I got back to Lackland on Friday morning, which was my first day of twelve hour night shifts, six PM to six AM and being one of the lowest ranking troops I knew I would be working gates. On the busy gates there was always two of us. On that first night I worked the gate with Kyle. During the shift, at about ten PM ginny showed up at the gate and asked us if we needed anything. I told her a couple of large coffees and some breath mints for Kyle. Kyle kept sneaking into the bathroom and drinking. I was afraid that when the shift leader came out on his Post and Guard checks he would smell the booze on Kyle’s breath and if that happened it would be bad.
Ginny left and in a little while she was back with the two cups of coffee and the mints. I gave the mints to Kyle along with his coffee and he asked me, “What are these mints for?” I told Kyle I could smell the booze on his breath and so could anyone who visited the gate so use the mints and hope they hide your breath.
Ginny was still sitting there looking at me and when I looked back at her she mouthed, “When? I need your cock so badly. So, when?” I checked my notebook and saw that I would be back on second shift on January seventh and Kyle would be on third shift and showed her the January seventh date. She mouthed again, “I can hardly wait plus I have a surprise for you.” She drove off and my cock got hard. A little while later I was in the gate bathroom jerking off. I wasn’t going to spend the night with blue balls.
The Christmas schedule ended and at about eleven o’clock, on January Seventh, I was at Kyle and Ginny’s. I knocked on the door and when Ginny opened it she was already nude and from the looks of her she had already been making herself cum. She dragged me into the bedroom and helped me get undressed and we fell onto her bed and started fucking. She came right away and I was not far behind her, loading her cunt with cum. After I came I was still hard and inside her now well lubed cunt and we fucked a second time. She had more orgasms and I shot my load into her for the second time that night and it felt so good.
I rolled off her and was lying next to her when she said, “Do you want to see the surprise I have? Actually, there are two”.
“Sure, let’s see.”
She then got up and went to her dresser and pulled out a book and then went to her night stand and pulled out this rubber cock from it. I first looked at the rubber cock, having never seen one before, and asked, “Where did you find something like this?”
“I found it in this book store, where I also got this book, it’s called a dildo. While you were gone I really missed you fucking me and when I saw this I got it to fuck myself with. My fingers just weren’t enough. Then I saw this book and thought it would be fun. It’s called the Kama Sutra and it comes from India and it has pictures of all kinds of different positions to fuck in and I thought it would be fun to try some or even all of them if we can.”
I opened the book and the first position I saw was the sixty-nine position. I said to Ginny, “This looks like a good one to start with.” She agreed and placed her cunt on my mouth as she took my cock into hers. I started eating her as she sucked me hard again. I was licking and sucking on her cunt and clit and I could hear her muffled cries as she started cumming and then she let my cock out of her mouth and started yelling, “OH, FUCK, OH GOD, OH FUCK”! and as she came she started bucking her hips driving her cunt hard into my mouth.
Her orgasm subsided and she started giving my cock a great mouth fuck moving her mouth up and down on it and licking it all over as well as sucking on my balls. I put my right hand down and felt it hit the dildo. I picked it up and then got the idea to start fucking her with it as she was sucking my cock. I was interested as to what she would do because I remembered how LuAnn’s mother seemed to love being fucked while sucking a cock. Well, as soon as Ginny felt the dildo enter her cunt as I fucked her with it she started having another hard orgasm almost immediately. Then she had three more as she sucked my cock and I fucked her cunt with the dildo. When I started cumming she started sucking on my cock so hard I thought my balls were going to collapse. I could feel her sucking all of the cum out of me. She swallowed every drop.
She then turned around and said, “The feeling of being fucked while sucking your cock was so exciting. I have never felt that excited before.” It had excited me too but I just grabbed her and started kissing her, sticking my tongue into her mouth and tasting my cum in it. At the same time I finger fucked her until she came again. We then both fell asleep. The next thing I knew her alarm clock was going off and it was six o’clock and time for me to leave.
