The Adventure Of Our Lives Part 7

"More of our insane fucking with a little bit of drama."

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It being Friday, Brandi and I were going out on a date anyway. Although it was the time of the month when her playground was closed I figured we could go someplace pleasant and quiet and where we could be alone when I told her about going into the Air Force. I knew she wasn’t going to be happy.

Believe it or not, we didn’t just fuck when we were alone together. Yes we did fuck a lot, I guess, but we also talked to each other a lot. We started out, in the school lunchroom just talking.  I remember her saying to me, shortly after we started going out together that she had really fallen in love with me, because I treated her so well and didn’t boss her around like a servant or something. She told me that she knew I respected her and her intelligence. That I wasn’t just interested in her because she let me have sex with her. She also told me that Gary would just boss her around, all of the time. He thought she should give in to his every whim and fancy. He sometimes even threatened to hit her if she didn’t obey him but he never did actually hit her. The one thing she left out was that she had sex with him and others. More about that later in the story.

She also said she hated Gary’s little friend John because he was so creepy.

I didn’t actually know Gary and John but I knew of them. High school can be a pretty small world. Gary was an asshole. His family had money and he liked to brag about it. His father was a lawyer who worked for a big prestigious law firm in the city and as I understood it he was an asshole too. In this case the nut didn’t fall far from the tree. It was said that Gary’s father (Gary senior by the way) verbally and physically abused Gary’s mother. It was also said that Gary’s mother had, more than once, been seen going into one of our local motels with men, during the day, when Gary was at school and Gary senior was at work. I didn’t know that for sure because that was only a rumor.

Then there was that sniveling little cretin, John. He was a little guy that thought he was big and bad. He combed his hair straight back into a fifties style duck ass and had the hair in the front curled into a loop on his forehead. I don’t know how much grease he used to keep his hair in place but he must have used at least a half a tube a day. He wore black high top, pointy toed boots with two inch heels, skin tight black jeans and black t-shirts. He was a total fifties throwback. Even with the two inch heels he was only five foot six inches tall and could not have weighed more than 120 pounds. His family didn’t have money so his association with Gary seemed out of place. They were an odd pair.

I called Brandi and told her I would be picking her up a little earlier than usual. She asked me why and I told her we were going to go out to a nicer place to eat than the usual fast food place. She was pleased with that.

When I picked her up at her house she was dressed up extra nice. She told her parents we would be back by eleven and we left. We drove to a nice diner that I had been to with my parents and we had a real nice dinner. After dinner we drove down to the beach and we walked along the boardwalk. It was a nice warm evening and the breeze coming in off the ocean brought the sound of the crashing waves and the smell of the salty air of the ocean to us. We found a bench to sit on and I just stared at her, watching the breeze move her hair around and the sweet look of her face. I took a deep breath and told her what I did with the recruiter.

She looked at me, with tears starting to form in her eyes and said, “You did what? You did that without talking with me first?” I could see she wasn’t angry but hurt.

“There was not much of a choice for me. I was certainly going to be drafted sometime soon after I graduated. I made the best possible decision I could.”

She said, “No! We could run away! We could leave now and be in Canada by tomorrow. If you go into the Air Force you could still be sent to Vietnam and be killed and if you get killed I will die too!” Then she started sobbing.

I took her into my arms and waited for the sobs too subside. I felt that I loved her even more right then, than ever before. When her sobs subsided I said to her, “Running to Canada was not an answer. What would we do there? We would get there with no money, no place to live, no jobs and that’s also not something I can do. I am not programmed to run away from something I don’t like. Yes, I could be sent to Vietnam but at least I wouldn’t be in the infantry and out on the battlefield. I would be stationed on a base and the likelihood of being killed in combat was way less.”

We then sat quietly for a long time. I just held her. Smelling her cologne and the smell of her hair and just the smell of her along with the smells of the ocean combined was intoxicating. Then she turned her head to me and kissed me. Harder than she ever kissed me before. It was more than our hot sexual kiss, this kiss came from somewhere else in us. Our tongues still entwined and our breathing got heavier but it was different. I don’t know how long we kissed but it was a long kiss. When it stopped she said, “I want you to take me home but you also need to tell my parents. I also need a little time to digest all of this.” Then she kissed me again. After that kiss I took her home, told her parents and left.

