It all started when Glenn visited Hope in England. They began their purely sexual romp near Hope’s hometown near Liverpool. Before he left, Glenn suggested that they should take a vacation together in the states while continuing to explore Hope’s desires. Hope agreed to meet him in the tourist trap that is Orlando, and then afterwards explore some of the other great cities on the drive back to Fort Worth. Glenn made some arrangements and contacted a couple of his friends. The calendar of the gods came together for a late September adventure.
Glenn scheduled Hope on a non-stop from Manchester to Orlando arriving around 5:00 PM. He scheduled his own flight from Texas so that he would arrive well before her flight. The suite was reserved for Endless Summer Surfside Resort, one of the on-site hotels for Universal Studios Orlando Resort. Glenn had also reserved spots on the shuttle from the airport for them as well. His friends Jenni and Dick would be driving in from Baton Rouge that day. The other couple, Lexi and Kev, lived near Orlando and were planning to come over later that day. They would all be spending the week together in the suite Glenn had reserved.
Finally, the day came for everyone to head to Florida. Glenn got up early. He checked that Hope had departed Manchester, and then headed to DFW airport. There he got on a direct flight to Orlando. He was anxious the entire way. He hoped that she would like his surprise of sharing a two-bedroom suite with two other couples. He hadn’t told her that they would be trying to fulfill some of her fantasies this week.
After his flight arrived, Glenn wandered around the shopping area in the airport as he waited for Hope’s flight to land. He looked at both the Disney store and the Universal store. There was nothing surprising at either store. Further down, he window-shopped for shoes, luggage, and books. Finally, he got the text that Hope’s flight had landed, and he went to wait near the security checkpoint. He knew that it would still take some time to process through US Customs, but he didn’t want her waiting alone when she was done.
Finally, about thirty minutes later, Glenn saw Hope coming down the hallway. When she saw him she ran up and gave him a huge hug and a deep kiss. Finally, she let him up for air and he asked, “So, I take it you missed me?”
“Uh-huh,” Hope replied, not letting him out of her grasp.
“Let’s go collect the rest of your luggage, and catch the shuttle to the hotel. Are you hungry?” Glenn asked.
“Only for your cock!” Hope replied with a wink. They collected her luggage and headed to the first level of the airport. Once there, Glenn led the way to the Universal Studios Superstar Shuttle location. Glenn spoke with the attendant and confirmed their reservation. They were in luck, the bus was currently loading. The driver loaded their bags into a compartment and they found two seats near the middle of the bus.
Glenn let Hope sit by the window, since she had never been to the states. When the bus finally left, Hope leaned against Glenn. She grasped his arm and pulled him close. Her free hand trailed down towards his belt and started to rub the outside of his jeans. She could feel his firm cock beneath the denim struggling to be released.
“Be patient, Hope. We’ll be at the hotel in just a few minutes.” Glenn told her. “Enjoy the sights as we go through this area. Besides, I don’t want to get thrown off the bus'”
Hope was amazed as she looked out the window. There was so much to see. The road was really wide and there were so many vehicles dashing past them. There were hotels, restaurants, and businesses everywhere. Her mum had tried to tell her how different the states were, but she hadn’t understood. She saw a huge Ferris wheel and asked if they were near Universal or Disney. “Neither, that is one of the smaller amusement parks here in the area,” Glenn replied.
A few minutes later the bus turned into the Endless Summer Surfside Resort. It was the least expensive hotel on the property but it had the largest two-bedroom suite that would sleep six. They got off the bus, collected their luggage and entered the lobby of the hotel.
Hope couldn’t believe how huge it was. Glenn looked around and saw Jenni and Dick at a couch. They were with Lexie and Kev and pretended to ignore him as he and Hope entered. Glenn had Hope wait on a couch while he checked in and got the room keys. He texted the room number to Jenni before collecting Hope. He led her down one of the hallways towards the elevator. They got on and went to the fourth floor. As they walked down the endless hallway, Glenn heard the other elevator arrive behind them and saw his friends slowly heading their way. Finally they found their room and entered. The room was fairly large. Hope was in awe of it. There was a table in a small kitchen that would seat six. There were two beds in the room as well. A large bathroom and yet another room with a single bed.
