Scarlett and the Six Napoleons
“So, Doctor Barnicott, pray to tell at what time in your life did your wife cease to love you, and at what hour this evening do you intend to make love to your mistress?”
“What! But, this is preposterous! Who has told you about me? Go on tell all!”
The middle-aged man in suit and tie stood up, outraged and befuddled, as Scarlett Homes tapped her clay pipe out at the fireplace calmly. Her trusted companion and lesbian lover, medical student Emma Watson sat opposite and drank in the exquisite beauty of the blonde who smiled at her audience. In the warm glow of the crackling fire, she radiated elegance and grace.
“I merely put into practice my expertise in observation and deduction. It was a trifling matter.”
The five-foot-three woman had her fair hair back and up and she wore a high-neck, floor-length dress that had a pretty floral motif. Full-figured with a thirty-six inch bust she was curvy and rounded in all the right places. She had a diamond shape face with prominent cheekbones and a narrow chin.
“Do tell us how you came to these conclusions, Holmes. ‘Tis most astonishing. I am utterly taken back.”
“Ah, Watson. I ought to make you sign a paper to that effect. Because in three minutes you will say it is all absurdly simple.”
“I cannot see myself saying that.”
Emma Watson was also in a long dress and low-heeled shoes. Her light brown hair complimented her glowing complexion and bright eyes that were wide and alert. She had recently returned from medical school and had settled once more in her native London.
“You see I merely observed the gentleman’s hat. It has not been brushed for weeks and has an accumulation of dust. Not outdoor dust but the fluffy brown sort of the house. If his wife sees this object every day on the rack I fear that the fellow has lost his wife’s affection.
“And my date with my…ahem…my cousin later? How in good fortune could you know that?” wondered Barnicott as he fidgeted nervously in his chair.
“As I emptied my pipe I saw your inane grinning whilst you waited for me, your licking of the lips, constant checking of your pocket watch and the light sheen of sweat upon your brow. Last but not least the salacious rubbing of your nether regions with your right hand tells me that you are in a state of sexual excitement. Two plus two equals four and so forth.”
“How absurdly simple!” cried Emma.
“Well, I never! I thought you had done something clever, but I see that there was nothing in it after all.” Barnicott relaxed and mopped his brow.
Holmes sighed and spread her hands, her clear green eyes reflecting the flames of the fire.
“I begin to think that I make a mistake in explaining. I should stop.”
Doctor Barnicott had called at the personal lodgings of the great private detective’s sister, Scarlett Holmes, who resided at number 227B Baker Street three doors down from her illustrious older sibling. Currently on a yearly sabbatical in Europe, Scarlett had stepped into his detecting shoes.
“It is a curious matter that I put before you. I have informed the police that my home was burgled last night, I live in Kennington Road, but nothing was taken.”
Scarlett sat in her favourite chair and gazed into the fireplace.
“This is very odd.”
“The only significant thing is that one of my collector’s items, a plaster bust of Napoleon, had been smashed to fragments. I am an avid admirer of the former French Emperor and my house is full of his books, pictures and relics. I purchased the bust not two days ago and now find it destroyed. As if the culprit was looking for something inside it.”
“Oh yes, this is very novel. Well, I am delighted in your tale, Doctor Barnicott but can do nothing to help in this singular matter. Good day.”
The busty blonde dismissed the man with a nonchalant wave of her hand and the second the man had left Scarlett jumped up and clapped her hands.
“Excellent, excellent. Oh, this is capital.”
“Only this morning my older sister Mordred informed me, in the strictest confidence, of the theft from the Foreign Office of a vital document, a naval treaty, that is of International importance. She, in league with the Government, has given me the task of retrieving the said article. The thief was almost caught in the act, escaped and was last seen in the vicinity of the manufacturer of the plaster busts. Gelder and Company I believe. It is my reasoning, in light of what Barnicott has related to us, that the thief has concealed the treaty in one of the Napoleon busts as they were still being dried. Since the culprit fled the scene and then returned for his reward he must have discovered that the busts have since been scattered over London. He must be searching even as we speak.”
“What a strange state of affairs!” Emma said as she joined Scarlett and sat by her side on the arm of the chair.
“We must venture to Stepney and Gelders and ascertain just how many busts there were and who purchased them. Come, my dear, the game is afoot.”
The two lovers kissed and then readied themselves for their latest adventure.
Having had a printed list of the owners of the six Napoleons they decided to split it between them. A Josiah Brown, Lucretia Venucci, Mister Sandeford and Horace Harker, who had bought two of the six finished busts.
