The Adventure Of Our Lives Part Fifteen

"If you love her you don't give up."

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When I found our house empty, I knew Rick had convinced Brandi to leave with him. Especially since she didn’t even leave me a note. I just knew that something wasn’t right. I didn’t think Rick had to kidnap her but I knew she didn’t leave just to leave me.

I knew Rick was going to be going to his home in Western Pennsylvania but I didn’t even know what town let alone an address. I decided to go to Jessica’s house and see if she knew where Rick came from. Especially his address.

When I got to Jessica’s apartment, I told her how I caught Rick fucking Brandi in our bed. I left out all of the other issues involved. I did not know how liberal-minded she might be and certain secrets must remain secrets.

She said to me, “Shit, Tom. I’m sorry. I should have said something to you. I saw Rick hanging around, outside the restaurant, waiting for Brandi. I had a suspicion as to what was going on but I wasn’t sure so I didn’t say anything. You know, I broke up with Rick because I found out what kind of a lying scumbag he is. I found out that whenever he was off and I was working he always found some other girl to fuck. He is also a con man.

“He called my mother and told her I was in legal trouble and needed five hundred dollars. He had her send it to him by Western Union. I didn’t even know he did that until one day I was talking to my mother and she asked me if my legal troubles were all taken care of. I didn’t know what she was talking about and told her so. That is when she told me about the money she sent. He never gave me that money and it was then I ended things with the slimy son of a bitch.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. This is in no way your fault. You can help me out by telling me where his home is in Pennsylvania. His address if you have it. I know he is heading there.”

Jessica was not able to tell me Rick’s address or the town he came from. So, I decided to find out another way. There was a guy I knew who worked in personnel and he would be able to get me Rick’s home address. I went to his barracks room and told him what I needed. I reminded him that he owed me a favor and it was his time to pay up.

What he owed me was actually his career. I saw him driving erratically at seven AM on a Saturday morning and when I pulled him over, he was drunk as a boiled skunk. I gave him a break, parked his car for him, and took him to his barracks. No arrest for DUI. No career problem. He did tell me that what I asked him to do could get him into trouble. I said, so did I. I drove him to his office and ten minutes later I had Rick’s address. I told the guy we were even.

I knew there was no way I could charge down the highway and try to catch up with them. They had too much of a head start but I did know that I could “cut them off at the pass” so to speak.

What I had to do now was get some leave time approved. I went to see my boss. I explained to him my situation and my plan to intercept them at Rick’s home in Pennsylvania.

He listened quietly and asked me, “Do you think there is any hope for the two of you?”

“I don’t know but I have this gut feeling that she didn’t leave because she wanted to. The only way I will know is if I confront her directly.”

He said, “Wait a minute” and then got up and left the room. In a few minutes, he comes back and tells me that he got me ten days of leave and the First Sergeant will meet me at the Orderly Room in fifteen minutes. He then added, “When you get back, we will need to address you going off base, fully armed without authorization.  I just said, “Yes Sir. I know what I did was wrong but it was on impulse.” He then said, “Get out of here, you do not have time to waste.”

I went home and grabbed some change of clothes. I also grabbed my road atlas and plotted the fastest way to Rick’s house in Western Pennsylvania. I plotted my path to use as many Interstate roads as possible. I could pick up I-65 in Birmingham, Alabama. That would take me to I-70 in Indiana and then into Pennsylvania where I would pick up I-76 (The Pennsylvania Turnpike) until I got to New Stanton. After that, it was back roads to Blairsville. Rick’s hometown. I estimated it would take me eighteen hours to get there.

I had no idea what route Rick was going to take. The piece of shit Fiat he had could not do Interstate Highway speeds so I knew the Interstates were out. That Fiat had the worst cooling system I have ever seen. Although it could go over ninety miles per hour it could not do that for long. The best highway speed that Rick’s car could hold was fifty miles per hour and to maintain the fifty miles per hour speed the interior heater fan had to be blowing on hot so the car wouldn’t over heat.

Anyway, knowing what I knew about his car and the fact that he now had Brandi all to himself he was not going to travel a lot of hours and they would be stopping for the night several times. Rick’s car could rest and Rick could fuck Brandi with no worries. I was betting that Rick’s cock was going to be very happy.

