I cupped Skye’s ass, pushing her down onto the small bunk, stiff pink nipples pressing into her tits. It was still weird. Especially when I was fucking Skye while hearing the Ship’s voice in my head. Not as weird as the first time, but still strange. While I preferred cock to cunt I had to admit that Skye had turned out to be a delightful lover and gave me no reason to complain. Fun, adventurous, and willing to try new things we’d spent the last two weeks trying to wear each other out. What else was there to do while trapped together on a spaceship in the middle of nowhere bound for points unknown?
I pushed my tongue into her ass. It was still weird. It would always be weird, fucking someone who, except for the color of her skin, was a mirror image of me. It was a bit of a turn-on, too. I guess my inner narcissist was finally making an appearance.
Suddenly desperate, I began grinding against her, contaminating the room with the smell of pussy and perspiration until our moans mingled as one, rising in volume until I let out a stuttering cry and stiffened, my climax washing through me with the intensity of a supernova. A moment later Skye joined in, the throes of passion causing her to buck wildly beneath me human lover before collapsing, together, limbs tangled, sheets damp, and satisfied smiles on our faces as we kissed.
Being lost in space isn’t so bad sometimes.
Be quiet. I’m enjoying the moment.
I know. I am too. Or at least part of me is.
It took some getting used to, but I was adapting…
I woke with a start, Ship’s voice in my head. We’d decided, early on, that Ship would remain Ship and that Skye would be Skye so as not to be too confusing.
My sensors are detecting a moving object.
Another Ship. Possibly.
I sat up, suddenly alert.
Should I be worried?
I’ll let you know. Scanning for life forms. Would you like to see it?
On screen.
I rolled over and studied the screen on the wall. So far it was just a bright light moving through the darkness, headed in our direction. If it was an asteroid I trusted Ship to avoid it if it looked like it was going to hit us. If it was another ship, though?
Picking up life forms. Plural. Unknown species.
What do we do now?
For what?
To see what it does.
I have always hated waiting.
It’s on an interception course and slowing.
The image on the screen slowed and then came to a sudden stop. Just like that. One moment it was headed toward us, the next it was motionless giving me a good look at the spacecraft. It was orb-shaped. In fact, it was an orb. Not just round, but resembling a giant eye. It was white. With a large black circle – a pupil? – facing us. Around that was a ring of color that seemed to shift and change color every few seconds. Blue. Green. Red… all the colors of the rainbow and variations thereof. More colors than I could count. It was somewhat disorienting and I had to turn away.
They’re hailing us, Layla. I have the translator on. You should be able to understand.
I took a deep breath as an image appeared. A man. Or a man-shaped alien at least. Spindly would be a good way to describe him. His skin was as white as the ship and he was dressed in what looked like a tinfoil suit complete with a tinfoil hat that reminded me of a Hershey’s Kiss. He had long flowing silver hair and a matching goatee. Behind him were a pair of much smaller green-skinned creatures wearing jumpsuits. One blue. One orange. They were both hairless.
“I see you,” he announced, his fingers doing some sort of complicated dance. I assumed it was part of the greeting.
“Hello,” I replied and waved tentatively.
“I am Doctor Zero from the planet Ghe-ong. Head Pilot aboard the Angel’s Egg.”
“Layla Lovejoy from Planet Earth. Space explorer. And Ship. Nice to meet you. What can I do for you?”
“Permission to board. Perhaps put on a kettle. It is teatime after all.”
An odd request from an odd being.
As odd as zipping around space in a giant eyeball?
Perhaps not.
He doesn’t seem dangerous.
The dangerous ones never do. At least he doesn’t seem aggressive.
It might be nice to have company…
“Permission granted.”
“Excellent. I shall ferry myself over shortly.”
The screen changed into a visual of the ship once more. I watched, fascinated by the ever-changing color ring, until an oval-shaped portal appeared on the surface near the ‘bottom’ of the orb and a small craft emerged.
If I thought that Doctor Zero was odd, his shuttle was even stranger. It resembled a bright yellow teapot powered by a propeller. A very fast teapot. It traversed the distance between us in a matter of minutes.
I am going to open the airlock now, Layla. There doesn’t appear to be any weaponry on board.
A nano-second later the portal opened and I got my first up-close and personal glimpse of Doctor Zero. Even up close, he appeared dressed in tinfoil that reflected the light. In a way, we matched, since I was wearing the silver suit designed for space travel.
“I see you,” He announced once more, stepping into the command center. He was tall. Much taller than me. And incredibly thin. He looked both young and old. A little bit of both, if that makes any sense. And his smile seemed genuine and friendly as he looked around the craft before giving me his full attention.
“Very lovely.”
Whether he was referring to me or to Ship, I didn’t know. Skye, by the way, had decided to stay in our quarters. I knew she was watching, though. She saw and heard everything that Ship saw and heard. It could be a little unsettling at times but I tried not to think about it too much.
“Thank you. It’s not really… visitor friendly. There’s a small table and a pair of stools in one of the other compartments if you’d like to sit. And Ship can make tea…
Can you?
Of course. And scones too. They’re very English. He might like them.
Why not.
We had tea. And scones with strawberry Jam. It was all very civilized. And a little strange. We snacked in relatively comfortable silence although I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that he was observing me.
“What brings you here?” he asked casually. A perfectly sensible question but I sensed something behind his casual words. Something more than idle chatter.
“Here. At the edge of the known and unknown.”