“First I shall endeavour to trace Brown who resides in Chiswick, while you interview Miss Venucci. The Italian lady lives in East London. Are you game?”
“It would be an honour. You can rely on me, Holmes. Good luck.”
Within ten minutes Scarlett had arrived at Laburnum Villa in Chiswick and entered through the garden gate to the big front door.
The pleasant house had a fanlight over the hall door as the detective rang the ornate bell. A window opened and a face appeared to scrutinise her and then it closed. Then the door opened and a young and fresh-faced man with a trim moustache presented himself.
“Mister Josiah Brown, I suppose?”
“Yes Miss, and you are?”
“A fellow admirer of the once powerful French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. May we talk?”
Scarlett was led through the hall to the library where all manner of relics and books of the once powerful European ruler were on proud display. There, on the mantle shelf, sat the bust in question just like the one Doctor Barnicott had described that very day.
“Thank you, Mister Brown.”
The man had his maid bring in a tea trolley and Scarlett sipped a cup of the finest Earl Grey as she reposed in a plush armchair.
“Most pleasant,” she said as she set her cup down. “I’ll come straight to the point young fellow. I have traced the whereabouts of six busts of Napoleon and I simply must have them all. I adore his visage so much. I see your one on display over the fireplace. I will pay you handsomely for the object in question.”
“Indeed, it is a fine likeness and I am loathe to part with it. As you can see Miss Holmes I am not in want of funds. I live well thanks to my late father’s inheritance.”
“Can I not persuade you just a little?”
Scarlett fluttered her eyes and flirted outrageously. Brown, who looked barely twenty years of age, blushed bright crimson. The reason being the attractive blonde had drawn a handkerchief from the front of her low-cut dress, so revealing an inch of deep bosom. She parted her wet lips and raised her chin proudly. Her right hand came up and she pulled a out hairpin and her shoulder-length hair fell loose about her long neck in one curl.
“Please, for me.”
“I…I don’t…”
His nervous gaze narrowed on her huge breasts which seemed to swell as she breathed. He crossed his legs and felt the neck of his shirt with his fingers which had suddenly become uncomfortably tight.
“Is that, I mean, are you?”
“Don’t say another word, Josiah. May I call you that? Do you have a female companion?”
“No, I don’t, never met a girl I fancied.”
“Such a shame and you are so masculine and handsome.”
Scarlett rose from her chair and crossed the carpet to his seat.
“You look decidedly heated my poor lamb. Allow me.”
The mischievous blonde yanked the tails of his shirt free of his trousers and removed it, much to his surprise and joy.
“Well! Hello Josiah.”
He had a youthful strength and muscled physique and a ripped back. Scarlett took off her five-button gloves and traced a line from his upper chest to his abdomen where she lingered, her eyes fixed on his. She felt the tips of her tits peak against her stiff bodice under her skirt and stood directly over him.
“Would you mind terribly if I removed my dress, the tea has made me desperately hot and bothered.”
“Please! I mean, if you so wish.”
Scarlett never let her eyes wander from him as she undid the pink ribbons at the front of her gown and opened the material. He had the first look at a pair of female breasts when she tugged her ribbed bodice down and he was in awe of the soft swell of her hefty boobs. He felt his cock harden in his trousers as she bent to kiss him, moving both his hands to her mammoth tits.
“Do I please you?” she spoke in a little girl’s voice.
Without awaiting his answer Scarlett kissed him long and deep as her hands busied themselves with the buttons of his fly. He gasped as his straining erection emerged from within. It throbbed with an acute desire to pop the tip into Scarlett’s pouting lips.
“This is exceedingly hard, young man.”
Her right hand moved over the foreskin of his erection and expertly peeled it back to reveal a shiny purple-hued crown that had a tantalising blob of pre cum. She rubbed the smooth shaft as he pawed at her tits, wallowing in the large and firm globes that filled his sweaty palms.
“You are quite beautiful,” he told her as he thumbed her stiff nipples.
“As are you.”
Scarlett tightened the grip on his hot length and, starting from the base, she jerked her fist in a spiral twist that caused him to squeeze her breasts hard.
“Would you like me to suck it?”
“Yes, very much so.”
Brown tore his trousers down and his big cock jutted forward and his hips nudged to her desirable mouth. Scarlett grinned and her opened mouth embraced the fat crown. She felt so wet on his hot flesh and the pair of them moaned with the contact. Scarlett closed her eyes as her tongue ran circles around the head before taking the plunge and sucking him in.
“Heavens! Such sweet bliss!”
“Mm, hmm!”