I went back to my barracks then went for a run. When I got back Jerry was asleep in his bed and I then took a shower and took a snooze before getting up and going back to work. At eleven that night I was once again at Ginny’s and we started trying out the different positions in that book. Some were nearly impossible to get into and others were great and we both had great orgasms. Towards the end of January one night Ginny said to me, “I have been thinking about being fucked at the same time as I am sucking a cock. Do you think we should try that?”
“We have been doing that with the dildo. Are you saying we should try and bring another guy to join us?
“Yeah, I was thinking that.”
“Okay, but who? I don’t know anyone that I trust enough to even ask.”
“Neither do I but it does sound like fun.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think it’s worth the chance. Let’s just stick with my cock in your mouth and your dildo fucking your cunt.” With that said the subject got dropped but it was intriguing.
Anyway, we started fucking on more days. Not just on the nights when Kyle was on midnight shift but when he was on Second shift too. I would go over there at three o’clock in the afternoon and fuck Ginny until I would leave at ten before Kyle got home. We would sometimes fuck in her car on nights when Kyle was off. She would wait until he passed out and then come over to my room and if Jerry was out with his girlfriend we would go out and fuck somewhere. So I was having sex on a real regular basis and I was enjoying the hell out of it and so was Ginny.
Everything was going very well but in March Kyle, Jerry and I got transfer orders. Jerry was being sent to Thule, Greenland. Kyle was being sent to Korea and I was being sent to Alabama. We were all scheduled to be at our new bases at the beginning of September.
Jerry being single didn’t care even though it was a one year remote assignment. Someone told him Thule was cold as crap and the base was mostly underground and there was a woman behind every tree but there were no trees. He just said he would load up on Playboy® and Penthouse® magazines and hand lotion.
Kyle’s assignment wasn’t remote, as Korea is well populated, but the tour is unaccompanied, meaning Ginny couldn’t go with him and they would be apart for a year. Neither he nor Ginny were too happy about that.
I took my assignment as good news. I could add leave time to my travel time and use that as a good time to get married to Brandi. I let Brandi know and we set a wedding date for the second Saturday in August. The trip from New York to Alabama would be our Honeymoon. It was perfect.
Brandi’s parents had published our wedding announcement in our local paper back home and shortly after that I received two envelopes in the mail. In the smaller envelope there were eight photographs of Brandi going into a movie with some guy. Brandi and some hippies (three guys and one girl) standing behind some store with Brandi and one of the guys in a deep kiss, pelvises pressed into each other and there was also a picture of Brandi going into the drive-in movie that we always went to with some guy. These pictures were from the same girl that had sent me those letters about Brandi seeing guys, but I didn’t know who she was but I recognized the handwriting on the envelope.
The other envelope was a large manila envelope and like the other had no return address but when I looked at the photos I knew it was Gary, Brandi’s old boyfriend who had sent them. There were twenty photos and there were five showing Brandi and Gary fucking. Five more of her fucking Gary’s little buddy, John. The other ten showed Brandi fucking different older guys. They looked to be in their early thirties. In many of them I could tell by the look on Brandi’s face she was enjoying the fucking she was getting but in some, even though she was taking a cock deep into her cunt, she looked absolutely bored. She looked that way in the pictures of her and John also. Then there were two photos where she wasn’t fucking the guy but sucking his cock. Something she had never done with me.
I wasn’t upset about any of the pictures. Maybe I should have been but Brandi wrote me just about every day saying how much she loved me and missed me. I believed her. I felt the same way about her but I was finally able to answer some of the questions about Brandi that had plagued me but didn’t overly bother me. Truthfully, I didn’t understand her but understanding her was a small part of the equation. Besides, I was steadily fucking Ginny. The married wife of a friend so I wasn’t exactly a saint either.
