The Adventure Of Our Lives Part Nine

"Getting involved with a friends wife."

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I walked back to the barracks from Kyle and Ginny’s house and after the night of fucking Ginny I fell quickly to sleep after I got into my bed. Ben was still out cold from his drinking and we both slept until about eleven am. It was Ben’s moaning that woke me up. He was sitting on his bed with his head on his hands and I could tell he was suffering from a major hangover. He looked up at me and said, “Tom, I feel so sick and my head hurts so much. Am I going to die?”

“No, you just have a bad hangover, the first thing you need to do right now is go take a long hot shower.” With that he got undressed and headed down to the showers. Shortly after he left there was a knock on the door and when I opened it there was Ollie, one of our classmates, we called him “Jolly Ollie” as he was always laughing. Anyway he had a note for me and all it said was, “Coffee, same place at 1, G.” I said to Ollie, “Where did this come from?”

“Some chick dropped it off. She said to deliver it to Tom Wetstuph and you are the only one that I know. So here it is and are you shagging this chick?”

“I am not sure who she is but I am not shagging anyone right now.”

“Whatever you say, Tom.” With that, he laughed and left. I liked Ollie he was a great guy and out of all the guys in the class he fucked more chicks than I could count. Ollie only had one requisite for a woman. She had to have big tits. She could be skinny or fat, pretty or ugly, it didn’t matter. As long as she had big tits he would fuck her or as he put it, shag her. I saw him with plenty of chicks that I wouldn’t have given a second look at but every one of them had big tits.

In about thirty minutes Ben was back and he said he was feeling better but still had a headache. I told him he needed something to eat and drink (not booze) and so we went to the chow hall and had lunch. We got back to the room at about twelve thirty pm and Ben said he needed to lie down again. He did and before long he was asleep again. It was almost one pm so I headed out to meet up with Ginny at the cafeteria again.

When I got to the cafeteria I saw Ginny’s car so I just went to it and got in. As I got in I saw that she was wearing a short skirt that was showing quite a bit of her real pretty thighs. I had the urge to reach up under her skirt and rub her pussy but she must have read my thoughts and just handed me one of the beers left over from the night before.  She then drove us off the base. So I opened up the beer and started drinking it. We drove around a little when she finally said to me, “I need to explain myself to you.”

“You have no need to explain anything to me.”

“Yes, I do. I don’t want you to think I am some kind of a whore. What happened last night is not how I usually am. I love Kyle and in the almost six years Kyle and I have been married I have been completely faithful to him.” With that, she started telling me about herself. When she was a kid she was into gymnastics. I believed that, as she was built like a gymnast. In high school she became a cheerleader and then when she got to college she continued to be a cheerleader but the difference between high school and college was in college she began to party especially with the jocks on the football team. She would fuck one jock for a while and then another.

At some of the Frat parties, she would fuck four or five jocks in the same night and her partying and fucking like that continued on until her Senior year. That was when she met Kyle in a humanities class they were both taking. She told me that as she got to know him she fell in love with him and when they both graduated, him with his Accounting degree and her with her Business degree (with a minor in Psychology) they continued on seeing only each other and eventually got married.

No, Kyle was no jock but he was kind and gentle with a great sense of humor and he treated her with respect not like a piece of fuck meat, the way the jocks did, but after saying that she did admit that fucking all those jocks was fun.

I listened quietly as she continued telling me how after graduation Kyle got a good job with the IRS as an accountant/auditor and she got a good job as an office manager in a nice company. The only bad thing was a couple of years after they were married she developed some kind of cysts in her uterus and had to have a hysterectomy which meant no children but they dealt with that and stayed happy and progressed with their careers. There was one thing though that did hang over their heads—the military draft.

With the War in Viet Nam going on, men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight were subject to being drafted into military service into the Army or Marines. Since Kyle had no deferments being drafted was a worry but in May of 1969, after Kyle turned twenty-eight, they were thinking he wasn’t going to get drafted. He had only one year to go until he was no longer eligible to be drafted but in the beginning of July, Kyle got his draft notice. At that time, the War in Viet Nam was at its height and men were being drafted like crazy. Kyle didn’t want to go to Viet Nam (actually nobody did) especially in the Army or Marines so he went to the Air Force recruiter.

Since he was a college graduate the recruiter told him he could join the Air Force as a Commissioned Officer but Kyle worked for the IRS and was a Commissioned Civil Servant. The law does not allow someone to be commissioned in the military and hold a civil service commission so to be a military officer he would have to resign from the IRS. He didn’t want to do that so he enlisted instead. He didn’t care what job he was going to get he just wanted to do his four years as an enlisted member because the IRS would give him a military leave of absence and after his enlistment, he would get his job and benefits back.