She hummed as she released his prick and used her flattened tongue for one, long, slow lick that finished with her pursed lips clamped on his bell end. Scarlett tongued her way around the sensitive rim of the glans where the foreskin ended and then drove the man insane as she scraped her white teeth in a downward direction. His resurgent cock twitched and pulsed and he thought he might cum right then.
“There, how was that?”
She jiggled her tits and dutifully tweaked her nipples, intensifying his desperate arousal, and turned to leave.
“What? Are we done? But…why?”
Brown wanked his cock which dribbled with the woman’s saliva as he became most anxious.
“Well, I suppose I could give you a tit fuck That is, in exchange for the Napoleon bust.”
Scarlett pointed with a long finger to the desired plaster bust.
“DEAL,” he cried in a high-pitched voice.
Scarlett pulled back and separated her breasts with one hand and inserted his pulsating pole into the resultant channel. Immediately Brown eagerly moved his cock back and forth in Scarlett’s huge cleavage. Dry initially, his prick squeaked as it drove up and down but the topless beauty dribbled a line of spit down the fat cock head as she bent her face forward.
“Try now.”
He sighed as the wide slot between her tits embraced his length and he slid in and out like a well-oiled machine. Scarlett pushed both her massive globes together to make one giant tit and grinned as the inexperienced man thrust his hips up. With each upward plunge, his swollen glans were met by the pink snake of her tongue which wound around it and slathered it with saliva.
“That’s the way. Faster now.”
Brown grunted as his cock found its way into her wide-open mouth every time it emerged from the vast depths of her cleavage. Scarlett pressed her tits harder as he picked up the pace, his climax growing ever nearer.
“Cum on my big tits, shower my boobs with your seed.”
Urged on by the green-eyed beauty the young man shot his load into the awaiting mouth of Scarlett who gulped and swallowed his hot cum. He jerked several times until his cock receded from her gorgeous breasts now awash with semen.
“Do you perchance have a fresh handkerchief?”
“Of course, at once.”
Scarlett buttoned up her bodice once cleansed and stood to leave.
“A pleasure to do business with you, Mister Josiah Brown.”
She took the offered bust and turned to take her leave.
“Oh, and by the way. You should leave this museum of a house more often and find your Josephine, just like Napoleon. You have a handsome penis. It would be a shame not to use it more often. Good day.”
The second the detective got outside she placed the bust on the ground, covered it with a cloth from her purse and smashed it into fragments with a leather cosh. As she sifted through the shattered remains it was crystal clear it hid nothing.
“Oh well, maybe the good Emma will have more luck than I.”
Emma arrived at the front door of the terraced house of Lucretia Venucci. She had travelled to Stepney in the east part of the city and had stopped in the narrow street where she perceived the row of houses. The last one of the rows had a high-pitched roof and coloured brickwork. Emma knocked on the front door under the brick porch and waited patiently. Looking through the stained glass window she saw the bust of Napoleon looking out proudly. This was the place. Finally, the door opened and Emma composed herself.
“Si?” said the tenant as she stood on the threshold. Lucretia Venucci was wearing a smocked nightgown in pristine white cotton.
The gown spilt to the floor and had a ruffled collar and cuffs and five opalescent shell buttons up the front. Emma could hardly fail to notice that the top two were undone to show the upper half of the woman’s ample cleavage.
At five feet nine in her carpet slippers, the Italian woman looked down on Emma who was barely five feet five in her heels. She had dressed modestly in a purple satin skirt and short, hip-length jacket. On her head, she had a pretty purple bonnet that was tied under her chin.
“Oh, excuse me. Have I woken you from your slumber?”
It did seem odd that the woman was still in night attire.
“I have been unwell of late. How may I help?”
The brown-haired lady spoke in a honeyed voice with a Latin accent, Italian or maybe Spanish. Her lustrous hair was loose and cascaded about her shoulders, and her dark feline eyes had a seductive smouldering look that held Emma in awe.
“Please forgive the intrusion, but I noticed the plaster bust of Napoleon in the window and was intrigued by the odd object. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Emma Watson.”
“You like the bust? Please do come inside. I am most happy to see you.”
They came into a bright room with parquet wood floors and simple decorative features. They sat opposite each other and Emma spoke as she removed her bonnet.
“Are you Italian, Miss?”
“Si. Venucci, Lucretia Venucci. Well, my father was from Italy but my mother was from Barcelona. I take after her the most, she was very beautiful. Her family fought gallantly in the Peninsular War against Napoleon and his empire. That is why I was taken by the plaster bust.”
