I left Lackland on a Tuesday. I was allowing forty-eight hours of travel time to New York as Thursday was the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I figured it would take me forty-four hours to make the trip as that is how long it took to drive to Lackland from New York. Forty-four hours would get me home at about ten in the morning and that would allow me to get some sleep as Brandi told me she wanted me to be at her house at five in the afternoon.
I don’t know what happened. Maybe I knew the route back to New York because I had driven it once already or maybe I was driving over the speed limit or maybe my stops for a quick nap were shorter than they were on the first trip but I made the nineteen-hundred-mile trip in just over thirty-eight hours and got to my house six hours quicker than I thought. I got to my house at six in the morning and after saying hello to everyone and eating some breakfast I went to bed and got up at ten am.
I headed over to Brandi’s house at about eleven am. When I got there, I saw no cars in the driveway. Her parents had two. I figured they were out buying food and stuff for the party. I went up to the door and rang the bell but got no answer. I knocked and still not getting an answer I went and got the spare key they have and let myself into the house. I checked all through the house and there was no one home. I put the key back where they kept it and left.
I went, instead to Charley’s, a bar I used to frequent, and sat at the bar. The bar was empty except for Charley, who was doing something in the back room at the end of the bar, and the bartender. A good-looking gal who, I saw, was named Embea. She asked me what I wanted and I told her just a glass of draft. She went and got it and I threw down a five-dollar bill on the bar. She took the bill and brought me back my change.
The beer cost fifty cents and I was surprised that it was still only fifty cents as draft beer before I went into the Air Force was fifty cents. I then got a better look at her and she looked so familiar. I have a crappy memory for names but I don’t forget faces. I finished the first beer and ordered up a second. She refilled my glass and took a bill and I told her to keep the change. She thanked me and rang a bell behind the bar. It is a tradition to ring the bell anytime a bartender gets a tip at Charley’s.
I got some change from her and went over to play some pinball. As I played my game, I kept looking at Embea and tried to remember where I knew her from. I also saw her looking at me and it seemed she was having similar thoughts about me, judging by the look on her face. I ran through my four quarters at the pinball machine and went back to the bar to get another beer.
She took my glass and refilled it and set it down in front of me and said, “Good luck”. That meant that the beer was free. She stood there looking at me and I was looking back at her. We both knew we knew each other and we were both trying to figure it out. Suddenly I remembered and so did she because she said, “Rube?” at the same time I said, “Brick?”. She reached over the bar to hug me and I hugged her back.
I looked at her and said, “Wow! You look so good and so different. Not that you ever looked bad but you used to have your hair all teased up and blond. Now it’s down and loose and dark brown. You have also lost weight. I know we haven’t seen each other in almost four years but it took a while to recognize you.
She looked at me and said, “Look who’s talking about looking different. You used to be a scrawny kid. Sort of tall but skinny. Now you are at least six inches taller and all filled out. Just look at how so well-muscled you are now. If I had passed you in the street, I sure would not have recognized you. It’s those dark brown eyes of yours that gave you away.”
I then said, “I recognized that little mole that you have right in front of your left ear.”
We hugged again and I said, “So how have you been? Have you been working here long? I used to hang out here but I don’t remember you working here then. What is this “Embea” name also? I know you called yourself “Brick” but your real name is Janet.”
“Well, my story is kind of crazy. After I graduated high school I went wild. Getting drunk, getting high, and fucking everything with a cock that I could find, and sometimes anything with a cunt. After a couple of months, my parents kicked me out of the house so I would crash with anybody who would have me.
“So that brings me to the name that I have now. Since I was fucking every guy and some gals that I met I soon earned the name “Mattress Back” shortened to “MB”. I was called MB for so long that I adopted the name but started spelling it Embea. I have told everyone that the Em in my name is from the first name of my grandmother Emily. The Bea part is from my Aunt Beatrice’s name. It gives it some legitimacy and saves me from answering some questions I don’t want to answer.
“Although, telling you is different. When we met in science, I already had a bit of a bad reputation. You never looked at me weirdly and when you talked to me, I never heard you say anything judgmental about me or anyone else. I liked you almost from the moment I met you and those dark brown eyes of yours were hot.