Even though we were not in the same basic training flight Kyle and I were in basic at the same time. He also was going to be a Security Police Law Enforcement member and that’s how we ended up in the school together.

However, getting drafted put Kyle into a very deep depression. He started drinking pretty heavily and even before leaving for basic training, he stopped paying much physical attention to Ginny. Then he left for basic training and they were apart from each other. The other thing that happened was, with the loss of Kyle’s income, money became very tight. They had a nice newer car that Ginny had to sell because they couldn’t make the payments. Since they lived in New York she was able to keep going to work using the trains and buses there but with only her income things were tough.

 When she found out that Kyle was going to school at Lackland, Ginny sold off their furniture, bought a 62 Ford Falcon, packed up what was left and drove down to San Antonio and found the apartment they were living in. She did this because Kyle had told her that after basic he would be allowed to live with her off base and she wanted to be together with Kyle.

So, when he started school he lived off base with Ginny but it wasn’t as happy a time as Ginny had hoped. Kyle was still very depressed. Additionally, Ginny could not find a very high-paying full-time job because when employers found out she was married to an Air Force student they just figured she wouldn’t be around long so she got a part-time job in a local diner as a waitress. It wasn’t much money but combined with Kyle’s Air Force pay they could pay the rent, buy gas and groceries but there were no frills and when the car broke she thought that they were sunk. It made Kyle’s depression even worse but when he found out that I could probably fix their car for just a little bit of money they were both for it.

Ginny went on saying, “Kyle had told me that you were a lot taller than him but when I saw you at the hobby shop, for the first time that night, I saw that you were not only taller but you looked very athletic. You were a jock in high school, right?”

“Yes, I played football and baseball.”

She then went on, “Seeing you took me back to my early college days with the jocks. I have been so horny. Kyle hasn’t fucked me since last July. I thought after basic things would get back to normal but Kyle just gets drunk every night and ignores me. I have tried everything to get him back to fucking me including doing strip tease acts in front of him but nothing happens. Fingering myself has gotten old and I was dying for being fucked by a hard cock.

When I saw you I decided to take a chance. I wanted you to fuck me but I didn’t want to get romantically involved with you or you with me. That’s why I asked you so many questions about your girlfriend. I wanted to be sure you were already romantically involved with someone because I still do really love Kyle and don’t want to leave him.

Also, when Kyle told me about you and Ben buying those extra parts to fix our car I realized that you are really a nice guy and that it was probably you giving Kyle a quarter every day so he could eat lunch. That is true, isn’t it?”

“What’s true? Me being a nice guy or me giving Kyle a quarter every day?”


“I don’t know if I am really a nice guy but it is true about the quarter.”

“I figured and that made fucking you even better. Your physical size is such a turn-on and I like you. I also think you like me but you really love your girlfriend so any fucking we do will just be about the sex. Right?”

“I do like you too and fucking you last night was great. I do love Brandi and I can’t see myself loving anyone else so I don’t want a romantic relationship either but a purely sexual one is ok with me.”

With that, she found a store parking lot and pulled into a space separated from most of the other cars. She then reached over and pulled open my pants and grabbed my cock. It got hard almost immediately and she then climbed onto my lap. It was then I realized why she was wearing that short dress. She had no panties on and my cock slid right up into her cunt. She rode my cock, hard and fast, and after we both came twice she got off of me and sat back behind the wheel. She then said, “You guys have to be at training in the morning so we can’t fuck at my house like we did last night but I hope this was good enough.”

I said. “It was better than good enough” and then leaned over and kissed her and at the same time fingered her cum filled cunt until she came again. When I moved away from her she smiled, started the car and then drove me back to the barracks.

The following day at training everyone in the class got the orders that were sending us to our next assignments. The class was being sent all over the world. To Europe, to other states, to Alaska, Hawaii, Japan, etc. Ollie, Jolly Ollie, and a few others were being assigned to Viet Nam. They were going to bases there, which wasn’t as dangerous as being out on the front lines but still dangerous. Ben, my “room dog” was going to a place called Thule Greenland. Funny thing is Greenland is not green. It is ice covered and the base is actually built below and in the ice. Supposedly there is a girl behind every tree but there are no trees, according to our instructor.

As for Kyle, a guy named Jerry and me, we were staying right there at Lackland and would be assigned to the base Police Squadron there. We were graduating in less than two weeks, on Friday, October 31st (Halloween), and with being busy with all of the final tests we were taking and the studying we needed to do I didn’t see anything of Ginny at least not until graduation.

