could be my little pony.”

“I’d rather put the plug in you, Peter,” Poppet replied. “Then you’d be my studly steed.”

Peter wasn’t listening. He had begun descending the stairway to the dungeon.

Poppet, following behind had a sudden fancy. As she descended, she debated domineering and demeaning Peter downstairs in the dungeon. She had just decided to do that, and was poised on the second step, when she heard her name called by DLizze.

“Poppet,” the proprietor piped up, “I’ve hung the CLOSED sign and locked the door. I couldn’t help peering at your pulchritudinous puppies when you appeared. Would you permit me to prod, poke and pinch them?”

“I’d be pleased to have you play with and palpitate my paps,” Poppet said.

Peter, having overheard them, pouted.

“Provided,” Poppet went on, “we can punish my paramour, Peter, by putting him in a package of plastic wrap and having him watch.”

Peter, still listening was leery, but found his penis popping to perpendicular as he thought of having to watch, without being permitted to participate.

What took place while Peter watched, we’ll leave to the reader’s imagination. Suffice it to say, a salaciously satisfying series of scenes and sessions ensued. The sound of screams and the smell of sex and sweat surrounded the store and permeated the premises.

01/21/2014 @ DLizze & Poppet Productions

Published 11 years ago

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