Having my route planned I got into my car and headed out. As I estimated it took me about eighteen hours to get to Blairsville, Rick’s hometown. Even though I had the address I had no access to a map of the town. I did drive around for a while, looking for the street Rick’s house was on but had no luck. I got into the center of Blairsville and that is where I saw the answer. The U.S. Post Office would have the information I was looking for. I went up to the clerk and she gave me the directions to Rick’s street.

The clerk’s directions were perfect. I turned off the main drag that I was on and was on the side street that would take me to the street that Rick’s house was on. As I entered the side street, I noticed a sign that said, “No Outlet”. That meant that this side street was the only street that went to Rick’s street. The street ended in a “T” intersection which was the street I was looking for. I looked left and right and saw that both ends of the street ended on Cul-De-Sacs. I drove down and found Rick’s house.

Since Rick’s car was not in the driveway, I figured that they weren’t there yet so now comes the part where I would have to stake out Rick’s house and wait for, him and Brandi to arrive. I couldn’t stay parked on the residential street as it would look to suspicious and someone would invariably call in a suspicious car in the neighborhood.

The town and the neighborhood were well-established but not fancy. I noticed a closed-down steel plant on my way into town so I knew that the town had been lived in by the same families for years and that just about everybody knew everybody. This was just a town made up of working-class people.

I set out to find a place to watch the side street that went to Rick’s house. At the corner where the side street intersected with the main street was an old, closed-down gas station. One of the garage doors was open and the garage was empty. It was the perfect place for me to set up my stakeout. I went and found a grocery store and bought a couple of loaves of bread and a few packages of bologna as well as a couple of six packs of Coca-Cola®.

I went back to that garage and parked inside the garage and started the wait. I didn’t know how long the wait was going to take but what I did know is once it got towards evening Rick and Brandi would be in some motel fucking so I could, pretty safely, use evening time to find a restroom somewhere where I could give myself a bird bath, brush my teeth and shave.

On the fifth day I was there, Rick’s car went driving by me. I looked at my watch and saw it was a little past eleven in the morning. I started my car and followed. I went to Rick’s house and as I approached, I saw Rick’s car in the driveway and Brandi standing next to it. I saw Rick on his front lawn and he was engaged in a rather animated conversation with another older-looking man. I parked, on the street, right behind Rick’s car blocking it in.

As I got out of the car, I could hear the older man saying, “Fuck no, she can’t stay here. I’m not running a motel or boarding house.” I could hear Rick pleading saying, “Please dad. She won’t be any trouble. I will pay for anything she eats or drinks…and the argument continued.

Not being there to have any business with Rick or his family I approached Brandi. I stayed in the street and she was about five feet from me. She had this blank look on her face and I don’t think she even realized I was there when I called out her name, she looked at me and jumped.

I said to her, “What are you doing here?” No answer.

“Brandi, what are you doing here?” No answer again but she started looking down at the ground and I saw tears falling.

I said again only this time a little louder, “Brandi, you need to look at me and talk to me. I love you. I drove for eighteen hours straight to get here and for the past four days, I have been eating, sleeping, and waiting for you in my car so we could talk. You owe me at least that.”

That was when Rick’s father saw me and said, “Who the fuck are you? What are you doing here?

“My name is Tom and I am here to speak to Brandi. She is my wife and is the only one I have any business with here.”

He then looked at Rick saying, “So now you’re asking me to allow some stinking, whoring, cheating cunt into my house. That is never going to happen!”

I said again only a little more strongly, “Sir, I have no business with you or anyone else here but if you call my wife those names again, I am going to break your jaw!”

I said to Brandi, “Look at me, Brandi. Look directly at me.”

She lifted her head up and looked at me with tears now streaming down her face.

I said to her, “Have I ever hurt you? Have I ever threatened you? Have I ever tried to control you? Have I ever stopped you from doing something you wanted to do or made you do something you didn’t want to?”

She, still not speaking, just shook her head no.

“Then why did you take off without even leaving so much as a “Fuck you Tom” note?”

She just stood there staring at me with tears running down her face. Rick then came over to me and got up into my face and said to me, “If you don’t get out of here, I am going to beat your ass.”

“Rick, that would be a mistake on your part. You wouldn’t stand a chance. You’re no match for me and I will fuck you up!” He backed away from me and went up to Brandi.