Graduation was like any other Graduation. A speech by the School Commander and the Lead Instructor then we all got called up one at a time where we received our diplomas and shield. We were then all sworn in as Law Enforcement Police and after that, there was a short Graduation party. It consisted of fruit punch (non-alcoholic of course) and cake. Since we were all pretty much going our separate ways we all walked around saying goodbye to each other. Besides all of us graduates there were family members there.

Ginny was there, as was the Commander’s wife, the wives of the married instructors, and the girl that Ollie was currently shagging. I deliberately tried to stay away from contact with Ginny as I didn’t want Kyle to get suspicious but I noticed Kyle slipping away for about ten minutes every so often and I noticed that Ginny was not looking too happy. When Kyle slipped away for the third or fourth time I did go over and started to speak to Ginny. I asked her, “So, how are things going?”

“Oh, about the same. You know. Do you think you can come over tonight?”

I told her I couldn’t because I had CQ Runner duty that night from six pm until six am but I was free Saturday night. She then said, “Great, pick you up at the cafeteria at three pm again.” I said, “No, Just pick me up in front of the barracks. By three pm Saturday afternoon, everyone who is being assigned elsewhere will be gone and only Jerry and I will be in the barracks, and since Jerry lives on the back side of the barracks he won’t see you pick me up.”

At that point, Kyle came back and came up and said, “Hey Tom, you hitting on Ginny?”

“No, I just finally got around to wanting to talk to you and Ginny but you were gone.” He laughed and when he did I could smell the booze on his breath and then he said, “No, I know you are a good guy. You wouldn’t fuck around with another guy’s wife.”

“No, I wouldn’t.” I lied.

I then walked away. The next day at six am I said my goodbyes to Ben. He had packed out his stuff so he could catch the bus to the airport and fly home to Maryland where he was going to spend a few weeks at home before going to Greenland. I was going to miss Ben. At three pm I was out in front of the barracks and Ginny picked me up. She had brought some beer that we drank as we drove around and after a little while, we drove to her and Kyle’s place. She went in and waved me in as Kyle was once again out cold. She ran into the bedroom and when I got in there she was already nude.

I took off my clothes and before I could say anything she jumped up on me, wrapped her legs around my waist and my cock just slid into her cunt. We fucked standing up. She would ride up and down and I would thrust in and out and when we both came I almost fell down as the orgasm seemed to weaken my legs just a little.

We spent the rest of the night, until about three again, fucking and sucking and eating each other. It was great. As I was getting dressed to leave, Ginny asked me if we could get back together the next day. I told her yes but it would have to be short (no overnight frolic) as I needed to pack out myself so I could report to the Base Police Squadron the following morning. We agreed for her to pick me up at four pm.

Ginny got to my barracks at four pm and off we drove. She had bought some more beer and we drank some beer as we drove. It was a nice, warmish afternoon so I suggested we find someplace outdoors where we could fuck. She agreed and we started to drive around. Eventually, we came to this park in a wooded area. We got out of the car and started to walk around. It was more of a kids’ park as it had swings and see-saws and a merry-go-round type of thing. We walked around some more and came across a footpath that led into the woods. We decided to walk up the path in the hopes of finding a clear but grassy area to fuck on.

In a little while, we came out of the woods and we were next to a road and just down the road a short way there was this two-story building but it looked like it was abandoned. We walked around the building and looked in the windows and we could see that no one and nothing was in it. We came upon an unlocked door, opened it and went in.

We walked around the first floor and other than some trash and strewn around papers there was nothing so we went up the stairs to the second floor. We came upon this one room and in the middle of it was something that was covered with a canvas tarp. Ginny lifted up the tarp and then pulled it completely off and then she shrieked and started dancing around.

What was under the tarp was some kind of a medical table and on it was this small stool on wheels. Ginny looked at me and said, “This is great! Take that stool off this table and then start taking off your clothes.” I did what she said to do and as I was taking off my clothes so was she. She was dancing around like a kid at Christmas but I couldn’t figure out why. However, seeing her well-toned and naked body dancing around was very exciting and my cock was now very hard.

I said to her, “What’s the deal? I don’t understand.”

“Look, it’s a maternity birthing table. It’s perfect. See the stirrups and the grasping handles. I can get up unto that and then I will be in the perfect position for you to eat my pussy and fuck me. Now, I am going to get up on the table and you are going to adjust those stirrups so my legs are perfectly up in the air.”