“So, one day, I decided to take you to that spot in the woods. I don’t know why, but I was wanting to fuck a guy who was a virgin and you were so fuckable. You were also so innocent and naïve. I had so much fun explaining to you what you needed to do with me I almost laughed out loud. Plus, me teaching you exactly what you needed to do you were able to give me some great orgasms. I do apologize now for calling you “Rube”. You didn’t deserve that.”
I laughed and said, “Well I go by Tom but meeting you was one of the better things that have happened to me. You are right. When I met you, I didn’t know anything about sex other than what me and my friends would talk about when we were just hanging out, and, oh shit, were we wrong about so many things.
“You showed me what it was to have sex and, to tell the truth, I was a “Rube”. The lessons you taught me have served me well. You were a great teacher and you have no need to apologize. Tell me though, how did you end up here, tending bar.”
“As I told you already, after high school I started partying pretty hard. In addition to fucking just about everyone I met I started drinking and then went to drugs. All kinds of drugs from marijuana to eventually heroin.
“I was a mess and I soon was living on the streets. Then one day I was crashing outside the back door of this bar. Charley found me and brought me into the bar. I don’t know why he even touched me. I was filthy. I must not have bathed in months but he got me up and took me upstairs to where he had a small apartment with a bath. He bathed me and then he made me some soup to eat.
“He was very firm about me eating that soup so I did. Then he stayed with me as I went through withdrawal from the drugs. It was hell. I would curse him and hit him and call him all kinds of names but he just stayed with me.
“I couldn’t figure him out. He didn’t even try to fuck me even though I offered him my cunt, mouth or asshole just as long as he would get me a fix. He just stayed with me and after about a month I started to feel sober. A feeling I hadn’t felt in a couple of years. That was a year ago.
“At that time Charley offered me a job tending bar and doing whatever else was needed to run the bar. He even told me I could live in the apartment upstairs rent-free. He had just lost his last bartender because he moved out to California. Charley had only one stipulation. I had to stay clean. So, here I am. A little over one year clean and sober. I don’t even drink. I am happy and Charley treats me well and he has never so much as touched me.
She then lowered her voice real low and said, “I think Charley likes only guys but I don’t care about that. He is just a good guy.
“So, you must have graduated high school by now. What have you been doing?”
I told Embea, “I graduated high school in June of last year. In July I joined The Air Force because I was hot to be drafted. I am a Law Enforcement Cop and I enjoy the work.”
“So, what brings you back here?”
“Well, in my Senior year, I met a girl named Brandi. I don’t know what it was about her but I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. In fact, I first saw her at a picnic at the end of my Junior year and I fell in love with her and I didn’t even know her name. Then on the first day of my Senior year, I was standing in the cafeteria with my bag lunch when a friend of mine came in and he was with a cousin of his and Brandi. The girl I had seen a few months before and couldn’t get out of my head.
“It’s not like I was some kind of wallflower or anything and I owe that to you. You gave me confidence and I went out with lots of girls and even had a, sort of, steady relationship with one. So, when I met Brandi, I couldn’t believe that we went to the same school. She was going steady with a guy and was wearing his Senior class ring on a necklace around her neck. There is a “Bro Code”, at least for me, so I had to be content to just seeing her at lunch and nothing else.”
“That doesn’t explain what you are doing here now.”
“Ok. So, at the end of three months, I noticed, one Monday, that Brandi was not wearing the necklace with the class ring on it. I thought, maybe she just forgot it but she went the rest of the week without wearing that stinking ring and on Friday of that week I asked her out on our first date. We went to a movie and it was like we were on fire.
“We started kissing, real deep, heart pounding, heavy breathing kissing. We didn’t see any of that movie. After we left the movie, we got into my car and I drove into a vacant lot and we started kissing again. I rubbed her tits through her clothes and even rubbed her cunt. Pretty soon we were dry-humping. I couldn’t believe it. I never got that far on a first date before. I don’t know how far we would have gone because we got interrupted by the police and they told us we couldn’t park there.
“The next week we went out again but that time it was to a drive-in movie. We went so far as to having our pants off but I stopped because I didn’t have any rubbers. On our third date, we fucked for the first time.
“She told me, before we started fucking, that I needed to go slow as she was a virgin so I did and stopped pushing in every time she said it was hurting but soon, I was in her cunt, balls deep. We both came and after I pulled out and took off the first rubber, I put on a second one and we fucked and came again and then again, a third time.
“It was crazy. I couldn’t believe how exciting it was. When we were done fucking, we went to a burger joint and got a couple of shakes before I took her home.