He started saying to her, “Don’t worry Brandi. I will find you someplace to stay. I love you and I can take care of you. After you divorce Tom, we can get married.”

I looked at Brandi, straight into her tear-filled eyes, and said, “Brandi, you know you don’t belong here. I don’t know what Rick has been telling you but it’s all been lies. I talked to Jessica and she told me about how Rick lies. She also told me Rick was a con man.

Right about then I heard the front door of Rick’s house open and a woman who looked to be a little older than us said, “What fucking trouble are you in now Rick? I thought going into the Air Force would change you but I see I am wrong! You’ve been gone over two years and just about everybody I meet tells me how big of a shithead you are and were glad you were gone.”

Rick just looked at her and said, “Please stop it, sis.”

With that, she just shook her head and said, “Loser” and then went back in the house.

I then said to Brandi, “Look, if you want for us to break up, I will accept that but there is one thing I know. You can’t stay here.” I looked up at Rick’s father and he said, “Nope, she can’t stay here. She is not welcome.”

“See Brandi, you can’t stay here and you have already heard that Rick has no clue where you can stay. Think about this, Rick leaves for Thailand in less than a month. He will be gone for a year. He has no plans to marry you. He will be gone to Thailand and you will be stuck here homeless. He has messed with your head with his lies. The bottom line is you are just here for him to fuck. I really have said here everything I can say but I can’t bear the thought of you being homeless. I love you too much.

“So here is the deal. You come with me now. New Stanton is on a major Interstate, it runs East and West. It takes about two hours to get there and If you still want to leave me I will take the Interstate and head East and take you back home. I will drop you off at your house and I will go to my house. The only thing we will tell our parents is we decided that we weren’t compatible so we are splitting up. They don’t need to know anything else.”

Brandi still didn’t say anything but she turned to Rick’s car, got out her suitcase, and then got into the passenger side of my car.

Rick was screaming at her to not leave.

I walked up to Rick and said, “It’s over Rick so just shut up and, by the way, if you ever darken my door again, I will put a bullet in your head.” With that, I got in my car, started it, and then started heading toward the Interstate. Inside my car it was quiet. Brandi sat over by the passenger side door with her head down and tears falling down into her lap. It was going to be a long ride to the Interstate.

We got to New Stanton and the Interstate exchange. It was about three in the afternoon. I was hungry, I was tired and I needed a bath. I saw a diner and I pulled in. I asked Brandi if she was hungry and she just nodded yes. We went in and ate.

Alongside the diner was a motel. I realized I was too tired to keep on driving. After driving straight for eighteen hours and then sleeping in my car for four nights (sleeping in a car is not great sleep) I decided to get a motel room. I could shower and get some sleep. I went into the motel and booked a double room. When I got back to the car Brandi just looked at me. I said to her, “I can’t drive any further I am too tired. I booked a double room so there are two beds in the room. I will sleep in one and you the other.

Still saying nothing, she grabbed her bag and followed me into the motel room. I looked at her and said, “See, two separate beds. I am not going to force you to sleep with me. Right now, I am going to take a needed shower so promise me you are not going to do anything stupid like run away.”

She shook her head no.

“So, you are telling me you won’t run away and you will be here in the room when I get out of the shower.”

She nodded in the affirmative.

“Okay, then. In the morning you will have to decide which way we are going. If you want to call an end to our marriage we will head East and I will take you to your parent’s house. If you want us to stay together, we will head West to our home.”

I then went into the bathroom and took a badly needed shower. When I came out Brandi was still there but just sitting on the bed with her head down and tears still falling. Not knowing what to say I sat there silently also. If she was going to talk to me, she was going to have to want to and would have to start herself. Me, pushing her to talk was not going to work.

Finally, Brandi finally said to me, “I don’t want you to hate me.”

“I don’t hate you. I really do love you.”

“I am afraid you will hate me. There is so much you don’t know about me and I am afraid if you find out you will hate me. It’s more than just Rick. You just don’t know.”

“Look, I don’t hate you and I can’t imagine hating you but if there is something about you that I don’t know, you should tell me. I know I am not going to hate you but in order for you to be convinced I won’t hate you then you will have to tell me everything I don’t know.”

“I don’t know where to begin.”

“I sure don’t know where you need to begin but I think you can figure out where you should begin. Just think about it for a minute.”