She then climbed up on the table and following her directions I adjusted the stirrups that she had put her legs into until she told me that they were correct. She then pulled on the two grasping handles until her butt was just over the edge of the table and right between the stirrups. I looked and I could then see what she was talking about. There were her legs, well-separated, and her cunt and asshole were out in the air but supported by the table.

My cock got even harder. She then told me to sit on the stool and roll myself over to her and start eating her pussy. I did that and found that this was the best position for eating pussy. Even in my limited experience at that time, it was perfect. My neck wasn’t bent and I just needed to lean in and start licking and sucking on her cunt and clit in comfort. I easily was able to tongue fuck her and after a few minutes, I heard her start saying, “OH SHT! OH FUCK! OH GOD!” over and over but really loudly, much louder than at her house with Kyle in the other room. Her hips started bucking and gyrating around and then she screamed out, “OH FUCK I’M CUMMING! Don’t stop eating me!” Then her entire body began to quiver and shake as she had a really hard orgasm.

When her orgasm passed I just rested my chin on top of her pubic bone and looked up at her tits going up and down as she was catching her breath. Her tits looked so good I reached up and started squeezing them and pinching her rock-hard nipples and she started to moan. I then very slowly and gently started licking her clit, going around and on it.

At the same time, I brought down my right hand and put two fingers into her very wet cunt and started to finger fuck her by pushing and pulling my fingers into and out of her as quickly as I could. In a short time, she was cumming again. She was screaming out that she was cumming over and over as she had another orgasm that seemed to be harder than the first one.

When that orgasm subsided and she rested for about a minute, catching her breath she said to me, “Tom I need you to fuck me! Fuck me hard and fuck me fast”. I stood up and after pushing the little stool away I stepped up to her and saw that her cunt was exactly level with my cock and all I needed to do was just shove it in. I then wrapped my hands around her legs and using the additional leverage of my arms slammed my cock into her as fast and hard as I could. I had no idea that I could fuck her as fast and as hard as I was and pretty soon she was cumming again and then so was I.

My body seemed to go out of control in jerking spasms as I felt my cock begin to pulse as my cum began shooting into her. We were both being real loud with me grunting, “UNH” over and over and Ginny just yelling, “KEEP FUCKING ME, KEEP FUCKING ME!” over and over as well. When our orgasms subsided I was standing there, out of breath, but my cock was still hard and still sunk all the way into her cunt.

I caught my breath (Damn it was great to only be nineteen. It never took long to recover back then.) and started to fuck her again. I started out slower this time but pretty soon she was being racked by another orgasm. She again screamed out, “FUCK, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING.”

I just kept pumping my cock into and out of her but I had resumed back to the fast and hard thrusts I had fucked her within the first round. She came two more times before I finally did, and once again my body spasmed as my cock pulsed and pumped another load of cum into her sweet cunt. This time when I finished I could feel I was about half hard and I pulled my cock out of her. When I did a mixture of my cum and her juices started pouring out of her and down onto the floor.

She lay there out of breath but looked at me smiling saying how great that was. I agreed but then noticed it was starting to get dark and told her we needed to get dressed and get out of there. We did and I noticed as we left we did leave a nice cum puddle on the floor. Thinking about someone finding it made me smile.

On our way back to her car we must have gotten on the wrong path because it took a lot longer to get to the park than it did to get out of it and when we exited the woods we were in a different spot. It had also gotten dark and when we looked to where her car was there was a police officer walking around it, looking into it with his flashlight. Ginny stopped and said, in a rather scared voice, “What should we do?”

“Just walk to the car. We haven’t done anything wrong.”

“What if he asks us questions like what are we doing here?”

“We will just say we were driving around and stopped to take a walk since the day was so nice. It’s a bit of a lie but we did walk around, and it was a nice day we just won’t say anything about that building or going into it and fucking our brains out. Just relax. Everything will be fine.” So we started walking to the car again.

When we got to her car the police officer looked up and said, “Hello, is this car yours?”

I said, “No it’s not mine but it is hers” and pointed at Ginny.

He then said, “Is it broken down or something?”

I replied, “No, we were just driving around and since it was such a nice day we decided to take a little walk but we got a little turned around in the woods and the walk took longer than we planned.”

He then asked for ID and I produced mine but Ginny told him her IDs were in her purse, in her car and at that she pulled her keys out of her pocket to unlock her car.

He stopped her saying, “Why don’t I take the keys, open your car and get your purse out and if you don’t mind I would like to search your purse and your car. This is a high drug dealing and use area and I also want to make sure you aren’t carrying any concealed weapons, drugs or paraphernalia. I would also like you two to empty your pockets on the hood of my car.”