On Monday I was in school and it was lunch period. I was sitting in my usual spot at our usual table but Brandi wasn’t there. I also did not see her before school started which was also unusual. I didn’t know if she was even in school and I began to get concerned. After an agonizing ten minutes I saw her coming out of the lunch line. She was carrying her lunch tray but not heading toward me. Then she stopped and talked to one of her friends and afterwards headed in my direction. She saw me but didn’t smile or acknowledge me as she approached. I didn’t know if she was going to sit next to me, as she had done since the beginning of the school year, or just walk past me and sit elsewhere. I held my breath.

When she sat down next to me I started to breathe again but she just sat there quietly eating. I finally broke the silence and said, “Listen, I really want you to come to my Senior Prom with me. I can’t think of anyone else that I want to be there with. I really need your answer because tomorrow is the last day that tickets, for the prom, will be on sale and if you aren’t going to come with me then I won’t waste my money buying something I won’t be using.”

She sat there eating, not saying anything for a few minutes, when she finally looked at me and replied, “Yes, I will go with you. It will be a great time and why did you wait so long to ask me?”

“Sorry but I had a lot on my mind and the time slipped past me but I am happy that you want to go with me.”

We didn’t say much more to each other and I finally reached up and pulled her toward me giving her a one armed hug and held her close, just listening to her breathe. Finally she said, “I still haven’t fully processed what you told me and what may or may not happen to you and to us but I love you and I think that we can get through what is coming.” Then she turned her head and gave me a long, hard, tongue twirling kiss making all of the students around us go “Oooooooohhhhhhh, look at that!” The lunch room proctor came over and told us that doing that in school wasn’t allowed.

We stopped kissing, Brandi pulled away, I looked at her and asked, “So we are good now?” She didn’t answer right away.

When she finally did answer, she said, “Yes, we are good.” I never felt so relieved about anything in my life.

It was almost the end of the lunch period and time to get to our next class. Brandi suddenly looked all around and then reached her hand over to my lap, under the table, and squeezed my cock a few times making it get hard and forming a tent in the front of my pants. The bell rang and I stood up but I had to hold my books in front of me to hide my hard on. She saw that and said, laughing, “So what are you going to do about that thing in your pants now?”

“Nothing right now. There isn’t enough time between classes!”

She laughed again and then leaned forward whispering, “Take me home from school today and I will take care of that for you.” Then she walked away.

I think my cock stayed hard for the rest of the afternoon because it seemed I always had to keep my books in front of my fly whenever I stood up. The clock seemed to stand still waiting for the day to end. When it did I took Brandi home and she took care of my aching cock and balls, twice. We would have fucked more but I had to get to my job. Everything was back to normal, almost.

Our dates were as they had been since we started having sex but there was always the presence of that dark cloud approaching us. The rest of May went by and June arrived. My prom was held two weeks before I graduated. We went to the prom along with my best friend in high school, William, and Brandi’s best friend, Sandy. They had started dating. We drove there in separate cars but we all sat together at the prom. It was a great evening and the prom ended at 11 PM.

Brandi and I had decided we were going to drive around the city. The city had great sights to see and was always busy no matter what time it was. William and Sandi had different plans. Before we went our separate ways we decided that on Saturday we would all go to this really great amusement park and spend Saturday there. We agreed to meet at 8 AM and travel to the amusement park in one car. Brandi and I drove around the city and I finally got her home at 4 AM. Her father was awake as he had to go into work and had to be there at six. He asked if we had a good time and we told him we did and that we had a nice time driving around the city. We also told him about our plans for later. I then went home and grabbed a couple of hours of sleep.

When I woke up at 7 AM I told my parents about the prom and the drive to the city and what our plans were for the day. I was really happy how things were going and they could see that. I had been really down about what was coming for me and they were happy that I was feeling more upbeat. However, that nasty cloud kept getting closer but I wasn’t going to think about it.