She sat quietly and then said, “Can you get me something to drink?”

“Sure, there is a soft drink machine near the room. Is a Coke® fine?”

“I think I am going to need something stronger. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, I saw a liquor store close by. Let me go there and get you something stronger than just Coke®.”

I then went out to the liquor store and bought a fifth of Southern Comfort® (Brandi’s favorite liquor at that time), and two quarts of beer. On the way back I got four cans of Coke® out of the machine and went to the room. I set the Coke®, Southern Comfort®, and beer on the nightstand and got the ice bucket, and went to get ice for Brandi. When I got back to the room Brandi had already poured herself a glass of Comfort and Coke and from how light in color it was it was more Comfort than Coke.

She had already finished about a fourth of her drink and then took another. She sat there with her glass now half full and said, “I think I know where to start.”

I sat down, opened one of the quarts of beer, took a couple of swallows, and replied, “All right then the show is all yours.”

“Please promise me you won’t interrupt me. I think, once I get going, if I have to stop, I won’t be able to get started again. Do you promise?”

“I promise, no interruptions.”

The booze must have started having its effect because she obviously had relaxed a little but was still a long way from feeling comfortable or happy. I waited quietly for her to start.

A little while passed and then she started by saying, “When I started into puberty, I realized that when I would meet some boys, they would make it hard for me to breathe.”

I must have had a questioning look on my face because she said, “You know. Take my breath away. Not with every guy I met but with some. They would just make it hard to breathe.”

I simply said, “They made you feel like it was hard to breathe and you liked it.” She shook her head yes.

“I wasn’t going to be allowed to date until I was sixteen so the only way, I could be with these boys who made it hard for me to breathe is; I would either invite them to my house or go with them to a school dance. After being with some of these guys who made it hard to breathe, when I went to bed, I couldn’t get to sleep. I always imagined what it would be like to have those boys helping me to relax enough to go to sleep.

“That went on all through junior high school. The hard breathing got intense when I met Gary. He was at the welcome to high school dance I was at. There he was a Senior in high school. Tall with blond hair and blue eyes and he started talking to me. I wasn’t even to start tenth grade for two weeks and not only was he talking to me he was dancing with me. Fast dances and slow dances. I was in near ecstasy.”

At that time the school system was set up with elementary school grades being Kindergarten through sixth grade. Junior high was seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. Senior high was tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade. There was no graduation between grades and ninth grade actually being in junior high school was actually counted as high school.

“Gary asked me if I could go out on a date with him. I told him I couldn’t date anyone until I was sixteen but my sixteenth birthday was going to be on September twelfth. Not too far away. He told me he could wait for that.

“I was allowed to have him come to my house when my parents were home and he came to my house a few times and then, finally, on my sixteenth birthday he asked me out to the movies the next Friday. We sat in the movie and we kissed. Our mouths were open and our tongues danced around with each other. The kissing got very hot and pretty soon he started rubbing my tits through my clothes. I was so excited I could feel my pussy tingling so much that it was getting wet.

“After the movie was over, he took me home and kissed me good night at my door. After saying good night to my folks, I went up to my room and fingered myself until I had four orgasms. I couldn’t believe how excited I had gotten.

“We went to another movie the following Friday and during the movie, in addition to the kissing and rubbing of my tits, he started rubbing my pussy. It felt so good. I even had an orgasm right there in the theater. Gary kept his mouth on my mouth as I came so I wouldn’t make too much noise. Just like our first date, I fingered myself in bed until I made myself cum over and over.

“On our third date, we didn’t go to the movies. We went to his house. His parents were going to be away for the weekend and we would be alone in his house. He took me up to his room and we sat on his bed and started making out. We were both very excited and pretty soon we were taking off our clothes. We were naked and he was playing with my tits and pussy and I was playing with his cock. I had never played with a guy’s cock before and I was enthralled by the way it looked. It’s way bigger than a finger.

“He said he wanted to fuck me and I said okay. I knew that meant he was going to have to stick his cock into my pussy but I never had that happen to me before. He put a rubber on and laid me down on his bed and spread my legs. He got on top of me and I felt his cock press against the opening of my pussy and start pushing in. I felt my pussy stretching and felt his cock pushing into me. It started to hurt so he stopped.