Ginny looked at me and I said to her, “Go ahead Ginny we have nothing to hide or worry about.” So she gave him her keys and her permission to search everything and while he was doing that I put my wallet and about thirty-five cents in change on the hood of his car. Ginny had nothing in her pockets to empty so we then just stood there quietly and watched him as he searched her purse and her car, including the trunk and glove compartment. After about ten minutes he was done and when he handed Ginny her purse she showed him her IDs.

He looked at her ID and then he looked at mine again. He then said to Ginny, “Your vehicle registration says this car is registered to a Kyle Smith and Virginia Smith. Your Id says you are Virginia Smith, correct?” Ginny nodded yes. Then he looked at me and said, “Your ID says you are Tom Wetstuph, correct?” I replied, “Yes”. He then looked at Ginny again and said, “Where is Kyle Smith right now?”

“He is at home probably sleeping or watching TV.”

He then looked at us and said, “So, what is the deal with the two of you?” Ginny and I looked at each other and then I replied, “We are just friends.”

He snickered a little and said, “Just friends, huh?”

“Yes, just friends,” we both said at the same time.

Snickering again, he handed us our IDs back and told us we should leave as the area we were in got dangerous after dark. We took our IDs, thanked the officer for some reason, got into the car and drove away.

We drove away and seeing that there were still two beers in the car we opened them and started drinking them.

Ginny said while starting to giggle a little, “Just friends, huh?”

I said, “Just fucking friends” and started laughing. Ginny joined in the laughter and repeated, “Yeah, just fucking friends” that’s what we should have told him and we both started laughing even harder repeating over and over, “Just fucking friends.”

Our laughter finally subsided and I could see that Ginny actually had tears running from her eyes as she was laughing so hard. She finally said to me, “I haven’t laughed so hard as that in a long time. In fact, between that and the great orgasms you have given me in the very short time that I have known you has made me feel better than I have felt in quite some time. You aren’t even twenty years old yet and I think you are one of the most incredible men I have ever met.”

I didn’t really know exactly what to say. I finally spoke out and said, “I have had a really great time with you. Fucking you has been better than great. In guy talk, you would be described as a great lay but also I find that you are really a nice person. The past two weeks or so have been super, but…”

“But, what?” she said.

I didn’t answer.

“BUT WHAT?” She repeated more forcefully.

I finally answered, “Kyle and me start at the Base Police tomorrow. As I understand it they work weird shifts. I don’t know if we will be seeing each other anymore let alone fucking each other. I don’t know what happens next either between us or for us.

She was quiet for a while but then said, ”Let’s get some more beer.” We then went to that drive-through beer place and bought another six-pack of beer. We drove around and drank the beer and didn’t speak of anything worth remembering or repeating and after she had finished two beers and I had finished four I said, “It’s starting to get late and I need to get back to the barracks to finish packing so I can get over to the Base Police Squadron and report in. I then added you need to get home before Kyle starts wondering where you are.

Ginny agreed but then the car started to slow and she turned into this parking lot where there was this small shopping center, maybe six or eight stores, but they shared the parking lot with a movie theater. She then said, yeah, I need to get you back to the barracks and get home to Kyle but first there is something I want to do.” I was at a loss.

All of the stores were closed and, surely, she couldn’t be wanting to go to a movie so I could not figure out what she wanted to do. However, as soon as she got the car parked, and shut down the engine and the lights, she slid over in the seat, pulled open my pants, grabbed my cock and started sucking it and it felt great. She sucked and licked my cock and after a little while I could feel my cock pulsating and throbbing as my cum pumped into her mouth.

When I was done cumming she sat up and then gave me a nice cum flavored kiss. When we finally separated she said to me, “That is one of two things. It’s either my way of saying goodbye to you and thank you or it’s a sample of what may be yet to happen between us.”

She then got back in the driver’s seat, started the car and dropped me off at my barracks. As I was getting out of the car she reached over and grabbed my cock and gave it a nice healthy squeeze. She then headed home to Kyle. As for me I first headed to the bathroom where I jerked off, resulting from the hard-on of the squeeze while also thinking about the blow job she had just given me.  I then headed to my room to finish packing and go to bed. The next day was going to be busy.

The next, morning Jerry, Kyle, and I met up at the Police Squadron Orderly Room. This building was not in the Police Headquarters Building it was separate. The people that worked there were not the police but were administrative people as was the First Sergeant. In the Air Force, the position of First Sergeant isn’t just an additional duty.