Just then there was a knock at the door. “I think that my surprise for you is here, Hope. I hope that you like it,” Glenn said.
Glenn opened the door and Jenni wrapped her arms around him giving him a big hug. Everyone else then started bustling into the room, while bringing their luggage in as well.
Hope was looking a little shocked. “Hope, this is Jenni and Dick, whom I’ve told you about before. And this is Lexie and Kev whom you may know from Lush,” Glenn said introducing everyone. “They are here to have a fantasy week with us.”
Hope stood there looking gobsmacked. She couldn’t believe Glenn had arranged all this secretly. Jenni came over quickly and gave her a hug, saying, “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you.”
Not to be left out, Lexie came over and gave her a hug as well. She then told Hope the names she and her husband used on Lush. Hope was immediately in awe that Glenn knew them well enough to invite them here. She couldn’t find the words to get out. Lexie was a legend on Lush.
Jenni looked to be mid-forties. Her blonde shoulder-length hair and tanned complexion made her look the perfect MILF. She was a little taller than Hope at five feet, seven inches. Her husband Dick was mid-sixties and six feet, two inches tall. He had a muscular build to go with his salt and pepper hair. Lexie was a very short ginger, probably about five feet, two inches. She was also tan for a ginger, and a nice curvy-looking frame. Her husband Kev was about a twin of Dick, a few years younger and a little taller.
Glenn finally got everyone’s attention. “Okay everyone, Hope has no idea of what we have planned for this week. In a moment, ladies, you will be drawing for our bedroom assignments for tonight. The bed in the private room is Number One. The one in this room by the window is Number Two. That leaves the remaining bed as Number Three. Tonight couples will sleep with the partner they came with. Since this was a travel day please try to not wear your partner out tonight. Tomorrow morning the gentlemen will rotate and spend the day with the lady in the next bed. Tonight’s number one will go to bed two, bed two to bed three and bed three to bed one. The following day everyone will rotate. I’ll have a list up tomorrow for the rest of the week. Are you ladies ready to draw your bed for tonight?” Hope wasn’t sure of what was going on. She looked a little flummoxed.
There were nods all the way around. “Okay, we will do this in reverse alphabetical order. Lexie, you draw first.” Glenn said.
Lexie went over to the bag Glenn was holding, put her hand inside, made a big show of swishing her hand around in the bag, and pulled out a piece of paper. “Number three!” she squealed with delight and went and dove onto that bed. Kev joined her with a little more grace. “Jenni, you’re next,” Glenn said.
Jenni came and drew from the bag and displayed the number two. “Look, I’m number two! I try harder,” Jenni said playfully with a wink. Hope came over and went through the motions of drawing the last number and smiled. She demurely walked into the private room, motioning Glenn to follow her.
“Everyone take a few minutes to wind down, change clothes if desired and we will all head over to CityWalk for dinner and maybe a drink or two,” Glenn said. He then joined Hope in the room and closed the door.
“What the hell, Glenn?” Hope asked.
“Well, we did discuss expanding your sexual horizons while you were here in the states. I didn’t want to make you wait,” Glenn said as he came over and hugged her. “Oh, and I have something for you to wear tonight.” He went to his bag and got the leather collar with her name on it. Seeing it in his hands, Hope dropped to her knees and bowed her head. Glenn put the collar on and then lifted her head. “You’re not really mad are you, my pet?”
“No Sir. Just a little surprised, Sir,” Hope answered.
Glenn raised her up, hugged her and gave her a deep kiss. “Let’s go get dinner with our friends and you can get to know them. I think you will like them all.”
When they went back to the other room, Lexie noticed Hope’s collar and smiled. She knew that this week was going to be awesome. “Let’s go take the bus and get something to eat. Anyone have suggestions on where to eat tonight?”