Towards the end of March, after two excellent rounds of fucking Ginny, we were taking a little break. Ginny had her head on my chest and told me that things were getting worse with Kyle. He was more depressed than ever and had even started smoking pot along with his drinking. She told me that he made her go buy the pot because she wouldn’t get into as much trouble as he would if she got caught. She also told me that she felt Kyle wasn’t the same guy she fell in love with anymore and she didn’t know where they were heading.
I then told her, “Kyle is the same guy you fell in love with. For six years you and he had a great life together and things only turned badly a little under a year ago when Kyle got his draft notice and then enlisted in the Air Force. I am sure Kyle will eventually get himself turned around and everything will be ok.” I then went on to tell her something my father always said about people. He said, “Good people will have periods of bad times. The world is neither a friendly nor an easy place to live in and even though they are going through bad times their goodness will always prevail.”
She said, “Your father sounds like he is a wise man” and I agreed. I then got up and put on my pants and told Ginny I was going out to my car to get something. I went to my car and got the two envelopes and took them in to show Ginny the contents.
I set the two envelopes on the bed and got back on it myself. I then told her about Brandi and me getting married in August but I wanted to show Ginny something because now it was my turn to ask for some advice. I never hid the fact that I loved Brandi but I never said anything to Ginny about the mystery surrounding Brandi. I started telling Ginny then about how Brandi knew things about sex that even I didn’t know. I also told her about all of our “crazy fucking” we did and where we did it. I told her about Brandi’s fascination with cocks and how easily she just fucked that guy in front of me at the drive-in when she got my car stuck on the ice. Ginny listened quietly as I told her everything.
Then I opened the envelopes and let Ginny look at them. The only two guys I knew that were in all of those pictures was Gary and John. I didn’t know who any of the other guys were.
Ginny looked at all of the pictures carefully and then said, “Aside from the pictures that actually show Brandi being fucked by some guys and sucking the cock of a guy do you think she fucked any others?
“I am pretty sure she fucked the guy she went to the drive-in with because the drive-in was our go to spot for fucking. I wouldn’t doubt she fucked other guys though.”
“Does seeing these photos make you angry or upset?”
“No, in fact I find them to be exciting. Almost as exciting as it was when she fucked that guy in my car right in front of me. I don’t know if there is something wrong with me but I knew when Brandi fucked that guy in front of me she was just fucking him and that it was just a fun physical thing she was doing. No emotion involved. It was just about sex.”
Ginny then said, “Let me give this some thought and I will tell you what I think but looking at these pictures is exciting.” I agreed because I was now sporting a hard-on and Ginny and I started fucking again.
About a week later Ginny said to me, after a fuck session, “I think I have an answer for you about Brandi. She is a “Free Spirit” which means she is impulsive and uninhibited. Free spirits don’t follow the social norms. They want to love someone but not just anyone, they want to love someone they know loves them. When they find that special person they will always be in love with them but when it comes to things like fucking they don’t equate it with love. You know and I know how much fun fucking is and how good it makes us feel. Even though I know we have grown fond of each other we don’t love each other. We just love to fuck each other. What I know of you makes me believe that you and Brandi will have an interesting and fun life together. Have I helped?” (Ginny saying Brandi and I would have an interesting life together was an understatement that neither of us realized at that time.)
“Yes you have” I replied and then we fucked each other some more to include her sucking my cock while I fucked her with her dildo. Her orgasms were always very intense when we did that. I think she really wanted to do two guys at the same time but that was something that was not going to happen with me. Life got in the way.
Ginny and I fucked and fucked and fucked. Fucking her was so much better than jerking off. Also, every time I was fucking Ginny all I could think about was how good it would be to finally be able to fuck Brandi bareback.