He or she is sort of like the “Mother Figure” of the squadron and is specially trained in handling, non-duty related problems a troop may have. Personal problems and the like. The rest of the people in the Orderly Room were there to give us all the paperwork we needed to fill out in order to sign into the squadron.

Once we were done with the orderly room we were sent to the Police Headquarters building. There we met our Law Enforcement Supervisor, issued our police leather gear, assigned lockers and assigned the shifts we would be working.             

Kyle and Jerry were assigned to one shift and I was assigned to a different shift.              

The shift patterns we worked were a bit unusual.                

The shifts worked on a six-day cycle.  Night shifts (2:30 pm to 10:30 pm for three days then a twenty-four-hour break and then three third shifts 10:30 pm to 6:30 am.              

Day shifts worked straight days 6:30 am to 2:30  pm but they were broken down to three elements with two elements on at the same time as the third element was off.                           

 Since I was starting my shift during the second shift period I was told not to report for duty until 2:00 pm the following day. Kyle and Jerry were told to report at 10:00 pm the following day as they were in their third shift period. At that point, Kyle was told he could go home and Jerry and I were sent to the barracks where we would be assigned to our rooms. As it turned out Jerry and I were assigned the same room. We unpacked our gear and just hung out doing not much of anything.           

I went into work and then met my shift leader. He welcomed me to the shift and explained what was expected of me and what I would be doing for a while. (Working the gates. Everyone starts there.) He also introduced me to my immediate supervisor and trainer. Then it was off to the gates. I figured it would be the same for Kyle and Jerry. Anyway, it was about a week or so before I saw Ginny again. When I did she drove up to my gate. Since it wasn’t real busy she stopped and we chatted for a while.

She told me nothing much had changed with Kyle but she said she realized that when I was on second shift Kyle was on third and he wouldn’t be home. I could come over after I got off from work and we could then spend the night together until about 6:00 am when I would have to leave. The only downside was Kyle took the car to work so I would need to walk. Gee. Taking a fifteen-minute walk for a night of fucking was an easy decision. I went to her house after work that night.

In fact, I fucked her just about every night after my second shift. I always let her make the invitation by coming by my gate. I let her decide when she needed to fuck.

I should add at this point that I should have been feeling guilty about Brandi but I was still getting these weird letters about Brandi and her being seen with other guys from her friends. Some of them also told me Brandi was hanging out with some Hippies that ran a “Headshop” in our town. The odd part was I was still really in love with Brandi and her hanging out with other guys didn’t bother me especially since I was not exactly being a monk. I was fucking Ginny on a pretty regular basis.

The encounters with Ginny continued through November. Jerry and I even ate Thanksgiving Dinner with Kyle and Ginny and somehow I even managed to fuck Ginny, outside in the yard, while we threw away the leavings from the dinner while Kyle and Jerry watched football. Their car had a great back seat.

December rolled around and we found out that for Christmas break the shifts would combine into two shifts. Each working twelve hours a day for seven days. I asked for the week of Christmas off. That is Christmas Eve until New Year’s Eve. The other week went from New Year’s Eve for seven days.

Kyle picked Christmas week also but that wasn’t important to me. I had two things on my week off I was going to do. I was going to ask Brandi to marry me and I wanted to get my car down to Lackland so I had wheels again. So, as it happened, I didn’t have any contact with Ginny until after the Christmas Shutdown schedule passed in January. 

My leave date began on December twenty-fourth, Christmas Eve so I hopped a shuttle to the San Antonio Airport on the evening of December twenty-third and booked the first flight to New York departing after midnight. My flight left at one-thirty in the morning and I arrived in New York about three hours later.

I grabbed a limo from the airport that took me to the train station in my town and then walked home from there. I walked into my house at about five am and my mother was up cooking breakfast for my father who was going in to work a day shift (eight am to four pm). He took the train that left our town at six am because it took almost two hours to get from where we lived into the city.

When my mother saw me she almost screamed with excitement. I did not tell them I was coming home for Christmas. After hugging me she asked if I was hungry and since I was I told her yes, She then started making breakfast for me too. My dad then came down in his NYPD uniform and, looking at me only the way he could, simply said, “Where did you come from?” He then grabbed my hand (Men did not hug each other in my family.) shook it and said, “I am so glad that you got home for Christmas.) My mother then brought in the food and we started to eat and as we ate we chatted.

I explained that I wanted coming home for Christmas to be a surprise and that in addition to being home for Christmas I was going to use some of the time to drive my car back to Lackland so I had wheels again. Now, I think, to this day my father could read minds. He somehow always knew that what he was being told was never the whole story. So he then looks at me and says, “And what else?” Knowing that I would not be able to lie to my father I told them of my plans to ask Brandi to marry me.