“How about Breadbox Sandwiches tonight, with Voodoo Doughnuts for dessert?” Kev suggested. Everyone thought that sounded good and off they went. The bus ride was quick and they were dropped off at the hub. Once through security and over the bridges they got to the sandwich shop and had a quick meal.
Hope quickly warmed up and Glenn was sure that this was going to be exactly what she was looking for. After dinner they walked down to the Universal Store to shop for some merchandise. Hope needed a hat for the days in the park. Since Glenn had more than enough merch so he went and grabbed a Fryer Flyer Dozen from Voodoo with all the premium doughnuts in it. This would be dessert tonight and breakfast in the morning.
They wrapped up their shopping and agreed to call it an early night. Everyone was back in the hotel room around nine. Hope and Glenn headed to the shower first as everyone else started their doughnuts.
Once in the bathroom, Glenn quickly got Hope’s close off and then removed his own. They got into the shower and Hope started to try and get Glenn aroused. “No, not now Hope. There are six of us all needing a shower,” Glenn told her, much to her disappointment. They finished quickly, dried off and covered up with towels. Hope was a little apprehensive as they went into the common room. She needn’t have been. Everyone there was already in some state of undress.
“Our turn!” Jenni cried as she grabbed Dick’s hand leading them to the shower. Jenni was already down to just her panties. Hope couldn’t believe how lovely her breasts look. Jenni was perfectly tanned, with no lines whatsoever. Glenn grabbed two doughnuts for them and headed into the other room.
“Come on, Hope. Say goodnight to everyone. See y’all at seven,” Glenn said as he went to their room for the night. He closed the door, dropped his towel and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Hope to join him. When she did, they had their dessert. They chatted a little, Hope telling Glenn about her first impressions of his friends. As soon as they were done, Glenn said, “You seem to be missing something.”
Hope looked a little startled, until she realized that she had taken her collar off and left it in the bathroom. “Go get your collar.”
Hope grabbed for her towel. “No, you will go naked,” Glenn said.
“But, I can’t…” Hope started, only to realize that Glenn was speaking in Master mode. “Sir, please. Let me wear the towel.”
“No, and we will discuss your punishment when you return,” he answered.
Both the other couples had already had their showers and were sitting on their beds chatting. Hope was really feeling a lot of anxiety as she tried to hurry to the bathroom unnoticed. She slipped in and looked around the room. Her collar was nowhere to be seen. She peeked into the room and there was Lexie, sitting on the bed in a t-shirt, spinning her collar around her finger like a Frisbee. “Are you missing something, Hope?” Lexie asked.
“I see you found my collar,” Hope replied.
“Jenni, what usually happens when a sub misplaces their collar?” Lexie asked.
“I usually get punished in a way to make me not misplace mine anytime soon,” Jenni answered. “How about you?”
Lexie grinned a naughty grin and said, “The same for me. Oh, and almost always with a little humiliation included. Kev, why don’t you and Dick go sit at the table. Now Hope, come bend over the bed with your butt towards the guys.”
Hope’s face was suddenly bright red, but she knew that she had to reclaim her collar no matter what. As she bent over, she knew her face was now beet red. Lexie came up beside her and put the collar back on her neck. Lexie said, “Your legs are way too close together. Jenni, give me a hand adjusting them.” When they had Hope’s legs spread nice and wide Jenni noticed, “Ooooo, Lexie… Look at how far her labia extend. Guys, you are going to love this!” It was all Hope could do not to start shaking. Lexie called out, “Hey Glenn, there is someone out here who needs to be punished.”
Glenn came out of the room with a small slat of wood, the kind that would be used to stir paint. He looked at Hope and knew what he needed to do. “Hope, the first part of your punishment will be ten swats for losing your collar,” Glenn said. Two quick strikes with the wooden slat across both her ass cheeks left a bright red mark. These were followed by eight more swats slowly and in no particular pattern. Kev and Dick were enjoying the view of Hope’s ass and pussy.
“Oh my god, Lexie. She looks like she is dripping wet!” Jenni exclaimed.