We were about three weeks into April and I had just spent the night fucking Ginny and I was back in my room getting ready to go for a run when Jerry came into the room having just gotten off from his midnight shift. He just gave me this very strange look. He changed his clothes and said he was going to his girlfriend’s house and he left without saying anything else. It was odd because Jerry and I got along pretty well and he would tell usually me about what happened on his shift but not this day. So, I went out for my run and when I was back in my room, getting ready to go take a shower, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Ginny and she looked a wreck. I looked down the hallway, and not seeing anyone, I quickly pulled her into the room because females were not permitted in the dorm.
I was just standing there in my towel, looking at Ginny not knowing what to think. She started to speak but started crying instead, hard. I grabbed her and held her close while she cried. Eventually she pulled herself together and she said to me, “Kyle got arrested at work last night. He called me this morning and told me about it and that it would be late this afternoon before he would get to come home. I didn’t know what else to do so I called a cab and came here. What am I supposed to do?
“What did he get arrested for? (I thought he maybe got arrested for being drunk on duty.)
“He got caught with some pot. Is he in a lot of trouble?”
“Yes, he is in pretty bad trouble but I can’t be sure what is going to happen to him. He could end up in jail and get a bad discharge but I don’t know exactly what is going to happen.”
She then hugged me even harder and started crying again. We sat down on my bed and I held her close however I was only wrapped in a towel as I was getting ready to go shower and it fell open and off of me. I felt my cock rub up against her and it started getting hard. She felt my cock pressing against her and she reached down and grabbed it. The next thing I knew she was nude as well and we were fucking and she kept telling me to fuck her hard and make her cum. I was glad the guys that lived on either side of me worked day shift and weren’t in their rooms because I was fucking Ginny hard and fast and we were making a lot of noise.
We eventually fell asleep and we didn’t wake up until almost three pm. Fortunately for me I was now in my midnight shift part of my schedule so I didn’t need to go to work until ten thirty. However the dayshift guys would be coming back to the barracks at any moment so we quickly got dressed and Ginny and I went to my car. I drove her to her house but Kyle wasn’t home yet. She wanted to fuck again. So we did. The second time I was fucking her the phone rang. It was Kyle and he told her he would be home in a little while and he was ok. I know this sounds rotten but the whole time Ginny was talking to Kyle I kept fucking her. She was cumming and had to hold it back until she hung up but when she did her orgasm was explosive.
Since Kyle was due home I got dressed but before I left I told Ginny that any time she needed me to just come find me and I left.
When I got to work our shift leader advised us about what went on with Kyle. We were told that Kyle was relieved of all duties. He was no longer allowed to perform police duties and that he would be working details only, around the squadron and the base. We were also told that if we ran into him we were not even to speak to him for just about any reason. He was to be shunned.
The next morning, after my run and shower, there was a knock on my door and it was Ginny again. I once again pulled her into the room and told her that coming to my room could cause me trouble. She said, “I know but I don’t know what else to do. I just dropped Kyle off and he is going to call me to get him this afternoon but I don’t know what to do.” I said, “OK. Go get in your car and go home. I will follow you and we can talk and try to figure things out without you being caught in my room.” So she left, got in her car and I followed her in mine and we went to her house.
Once we were there I told her about how Kyle was going to be pulling details until whatever was going to happen to him, happens. I didn’t know how long it would be but I guessed a few weeks. Ginny just climbed into my lap and started kissing me and pretty soon we were fucking again. We fucked several times and eventually fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the phone rang and it was time for Ginny to get Kyle and for me to leave.
As the weeks went by and into early May the fuck sessions with Ginny stopped. I did miss her cunt but I also missed her. I had kind of grown fond of her but I still loved Brandi.
Then one day I was on my way into work when I saw Ginny sitting in her car outside of the squadron. The car was packed. I went over to her window and said, “Hello”. She looked at me and smiled. She then went on to tell me that Kyle was being discharged that day with a General discharge that said he was unable to adapt to the military. Since it wasn’t a bad discharge he was getting his old job back at the IRS. She had also called her old boss and even though her old position had been filled he would hire her back as well. She went on to say that, “Kyle had stopped his crazy insane drinking and was starting to act like himself again. He was even fucking her again.”