“After waiting a couple of minutes, he started pushing his cock in again. It felt so good but then it started to hurt again. He stopped and waited before pushing again and this time he was able to push his cock all the way into me. That is when he started fucking me really hard. I could feel his cock pushing into me and being pulled back out. When he pushed in our pelvises would meet and I started to have an orgasm I never had before. My fingers don’t give my cunt the orgasm his hard cock did.

“It felt so good I had two more orgasms before Gary started to have one. He started grunting and moaning as he pushed into and out of me faster and faster. Then he drove his cock into me real hard and I could feel his cock throbbing and pulsating inside my pussy. I had another orgasm and it was so intense I thought I was going to faint. So, you see, when I told you I was a virgin I lied but I didn’t want you to not like me. I wanted you so badly.”

I sat there quietly and just smiled, a little, and nodded my head. She finished off her drink and poured herself another one.

“Gary told me he loved me and I believed him because I also thought I loved him. A couple of weeks later Gary told me that people who love each other will do things for them. He asked me if I would do something for him and I told him I would. That’s when he said that I would have to fuck John. I was doing it for Gary so it would be okay. Gary left his room and John came in. I didn’t like John and didn’t want to fuck him but it was for Gary so I did. Thankfully John came very fast so the fucking was over quickly.

“I mostly fucked Gary, which was fun, and sometimes fucked John, which wasn’t fun but did feel good, and that’s how things went until after Christmas. In January Gary then told me the same thing about helping him with something if I really loved him. That’s when he told me that his father had clients that wanted to fuck young girls and that he needed to help his father and to do that I was going to have to fuck these clients. I told Gary no but then he pulled out some pictures showing me being fucked by him and John.

“Gary told me that if I didn’t help him, he would send the pictures to my parents. I couldn’t let him do that so I agreed to fuck these clients of his father. It was a bit weird. These guys were in their thirties; some were very nice and even made me tingle. Fucking them was fun. They made me tingle and when they sunk their hard cocks into my cunt I loved how it felt. I learned that I just loved the feel of a hard cock inside my cunt making me have orgasms.

“There were some who were not so nice so fucking them wasn’t as much fun but I did enjoy how their cocks felt inside of me. I became aware that I was a nymphomaniac and that I could only think of one thing. Having my cunt pounded by a hard cock giving me as many orgasms as possible. I seemed to stay in a constant state of horny wishing to be fucked all of the time.

“Then there were two guys who only wanted me to give them blow jobs. The first one had to teach me how to do that as I had never done that before. I found that to be great too.

“It was a big surprise to me when the first guy came in my mouth the first time. I didn’t know what cum tasted like before and found out that I liked how it tasted and even enjoyed swallowing it. Although the first time I swallowed cum it was a little difficult as cum is rather thick, like syrup not like water.

“It was always Fridays that I fucked these clients of Gary’s father, that is, when I wasn’t fucking Gary and John. It was, at most, two guys but then in March, it increased to as many as four guys on a Friday night. Sometimes it was a mixture of the older guys and younger guys whom I could tell were in college. Before school let out in June it was as many as six guys on a Friday night. Always a mix of the younger guys and older guys. I started to look forward to those Friday nights and how great my cunt would feel.

“Then, in the summer things changed again. Gary started picking me up on Monday and Tuesday mornings. My excuses for leaving the house, to my mother, were to go to the beach with friends or go to one of my girlfriend’s houses. The beach excuse was the best as my mother couldn’t call and check on me. On these Mondays and Tuesdays, I would fuck as many as six guys each day as well as fuck as many as six guys on a Friday night. Shit, I couldn’t believe I was fucking as many as eighteen guys a week.

“The really unbelievable part was I was enjoying the fucking I was getting. I don’t know how many orgasms I would have because there were too many to count and that was just from all of those cocks. Then there were all the orgasms I gave myself while thinking about all of those cocks.

“However, one day, after one of the guys fucked me, I had a little time before the next one so I started looking around Gary’s room. I found his date book. In the date book, there were blocks of hours lined through with initials in them. There was the initials “B, K, and S”. I figured the “B” meant me as they took up Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. I don’t know who K and S are but It looked like Gary had more girls than just me fucking guys.

(I knew who K and S were, Kaye and Sue.  Embea told me that she also told me how Gary was making good money selling the girl’s cunts to the guys.)