Emma was spellbound as she listened to the Latin Chica speak in her charming accent. Blessed with high cheekbones and an olive complexion she was a spectacular creature. The English rose felt an instant attraction and fanned her face with the back of her hand as she became heated.
“I am glad of your company, Miss Watson. I have had a feeling of pensive sadness in recent times and have an air of melancholy.”
“Why? What has occurred within recent times to bring this woe upon you?”
Lucretia turned her head to stifle a sob and bent to the small table for a kerchief, inadvertently letting her busty cleavage into full view of a mesmerised Emma.
“I find it hard to put into words, I…”
Emma joined her side and took her hand as she tried to soothe the glamorous female.
“Is it…a man?”
Lucretia looked up and gazed directly into Emma’s soft eyes, heavy-lidded and dreamy.
“A woman. My lover. She has left me to marry and I am most lonely. Yes, I am of the persuasion that I prefer and adore the female form, but alas she has run off to marry an Italian Count.”
The pair grew closer and closer on the two-seat sofa and Emma gasped as the other gently stroked her left cheek.
“You have soft skin, so white and translucent. My lover was the same.”
Emma fought to control her breathing as Lucretia bumped her left thigh with her right. So transfixed on the sultry woman’s face she did not notice her unbutton the front of her nightgown. The fully rounded breasts of Lucretia rose and fell as she panted and Emma was quite taken aback by the two huge globes of flesh that were presented to her. The young girl felt butterflies in her stomach and a tingling in her loins.
“Why do you cover your neck? You have an elegant neck.”
“Thank you.” Emma managed to answer as her collar was lowered and the nape of her neck was nibbled and kissed.
She took advantage and cupped the D-cup tits and held them tight. So big were they that Emma’s tiny hands were inadequate to smother them. The tremendous globes stood proud with a perky lift and the areolas were like chocolate. Then they kissed and Lucretia took control and dominated the petite Emma with a darting tongue and rolling lips. She felt her pussy throb and her heart race as expert hands undid the jacket she wore. Emma rose from the seat and unhooked her skirt so that she stood in her lace-up bodice and bloomers.
“I want you, badly,” she said in hushed tones.
“Si. I also want you.”
Lucretia stood too and brushed off her nightie and let Emma take in her tall, slim and naked figure. Her legs were tapered and slender and never seemed to end. She had a most appealing round bottom that stuck put somewhat behind her narrow back, both cheeks lifted and firm. At the apex of her legs where her thighs met her hip was a dark but trim triangle of black pubes that covered a fleshy pussy. Lucretia saw the desire in the eyes of the other and they both stared without speaking for several moments. A clock on the mantle struck noon and broke the ice.
“Come to my bedroom, mi amor.”
They flopped to the bed and kissed with probing tongues and soft moans. Emma pawed the mammoth tits as Lucretia slid her hand over the midriff of Emma and wormed inside the top of her bloomers. Emma bit her lower lip as long fingers found the wet labia of her pussy and she bucked up with her hips.
“Love me,” Emma hissed, and in a split second the smoking hot senorita was all over her.
The bodice was roughly unlaced and undergarments removed as Lucretia straddled her smaller body with her butt and legs. Emma, now naked, shivered in delight as she was laid upon by Lucretia’s heavier frame. Their breasts pressed against one another firmly as Emma felt a warm hand between her thighs and cup her muff.
“You are really wet there”
“Yes, senorita wet for you! Oh!”
Lucretia parted the soft folds of Emma’s cunt and she squirmed on the welcome digit as pure lust overtook her. She never quite knew how she did it but the flexible Spanish woman pushed her finger in and out of the slick pussy of Emma as she moved her hips down to meet the English girl’s humping body.
“Oooh, fuck!”
Emma smiled inwardly as she reached around and successfully found Lucretia’s pussy and rubbed on the erect clitoris vigorously.
“Mucho, me excitas mucho!”
Emma increased her motion on the tiny nub as her own cunt was stroked with two frantic fingers. The pair rocked and writhed on the bed as they squirted and leaked fluids from their nether regions. Lucretia nibbled each of Emma’s nipples which made her breathing heavier as her sensitive buds grew rock hard. The Spanish hussy slid her flattened tongue between the divine perky breasts and slowly moved down, making sure contact was kept all the way until she reached the hot and ripe cunt of the darling young filly.
“Oh, yes!”