I was still standing there when Kyle came up. He was in uniform and I saw he had lost his stripes. He came up to me and he was smiling. He told me he had just been discharged and they were heading back to New York. He then gave me a hug and thanked me for being such a good friend. I looked down at Ginny and she just looked back at me and I think we had the same thought, “If you really knew how “good” a friend I was you would be pissed.” But we said nothing. Kyle let me go and started around the car to drive off. While he wasn’t looking Ginny reached out and grabbed my cock and gave it a squeeze. She then mouthed to me, “Thanks for the orgasms, I will never forget you or your cock.” Then she licked her lips very seductively. Kyle started the car and drove off giving me a wave. That was the last time I saw either one of them. I hope their life together was good.
As I went into work I was thinking how much I was going to miss Ginny and her marvelous cunt. After all, a twenty year old boy is perpetually horny and having had an almost daily dose of hot, wet pussy was a dream “cum” true. We did have a lot of fun together and I remember our time together fondly even to this day. Also, thinking of her still makes me horny.
I had picked up my mail on the way to work and as usual there was a letter there from Brandi. She wrote to me almost daily and in every letter she told me how much she missed me and loved me and since we got engaged and set a wedding date she couldn’t wait until we were married. However, in this letter she reminded me of her Senior Prom which was going to be on June fifth, a Friday. She needed to know if I could get home before she bought the tickets. So during my shift I checked the work cycle and saw that our three day break would be that Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I went to my shift supervisor and asked for four days of leave. The first day would be June fourth which was the last day of work and the other three days would be on our days off anyway. Being that I was only asking for one day off from work he approved my leave and during my lunch break I called Brandi and told her. She was elated and so was I. I couldn’t wait to be back with Brandi.
During the call Brandi said to me, “I can’t wait to be with you. I can’t wait to feel your cock inside of me. It is the best.” I agreed but once again what she said was odd. Anyway, I told her that I would be wearing the Semi-formal uniform to her prom. The Semi-formal Air Force Uniform was the blue service dress uniform with dark blue jacket (blouse), dark blue pants and a white shirt with a black bow tie instead of the light blue shirt with a necktie. Also all ribbons, name tag and other insignia. I told her this so she could get the right color prom dress.
May dragged on and even though I did go out to the clubs looking to score I had no luck especially in the club on base. At that time the male to female ratio in the Air Force was one hundred to one. Off base the clubs were mostly filled with couples and many of the single girls held no appeal to me. I wished I was a little bit more like my friend Ollie as he had only one standard for a girl and that was big tits. To put it bluntly Ollie got more ass than a toilet seat.
However, June was approaching and I knew my “dry” season was going to end soon. Although I did get another one of those big envelopes again and this time it had sixteen photos in it. Four of them showed Brandi and Gary fucking and I must admit she looked like she was enjoying herself. The other twelve showed her fucking three different men. With two of them she was obviously enjoying herself but with the third she looked absolutely bored. I want to add, at this point, that upon inspection Brandi was fucking these guys and Gary and John in a regular looking bedroom, probably Gary’s, and since the angle and position of Brandi and whatever guy never changed in the photo perspective I figured the pictures were taken by Gary with a hidden camera. So Brandi did not know she was being photographed and neither did the guys except for Gary and maybe John.
I think Gary was sending me these pictures to piss me off so I would break up with Brandi but in actuality, as odd as this may sound, the pictures just turned me on and made me want Brandi even more. To this day I cannot explain the connection I have with her. Yes, we still fuck. Not as often as when we were younger but being with her and feeling my cock inside her cunt as I drain my balls still feels amazing and I am still able to give her multiple orgasms. We are just horny old souls I guess.