On the Friday, two weeks after the prom, I graduated. The last day of school was a full day of school, for the lower grades on Monday, and those of us that graduated only had to go to school long enough to return our graduation caps and gowns. We were then given our Diplomas. At the graduation ceremony we only received the diploma holder. This was normal so the caps and gowns got returned as they were rented back then. We didn’t purchase them as they do now. We got to keep our tassels but the cap and gown got returned.

I worked my last day at my part-time job on Saturday. I still had to work so I had gas money and money to pay my car insurance and money to go out with so I opted to work for a temporary job service. I could work when I wanted to work and on days I didn’t want to work I didn’t have to. It paid two dollars per hour and we got paid cash daily. So after taxes I would clear about fourteen dollars and that was enough, so long as I worked at least three days a week. My time before reporting for my induction was just weeks away and I wanted to spend as much time, as was possible, with Brandi and my family. So the temporary job was the best solution.

I called Brandi on Monday afternoon, after I knew she was home from school, and we decided to go to the beach on Tuesday. It was Summer; it was warm and we could swim, make out on the beach and get a tan. I got to her house at about 8 AM and knocked on her door and rang the bell. Her parents were both at work so I knew she was at home. After about five minutes of not getting an answer I retrieved her spare key, from its hiding place, and let myself in. I walked through the downstairs, calling her name, but got no answer. I checked the entire downstairs and her basement and then made my way up to her room. When I went into her room, there she was, on her bed, sound asleep.

I called her name a few times but she didn’t budge. Like her parents she slept like a rock. She was on her stomach and her feet were sticking out from under the bed clothes. So I decided to carefully lift the sheet and blanket thinking that would wake her. I folded them up and over her butt onto her back. That didn’t wake her up. She was wearing a short night gown so I lifted it up and discovered she was nude underneath. I folded it up over her butt and onto her back. She still didn’t wake up.

I decided I was going to have some fun. I started pushing her legs apart and eventually had them far enough apart I had clear access to her pussy. Since she still had not awakened I carefully pushed my index finger into her pussy. It was a little wet so I slowly started pushing my finger in and out. Her pussy started getting wetter and after about five minutes or so she let out a low moan but still was asleep. So I kept running my finger in and out of her cunt. After about five more minutes her moans got louder and she started gyrating her hips into her bed. She let out a louder moan and started bucking her hips up and down and I could feel her cunt squeezing my finger as she was having an orgasm. It subsided but she was still asleep.

Her pussy was now very wet so I inserted a second finger and kept finger fucking her. Her pussy kept getting wetter and wetter and after another eight to ten minutes she pushed down on the bed with her arms, raising her head off of her pillow, arching her back and then bucking her hips up and down. She howled as a second orgasm wound its way through her. When it subsided she woke up. She turned her head and looked at me and said, “Oh…Tom…It’s you.”

“Who else were you expecting?”

She didn’t answer me but put her head back down and I could tell another orgasm was building. Her cunt was now soaking wet as was my hand. I then inserted a third finger and used my thumb to tap on her asshole and my pinky to stimulate her clit.

I said to her again, “So, who else were you expecting?”

She turned her head and with a crooked smile on her face started saying, “Nuuuu, uhhhh, n-n-n-nev-v-v-vrrrr woke t-t-t-tooooo orrrrrGASM B-B-B-BEEEFORRRR and with that she pushed her arms straight onto her bed, her back arched backwards again with her pelvis down on the bed. She then screamed out, “Oh shiiiit! Oh shiiiit!  Oh fuuuuck! Oh fuuuuuck!” She was having a third orgasm that was really intense. Her whole body was shaking and her legs were closed down on my hand so tightly that I couldn’t move my fingers in and out of her cunt anymore. All I could do was wriggle my fingers inside of her while I let my pinky rub her clit.

After about two minutes she collapsed completely down onto her bed. When her legs relaxed I started pushing and pulling my fingers into and out of her cunt again but she told me to stop. She said, “Too much stimulation. Too much stimulation.” I removed my hand which was completely soaked in her pussy juice. When I brought my hand up to my face to sniff it, it was so wet her juice was running down my arm to my elbow. I reached down with my other hand and caught the drippings and then licked that hand clean.