The ministrations had Emma delirious and her eyes closed in bliss. She did not see but rather felt two hands flip her onto her belly and a chilling but superb nail scratched her along her spine to her tailbone. A small amount of dribble fell into her upturned crack and Emma lifted her cute derriere as a finger circled her puckered anus. Her thighs were then firmly parted and two fingers proceeded to enter her wet cunt and drive in and out.
“Your bottom is perfect, little one.”
“Th…thank you.”
Emma was helpless with pure lust as a tongue licked her slit from top to bottom as a thumb simultaneously pushed inside her asshole. With cunt and ass licked and plucked Emma screamed the house down as her backside undulated on the bed.
“Now fuck me, little one.”
“Fuck you?” said Emma as she sat up on the bed, her medium-sized tits heaving.
“Si, like this.”
The two panting women both flipped over onto their sides and parted their legs.
They intertwined and Emma opened her mouth in amazement as their cunts made contact. Lucretia, again the more dominant, moved her hips back and forth and rubbed her pussy into Emma’s.
“I think I like that.” She purred and tilted her head back.
They bumped and humped as they matched each other’s eager grinding motions as they became lost in a mutual heaven. The pair of them ached. Ached for their release, that sublime climax that was their reward.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Emma intoned as their lower bodies gyrated in an erotic and stimulating manner.
Lucretia tightened her legs on the diminutive Emma as her cunt soaked the other. Their inner thighs and pussy mounds were awash with their love juices with each roll of their hips. Emma came first, quivering and soaking the quim of the Latin woman. Lucretia smiled and pinned Emma to the bed and ground her cunt and belly on her until she cried out at her orgasm.
“Heavens!” Emma groaned, when her illicit lover slipped down between her upper legs to lick her dripping cunt from anus to clit.
Each new stroke of the tongue made Emma grit her teeth and arch her back as her clit was sucked and nibbled with continuous swipes and swirls that saw every pore in her body perspire. Her pert butt was gripped and Lucretia buried her face against Emma’s pussy until she exploded from her second orgasm. As they lay in each other’s arms Emma nuzzled the sweet-smelling neck of the olive-skinned honey.
“Come see me again. Promise me. You have lifted my gloom.”
Emma thought of Scarlett Holmes and wondered what her reaction might be if she were here.
“I cannot promise my darling, but I will remember this day. May I…may I take the bust?”
They kissed one more time and Emma rose from the bed and stood in that graceful pose of hers.
“Si, take the bust. And I shall keep your bloomers as my favour.”
Barely two minutes after leaving the house Emma broke open the plaster model only to find nothing concealed within.
“Three to go.”
Scarlett had taken the 12.55 train from Paddington Station and arrived at precisely 13.12 in Reading Town. A short but brisk walk brought her to the home of a Mister Jack Sandeford, recently the proud owner of the fourth Napoleon. The list she had been provided with indicated he lived at number one Barnaby Street and as she neared the little house she observed two hulking men, shirtless and digging the front lawn.
“I say, I’m looking for a Miss Sandeford. Is this her home?”
The one with fair hair and a smooth torso wiped his brow and shook his head. He laid down his garden spade and looked at Scarlett in her wool dress. The fitted bodice had a round neck and a high waistline. The skirt was box pleated and was faced with glazed cotton.
“There is no Miss Sandeford, but I am MISTER Jack Sandeford. May I be of assistance?”
“I appear to have been given erroneous information. I was led to understand that she was prepared to sell her plaster bust of Napoleon.”
“Ah, I do possess such an object, purchased from Gelder and Company, but it is not for sale at any price.”
“Pity. I was prepared to pay five pounds for it. No matter. Do you live together perchance?”
“Yes, my friend Henry Culver and I both live here.”
Both men were dappled in honest sweat from their exertions and sported impressive physiques. Jack was at least six feet three, extremely lean with a bulky torso and wide clavicles. Henry was approximately the same height with a big forty-eight-inch chest, wide back and bulging arms. Darker haired he had a full beard and moustache.
Although she loved the feminine wiles of Emma Watson and would happily lick her sweet pussy all the day long, on occasion it was nice to have a bull of a man between her open legs and a hard cock driving in and out of her steamy cunt.
“Yes, I see how it is.”
An idea began to form in her head of how to purloin the object. Scarlett tilted her chin up and gave them a knowing look.
“What? What are you referring to?”
“Come now, do not be ashamed. Many fellows are like you two these days. Seeking solace in the company of their same gender.”
“Are you inferring we are queer? We play rugby football for Reading Varsity!”
“Why, then the matter is settled. It is common knowledge that Reading University is a hotbed of homosexual activity.”
“Absurd! It is not! Confound you, woman! Jack and I are only too happy to entertain the ladies.”