“I… we…”
I paused, wondering how much to tell him. He took the moment to lean forward and rest his hand over mine. It felt intimate. Surprised I started to pull my hand away. And then I… changed my mind. He continued to stroke his fingers over mine. It felt nice. His touch was light, his fingertips soft, his eyes…
Yes, ship.
Not everything is as it seems.
Ship’s voice seemed… distant and had a dreamlike quality to it. Very strange. I felt a sudden jolt of electricity and, for a brief moment, the world shifted. Changed. Or at least Doctor Zero did. He was replaced by a pink creature resembling an octopus – or maybe a squid – with a single large eye in the middle of his – it’s? – face. Like his ship, there was a single black pupil surrounded by a ring of constantly changing color. The pupil seemed to pulse hypnotically. The ‘hand’ resting on mine, caressing mine, was no longer a hand, but the tip of a tentacle, one of several. The others were reaching out slowly, writhing sensuously as they closed the gap between us. Swallowing I tried to pull my hand away… And then it was suddenly gone, replaced by a strange-looking man dressed in tin foil. A smiling Doctor Zero. This tea is wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever had this brew before.
Blinking, I shook my head as if to clear it from the strange vision I’d just had.
“If you’d like you can have some. To take with you. When you leave…” I was finding it hard to concentrate as he continued to stroke me through my suit, his touch traveling further along my arm. It was dreamy. I felt lightheaded. It was a rather pleasant sensation. Not alarming at all.
Yes, ship?
The scene shifted again. It wasn’t just one tentacle making its way over my body. It was four. One slithering over each arm while two more were brushing along the insides of my legs, nearing my thighs. A fifth began to wrap itself around my waist. I wondered if I should protest. I decided not to. It felt… nice. Besides, it wasn’t really happening… or was it? I blinked and there was Doctor Zero again, sipping tea, one eyebrow raised inquisitively.
“Would you like to vibe, Layla?
I felt a sensation. A very pleasurable one, centered between my thighs.
Go away, Ship. I’m fine. More than fine. Oh, god, that feels so good.
I felt her leave me. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and began to… vibe. I wasn’t quite vibrating. Close, though. Everything shifted again and the human-like alien morphed into a pink cephalopod again, this time remaining that way as it stroked my thighs, my arms, my breast, and, most importantly, my pussy with slick tentacles, the tips somehow finding their way into my silver spacesuit.
I was lost. Not that I minded. Whatever vibing was, it felt incredible. I’d never experienced this much ecstasy from simply being touched before. I let out a soft moan, unable to help myself, my eyes rolling slightly back.
“Have you ever glid before?”
I felt the tip of a tentacle slipping between my lips, filling my mouth, another one slipping between my other lips. They both seemed to expand, filling my mouth and cunt, swelling as they continued deeper, deeper, one filling my throat, the other making its way toward my womb, both… vibrating.
I convulsed suddenly, an orgasm ripping through me. One that didn’t seem to want to stop. Nor did I want it to. I rode it out, seemingly forever, wondering if I was going to lose my mind and not caring if the answer was ‘yes’.
Eventually, I felt my orgasm beginning to subside, probably to prevent my brain from melting.
“No,” I managed, not caring if my brain really did melt. I would die happy at least. And then, another one began to rise up in its place. I felt a strange tickle in the back of my head for a brief moment and then it was gone, but it had stirred up something. Memories.
It’s feeding, Layla.
Told you to go away.
On your memories.
I felt another electric jolt course through me. It was much stronger this time and it didn’t seem to be stopping. Coupled with the crescendoing climax that was imminent my brain really did melt or at least it started shutting down.
“Relax. Open your mind.”
I heard a hint of frustration in his voice as another jolt hit me again, traveling through my suit.
Is that you, Ship?
Stop it!
It’s for your own good, Layla. Now fight back.
I fought back. Not against the alien squid thing that was trying to eat my memories, but against Ship. Perhaps I was too awash in ecstasy to think straight but I didn’t want it to end. Ever. Fortunately, Ship took matters into her own hands. As I was cresting on yet another wave of pure pleasure I felt the tentacles suddenly withdraw followed by a loud grunt of pain.
“No!” I cried out. In retrospect, it was kind of pathetic. Blinking, the image of Skye came into focus. Skye standing half naked (the lower half) over the unconscious form of Doctor Zero in what I assumed was his true form and holding what would best be described as a space wrench.
“You can be very stubborn sometimes,” she muttered while staring down at the squid-like doctor.
“I was enjoying myself,” I muttered back, pouting at Skye, my eyes wandering from the tips of her toes, noting that she had painted her nails a translucent blue, and up her lovely legs to her cute little silver pubes. God, she was breathtaking. Did that make me a narcissist?
Letting out a breath, I felt my lust rolling through me like waves, focusing less and less on Doctor Zero and his admittedly wonderful tentacles and more on Skye…
Snap out of it, Layla.
I can’t help it sometimes.
Yes, it is possible for spaceships to sigh.
“Help me, please.”
I took a deep breath as I began to regain control over my libido and gave Skye a hand dragging the alien back to his weird teapot-shaped ship shuttle, sealing the hatch closed before departing. Eventually, he would regain his senses and return to his ship or so Ship reassured me. By then we would be far away. Out in space once more on our great adventure, for that was what I’d begun to think of it as. I doubted I’d ever see home again, but at least I wasn’t alone. I smiled at Skye, meeting her eyes, my lust still burning inside me. She smiled back, her eyes mirroring mine. That was all it took for me to take her in my arms and kiss her, our tongues sliding over each other, our hands exploring, our soft whimpers melding into one…
To be continued in The Adventures of Space Girl Five: The Planet That Time Forgot!