“Of course, when school started again, I went back to just fucking guys on Friday nights. I knew I was being used but didn’t know how to stop it. I felt totally lost.

“Then on our first day of school, of my Junior year, I met you. I fell in love with your brown eyes but when you shook my hand, I felt something electrical pass between us. Then, you treated me with so much respect and kindness I couldn’t believe it. You listened to everything I said and never criticized how I felt. You were so different from Gary and, after about a month, I knew I had to have you.

“I started sitting as close to you as I could, our arms and legs touching, but you didn’t seem to notice. Then I started placing my hands on your shoulder, chest, or leg as we sat there at lunch but you didn’t seem to notice. I was wondering what I should do to get you to notice me as more than someone you ate lunch with. I even considered getting naked in front of you but then I realized that I was wearing Gary’s class ring. Gary’s symbol of ownership over me and a way to ward other guys away from me.

“It was right after Thanksgiving when I returned Gary’s ring to him. He didn’t like taking it back but he did. So, in the last week of November, I was no longer wearing his ring. I noticed you looking at the empty place on my chest where his ring used to hang, on that Monday, but still, you didn’t say anything. Not until Friday.

“On Friday, I wore a special dress that was a little shorter than usual. It also had a lower-cut top that showed just a hint of cleavage that I got from my push-up bra. You looked again, at that spot just above my tits, and not seeing a ring you asked me out to a movie that night. I was so excited I almost screamed yes but I just smiled and said OKAY.

“When you came to pick me up, I was so excited. You came into my house, met my parents, and told them what movie we were going to see. They liked that and as we left my mother had to remind me of my eleven pm curfew.

“We went into the theater and as soon as it darkened, we started kissing. Hot, deep, tongue-dancing kisses. You started rubbing my tits, then my cunt on the outside of my clothes. I wanted you so badly. Then after the movie, we got into your car and we went parking. You started feeling my tits and cunt under my clothes. We started dry humping and I would have let you fuck me except for one thing. The police showed up. Since we weren’t naked and fucking, they just told us to move along.

“The next time we went out we went to a drive-in movie. We were both nude from the waist down. Your cock was only two inches away from entering my cunt. You stopped and said, “No, not without a rubber.” So, you stopped but then finger fucked me until I came five times. On our third date, you had rubbers and you fucked me and when your cock entered me it felt so different than any cock ever did before.

“Our connection was electrical and I didn’t want to lose it. I pretended to be a virgin. I pretended it hurt and made you stop before your cock got all the way into me. I lied to you and somehow Gary figured it out because one Saturday when you were at work and my parents were out, Gary came by my house. He said that he knew that I was always out with you on Friday evenings but Saturdays were still open for me to entertain clients again.

“I told him no but then he threatened to show you the pictures. If he did that you would learn that I lied about being a virgin and I was afraid you would dump me. I had fallen so in love with you, that I couldn’t have that, so I gave in and started to entertain for him again. I would be having the best time fucking just you on a Friday night to fucking as many as six guys on Saturday. Of course, I enjoyed the Saturday fucking, having my cunt fucked by hard cocks felt so good but your cock felt so different. I loved you and your cock.

“I wanted to have your cock in me twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Those other cocks felt good but it was your cock I craved. When we fucked my orgasms were out of this world. I really enjoyed all of those other orgasms but it was the orgasms you gave me that I learned I needed. Then you went into the Air Force and left for Basic Training. I wanted to go with you.

“One Saturday, after you left, Gary had me meet him at his house and he had these two guys with him. They were cute and made me tingle. Gary told me that they wanted to try a threesome. I agreed and we went into Gary’s bedroom. We all got undressed, they put on rubbers and pretty soon they were tag teaming me, taking turns fucking me. That felt so good. Every time they changed cocks in me I had an orgasm. It was fun.

“They then had me get on my hands and knees. One of them got behind me and stuck his cock into my cunt. The other one got in front of me, pulled off the rubber, then pushed his cock into my mouth. Having a cock in my cunt and a cock in my mouth, at the same time was exciting and I had more orgasms. I rocked back and forth on that cock in my cunt then used my mouth to fuck the cock that was in it until I felt both cocks begin to throb and pulse.