She turned over and sat up. I noticed that her bed sheet was soaked under her ass and her cunt was still dripping. She reached down and pulled off her night gown and sat there looking at me with an expression that said, “What just happened to me?”

I started licking my hand clean. Her juice was delicious. In between licks I said to her, “You still haven’t answered my question.”


“Yes, my question.”

“What question?”

“After your second orgasm you looked at me and said, ‘Oh, Tom it’s you.’

“I answered you, saying, ‘So who else were you expecting?’ You haven’t answered my question; so who else were you expecting?”

“Nobody else, the orgasm woke me up and I was confused. That was my SECOND orgasm!?”

“Yes and you just had a third.”

“My THIRD!?”

“Yes. You slept through your first one.”

I was still licking my hand clean and she looked at me and said, “I thought that was just a sex dream and what, exactly, are you doing?”

“Licking your pussy juice off my hand; want a taste?” (While holding my hand out to her.)

She shook her head no and said, “It’s my pussy, do you think my fingers have never been in it? I know what I taste like.” I believed that.

I continued to lick her juice off my hand when she said, “Are you just going to sit there, looking stupid, licking your hand? Or are you going to fuck me. My cunt is now aching for your cock to be in me and make me cum again.”

Needing no further invitation I put on a rubber and while pushing her down onto her bed planted my cock all the way into her hot cunt. I never felt her cunt so hot before and after just a minute of fucking her we were both cumming. I came three more times and I actually lost count of how many times she came. Her orgasms just seemed to roll into each other, one followed immediately by another. After three hours and approaching noon we left her house and headed to the beach. A great morning to remember.

June slipped by and we got to July. The second week of July was my last full week before I was to report to the induction center. That was going to happen on the following Thursday. It was Friday night and we were headed to the drive in movie when Brandi called out, “Crazy Fucking.”

“OK, where?”

“Your backyard; we fucked in my backyard now we need to fuck in yours.”

I didn’t answer her right away because the logistics of fucking in my backyard were different than hers. My father, who could hear a gnat fart in a tornado was on a four to twelve shift and wouldn’t be home until two in the morning, so no problem there. My mother would be “up” watching television waiting for him but she wakes up at four every morning so at about eight every evening she is asleep while watching the television; again, no problem. Then there were my three brothers. They shared a room that overlooked our backyard but there was one small area that they couldn’t see, a possible problem but not insurmountable.

Our neighbors on the one side had no view of our backyard as our garage blocked any view of our yard, so no problem. The biggest problem was our neighbors on the other side of our yard. From their back porch they could see our whole yard. Additionally, the mother was the self-appointed neighborhood watch (every neighborhood seems to have one). She was also the neighborhood reporter. Anything she saw us kids in the neighborhood do she not only told our parents she told every other parent as well.

I guess I wasn’t answering Brandi fast enough. She moved to the passenger door, took off her pull over shirt and then her bra and started rubbing her tits. She said. “So, what’s your answer?” Damn, she made it hard to think and to drive.

She then said, “Not enough?” With that she lifted up her skirt, pulled off her panties and spread her legs, showing me her pussy which she started to play with, with one hand, and rubbed her tits with the other.

My cock had gotten so hard I really couldn’t think anymore and it was getting more dangerous to drive while being so distracted. I pulled into the parking lot of a large grocery store and found a parking spot away from most of the cars there. Not so we could fuck. It wasn’t dark enough but I needed a few moments to think and to not be so distracted by the sight of Brandi fingering her cunt and rubbing her tits while I was driving.

Having still not answered her, she put her top back on and moved over next to me. She then said, “Maybe this will make you agree with my request.” With that she pulled out my aching cock and began jerking me off.  She moved her hand, up and down, real slowly. I groaned.

Having still not answered she said, “OK, how about this?” She then took her other hand and started to lightly drag her fingernails over my balls and up the underside of my cock. God that felt good and I could tell I was getting real close to cumming. So close that Brandi said, “Oh look, pre-cum, you’re getting close to shooting your load.”