“Jenni, why don’t you and Lexie see if she is wet enough for the humiliation part of her punishment.” Glenn said. Hope thought, how much more humiliating can this get than being bent over with her legs spread, then getting spanked while four people she barely knows watch. Just then she felt a hand on either cheek. Jenni’s and Lexie’s hands were moving between her legs, and to her chagrin, she was already so wet she could barely contain herself. It felt so naughty to have two women sliding their fingers into her folds. Hope was blushing even more now.
“Yep, she’s really ready, Glenn,” Jenni said.
Glenn came up behind her and rested his hands on her still-stinging ass. He told her in a voice that everyone could hear, “Hope, we are going to play a game to see if your punishment ends tonight. It’s called ‘Seven Minutes in Heaven’. You are going to stay right in this position while I fuck you. Jenni is going to set a timer. If you can make me cum with your pussy within seven minutes, we will be done. If not, you will wear your collar all day tomorrow while you are with Kev. He will also be allowed to finish your discipline tomorrow night. Start the timer Jenni, and no cheating!”
With that Glenn put the head of his cock against Hope’s open pussy and gently thrust in. He slid all the way in until his cock hit Hope’s cervix. She gasped a little as her pussy was filled with his cock. God she thought, I can’t believe he’s fucking me like this in front of his friends. She didn’t have long to consider it. Glenn started moving at a fairly rapid pace, his cock felt so good as it moved inside her.
Hope felt his hands grasp her hips as he settled into a steady pace. Glenn surprised her then. He smacked her still sore ass with his left hand. As she cried out, both Jenni and Lexie grasped one of her hands, showing their support for her.
“Come on, Hope! Make him cum. Squeeze his cock tighter! Show Lexie how much he spurts!” Jenni called out, really getting into the spirit of it.
Lexie got close to Hope’s ear and quietly told her, “Make him cum for me, Hope.” Hope was doing her best, but she and Jenni both knew how Glenn could hold off his orgasm for a long time. The other issue was that she was getting close to an orgasm. Adding to the issue Glenn started teasing her back door with his thumb. Suddenly she started shaking in an orgasm. Glenn started pounding her harder and smacked her ass hard.
“Did you just cum without permission, Hope?” Glenn asked.
“Yes, sir…” she moaned.
Glenn increased his pace and pushed his thumb into Hope’s ass. All the sensations put Hope over the edge again almost immediately. Glenn didn’t let up. About a minute later Jenni’s alarm went off. “Time,” she called out.
As Glenn removed his cock from her honey pot. Hope shook once again. She suddenly felt so empty and exposed. Glenn went back to the door to their room and called out, “Kiss everyone goodnight, Hope, and come to bed.”
Slowly she stood, her legs feeling very weak. She went first to Lexie and went to kiss her on her cheek. Lexie was having none of it and turned to kiss her full on the mouth. Hope was shocked at the warmth Lexie showed her. When Lexie finally let her go, she whispered, “Well done tonight, Hope. I know you did your best.”
Hope went to Jenni and was shocked when Jenni also kissed her with an open mouth. After their kiss, Jenni hugged her and whispered, “It’s almost impossible to make him cum before he wants it. I’m proud of the way you tried. I thought you might have had him there near the end.”
When she went to Dick, he simply kissed her and said good night. Kev stood, wrapped his arms around her, then kissed her as he pulled her ass cheeks closer to him. He whispered, “We are going to have such fun tomorrow.” He let her go and watched her cute ass as she walked back to the private room.
As they all watched her return to the private room, the friends shared a smile. They could tell that everyone was going to have a fabulous time during the week. As they finished getting to bed, they listened to see if they could hear what was going on in the other room, but it seemed all was silent there, so they all drifted off to sleep.
Hope had closed the door when she entered and dropped to her knees, head bowed. Glenn watched her for only a few seconds, then came over and lifted her into the bed. He laid beside her and wrapped his arms around her. “Goodnight my pet. Sleep well, tomorrow will be a full day,” he told her. He held her tightly as they both fell asleep. The weight of the world was lifted and all slept like babes.
To be continued….