My mother got a little worried saying things like, “Are you sure? This seems so sudden. Are you really sure?” I told both of them that I was sure. That Brandi and I had been seeing each other for over a year and I knew that Brandi was as much in love with me as I was with her.

My mother still seemed worried but I said, “Mom, relax, I haven’t even asked Brandi yet so I didn’t know if she was even going to say yes. I then added that I had no plans on marrying Brandi until after she graduated High School and that wasn’t going to happen until June.

My dad was just his standard stoic self and said, “I raised you to be able to make up your own mind on things so if you think this is the right decision for you then that’s what you need to do.” We didn’t discuss the subject any further. Just chatted about what was going on until it was time for my dad to leave for work. After he left for work I kissed my mother “goodnight” telling her everything was going to be just fine and then took myself to bed as I had been awake for almost twenty-four hours.

I woke up at three pm and after showering I called the restaurant. I made a reservation for six pm and I then called Brandi.  When she answered the phone and heard my voice she almost shrieked. She was talking very fast and in all that talking she finally asked me if I would be home soon. I told her I was home and that I would be picking her up at five pm to go to the restaurant. She said ok but to not forget that her family did Christmas gift giving on Christmas eve and she would need to be home by nine pm. I told her that wouldn’t be a problem and also told her to wear something real nice as the restaurant we were going to was a bit fancy.

At five pm I arrived at Brandi’s house to pick her up. She was already wearing a very nice white dress that had very Christmassy Red and Green adornments. The dress, as always was, was short displaying her long and great-looking legs. I felt my cock getting hard just looking at her. After greeting her parents and Grandmother and Aunt, who were there for Christmas, we left for the restaurant and as we were leaving her mother reminded us to be back by nine pm.

The drive to the restaurant took almost an hour and we got there a little before six. We were seated and then ate a nice dinner together. After finishing the main course we asked for a dessert menu and Brandi said, “I need to use the restroom before dessert” and got up and left the table. Taking advantage of her absence I took out the ring case that I gift-wrapped and set it down where she was sitting.

Brandi then returned she looked down at the small gift and said, “What’s this?”

“Open it and see.”

She took off the wrapping and could see it was a small jewelry care. She still had a look of puzzlement on her face so I said, “Open it up”. She opened I and just stared at the ring inside. It wasn’t an expensive ring. The diamond in it was one-quarter karat and had cost a little more than one hundred dollars. I barely made that much money each month but the ring was exquisite nonetheless.

Brandi looked at it for over a minute and then said, “What’s this for?”

“It’s an engagement ring and I am asking you to marry me.”

It took her a minute to register what I said and what the ring meant. When it finally sunk in she jumped up saying, rather loudly, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” over and over. She then stood up and came over and jumped into my lap, grinding her pelvis into mine and locked her mouth on mine and started kissing me deeply.

The waitress came over and asked if everything was all right and Brandi jumped up and said (loudly once again), “He asked me to marry him and I said yes! We are going to get married!”. The waitress smiled and the other patrons applauded.

There is one thing I always try to avoid and that is being the center of attention but Brandi jumped in my lap again and I quickly forgot about being uncomfortable but between the kissing we were doing and the grinding of her pelvis into mine my cock became hard and my little embarrassment turned into full-on horny.

The waitress soon returned and brought us two glasses of champagne and congratulated us. We thanked her and then drank the champagne and after finishing the champagne Brandi said, “Let’s skip dessert and get out of here. I need to fuck you so badly right now. That’s all the dessert I need.” So, I paid for dinner, left the waitress a nice tip and headed out to the car.

When we got to the car Brandi said, “I want to fuck, right here and right now”. I looked around and since it was dark I figured why not. We climbed into the car and as I was pulling down my pants and putting on a rubber Brandi removed her pantyhose and panties and once they were off she straddled my lap and lowered herself onto my cock. I felt it sliding into her wet cunt. It felt so good, even wearing a rubber. Whenever we coupled like that it always felt so special. So different from how it felt with Brick, Luann and even Ginny. So I knew marrying Brandi was going to be the right thing.

Once I was in her Brandi started sliding up and down my cock. Slowly, at first, and then she picked up speed and all the while we kissed and sucked on each other’s tongues. Pretty soon she threw back her head and started yelling, “Oh, oh, oh shit. Oh, oh, oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK I’m cumming! I came at the same time and felt my cock pulsing and throbbing as my load of cum shot out of me.