“You? I highly doubt it. Why I’d wager that neither of you has ever brought about a female to sexual climax.”
“We most certainly have! Most assuredly!”
“Prove it!”
“I do not believe that either of you is capable of pleasing a woman in the bedroom. I would bet ten pounds that neither of you could give me an orgasm within an hour.”
“Ten pounds! Why it would be like taking sweets from a child.”
“Very well. The bet is on.”
The men looked on dumbfounded as Scarlett entered their home by the open door.
“I presume the bedrooms are upstairs?”
“Has she just invited us to fuck her, Jack?”
“It would appear so. Nice filly. too.”
The pair looked at each other and then bound up the stairs two at a time. In the bedroom, Scarlett noted the shelf with numerous sports trophies and busts of famous military men. The Duke of Wellington, Admiral Horatio Nelson, and of course Napoleon Bonaparte. Then the men burst in and looked upon her as she stripped out of her dress.
“Gentlemen, how do I look?”
The stunning blonde had let her hair down and stood with hands on hips, proud and defiant. Their eyes were led to her black tightly cinched corset with whalebone lines and a lace-up front. Agonisingly tight the garment had the effect of flaring her hips. Her upper hemispheres threatened to spill out at any given moment. On her well-shaped pins were silk stockings with red garters at both knees and her well-turned-out feet were in a pair of ankle-high boots with a two-inch heel. Most noticeable of course was her exposed muff that pouted sensuously between her upper thighs.
“Don’t forget boys, either you,” she pointed at Henry. “Or maybe you, will be ten pounds richer by the clock on the shelf chimes three o’clock. Shall we?”
Scarlett lay on her back as the men ripped off their trousers and revealed two massive and twitching erections. Along with their general ripped upper bodies, they both had the huge thighs and calves of sportsmen. Her thighs had opened and the men ogled the hot and moist wetness of her downy-covered cunt.
“Make love to me, you naughty boys!”
Jack fell upon the ravishing woman with a mutual wanton desire and held her left leg wide and kissed her stomach just above her nether regions. Then his palm moved south and cupped her pussy mound. Scarlett moved her knees up and out as her muff was stroked and caressed. Slowly but surely Jack closed in on her soft labia and he began to finger fuck the writhing slut.
“Oh, yes! Suck me, bite me, kiss me!” Henry joined in and between them, both hunks pleasured the alluring woman.
Hot breath was blown on her loins as both men became totally engrossed in her pussy.
“Queer they were not!”
One mouth descended on her and a tongue slithered on her entire pussy, running around and around the oozing slit with vigour. A second tongue merged with the other and in an instant they were everywhere. In her cunt, over her lips, circling her clitoris and painting her anus. Hands, rough and callused, pawed at her amazing tits and removed them from the confines of her corset. One teased her left nipple and the other ran lovingly over the light brown circles of her areolas.
“Keep up the good work, gentlemen.”
Their saliva trickled down her crack as two mouths luxuriantly bathed her mound with wet, slurping sounds that made her grin like a Cheshire cat. Scarlett’s legs flailed in the air and her stockings rolled down to her boots. She squealed like a girl as every crevice was explored with tongue and lips and every swipe brought her impending orgasm that much nearer.
As Henry swept around and around her hard clit, Jack found her g-spot and Scarlett raised her pelvis from the bed as exquisite shock waves made her pussy awash with her orgasmic juices. Her breath caught in her throat as she wallowed in her sexual release and curled up in a ball.
“That was sterling work, my boys. Oh! I am quite flushed.”
All three laid back and then after a few moments, Scarlett rose abruptly and adjusted her stockings and popped her boobs back into her corset.
“The event is a tie. I cannot claim one or the other gave me my climax. It was too close to call. Perhaps another time.”
Scarlett looked about for her clothing as she blanked the men out and began to hum a happy tune.
“Hold fast!” Jack jerked his hard-on and looked on in shock. “Are we not fucking you? You cannot leave us in this sad state! ‘Tis most cruel.”
“I shall stay on one condition,” said she as she contemplated the poor wretched men. “That I take the bust of Napoleon as my prize.”
“Take it, take it, by all means! Just suck our cocks!”
“Capital! Now, where were we?”
Scarlett unlaced her corset and let her spectacular boobs bounce free. The men sat expectantly on the edge of the bed side by side, their eyes riveted on her voluptuous figure. Now she could see their sizeable pricks, not to mention the hunger in their eyes. Scarlett took Jack in both hands and held it up as if it were a snake and she the charmer. His foreskin peeled back and the amorous detective folded her lips over the fat crown and moistened his knob with a drizzle of spit.