“On my drive home, I decided to buy my rubbers by the dozen so we would always have enough. My head was spinning. I hardly knew what was going on with me but what I did know was she was who I wanted to spend my life with. For the rest of the school year and until July, when I had to leave for basic training, we fucked like rabbits every time we were alone together.
“Understand, it wasn’t like she was my first piece of ass. You have that spot. There was also one other chick in the Summer between my Junior and Senior year. The sex with you and this other girl was great but the sex Brandi and I have with each other is different. It’s like electricity passes between us. I don’t know how else to explain it.
“I also told Embea about the incredible ways we fucked. I told her everything from the “Crazy Fucking” to watching her easily fuck that guy in front of me at the drive-in. I told her how Brandi was just mesmerized by the size of the guy’s cock who we saw fucking his girlfriend in the cemetery. How she not only drooled when she saw it but juices started dripping out of her cunt too.”
I paused and Embea looked at me, dead in the eye, and said, “You still haven’t explained why you are here now.”
I looked back at Embea and said, “Brandi and I are getting married on Saturday. Today is our wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Brandi isn’t home but she doesn’t expect me there until five O’clock so I stopped into Charley’s to kill some time until five.”
She got a strange look on her face but didn’t say anything. I sat there staring back at her.
After a few moments of silence, she said, “So you’re the one.”
“I’m the one, what?”
“I’m not sure I should say anything. Maybe I’m wrong.”
“Wrong about what? If it involves me, somehow, then the only way you will know you’re right or wrong is to tell me. I am not that dumb kid you knew four years ago.”
“I can see that you are not that shy kid I met years ago but still, I don’t want to hurt you or your possible future. I feel like I am in a lose/lose situation here.”
“Look, let me take that load off of you. I will not hold anything you tell me against you. I know you’re a good person and what you did for me years ago made me the strong and confident person I am today. So, tell me what you know. Good or bad. It is my problem and not yours.”
“Ok. Let me begin then as long as you promise not to kill the messenger.”
“No problem there. Just be truthful.”
“Alright, there are these two guys that come in here from time to time. They are not very likable and when they get to drinking they start running their mouths. For a while, they would brag that they had, what they called a “stable” and it was very profitable for them. I was not sure what they were talking about. They just don’t look like they handle horses or anything else that is farm or ranch connected. They even invited me to be a part of their stable. That creeped me out.
“Now I know you know that Charley has been around this town for his whole life and he has this way of knowing what is going on. He keeps his ear to the “ground” and he knows so much about so many people it’s incredible. Anyway, one day he hears these two clowns running their mouths about their stable and after they are gone, he tells me I should be careful around those two.
“Charley told me the taller one is the son of some big muckety muck lawyer in the city and the guy makes big money. The guy is a nasty asshole and his son is no better. He told me that this stable these two are talking about is some girls that the father had the son “recruit” and that these girls were used to fuck some of the dad’s clients as a treat.
“Apparently, some of his clients have a taste for younger girls but they have to be at least sixteen so they were of legal age. If he had a client that preferred older women then it was his wife that would have to fuck them.”
I started to get a picture in my mind but I had to be sure. I asked Embea, “So what do these two clowns look like?”
She responded, “The tall one is about six feet tall, pretty thin but has real blond hair. It’s almost white it’s so blond. The other one is short, maybe five feet four inches but he looks like a “greaser”. He has dark hair and has it all greased back. He also wears just T-shirts and folds his pack of cigarettes up into one of his sleeves. He looks like he has seen the movie West Side Story too often. The funny thing is the short guy seems to really intimidate people so the tall one uses the short one as like a bodyguard.”
From her description, I knew who the two clowns are. Gary, Brandi’s ex-boyfriend, and his little buddy John. Even though I knew who Gary and John are we didn’t run in the same circles but I did know that Gary was one of those rich kids in high school who thought he was better than everybody because he came from money. John was not from money but he did serve a purpose for Gary. Gary used him to intimidate people.
So, after taking a drink of my beer, I asked Embea if she knew the names of the girls in the stable.
She looked at me and said, “One is named Sue, one is named Kaye and, I’m sorry, the third one is named Brandi.”
I just sat there quietly for a few minutes thinking. What Embea had just told me explained the content of the pictures and the subsequent reels of film that were sent to me by Gary. For some unknown reason, Gary and John were able to pimp out the three girls Brandi, Kaye, and Sue.