She then took a finger and wiped up the pre-cum and licked it off her finger. More pre-cum came out and she wiped it off and then stuck her finger into my mouth.

I was so close to cumming I finally said, “OK, you win.” I started my car and turned around and headed towards my house. Thankfully she did stop playing with my cock, mostly, so I didn’t cum before she was ready for me to. It’s amazing how someone can get a guy to do something by merely playing with a part of his body that is a relatively small percentage of the mass of the total man.

It was dusk when we got into my neighborhood and I parked my car around the corner. We walked to my house and quietly entered my backyard. It was when I saw our pool I figured out what we were going to do. I led us to the side of the pool, which was an above ground pool, and ducking down behind it we got undressed. I pushed some of the pool cover off the pool side giving us a way into the water. Being July the water was pretty warm. I picked Brandi up and put her in the pool and I followed her in.

Being naked, in the water, with our bodies rubbing up and down on each other, was amazing. Plus there was the added advantage of the buoyancy the water gave our bodies. We were both squatting down in the water when Brandi put her legs around my waist and pressed my cock up against my body with her pussy. I got on my knees and she commenced moving herself up and down on me. I could feel her hard nipples rubbing against my chest and the nub of her clit rubbing up and down the length of my cock. It wasn’t long and I started shooting my load up onto both of our stomachs. The feeling of my cum hitting her stomach made Brandi cum too.

We apparently made a little too much noise because all of a sudden, my nosy neighbor was out on her porch yelling, “Who’s out there? I hear you. Where are you?” We got quiet and ducked down and quietly finished our first orgasm. After a few minutes the neighbor went back in but I had gotten another hard on. Between the sensuousness of the water and the fear of almost getting caught our adrenaline and hearts were pumping hard and so was our desire to fuck.

There was no way I would be able to put on a rubber in the pool so I hopped out and started putting one on. Brandi came to the side of the pool near me, stood up a little and exposed her tits that she was rubbing with one hand. I could tell that she was fingering herself with the other. She then said, “Hurry up. I really need to feel your cock inside of me. My cunt is aching so badly right now.”

I got the rubber on and climbed back in the pool and the fucking was great. It was the first time we ever fucked in the water but was not going to be the last. I can’t remember how many orgasms we each had but when we were done we walked back to my car on weak legs. I drove Brandi home, dropped her off and then went home.

As I lay in bed I started to think. Sometimes with me that can be a dangerous thing but not this time. I was thinking about Brandi and what had happened earlier and some more pieces of the jigsaw puzzle mystery, of her experience with fucking, before we ever met came to mind. The first piece was the dragging of her fingernails over my balls and cock. That is something that is taught because it’s not the usual way a cock and balls are handled and she had never done that to me before.

Then her talking about my pre-cum and what it meant. I had never mentioned pre-cum and the only person I knew that had ever mentioned it was Brick, a couple of years earlier. Then there was Brandi’s knowledge that handling my cock, the way she did, would make me do whatever she wanted me to. Add to that the dry humping we did on our first date (that never happened on any of my other first dates), then the lack of blood after we first fucked, her absolute fascination with cocks and the size of them and of course her unblinking willingness to fuck a stranger, right in front of me, all started to portray a much different picture of her than I knew. The only thing that perplexed me was how much I loved this aspect of her personality. It excited me. As I thought about it I got a hard on that I had to take care of and afterwards fell asleep.

The following Thursday, I reported to the Military Induction Center. I was headed to Basic Training. My parents drove me and Brandi came along. We got out of the car and I hugged my parents and then Brandi and I had a long and hot kiss and hug, each of us wondering when we would see each other again. It was a difficult moment and I stood there and waved goodbye to them as they drove off. We all had tears in our eyes, even my Dad. I can still see Brandi looking back at me out of the back window of the car. After they turned a corner I went into the induction center.

This ends part 7 of The Adventure Of Our Lives. So far it’s only been our backstory. Thanks for reading.

Published 3 years ago

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