“The guy in my cunt came first. He was slamming hard into me. He was grunting and saying, “Oh shit, oh fuck, yeah fuck, fuck, fuck.” I can still feel his cock throbbing and pulsating inside of me. Then the guy in my mouth started to cum shooting rope after rope of cum onto the back of my throat. I had another very strong orgasm. Two guys cumming in me at the same time was so exciting.

“On the next Saturday, the two guys were back. It was going to be fun. Those two guys gave me good orgasms. They said they wanted to do a threesome DP. I didn’t know what a DP was but went along with it anyway. (I had no idea DP meant double penetration which meant having my cunt and asshole fucked at the same time.) The session started off the same with them tag-teaming me and making me cum for about an hour.

“One of the guys then got on his back and told me to climb on top of his cock. Which I did. He had me lie flat on his chest and then I felt the other guy get behind me and shove his cock in my ass. It hurt and I didn’t like it. I told them to stop but they didn’t. They just kept fucking my cunt and asshole over and over and deeper and deeper. Then all of a sudden, I was having a very intense orgasm. I was screaming, “OH SHIT, OH GOD, OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK!” Over and over.

“The two guys then both started cumming and I realized that they had removed their rubbers. I felt them pumping their cum into my asshole and my cunt. I was pissed. I wasn’t on the pill. I didn’t want to get pregnant.

“When they left, I found Gary and John. They were laughing and saying, “NO. Stop. Not my asshole. Stop, that hurts. Making fun of me. Then they made the cumming sounds I made and laughed more but what they really laughed at was the puddle of cum I was making standing there as cum dripped out of my asshole and cunt.

“I just looked at Gary and told him I was done and that he could do whatever he wanted to do with those pictures. I even told him that he could shove them up John’s ass.”

Brandi then stood up and walked over to the bedroom window and stared out not saying anything. I could see tears dripping off her face and hitting the floor but some thoughts came to me all at once.

For the first time, since picking her up, I looked at Brandi. She was wearing a halter top that came down just far enough to where I could see her underboobs. I could see her hardened nipples poking through her top. The pants she was wearing were her hip-riding bell bottoms. These pants came across just above her ass and maybe an inch above her cunt. The material was thin and fairly tight. I could see every curve of her ass and I was also able to see the outline of her cunt, including her slit, as the pants clung to her.

What I wanted to do, right then, was grab her, pull off all of her clothes, throw her down on her back, and just fuck the shit out of her but I didn’t think that was a good idea yet. So, I didn’t but then I got to thinking how incredibly busy her cunt was during that year before we met and while we were going out. Thinking about her fucking so many guys made me get even hornier especially after she told me how she was fucking guys when she was fucking me too.

My cock was ready to explode. I took that moment to go to the bathroom to jerk off. I needed some relief.

When I came out of the bathroom, she turned to look at me. She said, “I am sorry I lied to you. I fell in love with you so hard and so fast my head was spinning. I thought you would drop me like a hot rock when you found out that you weren’t the first guy to fuck me.”

I then looked back at her and said, “Did I ever say anything to you that the only kind of girl I wanted to go out with is a virgin? I never said anything like that. I don’t even think about virginity. I don’t care about that. That isn’t something you should have worried about with me.”

“As for fucking Gary? Well, you said he made your twat tingle and after you started going out with him you fucked him. No big deal there, boyfriends and girlfriends fuck each other all of the time. Now to deal with all of those guys you fucked before we went out and while we went out: Gary blackmailed you into fucking all of those guys. Ok, you enjoyed it. Fucking feels great. If fucking and cumming didn’t feel so good none of us would ever do it, but I have a feeling that you aren’t quite done talking to me, are you?”

“No, I still need to tell you more but I am going to need more Southern Comfort. The one you bought me is empty.”

I was a little amazed at how much Brandi had drunk and she was still conscious. Brandi is not a heavy drinker and usually, she is pretty wasted after just two drinks and here she had finished a fifth of one hundred proof Southern Comfort. So, I went back out to the store and bought more Southern Comfort and another quart of beer.

What did occur to me then was the answer to why Brandi was so ahead of me when it came to sex. She must have been fucked by two hundred cocks before my cock ever fucked her. Funny thing was I didn’t care.

This ends part fifteen of The Adventure Of Our Lives. Stay with me it just gets better.

Copyright 3/02/2023, Tom Wetstuph.

Published 2 years ago

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