I, of course, knew that Gary and Brandi had gone steady together. The strange part was the other two girls. I had a semi steady relationship with Kaye and one time when I was going over to Kaye’s house to see her, I saw Gary and John leaving Kaye’s house which meant Kaye knew Gary and John. I didn’t say anything to Kaye because our relationship was not exclusive.
The real serendipitous part of this was I had also dated a girl named Sue. I was a bit perplexed that my life and Gary’s life orbited so close to each other. Then there was the other part in this drama where Brandi was involved again with Gary. She clearly dumped him after we started going out together so why she was doing things with him again was a mystery especially the part where she was fucking other guys.
Finally, I said to Embea, “I know who Gary and John are. Gary was the guy Brandi was going steady with when I met her. John was Gary’s little sidekick. He thinks he is a badass and he even bowed up to me one day. I punched him in the stomach, just once, and after that, he never bothered me again.”
“The girl you call Brandi is my Brandi and it does answer some of the questions I have had about her. From the beginning, it seemed she knew way more about sex than I did even though she told me she was a virgin. That script just didn’t fit in with the narrative.”
Embea then said to me, “As long as I started let me tell you everything I know.”
“I did not know Gary or John before I started working here. I started here near the end of July 1969 and my first contact with them was in early August. It was on a Saturday afternoon and they came in laughing. They sat at the bar and ordered Manhattans. A weird drink for the younger crowd but I guess they thought it made them look grown up and sophiscated.
“Manhattans are a pretty strong drink and their effects can sneak up on a person. Before long they were fairly drunk and started running their mouths. It was a pretty slow day, like today, so I was stuck listening to them. They gave me a history of their “stable”.
“It all started in early 1968. Gary was dating Brandi. His father and some of his clients saw Brandi and the clients expressed to Gary’s father that they would like to fuck some younger girls, like Brandi. Gary’s father approached Gary and told him about what his clients wanted and that it could be a profitable enterprise. Gary was all for it and decided that Brandi could do this for him.
“Brandi became the first member of the stable. The next Friday Gary picked up Brandi for a date and they went to his house. Once there Gary told Brandi what he wanted her to do. At first, she balked but then he showed her the pictures he had of he and Brandi fucking and John and Brandi fucking. He threatened to show them to her parents if she didn’t agree. Brandi agreed to fuck the clients.
“The enterprise worked well with Brandi. Brandi would fuck one of the clients and Gary’s father gave Gary one hundred dollars. Of course, Brandi didn’t get paid anything even though it was her pussy, hands, and mouth doing the work.
“The number of clients increased so Gary decided to add to his stable. His first ad was Kaye. He recruited her the same way. He fucked her and took pictures then threatened to show the pictures to her parents if she didn’t do what he wanted. She relented also. Then he was able to add Sue.
“Since it was during the school year the only time the girls were available was on Friday nights or Saturdays. At first, it was Brandi on Friday nights with a client and then on Saturday mornings Kaye would take care of one and on Saturday afternoons Sue would take care of another one. Gary would get paid three hundred dollars by his father. I am sure Gary’s father was collecting more than one hundred dollars from his clients but I don’t know that for sure.
“Anyway, Gary was greedy and figured he could make more money on these girls. At first, each client got four hours to be with each girl. Gary cut that to two hours. Then each girl could fuck two clients and Gary could double his money. However, summer was coming and Gary decided that after school let out each client would get only one hour with each girl.
“Gary figured each girl could take care of as many as six clients each day and the girls would work one day and be off for two. Gary’s father only had eight clients and there was no way those eight guys could fill out a schedule of six clients a day so Gary expanded the client base to include guys from his college. Gary had more than enough takers. His father was paying him eight hundred dollars a week and he was getting one hundred dollars per hour from each of the college guys.
“Including Saturdays that meant that each of the three girls would be fucking as many as twelve guys a week. Gary was earning up to thirty-six hundred dollars a week. He never told his father about the college guys but maybe his father knew but didn’t care.
“Gary and John just laughed. They thought that they were kings. Here were these three girls earning them some good cash. Gary shared some with John. Three hundred a week and no taxes. John quit his minimum wage job.
“When the summer ended, they once again had to cut back to Friday evenings and Saturdays. They were able to cut it to six clients on Friday and twelve clients on Saturday. Each girl took care of six clients each. It still worked out that Gary was getting up to eighteen hundred dollars a week. It was going well until “some jock” managed to get Brandi pretty much away from Gary. I am guessing that “jock” was you, Tom.”