June fourth finally arrived and I flew home on a redeye from San Antonio. I spent most of Friday at my home with my folks and at about five o’clock my parents drove me to Brandi’s house. We were going to use her mother’s car to go to the prom and my parents wanted to see Brandi’s dress and get pictures of us. Of course, Brandi had her hair done but the prom dress was incredible. It was a sleeveless and strapless gown that modestly showed the top of her cleavage. The dress was a powder blue and made of satin and clung to her in all of the right places. She not only took my breath away she gave me a hard on.
We left Brandi’s and headed to where the prom was being held in Long Beach, Long Island, and we had a great time. Whenever we danced a slow dance what I wanted to do was grind my cock into her but we were well chaperoned and they kept all of us from ending up naked on the floor fucking our collective brains out. The prom ended at midnight and when we got into the car I asked Brandi where she wanted to go. I wanted to go someplace and fuck but being dressed up as much as were would make going to our regular parking spot a pain. Instead she started giving me directions to someplace. I asked her, “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
Eventually she had me turn into a parking lot and of a Holiday Inn®. I looked at her and she just grinned, a very seductive grin and held up this room key.
“Are you surprised?” she said.
“Oh, yes” was my reply and with that we got out of the car and went up to the room. Once in the room our clothes just flew off of us and I laid Brandi down on the bed, got on top pf her and started kissing her. Our breathing got real heavy and I noticed that Brandi’s pupils had gotten real dark. (Her pupils were ordinarily a medium hazel but when she was sexually aroused they got almost as dark as my very dark brown pupils.) This meant she was highly aroused. I started making my way down from her mouth and started kissing and sucking and nibbling her tits. I made my way down further and for the first time in our relationship I started eating her pussy. I tongue fucked her cunt tasting her juices and then sucked on her cunt and clit until she had her first orgasm.
As her orgasm subsided she said to me, “I want you to fuck me. Right now. I want to feel your hard cock inside of me pulsing and throbbing as you cum and make me cum! I want to feel your cum filling up my cunt!” With that I plunged my cock into her waiting cunt, bareback for the first time, and it felt even better than I imagined it would feel. Yes, Ginny’s cunt felt great but there was just something especially different with how Brandi’s cunt felt and after about ten minutes I was pumping her cunt full of my cum and she was having the second of two orgasms.
For the next four hours we fucked and fucked and fucked. I even ate her cum filled cunt twice. I don’t know how many times Brandi came but I came an amazing eight times. A record I have never been able to repeat probably since after we got married we fucked every day. Even her periods didn’t stop us. We simply put down a towel so we wouldn’t mess up the bed with blood.
We had plans to go to Palisades Park in New Jersey on Saturday so at about five o’clock Brandi drove us home dropping me off at my house and then she went home to hers. We slept for a few hours and then at ten o’clock she picked me up to head out to Palisades Park where we spent the day riding the roller coaster there mostly. On the way home we were passing a model house and I called crazy fucking. We went up to the house and found a window unlocked and went inside. The place was fully furnished and we fucked on the bed in the master bedroom, three times, leaving a nicely cum stained sheet in our wake.
After we got done in the model home Brandi dropped me off at my house and she went home to hers. When I got in, my parents told me that my Grandmother (my father’s mother) and my Aunt (my father’s sister) wanted to meet Brandi, as they were not able to be at our house on Christmas and meet her then. (They were both widowed and lived together so traveling was sometimes difficult for them.) I called Brandi and asked her if we could use her mother’s car on Sunday to go see my Grandmother and Aunt. She asked her parents and the answer was yes so we set up for Brandi to come pick me up at eleven am Sunday morning. That would give me enough time for a decent visit as I had to be at the airport at ten pm for my flight back to San Antonio.
We visited my Grandmother and Aunt and had a nice lunch with them. At about three pm we left and headed back to our homes. We were on the parkway and Brandi asked if there would be time to go someplace and fuck. I told her I doubted it but then reached my hand down the front of her shorts and panties and finger fucked her. Her cunt was already soaking wet. After she came twice she looked down and saw the bulge in my shorts caused by my hardened cock. She looked at me, smiled and said, “Now we have to do something about you” and with that she reached down, opened my pants and pulled my cock out but then she did something that surprised me. She started sucking my cock.