“Saints alive!” he roared as his cock was sucked into her mouth with an audible slurp.
Scarlett kept eye contact at all times and her wide green eyes sparkled as inch by inch the top half of his hose entered her mouth. She took a deep breath through her nostrils and then sucked hard on the whole length. When the tip of his cock bumped the back of her throat she gagged but held steady and moved back up slowly.
“Fucking hell!”
Scarlett wiped her lower lip and turned to Henry who wanked his cock frantically. Then she smeared some saliva on her palm and lubricated his rigid shaft. She squeezed the cock and then slid up and down the length. Her head bent and the mushroom-sized head vanished inside her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed and the vacuum created caused his prick to swell even more.
“‘Pon my soul, the woman is a devil!”
His cock slid in and out at a furious rate as she pumped his shaft with her tight fist. Then she rose to her feet again and Scarlett got on her back and spread out her legs, digging the heels of her boots into the mattress. Her wet slit seemed to wink as Jack wasted no time and stretched out his heavy bulk over her. His stiff cock slipped inside her dripping cunt and her legs crossed over his lower back.
“Come on big boy, give this whore what she deserves.”
“Patience woman, now we shall see who is queer!”
Jack braced himself and shifted his body for a better balance. His body rose and fell as his cock dipped in and out of Scarlett’s well-oiled cunt. Big balls slapped on her firm ass with each stroke and her head tossed from one side to another. As he banged in and out her pussy made obscene sucking noises above the sound of the bed frame hitting the wall. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, with each breath, as he rammed into her. His muscles flexed and his tight butt clenched with every inward push.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, I want fucking!”
Jack kept on pounding her into the bed, his cock buried deep inside her quim, and Scarlett squeezed her legs around him and held him to her tightly. Henry loomed over the humping couple. Jack noticed and slowed up, and then eased out of Scarlett who looked up with a pout on her lips at the sudden end of her rut. Then she yelped as Henry pulled her along the bed so that her butt burned and rucked the sheet up her ass.
The bearded hunk pushed her shoulders down until her back met the bed, and her boots dangled over the edge of the bed. With a hefty lift, he grabbed her ankles and raised them over his broad shoulders. Her boots perched beside his head, and her backside came high off the bed. Scarlett was then impaled on his cock.
“Heavens! So big!”
Henry was all muscle and no fat as his hips gyrated, and he inched his pole back and forth with a concentrated effort. The sublime friction from the incredible incline of the angle made Scarlett weak as jelly. Simply a toy in his grip, Scarlett was pulled and pushed effortlessly and fucked silly. Every thrust made her whole body jolt up on her back.
“I’ve never been so stuffed,” she cried as his prick surged up into her cunt.
Henry was sweating buckets as he bucked his hips up with slow but assured thrusts. Then he pushed his legs back and he was on top of her, chest to tits, hip to hip. Now he fucked her, balls deep with heavy snorting and exhalations of air. His toes were up and his legs straight as he power fucked the delirious blonde. Scarlett was of the notion that the fit young men had the strength and stamina to fuck her all day, and she was, after all, on a highly important case. One of an international importance no less. She had a notion to conclude this particular session.
“Gentlemen. Have you ever double-dipped a maiden?”
Henry stopped in mid-stroke and looked up, his cock half in, half out of Scarlett’s honey pot. Intrigued the two men became alert.
“Pray to tell.”
“It is one of the most gratifying and stimulating ways to enjoy a threesome in bed. Both of you lay on your backs, side by side and as close as possible to each other.”
Scarlett waited patiently as she cupped her dripping cunt and watched the rugby players lay on their backs with their legs intertwined. Both men had their upright poles pointing up next to each other as Scarlett clambered up and straddled both men as they inched towards each other. With a concentrated effort and expert precision, she lined up both cock heads and trapped them with her wet cunt. Heaving with excitement the blonde detective hovered just above their knobs and let both of their bell ends penetrate her pussy. At the same time!
“‘Tis a miracle!” cried Sandeford as Scarlett pushed down and her stretched-out quim swallowed up both men.
“Oh!” moaned the blonde as she sank into a crouching position with her huge tits dangling over the amazed men.
“What a feeling!”
Not one, but two big cocks were deep inside her, and her pussy contracted with a powerful pulsating surge. She braced herself with her hands palms down, one on Jack’s chest and the other on Henry. As she eased herself up and then down firmly, she screamed out and she came hard and squirted over the men.
“That was intense!”