“Yes, it was me. I waited patiently for Brandi to stop wearing Gary’s class ring and as soon as she did I started going out with her.”
Embea continued talking, “I guess you don’t know but Gary still had his hooks in Brandi. They bragged that even though you were tying up her Friday evenings she was still available for Saturdays. So, each Saturday Brandi was fucking as many as six guys. Kaye or Sue took over the Friday evening shift.”
I said, “Yeah. I had a part-time job and I worked from nine in the morning until six in the evening on Saturdays. I never dated Brandi on Saturdays as Saturday night was family night for her and her parents. Although we did do a lot of fucking. Each day, after school I would take Brandi home and fuck her in her house. On the days I had to be to work at four It was just a quick fuck. On days I didn’t have to get to work we would fuck three or four times and I would be out of her house before her mother got home.”
Embea looked at me and said, “I am surprised you aren’t angry.”
“No, I am not angry. There is something so different about Brandi. When we are together it’s almost like electricity runs through us. I love her and I know she loves me. I know I am going to have to digest this information but it’s not going to change how I feel. Besides, it is apparent that Brandi and the other two girls were blackmailed into fucking all of those guys.”
Knowing I was not going to explode Embea continued, “Ok, so let me get back to that Saturday. They finally got around to why they were laughing. Apparently, there were two college boys that wanted to do a threesome. Gary knew you were in the service and not around. They had complete control over Brandi again. Gary thought it would be appropriate for Brandi to have the honor. The first time they did their threesome with Brandi was about two weeks earlier.
“Now, I don’t know how Gary and John know about what happened but I think they had some way of watching the girls and the guys when they were fucking.
“So, the two boys, at first, tag-teamed Brandi with each of them taking turns fucking her. Then at one point they had her on her hands and knees and one was fucking her in the mouth and one was fucking her cunt. The one fucking her cunt was still wearing a rubber but the one Brandi was giving a mouth fuck to had taken his off. All three of them came with the guy in Brandi’s mouth filling her mouth with cum. The second guy filled his rubber with cum but when he took his cock out of Brandi he pulled off the rubber and poured it out on her back.
“About a week later they wanted a repeat with Brandi only this time when Brandi wasn’t looking the guy fucking her cunt pulled the rubber off and when he came, he filled her cunt with cum. When Brandi realized this, she was pissed because she wasn’t on the pill. She told Gary to make sure the guys used rubbers.”
Embea needed a little break and so did I. She got me another beer and she got a cup of coffee.
After a few minutes, Embea said, “This next part is probably going to piss you off because it did me when I heard it.”
“The two guys who had cum in Brandi had read about Double Penetration (DP) and told Gary they wanted to try it. That Saturday morning, Gary had scheduled Brandi to take those two guys again. Gary knew Brandi didn’t know what a DP was and knew if she did, she would never do it.
“Gary and John then started laughing saying you should have been there to hear the noise Brandi was making. Yelling that she didn’t want to be fucked up the ass and to stop. Then you are hurting me. Get out of my ass. Then suddenly there was moaning and more moaning and then Brandi was yelling she was cumming.
“Then the shit hit the fan. When the two guys came one shot his load up Brandi’s asshole and the other guy unloaded into her cunt. They finished and left and Brandi was right behind them. She was yelling at Gary about being fucked bareback and the one guy cumming in her cunt and the other in her asshole. She then told them she quit. She told them she wasn’t doing it anymore and they could take her pictures and shove them up their asses. The really funny part was she was standing there and dripping cum out of her cunt and asshole at the same time.
Embea then said, “Gary then told John that they would have to adjust the schedules of the other two girls and in the meantime, he had a girl named Barbara just about convinced to join the stable.”
Embea rested for another couple of minutes and then said to me, “How do you not want to go find those two assholes and kill them?
“If I wasn’t marrying Brandi in two days I probably would.”
Embea then looked at me saying, “Tom, there is more to the story but I am going to need a short break as I am feeling a bit talked out.”
“Yeah, I agreed, a short break is in order especially since there is more.”
This ends The Adventure of Our Lives Part Twelve. It is just the beginning of our married time together and more sexcitement is to cum.
Copywrite, Tom Wetstuph, 12/26/2022