She didn’t just suck it she licked it all around the head and up and down the shaft paying close attention to that very sensitive spot up by the head and on the bottom of my cock. She would also take my cock in her mouth and use her mouth to give me a good mouth fuck. This was her first time sucking my cock but I knew she had experience from some of the pictures I was sent so she knew what she was doing. I felt the pressure building up in my crotch. I could feel my ball sack contracting and I felt my cock swell up more and get a little harder right before I started cumming in her mouth as I started orgasming.
We were still moving and as we crested a hill I was right in the middle of a great orgasm when I saw traffic beginning to slow down abruptly. It took a great effort to move my foot from the gas to the brake as my body was in the middle of an orgasmic spasm. I did get my foot on the brake and I was still cumming in Brandi’s mouth when we finally got stopped. I then stopped cumming and Brandi sat up. She looked at me and opened her mouth a little and showed me that her mouth was full of my cum, she then closed her mouth and I could see her swirling her cum covered tongue on the roof her mouth so she could get a good taste of my cum before she swallowed. After she swallowed she wiped some cum that had dribbled onto her chin, with a finger, and then licked that clean.
She then said to me, “You have the best tasting cum. Want to see? And with that, before I could answer, she leaned over and jammed her mouth on mine and our tongues began to dance in a cum flavored kiss. We kissed like that until I heard a horn beep behind us and when I opened my eyes traffic was moving. I had to disengage from the kiss and start driving when I heard horns going off next to us. I looked up and saw that a pickup truck with one guy in it had been next to us and saw everything because I could tell he was just sitting in his truck jerking off and not moving. I laughed.
Brandi said to me, “Was my blow job good? You sure pumped a lot more cum into my mouth than I thought would happen. Did you like the way your cum tasted?”
I said, “Yes, your blow job was very good and I am really glad you like the way my cum tastes and I especially liked that you swallowed it.”
Anyway, we drove to my house and Brandi dropped me off. A while later my parents along with Brandi drove me to the airport to catch my plane back to San Antonio. As I flew back to San Antonio I thought about the weekend and the great fucking Brandi and I did to include the incredible blow job she gave me. But I also got to thinking about her saying that I had the best tasting cum. It only deepened the mystery about her that had me wondering about.
I ordered a drink (a Seven and Seven) from the Flight Attendant. Had to do it before the plane flew out of New York. Drinking age at that time in New York was eighteen but once out of New York the adjoining state of New Jersey where the legal age was twenty-one so they wouldn’t have served me. As I sipped on my drink I started thinking about Brandi. Ok, I understood why she wanted me to believe she was a virgin. That was the accepted norm for girls back then. Even though we were on the cusp of the sexual revolution the status of a girl was she had to be a virgin until marriage. Personally I didn’t care if she wasn’t a virgin. In fact the thought of whether she was or wasn’t a virgin never crossed my mind especially since when I met Brandi I wasn’t a virgin.
However, the fact that she and I dry humped on our first date was unusual. First dates usually went no further than maybe some deep kissing and getting to rub the girls tits through her clothes. Then there was the fact that she was ready to fuck on our second date and the only reason we didn’t was because I didn’t have any condoms. On our third date I was prepared and we fucked three times. Then there was how easily she fucked the guy who helped us get unstuck on the ice at the drive in movie. So, as I slowly got lulled into sleep by the mix of the drink I had, the droning of the jet engines on the plane and the fact that I had a great weekend fucking my brains out with Brandi and not getting much sleep I comfortably accepted that Brandi wasn’t a virgin when we met and I didn’t care.
This ends part ten of “The Adventure Of Our Lives. In part eleven I will be wrapping up our dating years and begin the journey of our incredible marriage. Stay with me the best is yet to cum.