Our orgasms subsided and Brandi looked at me and said, “That she was so happy” and then she said, “Hey, your cock is still rock hard!” and with that, she started riding me again. Only this time she rode me hard and fast having three more orgasms before I came again. She then said, “I want to fuck again, it’s been a long time since we have been together. I love the way your cock makes my pussy feel and how your cock gives me the best orgasms. I also love you and love that you love me.” She then planted her mouth onto mine and stuck her tongue into my mouth making my cock, which was still inside of her, get hard again.

I turned and pushed her down so she was on her back on the front seat and me on top. I fucked her hard and she began to buck her hips up and down and at the same time almost sucked my tongue out of my mouth as she had another orgasm and in a few minutes I had one too.

When our orgasms subsided she said, “The orgasms you give me are so great. They are incredible.”

I really did not give much thought to what she had just said to me because I saw we were going to be late getting back to her house. I got up and stepped out of my car, removed the rubber, and disposed of it after getting myself redressed went around to the driver’s door and got in the car. Brandi sat up next to me but the hem of her dress was still up and her cunt was within easy reach so I started finger fucking her pussy and she had several orgasms on the ride to her house.

When we got back to her house we went into the living room where her parents, grandmother and aunt were sitting. It was a little after nine so we were late. Brandi was so excited she just spoke out about us getting engaged. Her mother, who had a few too many cocktails by then, sarcastically said, “You’re not pregnant are you?” (When Brandi’s mom got drunk she could be a bit unpleasant.)

Brandi looked at her mother and spat out angrily, “No I’m not pregnant!” Her father then said, “So when are you two getting married?” I replied, “We haven’t set a date yet but it won’t be until after Brandi graduates in June.” With that, everyone relaxed and they opened up their presents.

When the present opening was done Brandi said she was going to go upstairs and put on her nightgown and robe and on her way up the stairs and out of eyeshot of everyone but me she turned around and lifted the hem of her dress and showed me her pussy into which she stuck her fingers and then licked them clean. She was such a cock teaser and seeing her do that made my cock get hard again. I then remembered that her panties and pantyhose were on the back seat of my car and I would have to hide them before I got home.

Brandi then went upstairs and in a few minutes returned in her gown and robe but not before she stopped midway down the steps and opened her robe to show me the short nightgown she was wearing and once again show me her cunt that she was fingering vigorously. I could tell by the look on her face that she was going to be giving herself orgasms after she went to bed.

As it was ten o’clock I stood up and invited Brandi’s family to the Christmas family dinner that my parents were having at my house. All my aunts and uncles and cousins would be there so it would be a great time for Brandi’s family to meet mine. Bear in mind that Brandi was the only child of two only children and her family was small. I had three younger brothers and a sister and my dad had two brothers and two sisters.

My mother had one brother but each of my uncles and aunts had children so comparatively speaking my family was huge. I also needed to leave as Christmas morning came early at my house and with the traveling and the sex I was tired and needed to get to bed myself.

It was on the drive home when Brandi’s words about how great my cock makes her pussy feel and how great the orgasms are and that my cock gives her the best orgasms. It was such a strange and puzzling thing she said and the mystery of her only deepened.

The next day we all had a great time at my house and my family was excited about our engagement announcement. We had dinner at one pm and at about six pm Brandi’s parents had to leave. Brandi stayed behind and I assured her parents that I would have her home by eleven. So, at about eight o’clock Brandi and I left because we wanted some time alone and went to our favorite parking spot and fucked our brains out for almost three hours.

Since I had to be back to Lackland on Friday that meant I would need to leave on Wednesday to make the nineteen-hundred-mile trip back with my car. At that time the Interstate system was not as extensive and complete as it is now and I estimated it would take about forty-four hours to make the drive. Needless to say but Brandi and I spent as much time together between Christmas and Wednesday as we could and we got in as much fucking as possible.

As always the sex we had was phenomenal. Even though with Brandi I still used a rubber her cunt felt amazing and was great. Having fucked Ginny bareback I was so tempted to fuck Brandi bareback too because I knew it would even be better however since I was not going to get her pregnant I continued to cover up my cock before we fucked. There was just this special connection that Brandi and I shared that I could even feel through the rubber. It made me especially excited at the prospect of fucking her bareback. I can’t even now explain the incredible physical connection Brandi and I have always had and still do.

So, after four days of fucking each other as much as we could I had to leave and head back to Lackland.

As I was driving I once again started thinking about some of the things Brandi would say and some of the things about sex that she seemed to know. A person thinks about many things while driving alone.

This ends part nine of The Adventure of our lives. There is so much more to cum so please keep reading.

Published 2 years ago

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