With her overflowing cunt Scarlett moved up and down, her quivering frame savouring each exquisite thrill of the double vaginal penetration. Jack and Henry looked into each other’s eyes as they felt their organs rub against each other inside the incredibly tight cunt of Scarlett. Then she felt eager hands wander all over. Holding her ass cheeks, grabbing her hefty tits, and fingering her anus. Deeper and deeper, over and over, the two cocks plundered her cunt and her body shivered with multiple mini orgasms that made her quite dizzy. Then, when she thought the pleasure could not intensify the men thrust up their hips and drove into her hard.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!” she screamed as she responded to the tremendous in and out and in and out of two pricks in the same orifice.
She saw the look on their faces as they contorted with delirium. Jack came first and his cum flooded her pussy and gushed out of her as he pulled out. Scarlett let out a scream of ecstasy as Henry convulsed under her and he fired his cream inside her until he withdrew and the sticky cum collected on her gaping pussy. She collapsed on the bed and laughed in contented bliss as her pussy oozed fluids onto the sheet.
“That was decidedly pleasurable.”
She still wondered about their sexuality as she slowly got onto her feet and fumbled around for her dress. Both men had fucked her pussy together, their members rubbing against each other at the same time and she wondered how they had felt about that. Well, no matter, she had the bust of Napoleon and eagerly smashed it in, only to again find nothing of importance within.
Back at Baker Street, Holmes and Watson were together as the clock struck seven. There were but two of the Napoleon busts to investigate, and both were now owned by one Horace Harker.
“I shall need a bath and sleep, Watson. My adventures proved most fatiguing.”
“Oh? How so?” Emma wondered with a raised brow.
“All will be explained. We shall visit the residence of Harker under cover of darkness. Wake me at eleven.”
“As you wish, Holmes.”
At the given hour the two women dressed in the garb of men, each in dark derby hats with their hair tucked under. Both wore trousers that were tight around the bottom, and Emma found it hard to refrain from checking out Scarlett’s desirable posterior. Scarlett readied a swag bag containing a length of rope, a crowbar, a hammer, and a hunting crop.
“You seem to be quite prepared to burgle the place. How do you know so much about these things?”
“Elementary my dear. I attended burglary school.”
“What! How preposterous indeed. Burglary school, why there is no such thing.”
“On the contrary. I spent an enjoyable weekend in the company of Arthur J. Raffles. Cricketer and gentleman thief. He was most accommodating. Oh, and mind to bring your trusty service revolver.”
They went out into the street where a four-wheeler waited at the door and rode the short distance to number 131, Pitt Street in Kensington. It was a quiet little backwater just beside one of the briskest currents of London life. 131 was one of a row of dwellings as Holmes and her trusted companion arrived. In the light of a street lamp, we read ‘Pitt Street’ and all was dark. They both donned scarves about their faces to hide their features as they prepared to break into the house.
“Hold! There is someone else.”
Without the least sound the garden gate opened and a lithe figure rushed up the path to the hall door. Then a gentle creaking of a window being opened sounded followed by a long silence. There was a flash of a lantern inside and a man with something white under his arm was seen. Then came a terrible commotion and cries of help and the two intrepid women burst in. As they found the study Scarlett saw fragments of the shattered plaster busts underfoot.
“Harker!” Emma cried, as she found a middle-aged man in a chair with a gag around his mouth, and rope around his wrists.
She untied him and examined him for injury.
“You are well, Sir. Go and lie down in your bedroom awhile while we inform the police.”
“Watson! Here!”
Scarlett was like a tiger as she fell upon the intruder and together they managed to hold the tall man by both wrists. Watson tapped him on the temple with the butt of her gun and he moaned and hung limp in their arms.
“Get the rope from my bag.”
In an instant, they had secured the man to a wooden chair and tied his arms behind his back. Scarlett lit the gas with a whisper of a hiss and the room became illuminated. When the man looked up he glared at the women who removed their scarves with his blue Teutonic eyes.
“Professor M!” said a surprised Emma.
“Ah, the rascal! And caught red-handed with the naval treaty.”
“How the devil did you know where to find me?”
“Same as you. From a list provided by Gelder. Only six busts were made in the factory and you could not tell the morning after your theft which one contained the paper you had concealed after you had purloined it. Only by breaking each one could either of us know which one was valuable.”
“You are a witch, Madam.”
“Miss. And you might just be correct. Come, my dear Emma. Let us partake of dinner, and then a little recreation.”
“Capital, Holmes. I heartily agree. I’m all yours.”
“So you shall. So you shall.”